Astronomy Tower
James Potter/Lily Evans
Lily Evans
Romance Humor
1970-1981 (Including Marauders at Hogwarts)
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 11/27/2006
Updated: 01/27/2007
Words: 9,745
Chapters: 4
Hits: 1,496

The Epic Tale of the Hogwarts Food-fight

Hollow Angel

Story Summary:
"I don't know how, but I had managed to grab hold of a lemon-meringue pie covered in strawberry pink frosting, for the Valentine theme. Once I realized how useful this was in the destruction of Potter, I did not give it another seconds thought; upon reaching him I took the pie and smashed it hard to his face." Does that make you want to read this story? Lily Evans has found her 'someone'. Three guesses who. Find out how James Potter drove Lily as mad as to start a food-fight and what other surprises await her at the hands of the ever-infuriating 'supreme git of the galaxy'.

After starting Hogwarts's one and only food-fight, Lily Evans is given detention for the rest of the school year and is forced to keep a journal at detention. This is her first entry. Hope you enjoy!

Words: 2,099
Hits: 484

This is Lily's third entry in her detention diary...

Words: 1,662
Hits: 375

Lily is looking to find out who sent her the mystery flower, and she does. Not only that, but an unpleasant surprise...

Words: 1,859
Hits: 265

Well, this is it. The food-fight is finally here!

Words: 4,125
Hits: 372