
Odd owl behaviour leads to a brawl in the stalls, rumours about Gryffindor Tower are confirmed, and double entendres are thrown about freely. Hermione and Draco exchange words (to put it mildly), looks of confusion, and a good round of hate. True Love never looked so good or caused so much lost of hair and back pain.

Words: 2,860
Chapters: 1
Hits: 0
Second to None by Itsbeenvery

Draco and Hermione practice the art of chillin' like villains. An insider’s look at domestic love, complete with lazy Malfoy, irritated Granger (is there any other type?), ‘so comfortable you could fart on me’ moments, and embarrassing childhood photos.

Words: 3,754
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,691