Steal My Breath

Heart of Spells

Story Summary:
Non-magic AU. Detective Sirius Black's world is turned upside down when a gruesome murder occurs in the heart of London. At the centre of the investigation, Remus Lupin. While Sirius' instincts say one thing, his heart says another. He just doesn't know how to decide which one's right.

Chapter 03 - Tea and Foul Tempers


Tea and Foul Tempers

"Black!" Moody barked and Sirius cringed. He was beginning to hate the sound of that man's voice.

"Yeah, Chief?" Sirius called back.

Moody hobbled into view as he rounded the corner and came round to the front of Sirius' small desk. "Checked on Lupin lately?" he asked gruffly.

"Every day," Sirius replied, barely keeping the sarcastic tone from his voice.

Moody stared at him beadily. "You've been round the house and saw how he was doing?"

Sirius' face smoothed out as he answered, "Yes, I have."

"Really?" Moody asked levelly, his good eye narrowing.

Sirius' hands fidgeted beneath his desktop. "Of course I have," he said.

Moody stumped forward and leaned over Sirius' desk. "I don't appreciate lies, Black," he growled. "I have it on good authority that you have not been to that house in three weeks."

Sirius gaped. "What are you doing, spying on me?" he asked angrily.

"I'd have good reason if I was after everything you've done," Moody hissed. He pulled back and glared at Sirius. "That house is under surveillance. I know every little thing that goes on around there. I know if a fly lands on the door, I know if a dog shits on the lawn, and I know if Sirius bloody Black is lying to me." He leaned forward again and planted his knobby hand on the desktop. "When I said every week, Black, I meant every week. When I said no more, I meant no more and no less. Should I have made myself clearer?"

Sirius bit his tongue and directed his gaze to the desk. "No, sir," he mumbled.

"I want you there now, Black," Moody said as he straightened and stumped back around the desk. He paused at the corner of the wall and turned back to Sirius. "And if I hear anything more about you disobeying my orders, I'll suspend you for two months without pay."

Sirius released a great huff of breath when Moody was gone and kicked the edge of his desk. The top drawer bounced loose and crashed to the floor and Sirius cursed as he bent to clean the mess up.

"Rough day?" an amused voice asked from the other side of the desk.

Sirius glanced up to see a grinning James Potter leaning against the wall. "Shove off, Potter," he snapped. When James didn't move, Sirius sighed. "You could help, you know."

"Or I could continue to stand here and laugh at you," James countered with a grin. Sirius huffed as he slammed the desk drawer back into place and dropped down into his seat. He groaned as his head fell to the desktop and he wrapped his arms around it. "So, what'd Moody get you for this time?"

Sirius' head wobbled in his arms before his muffled voice emerged. "Hmm nfdm ulmsp tmpnt mghnm ghone fot."

"I'm sorry, what was that?" James asked and Sirius looked up to see James' eyebrows raised in baffled amusement. "It sounded like you were talking into a pillow."

Sirius rubbed at his eyes before he raked a hand through his hair. "He found out I haven't been going to see Lupin and he chewed my arse for it," Sirius muttered. "Threatened to suspend me and everything."

James plopped down in the small metal folding chair across from Sirius' desk. "Rough break, mate," he said as he cringed at the scraping noise the legs made against the tile floor.

Sirius growled as he shoved himself away from the desk and began pacing back and forth. The other detectives scattered around the room shook their heads and rolled their eyes, but Sirius ignored them. "Why does he harass me so much more than anyone else?" he demanded. "I don't see him constantly hounding any of the other knobs around here."

"That's because no one else continually ignores orders, goes against rules, and makes a mockery out of the entire Department," James replied truthfully as he propped his foot against the edge of the desk and balanced his chair on two legs.

Sirius scowled at him. "I'm going to laugh so bloody hard when you fall on your arse," he said. James waved him off and Sirius threw his hands into the air. "I get the job done, don't I? You'd think that would count for something."

James snorted as he tilted back and forth. "It does," he replied. "It counts in the fact that he hasn't suspended you yet, even after everything you've done."

Sirius collapsed back into his chair with a sigh. "S'pose I'm pushing him closer with this Lupin thing."

"Sounds like it," James murmured. He allowed the front legs of his chair to crash back to the floor as he leaned forward. "For what it's worth, Sirius, I don't think he actually wants to suspend you. That's why he gave you the warning. Whether he likes you or not, you are good at your job and, luckily for you, I don't think Moody wants to lose that force."

Sirius leaned back in his chair and gazed at the ceiling as he contemplated what James had said. He was good at his job; they both were. Claiming so wasn't conceit or egotism or arrogance; it was the truth. When James and he had first left school and joined Scotland Yard, they had never dreamed that they would rise to detectives so quickly. Partners from the start, they had taken the service like a raging storm and before they knew it, Sirius was being promoted to Detective, James following two short months later. And Moody had been on Sirius' heels since.

"What is your problem with this Lupin bloke?" James asked curiously. "I know you've never been stuck with the job of babysitter before, but even so, it's like everything about him sets you off."

Sirius pushed himself forward in his chair and rested his elbows on the desktop. "He's just - Everything he says just - He's infuriating!" Sirius cried and James noticeably bit back a smile. "Everything he does seems like he's trying to annoy me. And the things he says - He clearly thinks he's being witty, but he's only making himself into an even larger aggravation."

"Sounds a bit like you," James said, a smirk pulling at his lips.

"Oi, I resent that," Sirius snapped. "I am nothing like him."

James chuckled, but said nothing else on the subject as Sirius glared at him. "Look, you've got to go see him now, right?" James asked and Sirius huffed as he nodded. "Well, I've got nothing better to do, so why don't I go with you? I can see for myself just how horrible he is."

Sirius rolled his eyes at James' tone and the other man grinned. "Yeah, why not?" Sirius sighed.

"Good," James said as he stood and walked around the desk, "and then you can drop me home."

Sirius paused in the act of digging out his keys. "But that means I have to pick you up in the morning!" he protested.

James grinned. "Lily's making Shepherds' Pie," he said by way of peace offering.

"Fine," Sirius muttered as he found his keys and stormed past a smirking James. After a moment, he called back, "But I want two helpings."


They arrived at the house a while later and Sirius immediately knocked on the door. There was no answer and Sirius waited a few moments before he knocked again, louder than before. The door was still not opened and there was no sound from within. Sirius glanced at James with wary eyes.

James shrugged. "Maybe he's in the toilet?" he suggested hopefully, albeit weakly.

"Right," Sirius murmured, pulling out a key to the front door. He unlocked it and slowly stepped inside, his eyes searching for anything out of place. "Go check the kitchen; I'll do the living room," he told James when the man was inside.

James nodded and took off down the hallway as Sirius cautiously stepped into the living room. Everything was perfectly fine. The room was clean and tidy, just as it had been the last time Sirius had been there. There was even an open book laying on the coffee table and an empty mug beside it.

Sirius stepped back into the hall just as James returned from the kitchen. "Everything's fine in there," James said. "Not a thing out of place."

"I just talked to him this morning," Sirius murmured. "He said everything was all right."

James' eyes travelled to the risers and he motioned to the second floor. Sirius nodded and started up. His foot had just connected with the second step when he heard movement above his head. Remus rounded the corner a moment later and Sirius could only stare.

He was naked, or very close to, save for the small, white terry-cloth towel wrapped around his narrow hips. Sirius' eyes travelled down his neck, over his shoulders, across his chest, and to his stomach in amazement. The man was better built than Sirius had originally thought, the plain of muscles clearly visible without the added excess of clothing. His eyes swept back up to the man's moist chest, tracking a bead of water as it slowly made its way over indents, down the centre of his stomach, and disappeared from view as it slid beneath the towel's edge. Sirius suddenly realised where he was staring and he quickly moved his gaze away, catching James' knowing smirk as he did so.

"Sorry. I thought I heard something," Remus said lightly, a spark of amusement touching his brown eyes as he stared at Sirius.

Sirius flapped his hand at the man. "Go put some clothes on, Lupin," he said.

"Remus," the man corrected.

"Whatever," Sirius growled. "Just do it."

Remus offered a mock salute before he turned on his heel and walked back around the corner. Once he was gone, Sirius began pushing James to the kitchen as the man started snickering. By the time they made it through the door, James was roaring with unrestrained laughter. Sirius scowled and huffed as he pushed James into a chair.

"He doesn't seem so bad," James commented once he had calmed himself, wiping a tear from his eye. "I'd think a man who walks around in nothing but a towel would be rather nice for you."

"Shut it, you," Sirius snapped in annoyance and James collapsed into laughter again. Sirius rolled his eyes as he sat down at one of the stools positioned in front of the counter.

"Something funny?" Remus asked as he entered the room. His eyes travelled from a laughing James to a scowling Sirius. "Or maybe not so comical, depending on whom you are."

James sobered again as Sirius crossed his arms over his chest and glared at his friend. James stood and offered his hand to Remus. "Just a bit of teasing," he said lightly. "I'm James Potter."

Remus accepted James' hand and smiled warmly. "Remus Lupin. It's a pleasure to meet you, Detective Potter," he replied, eyeing the small symbol on James' shirt.

"Call me James," the man insisted and Sirius' stomach turned at the entire affair.

"All right, that's enough pleasantries," Sirius spat in disgust.

James glared at him but Sirius ignored the stare as Remus turned and asked, "So what's the reason for the special visit?" He walked around the counter and grabbed the kettle. "Tea?"

"I would love some, thanks," James replied as he settled back at the table.

Remus looked to Sirius and cocked an eyebrow in silent question. "No," Sirius grunted and Remus shrugged.

A long moment of silence passed in the kitchen before Remus asked again, "So...visit?" He leaned his elbows against the counter as Sirius fidgeted and James smirked.

"Well," James began, clearly amused, "it came to our Head's attention today that Sirius has not been doing his job properly.

"Oh?" Remus said curiously. "How so?"

James leaned forward in his chair, his elbows resting on his knees and his face lighting up as though he was about to share a rather juicy piece of gossip. Sirius snorted and muttered, "You're such a bloody woman, Potter."

James rolled his eyes but otherwise ignored Sirius as he addressed Remus. "It seems Sirius here hasn't been coming to see you as often as he should have been," James stated. "He's supposed to be checking in on you every week."

"Ah." Remus' tone adopted a mocking quality as he turned to Sirius and asked, "Did you tell your chief that you call and speak with me every morning like a good little watchdog?"

James snorted as Sirius scowled. "We used to call him Padfoot in school because he always growled at everyone," James said and Remus laughed as he began preparing the tea.

"And we called you Prongs because you were idiotic enough to get a fork stuck in your hair while you were trying to impress Lily," Sirius countered sourly.

James sobered quickly at the reminder and glared at Sirius as Remus handed him his tea. The man walked back to the counter and sat a cup down in front of Sirius as well.

"I said I didn't -" Sirius began to protest, staring balefully at the liquid.

"I know, but it's chamomile," Remus interjected lightly. "Very calming, chamomile. I think that's just what you need."

James snorted into his teacup and Sirius glared darkly at the smiling man sitting across the counter from him. Moody was going to pay for this one day. Sirius would bet the entire right side of his body on that fact.

"Does he really phone you every morning?" James asked, a spark of surprise showing in his hazel eyes.

"He does," Remus confirmed with a small nod. "This is what our conversation generally consists of: 'All right?' 'Yes. Yes, I'm fi--" and then the line goes dead."

James gawked as his gaze moved to Sirius. "I know I've said this before, mate, but you're an arse."

Sirius growled as he pushed himself to his feet. "I've had enough of this," he snapped. "James, we're leaving. Lupin -"

"Remus," the man mumbled.

"--I'll be back in a week," Sirius continued, ignoring the man. He pulled a sputtering James to his feet and pushed him down the hallway and through the front door, slamming it behind him.

James was silent until they were halfway to his house, staring out the window sulkily. Finally, he turned to Sirius and said, "I don't understand what your problem is with him, Sirius. He seemed perfectly fine to me."

Sirius stopped at a traffic light and turned to gape at James. "Were you not there with me just now?" he asked in astonishment. "Did you not hear the way he talked to me?"

"Maybe if you weren't in such a foul mood with him all the time, he wouldn't act like that," James scoffed. His gaze turned stony as he stared at the road ahead of them. "Then again, you've been in a foul mood with everyone lately, so I don't know why I expected anything different."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sirius snapped.

"It means exactly what I said," James said harshly. "For almost three months now all you've done is sulk in that flat of yours and bite off every single person's head that's tried to be friendly with you. It doesn't surprise me that Moody's finally coming to the end of his rope with you."

Sirius watched the cars ahead of him and said nothing. James sighed. "Look, Sirius," he said, his tone softening, "I know what happened was hard, and bloody unfair to you on top of it all, but you have to start moving past it. If you don't let it go, you'll never -"

"I don't want to talk about this, James," Sirius interrupted, his voice flat as his hands tightened around the steering wheel.

"Sirius," James tried, but Sirius refused.

"I don't want to talk about it," he growled.

James sighed again, but said nothing more. They were silent for the rest of the journey.


As Sirius was leaving his flat the next morning, he phoned Remus, just as he did every day. There was no answer, but Sirius shrugged it off and made his slow, traffic-heavy way to James' house, cursing the entire way. He cheered up a bit when he saw Harry dart out of the house ahead of James, his feet moving rapidly and his arms laden with James work files. Harry climbed in the front passenger side seat and shut and locked the door on his father.

Sirius grinned over at the boy. "Hey, kid," he greeted. "What d'you think you're doing?"

"I'm going to work," Harry stated happily, beaming up at Sirius. "Daddy can stay home and be with Mummy."

James pecked on the window glass. "Harry," he said, his voice slightly muffled, "we talked about this. As much as I appreciate the thought behind the idea, I don't think Daddy's boss would like you showing up in my place."

"I think your dad's right, kid," Sirius said, ruffling Harry's hair.

Harry pouted. "Daddy's boss doesn't scare me," he argued and Sirius barked out a laugh.

Lily appeared in the door of the house. "Harry," she called, "did you forget that you're going to play with Ron today? You don't want to miss that, do you?"

Harry's eyes widened in sudden realisation. He contemplated the files in his lap for a brief moment before he handed them to Sirius and unlocked the door. "Sorry, Sirius," he said as he climbed out, "you'll have to fight with the mean boss-man by yourself today."

Sirius chuckled as James seated himself in the car and accepted the files. "Kid was out the door before I could stop him," James explained as they drove away. "He's a quick little bugger. All I've heard this morning is how he wanted to go to work with Uncle Sirius. What have you done to my son?"

Sirius grinned at James. "It's the charm, Potter. It's all about the charm," he said and James snorted.

They arrived at work and Sirius tried to call Remus again once he was at his desk, but there was still no answer. He continued to try periodically as the day progressed, but all his attempts proved to be futile. By lunch time, Sirius was beginning to grow worried. He rang once more, and when there was still no answer, he grabbed his things and made his way over to James' desk.

The man was leaning back in his chair with his feet propped up on his desk, watching a heated debate between two of the older detectives. "Oi!" Sirius said, knocking James on the back of the head. The man started and nearly toppled backwards before his quick reflexes managed to save him.

"What?" he snapped, staring up at Sirius crossly. His eyes took in Sirius' car keys. "Where are you going?"

"To check on Lupin," Sirius replied. James stared at him disbelievingly and Sirius sighed. "I've tried phoning him since I left home this morning and he isn't answering."

James' face took on a worried expression. "Want me to come with?" he asked, already rising from his chair.

"No," Sirius said, waving him off, "I'll be fine. Just tell Moody for me when he comes back, yeah?"

"Yeah, of course," James promised. Sirius turned to leave, but James stopped him. "Ring and let me know you're all right when you get there."

"Yes, Mum," Sirius answered with a smirk.

"Wanker," James retorted without any venom.

"Love you too!" Sirius called back over his shoulder as he left.

It took Sirius nearly forty-five minutes to arrive at Remus' because of the lunch traffic. James had called to check on him twice and Sirius had barely refrained from snapping at the man. He knocked on the door and, when there was no reply from that either, Sirius immediately unlocked the door and entered the house.

"Lupin?" he called once the door was closed behind him. "Lupin, are you here?" Sirius paused and waited, but there was no sound from within the house. He tried again. "Remus!"

Sirius heard movement from the second floor and he quickly ascended the stairs. He rounded the corner into a narrow hallway and called again, "Remus!"

A muffled groan sounded from the room furthest away from Sirius on the left side of the hall and he darted forward until he was standing in the doorway. Sirius glanced around at the small bathroom he was faced with and his eyes strayed to Remus. The man was seated on the floor with his back resting against the side of the bathtub, dressed in nothing more than a pair of plain black pants. His skin was paler than usual and was dotted with a fine sheen of sweat. Sirius' gaze travelled to the man's eyes and he was shocked to see that they were dull and hollow looking, dark shadows laying heavy beneath the lids.

Remus cursed weakly when he saw Sirius and quickly tried to lift himself off the floor. His arms shook violently as his hands gripped the side of the bath and before Sirius could react, the man's strength ebbed and he fell back to the floor. He emitted a weak groan and Sirius finally moved, walking across the room and kneeling at Remus' side.

"What happened to you?" he asked softly as he studied the man. "You were fine yesterday."

"It's nothing," Remus panted, his voice hoarse as he attempted to push himself up once again.

Sirius swatted at his hands gently. "Stop that," he chastised. "And it clearly isn't nothing if you don't even have the strength to get yourself off the floor."

Remus' chest heaved from the exertion of trying to lift himself up. "I just -" he began before cutting himself off and starting again. "I have a weak immune system. I fall ill easily. I didn't feel quite myself yesterday, but I was hoping it was just from being in this house for so long. I was clearly wrong." His tone had turned cynical on the last line and Sirius winced.

"All right, come on," Sirius said, hooking his arm under Remus' shoulder.

"What are you doing?" the man asked in alarm.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Helping you back to bed," he answered, barely keeping the bite of impatience from his tone.

Remus watched him warily as Sirius pulled the man to his feet and hooked Remus' arm over his own shoulders. His feet dragged as Sirius moved him out of the bathroom and down the hall, Sirius carrying most of his weight. They were both panting by the time Sirius lowered Remus down onto the bed and Remus groaned low in his throat as the softness of the mattress touched his body.

"How long were you sitting in there?" Sirius asked as he rose to his feet again.

Remus closed his eyes as he leaned back against the pillows. "Half the night," he whispered.

"All right," Sirius mumbled, "I'll be back in a minute."

Remus called after Sirius, but he ignored the man as he made his way back down the stairs and into the kitchen. He grabbed the kettle and filled it with water before he set it to heat and pulled out his mobile. He dialed James and the line had barely buzzed once before James answered.

"Sirius!" he snapped. "It's about time! I was about to send the whole bleeding Yard after you!"

"Has anyone ever told you that you worry too much?" Sirius asked lightly.

"Yeah, you, every day," James scoffed. "So I'm assuming Lupin's all right?"

"More or less," Sirius hedged. "He's ill. Gets like this quite a bit, apparently. Bloke didn't have enough energy to get off the floor when I got here."

"Think he needs to go to hospital?" James asked in concern.

"I think he'll be all right," replied Sirius, his fingers tapping against the countertop as he waited on the kettle. "He seemed fairly calm about the whole thing. I'm going to stay round for a while to make certain, though."

The kettle whistled as James said, "Be nice, Sirius."

"I'll be the picture of perfection," Sirius assured as he pulled a mug from the cupboard and prepared the tea. James began to speak, but Sirius tuned him out when he heard a thumping noise from the other side of the kitchen door. It was slowly opened and Remus appeared a moment later, thankfully clothed, panting, and his hands gripping the frame tightly. Sirius' eyes widened and he cut James off. "Got to go," he said, snapping the phone shut as he moved to Remus' side.

"What are you doing down here?" he snapped, helping the weak man to the table. "You should be resting."

Remus didn't answer immediately, focusing his attention on regaining his breath. Sirius occupied himself by delivering the cup of tea and Remus provided him with a grateful smile. The man took a shaky sip of the hot liquid as Sirius seated himself on the other side of the table and waited.

"My mother used to always tell me that it is impolite to lie in bed when you have company," Remus finally explained.

"I think an exception can be made when you're ill," Sirius scoffed.

Remus shook his head, his lips twitching with a small smile. "Not with her, it couldn't," he murmured and Sirius snorted.

They sat in silence for a while, Remus slowly drinking his tea and Sirius gazing around the room. Sirius' head snapped back to the other man when Remus' previous words registered in his mind. "Used to?" he asked curiously.

"What?" Remus said, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"You said that she used to," Sirius said softly. "Is she...?"

Remus' face smoothed out into a blank expression as his gaze moved down to stare into his cup with unseeing eyes. "Yes," he whispered. "She and my father both. They were in a car accident shortly before I left school."

Sirius swallowed. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, unsure what else to say.

Remus' shoulders lifted as he shrugged. "Wasn't your fault," he stated flatly. "It wasn't anyone's fault. Defective brakes on the other car."

Sirius said nothing as he thought about the person who would have told Remus of the accident. Sirius had done the same thing more times than he was willing to count and it was never a pleasant thing. He had never been able to decide which type of person was more difficult: the type that screamed and cried and denied the truth, or the type that showed no reaction at all, only sitting and staring blankly. Sirius suddenly wondered which Remus had been.

"Detective?" Remus asked, his eyes studying Sirius.

"What?" he replied before he sighed. "And I suppose you can call me Sirius." For the first time since they had met, Remus provided him with a genuine smile.

"You never answered my question," Remus stated simply.

Sirius brow furrowed as he tried to remember Remus asking him something. "What question?"

"About your job," he murmured, his eyes trained on Sirius', "and how you keep from going mad while doing it."

Sirius' jaw tightened. "That isn't something I wish to talk about," he said warningly, barely biting back the harsh tone that wanted to slide across his tongue like a whip.

"All right," Remus agreed easily, leaning back in his chair. "Let's talk about something else, then. Let's discuss...where I work."

"That's not exactly top of my subject list, either," Sirius argued.

"No, I'm sure it isn't," Remus said and his gaze turned hard. "However, I do believe it's a rather pressing matter."

Sirius stared at him defiantly. "Talk all you want," he growled. "It doesn't mean I have to respond."

"No, it doesn't," Remus said sweetly. "Based on what I've seen from you so far, though, I have a feeling you're going to." He smiled nastily and Sirius glared darkly.

"Have at it, then," Sirius offered, his tone icy.

Remus crossed his arms over his chest as he continued to stare at Sirius. "When you were questioning me and you asked about my place of employment, I saw the recognition on your face when I mentioned The Basin."

Sirius' eyebrows rose. "So?" he asked defensively.

"So," Remus repeated, enforcing the word by leaning forward, "that means you've heard of it." Sirius stared at him blankly and Remus' jaw clenched. "I may work at a pub, Detective, but that does not make me an idiot. The Basin is a little known business in this city and it is like so for two reasons. One, it is a small and incredibly intimate place and two, it is a gay pub."

Sirius' hands gripped the edge of his chair at Remus' words and sharp tone. "What's more," the man continued obliviously, "is that I finally know where I recognise you from." Remus' eyes travelled from Sirius' head to his chest and back up again, studying him intensely. "You're him, the one that started the fight. I was there, working behind the bar. I was the one who had to call the police before you killed him." Remus shook his head, a look of disgust entering his eyes. "Arrested by your own co-workers. What a shame you must be to them."

"Stop it," Sirius whispered.

Remus ignored him. "I think I've managed to figure out what happened, though," he said. "Now that I know who you are, it's a bit easier to work it out. My guess is that you were on some sort of assignment, which would explain how you knew about The Basin at all. I'm also assuming that you're a raging homophobe, which would explain your dislike of me -"

"Stop it," Sirius repeated, louder than before, his hands clenching so tightly that he feared the bones would soon snap.

"No, I will not," Remus snapped sharply. "You didn't like where you were forced to be or who you were forced to be around. The man tried to pull you and you countered by attacking him. What type of bloody person are you?"

"Stop it!" Sirius roared, jumping from his chair and rounding the table in three quick steps. Remus' eyes widened as Sirius reached down, grabbed the front of his shirt, and pulled him to his feet, twisting him around and slamming his back against the wall. Sirius' mouth covered Remus' and the man's head crashed against the plaster from the force.

Sirius pulled back quickly and Remus stared at him in shock. "You know nothing," Sirius hissed. He released his grip on Remus and the man slid to the floor as Sirius stormed from the house without looking back, slamming the door behind him.


A/N: All right! -rubs hands together- Time for the question! Everyone excited? I am! So, Sirius or Remus? See? Not that hard, yeah? So send a review/comment/message my way with your answer and the winning vote will decide the fate of the story. ;-)

An Additional Note: I'm planning to put this story on hold until sometime after the end of August (which really isn't that far away, so you guys can wait, right?). I've joined the R/S Games on LJ (Go Team Sirius!) and I've got about halfway through the piece I'm writing. Until I get it finished, however, I really need to focus on that right now since there is a deadline. Unless I simply get massively bored one day, or have a sudden surge of inspiration for this story that cannot wait, there won't be another update for about a month and a half. Feel free to message me, leave comments, or anything else you can think of, yelling and screaming at me for it. I'll accept them easily. But! If you're a fan of Remus/Sirius (and you must be if you're reading this), posting for the Games starts in October, so drop by and read all the amazing entries that everyone's going to submit and see if you can pick mine out while you're at it. ^_^

Also, a large thanks to Trixie Lestrange for another wonderful beta job!