The Dark Arts
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/12/2003
Updated: 07/12/2003
Words: 524
Chapters: 1
Hits: 878

Moony, Prongs, Padfoot and Wormtail


Story Summary:
A set of poems in memory of the marauders.



Moony was a werewolf,

Bitten when quite young.

When Dumbledore became head,

To Hogwarts then he went.

Prejudices faced him,

Hate and fear all round,

But his four friends they helped him,

They turned to animals.

They didn't see that Remus,

Who changed but once a month,

Could be seen as a terror,

The other 27 days.

Moony was a marauder,

Who played pranks and fun tricks,

And with his friends they got Snape back,

For all the sneers and jeers.


Prongs he was a noble stag,

His head held high, his ears pricked.

Prongs he had three special friends,

Moony, Wormtail, and Padfoot,

Prongs he was a marauder,

Helped to create the marauder's map.

Prongs he had a lovely wife,

Red-haired, green eyes, looking good.

Prongs he had a special son,

Harry Potter looked like him.

Prongs he died on Halloween,

But Harry survived to tell the tale.


Padfoot was a dog as big as a bear,

With big brown eyes and lots of hair,

His black shaggy coat was lovely and smooth,

And everyone thought he was rather cool.

Padfoot he cared for his best friend's child,

But he went to Azkaban and was beguiled. (I had to think of something to rhyme with child)

Finally he escaped and got to the mainland,

Met with the boy and made friends again.

Padfoot he cared not what anyone said,

Except for a house elf that had lost it's head. (or at least wanted to)

And the painting of his dear mum,

Because she wouldn't shut up, he wished she were dumb.

Padfoot he died in battle, a hero,

He came up, now great, not zero.

Framed by his mate he made it through,

Calm, collected, he knew what to do.



Evil hidden in the darkness,


Dead or so it seemed at first.


Hid for a time as Scabbers the rat.


Sucker to his friends a cruel guy.


Silver handed, resurrect his master,


Betrayer of all things good and kind.


He will die at the hands of his enemy,


If it weren't for him Padfoot would have survived.

Moony Wormtail Padfoot and Prongs

Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs,

Four friends who seemed to get along.

Prongs married Lily and lived in a house,

Padfoot looked after them, secrets kept quiet,

Wormtail betrayed them when he was made keeper,

Moony the werewolf was loved by his friends.

Wormtail chased the dark lord to get his friend killed,

Prongs died at Voldie's hands, as did Lily,

Padfoot accused of the wrongs Wormtail did,

Moony just ran away and he hid,

Wormtail pretended to die and then he,

Hid as a rat at the house of Weasley,

Prongs was remembered by all of his friends,

Harry his son would see him once again,

Padfoot stayed seething in Azkaban jail,

Vowing his vengeance on Peter the pain,

Moony came out when his best friend escaped,

Becoming a teacher, the best at the school.

Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs,

Two are dead, one is a traitor,

One is the only marauder remaining,

Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs.