Severus Snape Lord Voldemort
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 07/18/2002
Updated: 11/02/2002
Words: 68,379
Chapters: 19
Hits: 7,729

Dark Coil


Story Summary:
Seventeen years ago, Severus Snape was sentenced to life in Azkaban. Released on a legal technicality, Snape begins his life as a spy. Now Snape's fate once again rests in the hands of the attorney who failed him so long ago. Olivia McGonagall is a world weary, burned-out attorney who has accepted a position teaching Muggle/Wizard Law at Hogwarts. She also must face a destiny laid out for her in the shadowy mists of the past. Hounded by Death Eaters and threatened with the unknown plans of Voldemort, Olivia must risk turning to the one who owes her the least.

Chapter 04


Dark Coil

Chapter Four

Snape moved through the open door to his bed chamber. The room mirrored the rest of his quarters in simplicity and quiet style. Done in somber tones of black and green, the chamber radiated comfort and calm. The bed was full and placed high enough from the floor to avoid the drafts that wound their way through the corridors of the dungeon. The coverlet , deep emerald green, worked in black. As always, the house elves had been busy and the bed was carefully made, but it was not empty. Sprawled across the middle of the verdant field was a large gray and white tabby cat. He stretched to his full length, his massive paws extended, claws quivering. With a plaintive, "Rower," one black-lined eye opened and regarded the wizard discontentedly.

The black garbed wizard sighed impatiently, "Cat!" he snapped. "That is my bed. Yours, however is in the corner." Snape pointed to a large basket filled with a thick cushion of discarded robes. The basket had been in place since the first day of the animal's arrival as a tiny, blind kitten. Six months later, it remained unused.

Snape strode to the bed, intending to sweep the interloper to the floor, but Cat merely tucked his chin to his white breast and flipped on to his back, paws resting on the snowy chest. Snape's hand ceased its impatient movement and buried its fingers in the thick fur. Cat screwed his face up in a smirk of success as his deep, rumbling purrs filled the room. The Potions Master could feel the steady throb radiating through his hand, moving up his arm. He ceded defeat. Again. Such had been the story ever since the wizard had come across the tiny, still-blind kitten mewing in the weeds near the road to Hogsmeade. While not noted for his compassion for weak humans, students in particular, Snape did have mercy for the helpless. He had picked up the damp, trembling piece of life and warmed it in his robes as he turned back to Hogwarts, his business in Hogsmeade set aside.

The reclusive wizard had never planned on keeping the tiny morsel. His first thought was to turn the kitten over to the Hogwarts game-keeper, but at the time, Hagrid was raising a litter of giant black bats and had no time to spare. Tossing a minuscule nursing bottle at the startled professor he admonished, "Warm it up a tad and then dab a bit on yer wris'."

So Snape had found himself playing reluctant mother to the squirming handful of hair. Being available every four hours to feed the tiny scrap of life had not been the taciturn professor's idea of fun, but despite his bumbling and cursing the kitten had thrived. Snape reasoned that since he was not keeping the animal there was no need to give it a name. He merely called the furball Cat.

Six months later, Cat was firmly installed as the resident feline and Snape, the darling of his elliptical eye. As the man continued to tickle and tease his white tummy, Cat wrapped his fore paws tightly around Snape's hand, his hind paws raking Snape's wrist, claws sheathed. Sparks of mischief and delight flew from the green eyes as he gnawed gently at the long fingers and thumb. "You, sir," drawled Snape. "Are a fraud!" He jiggled his hand wildly, Cat hanging on. With a final flourish, the wizard flung the animal across the slick surface of the coverlet to land with a plump up against black velvet pillows. Cat immediately sprang into a hunter's crouch, rump twitching expectantly.

"No," Snape told the quivering animal. "I cannot play now. I have a dinner engagement." This delivered with a withering snarl as Snape raked his hand across his hair. Cat reclined against the pillows and flung a hind leg into the air. He gave his tail end a through inspection. "My feelings exactly," drawled Snape.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch... [Sorry folks, I've always wanted to say that.]

Olivia had removed her sunglasses as she entered the cool shadow of the Great Hall. Her trek up from the lake had left her hot and sweating. The cotton shirt stuck to her body and strands of hair clung to her flushed cheeks. She wanted nothing more than to be reunited with her mother, take a cooling bath and go to bed.

"Well, Oi'll be leavin' you 'ere, Miz Olivia. Oi've got ter be getting' me' self ready, you know. Big doin's at 'Ogwarts tonight! Would'n' miss it for 'world." Hagrid smiled and bounced on the balls of his boat-like feet. To Olivia he appeared a massive child; a wonderful, sweet, massive child and she couldn't help smiling broadly as she shook his hand.

"Hagrid, thank you for bringing me to the castle. You, sir, are most charming." She watched a rosy tide wash over the gamekeeper's face and he glanced down at his shuffling feet.

"Why, Miz Olivia, t'wer my pleasure." And bowing deeply, he exited out through the main door.

Olivia turned a full circle, taking in the wonder and beauty around her. As her eyes adjusted to the gloom, she observed a figure approaching from across the vast expanse of the hall. A tickle of recognition played around in her mind. It seemed that she should know the young person who glided toward her in a swirl of indigo robes. Indeed, it would be difficult to forget such a lovely creature. Hair of midnight hue rollicked about a pale oval face, the eyes, a piercing ice blue. The robes lay upon shoulders wide and deep, tapering to slender waist and hips, girded about by a span of golden links. Olivia was still pondering the creature's identity, as it glided across the floor and stopped before her. Then he spoke, "Olivia McGonagall, as I live and breathe!" The voice was throaty and full, however it was not warm, the blue eyes cold as the North Sea. The young man extended his hand.

"Hello, Maxwell." Olivia responded. "Don’t tell me, you are teaching here at Hogwarts!" She tried to keep her voice light, while her mind pleaded, please tell me you aren't, please tell me you aren't! She politely gripped the limp, pale fingers presented to her and just as quickly released them. Olivia squashed down the desire to wipe her hand on her pant's leg.

"I know, it is still a shock to me. Would you believe, Defense Against the Dark Arts? And you are doing that Muggle, Law thingie I have been hearing about?" One hand waved the air in a dismissive fashion.

"Yes, that's the one. How's your dad, by the way?" Now, where had that come from? Olivia chided herself.

The blue eyes regarded Olivia coolly. "I am afraid that Azkaban doesn’t suit him. On my last visit, it was three hours before the bastard realized I was even there." Maxwell folded his arms across his chest and leaned his torso back from the hips. "Daddy will likely croak before he is up for parole. It was rather bad of you to press for the full term of sentence, you know. But he is out of my hair and loads of little Muggle children will sleep safely in their cots."

"That was the idea, Maxwell." Olivia stated firmly. "Even you have to admit, kids are off limits. And what your father was doing…"

"Calm yourself, dear," Maxwell drawled. "I have never had the taste for the kiddies, like dear old dad. He got caught, he will do the time. Now if you are worried that I will make your stay here at Hogwarts a trial, let me put your mind at ease. I bear you no ill will." A thin smile accompanied this statement, a smile that didn't reach the eyes.

"You have never worried me, Maxwell," was her cool reply.

A silence hung between them for a second before Maxwell inquired, "Have you met any of the other faculty?" There was a malicious twist to his voice.

"Seeing as I have just arrived, no," Olivia answered shortly.

"So you don't know who else is here?" There was a spark of triumph in the blue eyes and Olivia had a gut-wrenching feeling that she should be on her guard.

"Ooo," Max purred. "This is going to be lovely."

A rustling from the top of the stairs alerted them both. Minerva McGonagall moved sedately down the wide staircase, her eyes glued to the one she had most wanted to see. "Olivia, Olivia!" she cried joyfully. "Olivia, my dearest! I am so happy you are here!" She swept past Maxwell without appearing to notice the young man and pulled her daughter into a tight embrace. Minerva's tall hat fell unnoticed to the floor as she wrapped thankful arms about her only child. Keeping her arms around her daughter, Minerva pulled back and gazed into Olivia's face. "You are so welcome here. This is the most excitement I have had in years. To have you teaching here! Right beside me! You have made me very happy." She kissed both of Olivia's cheeks and hugged her tightly once more.

"I am happy to see you, too Mama. I have so much to tell you. This is great, Uncle Albus offering me this job, well it's …It's a miracle." Olivia spoke fervently in her mother's ear. Over Minerva's shoulder, Olivia saw Maxwell observe their reunion with a mocking sneer. She was pleased to notice the young man's eyes widen slightly in shock at the term "Uncle" being bestowed on the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. Gnaw on that for a bit, Olivia flung silently to Maxwell as their eyes clashed.

Minerva was speaking quickly to Olivia as she laced their arms and turned to the stairs. "We must hurry if we are to have you ready in time for the faculty dinner tonight. No, no," the older woman chided as Olivia began to shake her head. "You are now a member of the faculty, and you have certain duties that must be met. Dinner with the staff being one of them. You shall be introduced to everyone and a formal announcement of your employment made tonight. Albus is most insistent." She continued to pull Olivia up the stairs, chattering about what Olivia could wear, the location of her rooms, supplies for the term…

Olivia turned to say good-bye to Maxwell, but he had already glided from the hall and disappeared into the shadows.

"And if you think I didn’t notice Mr. Dillard, you are mistaken." Minerva muttered under her breath. "Didn’t waste a moment getting to you upon your arrival. Probably camped out in the hall all night. I don't know what Albus was thinking when he hired that young man. He should have known there would be conflict. After the trial and all."

Minerva's lips were pursed and she gave a disapproving shake of her head, then laughed brightly as she placed a hand to her severely dressed hair. "Accio, hat!" she called and immediately her pointed hat flew up the stairs and into her waiting hand. "Just wait until you see the lovely robes I …"

But Olivia interrupted, "Mama, Maxwell was saying something just now about my not knowing someone else was here. He seemed to get a real kick out of the fact I was in the dark about something." The two women continued on down the corridor, their feet clicking on the stone floor. Minerva's mouth, if possible, had seemed to grow smaller.

"Olivia, dearest, you of all people should know what a horror Mr. Dillard can be. He was always trying to stir up trouble." This sounded unconvincing, even to Minerva's ears. They had arrived before a stout wooden door. Smiling sweetly, Minerva pushed down on the latch and opened the door. "I hope you will be pleased."

Olivia entered a room filled with warmth and all the love Minerva bore for her daughter. The chamber was not large but appeared spacious owing to the fact that the furnishings were light and few in number, Minerva having recalled Olivia's dislike for clutter. The coverings on the chairs and settee were of a pale floral print. A small rug in complimenting shades of blue and green lay on the floor before the fireplace that even now flared up and began to crackle merrily at their appearance. Minerva crossed the room and opened the drapes to reveal French doors. Olivia stood in the middle of the lovely room noticing the small kitchen area tucked cleverly behind a lacquered screen, the footstools, the lowboy by the door covered in a delicate lace cloth. "Mama, this is wonderful." She smiled at her mother's obvious pleasure in having her efforts appreciated.

Minerva moved briskly across the room and opened another door. "Sleeping chamber, bathroom, wardrobe, full stocked. In short, everything you will need to get started." Minerva looked at her daughter, pride glowing in her old eyes. "Olivia, you can not begin to know how delighted I am to finally have you here with me. I've missed you so!"

With her voice cracking, Minerva threw herself into Olivia's arms, the two women clinging together, whispering, and rocking.

Finally, Olivia pulled away, her gaze moving around the room and back to her mother's face. "Mama, again, thank you. This is the most wonderful room I have ever seen. You have worked more than magic here. Thank you." She cast her eyes down, thinking.

Minerva cupped Olivia's chin and raised her face up. "But…?" Minerva prompted, fearing the response. She was not to be disappointed.

"It is just what Max said, and the way you brushed it off. It doesn’t sound right. If there is someone else here I need to be cautious of--besides Max--please let me know. I 've had enough surprises for one day." She would tell Minerva of her encounter with Snape later, but for now, she waited for her mother's answer.

Minerva sighed heavily and taking Olivia's hand led her to the settee. "There is someone…else. I pressed Albus to allow me to prepare you but he forbade me. He felt it would color your view of your future here. However, I feel that forewarned is forearmed."

Here Minerva stopped. Looking seriously at Olivia she spoke again. "It is our Potions Master, dearest. His name is Severus Snape."

Olivia sat stunned. Her jaw sagged open and there was a ringing voice in her ears:

"Oh gods! Tell me you are not another Hogwarts student!"