Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 07/12/2002
Updated: 11/18/2003
Words: 145,911
Chapters: 25
Hits: 30,133

Harry Potter and the Time of Shadows


Story Summary:
After the Parting of the Ways, Fudge keeps a much closer watch on the way Dumbledore runs Hogwarts. He appoints a special Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, and makes some other changes around the school. Something will be revealed about Lily Potter, and they will visit a few new areas. And, among others, a fan of Harry’s will die. Look out for the Order of the Phoenix, which is something completely different from anything you’ve thought before!

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
After the Parting of the Ways, Fudge keeps a much closer watch on the way Dumbledore runs Hogwarts. He appoints a special Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, and makes some other changes around the school. Something will be revealed about Lily Potter, and they will visit a few new areas. And, among others, a fan of Harry's will die. Look out for the Order of the Phoenix, which is something completely different from anything you've thought before!

- Chapter Five-

The Meetings

Dumbledore's office looked just as Harry remembered, with its pictures of ex-headmasters and headmistresses sleeping in their frames, the giant clawed desk, Gryffindor's sword in a glass display case, Fawkes the phoenix on his perch. Fawkes looked at Harry as he crossed the room to the chair in front of Dumbledore's desk.

"Hello Harry," Dumbledore said solemnly. "Please sit down."

Harry sat, wondering what was so important that he had to be told by the Headmaster. Dumbledore stayed seated in his chair, with a piercing look that made Harry feel as if his mind was being read.

"Before I begin to talk, is there anything you wish to tell me?"

Harry thought about the several things he wanted to say, and decided to start with the most important thing to him.

"Um, Professor, I've had a few dreams about Voldemort, early on in the holiday. Two actually."

Dumbledore tilted his head. "Why did you not tell me about these visions at the time? They are our most useful way of anticipating Voldemort's next move. You could have written me a letter, or Sirius."

"No I couldn't," Harry told him. "My owl has been away for a while, she hasn't come back yet."

Dumbledore nodded. "I see, please continue."

"Well, in the first dream I had, Voldemort was talking to all of the Death Eaters. He said he wanted them to find a way to get me. He also wanted two other people dead. He called one 'the traitor', and the other 'the deserter'."

"Yes," Dumbledore said. "I have a feeling that I know who those two are. I expected that Lord Voldemort would want his revenge on the two of them."

Harry also thought he knew who they were. "Are they Karkaroff and Snape?"

Dumbledore gave another nod. "Anyway," he said. "Is there anything else about this vision that you wish to tell me?"

"Yes, Voldemort was talking about his plans for the future." Harry scanned his mind for every detail. "He said he would get the help of powerful magical creatures, he was going to release his followers from prison." Harry paused, remembering the other thing he said he would do. "And he was going to initiate new Death Eaters. Every son of a Death Eater will be made into one after they leave school."

Dumbledore did not speak. He did not even move for a while. He simply stared thoughtfully at some point beyond Harry.

"Professor," Harry said tentatively.

"Sorry Harry," said Dumbledore, coming back to his senses. "I was thinking of what you just told me. It is logical on Lord Voldemort's part. He has his followers groom their children to be loyal to him. He does not have to recruit them, he simply must initiate them."

"I guess so," Harry said. "Well then he put the Cruciatus Curse on one of the Death Eaters, Avery, I think. Then Lucius Malfoy said that they would get rid of all his enemies. And then Voldemort fired the Dark Mark into the sky, and I woke up."

Dumbledore paused again, processing the information. He laced his fingers together on the desk, and made a faint click with his tongue.

"And your second vision?" he asked impassively.

"It was only a few hours later. Voldemort and Wormtail were in an old house with another man. That man gave Voldemort a plan, a way to get to me and Voldemort said that they would do it!"

"Harry, you have been protected by means more powerful than you know, and Lord Voldemort is aware of these protections," said Dumbledore. "If he agreed to this plan, it must have included a way to get around them. I must tell you that you should obviously not take unnecessary risks."

"Of course," Harry said to him. "So, the man Disapparated, and Voldemort said that he would feed me to his snake, and Wormtail suggested that I be made into his servant instead."

Dumbledore gave a small smile. Harry wondered what was to smile about when it came to him serving Voldemort.

"Do you realise what that means Harry?" Dumbledore asked.

"Of course I do," Harry said. "It means he's going to force me to --"

"No Harry," Dumbledore said, another smile creeping across his face. "Lord Voldemort was going to have you killed, but Wormtail came up with a way for you to live. When you saved his life just over a year ago, when you prevented Sirius and Remus from killing him, it put him forever in your debt, he is now beginning to show it."

"Yeah," said Harry. "So he won't let me die?"

"Not exactly Harry. He will do everything in his power to stop you from dying, but I daresay that will not stop Lord Voldemort from harming you."

"I suppose," Harry sighed, feeling another desperate hope slip away. "Wormtail's hardly gonna be able to overpower Voldemort."

"Yes," said Dumbledore. "However it is something. It is better than nothing. We must use every weapon we have, and spare no weaknesses."

"Weaknesses?" Harry repeated blankly. "Voldemort has weaknesses?"

"Not as such," Dumbledore replied. "But he has some flaws, things that can be exposed, the trouble is how to do it."

Harry couldn't imagine what Voldemort could be flawed in. He never really saw him as vulnerable, just ruthless.

"Like what?" Harry dared to ask.

"It is safer if you do not know," Dumbledore replied shortly.

Harry nodded. That was everything that he wanted to talk about, but Dumbledore had asked to talk to him before he knew about the dreams.

"What did you want to say to me Professor?" Harry asked, breaking the short silence.

"Ah yes Harry," Dumbledore said. "It somehow does not seem as important after what you have told me."

"What is it?"

"The most recent victims of the Death Eaters," Dumbledore said.

Harry happened to think that they were very important, and hoped that nobody else he knew had been killed.

"Voldemort seems to somehow be aware that Fudge does not believe he has returned. He has used this to his advantage. After any Death Eaters kill, instead of sending the Dark Mark over the house, they alter the pipes to make it seem as though it was a gas explosion. He thinks that way people will not get suspicious, and not be on their guard."

Harry remembered the news report he had seen about Wood. They had said it was a gas explosion that destroyed the house.

"But he cannot do this forever," Dumbledore continued. "Voldemort wants power, and his murders must be acknowledged to get that power. He will show himself eventually."

Harry was unsure what to say, his mind was buzzing with what he had just been told. He was hiding. Voldemort was staying in his little rabbit hole until someone forced him to come out. That seemed so uncharacteristic of the Dark Lord. It did seem to make sense though, he was taking his victims by surprise.

"I must therefore ask you Harry, to be wary to anything that seems unusual to you. Voldemort is trying to get you and may be using this same tactic."

"Yes Professor."

From the look on his face, and the tone in his voice, Harry could tell that Dumbledore had said all he needed to say. So Harry got up, and was just about to leave the office when a question he had been meaning to ask came into his head.

"Professor, why was Professor Snape taking the first years across the lake? Is Hagrid still contacting the giants?"

Dumbledore's face hardened, and he motioned to the chair where Harry had been.

"Please sit down again Harry,"

Harry sat, and saw a fire in Dumbledore's eyes that he had rarely seen before.

"Do you remember the disagreement that I had with the Minister for Magic at the end of last year?"

Harry thought back to seeing them both in the hospital wing, Fudge refusing to admit that Voldemort had returned. He nodded.

"Yes Professor, 'the Parting of the Ways'."

"Precisely Harry," Harry heard a bitterness in Dumbledore's voice that Harry had only heard before when he was talking about what had happened to Neville's parents.

"Well, the Minister told me that he would be 'in contact concerning the way I run this school'. Well Fudge was as good as his word. He insisted on a much stronger say in how I run my school. He dismissed Hagrid, and appointed a new gamekeeper and Care of Magical Creatures teacher."

"What?" Harry practically yelled, feeling that Fudge had really gone too far.

"Yes, I am as angry as you are about that Harry. I looked after Hagrid after his father died, and when he was expelled, I defended him, and secured him the position of gamekeeper. I think of Hagrid as a kind of son to me."

Harry saw a strange mixture of anger and worry in Dumbledore, but when he carried on speaking, it seemed his worry had been replaced by even more anger.

"He also increased security around the school. I thought that this meant that he had accepted Lord Voldemort's return, but he said that he had wanted to do it for years. In less than a week, Dementors will be coming to guard the school gates, only four, unlike a few years ago when he had the grounds swarming with them. And again Harry, I am as angry as you are," he said, noticing that Harry was about to protest again.

"In addition to that, he has appointed the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, and this is the only one of his decisions that I did not fight. I had no one who would take the job, seeing as no one has filled the position for more than one year for a long time."

"Who is it?" Harry asked.

"It is Cornelius Fudge's brother, Jedediah Fudge. I consider him to be a talented wizard, and a good person. And, to his credit, he is nothing like his brother."

Harry chuckled a little, trying to picture Fudge's brother. He thought of him as a man who looked a little like the Minister, but was taller and had brown hair.

"So he still won't admit that Voldemort's back?" Harry asked.

"No Harry," Dumbledore replied. "And although the students at this school know about it, as well as most of their parents, it seems Fudge will not listen to reason. He is so against it, that he is covering up anything that says otherwise."

"What?" Harry said again.

"Yes, several reporters at the Daily Prophet have got wind of it, but Fudge has forced them into silence."

"He can't do that!" said Harry. "Too many people know, he couldn't cover up something as big as this!"

"He is the Minister for Magic," Dumbledore said to him. "He has a lot of people working beneath him, you would be surprised how well he can hide the facts."

Harry briefly wondered if Fudge had covered anything that important up before.

"He has, of course, already started on covering up the incident at King's Cross," Dumbledore said.

"And there's nothing we can do to change that?" Harry asked.

"I'm afraid not."

Dumbledore stood, and Harry did the same.

"It has been a pleasure to talk to you Harry. Now, I am fairly certain that we have missed the Sorting, but I think we can still make the feast."

Dumbledore opened the door, and let Harry through before stepping out of the office himself, while they were taken down by the moving staircase, Dumbledore whispered,

"If you ever need to talk to me, the password shall be the same for the rest of the year."

Harry and Dumbledore walked together to the Great Hall, where the first-years had had not completely finished the Sorting. There were only two people left to be put into a house though.

Dumbledore took his seat at the front table, while Harry walked over to the Gryffindor table and took a seat between Ron and Hermione.

"What was that about?" Ron whispered.

"I'll explain later," Harry answered.

After was Isaac West was made into a Slytherin, and Sheila Yearwood became a Ravenclaw, the Sorting finished. The first years sat nervously at their new house tables and trying to talk to the rest of their new house.

Most of the eyes were on Dumbledore, and Harry quickly scanned the staff table to try and locate Jedediah Fudge, but not finding any unfamiliar faces.

Slowly, Dumbledore stood, to address the school.

"Another year at Hogwarts. Greetings to all of you new first years, and welcome back to you others. I have a few start of year notices for you all, before you may go back to your houses. Of course, the Forest is out of bounds to everyone, and no magic is to be used in the corridors, thank you.

"And, on a lower note, by order of the Minister for Magic, four Dementors will be coming from Azkaban to guard the school gates," he became a lot less merry and a great deal more bitter.

"Many of you in third year and above will remember the Dementors, and I remind you that as long as you stay within the school grounds, the Dementors will have no reason to harm you.

"Now, I have two new teachers to introduce to you all," he said, regaining his jolly tone, although some of the anger remained, and Harry realised that he would be introducing Hagrid's replacement.

"Firstly, to fill the vacated Defence Against the Dark Arts position, we have the brother of our Minister for Magic, Professor Jedediah Fudge."

A door behind Dumbledore opened, and Professor Fudge stepped out. He was not at all like Harry had imagined, he was an identical twin! Jedediah Fudge looked exactly like his brother, short and slightly round, with grey hair. But he did not have his brother's bizarre taste in clothing, instead of a pinstriped suit with a red tie, and lime green bowler hat, he wore a plain grey set of robes and a dark blue tie, with a long black cloak.

Professor Fudge smiled at his new students, and they slowly began to applaud. He took a seat at the front table, and Dumbledore introduced the other new teacher.

"Secondly, due to circumstances beyond my control," Harry saw Professor Fudge looking guilty for his brother. "Our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, Professor Hagrid, has had to vacate his job."

Ron and Hermione both let out loud gasps, and Harry saw Malfoy at the Slytherin table smirking, and when he caught Harry's eye, he smiled more broadly, and pretended to polish his Prefect badge.

"So," Dumbledore continued. "His place will be filled by our new Professor Charlie Weasley."

Harry was shocked, but not as shocked as Ron, by the look on his face.

Charlie stepped out of the door that Fudge had come out of, smiling. There was a tremendous applause from the Gryffindor table, and from most of the others. Harry saw that not a single Slytherin was clapping. It looked as though some of the first year Slytherins had been clapping, but saw that none of the others were, and had quickly stopped.

"My brother as our teacher, this should be interesting." Ron said to Harry over the cheering, and Harry could not tell if Ron was being sarcastic. He noticed that Fred and George were looking just as stunned. Ginny, who was sitting directly opposite Harry, was staring at the front of the hall, with her mouth hanging wide open.

Charlie smiled at the school, and also took a seat at the staff table, to the left of Fudge.

"Lastly," Dumbledore said seriously, after the applause for Charlie had died down. "There is a matter of great importance that I must talk to you all about."

Harry looked more intently at Dumbledore. Was he going to talk about Voldemort?

"As most of you know, we are facing very dark times. Several families have already been attacked, and I am sure they will not be the last. We can only fight these dark times by sticking together. I told you this at the end of last year, but I believe it cannot be said enough.

"We cannot be consumed by our petty differences any more. The only important thing is that we are all united in our hope, that our suffering will be over before long.

"Some of you in this hall have only today been fully introduced to the magical world, and I know it must be quite daunting for you to hear me speak in this way. But I give my word to each and every one of you, no matter who you are, that I will do everything in my power to ensure that you are safe whilst you are within these castle walls."

There was complete silence after Dumbledore made that statement. Harry noticed out of the corner of his eye that Snape seemed to be looking in his direction, but he did not want to face him to confirm it.

"And now," Dumbledore whispered dramatically, when the silence had dragged on for long enough. "We eat!"

Instantly, every plate was filled with food, and the tension disappeared just as fast. Suddenly, everyone was talking excitedly with the rest of their house.

"Are you going to tell us what you and Dumbledore were talking about now?" Hermione asked.

Harry looked to see if there was anyone listening to them, then explained about everything Dumbledore had said. He did not go into great detail, but told them about Voldemort keeping his head down, and about his plot to get him.

"What if You-Know-who tries to kill you? You should really be careful Harry," Hermione said.

"Oh please," Ron retorted, now with an empty mouth. "Harry beat You-Know-Who when he was one, and again when he was eleven, and fourteen."

"But now he's got his body back. He's much more powerful!"

Harry stayed silent, his feelings halfway between Ron and Hermione's. He wasn't really scared, but had a sense of foreboding.

After everyone ate, Dumbledore once more stood up to speak.

"Now everyone off to bed," he said. "I trust you will want a great deal of sleep tonight, to prevent you from falling asleep in any of your classes."

Hermione stood up, her Prefect badge plain to see. And called "First years follow me!"

All the Gryffindors walked up to Gryffindor Tower, Hermione and the first years in front. They walked through hidden passageways behind tapestries and Harry heard the first years gasping.

When they reached the portrait of the Fat Lady, she asked them "Password?"

Hermione cleared her throat and said, "Big Dipper". The painting swung forward, revealing a doorway. Everyone walked through into the Gryffindor common room.

Harry walked with the rest of the boys up one staircase, while Hermione led the girls up the other. Harry reached the dormitory with the sign on it saying 'Fifth Years' and walked in, the other fifth year boys behind him.

Everything was just as Harry remembered, the four-poster beds, his trunk at the foot of his, the red velvet draped everywhere, he was home.

He collapsed on his bed, and changed into his pyjamas, before slowly falling asleep.


Harry woke early the next day, and saw an owl sitting on his bedside table. It was not Hedwig, who had been gone for over six weeks, but a small screech owl, carrying a small piece of parchment. Harry took it from the owl's leg, and it flew out of the window. He read the letter:


Meet me at Hagrid's old hut tonight at ten. Bring your Cloak. I need to talk to you.


Harry smiled. Sirius was back! He wondered if anyone was awake and had seen him get the letter. The loud snores filling the room told him that Neville was still asleep.

"Is anyone awake?" he whispered.

"Harry?" It sounded like Ron's voice.


"Yeah, did you just get an owl? I thought I heard one."

"It was from Snuffles."

"Really? What did he say?"

"He wants to talk to me, tonight."

"How are you going to do that?"

Harry pulled back the hangings around his bed, and so did Ron, so they could see each other when they talked.

"I'm meeting him at Hagrid's house. The Dementors won't be there. They're only covering the gates."

"Harry? Ron?"

They both spun around quickly. The voice came from Dean's bed. Dean pulled back his own hangings and looked at them both for a moment.

"Why are you going out tonight? I heard you say you're going to Hagrid's."

Harry and Ron both looked at each other in silence. It was Ron who spoke first.

"Harry's going to see if Hagrid's still there, you know, see if he's alright."

Dean still looked suspicious.

"I thought Hagrid left. He's not gamekeeper or Care of Magical Creatures teacher anymore."

"Well he might be there," said Harry. "I want to see him."

"Alright then," said Dean. "there's still an hour before our first class. I think we've got time for another quick nap. What have we got first?"

"I don't know. I haven't looked at the timetable yet," Ron said.

"Neither have I," said Harry as he reached to look at the timetable.

"We've got Charms first, then Transfiguration."

"Hey!" said Ron, looking at his own timetable. "Defence Against the Dark Arts tomorrow, we're with the Ravenclaws. We've never been with the Ravenclaws for anything before. I don't even know any."

"Except Padma Patil," Harry corrected him, referring to the time Ron had taken her to the Yule Ball.

"Oh yeah," Ron said gloomily.

"Didn't you have a good time at the Yule Ball? She's one of the best looking girls in the year." Dean asked.

"No I didn't have a good time."

"No, you spent all your time staring at Hermione and Krum," Harry teased.

"Yeah, I'm surprised you noticed what I was doing. You spent all your time staring at Cho Chang," Ron retorted.

Something stirred inside Harry, and he said sternly to Ron,

"Cho was Cedric's girlfriend."

Ron nodded, and there was a long pause, interrupted only by Neville's constant snores.

"OK," Dean said, trying to sound casual. "Charms first. I'm gonna have a shower."

Dean took some clean robes out of his trunk, and walked out of the room.

"I'm sorry Harry," Ron said.

"It's OK."

And they both got dressed for their first day back at school.


After a full day of classes, Harry was not exactly worn out. Professor Flitwick had been teaching the class the Impediment Jinx, something Harry had already learned to prepare for the Triwizard Tournament.

Transfiguration was very boring, they were learning about human transformations, which sounded like a lot of fun, but in the first lesson they were just doing book work.

"It is very important that you know about human transfiguration before attempting it," said Professor McGonagall. "It can go horribly wrong. And once you become an animal, you must know what to do. I'll bet hardly any of you knew that if you are in enough pain while in the animal body, you can be forced back into your normal form."

Hermione nodded, and Harry started on his work quietly.

The afternoon classes passed slowly, History of Magic and Herbology. Very soon, it was time for dinner, and then after that, time for Harry's meeting with Sirius. Harry went alone, under the Invisibility Cloak, almost tripping over the caretaker's cat, Mrs Norris, on the way. He opened the castle doors and walked out.

Hagrid's hut looked terribly alone in the grounds, no lights on, no smoke coming from the chimney. Harry went inside. It was completely empty. No furniture was there, not even Hagrid's giant bed.

Harry sat on the floor, looking around the deserted room, imagining what his life would be like if it hadn't been for Hagrid. He wouldn't know he was a wizard, he wouldn't know he was famous. He would be attending Stonewall High School, being bullied by his cousin when he was home, wondering why strange things happened when he was angry, or scared.

The front door opened, and a large black dog came in. Harry waved his wand, muttering "Lumos", and a dim light filled the hut.

The dog transformed into a thin, pale man, with a very gaunt face, his godfather, Sirius Black.

"Hello Harry," he said, bowing his head.

"Hi Sirius," Harry replied, just as seriously.

Sirius looked slightly healthier than the last time Harry had seen him. His hair was short and neat. Overall, he seemed to be a lot less weak. "It's a real shame about Hagrid," Sirius said, looking around. "I can't believe Fudge would just let him go, no home or family to stay with."

"D'you know where he is?" Harry asked.

"No, he's disappeared. After he got back from that job he had over the summer, Fudge laid him off. Dumbledore tried to convince Fudge to let him stay here, even if he couldn't work here. But no, Fudge wouldn't have it, he said it was unsafe to have a half-giant roaming around Hogwarts. He's a great man, Dumbledore, but he has no power to overrule the Minister for Magic."

Harry nodded, remembering all the times Hagrid had called Dumbledore a "great man".

"Um, what did you want to talk to me about Sirius?"

"Oh right," Sirius said, tearing his eyes away from the empty room to look his godson in the eye.

"Dumbledore told me about those visions you had. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Hedwig's gone off somewhere," Harry explained briefly.

"Oh, OK," Sirius said. "Are you scared?"

"Not really," Harry answered, not sure whether it was the truth or not.

"I thought you would say that. I know you can take care of yourself. But I am worried about you."

"Thanks Sirius, but really, I'm fine. Dumbledore wouldn't let anything happen to me."

"I suppose so. Just promise to be careful, Harry."

"I promise."

Sirius then became slightly more cheerful, and pulled out a fairly small box from his robes.

"Sorry I couldn't be there at your birthday party, I couldn't be there in human form, because most of the guests would be alarmed at seeing a convicted murderer at your birthday, and they would think it strange if a dog gave you a present. It's not much, I kind of spent most of my money on your Firebolt. So here."

Harry took the present and looked at the wrapping paper. It was red, with golden bolts of lightning all over it. He looked at the label on it.

For the Boy Who Lived

Harry smiled at his godfather, and unwrapped his belated birthday present. It was a book, called The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts.

"Look on page two-hundred and eighty-nine."

Harry turned to that page, and saw a picture of a small baby, with a cut on his head in the shape of a lightning bolt. The title at the top of the page said: Harry Potter: The Boy Who Lived.

"Thanks Sirius," was all he could say.

A distant noise made them both jump. It sounded like footsteps outside. They were getting closer and closer.

"Run!" Harry whispered.

Sirius transformed into the black dog, and ran out of the back door. Harry put out the light from his wand, and searched around the room for the Invisibility Cloak. He saw it in a shadowy corner and dived for it. He tried to put it on, but it was too late. The person had already entered Hagrid's hut.

It was Malfoy.

The Slytherin walked around inside the room, a satisfied smirk on his pale face. His eyes fell on the Invisibility Cloak in Harry's hands.

"Potter, what are you doing here? Sneaking around after dark, into the former house of that clumsy oaf who was finally fired."

"What are you doing here Malfoy?"

"I happened to see a light on in here and thought to myself, 'Why would there be a light on in here? Hasn't that freak gotten the sack? Maybe Dumbledore smuggled him back to Hogwarts, going against the Ministry'. But no, it's just you. What are you doing? Trying to pretend that he hasn't gone?"

"How did you see the light in here? You can't see this place from Slytherin House." Harry remembered the time in his second year when he had gone into the Slytherin common room, disguised as Goyle. It was on the other side of the castle.

"How do you know that?" Malfoy snapped, clearly disturbed that Harry knew where he slept.

Damn, Harry thought. He had accidentally almost told Malfoy about that time. If he had said anything else, he would definitely have gotten in trouble.

"I do know where your common room is, you know," Harry replied, doing some quick thinking. "I've seen you all slithering off after breakfast. It's nowhere near here."

"Really?" said Malfoy doubtfully. "And you always make a point of knowing exactly where I go to after breakfast?"

"It's not like I know exactly where it is," Harry replied coldly. "But you couldn't see this hut from your dungeon, unless you have to go all the way around the castle to get to the entrance."

Malfoy paused, clearly thinking. It was then Harry noticed he had let it slip that he knew it was a dungeon, but thankfully, Malfoy did not pick up on it.

"I believe I asked you a question," said Harry coolly. "How did you see the light?"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"You were sneaking around too, weren't you?" said Harry.

"I am a Prefect Potter," Malfoy said proudly, straightening up and beginning to pace around the room again. "It is my duty to make sure that people like you aren't out of bed."

"Sure," said Harry sarcastically. "So if I asked a teacher, they would say that you were supposed to be out tonight, by yourself, on the first day back?"

"You've got an Invisibility Cloak," said Malfoy, hastily changing the subject.

"So, it's not against any rules. The teachers even know I've got it. Ask Snape, ask Dumbledore."

"What's that in your other hand?"

Harry held the book from Sirius behind his back.

"None of your business."

Malfoy took out his wand.

"Accio," he said.

Harry felt the book escape his grasp, and as much as he tried to hold onto it, it was floating towards Malfoy. Malfoy caught it, and looked at the title on the cover.

"Why did you bring this book here Potter?"

"None of your business," Harry repeated, taking out his own wand.

"Oh, is this the book with that thing about you in? Famous Harry Potter. Wanted to brag about your fame to Hagrid? Well he's gone. Accept it."

Harry pointed his wand at Malfoy, and cried, "Expelliarmus!"

Malfoy was thrown backwards and hit the wall with a bang that made the whole house shake. The book and his wand both flew through the air. Harry caught the book, and picked the wand up from where it had landed on the floor.

"Damn you Potter!" Malfoy said as he got to his feet. "I'll get you for this!"

Harry pointed his wand at Malfoy again, smiled, and said, "See ya later. Impedimenta!"

Malfoy froze. Harry thought briefly about taking his wand and locking him in Hagrid's hut, but decided that he could get into serious trouble for that. But he wanted to have some fun with Malfoy anyway. He levitated the wand up to the high ceiling, and magically bonded it there.

Laughing to himself, he walked out of the door, with a last look at Malfoy's frozen face.

End notes:

Thank you to lilahp and actongirlie, the only 2 people to review my last chapter. Come on! Please review after you read, it gets a bit depressing when no one is reviewing, and it's hard to write when no one seems to be reading. Thanks also to Linda McCabe, who gave me a lot of help with this chapter, and the one before it.