James Potter Lily Evans Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/16/2002
Updated: 05/06/2003
Words: 12,830
Chapters: 11
Hits: 3,728

The Marauding Seven - Year 1


Story Summary:
A fic about the Marauders, starting from the very beginning! It's the very best place to start...

Chapter 08

Chapter Summary:
The Marauders search for the kitchens, and the idea of a map, is sown.
Author's Note:
Hello! Thank you for reading the fic, and please review!

The Marauding Seven YEAR 1 - Chapter 8

Maps and Mischief

James sat up in bed and felt around for his glasses. He located them on the floor and slipped them on, before looking at the clock. 7:30! On a Saturday! In the Christmas holidays, no less! Oh well, he thought. May as well get up.

James got dressed and picked up his invisibility cloak. Breakfast wasn't for another hour, so he thought he'd try and find the kitchens. The kitchens, however, were out of bounds for students.

He reached the portrait hole and gave the password, realising too late that someone was on the other side. He banged right into it.

"Ah! A student with either a cloak or a potion. Let's have a look then," Dumbledore smiled at the empty space in front of him and reached out. James was still within reach, having gone into shock and the cloak slid off when his headmaster pulled. "Young Mr. Potter. I believe you were going somewhere? The kitchens, perhaps?"

James was struck by such a sense that he knew. Was anything safe from Professor Dumbledore? Thinking he'd better answer the question, he nodded mutely.

"Well - off you toddle then," Dumbledore gave the cloak back to James. "Don't let that cloak fall into the wrong hands James. It's very valuable. Use it well."

James nodded again, turning towards the dormitories. "I thought you were going out?" asked Dumbledore with a twinkle in his eye. James grinned.

"I was!"

Sirius stumbled into breakfast at nine o'clock. Remus had woken him up that morning by singing at the top of his voice, before scarpering down to the Great Hall. He grinned at the sleepy look on Sirius' face, and waved.

"Mmmphh." Sirius greeted James, Remus and Wye as he sat down. Five sausages later, he looked ready to talk. "Where are the others?"

"Asleep," replied Remus shortly, staring at his plate, trying to force the smile of his face.


"Attention! Attention!" cried James. Half the hall turned to look at him, and he received some very nasty glares from the Slytherins table. All four Marauders turned and glared back. They weren't going to take any crap from the Slytherins today.

"Anyway," James continued in a quieter voice. "Let's try and find the kitchens. Since the food comes through the tables, I would guess it's underneath here, but my quest this morning proved nothing. I need more men."

"And women!" piped up Kate. The other three girls had just arrived.

"Yeah, but, uh, back up. Your quest this morning?" asked Lily. James quickly filled everyone in, and they all agreed.

"Lets make a project of it," said Alex. "Be systematic, make a kind of map so we know where we've looked and stuff."

"One problem. Loads of rooms in Hogwarts move - that's what my mum told me," said Remus, "especially on Fridays."

"We'll need charms and things then," she added.

"Maybe we should ask Flitwick..." Wye trailed off.

"Uh, uh. No teachers. Even if Dumbledore doesn't care, others might. I foresee a library day, unfortunately," said James.

"Great. Well, let's get going. Get it over and done with..." Sirius jumped up from the table, followed by Remus, James and Wye. Alex grabbed another slice off toast and stood up to follow them. Lily downed her orange juice and sprinted after them. Sighing, Kate stood up and trailed after them, leaving her half eaten breakfast where it was.