Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Ron Weasley
Drama Slash
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 01/07/2006
Updated: 05/29/2007
Words: 11,105
Chapters: 3
Hits: 6,178

Harry Potter and the Prince of Nightmares


Story Summary:
Draco Malfoy must take a mate in order to ascend to the throne as the Prince of Nightmares. The only choices he has, though, are Voldemort, Dumbledore, and Harry Potter, which really isn't a choice at all. DracoHarry slash

Draco Malfoy must take a mate in order to ascend to the throne as the Prince of Nightmares. The only choices he has, though, are Voldemort, Dumbledore, and Harry Potter, which really isn't a choice at all. DracoHarry slash

Words: 2,898
Hits: 3,874

Draco Malfoy must take a mate in order to ascend to the throne as the Prince of Nightmares. The only choices he has, though, are Voldemort, Dumbledore, and Harry Potter, which really isn't a choice at all. DracoHarry slash

Words: 3,716
Hits: 1,088

Draco Malfoy must take a mate in order to ascend to the throne as the Prince of Nightmares. The only choices he has, though, are Voldemort, Dumbledore, and Harry Potter, which really isn't a choice at all. DracoHarry slash

Words: 4,491
Hits: 1,216