Hermione Granger
Angst General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 12/05/2002
Updated: 07/15/2011
Words: 82,990
Chapters: 15
Hits: 32,493

Fractured Triangle


Story Summary:
A few days before Harry, Ron and Hermione are due to leave for their seventh year at Hogwarts, the Grangers are staying at Diagon Alley. However, before Ron and Harry arrive, something happens to Hermione that leaves her shaken and traumatised, but determined to get through what happened. ``Unfortunately, there is a world of difference between the thought and the action.``R-rated for sexual abuse/non-consensual sex (only in chapter one, though, if that helps...and I apologise for it as well - there is a reason for it.)

Chapter 13

Chapter Summary:
With the unexpected arrival of Pettigrew, a new conflict has arisen: do they trust him and hope Harry can be saved or is it a trap arranged in the wake of the attack on Hermione? And why now? Is it something to do with Lucius Malfoy? And what will they do?
Author's Note:
Wahey! I had so much trouble getting this chapter started, then after watching CoS on DVD, the muse bit and hard and within a couple of hours, I had seven pages of this written. It came out a lot better than I expected it to, although I'm still rather dubious about the ending, although I can't quite say why. Ah well. Tis written now, which is always a plus :D

Notes: I don't normally do notes for this fic, but I saw a quote by JKR on the Chamber of Secrets DVD about the trio and I could resist sticking it in here because it is so very appropriate - "They're much stronger together than apart."

Plus, this chapter had been causing vast amounts of problems, because I simply could not start it, then - watching CoS on DVD - the muse bit and ta-da! 7 pages in 2 hours, instead of actual work that I was meant to be doing :)



The silence that hung in the room in the second that followed virtually crackled with hared and suspicion. Hermione felt one of Ron's hands clench into a fist and she pressed against him, partly to restrain him from attacking Pettigrew, partly for some kind of reassurance.

Pinioned between the two Aurors bound by both physical and magical bonds, the scrawny, miserable-looking man's eyes darted around the room, to each face. His eyes met Hermione's and she slammed back against Ron, hard.

Her stomach felt like someone was twisting it into knots and balloon animals, while her heart seemed to be beating in every single part of her body at once, the rapid thumping in her ears making her head throb.

Her boyfriend's arms slid around her and she could practically feel the fury vibrating out from him, directed towards the cloaked man, but her eyes remained proudly on Pettigrew's face, determined to show him that she wasn't afraid of him, that she hadn't been broken.

It was then that he did something that surprised her: Looking from her to Ron, he nodded once, as if in approval, then looked away.

"This is the Death Eater who wishes to claim sanctuary?" Snape's voice was low, as he merged out of the shadows, his arms folded over his chest gravely. His expression was unreadable, but confusion was reflected in his words and eyes. "I believed him to be dead."

"As did we all," Professor McGonagall agreed. She looked as if she were seeing an unexpected ghost, her eyes on Peter's face, the small man's head bowed slightly. "Do-do you have an explanation for this?"

Dumbledore took a step towards Pettigrew, who lifted his head, staring nervously at the Head Master and licking his thin lips. Blue eyes met pale, watery ones and the old wizard nodded his bearded head, a trace of a smile lifting the corners of his mouth. "I assume," Dumbledore directed his words at the Aurors. "That all said here will be taken on record?"

Hermione stared at him, confusion lining her features. What on earth was he doing? Why was he not demanding Harry's location from the filthy rat-man? He was wasting time and Harry could be dying!

"Of course, Sir," one of the Aurors said. "The Ministry is very interested in how it is possible that Mr Pettigrew is still alive, when at least a dozen muggles witnessed him being blasted to pieces by Sirius Black. He has been dosed with the strongest variant of Veritaserum, to provide you with all the information that you need."

Sirius growled, but Remus pressed a hand on the massive dog's shoulder, preventing him from leaping at the small man, bound between the two Aurors.

"Is there any... possible explanation for this?" Dumbledore murmured, looking from Pettigrew to Remus, who looked as bewildered as Hermione felt, his face mirroring the anger marked on Ron's face.

"Peter is an animagus," Remus replied, his voice shaking. "He was the Secret Keeper for the Potters. He's the one who betrayed them and he framed Sirius for the deaths of Lily and James, so he could escape alive."

One of the Aurors looked at Pettigrew. "Is this true? The allegations of betrayal? Are you, Peter Pettigrew, an animagus?"

"Y-yes," the reply was a stammered whisper. "Wormtail. A rat. Lived with Ronald Weasley as a pet for years. Sirius did nothing. He was innocent. Is innocent. He's a good man."

The two Aurors exchanged looks, one of them withdrawing a scroll from his deep pockets, unrolling it and reading through the contents, then nodding. "This scroll contains Black's testimony and profession of innocence prior to his mysterious escape from Hogwarts two and a half years ago," he said. "What Pettigrew has just said corresponds with what he claimed."

"Meaning that Sirius Black... was innocent?" Professor McGonagall's hand came to her mouth in a gesture of shock, her other hand still spread on her chest. "Oh, the poor man... in Azkaban for all these years."

"We will inform the Ministry of it and see that his sentence and criminal record are both revoked," one of the two Aurors said immediately, looking as astounded as the Deputy Head Mistress.

Remus Lupin looked at them both, wary. "You mean that... thing's word is enough for you?" he spat, his lip curling as he stared at Peter with the expression of one who would dearly love to tear the smaller man limb from limb.

"He is under powerful Veritaserum, Remus," Dumbledore reminded the werewolf in a hushed voice. "I believe that he is telling the truth. If you wish them to make further investigations, by all means let them. I, however, am content to take Peter's word."

Lupin nodded, still glaring at Pettigrew.

"However, one must wonder why you are doing this, Peter." Dumbledore said, turning back to face Pettigrew. "If Voldemort still lives, would you wish to change sides now? Have you been forced into it, Peter? Did someone make you come here?"

There was something about the way he laid emphasis on the man's name that made Hermione stare at the Head Master. Why repeat his name so often? For the benefit of the Aurors, so they would understand it was the truth?

Pettigrew's eyes moved to Hermione once again. "I had to come back," he replied, nodding towards Hermione, who felt Ron's fingers gripping her shoulders, which somehow eased the nervous clench of her gut. "After what they did to her. I couldn't... there are some things I-I-I can't accept. That was one of them."

Dumbledore nodded slowly. "I believe you have said all that needs to be said to prove yourself, Pettigrew," he said, to a startled gasp from Hermione, curses from Ron and Lupin and a low snarl from Sirius. "Perhaps..." He motioned to the Aurors to release the charms. "We will see that you receive a confession and signed testimony from Pettigrew, in order to clear Mr. Black's name," Ah! So that was what the Head master had been aiming for! Confession and verification of Sirius' innocence. "But for now, we ought to take over."

"But Sir..." one of the two Aurors began to say.

Brilliant blue eyes flashed in caution. "I would advise you to allow my guest to move freely and then you may depart," the Head Master said quietly, but with utter authority. "Unless you do not trust me."

Both Aurors exchanged glances, then shook their heads. "Of course not, sir," one of them said immediately. Withdrawing his wand, he removed the charms, while his companion withdrew a key and started unlocking the padlocks.

"Sir, the Ministry will not be pleased if we simply hand over custody to you."

Dumbledore inclined his head in acquiescence, but Hermione was watching his face intently and could see the steely resolve chiselled into his features. "I am aware of this," he replied seriously. "But, as you know, this individual has requested sanctuary from me and I am only too happy to grant it."


"I will hear of no arguments," Dumbledore cut the Auror off briskly. "I have chosen to take responsibility for Pettigrew and should he betray us all, then it will be upon my head. However, I do believe that he is honest." There was a snort of disbelief from the enormous black dog. "And," Dumbledore continued coolly. "As he wishes to ally himself with us, we will accept him."

"B-but sir," Hermione heard her own voice interrupt, shaking. "He-he's the one who betrayed his best friends and killed all those muggles. He brought You-Know-Who back. How can you trust him?"

The icy feeling that had taken root in the pit of her stomach seemed to thaw instantly when Dumbledore's eyes met hers, the warmth and reassurance there brushing aside any doubts.

"He has come this far, into the stronghold of his Master's greatest enemy, which is courage indeed and I believe," he said softly, his eyes flicking to Ron, then back to hers. "That anyone is worthy of a second chance. For all we know, we might see another face to Peter that we never expected."

Looking up at Ron, recalling his plea for a second chance to make up for the hurt he had done her only a day or two earlier, on his knees in front of her, she nodded. "I-I understand, sir."

Dumbledore's warming smile told her she had made the right answer and the Head Master looked back to the Aurors. "Well?" he said quizzically, folding his hands in front of him. "Release him."

Unbinding the smaller man, both Aurors reluctantly stepped back as Pettigrew brought his hands up in front of his chest, massaging his wrists, which were clearly bruised. "Th-thank you."

"Now," Dumbledore's voice took on a strict, authoritative note. "Off with you. We will contact you, should any problems arise."

"But..." one of the Aurors began.

"No arguments," Dumbledore said sternly, raising his chin proudly. "Off with you."

With the greatest of hesitations, both men nodded, turning and striding out of the room, pulling the door closed behind them. The grate of stone-on-stone suggested that the staircase was moving downwards again.

In the silence of the room, it seemed deafening.

Until that silence was broken.

"I'm going to kill him!"

The half-spoken, half-snarled words rang out a heartbeat before Sirius Black grabbed Pettigrew by the front of his robes and slammed him up against the back of the door with enough force to make the smaller man cry out in pain.


The shout came in five voices: Pettigrew's pained yelp, Lupin's startled tone, Ron's angry yell of support, McGonagall's exclamation of astonishment and the Head Master's warning shout.

"Sirius, release him at once!"

"Albus, you knew Sirius Black was here?"

"Yes, Minerva. I have been in constant contact with him since the incident two years ago," Dumbledore replied briskly, his eyes locked on Sirius. "Now, Sirius, I would advise you again to release him."

"Not before I pound his face into a bloody pulp," Sirius snapped, drawing back a fist to hit the smaller man.

"Mr Black!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed.

"Sirius," Dumbledore's voice was quiet, but diamond-hard in its authority. "Release him at once, or I promise you that you will regret it. We did not grant him sanctuary and dismiss the Aurors only to have you incarcerated once more for the murder of Peter Pettigrew and Harry Potter."

"What?" Hermione gasped, Dumbledore's words causing everyone to stare at him.

Sirius' grip on Pettigrew robes loosened and, without someone to pin him off the floor, against the door, the smaller man dropped to the floor, wincing as he landed heavily on one wrist, hissing in pain.

"What did you mean Harry...?"

"Obviously, Black," Snape interrupted, staring at the wretched figure of Pettigrew, who was scrambling to his feet and holding his wrist against his chest with his silvery hand. "If you kill Pettigrew, our only chance to find your precious Godson is gone."

"How do we know he isn't dead already?" Black demanded, flashing a savage look at Snape. Hermione had to confess she was wondering the same thing, although even thinking about it made her vision blur and nausea flood her.


He couldn't be dead.

He wouldn't be dead!

He had promised, and he wouldn't let Voldemort kill him and break a promise that he had made! Harry was stubborn like that!

"He isn't."

Every eye turned suspiciously to Pettigrew, but Dumbledore's.

"And why not?" Ron burst out angrily. "You-Know-Who has been trying to kill him for this long already. Why would he keep him alive?"

A mirthless smile crossed Pettigrew's thin lips. "He was going to be your Christmas present," he replied, his voice clearer and more confident than it had been a few moments earlier. "Voldemort thought it would be funny and traumatising for you to receive his freshly-killed body on Christmas morning. Symbolism or something. It was meant to make you feel guilty because you didn't find him and save him," He paused raising his silver hand to scratch his head. "And there was something about mentally breaking people as well... I wasn't really listening because he really does get long-winded once he gets started. Loves to hear himself talk, that one."

Hermione stared at Pettigrew in confusion, thoughts running one over the other in her mind.

Something definitely wasn't quite right about him and she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was. He was more confident, yes, but that could be because he had information, but there was something else.

"So if he's not dead," Sirius snapped, temper short. "Where is he? Is he all right? Is he injured?"

Peter smiled at Sirius. Not just a smirk. A proper smile. Broad and happy, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, I'd say that he's fine, Sirius," he replied. "And he's not about to get hurt, either, as long as you keep your temper."

"Stop being so damn cryptic! Where is he?"

Peter Pettigrew laughed, a cheerful sound. Glancing at the clock, he looked back at Sirius, still rubbing his wrist. "I'll tell you in a minute," he replied. Sirius surged towards him angrily. "Look! I can't tell you yet!"

"Waiting for the truth potion to wear off so you can worm your way out of telling the truth, are you?" Snape sneered, his expression ugly.

Beaming at Snape, Pettigrew shook his head. "The potion they gave me lasts for two hours at least. I think it was the same stuff you were going to put in my goblet that time in fourth year..."

Fourth year?

Hermione was genuinely bemused. Peter Pettigrew was laughing. He was smiling and behaving like he didn't have a care in the world. He was blatantly winding Sirius and Snape up. He had even called You-Know-Who Voldemort and only...

Her eyes went round and she pulled out of Ron's arms, running forward.


Hurrying towards Peter, she stopped in front of him, lifting his face in her hands and staring at him intently. His lips pressed in a thin line, but the corners twitched up and he grinned at her.

"All right, Hermione?"

"Oh my God..." she whispered, a surge of joy making her heart feel like it was about to explode in her chest. "It's you!" Flinging her arms around him, she heard Ron's yell of protest and sounds of shock from the adults.

"Hermione! What're you playing at?" Ron demanded, hurrying up behind her, his words laced with consternation. "He... he might hurt you!"

"No! He won't!" she exclaimed, drawing back, but not releasing him, one arm around him. It honestly did feel like her face was about to crack in two from the force of smiling so widely. "It's Harry!"

Had she had advanced notice about what had come to pass, Hermione knew she would have been able to sell tickets for the reactions on the faces of the others in the room.

Dumbledore was beaming at her. Professor McGonagall looked like she was about to have her fifth coronary in ten minutes. Professor Snape had gone white. Sirius was pointing at Pettigrew in shock, then at Hermione. Lupin looked like a light had just gone on in his mind and was nodding.

Best by far, though, was Ron.

Bending close, he stared intently at the face of Peter Pettigrew. "You sure?" he asked cautiously, scrutinising the man's features and poking his face. "Looks like Pettigrew to me."

A fist shot out and socked him in the eye, knocking him back onto his bum on the floor, a look of surprise on his face. "That's for the shiner you gave me the other week," Peter said with a half-grin. "Be glad I'm not using your insults as well, though, mother of a wet gym sock."

The surprised expression melted away as a wide grin split Ron's face. He scrambled to his feet. "Harry! Bloody hell! It is you!" he exclaimed, grabbing his friend in a hug and practically lifting the smaller figure off the floor. A look of embarrassment crossed his face and he deposited Pettigrew's body back on the floor, stepping back to gruffly add, "And... er... you look ridiculous..."

"On the plus side, I'm alive," the reply came a heartbeat before Pettigrew's body doubled over with a groan. "Oh... I always hate this part..."

Both Hermione and Ron skipped back a step, watching as Peter's shabby body seemed to be sucked inwards into a more familiar, lean frame, thick, dense black hair sprouting from the bald scalp, which was changing shape before their eyes.

Arms stretched out, the silver hand changing, colour spilling to the fingertips, curling into a fist as joints and bones crackled and clicked, shifting back into place in the teenager's taller form until Harry straightened up.

One side of his face was swollen, one eye blackened and bruised and there were traces of healing cuts on his features, but they didn't seem nearly as important as the fact that he was standing there.

Grinning around at them, his hair standing in all directions over a flushed face, one hand immediately grabbed the waistband of the trousers he was wearing, to prevent them from falling.

"So," he said, eyes dancing. "You miss me?"

"It... Harry... it's really you!" Sirius lunged forward and flung his arms around his Godson, hauling him off his feet, Harry's squeak of surprise making Hermione double over, giggling.

It was just such an utter juxtaposition with the previous moment, the relief more than overwhelming her and she couldn't help but laugh, grabbing onto Ron's arm in the hope he would be able to hold her upright.

Somehow, when the laughter gave way to giggling tears that were relief, happiness and all the tension flooding from her, she was unsurprised, letting her legs slither out from beneath her, landing in a rather undignified heap on the floor.

"Hermione?" Harry squirmed free from Sirius, dropping to his knees beside her and wrapping his arms around her, Ron on her other side. She had never felt more safe or loved than she did at that moment, sobbing noisily because it simply felt like a very appropriate thing to do. "You all right?"

"Of course I'm all right, you twit!" she wailed, an arm around each of their necks and hugging them in a combination of a headlock and an embrace. "You're back! I knew you wouldn't break your promise!"

"Hermione! Breathing! Can't do it!" Ron choked.

Harry's splutter suggested the same thing and she loosened her grip, snuggling in between both of them, yanking them closer to her by the front of their shirts. "That could have been messy," Harry noted, wheezing and rubbing his neck. "Escape Voldemort only to get strangled by a hug. I can see the Headlines now..."

"But what a way to go, eh?" Ron said. He gave Harry a hesitant, cautious half-grin.

Hermione bit on her lower lip, looking from one to the other, wondering if the fight before Harry's kidnap would still stand.

"I thought that would be your department," Harry replied, his half-grin mirroring Ron's, although a little more confident. "You two back on, then?" Hermione nodded and Harry groaned. "See the things that I miss when the most evil Dark Wizard in the world kidnaps me? So... how did it go?"

Hermione didn't need to be told what he was asking about. "Could have been better," she admitted, heat pouring through veins at the memory. Ron's hand pressed against her stomach and she covered it with her own. "But Ron bashed him!"

Ron's right arm looped around her shoulder, Harry's left around her waist, all of their legs tangled together. Harry peered around Hermione, a look of admiration on his face. "You did?"

"Walloped him around the head a few times and kneed him in the bollocks," Ron replied with a shrug, resting his forehead against Hermione's left temple, his eyes closed. "Least I could do. Dumbledore told me I wasn't allowed to give him the chop where it counts. Wish he'd let me for what that filthy git did."

"He definitely deserved it," Harry agreed, his forehead resting against Hermione's other temple. She caught one of his hands, bringing it to rest over hers, on the light swell of her belly. "If I'd had the chance..."

"He tried to kill her an' all," Ron murmured. Although between them, Hermione was content to let Ron do the explaining, feeling too comfortable and safe to actually move let alone speak.

"He what?" Harry's voice sank to a snarl.

"Cut her throat," Ron replied grimly. His lips brushed lightly over her cheek and Hermione pressed her lips together, her eyes squeezed closed as silent tears continued to slip down her cheeks. "Almost killed her."

Harry's hand that was resting on hers tightened. "You okay, Hermione?" he asked in a low voice. "You want me to go and find him and rip his knackers off and throw them in the lake?"

Laughing, a choked squeak, Hermione shook her head stiffly. "I-I wouldn't want to give the Squid a stomach upset by poisoning the water."

Both Ron and Harry laughed, although she could tell it was forced, their mutual hatred of Malfoy overlapping any real amusement they might have had. Closing her eyes, she felt them both wrap around her like a protective barrier.

"How... what... how did you get away, Harry?" Sirius' voice rang down to them, but Hermione didn't care. All she cared was that Harry was back and he was hugging her along with Ron and everything was going to be all right.

Warm lips brushed Hermione's temple as Harry spoke softly. "I'm not leaving, Hermione," he said quietly. "I do need to explain though..." She nodded, snuggling closer to Ron, as Harry pulled back and she watched him looking around at them.

"Would I be correct in the assumption that Peter Pettigrew was your key?"

Harry nodded. "The minute Voldemort got me, he had me locked up. He had some kind of charms specially made to bond with only me, kind of strapping me against the walls. They would only ever stay on me and could only be removed when I was dead anymore, to guarantee I couldn't be taken out of the cell."

"Personalised chains and things? Shows he cares, to go to all that effort to pick out something special for you," Ron observed dryly, his lips rising in a half-smile against Hermione's temple.

Harry grinned a little. "Well, they weren't really my colour," he replied. "Anyway, they held me against the wall. I couldn't move anything except my head and even that wasn't a good idea." He raised his chin to reveal a vicious-looking ring of red flesh around his neck. "Either way, he wasn't taking any chances with me being able to escape and if Peter hadn't helped..."

"What did he have in mind for you?" Dumbledore asked gently.

Pulling a face, Harry spread his hands. "The usual," he answered. "Like I said, he was going to have me delivered here, because he thought it was funny that he'd been able to break up the Unholy... whatchamacallit..." Clicking his fingers, he made an impatient gesture. "Oh... whatsit... trum...trim... triumvirate? Does that sound right?"

"Triumvirate, yes," Dumbledore sounded like he was thinking on it. "The Unholy Triumvirate? That is what he titled you as?"

Hermione couldn't help uttering a giggle. "He really didn't like us, did he?"

"Not really, no," Harry agreed, his tone sobering. "He knows a lot about us as well, because of Peter," Ron made a sound of anger, Hermione squeezing his hand. "He knows what we're all like and he used it..."

"So he could split us up, right?" Ron interrupted. "Hermione worked that out, but it doesn't explain why he picked on her."

"It does, though," Harry replied grimly. "He knew that if anything happened to her, she would pretend it didn't really matter, that she could cope, and of course, he knew that you were... well..."

"A stupid git?" Ron suggested with a wry grin.

A half-smile crossed Harry's lips. "Well, I didn't want to be the one to say it, but yes, just a bit," he agreed. "He knew you two were keeping tabs on me and the only way to stop that was by having us fall out and Hermione..."

"I was the easiest target," Hermione said quietly, swallowing hard, the anger and bile rising in her throat. "Female, muggle-born..."

"Sort of," Harry admitted. "He knew that you were stronger than most girls, so it was the only thing he could think of to get to you, without doing something as obvious as hurt your family. He wanted to make it look like we were breaking up from the inside out. He knew that he wanted Malfoy to prove his loyalty and he knew Malfoy hates even the thought of touching muggle-borns. To attack you was against Malfoy's nature, because of where you come from. Apparently he furious, but he didn't have a choice in it. He had to prove himself or die and even if he did it, he would be able to claim he had been imperiused into it, because everyone knows he would never touch a muggle. They set it all up, making his presence at the Leaky Cauldron, when you were there, look as suspicious as possible so he could say it was Imperius if he had to, because everyone knows what he's like."

"So that was his test..." Snape murmured. Raising her eyes, Hermione saw him press his eyes close, as if in pain. "Miss Granger, I apologise that I could not learn what he had in mind and prevent it."

A wan smile tripped on her lips, falling away almost at once. "Y-you couldn't know everything, P-Professor."

Snape inclined his head slightly, his expression one of startled gratitude, admiration in his eyes. She expected that he was relieved that she hadn't hurled abuse at him for being unable to prevent it.

"Voldemort was smart," Harry continued, reaching over to take one of Hermione's cold hands. "Very smart. He knew Malfoy had Draco here and Draco looks just like his dad, so if Malfoy did do what he was told, Draco would be here to remind you of it and make you jumpier..."

"And that worked," Hermione nodded, closing her eyes, her hand closing tightly around Ron's.

"Draco was the one keeping track of what was going on here," Harry added. "He was keeping Voldemort updated with what was happening, your reactions and how we were all getting on. He didn't know what his dad had done, but his job was to spread rumours and make things worse."

"And they just told you all of this?" Sirius sounded puzzled. "But what if you escaped from them and got back to tell us everything?"

"It would ruin the arrangement," Hermione added quietly, her voice shaking slightly, opening her eyes to look at him.

"They told me everything because they knew that I couldn't escape because they had me in a cell and only a couple of people were allowed access and there was no way to get out," Harry said patiently. "Even if I'd had my wand, those charms they used on me were too powerful. They were bound to my life, so the only way to get them off me was to kill me or take the whole wall I was fastened to and I can see that being a bit of a problem for having a normal life. Yes, I'll have one ticket for the Knight Bus and two decks for the wall chained to my back..."

"And yet," Remus' voice cut in. "You're here... and wall-free."

"So you noticed that?" Harry grinned, then his expression turned serious. "Like I said, it was Peter. I didn't think he had it in him, but he... he managed to out-think Voldemort. Voldemort actually trusted him as much as he trusted anyone, believed Peter to be loyal and Peter... he..." He lowered his head, a pained expression crossing his face. "He took my place."

"The polyjuice! Of course!" Snape exclaimed, as if a complex equation had just been made clear to him. "If he drank and took your form, the charms would immediately contain him while he was masked by your biological make-up, while you could walk free."

"Don't know how he managed to sneak it in, but he was the person who brought me bread and water, to keep me alive. Somehow, he got the potion passed the guard outside... maybe they thought he was forcing me to drink sewage or something, just looking at the potion, but yeah. He forced me to drink it, then drank his and next thing I knew, I was lying in a heap on the floor and he was the one fastened to the wall. He told me to go and when I told him I couldn't leave him, he started screaming and howling and the guards actually dragged me out... he was smiling, when I got pulled out of the room..."

"Bloody hell..." Ron whispered, hugging Hermione closer to him. She clung to him equally tightly. "Scabbers came through in the end..."

"Peter..." Remus murmured, sounding utterly stunned. "My God... Peter..."

Dumbledore broke the stunned silence that fell. "And you got a Portkey straight out without anyone suspecting, Harry?"

Harry nodded, licking his lips. "He... he set it all up. He gave me a pin... as soon as I was out the door, it worked. He told me to bring it back... to give it..." Lifting his face, Harry looked at Sirius and Remus. "He told me you'd know what to do with it."

With shaking hands, Sirius took the silver pin from Harry's hand, looking at Remus, who nodded, withdrawing his wand, touching the pin with a hoarse whisper of, "Finite Incantatum."

The pin spread out into a scroll in Sirius' hand and he opened it with trembling fingers, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. "It was part of our arrangement. You wanted to leave a message, you made it into a pin," he said by way of explanation. "It was something no one would think to check."

Reading the scroll, Remus' hand rose to press against his mouth, his eyes filling with tears. "Oh God... Peter..."

Hermione was hardly surprised when Harry pressed in close beside her again, his face buried in her hair. She could feel the heat of his tears soaking through her jumper, her arm wrapping around him.

Ron seemed to sense what was wrong, one of his hands moving from Hermione's body to rest on Harry's shoulder in a silent gesture of comfort.

"Wh-what is it?" Hermione asked, staring up at Sirius's white face and Remus' despairing expression, Harry's shoulders shaking in her embrace.

"He... he's sorry," Sirius' voice cracked as he spoke. "He... he was the one who told them about everything... he didn't want to but Voldemort had ways of getting what he needed... he didn't know what they were going to do... when he found out... he wanted to warn us, but it was too late... he... he always hated hurting women and he knew you. He wants to tell you he's sorry... and Harry... all of you. For everything... he says he was weak and he hopes you can... he hopes..." Sirius shook his head, unable to continue, one hand coming to his forehead, silent tears seeping down his cheeks.

"He-he wants Harry to live... to defeat Voldemort," Remus finished, his own voice shaking. "He hopes... hopes this... that he helped... that maybe we'll be able to forgive him eventually..."

"He gave his own life in order to ensure all of yours," Dumbledore murmured, his tone contemplative and sad. "Had Harry died, I do believe that everything we have fought for would have been torn asunder by doubts and fears. He knew that."

Hermione felt Ron's brow press against hers. "Scabber..." he muttered. "He did it..."

Biting on her lip, Hermione nodded. "He knew we needed each other. That Sirius needed to be proved innocent. That we all needed him..."

"I think," Dumbledore said with a sad smile. "That Peter Pettigrew has finally, truly earned the Order of Merlin awarded to him so long ago."