Harry Potter
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/29/2004
Updated: 04/03/2005
Words: 88,726
Chapters: 12
Hits: 18,660

Harry Potter and the Dawn of a New Age


Story Summary:
Story begins just before Harry's sixteenth birthday. Harry is at Privet Drive, eagerly awaiting a chance to leave. When the chance arrives, why is he not that willing to go?

Chapter 12

Chapter Summary:
The final chapter! Harry's sixth year has come to an end. How will Voldemort's latest invasion into Harry's mind affect him? How was he able to reverse the connection? How does the train ride home go? Is Cho changing her religion? And what is it Luna wants to tell Harry, and how will she react to his answer? Find out here! Also, check the postnotes for info and title of the second part of my trilogy that will cover Harry's seventh year.
Author's Note:
This chapter dedicated to my faithful beta-reader for his birthday. Happy Birthday to Steven Frederick! He will be a year old on April 23rd. He giggled a few times when I read him this, so I figured it's good enough for me.

Harry Potter and the Dawn of a New Age (12)

By fbline

Chapter Twelve: I'm Sorry

Ron and Neville helped steady Harry as they made their way from their sixth year dorms to the Headmaster's office. Neville hadn't even asked what was wrong and just instinctively knew that Harry needed his help. Harry's head was still pounding but his nausea was lessening. By the time that they reached the Headmaster's door Harry was able to walk on his own. It was when they were all looking at the gargoyle barring their entrance that they realized that they didn't know this year's password. It was only after ten minutes of swearing and yelling out various Muggle and wizard candy names that Harry finally came up with the correct one.

"Fizzy lifting drinks!"

The gargoyle instantly jumped aside to allow the boys passage. Ron looked at Harry in amazement.

"What the bloody hell are fizzy lifting drinks?"

Harry herded them all onto the ascending staircase before answering.

"It's from a Muggle book. Dumbledore must be a Willy Wonka fan."

Ron and Neville didn't understand now any better than they had before, but this became unimportant when the three of them all found themselves standing before their Headmaster who was currently wearing red flannel pajamas with green stars on it. When they all raced in to get his attention he didn't appear surprised or alarmed at all. In fact, he seemed rather pleased to see them.

"Ah, hello young Gryffindors! I'm glad you're here. My brother Aberforth has just returned from a mixologist's conference in the states and brought me back a deck of Muggle playing cards. Could I interest any of you in a game of something called Texas Hold-em?"

Harry was only momentarily thrown off by the unusual comments of Dumbledore before charging into his explanation of what had happened.

"Professor, I've just had another vision! It's Voldemort, he's broken his Death Eaters out of Azkaban and they were planning an attack on Hogwarts. He had managed to break into my mind while I was sleeping and it was like he was searching for something in my head. The strange thing is, all of a sudden, it was like everything got turned upside down and I was inside his mind. I saw all the plans he had and everything. Professor, I somehow got into his snake's mind also. I know where he's hiding! I know where Riddle House is! The snake was his secret keeper! We've got to do something right away!"

The twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes died out as he became very serious. Without a question or a word of any kind he gave a whistle and held his arm out for Fawkes to land upon.

"Fawkes, I need you to check something out for me. Harry, tell Fawkes the location of Riddle House."

Harry did as he was told and the phoenix immediately disappeared in a flash of brilliant flames. After less than half a minute the bird had returned again. After a series of screeches aimed toward Dumbledore, the phoenix then flew back to take its place on its perch.

"It is as I suspected, they have all fled. On the plus side, Voldemort will not be using it as his headquarters again I daresay. I have no idea where he is now, but if I know Tom he won't be anywhere near here. Tom is a coward, so he will want to put as much space between him and us as possible. I would also have to believe that he is quite amazed and even frightened that you were able to reverse his link with your mind."

Harry hadn't really thought that Voldemort would still be at Riddle House, but he couldn't help being disappointed all the same. Once Harry had contented himself that there was nothing more he could do about Voldemort's location, he focused again on what had happened with the reversal of legillimency that he had unknowingly performed.

"Professor how was I able to reverse the connection Voldemort had with my mind? I thought he was a master of legillimency?"

The twinkle in the Headmaster's eyes seemed to return again slightly.

"Yes, he is a master. From what I have been told by Professor Snape you've managed to reverse legillimency once before, have you not?"

Harry didn't understand what Dumbledore was talking about until he remembered one particular Occlumenccy lesson where he was able to reverse the link and enter Snape's mind. What he remembered seeing there made the feeling of nausea return to him.

"Yes, I did manage to reverse Snape's legillimency once. He had made me really angry and somehow I was able to push him out of my mind and I somehow got into his. Is that what I did tonight with Voldemort?"

Dumbledore smiled at him.

"Professor Snape, Harry. Yes, that I believe is essentially what happened. Tell me, what memories was Voldemort looking at when you felt the connection reverse itself?"

Harry felt a bit embarrassed to discuss his emotions with his Headmaster, but he also knew that it wasn't any use holding back any information from him, either.

"He was dragging out my feelings and memories about Hermione and Luna. He had looked at a bunch of memories I had for a lot of people I care about, but when he got to the really personal ones about the two of them I got really angry. The next thing I knew, I was in his mind and looking at his thoughts. I saw his plan to stage an attack at the Burrow so he could catch Hogwarts unaware. He planned to have his Death Eaters attack the castle and kidnap me, as well as everyone else I cared about. He planned on torturing and killing them before doing the same to me. When he realized I was there I could feel him trying to expel me from his mind. Instead of that, we both ended up inside his serpent's mind and that's when I saw the address for Riddle House. After that I found myself sitting up in bed screaming. I thought my scar was on fire and I was gagging on my own bile. With the help of Ron and Neville, I was able to get here to tell you. We have to alert the Order, maybe they could still catch them."

Dumbledore listened to Harry's story intently and remained silent for a few minutes after he had finished. Eventually he got up from his chair and stood in front of his fireplace.

"Severus Snape! I am in need of you!"

Harry gave a confused look at Dumbledore and returned the leer that he received from the Potion's Master.

"Potter, I should have known it would be something to do with you. What did he do now, Headmaster? Flying more cars around for he Muggles to see? Or did he get a paper cut and..."

Snape's venomous dialogue was cut off by the stern voice of the Headmaster.

"Enough, Severus! There is no time for your childish behavior! Voldemort attacked Harry's mind tonight and he managed to reverse the link on him. He was able to find out the location of Riddle House, but they have fled now. Do you have any idea where he might be going?"

Snape's glare at Harry was replaced with one of shock and alarm. Snape was well known for his menacing stare, but at the present he looked positively shaken himself.

"Potter managed to reverse the link with the Dark Lord? How can that even be possible?"

Dumbledore was still looking quite stern and Harry was having a hard time imagining the sparkle that normally dwelled in his now hard eyes.

"How is not currently important, Severus. I believe it was through force of emotion. What is important is that we do whatever we can to keep him and the rest of the world safe. Tell me, is the mark burning?"

Snape's look of shock changed gradually into one of pain. It was obvious something was causing him a fair amount of discomfort.

"Yes, Headmaster. I awoke a short time ago with a feeling of great pain and the smell of my own flesh burning. It hasn't been this bad since his return two years ago. I felt him calling to me through the mark to come to him. I was preparing to come see you when I felt the burning ease suddenly. I don't know where he's gone, but I can feel that it's farther away than he was when he activated the mark. What do you wish for me to do, Headmaster?"

Dumbledore considered the information and absently stroked his beard.

"We will alert the Order and inform them of the latest developments. We shall meet in one hour at Headquarters. I will inform the members here at the school while you alert those on the outside. I will see you in one hour."

Without another sound, Snape's head had vanished from the fireplace and Dumbledore turned to once again face Harry, Ron, and Neville.

"Thank you, boys. Harry, you did the right thing by letting me know what happened. I will discuss this with the order and we will be able to plan accordingly. If nothing else, you seem to have Voldemort running scared, which is something, I'm sure, he's very unfamiliar with. Now why don't the three of you all go back to your dorms now? I know that going back to sleep is not very likely, but it is still too early for breakfast. I will inform your teachers for today that you all might be a little groggy today, and I would also suggest that you all try to have an early evening tonight. Harry, if you would like a dreamless sleep potion I could see to it that Madam Pomfrey gives you one. I need to talk to the Order members here now. I shall see you all later."

Dumbledore then waved his wand at the fireplace and disappeared in a flash of green flame. Harry then turned to his two friends and breathed a deep sigh.

"Well, I guess that's all we can do for now. Let's get back to the tower. Knowing Hermione and Ginny, they've probably figured out that we're gone. On the way back we'll stop by the kitchens. I think we could all use some strong coffee."

The remainder of the year went by with no more occurrences involving Voldemort of any of his followers. Harry and his friends didn't have time to relax though, due to O.W.L. exams for Luna and Ginny, as well as sixth year exams for the others. Hermione had made sure that Harry and Ron had studied flat out with her for the last two months of term, which occasionally caused the boys to be a bit short tempered.

"Hermione, we've been going over concealment charms for two days now! Can't you give us a break?"

Ron laid his head down on the common room table with a thump. The three of them were sitting at their usual table and he closed his eyes, as Harry's own eyes slipped in and out of focus while he read over his notes on the subject. Hermione looked up from her own much more extensive notes and looked at Ron as if he had suggested that they all got naked and ran through the forbidden forest. In reality, Ron intended to suggest that for next year.

"A break? What do you call the time I give you for Quidditch practice? And I don't make you study during meals, do I? If you want to be an Auror one day you need to start working right now!"

Ron wearily raised his head and looked over longingly at their usual sofa to see his sister and Neville talking and laughing with one another.

"Hey, what about Neville? He's in our year and you aren't hounding him to death. He's just over there bugging Ginny."

Hermione glanced over at the pair in front of the fire before turning back to glare over at Ron. Harry had been smart enough to keep his head down the entire time. He didn't want to get involved, knowing that the row had potential to escalate quickly.

"Neville isn't my responsibility, I've got enough problems keeping the two of you in line as it is. I will not let my boys miss out on our future together."

Ron continued to openly pout.

"Oh, it's 'our future' is it? You've got it all planned out for us do you? How the bloody hell do you know what Harry and I want? Maybe we'd like to get married to someone someday, we aren't all in love with books. Not that I'll ever get married, but at least Harry is in with a chance with Luna."

Harry's head popped up at the mention of the terms "Luna", "Harry", and "marriage" in the same context.

"Whoa, let's all settle down here. Luna and I are just close friends. I don't think we'll be picking out rings anytime soon. Besides, you're the commitment minded one of the three of us, you'll be married long before I am. In fact, of the three of us, I'd bet I'd be the last one to get married, if I ever do. Hell, I may not even be around that long."

Hermione immediately stopped glaring at Ron and gave Harry a sympathetic look and grabbed his hand to give it a gentle squeeze.

"Harry, don't say things like that. You've had the most dates of the three of us. Hell, you'll have kids before I'm ever even engaged."

Ron shook his head and smiled.

Why don't we make a pact right now? The first one of us to get married has their wedding paid for by the other two. It'll be like a competition between the three of us!"

Hermione rolled her eyes while Harry placed his own head on the table with a thud.

"Ron, that is possibly the dumbest idea you have ever had. This even beats the time you thought you could mix regular beer with butter and make your own butterbeer."

Ron's face went slightly pink.

"Hey, that was an honest mistake. What's wrong, don't want to pay for Hermione's wedding?"

Harry raised his head to speak but was beaten to it by Hermione.

"What if two of us get married to one another?"

Both Ron and Harry looked at her in shock, had she really said that? Ron was the first to find his voice.

"What, you mean if you would marry me or Harry? Have you actually thought about that before?"

Hermione seemed to realize what she had said and looked back down at her notes while her face turned crimson.

"No. Of course not. Stop being stupid, Ron. Now, which one of you can tell me the proper incantation to make a concealed item visible again?"

When Harry and Ron weren't studying they were practicing Quidditch. Through nothing short of a miracle, Gryffindor went 4-0 for the season and won the Quidditch cup for the second year in a row. Professor McGonagall was so pleased that she did a very skilled cartwheel and was even rumored to have partaken in a fifth of Ogden's that she drank from the cup itself. By the time that all exams were done and the end of year projects were turned in, all of the students were very much looking forward to their summer holidays.

On the last night before the end of term, the Gryffindor members of the Ministry Six were all sitting around enjoying each other's company.

"You guys weren't kidding about the O.W.L. exams. Even Luna had to work at it, and she's usually the first one done on everything. I feel pretty confident about my Defense exam thanks to you, Harry. And I'm pretty sure I did well on my Herbology one thanks to you, Nevy."

Ginny gave Neville a kiss on the cheek, which caused his face to turn very red. Ron opened his mouth to admonish his sister but changed tact when he realized what she had called Neville.

"Nevy? Oh man, you're going to have to transfer to another school for next year, mate."

Neville cleared his throat nervously and looked over at an evil grin from Ron.

"Why would I want to transfer?"

"Because, I'm going to have everyone calling you Nevy by tomorrow."

Neville took on a pained expression while Ginny's eyes narrowed dangerously at her brother.

"If you do I'll have to let it slip that mum still calls you her 'little sweet baby Ronniekinsypoo'."

Ron's face was now the one that was blast furnace red as the rest of the group laughed. He then wisely decided to back down.

"Ok, ok, no need to get shirty. Man, am I glad this year is over. I can't wait to get back home and relax. I'm hoping we can all get together again like we did last summer. Are your parents dragging you off to France again this summer, Hermione?"

Hermione rolled her eyes at Ron and sighed. She knew full well what Ron's opinion of her interest in travel and knew that he especially disliked the idea of her going back to France, which he seemed to think was a virtual bastion of immorality and perversion.

"No, we're going to the Isle of Man this year. One of daddy's dentist friends has a place there. And since when do you need to be at home to relax? You spent more time asleep than awake again this year in History of Magic. I just can't get over Filch being our Defense teacher this year. I had my doubts, but he really didn't turn out too bad, even if Harry had to do nearly all the practical examples. You have to admit it Ron, it could have been a lot worse."

Ron grinned and shook his head.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. At least they didn't bring in someone form the Ministry like last year. I don't know what ever became of Umbridge, but I hope I never find out. So, with Hermione not running off to the continent again that leaves you, Harry. When do you think you can come to the Burrow?"

Harry blew out a sigh and shrugged.

"I don't know, I really never do. All I can say is that I'll get there as soon as I possibly can. One good thing about going back to Privet Drive this time is that it will hopefully be the last time I'll ever have to be there. After we graduate next year I'll be able to move in with Remus and never have to see those people ever again. God, I can't wait. I'm really glad we were able to go the DA again this year. It gave me something to think about besides all my problems. Luna has been really great for me, too. All of you have been. Thanks for sticking by me, I love you guys."

The two boys at the table smiled at Harry as Ginny and Hermione gave him a kiss upon both cheeks. This caused Harry to bow his head and pink up a little. Ron gave a little chuckle at the sight of Harry's embarrassment and stood up from the table to stretch.

"Well folks, our trunks aren't going to pack themselves...well, not until we learn the spell for it next year anyway. Let's all get packed up and turn in. Tomorrow is going to be a long day."

The group all reluctantly agreed and went back to their dorms. Truth me told they were all a bit tired. The year-end feast had been another fantastic meal and all the students had eaten more than their fair share of it. On top of it all, the House Cup had been won yet again by Gryffindor house, which made for an even happier Professor McGonagall and sneers and jeers from the Slytherins who had finished in second place as usual. Once back up in their dorms, the boys set about packing up for their journey back in the morning.

"Harry, now that the girls are gone I just wanted to say thanks for all your help this year with Hermione. I know I got things ass about face with her there for a while and I appreciate your help," Ron said.

Harry deftly used his foot to push down his stack of robes in his trunk and gave his best friend a kind smile.

"No problem, Ron. I'm just glad things are back to normal now with the two of you. I'm going to need all the help I can get when the times comes, and I couldn't do it without you both with me. I just wish I had more control over my own situation with Luna. I really do care about her, but after seeing into Voldemort's mind and finding out what he'd planned to do to her because of me...I just couldn't bear to see her get hurt like that. It's bed enough for her to be my friend. I just can't ask any more of her. I know I'm going to end up hurting her feelings, but I'd rather do that than get her killed."

Ron gave his best friend's shoulder a squeeze before sitting heavily on his trunk in order to close it.

"I'm sorry, Harry. You're right; Luna is going to be really hurt by this. I still think she's a nutter, but I know how much you care about her, and I know that she's totally crazy about you. I'm amazed she hasn't asked you out yet. What are you going to tell her if she does?"

Harry frowned and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. He hated the idea of hurting her in any way, especially when he actually wanted nothing more than to be with her.

"I don't know, Ron. I guess I'll just tell her how I feel and hope she understands. I just hope she still wants to be friends with me. I wouldn't want to ever lose her."

The next day saw the students once again climbing aboard the Hogwarts express to go home for the summer holidays. The trio got on board quickly and managed to snag a compartment for themselves, along with Neville, Ginny, and Luna. Since Ginny was a prefect she had to take her patrol time, but when she was there she spent most of her time sharing sweets with Neville and winding up her brother. The rest of the group fell in comfortable conversation with one another and said hello to the various other students that stopped by to talk with them. However, some students stopped by for less friendly reasons.

"Well, if it isn't the darlings of Hogwarts. Look, it's Loony and Potty. Hey, Loony, has Potty deflowered you yet? It's sickening to see how she scrapes around after you all the time like a cat in heat. And there's the Weasel and the mudblood. You should give it up, Weasel. The only way you're going to get in her pants is to do her laundry. You'd have to ask Krum and Potty if she's any good in the sack. And then there's the Weaselette and Widebottom. I never figured you for a chubby chaser, Weaselette. I don't need to ask who's on top when the two of you go at it. I bet he's so dumb he can't even..."

Draco was cut off by a blinding flash of so many different colored lights that it appeared that the leprechauns must have shown up. When the light returned to normal Malfoy and his two goons had once again been turned into large oozing slugs. The boys each took one of them and pitched them into racks in the luggage car. Washing their hands thoroughly, they returned to the car, as the sweets trolley made it's second round. A large group of the DA had shown up around the same time as Malfoy and they all now shared a laugh over the state of him and his cronies. Seamus suggested seeing what would happen if they poured some salt over them, but it was decided that it might be a little too much. Once the DA group left them, another less than welcome duo appeared at the door.

"Look Marietta, it's the three biggest bitches in England and the boys they control."

Harry instantly tensed up at the sound of her voice and placed his hands on Luna and Hermione's knees in an effort to try and keep them seated. Unfortunately, he didn't have an extra hand for Ginny as she jumped up to her in Cho's face.

"Why don't the two of you hags go and sit with people who actually like you? I'm sure there's an empty compartment somewhere."

Cho took a step forward and looked down at Ginny who was a good seven or eight inches shorter than her.

"Sit down little girl. I don't like you, but it's the other two sluts over there that I mean to straighten out. Look, Harry can't even keep his hands off them."

Harry quickly took his hands off the knees of the two girls and stood up himself in hopes to defuse the situation.

"Cho, why don't you just let go of all this? You've graduated now and you'll never have to see us again, why not just move on?"

Cho elbowed past Ginny and went toe to toe with Harry.

"Move on? After everything you've put me through?"

Hermione and Luna jumped up in unison and crowded in between Cho and Harry. Marietta made to move next to her but was blocked by Ginny. There was a deafening silence hanging in the air until Ron, of all people, spoke up.

"Cho, are you turning Muslim or something?"

Harry hadn't noticed it before but Cho was indeed wearing a turban on her head. He suddenly recalled the last person that had worn one and jumped to a rather hasty conclusion.

"Look out! She's possessed by Voldemort!"

Harry threw Luna and Hermione to each side and tackled Cho to the ground. This in turn caused Ginny to fall into Marietta and the domino effect that resulted took them out into the hallway of the train, where many of the other students turned to look at the commotion. With Cho stunned and breathless, Harry pinned her arms down with his knees to keep her down.

"Somebody get a teacher! Voldemort has possessed Cho! I just need to get this damned turban...off."

Before Cho would stop him Harry had wrested her turban off her head and discovered the actual reason she had wanted to conceal her head.

The most recognizable feature for Harry was his lightening scar. For Hermione it was her impossibly bushy hair. For Luna it would be her saucer like eyes. With Cho it had always been her long, silky, jet-black hair. Well, it used to be anyway. Harry had never known before that Cho had a birthmark on her head shaped a little like Russia. Harry would have studied it more closely if it hadn't been for Marietta knocking him off her and helping Cho up. Before she could successfully replace her turban, Ron noticed something else about Cho.

"Hey, what's that written on the top of Cho's bald head?"

When Cho had bowed her head down to put her turban back on, a neon green word could be seen glowing atop her head, and what it said was...

"Skank? What happened to all your hair? How did you get something like that written on the top of your head?" Harry asked.

The crowd that was looking on at the scene began to laugh. Truth be told, Cho had alienated a lot of people over the last two years due to her constant bad attitude.

"Why don't you ask your little harem of sluts about it? Ask them how they attacked me in Ravenclaw tower. Ask Luna about letting them in. Ask Whore-mione about her cutting all of my beautiful hair off and using some curse on me to prevent it from coming back. And then ask Ginny about punching Marietta when she tried to help me. You think you're all so high and mighty because you all risked your lives last year, well, I know how you all really are. You could have had me, Harry. Now you'll just have to settle for damaged goods with these slags."

Hermione made a lunge for Cho but the two of them had run off and disappeared from sight. Once the crowd had started clapping and whistling, Harry herded them all back into their compartment and shut the door behind them. Ginny had split her lip in the fall and Neville offered her his handkerchief to stop the bleeding. Unlike her brother's, it was clean. Harry sat down across from Hermione and looked at her intently.

"So, what did you do?"

Hermione grinned a devilish grin that confirmed to Harry that she had indeed been spending too much time with Ginny.

"Nothing much, and certainly nothing more than she deserved after she humiliated us that night. While you were asleep in the hospital wing, Luna, Ginny, and I went up and got Neville's shears from your dorm room. We then went to Ravenclaw tower and had Luna let us in. We managed to find Cho's dorm and caught her and Marietta gloating over what she had done. Well, by the time we were done with them, Marietta had a broken nose, thanks to Ginny "Boom Boom" Weasley, and Cho was bald as a cue ball with the word that best describes her written across her head. The neon color was Luna's idea, Ginny decided on the word, and I added the hex that will probably keep it like that for a while."

Harry couldn't help but feel a little bad for Cho, although he was greatly impressed with his friend's imaginations.

"What hex did you use? How long will she be like that?"

Hermione's grin grew even wider as she slipped into her familiar mode of explaining things.

"That's the beauty of it! The length is really up to her. Do you remember when we were trying to find the right door in the Department of Mysteries and I used the spell to mark the doors we had already checked with an 'X'?"

"Yeah, that really came in handy."

"Right, well, I did the same thing on Cho's head, except that this time I locked it under a password. She won't be able to remove it or grow her hair back until she says a specific word."

Harry shuddered to think what the word could be she had selected.

"And that is?"

Hermione now looked positively triumphant.


Harry didn't cotton on.

"I said, what's the password?"

Hermione rolled her eyes.

"The word is 'sorry', you goof. Since Cho never takes the blame for anything, I figure that she'll be wearing that turban for quite some time. God, you should have seen the look on her face when you tackled her, Harry. Her eyes got as round as Luna's."

Luna giggled.

"I was thinking the exact same thing! I remember Ginny telling me about the Defense teacher that you guys had in first year but I forgot all about the turban. It was quite exciting, wasn't it? I guess I know what to wear if I want Harry to throw himself on top of me now."

Harry's face went pink as the rest of the group laughed at Luna's comment. Harry was reminded of what he needed to tell her, but decided to wait until they were alone.

When the train pulled into King's Cross station, the six friends helped one another with their luggage and crossed the barrier into the Muggle world. It was time to say goodbye, Harry's least favorite time of the year. As soon as they crossed over into the bustling station, Luna latched onto Harry's hand and led him over to the side and out of the way.

"Harry, before you go, there's something I wanted to talk to you about."

Harry had known that this was coming eventually and tried to cut her off before she could say too much.

"Luna, look, I..."

Luna put a finger to his lips to quiet him.

"Hush, Harry. I've got three things to tell you that I'm guessing you've never heard anyone ever say to you before."

Harry's mind reeled, what could she possibly tell him that he hadn't been told before?"

"What's that, Luna?"

"One; I'm not a pheasant plucker, I'm a pheasant plucker's mate."

"Uh, ok."

"Two; that's the banjo player's Porsche."

"Luna, what are you..."

"Three; I'm in love with you, Harry."

Harry's breath caught in his chest. She had deliberately thrown him off guard before hitting him with the one thing he longed to hear, but feared to think about. Looking into Luna's eyes now he saw a girl of great vulnerability. She looked at him as if he held her life in his very hands. Sadly, he knew all to well that he did.

"Luna...I...I can't. I'm so sorry, but I can't be in love with you. Voldemort already knows too much about you and that makes you too much off a target. If we stay friends you may not be at so much of a risk. I'm sorry, but I can't let another person that I care about get killed. It's not that I don't...you know how I feel about you; I just can't bear to see you get hurt because of me. Please, you have to understand, I just can't put your life in danger like that. Can we...can we still be friends?"

Luna was shattered. She knew that Harry's vision had involved Voldemort's plan to torture her and kill her, but she had hoped that he could be selfish just this once and allow her to love him the way she wanted to. One of the things she loved about him the most was his nobleness and compassion, but right now she wished he wasn't such a selfless person.

"Harry, please, I love you so much, and I know you love me. Voldemort will come after us all, no matter what our relationship is with you. Let me love you, Harry. Please, I need you."

Harry saw the tears in her beautiful eyes and felt his own welling up inside him.

"I'm sorry, but I just can't. All I can give you right now is my friendship, if you still want it."

Luna looked at him imploringly, begging him to change his mind, but she could see that it was of no use. She looked deeply into his eyes and saw that he was telling her the truth, he did return her feelings, but he was too afraid of what it would mean for her and her safety. Realizing his intentions were good, even though they broke her heart, she wiped the tears from her eyes and gave Harry a weak smile.

"Of course I still want to be your friend, Harry. At least I know it's not another woman, or that you don't really care about me. I assume we can still write one another over the summer?"

Harry sniffed and wiped his own eyes before forcing a smile on his face.

"Absolutely. I'm going to need something to look forward to while I'm back in Privet Drive. Ron's hoping we can all spend a few weeks at the Burrow again like we did last summer. I promise I'll remember which is my room this time."

Luna giggled softly, causing Harry's smile to become genuine.

"Don't try to hard on my account. Who knows, maybe I'll be the one to get turned around this time."

Luna then grabbed hold of Harry's hand and gave him a feather light kiss on the lips. Harry had to force himself not to grab her around her slight waist and pull her in close to him.

Luna and Harry then walked back to rejoin the rest of the group as they all said their goodbyes. Mrs. Weasley assured Harry that they would send for him as soon as they possibly could, while Ron and Hermione promised Harry that they would both write to him as often as possible. After the second and third round of "final" goodbyes, and more than a few hugs and kisses on the cheek, Harry took a deep breath and pulled his cart over to his scowling uncle to begin his trip back to his own private hell known as Privet Drive.


Author notes: Woo-Hoo! That's the end of the first part! Ok, so it wasn't that great, but you have to keep in mind that this in context. This fic was the first part of a 3 part arc. In meal terms, this was the first course in the three course menu. So, what now? The next part will be 12 chapters again and will be under a new title. I received several suggestions forr the new title, but I have decided to come up with my own. The next part of my story will be entitled: "Harry Potter and the Palmolive of a New Age!" Ok, that's a lie. The title will actually be: "Harry Potter and the Year That Changed Everything." If nothing else it will at least have a snazzy name. So, look for it coming soon to a Schnoogle update near you. I would like to thank everyone who reads my stuff from the bottom of my heart. I hope you enjoyed it, I know I've enjoyed writing it. I would like to especially thank the great Dr. T for giving me the free plug that brought new readers to me. I hope you all weren't too disappointed, I could never write as fast or as well as the good Doctor. I'd also like to thank the lovely and talented Petronilla for her continued support, get your 7th year fic ready, because here I come! And, of course, to my dear and elusive Ashley. She's disappeared on me again, but I hope she shows back up soon. Oh, I almost forgot, I had one reviewer that didn't understand how come there was suddenly so many Death Eaters in my previous chapter than in the book. Well, the explanation for this is that a bunch of people signed up to be a Death Eater at the annual job fair that they hold at Azkaban. They were drawn by the loose entry requirements and the free refrigerator magnets when they signed up. So, that explains that. Chapter one of my new story will be out as soon as I am done writing it, but I can tell you that next up: Harry starts off where he always does-Privet Drive. In the books this is usually just a preamble to the action, but this time it will be very different. Vernon will give Petunia an ultimatum about Harry, how wiill she respond? How will her reaction affect the way Harry sees her from now on? Find out soon! Also, it's time for me tto hand out another Fred award. This award goes to most innovative Christmas fic. The award goes to...Yule Renewal by none other than Dr. T! It's over on Dark Arts and is really bittersweet. Give it a peek when you get a chance. So, until we meet again, take care of yourselves. I'll be back.