Harry Potter/Neville Longbottom
Neville Longbottom Remus Lupin Severus Snape Nymphadora Tonks Harry and Hermione and Ron
Mystery Adventure
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Published: 01/16/2006
Updated: 06/19/2006
Words: 134,451
Chapters: 37
Hits: 105,190

Becoming Neville

Jedi Rita

Story Summary:
Neville's Gran breaks her hip just after his fifth year at Hogwarts, and he must spend the summer with Harry and Remus at No. 12 Grimmauld Place. He and Harry discover a hidden message in the candy wrappers Neville's mother has been giving him over the years, and they begin to uncover secrets about the past, even as they must confront dangers in the present. Along the way, Neville learns just how much he has in common with The Boy Who Lived, and how to be his own kind of hero.

Chapter 01

Neville's Gran breaks her hip just after his fifth year at Hogwarts, and he must spend the summer with Harry and Remus at No. 12 Grimmauld Place. He and Harry discover a hidden message in the candy wrappers Neville's mother has been giving him over the years, and they begin to uncover secrets about the past, even as they must confront dangers in the present. Along the way, Neville learns just how much he has in common with The Boy Who Lived, and how to be his own kind of hero.

Words: 3,701
Hits: 5,807

In which Neville explores No. 12 Grimmauld Place, and he has a few unpleasant dreams.

Words: 4,057
Hits: 3,853

In which Neville gets some assistance with the greenhouse.

Words: 3,652
Hits: 3,615

In which Harry tags along as Neville visits his parents at St. Mungo's, and discoveries are made.

Words: 4,512
Hits: 3,482

In which Neville and Harry visit the Burrow and let the others in on the mystery.

Words: 4,084
Hits: 3,460

In which Neville is assigned an important task for the Order of the Phoenix, and he and Harry discuss girls and kissing, and decide to do their own independent research.

Words: 6,726
Hits: 3,523

In which Tonks gets nosy, and the boys get some more practice.

Words: 3,953
Hits: 3,233

In which Neville stands up to his grandmother and a stubborn nurse, and gains access to his parents' medical files. Also, he has a conversation with a portrait.

Words: 3,462
Hits: 3,194

In which the full moon arrives, and the boys find themselves burdened with an unpleasant babysitter.

Words: 3,678
Hits: 3,047

Neville's Gran breaks her hip just after his fifth year at Hogwarts, and he must spend the summer with Harry and Remus at No. 12 Grimmauld Place. He and Harry discover a hidden message in the candy wrappers Neville's mother has been giving him over the years, and they begin to uncover secrets about the past, even as they must confront dangers in the present. Along the way, Neville learns just how much he has in common with The Boy Who Lived, and how to be his own kind of hero.

Words: 4,972
Hits: 3,033

In which Neville and Harry suffer the consequences of their truancy.

Words: 2,440
Hits: 3,124

In which Neville and Remus have "the talk."

Words: 3,319
Hits: 3,018

In which Neville has an appointment with Dr. Driftwood.

Words: 3,179
Hits: 3,108

In which there is a Gryffindor reunion at Diagon Alley, and Hermione reveals more about Driftwood.

Words: 6,794
Hits: 2,996

In which Neville, Harry, and Remus begin the banishment charm on the new laboratory, and encounter some unexpected guests.

Words: 5,165
Hits: 3,054

In which Neville consults a potions expert, and hears some nasty things about Snape.

Words: 2,576
Hits: 2,781

In which Neville does not appear, and instead we find out what is going on with Lupin and Snape.

Words: 4,128
Hits: 2,899

In which Harry is still upset about Snape, and Remus does the "sensitive chat."

Words: 3,061
Hits: 2,745

In which Neville finds a use for "Scrabble".

Words: 1,639
Hits: 2,958

In which we meet Snape's favorite student.

Words: 2,397
Hits: 2,550

In which Snape stays for dinner, and the boys enlist aid in retrieving Hackenbush's memories from Ron's brain.

Words: 3,652
Hits: 2,457
Chapter 22.1

In which we learn about Hackenbush's experiments.

Words: 2,282
Hits: 4,125

In which an unpleasant conversation takes place, and Neville finds himself on uncertain ground.

Words: 2,523
Hits: 2,513

In which Neville gets a birthday visit from some relatives.

Words: 2,614
Hits: 2,358

In which Neville gets a new wand and makes a new friend.

Words: 3,404
Hits: 2,602

In which Neville and company have a consultation with Dr. Driftwood.

Words: 3,784
Hits: 4,342

In which Neville checks on his parents.

Words: 2,555
Hits: 3,737

In which Neville and Harry turn sixteen.

Words: 3,168
Hits: 2,466

In which Neville suffers the after-effects of mixing firewhiskey and a Weasley charm.

Words: 2,615
Hits: 2,348

In which Neville learns the truth of what happened the night his parents were abducted.

Words: 3,812
Hits: 3,038

In which Neville, Harry, Remus, and Snape go shopping.

Words: 6,088
Hits: 1,882

In which several loose ends are drawn together.

Words: 5,395
Hits: 2,115

In which the begin the consecration ritual on the laboratory, and all does not go according to plan.

Words: 5,053
Hits: 1,832

In which they find out what happened to Remus.

Words: 3,505
Hits: 1,975

In which the laboratory is finally put to order.

Words: 1,697
Hits: 1,829

In which Lupin is depressed, and Dumbledore sends Snape to cheer him up.

Words: 2,222
Hits: 1,707

In which all good things must come to an end.

Words: 2,587
Hits: 3,302