Astronomy Tower
Percy Weasley
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/15/2002
Updated: 11/15/2002
Words: 514
Chapters: 1
Hits: 562

Percy's Memories


Story Summary:
A fic told from Percy's POV, looking back on his days at Hogwarts, and what the future holds...


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The gateway of many into the wonders and delights of the other world. An opportunity to express ones inner self through magic.

I arrived when I was merely eleven. The great, sweeping staircases and the large, grand hall all seemed so big and magnificent! It wasn't just the rooms that overwhelmed me. The lessons were complicated (though I was an excellent student, of course) and the food in the Great Hall was extraordinary. It even topped my mothers'! The common room was my favourite place, as well as the library (such solitude - it was the only place in the castle I could find peace and quiet, so Madam Pince and I became friends quickly). Red and gold are such warming colours! The Slytherins used to joke that we were inside an oven, but I think they were just jealous. I've heard stories about their common room! Cold as ice and decorated in green and silver. Feels like Antarctica I should think. Worse than the dungeons in winter apparently - and that's bad! Though how any Gryffindor knows to tell me I don't know! If I did I would've taken points away - mark my words!

That brings me to the thing that most changed my life - it happened in my fifth year, when I had just become a Prefect. I had many duties, and I'm proud to say I did not once shirk them! I even took points from my own family, to uphold the rules and regulations of this fine establishment. Anyway, that was when I met Penelope Clearwater. We were partnered together in out Prefect duties, so we spent quite a bit of time together, and she was perfect for me! She was smart and an excellent prefect! And she was pretty - brown curls and brown eyes. A bit like Hermione if I think about it, but I've never looked at her that way. Goodness, she's five years younger than me! I don't, uh, go that way, if you know what I mean.

I'm twenty-three now, and we're still together, Penelope and I, in fact, we're getting married tomorrow. We've been planning it for months. (I've just realised - I'm the first of all my brothers to get married! Funny, it always struck me that it would be Charlie...) My brothers refused to be pageboys (honestly - Fred and George are only twenty!) so Penelope's rustled up some bridesmaids from god knows where. I asked Hermione, only being eighteen, but she turned me down, as did Harry and Ron when I asked them to be pageboys (what is with the youth of today??? Don't they know it would be a pleasant experience???). Penelope's in a bit of a strop with me actually (she can be rather moody, but I love her all the same. I wouldn't be getting married otherwise would I?) so I'd better leave - just because I said things were too busy at the ministry right know because of this business with You Know Who to take a honeymoon. Really!