The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Lord Voldemort
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 10/23/2005
Updated: 10/23/2005
Words: 502
Chapters: 1
Hits: 153



Story Summary:
Hope: n - a person or thing that gives cause for hope. There is always hope. You just have to find it.

Chapter Summary:
Hope: n - a person or thing that gives cause for hope.
Author's Note:

Voldemort could win, destroy all Muggle-borns and half-bloods and 'traitor' purebloods. But there is still hope.

My family could be murdered for Voldemort's purpose, and all my friends too. But there is still hope.

I could die facing Death Eaters many times more powerful than myself on a field of battle. But there is still hope.

I could be the last person left alive, in hiding from the Death Eaters in the mountains, trying to keep safe. But there is still hope.

The whole Muggle world could be destroyed easily, for the Muggles have no power to prevent it. But there is still hope.

Hope is given through every rainbow that crosses the sky, a promise from God that the world will never again be flooded entirely.

Hope is given in each child born that survives, and grows to be a young man or woman.

Hope is in the aid given to countries in need, who have suffered from natural or man-made disasters.

Hope is in the people who never give up, who will keep fighting even if their cause has lost, because they believe in it.

For us, hope has a name and a voice and a body. Its name is Harry Potter, a small boy with black hair and green eyes. And this small boy is our hope because as a baby he defeated Voldemort, and he is a symbol of hope for all of us who stand for what is right, who disagree with the prejudice of the pureblood elite.

Even if Harry were to die we would still have hope, and this hope is passed onto our children and their children. That once a baby defeated the greatest dark wizard of all time, when he was at his greatest power, and we can too if we try. So many died fighting Voldemort, but we won't give up fighting for what we believe in, because of hope.

When I was in my final year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter was in his first year. I saw, even then, what a person we held in such high esteem. And I saw that we were right. He is our symbol of hope because if there was no hope there would be no life. We would lose if we saw no hope of winning. And even if Voldemort does win, then there is hope that we will somehow fight back.

Hope is a small word. But it has a big meaning. Hope of life. Hope of victory. Hope of seeing family and friends again. Hope that our small part in the war will help the bigger picture. All our hopes rest in one boy, but I have seen that our hope is not founded in nothing, someone that will not live up to expectations.

A candle in the darkness, or a rainbow in the sky, or even a phone call from someone you have not heard from in a long time. It comes in many shapes and forms, but there is always hope.

Author notes: Thanks for reading. Cookies to all who review.

PS: Remember to sign up for NaNoWriMo before November starts! You can find my details under the username of Mantolwen.