The Dark Arts
Hermione Granger
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 02/14/2004
Updated: 02/14/2004
Words: 622
Chapters: 1
Hits: 409



Story Summary:
Hermione Granger is very good at noticing. She always has been. Only now, she's noticed something more important than Christmas presents...

Author's Note:
This is slash - so if it's not your thing, click the back button. V.mild slash though. The PG rating is just to be sure.


Hermione Granger is very good at noticing. Despite what is always said about her, that her nose is stuck too far into a book to notice anything, she has noticed something that nobody else in Gryffindor Tower has. It probably helps that the thing she has noticed concerns two of her closest friends, but they have other friends too, and Hermione knows that they have not noticed.

Hermione has always, and always will be, a people-watcher. While her nose is in a book, her eyes and ears are still working overtime, gathering pieces of information from around her and carefully storing them until later, when she will have time to look at them. It is part of what makes her such a good student, and such a good spy, if she wanted to be. When she was little she always knew what she was getting for Christmas and her birthday, not because she snooped, but snippets of overheard conversations, carrier bags and receipts stuck in the bin that had just caught her eye. In a word, Hermione Granger was naturally nosy.

And now she had noticed something else. Something that had shocked her to begin with, but over the weeks she had mellowed, and realised just how natural it was. They were best friends after all.

In sixth year it had been very subtle. Hermione wouldn't have been surprised if they hadn't actually known themselves. It was just little looks, the type Ron used to give to her, looking at her, then turning away when she tried to catch his eye. Tiny touches, 'accidentally' brushing against each other as they walked to class, or sat down in the Great Hall. All through sixth year they played their game, though Hermione thought they must have at least realised it by now. Though they acted it sometimes, they weren't stupid.

On the train at the beginning of seventh year, the two disappeared for a while, leaving Hermione in the compartment with just Loony - I mean, Luna Lovegood. Actually it was all right. They didn't talk much, but both did a quiz from the Quibbler (Luna got full marks, but Hermione had reason to believe she wrote it - it was by 'L.L') and Hermione received a grand total of 0. Not surprising actually, it was about the feeding habits of Crumple-Horned Snorkacks. But anyway.

They came back and they seemed a little different. Their clothes were a little rumpled (Hermione thought she had quite a good idea about what they'd been doing) and neither of them would look at her. The tension was released when Harry suggested a game of Exploding Snap. Harry lost his eyebrows, but Hermione (after much protest by Harry and guffaws from Ron) managed to draw them back on with eyeliner pencil.

After a few days back at Hogwarts, they two walked over to where Hermione was once again, studying from a large and heavy book. It was entitled 'Transfiguration - Degree Standard.' They sat down opposite Hermione, and without her looking up, she asked them what they wanted. She had to study - it was NEWT year!

They replied that they had something they wanted to tell Hermione. It was then that she put her book down, after carefully marking her page with a leather bookmark. She looked at them, and told them that if this was about their relationship then she had no objections whatsoever. They looked at Hermione, open-mouthed. They asked how she knew.

Easily, she replied. I've known since the start of sixth year, what with the looks and the touches. They were astounded. She had known longer than they had! Hermione smiled. Noticing always brought this reaction. Because those who notice, have power.

Author notes: Thanks for reading, and please leave a review!