
Blue Shadows by Gorms

In the gloaming and the darkening between a sunny day and a cloudless, frosty night, sometimes the shadows cast by neon street lights are a shade of navy and perfectly bright. Walking through the city to try and find her, this observation seemed to be of paramount importance and exceptionally profound. I forget why. She’d later tell me that I had just been twisted, but the thought would never leave me, or the anxiety.````A companion piece to Uninvited Commentary, Fleur and Hermione, femmeslash.

Words: 3,737
Chapters: 1
Hits: 750
Uninvited Commentary by Gorms

'In the long run, it is my professional opinion that the complete nervous breakdown resulted from the stress of the incidents, combined with immense guilt and self loathing. Patient may exhibit a disassociation with the world around them.'````Years after everything, Fleur finds Hermione. Femmeslashy.

Words: 3,644
Chapters: 1
Hits: 860