Harry Potter and The Secret of The Heirs


Story Summary:
It's Harry's 7th year and, while Voldemort has been quiet, Harry feels that things will not remain calm for long. Harry's right. Then when things begin to change and Harry must make decisions which could change the future, as well as having to deal with finding out the truth about his parents and discovering what it means to love someone. Will continue into beyond Hogwarts.

Harry Potter and the Secret of the Heirs 15

Chapter Summary:
How will Harry react to the news he has overheard? How will Sirius react to the accusation? What will happen at the Gryffindor Tower party?

Chapter Fifteen

Breaking Point

The Heir of Slytherin has returned again,

More powerful than ever,

But who is there to face him now,

When most around him quiver.

The time will come for three to stand

To match the Dark Lord's power

But whom they are not one soul knows

In this earth's darkest hour.

'That's all I can remember.'

'That's all?'

'That is all I know Albus,' the old Divination teacher said. There was an air of frustration in her voice. 'I do not go around remembering prophecies, even if it was I who gave them. In fact that makes me less likely to remember them. That is all I can see when I look into the Orb, perhaps things will be come clearer in time.'

'I'm sorry Arabella, I am perhaps a bit impatient,' Dumbledore replied twirling his beard with his finger. 'I have not found anyone who remembers The Prophecy, after Voldemort'sfall, they did not believe it. If you can keep trying to recall Arabella, I shall keep searching for the other two for the moment. I think The Prophecy is of vital importance. We think that we can almost say with certainty that Harry is Gryffindor's Heir.'

She nodded her head. She knew the consequences if The Prophecy was correct.

'The light or dark will fall'



Sirius called out after her.

He saw Harry standing there. He was suddenly very embarrassed, having turned redder than Ron had at dinner.

'Harry' he began. There was a look of despair on his face. 'I'm sorry, I know I invited you up here tonight, but I have to seek this out right now or it will be a mess. Come and see me tomorrow after your Prefects' meeting, okay? We'll talk then. I'm so sorry Harry.'

Harry nodded as he walked off.

Sirius was in love with my mum? My mum dumped Sirius? Was that for my dad?

Harry found it too bizarre to be true, especially after summer. He didn't really want to believe that his mum had ever been the object of anyone else's affection but his dad.

Could Sirius love her? Could he still love her despite everything that had happened? Was it possible despite how much he professed to love Chrystal Àille?

He made his way back to Gryffindor Tower to rejoin the party. He wasn't really in the mood. True to his earlier promise to Sirius, he didn't tell anyone of what he had overheard but joined in the party like nothing was wrong.

He hoped that they would sort things out. He knew that Sirius has head over heels in love with her.

He was surprised when he got back. Ginny had already disappeared, that was to be expected she had headed upstairs when they had finished dancing. Neville was the centre of attention on the dance floor, dancing with Natalie McDonald, the fourth year Chaser and many of the students weren't doing anything but staring at her. Hermione was joining in the celebrations dancing with Seamus and Dean, at the same time. That was certainly a sight. Harry looked at her there dancing; it was hard to believe how pretty she had become. Harry looked for a sign of Ron. He couldn't see him anywhere. He walked over to Hermione and the boys, asking if he could interrupt them. They looked disappointed, but reluctantly allowed it.

'May I have this dance fair lady?' he asked.

She giggled as she replied and Harry led her back onto the dance floor.

'Where's Ron?' He asked.

'Over in the corner,' she replied. 'I think he's a little drunk on Butterbeer, he's had at least twenty glasses.'

'I hope you're exaggerating, he couldn't possibly have had that much to drink in the short time that I was away.' Harry said as he watched Hermione's eyes look up at him, longingly. Harry looked twice; he must have been imagining things. Hermione would never look at him that way. She only thought of him as a friend.

The song that was blaring through the Seamus' speakers came to an end; Harry looked over toward the corner and saw Ron and Parvati snoggingon a chair.

Lavender came over and whispered;

'Someone better have had a potion because I can only guess what they'll get up to tonight.'

'Is she drunk too?' Harry asked Lavender and Hermione.

They both nodded.

''Fraid so' Hermione replied.

Harry looked at Hermione. She didn't look exactly happy since she'd looked over at Ron and Parvati.

'Are you okay with this?' Harry asked

'Yep,' she replied. 'Besides, I've got two men over there, happy to keep me entertained.' She grinned as she pointed towards Seamus and Dean who were signalling for her to come over. She waved goodbye and went back to the boys as a slow number started. Even so Harry didn't believe her. The fake smile just wasn't convincing.

What could he do if she didn't want to talk anyway?

Harry held Lavender close and led her in the slow number. Glancing over the common room of tipsy students, it was needless to suggest that Ron wouldn't be the only one who scored that night.

Harry saw Ron and Parvati slip out



Sirius called out again. She had slammed her door shut.

He knocked on the door.

'Open up Chrys, please, let me explain. Fine you give me no choice.'

He tried to open the door. It was locked.

'Alohamora' he whispered.

He was amazed it worked. Surely a Defence Againstthe Dark Arts Teacher would have more security on her door. Perhaps she had been somewhat distracted lately.

He walked over to the bed and lifted her up. He walked out the door before he said anything.

'I am kidnapping you and I won't hear a complaint. Okay?'

As angry as she was, she had to admit she didn't mind being kidnapped by Sirius Black. Although, she still screamed for him to put her down.Sirius carried her up to the astronomy tower, where he laid her down on the ground next to the window. She finally stopped screaming.

'Do you see those stars out there?' he asked. The sky was alive with bright shining stars twinkling at her. It reminded her of the way Sirius' eyes used to twinkle before he was sent to Azkaban. His eyes no longer twinkled that way which was a sure sign that Azkaban had changed him.

'My love for you is greater than the number of stars. Will you please promise to listen to what I have to say? There was something I wanted to say to you tonight, your accusations have not changed it but they have complicated it somewhat.'

He was staring at her longingly, almost with desperation to his look. She couldn't let him suffer like that.

'I will listen Sirius', she said reluctantly. 'But it had better be good.'

'I will not deny that I loved Lily,' he said placing the stress on the word loved. 'I did love her at one point in time, but it was never meant to be. I never loved her romantically. Ever. I am well and truly over the short relationship we had, I was over her before we became a couple. I would never be with someone unless I could commit myself to them completely. The love I have for Lily is that of a brother for a sister. She married my best friend and I couldn't have been happier for them. Do you understand?'

She did not reply, she just stared at him. Could she have been so mistaken? Could she have possibly misread him so incorrectly?

Sirius continued;

'You accused me of pining for Lily. You have no idea what was running through my brain while I was there. Yes, I spent twelve years in Azkaban. It was not spent pining for Lily, even though seeing her and James dead on the floor has haunted my thoughts since that night. The thought that kept coming to my mind was your letter. Your words, 'An Auror just can't be with a convicted murderer.' I kept hearing that in my head over and over again. I had lost you. I had lost you because I valued my best friend and his wife so much. I lost the most important thing in my life and I was innocent. Thinking about you not wanting me anymore nearly drove me crazy. I tried to think about what I would do if I ever got out, how I would make it up to you, come and watch you play Quidditch, help you raise a family, play the odd practical joke, but the overwhelming thought of having lost you kept returning. I hoped and hoped that you would change your mind, but you never came. That's why I couldn't approach you, because I thought you'd changed your mind Chrys. I promise you by these stars that I will always be there for you, for better and worse, I will always love you. You, Chrystal Àille MacLeod, there is no one else.'

Chrys had been taking everything that Sirius had said.

'You spent twelve years depressed because you had lost me?' she asked.

He nodded.

Chrystal was finally aware of the consequences of her actions. Because she had been scared she had pushed Sirius away. He had not tried to make contact with her, so she had assumed he had been pining over Lily and didn't care about her anymore. She had wanted him to write back and plead for her to reconsider, she had needed reassurance and there was no one to give it. She had needed him to tell her that he loved her, her and no one else. Yet at the time, he had not approached her because he believed she had moved on with her life. She had never moved on, her life had just become even more complicated than it already had been. She just couldn't risk taking that kind of a risk on Sirius then, could she afford to do it now? She wasn't sure with everything else going on that she could take that risk. The difference now was that she wanted to. She didn't care about anything else anymore. Sirius was the most important thing in her life and she was not going to jeopardise their relationship because she was scared.

She gazed at Sirius. She was sure. This was what she wanted.

Sirius had plagued her thoughts since her mother's death. The fact that something she had no control over prevented her from being with the man she loved had hardened her, made her determined to succeed in both Quidditch and ensuring that Death Eaters were brought to justice. She had been one of the harshest Aurors around. Death Eaters feared the consequences if she had discovered them. Sirius had been the price she paid. She didn't want to pay that price anymore.

She reached up and kissed him.

'Can you forgive me?' she asked. 'I have believed that you have spent the last sixteen years longing for Lily. I was mistaken. I trust you Sirius, you have given me your word and I am prepared to accept it.'

She kissed him again and this time, he softened. He doubted whether or not this was the most appropriate time to ask her what he wanted to ask, however he sincerely doubted that where Chrystal Àille was concerned, there would ever be an appropriate time.

He broke away from her. She looked disappointed.

'You haven't finished have you?' she asked.

What could he possibly have to say now?

'No' he mumbled. 'Ah Chrys, there was um something I wanted to ask you tonight?' The disappointment dropped from her face. 'Given what has just happened, I'm not sure if it's appropriate.'

'Nothing's ever appropriate from your mouth Sirius,' she replied. 'Go on and ask me and I'll try and answer as honestly as possible despite my earlier outburst.'

He looked at her and took a deep breath in. She was teasing him. She was no longer angry. It was now or never. He'd never work up the courage again.

'I want you to marry me Chrystal Àille-MacLeod. Will you?'

She looked up at Sirius, it wasn't quite what she had expected, but it was what she had wanted for twenty long years.

'Are you serious, Sirius?' she asked.

'I've never been more serious in my life,' he replied. The usual edge was not there, he was serious that was certain.

'Yes' she replied, as she leant over and kissed him again and again.

He pulled out a velvet box that held a ring, a single diamond solitaire.

'I wanted to find you a beautiful crystal to match your name,' he explained as he slipped the ring on her finger.

'You can speak Gaelic then can you?' she replied jokingly, knowing full well he had been taught to speak the language from an early age. 'Thank you, it is indeed beautiful Sirius. You've obviously put thought into this.'

She reached up and kissed him again. The feel of his arms on her back, awoke the power that she felt for him. He shivered as he undid her cloak, as she reached up to undo his. He kissed her again and again, each kiss igniting the passion inside him even more than it had been before. He brought her closer towards him as the intensity increased. She had been waiting for him for years.

She gave into her deepest desires and pulled him closer to her.

They awoke with the sunrise still in the tower, thanking the stars that it was Sunday.


Draco met Ginny the next morning after breakfast. She did not look exactly happy.

'I apologise for running off after the game. I needed to see someone,' he explained his actions from the day before. 'Congrats, but you'd better not beat my team like that.'

'Whom did you need to see?' she asked. 'What was so important that you couldn't even tell me where you were going?'

'Professor Àille,' he said. 'I wanted to catch her straight away. I told her that I'd made a decision.'

'Oh' Ginny replied. There was an edge of disappointment to her voice. Ginny didn't know whether or not to be pleased. Her heart raced. Was he going to become a Death Eater? Could he possibly break her heart? 'What are you going to do?' she asked.

'I'm going to spy for Dumbledore. I've given it a lot of thought Ginny; I don't want to be a Death Eater. If I refuse they will kill you and they will torture you first. If I do this I may be of some help, I may even be able to help make it possible for us to be together without having to look over our shoulders every couple of seconds. I don't want to go into hiding. I don't want to do that to you.'

'Are you doing this for me?' Ginny asked. 'Because I'm not worth it Draco. There are more important things than me.

'Yes and no' he began. 'I'm doing it for us, but for there to be an us I need to control my life. I am going to sacrifice my father for us. I need your help to enlist Potter's help. There's no way I can convince him, he wouldn't believe me, but I need to use him to get my father. This doesn't mean I like him.'

'Thank you Draco,' Ginny said as she embraced him. She held out her hand and went for a walk around the lake.

On reaching the other side, they were obscured by bushes. Draco kissed her somewhat awkwardly; he was much more experienced than Ginny. She was giving him an innocent child look. She did look so innocent and naïve, that he wondered if he should change that.


Draco and Ginny finally emerged in time for the Prefect's meeting at eight o'clock. They in fact had almost missed the start. They were by far the last two to arrive, and Harry had observed this. He'd given Malfoy what could only be described as a death stare. He'd also observed the glowing look on Ginny's face and the ruffled hair. He'd have to have words to her, even if Harry was okay with it, if Ron saw her gazing at Malfoy the way she did for the entire meeting, he would have an absolute fit. Harry was glad that Ron had a lot on his plate, because Ginny's absences from the tower had gone largely unnoticed.

The meeting had been short, there was not much of importance to discuss given that the Christmas holidays were fast approaching and everyone had behaved themselves pretty well at the Halloween Feast last night. Well, Hermione and one of the fifth year Gryffindor prefect's had been coping a bit of flack for last night's events.

'Ginny' he asked, as everyone was leaving. 'Can I have a word?'

'Don't let Ron see you like that' he said somewhat sarcastically.

'Like what?' Ginny asked trying to be naïve.

'You're positively glowing,' Harry answered. 'I don't want to know what you and Malfoy have been doing, I don't even want to think about it, but Ron will kill Malfoy if he thinks he's touched you.'

He paused for a moment.

'I don't mean to sound harsh Ginny, but it is Malfoy we're talking about.'

Ginny left the room unhappily, but nonetheless reflecting on what Harry had said. How could she get them to believe he'd changed?

Hermione had been waiting for Harry.

'Well that went well, all things considered,' she said.

'Really Hermione' he said. 'What were you thinking last night? Seamus? How long has that been on the cards?'

'Too much Butterbeer,' she replied. 'Seamus was never on the cards, and will never be. He's not exactly my type, you know, the explosion thing.'

'Well you're lucky I didn't shut the whole thing down' he said, 'McGonagall would've flipped. Who smuggled in the something in the Butterbeer?'

'Don't know, but I think it was Neville.'

'Neville?' he asked in disbelief. Hermione nodded her head.

'He's becoming a bit adventurous in his old age,' she replied.

'Perhaps I should have called it off then,' Harry commented. 'Seriously, when McGonagall finds out we're in for it.'

'She doesn't have to know about the spiked Butterbeer, you're becoming sensible in your old age Harry. You're father would be mortified.'

'Right,' he replied. He picked her up and carried her over his shoulder, then spun her round and carried her up the flight of stairs that led to the common room.

'You're my next prank victim' he said. 'Better watch out; Harry Potter is onto you.'

He walked Hermione back to the common room, collected his invisibility cloak and made his way back to the Staff Quarters. He had told Hermione that he wanted to see Sirius alone, which she accepted but gave him a questioning look. He was quite concerned about what Sirius would say. He was also embarrassed. It must have looked like he was eavesdropping. He was lucky Snape hadn't appeared or he'd be doing detention for the rest of the year. As he reached the Staff Quarters he saw that Sirius' door was open and Sirius was waiting for him. Sirius looked happy. It was a good sign.

'Harry, I apologise for what you heard last night,' he said. 'It was unnecessary. Chrys had no idea you were coming up. There was some truth to what she said. I did date your mother for a while in fifth year and I fell for her badly, but I wasn't in love with her. Not the way Chrys thought. We have our tiffs Harry, just don't worry about it.' Sirius wasn't going to mention anything else about the events the previous night. That was clear to Harry. At least he didn't appear embarrassed and hence there was no need to for Harry to be.

'Did you work things out?' Harry asked. Sirius nodded. That was the end of the conversation.

'Sorry Harry,' Sirius said once again. 'Now where's that cup of tea I promised you? Given anymore thoughts as to your animal?'

He had.

He had often spent many hours just wondering what animal would suit him. He thought he had an idea, but he wasn't quite sure. He had asked Dudleyto send him a book on animals, so that he could look at the animals' personality.


Harry made his way back to his room to see that Hedwig had just arrived bearing a letter for Harry. He knew instantly where it had come from.

Dear Harry,

Happy Halloween! Do you really celebrate it, or is it just a stereotype? Thanks for your letter, glad to know things are going okay. I've been working hard but I've spent a lot of time staring at this pretty girl. Do you think she'd go out with me if I asked her? Can you make me a love potion please Harry? I just want to see if it would work.

Mum said to ask you home for Christmas if I wrote to you. She's gone all funny since you left; she's been crying about your Mum and calling for her in her sleep. Do you have any idea why? Perhaps you can ask that friend of your mum's because I'm really worried about her. And Dad's not very happy about it either. He's really angry that she's even mentioning your mother in the house. He keeps sending me letters complaining about her.

Next time can you send your owl at night because I got a bit of a stare when she arrived yesterday?

Write back and send me a potion,


Harry shook his head; Dudley was at the very least amusing. Perhaps he should send him a love potion. He was still mean at times, but it appeared he was very worried about Aunt Petunia. He decided to ask Chrys after Defence Against the Dark Arts tomorrow and then reply to Dudley's letter.


They had a very interesting lesson with Charlie the next day and having covered all that there was to know about dragons Charlie announced that they would have a special couple of lessons, the week before Christmas, in which they would be dealing with the real thing. Three dragons were being brought over from Romaniaespecially for teaching, so that the seventh and sixth years could have practical experience before their N.E.W.T.s. Charlie had managed to have the Slytherin's hanging on his every word, despite being a Weasley, however Harry missed the unpredictability of Hagrid's lessons. Or perhaps he just missed Hagrid.

They headed up to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. Their classes hadn't been quite as eventful following the first one, but they had had practical lessons in dealing with different types of curses and hexes. The lessons had been helpful, but Harry wished he had gotten a chance to learn how to overcome the pain curse.

They learnt how to block complex Transfiguration curses today, but Harry really wasn't concentrating. Hence he made several mistakes and Malfoy (who he was unfortunately partnered with) made sure he paid for it. Harry was transfigured into a beetle, a rat and a flower before the lesson was over, and he was almost stepped on by Goyle when he was a flower. So not only was he humiliated, Malfoy managed to block all of his curses earning extra points for Slytherin.

'I know how to beat Gryffindor at Quidditch,' he smirked. 'Just transform Potter into a rat and he'll fall off his broomstick.'

The Slytherin gang laughed loudly as Harry failed to block Malfoy's next curse.

Finally when the humiliation was over, Harry told Ron, Hermione and Lavender that he would meet them in the common room, so he was free to talk to Chrystal alone.

'Professor Àille?' he asked.

'I don't want to talk about Saturday Harry, so don't ask any questions,' she replied.

'It's not that. My aunt has been crying herself to sleep since she showed me photos of her and Mum as children,' he began. 'I was wondering if you had any idea why? My cousin says she's been crying and calling for Mum in her sleep.'

'Petunia?' she asked. 'Calling for Lily?'

Harry nodded.

'Well,' she began. 'Lily said that she and Petunia were almost inseparable, then Petunia began high school and they discovered Lily was a witch and suddenly an inseparable pair never spoke to each other. Lily was always upset that they had grown apart and I guess your aunt must have been as well. That and I don't think your uncle is a particularly good influence. All this talk about magic being an abnormality and not a gift, he warped any good thoughts she had about magic, which weren't many in the first place. I was never fond of Petunia, Harry, but I feel for her now, because I think you've made her grieve for the loss of her sister. Not necessarily Lily the witch, but Lily the little girl. Lily, the only family she had.'

Harry realised that he understood. He resolved himself to write to his aunt and try to console her. They both missed Lily, even though Harry could barely remember her. They were going through the same thing. They could share their grief and Uncle Vernon would never have to know.

As he left he glanced at the book in his hand. The book on animals that Dudley had sent him. He opened it to the appropriate page.

He knew what his Animagus would be.


A/N: Thanks to neha_dkulkarni, wrenbirdy, Vashjinn, Marc, Clyde, Harry & Hermione, Jazza and meme30 for reviewing Chapter 14.

Coming up next: The first Hogsmeade weekend of the year brings unexpected events, there is some unresolved tension between the trio and Harry decides on his Animagus from.

And before anyone asks this is the last H/Lavchapter. There was a reason for it. Just trust me on this one.

Anyone who'd like to do art for this series can private message me or email [email protected] I would really love some art for this fic.