Alastor Moody Harry Potter
Action General
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 10/19/2005
Updated: 11/05/2005
Words: 19,577
Chapters: 4
Hits: 3,378

The Honeymoon's Over, Mr. Potter


Story Summary:
Harry decides that in order to survive, he must live. With the help of an unexpected person, he will take control of his life. Warnings: nonexplicit rape and violence, semiexplicit cutting. Independent!eventuallyPolitical!Harry, PRE HB AU! No Slash!

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
In which Harry gains an ally and begins to plan...

Chapter Three: Resolutions and Some Unexpected Help

Monday, 3 June 1996

The next morning, when Harry woke up, the first thing he saw was the criss-cross of cuts on his stomach. He remembered the dream of a few days earlier and then he felt the burn: they felt like a severe, untreated sunburn that was a reminder of everything he could not be...everything the younger Harry seemed to think he was...everything he wanted for himself. And he reaffirmed his decision of the day before. He had to be strong, because the consequences of failure were too terrible to contemplate.

Three hours later, anyone looking for Harry would have found him sitting in his room (if it could be called that, with his cousin's broken toys scattered around while he lived out of his trunk), staring at his History of Magic book. History of Magic, widely known as the most boring subject taught at Hogwarts, usually merited very little of Harry's interest. The History professor, Binns, was an ethereal bore: a ghost who refused to accept or even acknowledge his death, with an obsession for goblin wars and a unique ability to cure insomnia.

However, Harry decided that if his plan would work, he needed an attitude change. Whining and complaining projected the image of a petulant child, one he could not afford if he was to convince anyone that he knew what he was doing. If he whined to the Order, it would lower his chances of convincing anyone that he knew what he was doing. Part of this meant knowing more about the world he lived in. To this end, he decided that it was important to learn more about history and law, because to refuse to learn is to refuse to change, and this made him vulnerable to anyone who knew how to take advantage. Besides, it would be worth it to see the look on Fudge's face if Harry beat him at his own game.

To achieve this end, Harry promised himself four things:

First, he decided that cutting was counter-productive to the image he wanted to send, and while it might help temporarily, it didn't take a genius to see that it would bite him in the butt.

Second, while it was dangerous to be around him, anyone who knew anything about him could see this for themselves. Therefore, it was their choice to subject themselves to danger on his behalf. He really did not have a right to dictate their actions, just as Dumbledore had no right to dictate his.

Third, Harry vowed to himself that he would no longer be anyone's weapon and that he would begin to respect himself. He knew some of the implications of a neglectful and abusive home on the mind of a child, and had to wonder if he was left there on purpose, to make him more vulnerable to controlling influences.

Fourth, he promised to make his life worth living, because if "one must die at the hand of the other," then he was going to make sure that at the very least, he had a reason to want to survive the final encounter.

Sunday, 4 June 1996

The next day, Harry woke up from a nightmare to find two identical freckled faces staring back at him. He tensed, but then recognized Fred and George Weasley. Fred (or was it George?) made a face at him to be quiet and silently unshrunk a trunk. They beckoned Harry inside and, once in, swept him for tracking, surveillance, and listening charms. Having found several, they transferred the charms to a piece of broken wood and placed it back on Harry's bed.

Once this was accomplished and the top of the trunk was closed, Fred (or George) turned to Harry and said, "You know, you're lucky you're our major investor."

"Or we'd have pranked you by now," George (or Fred) cut in.

"What's going on?" Harry asked.

"Sorry mate, magically binding contract." Harry still wasn't sure who was speaking, but winced in appreciation and nodded, remembering what happened to Marietta Edgecombe after she betrayed the DA. Much as he trusted the twins not to rat him out, he knew they had to protect themselves, and, like the Headmaster, their best bet was plausible deniability. Although they knew what would probably happen if they helped him, to know for sure would invoke their oath to the Order to prevent his escape. However, if the oath only involved protection, then maybe he could work around it...

"Okay, what can you tell me?" Harry asked.

"Well," George began slowly. "We were talking to Dung the other day, and he told us he had some place he had to be Monday from noon to six and Wednesday and Thursday morning from midnight to six in the morning. He also said he had a business meeting Wednesday morning, from one thirty to about three. Oh, and Mad-Eye said he had to be somewhere Monday to Thursday, and Saturday, six PM to midnight, and some old bat will swoop around Friday and Saturday, six PM to midnight, and Monday and Thursday, noon to six PM."

Fred cut in at this point with, "On a different note, we can also tell you to feel free to send anything private by owl post, and rely on anything magical. There are no informants there." Fred winked at Harry. "Also, most stores in Diagon Alley are not at all on the lookout for suspicious behavior."

The other one cut in with, "Oh, and there's absolutely nothing monitoring your Gringotts account."

Harry understood what they were trying to say, and understood the risk they were taking to help him. Also, Harry knew that in his escape attempt, he was not to use anything magical or draw attention to himself in any way, and if he wanted to use his money, he had to have a chat with the Gringotts goblins. Looks like I was right about Dumbledore...

"Take out your wand, Harry," said Fred.

"Gee Gred, I didn't know your tastes ran that way," George cut in.

"I meant his wooden one, stupid."

"Why of course, brother mine."

Cheeks on fire, Harry warily took out his wand, and Fred tapped it with his, and touched it to another piece of wood.

"There, that should take care of tracking charms. They'll still know if you use it - we can't get rid of the potion that easily - but at least they won't find you within minutes any more; just keep this piece of wood by the other piece of wood, or they'll think you don't have your wand. As long as that wood doesn't leave the room then the tracking charms and alarms won't go off in the office of our illustrious leader." Harry wondered what Dumbledore did since Fred and George left to alienate them so much.

"We've also made you a survival pack, complete with some auto-eaters - a surprise in every bite; it's food and fun - and some emergency methods of communication, including our own variation of floo powder, which, while you do need fire, you do not need a fireplace hooked up to the floo network, nor do you need to shout out a destination."

"These are disguising gumdrops - try them and see what happens - as always, no promises you'll look presentable when they wear off." Fred smirked evilly. "These are my personal favorite - exploding pellets."

"Thanks so much for doing this for me," Harry said sincerely. He knew that while Fred and George's products would probably be humiliating for whoever used them, he could stand a day with florescent hair or chicken's wings instead of arms if it allowed him to escape in a hurry. He also knew that these were intended to be used in an emergency, and Fred and George probably mixed the embarrassing effects in to discourage him using them unless it was a true emergency. Then again, Fred and George also have a strange sense of humor.

"Hey, you're our little brother, what did you expect? Family comes first, regardless of what certain pompous asses seem to think." This last part was barely loud enough for Harry to hear. Ouch, sounds like Percy still has not come and apologized.

"Now, young Harry," George said with a wink, "mind you behave yourself."

Later that Day

Harry decided that it would be better to escape sooner rather than later, so as to minimize the amount of time he was wasting. He stole some of Dudley's hair gel, some of Aunt Petunia's makeup and peroxide, and a pair of his Uncle Vernon's sunglasses - after all, he did not want to have to use Fred and George's disguising gumdrops unless he truly had no other option.

His first stop after visiting Gringotts and Diagon Alley would be a hair salon. He wished he could go before, as that would be when he needed it most, but he had no idea how much haircuts cost, and from his uncle's grousing he imagined it would be rather expensive. Harry decided it would be a good idea to see how badly Uncle Vernon wanted to get rid of him...

"Uncle Vernon, I have a proposition for you."

"What is it, boy?"

"We both want us out of here; the question is how badly you want me to leave."

"With all the trouble you've caused, very badly."

"Well, for emancipation, one hundred fifty pounds, and your silence until I've left, I'll leave tomorrow and never darken your doorstep again. Otherwise, it looks like I'm here for the rest of this summer and next."

"We won't have to deal with those freaks again, will we?"

"Never." Now this was a total lie, but Vernon had called Harry a liar so many times when Harry was telling the truth that Harry had a difficult time feeling any compunction about it.

"Alright, boy, get in the car."

Three hours later, in front of Vernon's friend, who happened to be a magistrate, Vernon Dursley officially washed his hands of Harry Potter. That afternoon, he gave Harry one hundred fifty pounds and told him to be out of the house by the time he got home from work the next day.

After Aunt Petunia left to go shopping, Harry packed some of his most prized possessions (his invisibility cloak, photo album, Gringotts letter, and Marauders' Map), things that he did not want the Order to find or he could not replace, and put them into a backpack. His trunk was too big to take with him, and all he had were too-small robes and school supplies. He didn't like that he had to replace everything, but thought that it was worth the money to not have to carry everything around all summer.

Then, he waited for his chance. He noticed that the cracks of Apparition went off about every six hours, around six o'clock in the morning, noon, six o'clock in the evening, and midnight. Harry knew this because the cracks woke him up the first two days back from school.

Once he smelled the familiar odor of old socks, smoke and alcohol (Why's Dung on duty now?), he put on the makeup, gel and sunglasses, then waited until Dung got bored and left. He did not disappoint. When Harry heard another crack two hours before the next shift, he thought he had the perfect opportunity. No one would be watching the house before he arrived from Hogwarts, and no one would expect him in Diagon Alley.

When he was halfway down the street, he heard the pops of multiple apparitions down the street, followed by the familiar sight of the sun glinting off the masks of thirty death eaters.

Oh dear, where is my blood protection? Good thing everyone's left the house...oh no; when I was emancipated it was as good as tossing me out. Oops, sorry, Uncle Vernon. Looks like you'll see what it's like to be caged, after all. I'm out of here...

Harry took off at a run, right into a Cruciatus Curse...

Luckily, he seemed to move through the curse fast enough to escape anyone's notice and the effects seemed muted by adrenaline, so he kept running. There's a tube entrance two streets away. If I can get there, then I can escape. Looks like I can't return now, no matter what.

Although it was what he wanted, Harry felt that there was a difference between his not wanting to return and being unable to. He knew that Dumbledore would try to force him to Order Headquarters and he felt that regardless of how he dealt with the prophesy, he was simply not ready to deal with that house. It's now or never...

Harry ducked into the alley where he'd been attacked by Dementors the year before and turned the time-turner seven times.

The Order would know he left as soon as they defeated the Death Eaters. They might assume he'd been taken, while Voldemort would assume he'd been tipped off. If Snape knew and didn't do anything, then he deserved whatever he got. However, if he did not know, then it should help place suspicion somewhere else. Note to self: write Remus a letter once you reach your home.

Either way, he now had a seven day head start on his watchers. He reappeared in his "home," but no one seemed to be there, so he left the house and got about five feet from the door before he heard,

"Petrificus Totalis. Where do you think you're going, Potter?"


Chapter Four: Moody and Gringotts

Monday, 20 May, 1996

"Who are you? You may look like Potter, but Potter is still at school. You picked the wrong disguise, Death Eater."

"I'm Harry Potter." Seeing Moody's skeptical look, he quickly continued, "Um...I have a stag Patronus, I hate my relatives, I never dated Hermione, I'm an idiot for letting Voldemort fool me, I don't know what else to tell you..."

"So, what are you doing here, Potter? So eager to be back that you came home almost two weeks early?" Apparently I was wrong. They do guard when I'm not here. Wait, two weeks? Harry would have laughed if he wasn't so frustrated. To make things worse, the time-turner seemed to have melted in his hand. But wait, two weeks...Wouldn't you know I'd pick out the faulty one?

Mad-Eye stepped into Harry's line of sight. Normally, he'd pretend to be a lost little Gryffindor, but he thought that his only chance with Mad-Eye Moody was to tell him the truth and hope he would help. After all, Mad-Eye's loyalties lay only against Voldemort, and not necessarily with Dumbledore.

Harry said, "I'm getting out of here. I need to defeat Voldemort and the only way I'm going to survive the experience is if I leave here and train."

"Smart boy. Tried to tell Dumbledore two years ago you needed to train. We needed to take advantage of the time you bought us. He seemed to think you'd love Voldemort to death, or something. But, better late than never, I suppose. Where did you plan to go first?"

"I don't really know where to start. I was going to have my hair bleached and use makeup and sunglasses for my scar and eyes. No one is expecting me to be in Diagon Alley at this time, and even if they do suspect something, they'll never think that I used muggle means, and makeup and bleach are immune to countercharms. I have to go to Gringotts at some point to take care of business, and buy equipment to help me prepare, but am not quite sure where I want to go from there. For the moment, I'm taking things one step at a time."

"Well, at least you're not totally hopeless. We'll change your looks first, and then head to Diagon Alley."

"What do you mean, we?"

"You didn't think I was about to let you go alone, did you? I won't rat you out, because God knows you need the help, but if you want to do this, you'll do it my way. Come with me."

Mad-Eye cast a Disillusionment Charm on Harry and led him to the alley where he had been attacked last year. Once there, he lifted it and began to change Harry's features.

"Constant vigilance. We hear so much as a peep about your disappearance, or if we see so much as a black cloak, we're out of there." Harry also noted he put a glamour charm on his face and a notice-me-not charm on his leg and eye.

When Mad-Eye had finished, he led Harry to the train station and got on to a train headed for London. When they reached Paddington station, rather than getting on to a direct train to Charing Cross, they instead got on to another line, changing trains at Earl's Court, Tower Hill, Moorgate, and Euston and transferring at least once between each station, before finally reaching Charing Cross.

"Why did we go all over London, Mad-Eye?"

"Don't want to be followed, do we?"

"I see," was all Harry said.

Harry and Mad-Eye passed through the barrier to Diagon Alley without any further trouble.

Moody led Harry into the familiar white building and up to a desk, where Harry placed the letter in front of the goblin.

The goblin eyed Harry carefully, then said, "One moment please, sir." Harry appreciated the goblin's discretion. He brought over a supervisor, who quietly said, "Wilnok is waiting for you. Please follow me. I'm afraid your escort will not be allowed into the meeting room."

Mad-Eye surreptitiously handed him a portkey and said, "Use it if you get into trouble. Even I'm not foolish enough to go against a senior goblin in the middle of Gringotts."

Harry followed the goblin to a spacious office, where another goblin met him.

"It is nice to finally meet you, Mr. Potter. My name is Wilnok, and I'm the head of the Black Accounts. Though the official reading is not for a few weeks yet, Mr. Black believed it might be better to get some things sorted out immediately. I cannot go over the will with you, for the contracts cannot be unsealed until the official reading, to prevent charges of tampering. However, Mr. Black asked me to see that you were emancipated upon his death, and signed papers to that effect."

Harry looked in amazement at the freeing documents. "Will anyone know of this?"

Wilnok pressed a button on his desk, and suddenly a device similar to a Muggle computer appeared, clearly proportioned for goblins. He dragged his nail down the screen, and began typing on the goblin-sized keyboard.

"Please excuse my interruption, but is that a computer?"

"Oh yes, Mr. Potter, simply because the wizarding world is made up of backward fools does not mean that the other races follow their example."

Harry was surprised by the goblin's candor.

"Your financial advisor, a Hestia Jones, would need to be informed of any withdrawal you make."

"And if I were to sign the emancipation forms or withdraw money, how soon would she know?"

"Ms. Jones would be made aware of the emancipation within two hours, and you would need her permission to withdraw money until your emancipation. It is impossible to falsify the emancipation documents, for obvious reasons. I imagine she would contact Mr. Dumbledore immediately upon finding out that you withdrew money or were emancipated.

Ms. Jones has asked to be made aware of any time you enter the bank proper - that is, the tunnels, and whenever you conduct bank business, including withdrawals, you need her signature. She pre-authorized your withdrawals on Click Click Click the Thirty-First of July in nineteen ninety-one, the nineteenth of August in nineteen ninety-two, and during the month of August, in nineteen ninety-three. She also authorized a certain click click Molly Weasley access during the summer months of nineteen ninety-four, nineteen ninety-five, and nineteen ninety-six. Ms. Jones, of course, has access to all of your accounts at any time. She does, however, have to account for any withdrawals."

"Has she made any withdrawals?"

Click click "Yes, one per year since nineteen eighty-one, and two per year since nineteen ninety-one, hm... the second is one thousand Galleons a year, Hogwarts tuition, but the first...ah, a payment of ten thousand Galleons a year to a Mrs. Petunia Dursley, to be discontinued upon emancipation or your seventeenth birthday."

Harry was furious. Dumbledore - he knew it was him since Jones worked for him as part of the Order - must have ordered it...Dumbledore had paid the Dursleys what amounted to fifty thousand pounds a year to keep him. That was how they afforded their annual new car, or Dudley's Christmas presents, while he, the source of their wealth, got nothing but too-big hand-me-downs and a cupboard under the stairs.

If they knew about his money, then why hadn't they taken it all? When he asked as much, Wilnok replied, "They are not allowed to touch it. The only person with access is Ms. Jones. Besides, how would a bunch of muggles find a wizarding bank?"

"Could I see a copy of the contract at some point?" This would be very useful if he chose to file charges of abuse against the Dursley. It could not be legal to keep a child in a broom cupboard. If possible, he would also sue the bastards for every Knut he could get, citing breach of contract.

"Certainly, Mr. Potter. Both the contract and a copy of your parents' will can be made available as soon as you sign the paperwork declaring yourself a legal adult."

Hm...if I sign right away they will know something is wrong, and I can't afford to have them figure it out until after I leave. "I do not think it a good idea for me to sign the forms immediately, but I would like to do so within the next fourteen days. In the meantime, I need money. Is there anything I can do?"

"Well...mind that we have never done this before. However, in your case, I'm willing to make an exception. Just bear in mind that should you refuse to honor your commitment, your accounts will be seized and you will be persona non grata at Gringotts. That said, should you choose to accept, we could give you a credit card linked to our petty cash supply. You'd have a total credit limit of five million galleons for the next fourteen days. Upon your emancipation, we'll take the gold from your trust fund, which, believe me, has enough to cover it. If you have not signed the emancipation documents within fourteen days, we will have to notify Jones and arrange for payment from her. Should neither of these work, like I said, we will seize your account and you will become persona non grata at Gringotts."

"That would be wonderful! I have to ask, though, why you are willing to take such a risk for me."

"That brings me to the second reason I asked you here. Regardless of what you might have heard from those wand-waving morons, the goblins are not stupid. We know that should Voldemort win, we would be no better than slaves, if we were not killed outright. We also know that to join the Ministry or Dumbledore would result in more of the same, at best, and a violation of our rights at worst. We cannot trust any of the existing parties, but we do need to make a stand. You are the wizarding world's best hope of defeating Voldemort. While we would not join the Order of the Phoenix or the Ministry, should you prove that you are trustworthy, we will join you."

Harry was shocked. He never expected this, but Wilnok clearly expected a response.

"You speak for your government?"

"Of course, Mr. Potter."

"I am truly honored. Would you be willing to join with other so-called magical creatures and part-humans, like centaurs, werewolves, vampires, and, if they want, house-elves, to name a few? And you realize that humans would be a part of any new or changed government as well?"

"We will do whatever is necessary to ensure our freedom, and we accept that. For the most part, we do not wish to subjugate humans, though I'll grant that we do have a vindictive streak. However, we realize that we stand to gain much more if we cooperate with other races."

"I'll do whatever I can, though it may not be much at first. I have to disappear for a while, so I doubt much would happen before September. However, I was wondering if the goblins would be willing to send someone, or a few people, to train my friends and me in the ways of goblin warfare and magic. Hopefully, this would also allow us to see things better from your point of view."

"I will see what I can do, though you should be warned that goblins take a different view of training than do humans. While goblins do not usually die during training, there are few who have made it out without scars or serious injury at least once."

"Can we make arrangements when I come back in a week?"

"Of course. I will notify my superiors of your request. Is there anything else I can help you with today?"

"No, thank you. Can I pick up the credit card today?"

"Actually, Mr. Potter, I have the credit and identification cards ready now. Each has a derivation of the standard Notice-Me-Not Charm, to prevent people asking too many questions, and show what you want them to see. In other words, if you introduce yourself as Tony Blair, then 'Tony Blair' would show up on both cards. Should you transfigure your face, then the new face will show on the identification. However, I would recommend against changing into a famous or easily recognized name or face, as it would defeat the purpose of keeping a low profile."

"This is wonderful, thank you. I was wondering if you'd send me a letter anyway, assuming I do not know of this meeting."

Wilnok said, "Very well, Mr. Potter. At the behest of Mr. Black, I was supposed to see that you received a letter. Would you like me to give it to you now, or mail it to you later?"

Harry replied, "If you could mail it to me in about a week, it would be wonderful."

Harry gratefully took the card and met Moody on the way out. Side by side, they made their way back into the shopping district of Diagon Alley.