James Potter Lily Evans Sirius Black
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Published: 03/01/2004
Updated: 06/29/2004
Words: 54,235
Chapters: 13
Hits: 9,145

Black Lily

Jaimie Potter

Story Summary:
Lily has changed. Sweet innocence is gone for good as she reveals her true colours at school. James is determined to find out whats going on with her, but may get more then he bargained for, without finding out much...

Chapter 14

Chapter Summary:
this is it! the End is nigh!!!


For Ever

July 30 1980

Lily wandered around the manor for what felt like the tenth time that day, idly drifting from room to room, occasionally having a conversation with the portraits of her husband's deceased family. Mostly, she spoke with Isobella Potter, James's mother.

Since she and James had graduated from Hogwarts, they had lived in the Potter Manor. James was insisting on being old fashioned, and not letting her work until she had had the baby. Not that Lily objected, as he always brought her flowers or chocolate when he came home. She had to do a lot of work with her weapons, and dance to stop her self from becoming fat. The charm that she had worked on her body to disguise her changing figure didn't conceal completely, only slowed the effects, so that now she was seven months pregnant, she only appeared to be only just beginning to show.

She ran her fingertips over the edge of the ornamental gold edge of the portrait frame, smiling at the brunette in the picture. The woman smiled back, and waved as Lily walked away. When she reached the kitchen, she found the back door open, and Remus Lupin sprawled in a chair. He grinned at her. "Hey Ulv."

"Hi Remus. Mind if I ask what you're doing in my kitchen?"

"Mind if I ask where the House Elves have gone?" She rolled her eyes at him.

"The little bleaters annoy me. I can cook perfectly well my self. I sent them all to Hogwarts." She smiled, and pulled out her wand, pointing it at the Muggle Imitation kettle. "Coffee or tea?"

"Are you still off coffee?"

"More then ever."

"Tea then. Go on; hit me with one of your weird fruit concoctions."

"They're good for you! They settle your stomach. Proven fact." Remus rolled his eyes, and waved his hand at her. After a few moments, she set a steaming mug down in front of him, and sat in the chair next to him, already sipping her drink. Remus swirled the strange pinkish purple liquid around in his mug. "So... two months, huh?" Lily nodded, smiling slightly.

"November the first."


"Bloody terrified. For god's sake, I'm going to be a mother. Me, with off spring. Not some thing I thought would be happening any time soon." Remus grinned, and dared a sip of his tea. It was a dare he didn't plan to do again, as he set the mug back on the table. "Well go on; take off the charm, let's see you." Lily rolled her eyes, and tapped her palm with the tip of her wand.

"Finite Incantatem." A soft green light ran over her body, and the trim, only- a- little- bit- pregnant figure vanished. Lily smiled, and put her hand on her stomach. "I really hate that charm, but it feels nice when it's off." Remus smiled, and shook his head.

"I don't see why you insist on doing that charm, you look great."

"Oh yeah, says the poofter!"

"I'll have you know I am Bisexual!"

"Same difference." Lily began to smile, and then gaped sharply, curling up over her stomach as a ripple of pain ran through her. "Ow..."

"Lily? What's wrong?"

"Oh god... Remus..."

"What. Is. Wrong?!"

"No, no no, it's too early, much too early..." Remus paled, and grabbed her hand.

"It's not the baby is it?"

"Call St. Mungo's. Please. Just get me there." Her tear streaked face made him do as she asked with out question.


The one thing that James was not used to was coming home to an empty house. With a frown, he put down the bunch of white roses he had brought with him. God, I hope Lily isn't made at me. I can't believe I've been away for so long; it's past midnight already.

"Lily? Are you still awake?" Normally Lily would have come running from where ever she was in manor if she was awake, or called from the bed room if she had been in bed. But this time, no one came. The house was eerily quiet. With a frown, he walked quickly into the kitchen, where he thought she might be. There was no one there. "Lily?" Where was she?

"James?" he spun around, only to find that it wasn't Lily, but Remus. His friend looked tired, and relieved.

"Remus? What are you doing here? Where's Lily?"

"She's been sending for you. She's at St. Mungo's." Fear gripped James's heart.

"Is she... was it... god Remus, why?"

"I think it would be best if you came now. There's a little surprise waiting for you." Bewildered, James followed Remus through the fire place.


Remus led him through the annoying labyrinth of corridors of the hospital, never answering his questions in a way that could be helpful. After what seemed an eternity, be opened a door, and ushered James into a room. Lily was sitting on the edge of a bed, looking exhausted, her hair damp with sweat. She was looking into a... cradle... oh fuck!

"Lily?" She looked up.

"James? Where were you?"

"I was... at work... Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Come here love, there's a surprise for you." She held out her hand. Slowly, he walked over to her and took her hand, looking down into the crib.

"...Bloody hell..." a smile spread over his face, and he wrapped an arm around her. "Names?"

"I wanted to wait for you. You are the Da you know... though I had some bother persuading the nurses that Remus wasn't, and the he was just a friend. They were calling me 'Mrs. Lupin' for at least three hours before I got the message through."

"I'm not going to ask how. Um... boy or girl?" The red head chuckled, and touched a finger tip to one tiny hand.

"He's a boy. And mademoiselle here is... well, evidently a girl. He's older. I think I'm going to go against every will in my body and let you name him."

"Oh thanks." James thought for a moment, and tentatively touched his son's hand. Tiny, perfect fingers curled around his. "Your name is Harry. Harry James Potter."

"Oh great, he's going on an ego trip and naming my son after himself."

"Hey! You said I could name him!"

"It doesn't matter. I like it. Now my darling little girl, what shall we call you?" Lily reached into the crib, and gently lifted the sleeping baby out. James, taking a daring step he thought, imitated her by picking up Harry. Lily looked thoughtfully at the little girl, rocking her gently back and forth. "I know what I shall call you. You shall be Morgan, after your grand mother. Morgan Wylow Potter." James raised his eyebrows.

"No Le Fey?"

"We don't know if she's going to be like me yet, do we?... Would you rather that she was a Le Fey?"

"I think we should keep the name. But we won't use it. She will know when she's older." Lily smiled at him.

"Morgan Wylow Le Fey- Potter it is then."


When Dumbledore knocked softly and stepped through the door a few hours later, he found James half sitting, half lying on the hospital bed, holding a sleeping Lily. The young man gently eased himself out from beneath his wife, and walked quietly over to his ex head master. "Hello sir."

"James. Well? How is she? How are they?"

"Lily's exhausted, but relieved. And those two... well, I'm still kind of... yeah." The old man smiled understandingly.

"What are their names?"

"Well, I named him Harry James, and Lily named the little one Morgan Wylow. I think she might be smoking something personally, but if she likes the name, who am I to deny her?" The old and young man chuckled. James raised an eyebrow, and pushed his glasses back up his nose. "But I get a feeling that you didn't come here just to see these two little horrors. What's wrong?" Dumbledore bowed his head, reached into his pocket, and removed an envelope. With a frown, James took it, and opened it, registering that it had already been opened. Something heavy was in it. He tipped it out onto his palm, and recoiled in horror; a golden disc lay in the palm of his had, dried blood encrusting it. "But that's... Lily lost that! She threw it... it's her throwing star!" Dumbledore nodded glumly. Looking inside the envelope, James found that there was a note. Tentatively, he opened it.

It isn't finished yet Lady Le Fey. Do not forget that we are of one family. Be fore warned. That was all it said, but the words sent chills down James's spine.

"What does that mean?"

"Did you never wonder who Morgan had her child by?" it clicked in his mind.

"... Holy crap..."

"My sentiments exactly. She doesn't know."

"Did... did he know?"

"It seems not. Don't tell her; the shock may be too much." Numbly, James nodded, staring the pendant in his palm. He held it out to Dumbledore.

"You should keep this. It would be better that she didn't have this. She's already got enough of that woman inside her as it is." Dumbledore nodded, and took the gold, putting it into his pocket. He walked over to the crib beside Lily's bed, and peered in. a small smile crossed his face.

"He will look just like you, I believe, and Morgan will look like her mother, only... I believe that she will have your hair." He nodded to James, and touched Lily's hand lightly before leaving. Slowly, James sat down in the chair beside the door. He knew too much now. How was he going to keep this from her? It wasn't right that he knew more about his wife then she did.

Lily woke up about half an hour later.


"I'm here baby. How are you feeling?" She lay back against her pillows.

"Better. I've been thinking."

"You were asleep."

"You can think while you're asleep you know! Any way, I was thinking; I would like Remus to be Morgan's Godfather."

"Why Remus?" A pained look crossed his wife's face.

"I would have asked Sev', but..."

"I know. But still; why not Falcon?"

"Because he would be a very bad influence, that's why; no daughter of mine will be as vain as he is!" James chuckled.

"Fine. But Sirius is Harry's." Lily closed her eyes, a small smile on her face.

"The poor boy has no chance."

Author notes: That was it! Black Lily is finished. God, I didnt actually stick to the original story line, you know? It wasn't supposed to focus so much around Morgan. I've forgotten the original line now... any way. I hope you've enjoyed it. R+R!!