The Dark Arts
Harry Potter Remus Lupin Sirius Black
Action Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 09/02/2002
Updated: 10/04/2002
Words: 59,234
Chapters: 24
Hits: 15,741

The Last Marauder


Story Summary:
Summer with the Dursleys has never been fun, but this time it's worse than ever. Harry is about to give up when the two remaining Marauders decide that it is time to give him some family life he never had and take him out. But life has never been kind to Harry, so why should that change now? Soon, Harry is confronted with one of the two Marauders being murdered. How can he and the remaining Marauder cope? What was the reason for the murder? What is Voldemort's plan? And why does Harry start to suffer from mysterious fits?

Chapter 14

Chapter Summary:
Harry's back at school, but can life ever be the way it was before Remus died? Can life ever be normal if you're sixteen years old and suffer each time that Voldemort himself casts the Cruciatus Curse? Harry tries, but can he succeed?
Author's Note:
As always: PLEASE REVIEW! Your opinion really matters to me, and how should I know what I do wrong if you don't tell me?

Back at School - Back to Normal?

Being back at school after all that had happened during the summer felt weird, Harry thought as he descended the stairs into the Gryffindor common room the next morning. Hermione was already waiting for him.

"Good morning Harry, where's Ron?"

"'Morning Hermione. He overslept a little but should come down in a minute. He told me to save him a seat at the breakfast table."

Hermione nodded.

"All right, let's go," she laughed.



"Y-y-yes M-Master!"

Wormtail was on his knees again and crept closer towards Voldemort, head bowed.

"I have good news for you Wormtail. A task!"

"T-task M-Master?"

"Yes, a task. Don't faint! It's a task which suits your...abilities as a coward very well. You do know about our latest activities, do you not?"

Wormtail nodded.

"Sure master. Very successful."

Voldemort laughed harshly.

"Successful? A few worthless muggles and even less wizards were killed at random, that's not what I call successful! It's been a prologue, Wormtail, nothing more. But I need someone to keep an eye on Dumbledore and his reaction. Somebody who watches him, and Potter and Black as well. Somebody who can easily live in disguise. Wormtail, you will go to Hogwarts to keep me informed."

"H-H-Hogwarts? But...I can't go there..."


Wormtail immediately fell over and screamed in pain. The curse felt as if his intestines were going to explode any moment and no matter how often Voldemort hat put him under that curse before, there was no way to be prepared for the pain it caused. After a while, Voldemort took the curse off him.

"Wormtail, you will go to Hogwarts and keep me informed about everything you witness there. I have already sent two owls ahead for your purpose. You will leave immediately. Did I make myself clear?"

"Yes Master."

Wormtail knew when he was defeated.

"Then leave. You may apparate to Hogsmeade. Don't fail on me Wormtail, you would regret it."

"No Master. I won't."

Wormtail left the room and hurried down the stairs. He didn't like the idea of returning to Hogwarts, not at all. It was far too dangerous, too many people knew about him. Harry of course, and Ron, their friend Hermione and that far-too-intelligent cat of hers; damn, even Severus Snape knew about him, let alone Dumbledore.

And Sirius wasn't far away either.

Wormtail shuddered as he thought about his former friend and partner in crime at school. That night in the Shrieking Shack, three years ago, Sirius would have killed him without hesitation had it not been for Harry. And now that Remus was dead as well, Sirius had become and incalculable risk.

Wormtail shook his head. As much as he disliked the idea, disobedience was no alternative for him. He would have to face the idea of going to Hogwarts. He'd find a hiding place where he could not be seen but could watch his targets closely. Then he'd lay back and let the others do the work. Soon, very soon, the wizarding community would be occupied with counting their casualties and mourning for them, they would not have the time to watch out for a small rat with an obvious interest in The Boy Who Lived.


Said boy was meanwhile sitting in Hogwarts' Great Hall with his friends and had breakfast.

"Here Harry, our schedules."

Hermione handed Ron and him a piece of parchment each.

"What's first today?"

Harry looked at his schedule.

"Oh, we start straight away with DADA, then Potions and in the afternoon we got Herbology."

"Potions." Ron looked disgusted. "And with the Slytherins."

He made a face which caused Hermione and Harry to laugh. The three finished their breakfast and headed off towards the DADA classroom.

Harry felt his friends' concerned looks on him while he realized that attending classes in a room in which he had seen Remus every week, being alive and always smiling, proved to be a lot more difficult than he had imagined it to be. He took a deep breath, entered the room and sat down on his usual desk. Ron and Hermione had decided to remain silent and Harry was more than thankful for it. A couple of minutes later, Arabella Figg entered the room, gave them a smile and sat down at the teacher's table.

"Good morning class. My name is Mrs. Figg as you all know and I'm here to teach you means to defend against Dark Magic for this year. Professor Dumbledore has informed me that due to the momentary situation, he wants his students to be prepared on curses.

So this year, I'm going to teach you how to recognize and counter Dark Curses. Please keep in mind that none of you is allowed to perform those curses, on the contrary, punishment will be very harsh for those who try to.

Now, let's see what we are going to start with...ah yes. Does any of you know the Calideius Curse?"

Hermione's hand shot straight into the air.

"Yes Ms. Granger?"

"Calideius sends the victim into a comatose state which is everlasting in case the counter curse is not performed in time."

Mrs. Figg nodded.

"Very good Ms. Granger. Ten points to Gryffindor. Now, lets come to the counter curse..."

They kept examining Calideius and its counter curse for the rest of the lesson. At the end of the lesson Ron was even able to remove the curse from Neville.

"Very good Mr. Weasley. Fifteen points to Gryffindor. Homework will be a seven inch essay on Calideius to be handed in next lesson. Class dismissed."

They rose and left the classroom, heading towards the dungeons. Ron was still deeply impressed by Mrs. Figg's lesson as well as with his own abilities concerning the counter curse.

"Have you seen me? Just said the incarnation and - whop - Neville was back! I think Curse Breaking could be an opportunity for my future."
Harry shook his head and laughed.

"Don't get over-enthusiastic. Now it's Potions and if you don't pay enough attention, your future might be really, really short."

He grinned at his friend as they took their usual seats at the back of the dungeon. Seconds later, Malfoy entered together with Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy Parkinson. He sat down on his desk in front of Snape's table and started talking in a loud voice.

"I wonder what we are going to prepare today. A Wolfsbane Potion would be 6th year's level. Oops, bad idea. Whom should we give it to? Luckily, the werewolf was 'removed' from the teacher's body."

Harry got up and raised his wand. He was still angry at Malfoy because of his behaviour the previous evening and enough was enough.

"Shut up Malfoy or you'll regret it!"

But Malfoy only smirked. Behind Harry, a cold voice interrupted.

"Mr. Potter, I don't appreciate students threatening others in my classroom. Thirty points from Gryffindor."

Snape had entered the room and looked at Harry with an emotionless expression.

"And now sit down before I take more points from your house."

Harry hurried to sit down while Snape started writing ingredients onto the blackboard. They would be studying healing potions that day.

"Now, each of you prepares his own potion today. You all need to know how it is prepared on your own."

Harry found it hard to focus on his ingredients. He was still so angry at Malfoy and hurt by his earlier verbal attack though he would have never admitted that. It was still hard for Harry to accept that Remus was dead.

Harry shook his head and once more tried to concentrate on his potion. It was turning bright blue, just like the receipt said it should. Harry was relieved and started cleaning up his table. Hermione was finished as well and Ron was just about to add the last ingredients. Both seemed to be content with their results. Poor Neville was fighting harder. His potion had turned into an ugly greyish brown and had started to smoke baldy.

"Longbottom! What have you done this time? Dandelion was to be added LAST! Now clean up this mess and pour your 'potion' down the drain. I would not dare to drink it even if my life depended on it! Twenty points from Gryffindor. Class may leave after everything is cleaned up!"

He shook his head and stormed out of the dungeon.

Ron, Harry and Hermione exchanged looks then sighed. They helped Neville, cleaning up his desk, and then went for lunch.

Just as they had taken their seats, Professor McGonagall rose from the teacher's table, her face bearing a stern expression.

"Your attention please! All Herbology classes for today have been cancelled and students are not allowed in or even near the greenhouses!"

Harry frowned and turned towards his friends.

"Now what's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing serious." Ginny answered and blushed slightly from the other side of the table.

"We've had Herbology this morning together with the Slytherins...ahem...and things somehow got out of control. They said some nasty things about Professor Lupin and somebody in return...threw a pot of screaming water lilies at them, they threw something in return...well I think they have to redecorate Greenhouse 5 a little. Hagrid and Professor Sprout were repotting the plants when we left."

She grinned. "We all got detention, but it was worth it. We threw all the nasty plants at the Slytherins, they returned rather harmless ones. Nearly all of them are in the Hospital wing now. A pity that they never pay attention in class."

Ron shook his head.
"Ginny, Ginny. Where shall this lead to?"

Again, Ginny grinned.
"After all, I am a Weasley. I have to keep up a certain family reputation. And if I'm not much mistaken, you have an afternoon off thanks to my class and me. That is something, isn't it?"

Ron beamed and hugged his little sister. "It most certainly is. Now, what are we going to do today?"

Harry got up.

"I'll write to Sirius. Let's meet in the common room in about an hour, then we can make a plan, okay?"

Hermione and Ron nodded and so Harry left. He took out a piece of parchment and quill and ink and went into the owlery. He searched for a quiet spot, sat down and began to write.

Dear Sirius.

Here at the castle everything is relatively fine. The feat last night was a lot more quiet than it used to, though. But life goes on, that's what I've already realized during the last hours. Ginny and her class have caused a little fracas in the Greenhouses this morning because the Slytherins were their usual slimy selves and now we have the afternoon off while they restore the greenhouses.

But enough about me, how are you doing? I hope you arrived well at the new house.

My last lesson on Friday ends at 14.30, if I take the Firebolt I'll arrive at your place around quarter to three. I hope you've slept and eaten enough. Just remember that I'll be with you on Friday and I'll surely realize it when you've not eaten enough. If you need to talk you know where to find me. Don't do anything stupid.

Love, Harry.

Harry read the letter once again and sent it off with Hedwig who was very content with having something to do at last.

When Harry arrived at the common room five minutes later, Ron and Hermione were already waiting for him.

"Now, do you have a plan?"

Harry looked at his friends and saw that Ron made a face.

"What's wrong?"

"She", Ron gestured at his girlfriend "says that she has to go to the library. Can you believe it? It's our first day back and she wants to go to the library!"

Harry shrugged his shoulders. "That's Hermione. Oh come on Ron, it's not that bad. How about a game of chess then?"

Ron nodded and Hermione left. The boys had just finished their third game of chess when a tapping sound from the window made them look up.

"Hedwig, you're already back!"

Harry opened the window and the owl flew in, Sirius' reply bound to her leg. Harry untied and opened it.

Dear Harry,

Don't forget who are the adults and who're not! But if it calms you down: Yes, I am eating and sleeping quite normally. I have no chance to freak out because each day Hagrid, Dumbledore, Madam Pomfrey or one of the Weasleys come over or appear in the fireplace to make sure that I don't starve myself or anything.

Dumbledore still wants to talk me into helping the Ministry but I don't know if I can do that. I mean yet. I don't know if I'm ready. We'll have a conversation on Thursday, then we'll see.

But enough about me, what's going on in the castle?
Never, never ever in seven years of marauding did we manage to get Herbology cancelled. Not even as much as postponed. Could you ask Ginny for her trick? Or are you more deeply involved than you want to admit? In the prank of course. Well, enjoy your afternoon off, we'll meet on Friday, quarter to three.

Love, Sirius.

Harry folded the letter and went into his dorm. He could feel quite clearly that Sirius wasn't doing half as well as he pretended, but he knew that there was nothing he could do about it. He sighed, frustrated, and fell back onto his bed.

The rest of the week dragged on even though it was yet the first week in the new term. The only thing that kept Harry going was the prospect of meeting his godfather and now official guardian and substitute parent that Friday.

Said Sirius meanwhile left the house on Thursday evening and headed for the Three Broomsticks, about to meet Dumbledore and to hear what he was intending to do against the increasing threat of Voldemort and the Death Eaters.