Harry Potter and The Secret of The Heirs


Story Summary:
It's Harry's 7th year and, while Voldemort has been quiet, Harry feels that things will not remain calm for long. Harry's right. Then when things begin to change and Harry must make decisions which could change the future, as well as having to deal with finding out the truth about his parents and discovering what it means to love someone. Will continue into beyond Hogwarts.

Harry Potter and the Secret of The Heirs 09

Chapter Summary:
Percy celebrates his wedding, Ron is calling out for someone in his sleep and what's going to happen to Harry?
Author's Note:
Thanks for the reveiws so far. Please keep them up, as they are important to the way i shape my fic.

Chapter Nine

Percy's Wedding

Hermione, Ron and Lavender spent the night. There was an obvious awkwardness between Lavender and Hermione, that Harry was quite glad to see everyone leave. Harry and Ron farewelled them, Harry promising to keep in touch with Lavender before they jumped on their broomsticks for a quick game of Quidditch before Ron was required to go to Hogsmeade.

Harry and Sirius spent the holidays visiting places, during which Sirius taught Harry about the wizarding world that he had been apart from for so long. There were frequent visits to Sirius' family, Kaylah had not lost her admiration for Harry, making very visit entertaining. Chrystal remained; Harry sensed it was partially for his protection, but also because she didn't want to leave Sirius. He began to feel extremely comfortable around them, as they increased his knowledge of his past. Most evenings were spent in front of the fire, or out in the garden with Sirius and Chrystal, reminiscing. Harry felt closer to his parents than he ever had before.

Harry's holidays seemed to fly by and soon it was time to go to The Burrow and to be a guest at Percy's wedding. Harry left his room at Padfoot's Manor much more reluctantly than he had ever left his room on Privet Drive. Harry clutched his trunk, his Firebolt and Hedwig in her cage and travelled to The Burrow by Floo, assuring Sirius that he would meet him on Platform Nine and Three-Quarters. When Harry arrived at the Weasleys' it was in a state of turmoil. There were things lying around everywhere, and outside it appeared Mr Weasley and Bill were trying to assemble something.

'Penny and Percy want an outdoor wedding,' explained Ginny. 'Penny decided she wanted it here because she thinks it's beautiful. Come on, Harry, I'll help you take your trunk upstairs.' Ginny grabbed Hedwig's cage (Harry had let her out already) and his broom while Harry grabbed the trunk and headed up towards Ron's room.

'It's funny, isn't it?' she asked.

'What, Ginny?' Harry asked.

'Well, that Percy's the first one to get married, and that he's having Gred and Forge as his best men.'

'You've got to be kidding.' Harry looked at her in amazement.

'Nup,' she shook her head smiling.

It was funny, but Percy had certainly started to relax since he began working with the twins. Actually if Harry thought about it honestly, Percy had changed a lot since he realised that Voldemort was back and he had been wrong about both Harry and Dumbledore. It had been almost as if Percy found it too difficult to cope with the fact that two years running he had made serious misjudgements of character. The long and short of it was that he had decided that he no longer wanted to be the Minster of Magic, he had contacted Penelope whom he had treated rather badly and asked if he could make it up to her. According to Ginny, he made it up to her in such away that she could never see herself without him.

Harry felt better after his exchange with Ginny. He knew things were going to be okay between Ginny and him. They'd gotten over the awkward stage and were heading back into the friend stage. Ginny had sensed that Harry hadn't felt too much for her; she'd seen the photos of his mother and worked it out. She hadn't felt much either. It had always been just a crush and it had taken working in the dungeon to pull up her potions marks to figure it out.

Ginny left as Ron burst in.

'Harry, great to see you!' he said. 'Let's go to Diagon Alley to get our things so I can get out of this madhouse.'

Harry laughed. The Burrow was usually a madhouse and it didn't normally seem to bother Ron. Just because there was a wedding tomorrow, didn't mean it should be any crazier than normal.

They walked downstairs, Harry yelled out to Ron's parents that they were going to get their school things and then they went to Diagon Alley.

'I can't wait til you can Apparate as well,' Ron said. 'It will be so much easier.'

Harry agreed.

'When Hermione learns how to Apparate, she won't go near a broomstick again,' Ron said.

They visited all the regular places, first Gringott's to pick up some money from Harry's vault and to deposit some into Ron's vault that he had acquired when he joined the Cannons, then to Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions, so Harry could get new robes (he'd outgrown his old ones) and for Ron to get new dress robes for the wedding tomorrow. This was followed by a quick trip to the apothecary to pick up some potions supplies that they were lacking, then Flourish and Blotts, where the shop assistant for once looked happy for once because Hagrid hadn't set them some biting book this year, and then they visited Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour where they treated themselves to some ice cream. Harry wanted to visit Quality Quidditch Supplies but Ron looked at his watch.

'We'd better be getting back,' he said reluctantly. 'I expect dinner tonight will be special.'

They arrived to Mrs Weasley fussing because they hadn't been there when Hermione arrived.

'Ron, Harry, sit down and eat,' she said, 'I've got to Apparate over to the Clearwaters' and organise some last-minute things.' Then she Disapparated.

'Been like this all day?' Hermione asked.

'All week,' Ron answered.

After they had finished dinner, Ron led them up to his room where they had a whole summer of stories to catch up on. Harry noticed immediately that the relationship between Hermione and Ron had changed, like the one between him and Ginny. He was fairly sure that Ron had apologised to Hermione for the way he had behaved. Now they could return to being the gang of three again, and enjoy their last year of school.

'So, Harry,' Ron said. 'What's with you and Lavender - when did it happen? Your letter wasn't very informative.'

'Sorry,' Harry replied, 'it just kinda happened. It was at the Valedictory ball, you didn't notice because you were too busy bickering, but she kissed me at midnight and well I kissed her back. I keep dreaming about her, it's very different from Ginny. I think I might be falling for her, badly. Then we had dinner at The Leaky Cauldron and she's been over to Sirius' a couple of times. That's all there is to tell.'

Ron and Harry continued chatting about Lavender. Hermione wasn't really paying attention. She felt like her heart was being ripped in two. Why couldn't Harry see how she felt? He should just know; it should be obvious. And now she would have to spend the whole year pretending.

'Hermione,' Harry was calling, 'are you okay? We've been asking you the same question about a hundred times.'

'Sorry,' she said, 'guess I just wasn't concentrating. What did you want to know?'

'We were talking about what Sirius said about the bells,' Ron replied. 'Obviously you have no idea what we were talking about.'

Harry went on to explain to them what Sirius had thought about the bells. For some strange reason these bells were haunting Harry. He was dying to know what the ringing meant. Somehow he sensed that it had meant much more than the Dementors.

'I've got no idea where to look,' Hermione confessed. 'If it's important, we can start research as soon as the feast is over. How long have you been hearing it?'

'Since the night Wormtail was killed,' Harry answered, 'never before. It was soft at first, but now it's getting louder.'

Harry then continued on to tell them about Malfoy.

'Whatever Lucius did must have been really bad,' Harry said, 'because Voldemort was really angry. He basically said that Malfoy would have to make up for his dad's mistakes.'

'I feel sorry for him,' Hermione said. 'It seems like he doesn't seem to have much say in what he does in life, it's all what his father wants.'

At this point Mrs Weasley bellowed up the stairs

'Lights out, everyone! You've got to be up early in the morning!'

Harry almost wished he had come tomorrow and missed the wedding.


In the middle of the night Ron talking in his sleep awoke Harry.

He could have sworn he heard Ron calling for Parvati.


Harry and Ron were woken by Hermione and Ginny, who thought it would be funny to run and jump on them to wake them up. That and Mrs Weasley had told them to get the boys up. Harry was taken aback by how pretty Hermione looked in her nightgown. What was he thinking? This was Hermione. Harry composed himself before they headed downstairs were they were practically force-fed toast, before being sent upstairs to improve themselves.

'Remember to be ready by nine-thirty,' Mrs Weasley called.

'Your mum will be glad when this is over,' Harry commented.

'Mum?' Ron replied. 'What about me?'

Harry laughed.

The boys got into their dress robes, then Harry attempted to flatten his out-of-control hair. It really was a losing battle. Perhaps he should ask Hermione to borrow some of that smoothing stuff she'd used for the Yule Ball. Just as he was walking out to find her, Mrs Weasley called for them to come outside to greet the guests. Harry and Ron just obeyed.

The two boys stood at the entrance to an enchanted garden that Bill, Charlie, Mr Weasley and Mr Clearwater had been hard at work making over the last week. The weather seemed to be perfect for perfect Percy, the sun shining, but not too hot that the guests would all sweat to death. They welcomed guests and pointed them towards Ginny and Hermione, who were showing people to their seats.

Everyone had arrived by ten, except the bride and her parents. Harry wondered how they would arrive; he didn't think that they would just Apparate for the wedding.

Then he saw, they were arriving in a pumpkin that had been bewitched to be a carriage, (Harry had sent the Weasleys Cinderella, and he wondered if that was where they'd gotten the idea), with two horses in front. Penelope got out of the carriage; followed by two girls he recognised from Hogwarts, but didn't know. Penelope looked absolutely beautiful. She was wearing a pale blue dress that seemed to suit her complexion perfectly. Her curly hair was piled on top of her head, with the odd curl hanging down, and lilies interwoven in her hair. She was also carrying a bunch of lilies.

As she began to walk down the aisle, Harry glanced at Percy. He actually looked nervous. Harry had never seen cool, calm, composed Percy nervous before. He was almost shocked. Harry looked at the twins who appeared to be behaving themselves for a change. Then the service began.

'Ladies and gentlemen,' the wizard began, 'we are gathered here today to celebrate the joining together of this wizard and this witch in holy matrimony. If anyone can give just cause as to why they should be wed, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.'

Everyone glanced around. Harry was half expecting Fred or George to say something, but there was nothing but quiet. The wizard continued.

'Percival Weasley, do you take this witch to be your wife, to have and to hold, love and to cherish, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?'

'I do,' Percy replied, his voice shaking.

'And Penelope Clearwater, do you take this wizard to be your husband, to have and to hold, love and to cherish, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?'

'I do,' she replied much more comfortably than Percy.

They exchanged rings and finally it was time to kiss the bride.

'I now declare you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride,' the wizard proclaimed.

Percy, leant over and kissed Penelope, and only then did Fred and George begin to look like they were going to be sick.

After they had kissed, tables suddenly appeared in the enchanted garden. People were seated as Mr Clearwater announced they would be taking photos.

'That's our cue to leave,' Ginny said as she was pulling Ron away from the table.

After Ron and Ginny left, Harry and Hermione were left alone on the table.

'Are you okay Hermione?' Harry asked. 'You just seemed so distant last night.'

'I'm sorry, Harry,' she replied. 'I just have had a lot of things on my mind. It' s nothing to worry about, I'm just working through stuff, mainly Ron stuff and someone else.'

'It's not Viktor, is it?' Harry asked. Hermione and Viktor had long since broken up, but they had kept in touch. Harry and Ron had both sensed that Viktor wasn't quite over Hermione yet.

'No it's not,' she snapped. 'I just thought I was falling for someone and now they're with someone else.'

'Ohh,' Harry said, 'do you mind if I ask who?'

'Yes, it's personal,' snapping again. Harry sensed that he had probably overstepped the line. Hermione wasn't in the mood to be teased.

'Sorry,' Harry apologised.

Katie, Angelina, Lee and Alicia came over and joined them.

'Do you mind if we sit with you?' they asked.

'Fred and George have to sit at the bridal table, so you don't mind us here, do you?'

'As long as you leave room for Ron and Ginny,' Harry replied. 'I somehow sense that they don't want to be stuck sitting with some of their relatives.'

Ron and Ginny appeared, with Charlie and Bill,

'Glad it's not my wedding, more photos to be taken,' Charlie said, 'and Fred and George have to be in every one of them.'

Everyone laughed at the thought of Fred and George having to behave in every photo or face the wrath of Mrs Weasley. It was kind of like the ultimate punishment for all the years of torment that Percy had given them.

Soon enough the food was served and it appeared as though Mrs Weasley and Mrs Clearwater had outdone themselves. There was plenty to go around and it was delicious. Harry looked over to the Weasleys' table; he was pleased to see Mrs Weasley enjoying herself.

'So,' Bill said, 'who'd thought that Perce would be the first to get married, I thought it would be Charlie for sure.'

'Me?' Charlie exclaimed in surprise, 'I don't even have a girlfriend. You do, even though she's manipulative and part-Veela, so you're still ahead of me. Anyway besides, I've always thought Ginny would be the first. But let's hope she doesn't get married soon, otherwise she'd be marrying that drip she thinks she has a crush on, and to be honest, I think a war would start if a Malfoy married a Weasley. And I know who'd be on the winning side.'

Harry was surprised Ginny had told her family.

'Oh stop it, Charlie,' Ginny snapped. 'He's not that bad, you just don't know him very well.'

Ginny glanced over towards Harry to make sure he was all right. Harry gave her a smile, which said, 'I am over you, you having my blessing.'

'It's Malfoy, Ginny,' he said, 'come on, you've got to expect to cop a bit of flack for that.'

'Fine, fine,' Ginny conceded. 'I'm open, take your best shot.'

'Nah,' said Ron, 'we're not in the mood, but if that piece of slime does one thing to hurt my baby sister, he'll be dead before I can say Avada Kedavra, My looking at him will be enough.'

This seemed to amuse everyone at the table; the thought of Ron giving Malfoy a death stare was simply classic.

When the time to dance came, Harry felt much more comfortable than he had at his birthday. For starters, he didn't have to dance with everyone there, and he didn't have people staring at him. Secondly, he could choose to not dance for some songs. Harry felt far more comfortable dancing with Ginny this time, he kept teasing her about Malfoy, and she kept blushing.

Before Harry knew it, it was time to cut the cake and then time to toss the bouquet. All of the single girls rushed behind Penelope, were they stood poised to catch it. Harry and Ron had never seen anything like it before, all these girls pushing ad shoving, until finally Ginny emerged with the bouquet in her hands. Harry turned to Ron and shook his hand.

'Congratulations,' he said sarcastically, 'you've got a Malfoy in the family.'

Ron did not look impressed and Ginny shot him a dirty look.


Later that night, Harry and Ron fell into bed discussing the 'did you see the such and such' of the day. When they had exhausted every possibility, they fell asleep. Ron felt much more comfortable around Harry, given the way he reacted to Ginny and Malfoy. Ron hoped Harry wasn't angry because he hadn't told him, but he didn't appear to be, though. Tomorrow everything could go back to normal, or at least normal for The Burrow.

Harry fell asleep that night forgetting to ask Ron why he had been calling out Parvati's name in his sleep.


The remainder of their holidays were spent, by Ron, Ginny and Harry practising Quidditch moves for Ron's new strategies for the team this year and Harry desperately trying to master some of the moves Chrys had taught him, so that he could well and truly beat the pants off Malfoy for the coming season, especially as it was to be their last. Hermione spent a lot of time working, and came down to watch them play Quidditch when she wanted a break. In the evenings they helped her try and find any information about the tolling bells, but they didn't have very much luck. The night before they were due to go Mrs Weasley cooked them a special dinner and was sobbing because after this year she would only have one child at Hogwarts, and asking them to behave themselves, reminding them to work hard because they should do well in their N.E.W.T.s and telling them to stay out of trouble. Then finally when she had given them enough advice, they headed upstairs to pack their trunks and have one last night sleeping in a room that was covered in orange sports posters.


Everyone awoke early the next morning; there was always excitement in the air on the first day back. Mr Weasley had found another car, so he drove Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and a nervous Mrs Weasley to King's Cross Station. The traffic was traditionally busy, which left plenty of time for Mrs Weasley to offer them advice. Harry noted that she hadn't commented on Ginny and Draco. Perhaps she didn't know.

They finally arrived at the station and pulled their things out of the car. As the headed out of the car park towards the station, Harry tripped on an invisible piece of string, or so he thought.

'I'll meet you there,' Harry said to them, 'I just need to gather everything back up.'

All of a sudden Harry felt as if he were somewhere else. Everything around him was spinning. Then he looked up and saw a face staring at him.