Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Lord Voldemort
Drama Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/06/2003
Updated: 08/26/2004
Words: 64,442
Chapters: 12
Hits: 11,303

The Cloak of Shadows


Story Summary:
Harry's seventh year at Hogwarts is not what he expected. Classes are canceled by Dumbledore, and a secret coalition is formed to fight Voldemort in the last battle. But what place does Draco Malfoy have in all this? Full of action, adventure, romance, and above all else, love and loyalty, this fic explores what may really happen when Harry comes face to face with his worst enemy for the last time.

Chapter 02

Author's Note:
Many thanks to my loverly reviewers: scarletandblacklace, H_Dom, and Samantha_Diaz.... keep reviewing guys - I just looooove getting thos happy little emails! This chapter is mostly Dumbledore talking... and talking.... and then talking some more. Sorry, but I just had to get all the information introduced to get the story rolling! But now that all is explained (including the appearance of Crabbe, Goyle, Malfoy, and yes, darling Neville), we can move on to the good stuff!!! Let me know what you like, what you hate, and what you want to see in future chapters (even though I know what's going to happen.... I'm open to suggestions!)... hugs to all!

The carriage ride to the school was filled with a heavy silence, each person wondering what the coming days would bring. Harry and Hermione gave each other questioning looks, uneasiness evident in their eyes. Neville was huddled in the corner, looking rather green and a bit queasy. Whether it was from the bumpy road or nervousness over whatever awaited them at the castle, Harry couldn't tell.

Crabbe and Goyle sat across from them, distinctly empty looks plastered on their beefy faces. Their combined bulk was pressed up against Malfoy, crushing the significantly smaller boy to the wall of the carriage. He seemed unfazed by this however, ignoring them totally and staring out the window, his face unreadable.

Harry noticed he looked tired, as though he hadn't slept in days. Since when do I pay attention to how Malfoy looks? Harry asked himself. Why would I even care? Still, he couldn't stop the anxious feeling that arose in his throat when he looked at the other boy. Chalking it up to nerves, Harry leaned back and shut his eyes, trying to ignore everything around him and concentrate on breathing. As long he kept breathing, everything would turn out alright. Wouldn't it?

The soft touch of Hermione's hand slipping into his own was a small comfort to Harry, but he still couldn't shake his feeling of dread. He opened his eyes to give her a small smile, and noticed that Malfoy had torn his gaze away from the window to stare at the two of them. He glanced at their entwined fingers thoughtfully for a moment before looking up at Harry's face. His expression was incomprehensible, and after an almost uncomfortable amount of time, the boy flicked his gaze back to the window, his mouth set in a determined line.

Harry settled back into his dark thoughts, which were shortly interrupted as the carriage came to an abrupt halt, shaking them all. Fang let out a yelp as he was thrown off Hagrid's lap onto the floor of the carriage at Malfoy's feet. The blonde boy looked at the enormous dog with disdain, but after a moment he again turned to the window, as though he didn't realize they had stopped, or didn't care.

Someone opened the carriage door from the outside, and poor Neville, who had managed to doze off, very nearly tumbled out. Fortunately, his fall was broken by the person who opened the door - Minerva McGonagall. Professor McGonagall was dressed in her typical tartan robes and odd-looking hat, and though she tried to maintain a light demeanor, her face was strained, and she appeared to have gained a number of new lines around her eyes.

Making sure to set Neville right, she glanced around the carriage, her eyes softening a bit when they came to land on Harry. Giving him a small nod, she cleared her throat. "Welcome," she said, her voice as steely as ever. To listen to her, one would never know the stresses she had to bear. "Professor Dumbledore is awaiting you all in his office. Now if you will all please follow me." Turning, she walked through the main entryway of Hogwarts, while the newly arrived guests, tired and sore from their ride, straggled after her.

Harry looked up at the cold stone wall of the castle as he entered. He had never known another true home besides Hogwarts. The old building had seemed impenetrable to him as a young wizard, a safe haven from the Dursleys, from Voldemort, from all his problems. Seeing the school now, knowing what may come to pass on its very grounds, Harry thought it seemed more vulnerable. The cracks and imperfections that had one given the building its character now became its weaknesses.

"Are you alright Harry?" Once again, Hermione's concerned voice penetrated Harry's solitary contemplation, and he gave her a grin that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Of course 'Mione. I'm fine." She frowned at his hollow voice slightly, but realizing that was all she would get out of him for the moment, she sighed and continued to follow McGonagall into the castle. Harry quickened his step to keep up, and after a moment he joined the others before the all-too-familiar statue that marked the entrance to Dumbledore's office.

McGonagall stepped up to the statue and said firmly, "Cherry Cordial." At once, the statue began to twist, and with the slight groaning noise of stone against stone, the spiral staircase was revealed. Professor McGonagall began to ascend the stairs, Hermione and Neville close behind. Harry went up after them, and looking back, he saw that Crabbe and Goyle were walking up on either side of Malfoy, sandwiching the blonde boy in between them. Harry wrinkled his nose. It wasn't a position he would want to be in by any means. But then, he thought, it's nothing less than what Malfoy deserves, being smushed between those two smelly beasts.

Stepping into the office, Harry's eyes were immediately drawn to the benevolent old man seated behind the desk. His eyes twinkled merrily when he saw the boy, and Harry immediately relaxed. The man held out a box and gestured with it. "Lemon drop?" he asked, his voice full of mirth. Harry looked at him for a moment, confused. "Erm... no thanks, Professor." Dumbledore cocked his head in the same direction as his outstretched hand, and Harry finally caught the hint. Glancing over to the chair in the corner, he could just make out the top of a head. A head of unmistakable, flaming red hair.

"Ron!" Harry cried, bounding towards the other boy. Before he could reach the antique wing backed chair however, Ron had jumped up and turned to face him.

"Harry!" Ron nearly fell over the arm of the chair trying to reach his old friend, but managed to keep his balance and pull himself up straight. Harry gaped at him. Ron had always been tall and gangly, but he now stood a good half a foot taller than Harry. He had also filled out, and his long arms and legs were now covered with lean muscle. He looked like a man, Harry thought. He suddenly felt young and inadequate, staring up at his now-handsome best friend. No wonder Hermione's in love with h- He didn't have time to finish the thought as Ron pulled him into a giant bear hug. Harry was vaguely reminded of the hug he had shared, or rather been forced into, with Hagrid earlier. He smiled against the boy's shoulder for a brief moment before pulling away.

"How've you been, Harry?" asked Ron, his voice full of question and concern.

"Alright," Harry said, grinning genuinely. "And you?"

"I'm bloody brilliant now!" The two boys smiled at each other like long-lost brothers, until finally Hermione stepped up beside Harry.

"Hello Ron," she said, her cheeks coloring slightly. Ron tore his gaze away from Harry to look at her, and his blue eyes widened.

"Hermione," he breathed, obviously stunned to see her. Harry had been looking at her all day, but as he turned, he tried to see her through Ron's eyes. He was startled to notice that she had changed a lot over the summer as well. Her face had lost all traces of the little girl she had once been, and her eyes were intelligent and bright. Her hair was still a tangle of auburn waves, but she had cut it into a stylish bob that fell just below her chin. Today the sides were clipped back out of her face, a few curly wisps falling into her eyes. Harry felt his own jaw drop slightly. How had he not even noticed? She was breathtaking.

Smiling slightly at the boys' reaction, she moved forward and put her arms around Ron's neck, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Stunned by the action, Ron hesitated a moment before returning the hug. When he finally did, Harry laughed at the bewildered expression on his face over Hermione's shoulder. After they pulled apart, the three of them stood grinning at one another, the trio reunited after months apart.

"Touching," said an icy voice behind them. Harry's face fell. For a moment, he had almost been able to forget that Malfoy was a part of this little group. Turning, he glared at the blonde before shifting his gaze to Dumbledore. "Professor," he began.

"Yes, Harry," Dumbledore said, interrupting. "I'm sure you all have many questions you'd like answered," Malfoy snorted derisively at this, "and as soon as the rest of our party arrives, answers you shall have." He gave Malfoy a hard look, and to Harry's surprise, the boy looked contrite. A knock at the door shifted Harry's attention away from Malfoy, as Dumbledore called for the knocker to enter.

Madame Pomfrey opened the door and she and Professor Sprout slid inside. "Ah, Poppy, Professor Sprout!" said Dumbledore. "Welcome."

"Thank you Albus. Hello Minerva," Poppy said, smiling and nodding at Professor McGonagall. "Hagrid. Children." Professor Sprout grinned widely at them all. The students and Hagrid all mumbled hello, and everyone took seats around Dumbledore's desk. Moments later the door creaked opened again, this time not preceded by a knock, and in swept Professor Snape, looking as dark and greasy as ever. He said hello to no one, only glared at Harry and sat down near Dumbledore.

"Well," said the headmaster cheerily, "only a couple more guests to wait for." The group sat in a tense silence, and Harry found himself wishing he was back in the cramped carriage. Anything to be away from this awful waiting. Suddenly, with a pop! two figures appeared over near the fireplace.

Harry thought he was dreaming.

"Remus!" he cried, running over to the haggard looking man. Remus Lupin looked at Harry with tired eyes that brightened considerably when he took in the face of the eager boy.

"Harry! It's good to see you!" he said, wrapping the boy in an embrace. Harry couldn't help but notice how weak his ex-professor's arms seemed around his shoulders. He pulled back and looked at him in concern.

"Remus, have you been taking -"

"Hush, Harry, I'm fine. I promise," he added with a small smile. It was not until then that Harry turned to glance at the figure who had appeared next to Remus. He felt his heart go perfectly still in his chest, and wasn't sure he could continue breathing.

"Sirius?" he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. Harry had not seen his godfather in two years, and had only had a handful of owls from him. Sirius was still on the run, wanted both as an escaped convict and as an enemy of Voldemort. His dark eyes now held the shadows of a hunted man. His cheeks were sunken, and his hair had returned to its long, disheveled state. But when he saw Harry, his face broke into the most dazzling smile anyone in the room had ever seen.

"Harry!" he choked, sweeping the slight boy into his arms and lifting him off the ground. Harry buried his face in the man's shoulder, trying in vain not to let his tears flow. He was seventeen for heaven's sake, he shouldn't be blubbering like an idiot. But there was no stopping it, the both of them had let the floodgates open, and the others could only sit and watch the teary reunion.

Finally, the two of them broke apart and turned to face the small group. Remus's eyes were red, and Harry suspected he had been crying as well. Dumbledore was smiling broadly, while Hermione wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. Ron took her hand and gave Harry a wink. Malfoy was scowling at them as usual, but his eyes were wide with shock. Of course, thought Harry, he has no idea Sirius is my godfather, or that he's innocent. Harry meant to give him a smirk, but he was so ecstatic it came off as more of a lopsided grin. Malfoy looked scandalized for a moment before dropping his eyes to glare at the floor.

Dumbledore cleared his throat. "If everyone would please take their seats, we can begin." They all moved to their respective chairs and turned their attention to the headmaster, who had stood and drawn himself up to his full height. He made quite an imposing figure, and his demeanor, as always, commanded authority.

"As you all know," he began, his raspy voice still full of energy. "You were brought here for a very important reason. For the past seven years, we have been preparing for the impending battle against Voldemort and his followers." Everyone but Harry flinched as the mention of You-Know-Who's name, but Dumbledore continued to speak. "As Harry has grown older, more mature, and stronger in his magic -" At this, Crabbe and Goyle snickered, but Dumbledore silenced them with a look that clearly said he wanted no more interruptions. "Voldemort has attempted to regain power and take control of the wizarding world." His voice took on a grave tone as he continued.

"Over the summer, the situation has grown to a head. Beauxbatons and several other prominent wizarding institutions have been shut down, and Death Eaters are spreading throughout the continent. Locally, they have infiltrated Diagon Alley and are currently holding several hostages within Gringotts." Harry shot Hermione a look. So that was why they weren't allowed near Diagon Alley. Of course. "I have been forced to close Hogwarts for an indefinite period of time in order to keep my students and their families safe. Several families have been sent into hiding until this ordeal is over." Harry noticed a strained look pass over Ron's face. Were the Weasley's one of the families sent away for safekeeping?

"I'm sure you students are wondering what your specific roles are in all this. You have each been chosen for very special reasons, and your skills are imperative to us winning the fight against the Dark. First, Mr. Longbottom. Professor Sprout has informed me that over the past seven years you have received top marks in Herbology. Allow me to offer my belated congratulations." Neville sputtered for a moment, then finally manage to choke out a "Th-thanks." He wasn't used to receiving praise from anyone, let alone the headmaster, and in front of an audience to boot! "There are many rare plants being grown in our greenhouses which need proper care to ensure their usefulness to us. You will be working with Professor Sprout to tend to these plants, which will be needed in innumerable potions and antidotes. Your task may seem small, but without your green thumb, we will be lost. Do you accept this duty, Mr. Longbottom?"

Neville looked as though one could knock him over with a feather. "Yes, Professor Dumbledore, of course!" Harry, Ron, and Hermione beamed at one another. They always knew Neville was special, and now here was the one man he looked up to most, acknowledging it in front of everyone. Neville grinned from ear to ear and glanced almost shyly at Professor Sprout, who gave him a wink.

"Now, as for you, Hermione." Hermione straightened in her chair and tried not to look nervous. She failed miserably. Two spots of color had risen on her cheeks, and Harry noticed she looked as though she was holding her breath. "You will be working with Madame Pomfrey and Professor Snape." It appeared Hermione didn't know what to do with this information. Obviously, working with Madame Pomfrey would be a dream come true - Hermione wanted nothing more than to become a medi-wizard and travel the world, serving poor wizarding communities. But Professor Snape? Surely Dumbledore was joking...

"I believe you will find Professor Snape's tutelage quite useful in preparing many of the medicinal potions we will need to keep handy in the case of an attack." Not a joke then. Hermione sighed. Ah well, at least there was a good reason for her torture. "Madame Pomfrey will then teach you how to put those potions to use in the healing of both Muggles and wizards."

Hermione's smile softened and her brow furrowed in steely determination. The magnitude of her assignment was evident, and she was resolved to do the best she could, whatever the consequence.

"Now, Harry." Harry felt a tremor run through him as Dumbledore shifted attention to him. "Most important in the coming battle is your safety, and that is the main reason I have gathered this group together." Harry almost laughed, imagining Malfoy's reaction behind him to that statement. I'm sure keeping me safe is top on his list of priorities. Right after professing his undying love to Professor McGonagall. Naked. With a scarlet and gold boy tied around his -

"Harry?" Ron's voice interrupted his thoughts. Harry glanced around and noticed that Dumbledore had trailed off, and the rest of them were staring at him curiously. Probably because I looked horrified at that unnatural thought of Malfoy...ugh. Shutting his eyes briefly to remove the unwelcome image, Harry cleared his throat and said, "Erm, sorry Professor. Go on."

"Right," Dumbledore said, giving Harry an odd look. "Harry, you will be working primarily with Remus and Sirius in order to improve your Dark Art defense. Remus will help you learn more complicated blocking spells so you can better protect yourself and those around you. Sirius will be teaching you hexes and curses you can use when on the offensive. Our aim is to make you stronger and more capable of defending yourself should there come a time you are on your own." At this, a dark look passed across the headmaster's face, but it was gone before Harry even had a chance to notice. Instead, he looked over and Remus and Sirius, giving them a happy smile. Thank Merlin he would be able to work with them, and wouldn't be stuck with someone awful like Snape.

Dumbledore shifted his gaze to the seat behind Harry's. "Mr. Malfoy." Everyone in the room tensed visibly, waiting to see what the fate of Harry's longtime rival would be. "Your presence here probably comes as quite a shock to many of the people here today."

"Tell me about it," Ron muttered under his breath.

"However, you have gained the trust of Professor Snape, and hence mine, in your role as a spy against Lord Voldemort." There was an audible gasp as the group took this in. "I understand that you are defying not only Voldemort and the death eaters by doing this, but your father and the Malfoy name as well. We cannot replace your family or your status in their world, but we can promise to give you our trust and support." With this, he gave Harry and Ron a pointed look, clearly letting them know they were to drop the antagonism that had existed between them all since first year. Harry didn't know if it was possible.

"You will be working with Professor Snape on your potions, of course," Malfoy had always excelled at potions, "but you will also be working with Professor McGonagall." Malfoy's head shot up and he stared at the headmaster, but Dumbledore only smiled mysteriously at him. "I think we are aware of more than you suspect, Mr. Malfoy."

Harry wondered what the big secret was, but before he could say anything, Dumbledore was speaking again. "Mr. Crabbe and Mr. Goyle, your purpose here is twofold. First, your physical strength will be of great help to us in the coming battle. Second, and most important, your duty is to keep Mr. Malfoy protected at all costs." Harry's eyes widened at this. That would explain their odd behavior, but why would Malfoy need so much protection? From his father? Or was Voldemort really that pissed at his betrayal? So many questions answered, but so many more brought to light. Just thinking about it gave Harry a headache.

"Now, as for you, Ron," Dumbledore continued. "You will be stationed at the Burrow for the duration of the war. For those who don't know, the Burrow is being used as our safe house for families in hiding, for those who need shelter from the battle, and the injured. Ron's family has been moved out of the house and placed in Ministry care, and Ron will be presiding at the Burrow. I have every confidence that Mr. Weasley will make his family, not to mention all of us, very proud." Ron grinned from ear to ear, and Harry gave him a smile. He was already proud of his friend, being chosen by Dumbledore for such an important job.

"And now that you have all listened to an old man's ramblings for far too long, we will adjourn to the great hall for our supper, after which I will show you to your rooms. Mr. Weasley, you will stay here for tonight and return to the Burrow tomorrow. Allow me to say how very proud I am of all of you. We may not seem like an army yet, but if anyone can overpower the Dark Lord, I have every confidence that it will be due largely in part to the people in this room. Be diligent, be strong, and most of all, learn to trust one another with your very lives, for that is what may someday depend on it." Saying all this, Dumbledore stood and ushered the group into the hallway.

Harry followed behind the headmaster, walking close to Ron and Hermione. "I wonder where we'll all be staying," Hermione whispered. "Since I'm the only girl."

"I don't know," Harry replied. "I only hope I'm not -"

"Ah, yes Harry," said Dumbledore, turning around with a smile. "You will be sharing a room with Mr. Malfoy." Harry stopped in his tracks, and Neville crashed into him, shoving him into Ron and Hermione and sending the whole group to the floor in a tangle of limbs. Malfoy stopped and smirked down at them, obviously not hearing Dumbledore's previous statement.

"What's the matter Longbottom? Can't control your desire for the great Harry Potter? Take my word for it - he isn't worth it."

Harry groaned inwardly. Could this get any worse? Not only did he have to defeat the Dark Lord and save humanity, he was also expected to live in the same room as Malfoy, the greatest prat who ever lived.

And - oh Merlin - was that a twinkle in Dumbledore's eye?