Child of the Moon


Story Summary:
It is known that Albus Dumbledore once let a werewolf study at Hogwarts, and according to what the human race has learned, history is bound to repeat itself. Here is a tale of another werewolf that Professor Dumbledore let study at his school during the times of Harry Potter.

Chapter 02 - Chapter II

Author's Note:
I'm going to apologize now for using some direct quotes from the book, but I feel that the nature of my character would include her listening attentively to every word Dumbledore says. So, yeah, that part is all J.K.'s I take no credit. Also, many thanks again to my Beta Morvana ^-^

Chapter II

The train jerked to its second stop shortly after Ris, Shannon, and Renée had finished changing into their robes.

"Are we stopping for real this time?" Renée asked with a mix of sarcasm and seriousness.

"We should be," Ris replied as she brushed her brand new robes. Being in brand new clothes was a stark difference to what she was wearing before. She was glad she was able to be wearing Hogwarts' robes at all, nonetheless brand new ones, under the circumstances.

"Well, everyone else is getting off," Shannon said motioning to the corridor.

"What should we do with our stuff?" Renée asked curiously.

"I'm pretty sure we just leave it on the train," Shannon answered. "No one else has their stuff anyway."

"Stay with the stuff Ash," Ris quietly commanded her cat, giving him a pat on the head as she stood up from her seat. She marked her book and slipped it into her trunk. She turned to the other two girls to see if they were ready to go yet. Shannon was standing by the open compartment door waiting for Renée to be ready.

"Come on, Renée," Shannon said impatiently.

"Just a second," Renée pouted. "I have to say good-bye to Hail."

"We're going to be the last ones out there at this rate," Shannon pressed her friend to move faster.

"Okay, I'm ready," Renée said, slightly annoyed, as she rose from the basket that held her feline.

"Great, let's go," Shannon said with a smile. "I'm hungry."

"They feed us?" Renée asked excitedly as they exited the compartment.

"No, Renée," Shannon said with heavy sarcasm, "they let us starve unless we can find our own food, 'cause its not like we're living in the place."

"What?" Renée gasped in horror, then paused. "Wait. I hate you." She said unconvincingly and playfully hit Shannon.

"You make it much too easy," Shannon smiled.

They hurried outside, and found themselves in the equivalence of a monsoon. Ris hugged herself like many other people around her were doing in the attempt to keep warm.

"Where do we go now?" Renée asked over the pounding of the rain, somehow still able to keep her look of excitement in the cold and wet.

"I don't know," Shannon said slowly looking around.

The question was soon answered as a loud booming voice called the words 'first years' over the rain. Ris traced the calls to a very large man holding a lantern. The man was easily twice as tall as anyone around him, and twice as wide. His mane of tangled hair collected the rainwater nicely, as did his moleskin coat.

"We go over there," Ris pointed out the giant-like man to her two friends.

"How do you know?" Shannon questioned Ris.

"He's calling 'First years over here'," Ris answered feeling her cheeks get slightly pink.

"I must not have heard him," Shannon shrugged and started pushing through the crowd towards the man.

They shoved their way over to the large man and joined the group of other first years that were gathering around him. He led them to the shore of the lake once he believed all the first years were around him. On the shore were small rowboats waiting to be filled.

"Now, git in the boats," the man motioned towards the boats. "An' no more than four to boat, okay? Or else they'll flip."

"We're going across the lake in this weather?" someone dared to complain, loud enough for the man to hear. Ris personally thought the person was either stupid or brave since the man looked like he could rip apart any of them easily. Though, the boy did have a point. She wasn't so sure if she trusted the small wooden boats to carry them across the lake in the heavy rain.

"O' course ya are," the man grunted. "Wouldn't have it any other way. Now git in 'em." The giant like man shooed them into the boats, seeing that many of the students were very reluctant to do so. Ris, Shannon, and Renée quickly climbed into the boat nearest to them. Shannon and Renée sat on one side and Ris sat opposite of Shannon.

"How are we gonna get across if we don't have oars?" Renée asked, looking around curiously. Ris also joined in her search to see that she was in fact correct - there were no oars to row the boat with. An extra pair of feet entering the boat distracted Ris from coming up with any possible solution to their dilemma.

"Just who said you could get in our boat?" Shannon demanded of the intruder. Ris looked next to her and saw that the accused was a boy. He was rather tall and had dark black hair.

"I'm sorry to intrude," the boy said politely, "but my four other friends seemed to think I should be the one to go to another boat, and quite honestly, I believed the boat that you three lovely ladies were sitting in was the best choice."

"I'm sure there are other boats," Shannon said as all three girls started looking around them while the boy sat patiently waiting for his point to be proven. Ris noted several boats with available seats through the heavy rain, but most of them held frighteningly large students in them. Ris concluded that she wouldn't want to sit in any other of the boats either, so decided not to hold much against the boy. Unfortunately, Shannon seemed not be convinced as easily.

"You could go and sit with the big man," she suggested nodding her head towards the man that had led them here, who was sitting in a boat by himself.

"I'm pretty sure he counts as four people," the boy stated evenly.

"Probably," Shannon shrugged, deciding the boy was all right. Ris noticed that Shannon was holding back a smile and was carefully looking the boy over with her blue eyes.

"Everyone seated?" the giant sized man called through the thunderous sound of the rain. "Right then. Forward!"

Renée squeaked as the boat started to move on its own. Ris heard other sounds of surprise from the other boats around them. She peered over the edge of the boat to see the inky blackness of the lake that was constantly rippling because of the rain. She looked back forward, hoping to be able to see the castle of Hogwarts. Glimmers of light were starting to shine through the night and bad weather as they moved steadily forward. Ragged edges started to appear out of the darkness, slowly starting to form the outline of a massive edifice. The multitudes of windows were all alight with a yellow glow from the lowest up to the high turrets.

"Brilliant," Renée whispered as the massive castle became sharper in the haze of the rain. Ris heard similar words of awe from all of the boats around them.

The small rowboats took them into a cove where they stopped their steady movement. All of the students slowly got out of their boats, all of them looking around in awe. They followed the laid out path behind their giant guide. The stone passageway led to a grassy courtyard, from there they all rushed up a flight of stone steps to a pair of great oak doors, all hoping to get inside and get warm.

"Everyone here?" the man asked the group of shivering children. Seeing some small nods, he raised a gigantic fist and knocked on the door. The doors swung open as soon as his fist left the door. The students almost fell inside with their enthusiasm to get inside. The first thing most of the students noticed upon entering was the massive size of the room they entered. Many of the students didn't even notice the miniature man with frizzled white hair until the giant man addressed him.

"Here are the firs' years, Professor Flitwick," the man smiled. "A lil' wet, but here."

"Yes, thank you very much, Hagrid," the wizard responded in a squeaking voice and turned to the group of student before him. "If you would follow me please."

He magicked the doors behind him to open, leading them to the Entrance Hall. The hall itself was big enough to hold a flat or two comfortably. Its ceiling was covered in shadow it reached so high, and the stonewalls held torches to light their path. A staircase lay in front of them that wound to the upper stories of the school.

The group followed the Professor until the murmur of voices started becoming very distinct. Ris pinpointed the sound to be coming from their right. She assumed that the rest of the school was there, waiting for them to be sorted. The group was shown into an empty corridor, the students huddling close to each other in hopes of getting a little warmer, their faces showing mixed emotions of excitement and nerves.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," the Professor gave his squeaky greeting with a large smile. Ris searched for a moment until she saw the Professor standing on a stool next to the door. "The start-of-term banquet will soon begin in the Great Hall, but before you take a seat you must be sorted into a house. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because while you are here, your house will be like your family. You will have classes with your house, share a dormitory, and have free time in the house common room.

"The houses are Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Slytherin. Each has a very noble history and great witches and wizard have emerged from all of them. While you are at Hogwarts, teachers can reward you with house points for positive behavior, while negative behavior can result in a teacher deducting house points. At the end of the year, the points are tallied and the house with the most points receives the house cup, a very great honor for any house. I hope that each of you will help your house achieve this honor.

"The Sorting Ceremony shall take place in a few minutes time in front of the entire school. I suggest that you prepare yourselves in whatever ways you wish too. I shall return when we are ready for the ceremony. Please wait quietly."

Professor Flitwick turned and left them in the chamber. Chatter broke out among the student as soon as he disappeared from view.

"This place is so gorgeous," Renée said to the other two, still taken in awe. "It'll be brilliant to go to school here."

Shannon just nodded; Ris noticed that she looked very nervous. Ris felt nervous herself, and upon looking around the room, everyone else seemed anxious as well. Apparently, Renée was still too in shock from the building to start thinking about the Sorting that lie before them.

The patter of shoes came to Ris' ears as she stood patiently waiting. Professor Flitwick appeared in the doorway and any talking that was going on soon stopped.

"Please, form a line," the Professor ordered them, "and follow me."

The students quickly organized into a queue, Ris, Shannon, and Renée standing next to each other. Ris noticed that the boy that had ridden in their boat was standing next to her, his friends behind him. He smiled lightly, seeing that she was looking back. Ris blink in surprised, but was saved any conversation by the line starting to move.

She followed Renée back across the hallway and in front of the large double doors. Ris could hear the sound of many voices carrying from inside the hall, but when the doors opened, they stopped abruptly.

The line continued moving into the hall. Ris was rendered breathless by the room. Thousands of candles lit the massive hall by being suspended in the air above four long tables that held the other students. On the other end of the hall was another long table that held the teachers. Her father had told her about the Great Hall, but she felt words just could not do it justice.

The line moved until all of the shivering first years were all facing the other soaked students. In order to avoid making accidental eye contact with anyone, Ris looked up. The ceiling mirrored what she remembered the outside to look like a few minutes ago - dark and pouring rain. The only thing that proved that the ceiling was even there was the fact that the rain only fell so far before it disappeared into thin air.

The sound of wood scraping tile tore Ris away from gazing the ceiling. Professor Flitwick had placed a stool in front of the line the first years had formed. On the stool sat an old, dirty, and very tattered hat. Ris wondered what on earth they were expected to do with a worn hat.

The hat twitched, and then a rip near the brim of the hat opened wide, all on its own, forming a mouth. Her amber eyes widened in surprise. She became even more surprised as the hat started to sing.

Long ago, four young talents joined.

They had an idea of sorts,

To have a school for young, just like them,

To teach them magic in all it's parts.

So they made the school in all its glory,

But when the time came to teach

They noticed the children all had abilities,

Much like the ones they held in their reach.

So they decided to divide the students,

Into four houses, as they called them,

So the students could always find

An easy friend within their den.

Shall you go with Gryffindor?

Those that are brave and daring,

The ones who care for chivalry,

Shall find Gryffindor their paring.

Or perhaps, loyal Hufflepuff,

Those of gentle and caring heart,

The ones that are willing to work the hardest

In Hufflepuff will play their part.

Yet perhaps you will prefer Ravenclaw,

Where the quick-witted dwell,

Those that prize intellect above all,

In Ravenclaw will learn how to cast their spells.

Then there are those that go to Slytherin,

The ones that do anything to reach the end,

The cunning and ambitious,

No Slytherin knees shall ever bend.

So come up to me without fear!

I shall find your place, without fail,

Among these glorious houses of old,

So you may take a seat in this hall!

The whole hall rang with applause when the hat finished its song. Ris joined in too after taking a moment to let what the hat sang to sink in. Ris heard Professor Flitwick clear his throat as he unrolled a long piece of parchment.

"So all we do is try on a hat?" Renée wondered aloud, not noticing the small Professor.

"I guess so," Shannon answered, sounding slightly annoyed, "and my brother made me think all sorts of horrible things were going to happen."

The applause slowly died down as the students noticed Professor Flitwick was ready to speak. He waited until he was sure that he had most everyone's attention before he started to speak.

"When I call your name," he addressed the first years, "please come forward, sit, put on the hat, and be sorted." The first years waited apprehensively for him to start reading the list.

"Able, Zachary," the Professor said in his squeaky voice.

A boy with dark blond hair stumbled out of the line and headed towards the stool. He placed it on his head and, after a few moments, the hat shouted "SLYTHERIN!" The boy quickly took off the hat and went to the second table on the right, which had exploded with applause.

"Arden, Nicole!" A girl walked up to the hat and stool timidly. She sat for hardly a second when the hat shouted, "HUFFLEPUFF!" She smiled and quickly went and joined the table on the far right.

"Bollard, Shannon," the Professor continued down the list.

Shannon went pale, and after cursing her last name, went to the stool. She picked up the hat and let it slide over her eyes. She sat there, gripping the edge of the stool, for the longest of anyone yet.

"RAVENCLAW!" the hat shouted. Shannon took off the hat and hurried toward the table with the most applause, the second table from left. Ris noticed some of the upperclassmen getting up to shake Shannon's hand.

"Boot, Teresa!"


The little girl went to the same table that Shannon went too, though someone at the table greeted her very warmly.

"Cameron, Miranda!" became the first Gryffindor, joining the table at the far left. "Buehring, Timothy" became the second Slytherin. This time Ris took a moment to look at the people at that table. Though she was sure it was the power of suggestion, she thought she wouldn't be very happy in the Slytherin house just by the looks of most of them.

Professor Flitwick continued to read off names and the tables continued to explode with applause when the Shorting Hat shouted the name of their house. Ris kept getting continually queasy as the names were called off one by one.

"Durning, Alexander!"

The boy standing next to Ris stepped forward and went to the stool and placed the hat on his head. The hat didn't think too long on him and shouted, "RAVENCLAW!" He got up with a smile and went to sit with Shannon and the other new Ravenclaws.

Ris' imagination started to get carried away with her. She started to wonder if, when she put the Sorting Hat on, it would put her in Slytherin, simply because she was a 'dark creature', or, what if it would shout: "Get out of here, Werewolf, you don't belong here!" She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to push the images of the whole hall of students and teachers chasing her out of the castle and into the forest out of her head.

"Hoffman, Daniel!" the little Professor squeaked.

That's the end of the H's, and that means they're closer to the K's, Ris thought to herself. I really need to get this daydreaming thing under control.

"James, Joshua!"


"Jones, Nathaniel!"


Oh, no, they're at the end of the J's, Ris thought nervously, her previous daydream haunting her thoughts. Oh, please, don't let me be next, Ris thought urgently.

"Klein, Amaris!" the Professor read the next name on the list.

No, that's not supposed to be next, Ris thought hopelessly as she stepped out of the line and approached the stool. She reached out a shaky hand and picked up the hat. She sat down on the stool and slowly let the hat slide over her head and over her eyes, blackening her vision.

"Ahh," Ris jumped as the small voice spoke in her ear, "it has been a while since one as young as you has been bitten and was brave enough to come here. That being said, you have great courage, and even greater because you are willing to make friends and stay loyal to them, even if they end up hating you. Yet, one thing sets you apart from the others. You look at a problem from every possible angle before you take action, therefore, you are definitely a...

"RAVENCLAW!" the hat shouted for the whole hall to hear.

Ris tore off the hat, grinning broadly. She rushed over to the Ravenclaw table, and saw Shannon motioning for her to sit in the seat opposite of her. Ris gladly obliged to her request. Shannon was beaming and clapping for her, which only made Ris smile more. She absentmindedly shook the hands of the upperclassmen that welcomed her to their house. She glanced to see who was on either side of her as she sat down and saw that Alex was sitting to her right. Ris cast a glance at Shannon, knowing that she had something to do with this, especially since Ris could now see that there was an empty seat next to Shannon.

"I wanted to save two seats in case Renée made it into Ravenclaw," Shannon whispered. "I told him," she cocked her head towards Alex, "that he could move if one of the seats were available, if he really wanted to, after the Sorting."

Ris just nodded, not quiet comprehending all of what Shannon said because, at the moment, her adrenaline was still running very high. She turned her attention back to the sorting, trying to calm down a bit. The full moon wasn't all that long ago and the wolf hadn't quiet subsided yet.

"I'm Alex, by the way," the boy stated, with a slightly annoyed glance at Shannon, as she had been keeping him from saying anything for himself.

"Ris," she nodded sheepishly and turned her attention once again back to the Sorting.

"Mohr, Kathleen" had just become Slytherin and "Myers, Casey" was approaching the stool.


Ris' eyes traveled down the line of remaining first years. Her eyes fell on Renée's pale face. She was wringing her hands as she nervously waited for her name to be called. Renée looked to either side at the taller children in line around her with her hazel eyes.

"I don't get that girl," Shannon whispered shaking her head. Ris looked over at Shannon, questioning her.

"I mean, she's been in more nerve-racking situations than this," Shannon explained. "She's played the lead in some musicals back home before. I personally think that would be more nerve racking than trying on a hat."

"She must have some talent," Ris stated.

"Just a little," Shannon said has she held her hands about two feet apart. Ris smirked at Shannon's sarcasm as Andrew Patterson joined their table.

"Phillips, Arthur!"


"Robb, Alicia!"


"Rosenberry, Jeremiah!"


"Ross, Dawn!"


Ris noticed that Renée was looking very pale now. Ris wondered if Renée had any crazy, imaginative ideas running through her head as Ris did just before she got sorted. Of course, now Ris knew that there was no need for anyone to think like that, because if she could get sorted, then anyone asked by Dumbledore to attend his school could be.

"Smith, Renée!"

Renée stepped out of the line and tried to keep as much composure as she could as she approached the stool. She picked up the tattered hat and placed it onto her head. The hat fell to cover all over her face and she sat and waited for the hat to make a choice.


"Yes!" Shannon shouted as the rest of the hall applauded.

Renée hurried to sit next to Shannon after gently placing the Sorting hat back onto its stool.

"Congratulations," Shannon stated formerly and extended her hand.

"Oh, why, thank you," Renée responded taking Shannon's hand and shaking it. "It's a pleasure to be in the same house as you."

"Of course it is," Shannon stated evenly, "any house without me would be boring."

"No kidding, with your talk," Renée smirked.

"My point," Shannon smiled.

"Your talk?" an upper classman sitting next to Shannon asked. "You speaking of the talk I think you are?"

"Probably," Shannon responded with a slightly confused look.

"Ah, wonderful," the girl smiled, "then I should introduce myself. Kathleen Hershey at your service, Resident Second Year Ravenclaw Mild Trouble-Maker. Of course, if you call me Kathleen I will have to hurt you, so stick with Kat."

"That's quite the title," Shannon responded.

"Made it up myself," Kat said proudly.

"And earned it," another upper classman said, "it's going to be difficult to keep her under control. I just had to be made prefect."

"Why, you flatter me Faith," Kat addressed the fifth year.

"Prefect?" Renée asked.

"I'm in charge of keeping you all out of trouble," she stated, "and with that in mind, I tell you to return your attention to the Sorting."

"Of course, Faith," Kat said with sarcasm playing on her voice, "anything you say."

"And you be quiet, it's the only way you will stay out of trouble," Faith sighed.

Ris smiled to herself as she turned back to the Sorting. She could all ready tell that this year was going to be a very interesting one. 'Williams, Alexis' had just joined their table when Ris' concentration had finally centered on what was happening at the front of the room.

"Wright, Lindsey!"


They soon ended with "Zurcher, Brian", who joined the Gryffindor table. Professor Flitwick rolled up the scroll that held their names on it and carried the stool and the Sorting Hat out of the hall.

Ris turned around to the back of the hall, startled by the sound of a door opening and closing. A girl and boy crossed the back of the hall to the Gryffindor table and a stern looking teacher made her way up to the staff table.

"Hey," Kat started, pointing at the boy, "isn't that Harry Potter? I heard he fainted on the train when the... dementors, were searching."

"Harry Potter fainted?" Shannon asked.

"Isn't he 'The Boy who Lived'?" Renée questioned.

"Yes, he is," Shannon answered, "and I don't think he'd be likely to faint just 'cause a dementor entered his compartment."

"Just what I heard," Kat said defensively.

Ris turned her attention from Shannon's continuing argument to the staff table. A wizened wizard had stood up, his brilliant silver beard almost falling to the floor. His blue eyes twinkled from behind his half moon spectacles as he scanned the hall.

"Shush," Ris quieted her stubborn friend, "Professor Dumbledore is going to speak."

Shannon looked at Ris in confusion for a moment before turning to the staff table. Ris anxiously waited for Professor Dumbledore to start speaking. Even though she was a first year, Ris probably had more respect for Professor Dumbledore than most of the other students in the hall. After all, he was willing to give her a chance and had helped her out more than she would ever be able to thank him for. She was eager to hear what Professor Dumbledore had to say to the large group of students, for she knew whatever it was, it was bound to be important.

"Welcome!" Dumbledore started his speech. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! I have a few things to say to you all, and as one of them is very serious, I think it best to get it out of the way before you become befuddled by our excellent feast..."

He cleared his throat before continuing, "As you will all be aware after their search of the Hogwarts Express, our school is presently playing host to some of the dementors of Azkaban, who are here on Ministry of Magic business."

Ris shivered when he mentioned this. She didn't like dementors, or the Ministry of Magic, so hearing them both in the same sentence gave rise to negative feelings. Fortunately, Dumbledore had paused at that point so she didn't miss any of his speech due to her wandering mind.

"They are stationed at every entrance to the grounds," Dumbledore resumed, "and while they are with us, I must make it plain that nobody leaves the school without permission. Dementors are not to be fooled by tricks or disguises - or even Invisibility Cloaks. It is not in the nature of a dementor to understand pleading or excuses. I therefore warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you. I look to the prefects, and our new Head Boy and Girl, to make sure that no student runs afoul of the dementors."

Professor Dumbledore pause his speech again for a moment, scanning the hall with a very serious look on his face. Not one person dared to make a move or sound.

"On a happier note," he took the speech to a different tangent, "I am pleased to welcome two new teachers to our ranks this year.

"First, Professor Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

Ris joined the scattered applause for the shabby teacher. She wished the students would show more acceptance to the new Professor and not judge him by the fact that he obviously had little money. She was glad to see that at least Shannon and Renée were clapping.

"Check Snape," Kat pointed out playfully to Faith. Faith glanced down to a Professor with greasy black hair and a rather large nose who was shooting a loathing look at Professor Lupin. Faith tried to refrain from laughing when she saw him.

"Serves him right," she said, "he deserves to stay down in those dungeons."

"As to our second new appointment," Dumbledore resumed his speech after the scattered applause dissipated. "Well, I am sorry to tell you that Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, retired at the end of last year in order to enjoy more time with his remaining limbs." The three girls cast each other worried glances at this statement. "However, I am delighted to say that his place will be filled by none other than Rubeus Hagrid, who has agreed to take on this teaching job in addition to his game-keeping duties."

Ris politely joined the applause, which was greater than the applause that Professor Lupin received. Ris recognized the new teacher as being the giant-like man that had led them across the lake.

"Well, I think that's everything of importance," Dumbledore prepared to finish his speech. "Let the feast begin!"

The golden plates and goblets that were empty a moment before suddenly filled with delicious looking food.

"Oh, wow!" Renée exclaimed when the food magically appeared. "That's amazing! How do they do that?"

"Who cares?" Shannon dismissed the question as she reached for the bowl closest to her. "I'm starving."

Ris dished herself some potatoes and various other vegetables and fruit on the table. She was famished since she had just gone through a transformation and she had had little to eat for a very long time. In fact, she was positive there had never been this much food offered to her at one time.

"To answer your question, Renée," Faith spoke up, "this is the work of the House Elves."

"House Elves?" Renée questioned.

"Little people, creatures, things," Kat answered between bites. "I've seen them, with help from the Resident Fifth Year Ravenclaw Mild Trouble-Maker. I gave him that title."

"Someone call me?" a male with a strange likeness to Faith asked, hearing his title.

"Kat's just talking bad about you again," Faith stated in a bored tone.

"Does she ever stop?" he asked mischievously.

"This is my brother, Ray," Faith said unenthusiastically.

"Hello," he nodded, "and welcome to the proud old house of Ravenclaw. We don't have many people willing to be trouble-makers, so me and Kat are kind of out numbered."

"I am still of the belief that the only reason why I have this badge is to keep you two under control," Faith sighed.

"Why else would anyone sane appoint you as prefect?" Ray teased his sister.

"What were you two talking about earlier?" Renée continued her bombardment of questions as she spooned some food on her plate. "About, who was it... Snape?"

"Oh, that," Kat smirked.

"Professor Snape is the Potions Master at Hogwarts," Faith answered, "but everyone knows that he wants the Dark Arts position. Just kind of funny that he didn't get it again and has to stay down in his cold little dungeon. Trust me, you'll find out when you have Potions."

Ris continued to listen to the questions and general conversation that was happening around her without contributing much to them. The only time she really spoke was when she explained to her new friends that she was a vegetarian.

"Is it because of the whole animal thing?" Kat asked. "Or do you just not like it?"

"A little bit of both, I guess," Ris answered.

"Sorry," Kat said, realizing that Ris seemed slightly uncomfortable, "I've just never met anyone who's a vegetarian before."

"It's all right," Ris smiled at the second year.

After everyone had finished the superb main course, the leftovers disappeared just like they had appeared at the beginning of the feast. Desserts soon took the spot of the main course and everyone helped themselves to at least seconds of those on top of their large meal.

"I think I'm going to like this place," Renée stated as she helped herself to a pumpkin tart. "They treat us so well."

"Just wait until the classes," Kat warned.

"At least the food's good," Shannon said, "and the place looks and feels comfortable. It's better than a lot of Muggle boarding schools I've heard about."

"Very true," Faith said, "I've heard from my father that the one he went to was dreadful. Some name like Smeltings, I think."

"And Hogwarts is also a lot more fun to explore," Ray added. "No way could a Muggle school compare to the secret passages in Hogwarts."

The remains of dessert disappeared from their plates as they talked. When Faith noticed the absence of the food she mumbled something under her breath.

"Wait, what was that?" Ray teased his twin. "Were you just cursing your position? Why, I do believe I will have to report that to Amadeus."

"No, Ray, please, no," Faith whispered trying to pull her brother back down to a sitting position.

"Hey, Deus!" Ray call to another fifth year. "My sister believes that it's a curse upon her life to have to work with you!"

The boy that Ray called to sauntered over to them with a smile on his face. Ris didn't quite see why Faith wouldn't like to work with him, he looked fine to her.

"Does she, now?" Deus said with a slight laugh, then he saw the first years next to them and changed his tone. "You weren't letting these two corrupt the first years were you, Faith?" he demanded of the other prefect.

"Of course not, Deus," Faith muttered.

"First Years this way!" Deus called to the newcomers to their house.

The other first years complied to the beckon of the older classman amongst the movement of the rest of the hall. Deus, Faith, and the other prefects lead the first years out the west exit of the Great Hall.

"Deus isn't really that bad," Kat told the three girls. "He just really likes to be on top, already top of his class, so he tried to get people in trouble before he was made a prefect. Worked, I guess. He can be worse than Penelope Clearwater, though, which is kind of weird since she's Head Girl. Just guess who's going to be Head Boy in two years."

The mass of Ravenclaw students climbed their way up multiple flights of stairs, occasionally receiving a warning from an older student about a trick stair. Ris made sure to pay attention to her surroundings so she wouldn't get lost the following day. The crowd finally stopped near the top of the tower. In front of them was a door with a brass knocker in the shape of an eagle. The older students shushed the younger ones as Penelope lifted the knocker and a smooth feminine voice sounded around them.

"What can be heard and caught, but never seen?" the voice asked.

"Would any of the first years like to try and answer?" Penelope asked them. They all looked nervously at each other till one boy with reddish-brown hair courageously lifted his hand.

"A remark," he answered.

"Well done," the voice said and the door opened.

The three girls looked nervously between each other and simultaneously turned to Kat and asked, "What if you don't know the answer?"

"You have to wait for someone who does," she answered simply.

Ris could tell that Shannon and Renée felt the same about this as she did. She was fairly certain that people would be saving her many times; she was no good at riddles.

They followed the other Ravenclaws up the short flight of stairs and entered the spacious Ravenclaw common room. Several different couches and chairs, all blue in color, furnished the room. At the opposite end of the room was a burning fireplace in the middle of the wall and on either side there were massive windows showing that it was still dark and rainy outside. The bronze and blue walls were adorned with portraits of various famous Ravenclaws or of people studying tediously. Above the fireplace hung a picture of a graceful young woman. The plaque below the picture identified the young woman as Rowena Ravenclaw. The room was lit by the candle lanterns along the wall, giving the room a warm glow, finishing off the mood for the perfect study place.

"Oh, brilliant," Renée repeated herself as she looked around the room.

"Boys dormitories are up the stairs on the right," Penelope told the first years, "the second is yours. Girls, the same, only to your left. Sleep well."

The first years hustled over to their appointed staircases. Ris followed the small group of First Year girls to their room after Kat and Faith bid the three girls good night. Shannon was the first to reach the door, so she held it open it for everyone. They entered the room and Renée repeated herself yet again. The room had a very cozy feel and they each had a four-poster bed with blue velvet hangings. Ris saw that Ash and her trunk had been moved up there by some means, and that her cat had also taken the initiative to claim Ris' bed for her. Ris was satisfied with Ash's choice. He had chosen the bed on the left on the same wall as the door and closest to the window.

"Looks like Ash chose your bed for you," Shannon said, also noticing the pale-eyed cat.

"I guess so," Ris smiled and sat down on the bed.

"I'll take this one!" Renée exclaimed enthusiastically and climbed onto the bed across from Ris. "I love being able to look outside at the scenery."

"It's a really good inspiration," Ris stated as Shannon took the bed next to Renée. The other two girls took the beds that mirrored Ris' and Renée's.

"I don't think we were ever properly introduced," Renée said to the other two girls. "My name is Renée Smith."

"I'm Theresa Boot," the girl with short black curly hair replied.

"Shannon Bollard," Shannon introduced herself.

"Lexi Williams," the other said. She had long dark red hair that was streaked here and there with blonde.

"Ris Klein," Ris smiled at the other two girls.

"I'm so excited, I'm not sure if I'll be able to sleep," Renée said excitedly.

"I know, but my brother said that we get trouble if we're out past curfew," Theresa shared her knowledge.

"You have a brother here?" Shannon asked.

"Yeah, Terry; he's a third year," Theresa said.

"So, you knew about this too?" Renée asked.

"Yeah," she nodded in response.

"What about you?" Renée turned to Lexi.

"I'm half, so yes," she answered.

"I'm the only Muggle-born?" Renée asked disappointedly with a vigorous nod in response from Shannon.

"Yes, Renée," Shannon said sarcastically, "it's all a conspiracy against you."

"I knew it," Renée muttered, stifling a yawn. "Maybe I'm more tired then I thought I was. Let's go to sleep."

"That's agreeable," Shannon replied as they started to change into their nightclothes.

When Ris was finished getting ready for bed, she closed the curtains around her bed and sighed heavily as she laid down in the comfortable bed. She couldn't help but count her blessings again. She was in Hogwarts, had two good friends, had a full stomach, was lying on a comfortable bed, and she found that she could smile fully and meaningfully. She scratched her cat behind his ears has he purred from his spot next to her pillow.

"Hey, Ash," she whispered, more to herself than to him, "I finally found a home."

Author notes: Thanks for my reviews again, and I would like to know what people think of the second instalment. ^-^