Astronomy Tower
Cho Chang Harry Potter
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 08/20/2003
Updated: 08/20/2003
Words: 1,659
Chapters: 1
Hits: 524

So Yesterday

Hermy's Hats

Story Summary:
Cho is trying to get over Harry while at the same time trying to breakup with Michael Corner. She might have to look inside of herself to solve the answers to her problems. Post Ootp songfic.

Author's Note:
I want to say thanks to my beta-reader. All your neat suggestions made this fic all the better.

So Yesterday

Disclaimer: You know the deal. Any person who reads Harry Potter knows who the characters belong to. The title and song belong to Hillary Duff and her people.

Summary: Cho is trying to get over her break-up with Harry and is trying to figure out how to break-up with Michael Corner. Cho has to look deep inside her to find the courage she needs to do both.

Post Ootp Songfic

I do not need Harry. Really, I don't. I thought I did, but I don't. I mean really, who wants a boyfriend who constantly talks about another girl? I mean sure, she's his best friend, but how do we really know that? Ok well, I know how I know that. That girl is head over heels for that other red-haired kid. The Tornado hater.

What a lovely bunch of people they are. Really, they are just amazing. Not.

It just had seemed like he was so into me. Maybe he changed his mind, decided I want his type after all. Oh well, I can do better. To be honest, I don't care what he does. He can date Professor McGonagall for all I care. Well, maybe I would care about that a little. Or a lot. But who wouldn't? That would be so gross!

The point is, though, that I don't care. I just don't and I doubt I ever will.

You can change your life

If you wanna

You can change your clothes

If you wanna

If can change your mind

Well that's the way it goes

I will miss the way he was so smart, though. He taught me a whole lot through the D.A. But I can deal without that. I mean, really, when am I really going to have to fight Death Eaters? Well, that could actually be sooner than I thought.

Maybe then, I'll just take this with me and leave it at that. I'm going to keep the things that mattered and erase everything else from my mind forever. And I will never give those back for anything.

But I'm gonna keep your jeans

And your old black hat

Cuz I wanna

They look good on me

You're never gonna get them back

Maybe one day, when all danger has gone, , I can give them back. When I am married and have completely forgotten about him. If I ever do. I'm sure I will. What is there really to remember? How many good memories did we really have? A few good kisses. Really good kisses, in fact.

But were they better than Cedrics? No! I don't even want to think about that anymore! Ever again!

That's another thing, though. I need a boyfriend who can appreciate and understand my needs. Harry couldn't do that even if he tried. I had thought that him, of all people, would understand. But he did not. I do not need a boyfriend like that.

But couldn't he have learned for me?

At least not today

Not today

Not today, 'cuz

Why, oh why, am I so indecisive? One minute, I'm the spunky dumper and the next; I'm the wounded ex. Can't I just make up my mind?

Which do I really want to be? That's easy. The spunky dumper of course!

But did I really dump him? Or did he dump me? Or did it just happen? No, I think I dumped him. Yes, I definitely did! There, that's one step towards being the spunky dumper.

If it's over let it go and

Come tomorrow it will seem

So yesterday

So yesterday

I'm just a bird

That's already flown away

Laugh it off

Let it go and

When you wake up it will seem

So yesterday

So yesterday

Haven't you heard that I'm gonna be ok?

That's right. I am the dumper. And there's nothing that could convince me otherwise. Now, what else? Oh right; it's not my fault. How could it possibly be my fault? Yeah right!



I wonder does he ever think about me. Well I do not care. Not even a little bit. And I'm not just trying to convince myself right now. I am very sincere. I don't even care if he wants me back. What would it matter? I wouldn't take him back. I wonder if he's using any tactics to get me back. Not that I care, I just need to know so that I can be cautious.

There, that's step two taken. I think I am getting better.

You can say you're bored

If you wanna

You could act real tough

If you wanna

You could say you're torn

But I've heard enough

Do I really need someone who controls the relationship? No way!

And it's true. He was always the one that affected me, not the other way around. He just always acted bored. Not exactly the ideal boyfriend there.

He's definitely not worth crying over. I don't know why I ever did. Was I really that weak? Did I really need that much comfort in my life to turn to somebody who controlled my emotions? Well, maybe I did before, but now, it's another ball game.

Step three. Oh yeah, I'm getting it now.

Thank you

You've made my mind up for me

When you started to ignore me

You won't see a single tear

It isn't gonna happen here

What happened to my old Cho Charm? It must be buried somewhere deep inside me. It's time to bring her back to life. How could I let myself become so absorbed in him that I forgot everything that made me me? It's time to move on and fast.

At least not today

Not today

Not today, 'cuz

What is the point in crying over somebody that I probably unconsciously only used to help me get over the death of somebody I really did love. But I still do not want to go there right now. Or ever.

I want a real boyfriend now. Michael Corner is all right but I mostly just used him as the rebound guy. And that's not right to him, or me. Because now that I am over Harry, I don't need Michael anymore. It shames me to know that I used him. But oh well. That's the way love goes. He'll get over it.

If it's over let it go and

Come tomorrow it will seem

So yesterday

So yesterday

I'm just a bird

That's already flown away

Laugh it off

Let it go and

When you wake up it will seem

So yesterday

So yesterday

Haven't you heard that I'm gonna be ok?

I feel so much better now. A few good hours, staring into the fire and thinking, can really change your whole outlook on life.

Now, how do I get rid of Michael? I have to do it nicely because he may have been on the rebound from Ginny Weasley.

She was never right for him though. Or maybe vice-versa. They were probably just not right for each other.

Who would be right for Harry? Obviously not me. And I don't want to be. Maybe Ginny could be right for him? Oh well, who cares? It's not my problem anymore.

My problem is Michael. I'm not sure if he likes me or not but I am gonna have to let him know I am over him. That I was never into him in the first place. I just hope he does not try to dump me first. That would be embarrassing and nobody would believe me if I said I was already planning on dumping. I know I wouldn't.

If you're over me

I'm already over you

If it's all been done

What is left to do?

How can you hang up?

If the line is dead

If you wanna walk

I'm a step ahead

If you're moving on

I'm already gone

If the light is off

Then it isn't on

I cannot do it publicly. That would be too harsh even if he doesn't like me. But I'm also not big on confrontations either. I have to plan this just perfectly. But how?

At least not today

Not today

Not today, 'cuz

Oh who cares! He did not write to me once over the summer. He barely talks to me! Who cares about his feelings? I surely don't!

If it's over let it go and

Come tomorrow it will seem

So yesterday

So yesterday

I'm just a bird

That's already flown away

Laugh it off

Let it go and

When you wake up it will seem

So yesterday

So yesterday

Haven't you heard you're so yesterday?

I have an idea! I will just write him a note, explaining everything to him. No embarrassment or confrontations involved. Risk-free. Just the way I like it.

If it's over let it go and

Come tomorrow it will seem

So yesterday

So yesterday

I'm just a bird

That's already flown away

Laugh it off

Let it go and

When you wake up it will seem

So yesterday

So yesterday

Haven't you heard that I'm gonna be ok?

Cho never found out what happened. When Michael Corner received his post the next morning, Cho was still sleep. She cursed herself for a long time about being such a late sleeper.

She couldn't tell if he had ever even gotten it. He acted the same around her as before. He didn't talk, same as before. Cho just decided to forget about it and concentrated more on her studies, seeing as it was her last year.

Michael, on the other hand, did receive the note. But him, being a boy, was thoroughly confused. He didn't even know whom it was from so he decided to avoid all girls.

When he opened his note, he did not even remember that he had a girlfriend. There was no name and the note only said one thing on it:

You're so yesterday

The End