Astronomy Tower
Romance Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 12/11/2002
Updated: 12/19/2002
Words: 26,051
Chapters: 5
Hits: 7,581

When Harry Met Buffy


Story Summary:
When Buffy Summers, the Vampire Slayer, goes online in search of a job, little does she expect to get chatting to a certain black-haired, green-eyed, lightening-shape-scarred young wizard, whom we all know and love. What will happen? Where did he get the computer? Will they meet? What will they do? Will they tell all about their dark pasts?

Chapter 01

When Buffy Summers, the Vampire Slayer, goes online in search of a job, little does she expect to get chatting to a certain black-haired, green-eyed, lightening-shape-scarred young wizard, whom we all know and love (Except I don't. I really don't). What will happen? Where did he get the computer? Will they meet? What will they do? Will they tell all about their dark pasts? Dumdumdum!

Words: 3,707
Hits: 2,669
Chapter 02

Buffy (Vampire Slayer & World Saviour) meets Harry Potter (Wizard & World Saviour) online. Wow! Its, like, fate! Far out! And now, about two months on, we're getting into the lovely little lovey-dove storyline (insert vomiting sounds from the author *here*) and things only get worse from here on in. Harry appears in this one and you get a lil of his POV on the whole business. The schmoopiness begins at the end of this chapter. Sick bags at the ready, everyone! (Yes, I'm a cynic and I'm very proud of that thank you!)

Words: 5,263
Hits: 1,216
Chapter 03

Buffy, she of the bad luck with various undead fiends and dodgy boyfriends, has now got a crush on Harry, he who is mopey and depressed and has no idea what to do with his uncalled for fame. Sense my deep lack of sympathy :) Did I mention they both have big dark secrets that they have yet to tell each other? ;) The revelation is coming, my pretties!

Words: 5,964
Hits: 1,136
Chapter 04

Oh my goodness! He was holding a stick! She was holding a stick and a sharp bit of metal! Clearly something is rotten (or at least slightly askew) in the world of Buffy/Harry romance! Will they reveal all or will those dastardly and evil vampires show face and ruin all the wondrous smoochies that our hero and heroine might have shared? (I know what I'd prefer, but the challenge clearly stated happy stuff. Kill me now.)

Words: 5,342
Hits: 1,172
Chapter 05

Well, well, Harry and Buffy are gettin' it on, baby! (Yes, I feel sick writing it) However, what about the Godfather and almost-uncle that Harry didn't bother telling where he was going? Moony and Padfoot bring a bit of fun to the proceedings ;) Muahahah!

Words: 5,775
Hits: 1,382