James Potter Lily Evans Sirius Black
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Published: 03/01/2004
Updated: 06/29/2004
Words: 54,235
Chapters: 13
Hits: 9,145

Black Lily

Jaimie Potter

Story Summary:
Lily has changed. Sweet innocence is gone for good as she reveals her true colours at school. James is determined to find out whats going on with her, but may get more then he bargained for, without finding out much...

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
The Truth is out; Lily is not sweet and lovely and innocent. Her great secret is revealed by her one time friends, a new friendship is made and new pranksters are born. James, watchout you idiot!!

Chapter Three


"Maz, what are you talking about??"

"How could you?? He's Sirius Black! The Bloody Git, remember? The I- Hate- Sirius club, of which you are the Treasurer!" Lily ran her hands through her hair, groaning inwardly. The I- Hate- Sirius club was some thing that they had made up ages ago for a joke, but Mariella obviously took it seriously.

"Maz, there is nothing going on between us."

"Oh, and I suppose you go around pressing yourself up against every random bloke you meet?"

"Unless they're a Slytherin, pretty much, yes!" Mariellas' eyes flashed angrily.

"Oh, and you just happen to wear all their jumpers, do you? Mistake it for yours when you were pitting your clothes back on, did you?"

"Bitch!" Lily felt furious. She swung her hand up, and slapped Mariella, hard.

"How dare you! You are supposed to be my friend, remember? I'm an Angel too!"

"And it's only because of me that you are!" Lily glared at her.

"You're not who I thought you were." She turned on her heel, and walked away, tilting her head back very slightly to stop the tears from falling. Rose and Genevieve would side with Mariella; they had all been friends a lot longer. Finally, she couldn't hold it any more. The tears poured down her cheeks, and she ran with out looking where she was going. Straight into some one, who grabbed her shoulders.

"Whoa... Lily?? Lily, what's wrong?" she blinked, and tried to see through it was through her impaired vision. She choked slightly as she tried to catch her breath.

"Sn- Snape?" Snape raised an eyebrow.

"Who did you think it was, Pere Noel? What's wrong?" Before she knew what was going on, Lily found herself pouring out her miseries to the Slytherin.

"Oh god, everything's going wrong! Last night after the Angels had played, I left Hogwarts with Potter and Sirius, and we got horribly drunk, and I woke up this morning in Potters bed! And I can't stand him normally. And I was up on the roof, and I just wanted it all to go away, and Sirius came and stopped me, and I was cold so he gave me his jumper, and when we came down I hugged him, I mean, I was grateful, he wasn't the git I thought he was, and my friend Mariella must have seen us because she had a huge go at me, and accused me of.. of... with Sirius..." She choked on a sob. Snape exhaled sharply, and smiled on one side of his mouth.

"Jesus Lily, you don't half get into some messes." She giggled slightly, and scrubbed at her eyes.

"Look, I know that you were juts playing about with me and Malfoy before," she blushed guiltily, "And I know that I'm a Slytherin and every thing, but, well, you seem like you need a friend right now. If you want, I'll be that friend." Lily blinked in shock. Snape? Offering to be her friend? What was the world coming to??

"Thank, thank you Snape."

"If I'm going to be your friend, you need to call me Severus." She grinned the famous Lily Evans grin, which sent a lot of the male population of the school into dazed stupours, but had seemingly no effect on Snape.

"Can I call you Sev'?" He groaned.

"If you really must."

"I must."

"What have I gotten my self into?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Not really." She grinned, and he smiled back. She squealed, and grabbed his wrist, dragging him to the lake.

"Oh god, where are we going??"

"I'M GOING TO CHRISTEN YOU SEV'!!" all the Muggle borns who heard this, laughed as Sev' screamed in horror.


The one thing that James never thought he would see would be a laughing Lily Evans dragging a struggling Snape by the wrist to the Lake and pushing him in, still laughing. He couldn't help grinning as Snape broke the surface, gasping, only to be dunked again. He sniggered softly as Snape grabbed Lily's wrist and yanked her in. the sniggering and grinning stopped as Lily Jumped on Snape, pushing him under, as he realized that Lily wasn't bullying Snape, or fighting; she was having fun. With the Slimy git. He could hear her yelling at him.

"Sev' will you hold still! How am I supposed to christen you if you won't stay bloody still???"

"You don't! That's my plan!!" James scowled. He turned back to Sirius, who was also looking in shock.

"So, you have an explanation, or so you claim. What, pray, is it?" Sirius sighed, and pushed his hand through his hair, letting it flick back into place.

"Lily... she was on the roof. I could see some one was up there from down here, so I borrowed your broom. She was going to jump." James' eyes widened, and his face turned pale. "I stopped her, and made her sit down. We talked, and that s it. And before you ask, the reason she has my jumper is because she didn't have one, and it was bloody cold up there. I don't know why she hugged me. Gratitude maybe, for stopping her from killing herself." Sirius looked at James, eyes for once shining with honesty. "I swear to Merlin James, I haven't been doing Lily behind your back." James nodded, very slowly. He believed Sirius. Of course he did, this was his best friend!

"I'm sorry Sir'. I just... I was jealous. I went and said the worst thing to her, and then I see her all clingy with you."

"What did you say to her?"

"I said she was looking for a way back into my bed." He winced at the words; they sounded worse spoken.

"Oh bloody hell, are you insane man?? No wonder you've got a bruise the size of Jupiter on your jaw." James grinned, and touched the bruise.

"Yeah. For all that she could it in that space under the floor boards you found; she can pack a hell of a punch." Remus looked up from his book.

"Oh, so you two have stopped killing each other at last. Wonderful." He closed the book with a snap. A shriek, then laughter came from the lake. The Marauders turned, and looked. Lily was sitting on the bank, soaking wet, laughing. The giant squid had one tentacle waving. It was obvious to every one of the boys what had happened: she had been thrown out of the water by the lake s largest inhabitant. Remus' lips started twitching, and as Lily jumped up, ran back into the water and jumped onto the squid's tentacle, squealing as it threw her out again, the three boys burst out in helpless laughter. She heard them, and looked up, her wet curls wrapping themselves around her neck. She grinned, and waved, then pushed Snape back into the water as he climbed out. Sirius shook his head.

"She has strange taste in friends if she's mates with him, but god, she's wonderfully mad, isn't she?" Remus sniggered.

"Yeah. Like a female Marauder." The words silenced them, and they looked at each other. James was intrigued. Lily Evans? A Marauder? Interesting idea. It would never happen, of course, but it was an interesting thought.


"AGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She hit the ground, and giggled. Sev' looked at her from the shallows, shaking his head.

"You're mad. Totally barking. That squid will end up flattening you, and you just giggle." Lily grinned, got up, and charged back into the water.

"I wanna play with the squishy thingy!!" a moment later, she was back on dry land. She kicked her heels off her tiny feet, got up, ran around to a deep part of the lake, and dived in, straight as an arrow. When she surfaced, her hair was all over her face. Sev' laughed as she wrinkled her nose, and pawed it out of the way.

"It's not funny Sev'." She swam back to shore, and crawled out, giggling.

"Oi, Evans!!" she looked up, and yelled back.

"What do you want Black?"

"Watch out about that jumper!!" she looked down, and laughed.

"You'll get it back Black, don't worry! In one piece, well, that remains to be seen, but you'll get it back!!" She giggled, and coughed slightly as some of the lake water got caught in her throat. She pulled a face at Sev'.

"Bleurgh. Disgusting. Essence of Squid." He grinned, and blew wet hair out of his face.

"EVANS!! SNAPE!! WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING?? FIGHTING????" They looked around, and saw Professor Marlowe striding toward them, face red with anger. They looked at each other, and saw that they did, indeed look as thought they had been fighting. They looked up from where they were sprawled on the bank at the Potions master.

"This behaviour is intolerable Evans! Fifty points from Gryffindor and detention!" Lily opened her mouth in hurt shock, but Sev' smiled at her.

"Leave it Lils. If he doesn't want to know the real story, leave him to his assumptions." He stood up and, taking her hand, hauled her up. She smiled.

"Ok Sev'. Hey, you have to admit, my trying to wrestle with the giant squid was hilarious." He chuckled at the memory, and she slipped her arm through his, grinning. Marlowe looked confused.

"But- but... you two weren't fighting?"

"No! You see, I decided that Severus was too much of a mouthful-"

"-So she decided to christen me 'Sev'' instead-"

"- And then we decided to go swimming in our uniforms. Don't ask why, we have no reason."

"And then Lily here decided that the squid was too big for its... tentacles." The group of people around them sniggered. The professor looked highly embarrassed.

"Yes, well... never mind about the detention Evans. Or the house points." He turned and stalked away. As soon as he was out of hearing range, Lily and Sev' burst out laughing. Lily collapsed on the ground, laughter racking her body.

"Oh my god, did you see his face Sev'??? PRICELESS." The Slytherin was laughing too hard to reply.

"Well, I see it didn't take too long for you to replace us, Lilith." She stopped laughing. Mariella, Rose and Genevieve were standing over her, disgust printed on their faces. Sev' had stopped laughing as well.

"Lilith? Is that your name?" slowly, she nodded.

"Lilith Le Fey- Evans, if you must know Snape." Lily's cheeks burned. She stood up, and stared at Mariella.

"You had no right to tell any one that! My name is Lily Evans!"

"Your name is Lilith Le Fey- Evans! You know that as well as I do!" Every one was staring at the red head and the brunette.

"Le Fey? You're a Le Fey?" Potter stood near by, eyes wide. She shock in his eyes would, for anything else, have been priceless. At the moment however, it upset her.

"You have a problem Potter? So what, my ancestor is Morgan Le Fey, I'm still me!" The people around her were staring at her. Her face burned with the shame of her family, and embarrassment. People were looking at her oddly. She couldn't take it.

"WHO GIVES A DAMN THAT MY NAME IS LILITH MORGAN LE FEY- EVANS?? I AM STILL THE SAME PERSON!!" silence. She couldn't cope. She turned, and ran to the castle, wet hair streaming behind her, clothes clinging to her.


James was furious. The people around him were staring after the girl who had just been revealed as the ancestor of magic's most notorious witch, a woman who had turned to the dark arts in later years. He pushed his way through the crowd, and grabbed the smirking brunette.

"That was possibly the most evil thing you could have done to her! You claim to love her Burns. No one who loved some one would do that! You know bloody well who Morgan Le Fey was, and you still did that to her!! You do one more thing, just one more, and you will regret me knowing your little 'secret'." Mariella's eyes widened slightly, and she nodded vigorously. James let her go in disgust, and ran up to the building after the fled red head.

He found her curled up on a chair in the common room, changed into a floor sweeping, flowing black skirt and a dark purple shirt. She was curled up in an arm chair, and her damp hair was strewn over her shoulders.

"Come to stare at Le Fey's only Witch descendant Potter?" her voice trembled very slightly. He walked over to the chair, a little nervous. Her almond shaped eyes were trained on him.

"What's the matter? Afraid I'll enchant you the way Morgan enchanted Arthur?" he laughed very gently.

"No. No Lily, I'm not afraid of that. I'm worried about you." She rolled her eyes, and James only noticed then that she wasn't wearing any make up at all. She looked ethereal, like a creature of the Fey, as her name echoed.

"Why would you be worried about me? I'm fine." She put his hand over hers, briefly wondering at how large his seemed compared to her slender white hand.

"No, no you're not. You're afraid. Every one gets afraid Lily. Even you, no matter how invincible you think you are." She looked at him, eyes wary. He smiled slightly, and squeezed her hand. After a short while, she squeezed back. A slight smile lit her face.

"Thank you." Swiftly, she rose and left the Common room, the skirt billowing slightly as she walked. James hurriedly and silently followed her. She was fast, he gave her that. She seemed to flit through the hall ways, towards the out doors. She stepped out into the sun light, her curls blowing in a wind that raised itself. She looked around, and then leapt off the steps, landing on her feet like a cat. James followed her quickly. She was easy to track; her small height and her hair made it easy to spot her. She was heading to Mariella, Rose and Genevieve.

"Shit Evans, what are you doing?" The wind was rising.

"You think you can just do that to me?" the words were soft, but he heard them. Lily was standing over Mariella, who was lounging in the grass.

"You know better then that Maz. Remember, I know all your secrets. All of them." James saw Mariella's face go pale. Lily was trembling.

"But you know what? I'm not going to do any thing. Because I respect your right to privacy, even though you didn't respect mine. You trusted me with some, and I guessed others, but they will all go with me to the grave." The words were spoken quietly, and as James came closer, he saw the Rose's eyes were shining slightly. He put his hand on Lily's shoulder.

"Come on. Leave it Lils, it doesn't matter." she looked up at him, then tore away, running to the lake. He groaned.

"Does she never stop moving?" he followed her, amazed that some one who he had never seen running before could move so quickly.

"Sev'! Sev'! There you are!" Sev'? Since when did she call Snape Sev'?? He skidded to a halt. Lily was smiling at the black haired Slytherin.

"Sorry I spaced on you," she was saying, "I really had to get out of those wet clothes. And I was a little upset, I'll admit it." A sour feeling settled in his stomach as Snape smiled back at her, and the two walked away from the people he had been talking to, talking and laughing. Remus came up behind him, and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it Prongs; she'll come around. Let her adjust."

"I hope you're right. Because if I have to see her wandering around with that... that... bastard a long period of time, I am going to commit Regicide and kill myself." Remus hit James over the head with the book he was carrying.


Lily looked thoughtfully at the flat stone in her hand, tossing it up and down in her hand. She curled her finger around it, and flicked it across the lake. It bounced on the surface four times and sank.

"How do you do that?" she smiled, and picked up another stone. Sev' was always asking questions, wanting to know things.

"Curl your finger around it- no, the other way, so the edge is into your skin- and flick." She made the motion, and he imitated, letting the stone go. It bounced six times.

"Beginners luck Sev'..." It was three weeks since Mariella had revealed her to be a Le Fey. At first, every one, including the teachers, was edgy around her. But it was almost back to normal now. Almost.

"Nope, I'm just better then you."

"Bullshit." He sniggered. An idea dawned on Lily. She grinned, slowly. Sev' raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you grinning like that?"

"Because, mon ami, I have had a great idea. Listen up." As she mapped out her plan, the evil grin on her face became reflected on the Slytherins.

At lunch, Lily decided to make an entrance. She tap danced into the Hall, her newly transfigured shoes clicking metallically. She grinned as people gapped, and clicked her was over to the Gryffindor table. Sitting, she couldn't help glancing at the Slytherin table. Sev' grinned at her and winked. She winked back, and flickered her eyes to the Marauders. James was just eating, and Sirius, the prat, she thought a little fondly, was flirting with the blonde next to him. She couldn't wait. The fact that they had had to do it to all four Marauders, not just the two leaders, had upset her a little though. A very little; not enough to stop her.

"3, 2, 1..."

"What the hell???" She looked up, eyes shining. As James pulled his hand out of his bag, a thick, sludge green goo clung to it, effectively gluing his hand to the bag. She sniggered gleefully as the goo wriggled up his arm, and he looked at it in horrified disgust.

"What is this?" Sirius touched it, and then squeaked as it clung to him. He scrabbled around, and his hand touched Remus. Instantly, there was the goo on Remus. James' arm and most of his side were now covered in the goo. His voice squeaked like a house elves voice.

"What the hell is going on??" people giggled at the sound, and continued to watch in fascination as his hair was covered. After another few minutes, the Marauders resembled for goo people. Lily stood up on the bench and called out, laughing.

"Heed my warning, lest the price you pay, for you will learn to fear Le Fey!" James looked at her in shock.

"Evans?? You did this?!?!" She laughed in response, and leapt off the bench.

"Come on Sev'! Le Fey is out of here!" the Slytherin, grinning, jumped up and raced out of the Hall after her. Tehran's voice followed them.

"EVANS! SNAPE! COME BACK HERE!!" She turned in the door way, eyes glinting.

"Lily's back!" she pulled out her wand, and flicked it above the boys. White feathers fell over them. She winked, and blew a kiss to the Hall.

"Tootles people!" she bounced out of the room, glad it was Saturday.


"Oh... pooh."

"SEV'! DON'T TOUCH THAT- oh, too late." Sev' blinked and looked at the ball of light in front of him. His hair was standing out around his head, and his eye brows were, in a word, gone.

"What the bloody hell is that??" Lily smiled, and looked down from the tree she was sitting in.

"Energy ball. I should have warned you, but I didn't." he glared at her half heartedly, and dragged at his hair. She chuckled, and scrambled higher up the tree. One of the twigs twitched, and she tapped it with her finger.

"Shush now. Now hitting me, ok?" the twig stopped moving. She stroked it.

"Thanks." She scrambled a little higher.

"Oh my god, I'm not seeing this." She looked down. Sirius and James were standing a way off, staring up in shock.

"Lily, do you know what you're doing??"

"Climbing a tree."

"But... that's the Whomping Willow!!"

"What's your point?" They just stared. She reached the top, and looked around.

"Whoa.... This is amazing. She tapped the tree with her toe.

"Ok, I'm done now. The branches moved, and she stepped to the end. She stretched out her arms, and tossed her head back. She branch bucked as she tapped her heel down.

"Lily!!" she fell forward, toward the ground. She curled into a ball, and somersaulted, then landed on her feet in a crouch. She laughed, and stood up.

"Potter, don't panic. The tree and I have an understanding. She patted the trunk, and stepped well away. Instantly, the Willow swung a branch dangerously. She smiled, linked arms with Sev' and began to walk past James. Then stopped, and pulled away from Sev'. She smiled, and raised an eyebrow. Stepping closer, she raised her self on tip toe, and pulled a feather out of James' hair. Smiling, she blew it into his face, letting him realize just how close her face was to his before walking away. Sev' chuckled.

"You're evil Lily."

"Recognition at last." They grinned at each other.

"Severus." Sev's head snapped up.

"What do you want Malfoy?"

"We need to talk. About that important thing." Important thing? Lily was confused. Sev's lip curled.

"Push off Malfoy."


"Not now!!" Malfoy turned and walked away. The look on her friends face said he wasn't going to say any thing about it.

"You're not going to say anything, right?"




"Its not that big a deal, she was climbing a tree."

"Remus, you don't know which tree! She was climbing the bloody Whomping Willow!" the people around them stopped speaking.

"Lily Evans, climbing the Whomping Willow???!" James groaned inwardly. The news would be around school faster then you could say Quidditch.


"Did you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Lily Evans climbed the Whomping Willow."

"Rubbish, she'd be dead!"

"James Potter and Sirius Black saw her! She somersaulted out of it then walked off, not a scratch on her!!"

"POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN TELLING PEOPLE????" Lily was red with anger. Why the hell was he telling people about her little tree escapade? Her magic's were her own business damn it!! James looked up, apprehension in his eyes.

"Evans, I didn't-"

"Bollocks to that mate. You're such an arrogant toe rag! I MEAN, YOU, IT, I ... GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she threw up her hands in despaired disgust. Without thinking, she threw up her hand, shot a ball of cold fire into the air, and glared at him. There was absolute silence. James stared at her in shock.

"What? Why is every one staring at me? Again?"

"Don't you realise what you just did?"

"The fire? No. god, I can't take this." She stormed out of the room, and made her way to the Vanishing Room. She opened the door, and picked up her guitar. She hadn't played it for weeks, and the longing for music filled her. She pulled the strap over her head, and used magic to create a replica of a Muggle electricity socket. Plugging it in, she selected a plectrum from the pile on the table. She strummed quietly, only just dragging the plectrum over the strings. A tear ran down her cheek, followed by others, as she played, alone, in the Vanishing Room, away from every one.