Action Suspense
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 09/06/2003
Updated: 09/06/2003
Words: 106,257
Chapters: 10
Hits: 13,067

The Mathias Prophecy Book II


Story Summary:
Harry's sixth year continues and is hectic with more adventures and feelings of insecurity, love, and frustration. Harry is growing stronger, and learing how to cope with adolescence and the Prophecy.

Chapter 08

Author's Note:
This is the second book of a trilogy.

The Mathias Prophecy Book II


The lone figure moved furtively, keeping to the shadows, in an effort to avoid being seen by anyone who might be out on the grounds before dawn. The second Quidditch match was to be played at two o'clock and Lord Voldemort would be ready. Reaching the edge of the Forbidden Forest, the figure took one final look around to be certain no one was following, and then ran up the path to the designated meeting place.

"You're late," Lord Voldemort stated coldly as the figure knelt before him.

"I'm sorry, Lord, but I was worried someone would follow."

"Did you put the sleeping charm on the others in your dorm as I instructed?"

"Yes, but the Professors are on alert and have been taking turns watching the halls. All non essential doors and passages have been sealed by Dumbledore."

"If you hadn't failed when I gave you the unlocking charm to the tower we would not be standing here now."

"I didn't know Harry would go out onto the roof that day," the frightened figure whined in fear, "and I did send her that note before the last Quidditch game. When I saw her leave the building I did send you word."

"Yes...you are most useful. I expect you to remain so, if you want your family to stay safe," Voldemort's reptilian smile and burning red eyes affirming his quiet threat. "Do you understand what to do?"

"When Harry catches the golden snitch I am to utter the spell you gave me and turn it into a portkey, so she will be transported to you immediately."

"Should she fail to catch the snitch, and Snape does, you will lure her away in an effort to console her loss, and stun her. You will then use the floo powder I gave you to transport both of you to my location. You know where I will be, don't you?"

"I am to bring her to the Riddle Mansion."

"Either way, you are to come to me too. Should you fail to respond, your parents will be killed," Voldemort pronounced softly, "I am sure Lucius will enjoy killing them."

"I will do as you ask, Lord Voldemort," the figure prostrated on the ground in total submission.

"Then you will be given the reward you were promised, and I shall spare your family. Now go, and I will be watching to make sure you do not betray me."

"I am and will remain your faithful servant," the figure rose and started back in the direction of Hogwarts, unable to find a way out of the situation with Lord Voldemort...

Harry awoke with a start, her scar burning. She knew that Voldemort was up to something, and suspected it would happen during the Quidditch match. It was still dark out, and the sky had only begun to quicken as dawn approached. Getting out of bed Harry went over to the window. She was just in time to see a hooded figure skirt the building and move over to the kitchen entrance. It was still a little too early to hope the house elves would be up, but Harry grabbed her bathrobe and ran from the room to try to catch the invader. Her heart was racing, and as she neared Gryffindor Tower, on her way towards the stairs, she was just in time to see the portrait of the Fat Lady closing, and realized that the intruder had entered.

"Turtle doves!" Harry exclaimed, using the new password, hoping to catch the intruder.

"Incorrect password," the Fat Lady yawned.

"This is the new password."

"No, the password has been changed again this morning."

"By whom? Only the house Prefect can change the passwords."

"It was the Prefect," the portrait replied, annoyed that she was not being allowed to go back to sleep.

"Then I'll get him. It's imperative I get into the tower," Harry called over her shoulder as she moved down the hall to the Prefect's room. Knocking rapidly she waited until she heard a tired voice.

"Who's there? "

"James, it's me, Harry Potter. I have to get into Gryffindor Tower. It's an emergency."

"I gave you the password last night," James replied opening his door.

"The Fat Lady said you changed it again early this morning."

"I most certainly did not! I don't know what she's talking about."

"Come and ask her yourself."

"I intend to. What is so important that you have to get into the tower at this hour? Is someone sick or something?"

"I'm not sure. I woke up and had the feeling something was wrong, so I went to the tower. That's when I found out I couldn't get in," Harry told the Prefect, James Woodbine, as she followed him back to the portrait of the Fat Lady. She didn't believe he needed to know what was actually happening.

"What is the meaning of this? Harry tells me the password has been changed from turtle doves."

"Humph, you should know, you were the one who woke me up to change it," the Fat Lady snorted angrily.

"I assure you I did not. Now open the tower door."

"I will not. The only person who can override any password is Professor Dumbledore."

"What is going on here," Professor McGonagall's thick Scottish accent sounded from up the hall, as she moved swiftly towards them, tying the belt to her bathrobe. "What are the two of you doing out of bed?"

"Professor McGonagall, Harry felt like something was wrong in the tower and came to investigate, but found the password has been changed from the one I gave her last night. The Fat Lady refuses to let us in. She has been insisting that I woke her up early this morning and changed it again, when I didn't."

"Is this true?" McGonagall asked the portrait.

"Of course it's true. He changed the password about two o'clock this morning," the portrait answered testily."

"Open the tower door," McGonagall directed the woman in the painting, "the password was changed by an unauthorized person."

"I cannot. I can only override for the Headmaster."

"I am the Deputy Headmistress, and have the authority to override any password," McGonagall's accent was thick with anger.

"Only when the Headmaster is not in residence. I know he is still here in the building," the Fat Lady rebuffed her.

"Mr. Woodbine, you wait here and make sure no one comes out. Miss Potter you come with me. We are going to wake up the Headmaster."

"Yes, Ma'am," The two students responded in unison.

Harry followed Professor McGonagall up the hall and they met Professor Snape on early morning rounds.

"Severus," Professor McGonagall addressed him urgently, "someone has changed the Gryffindor password without authorization. They were posing at the house Prefect."

"I will wake the Headmaster immediately," he said eyeing Harry suspiciously before turning to go up the moving stairs.

"Wait here, Miss Potter," McGonagall instructed as she followed Professor Snape up to Dumbledore's quarters without waiting for her reply.

Harry was worried. She knew that whoever had changed that password was someone close to her. The prophecy was right. Someone she cared about was in league with Lord Voldemort. But who? Who would do such a thing, and why? She had absolutely no clue. She was angry with herself too, for not moving faster when she saw the portrait door closing. If she had, maybe she could have stopped who ever it was. Her mind was reeling, and she was pacing back and forth furiously, when the Headmaster appeared with Snape and McGonagall.

"Harry, what is going on? Why were you trying to get into the tower at this hour?" Dumbledore asked with concern as they started back down the hall.

"Headmaster, I woke up and my scar was burning, so I got out of bed. I just happened to look out the window and saw a hooded figure entering the building by the kitchen wing. I left my room hoping to see who it could be, but before I got to the stairs to the lower level, I saw the door to the tower closing. I knew it had to be the person who had been outside so I went to follow them. That's when I found the password was changed."

"Harry, you should have sent for me or one of the other teachers immediately. What you did was extremely dangerous. You could have been attacked," Dumbledore admonished her sternly.

"I ..."

"We'll discuss it later, right now we need to get into the tower. The others may be in danger." Dumbledore stopped in front of the portrait, "Mr. Woodbine, did anyone try to leave the tower?" he questioned the Gryffindor Prefect.

"No, Headmaster. It has been very quiet."

"Override the password, Madam," Dumbledore said calmly to the Fat Lady.

"Password overridden as per the Headmaster," the Fat Lady intoned, and the door swung open.

"You two wait here," Snape ordered as Dumbledore and McGonagall entered. He then took out his wand, and entered the Gryffindor Common Room.

Harry and James Woodbine waited nervously for about fifteen minutes, when Professor McGonagall re-emerged through the door.

"All your classmates are safe, but they were put under a sleeping charm. Mr. Woodbine reaffirm your original password, and go back to bed. Miss Potter, the Headmaster has requested that you wake Professor Lupin and your Godfather and meet him and Professor Snape in his office in fifteen minutes."

"Yes, Professor," Harry replied as she headed in the direction of Remus and Sirius quarters.

She wasn't sure if she was in trouble or not, but she did know that Dumbledore was concerned about what had happened. Reaching their room, she knocked sharply and waited. When there was no response, she knocked again, and Sirius sleepy voice finally answered.

"Who is it?"

"Sirius answer the door. It's important," Harry called.

"Harry?" Sirius questioned opening the door, "what's wrong honey?"

"Trouble, wake up Remus, we have to be in Dumbledore's office in fifteen minutes."

"What's wrong, Princess?" Remus asked sleepily from the direction of the bedroom.

"Someone put all the Gryffindors under a sleeping charm."

"What!" they exclaimed at once.

"My scar was hurting and I saw someone come into the castle. I tried to head them off but I was too late," Harry told them breathlessly.

"Whoa, slow down and tell us everything from the beginning," Sirius directed her as he pulled her inside from the hallway.

Harry then proceeded to explain what had happened starting with waking up from the pain in her head. They listened attentively and then grabbed their robes to go upstairs to Dumbledore's office. Sirius was not pleased with Harry's actions, but he knew she was already worried and upset, so he refrained from reprimanding her. 'Damn, I love her more than I should, but this is one of the times I also need to be a parent. James, I wish you were here.' he thought, as they headed towards Dumbledore's tower.

"Chocolate Snaps," Remus uttered the password and they all entered the moving stairs to the Headmaster's Office. Dumbledore had not yet arrived, and Remus rang for the house elf to order some tea. Beryl appeared, and rubbed her eyes sleepily.

"Mister Remus, may I help you?"

"Send up a pot of tea, Beryl, and something to eat. The Headmaster will be here shortly."

"Tea and some food. Do you wish a full breakfast?"

"No, some muffins or scones will do fine."

"I will see to it immediately," Beryl replied and disappeared.

The teapot and some breakfast rolls, muffins, and bagels appeared along with jelly, butter, and cream cheese. There was also a pot of hot cocoa. Apparently, Beryl had noticed Harry was also there and sent it up along with the tea. Dumbledore and Snape entered the office five minutes later.

"Ah...I could do with a spot of tea," Dumbledore remarked as Sirius handed him a steaming cup, and poured another for Snape. Dumbledore settled himself at his desk and sat quietly studying Harry. She was more than a little uncomfortable under the unwavering scrutiny of his blue eyes. "Harry," he began slowly, "I can't stress enough the seriousness of this situation. Your scar was hurting and you were out of bed in the hallway when you should not have been. You may have been seriously injured or worse. Why didn't you wake us for help?"

"Professor Dumbledore, I just acted out of instinct. I wasn't worried about myself. I saw someone and went to head him off. I just knew something wasn't quite right, but...well..." she shrugged, "I was only trying to help."

"Child, you meant well, but you need to think before you act, especially now. Voldemort is growing more powerful each day, and I need not remind you that you are his primary target.

"I'd like to know how they got back out of the tower," Remus looked thoughtful.

"I know how," Harry looked at them all somberly, "the person never left. It was one of the students. Whoever it was, put the sleeping charm on them before they left to do their shady business. Then, when they got back, they returned to the tower and charmed themselves to avoid suspicion."

"Miss Potter, perhaps you should refrain from playing today."

"Snape's right honey, it may be best if you stay away from the Quidditch field altogether."

"Sirius," Harry began, going over to look out the window at the sunrise, "whether I play or not, something is going to happen. I would prefer to play or a lot of people will feel I've let them down. Besides, if I don't everyone may think I'm a coward."

"Harry, you're not a coward," Sirius said moving over to stand beside her at the window, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Child, you seem distracted. What is troubling you?"

"Headmaster, do you believe that history will repeat itself?"

"That's and odd question, Princess. Why would you ask such a thing?"

"Because, Miss Potter is about to be betrayed by someone close to her, just as her parents were fifteen years ago," Snape remarked quietly, from where he stood leaning against the fireplace.

"The question is who..." Harry muttered under her breath.

"Harry," Sirius gently turned her to face him, "please try not to worry. I can't believe that any of your friends would go over to Voldemort."

"You didn't believe Peter Pettigrew could either," she replied unable to hide the pain in her eyes. He just hugged her close to him, unable to find words to comfort her.

"Miss Potter, perhaps you should go back to bed for awhile. Since you insist on playing in today's match, you will need all your wits about you, and a good sleep will help to refresh you."

"You are absolutely correct, Severus, Harry needs to get some rest. We all do. Each of us will need all our wits about us today," Dumbledore spoke with authority. "Harry, would you like Severus to give you a sleeping potion?"

"No thank you Headmaster. You may just have him drug me into unconsciousness so that I will sleep through the Quidditch match."

"Child, do you really believe I would do such a thing?" Dumbledore asked trying hard not to smile.

"Let's just say I don't believe you wouldn't if you thought it would keep me safe," Harry smiled slyly with a toss of her head, "now, it you will all excuse me, I'm going back to bed." Harry headed for the moving stairs before they could reply and Dumbledore just nodded to her with a wink.

She really was tired, as she climbed back into bed, and needed to get some rest. She had been looking forward to today's game, and hoped that she would help the team to win. The first game had been a disaster, with Snape catching the snitch very quickly. They needed to go over their strategy and plan how to get around Hagrid. He would be playing the position of keeper, instead of Professor Sprout, and guarding the rings to prevent scoring. Dumbledore had made the switch as a safety measure after it was decided Harry would play. Snape of course was the seeker, with Sirius and Remus acting as beaters. The three chasers would be Professors Hootch, McGonagall, and Sinestra. Professor Flitwick had agreed to act as referee. If it were not for the threat of Voldemort, Harry knew it would be the most fun she had ever had playing Quidditch...

The students were waiting anxiously in the stands overlooking the Quidditch field and hoping the game would at least be better than the last time. They really wanted Harry to win, and even the Slytherin students, who were loyal to Snape, took their Quidditch seriously enough to want to beat the teachers. Snape would be Harry's adversary, but she knew that Sirius was good on a broom too, and that while he had played as a chaser with her father, she knew he was probably a good beater too. He also had the advantage of her Thunderbolt, which she was used to using. The new broom he had given her was good, but she still had to get used to its fast motion and it required a gentler touch to maneuver that her old one.

The student team was waiting quietly beneath the stadium going over some last minute briefings. In addition to Harry, the team consisted of Ron, who was the keeper, Stuart Byron, the Slytherin Prefect and Quidditch captain, playing as a beater, along with another Slytherin, Ray Serpentine. The three chasers were Jessica Southgate from Hufflepuff and twins Robert and David Mandrake from Ravenclaw. They were all nervous, as the only ones who had played in the last game were Ron and Stuart. The others had all been voted in by the students, and all seven were considered the best players in the school. Stuart was acting as captain, since he was a seventh year and captain of his house team.

Hermione sat anxiously in the stands with Ginny, and Fred and George had come in from Hogsmead to watch the game. Harry's other friends, Seamus, Neville, and Colin, camera in hand, sat behind them. Dean Thomas would act as announcer, calling the action for the crowd. Professor Dumbledore sat in the top box with the rest of the staff, and he had a clear view of the stadium. In his pocket was a set of Omnioculars. He would use them not just to watch the game, but also to watch for any signs of trouble within the stands.

Finally, Professor Flitwick appeared with his broom, blowing his whistle, as the gates opened. The student team was wearing their regular quidditch robes to represent their houses. It would also make the game easier to call. The teachers had all acquired black robes and each had a monogram of the sorting hat with a capital H on the upper right side.

"I don't need to tell all of you how pleased the school is to be doing these games," Professor Flitwick told them all. If they are successful, I hope the Headmaster has at least one game every year once the situation with You Know Who has been resolved. Now play fair, and try not to injure each other too much," the little wizard smiled looking from Professor Snape to Harry. She couldn't help but notice he too had a Thunderbolt Lightening Rod broom, and he arched his brow with the hint of a smile.

"Mount your brooms, please," Flitwick said blowing his whistle. All of them mounted their brooms and rose into the air. Sirius made sure to flash Harry one of his best smiles, but she just inclined her head, grinning. Professor Flitwick then blew a long blast on his whistle and released the Quaffle, as Dean began the commentary.

"The Quaffle is released and immediately taken by Madam Hootch for the teachers, and she passes it to Professor Sinestra and they head towards the Hoops. Stuart Byron, of Slytherin knocks the Bludger towards Professor Sinestra and she looses control of the Quaffle to David Mandrake of Ravenclaw. Look at him move up the field towards the students goal posts." The students were screaming and cheering and it looked like Mandrake might score the first goal, but Sirius had other plans. "Oh, no, Mandrake has been knocked half off his broom by Professor Black who hit him with a bludger."

Harry had been hanging towards the middle of the field, watching out for the Golden Snitch, and keeping a wary eye on Professor Snape, when he suddenly dove. "Oh, no, Professor Snape has spotted the Snitch," Dean Thomas intoned, "but why isn't Harry Potter going after him?" Harry just smiled, as she suspected that Snape would use the Wronski Feint and knew that by staying put she was taking a major gamble.

She had not seen the Snitch, but that didn't mean Snape hadn't. Dodging a Bludger cast at her by both Sirius and Remus she suddenly saw the snitch over near Hagrid, and took off at breakneck speed towards the teacher's goal posts.

"Potter has spotted the Golden Snitch and is flying across the field, but Professor Snape has recovered from his Feint and is in hot pursuit. Look at the two of them go!" Dean's enthusiasm spurred the crowd, the students were screaming for Harry, as the teachers were yelling to Snape to move faster.

In the meantime, the Quaffle was still in play, and had been taken over from the student team and was now in possession of Professor McGonagall.

"Professor McGonagall has the Quaffle and is moving towards the goal post. Nice block by Ron Weasley with the Starfish and Stick move! The students have again gained control of the Quaffle. Jessica Southgate of Hufflepuff is fantastic and moving towards the goal posts. Oh, no! Professor Lupin has used the Bludger Backbeat and Jessica had to swerve. Madame Hootch has control of the Quaffle. Madam Hooch scores the first goal. Ten points to the teachers!"

Harry heard this in the back of her mind, the Golden Snitch had disappeared in the sunlight, and she and Snape were watching each other very carefully. Both of them were flying around the field and dodging the Bludgers. Snape was staying right on Harry's back as a Bludger came at Harry, and she had to do a rapid Sloth Grip Roll to avoid a collision. Professor Snape dove to avoid the bludger, and Harry looked back just long enough to make certain he wasn't hurt.

"The Mandrake twins, Robert and David have control of the Quaffle and Jessica Southgate is flying in front to use the Hawkshead Attack Formation. Professors Black and Lupin have hit the Bludger with the Dopplebeater Defense breaking their formation, but David has retained the Quaffle. Professors Hootch and Sinestra are in hot pursuit. Nice move... David has used the Porskoff Ploy and thrown the Quaffle to his brother, who is diving downward to distract Hagrid, and the students score ten points!" Dean Thomas whooped as the students went wild in the stands.

Harry was watching Snape and listening to the score, when she spotted the Golden Snitch in front of where the faculty was sitting. Dumbledore also saw it and smiled, watching Harry through his Omnioculars. She took a major gamble and dove towards the ground instead, Snape following. Pulling up fast, she zigzagged over towards the Headmaster, where the Snitch was still fluttering. Going at a breakneck speed, she made a mad dash for the Snitch. Professor Snape realized she had duped him and cursed under his breath, taking off straight up and nearly colliding with her as Sirius hit a bludger in their direction. The both dove to avoid it, and Harry saw that the Snitch was on the move. Diving under Snape's broom, she flew in a circle to distract him and then took off again. The Snitch was over by Hagrid and buzzed his head before flying off towards the students in the stands. Harry was flying so fast she thought she might loose sight of it, but she kept on going. Professor Snape was almost neck and neck with her and she had to stay ahead of him. The Snitch then made a swift dive and Harry followed, flipping her broom upside down using the Keeper's, Starfish move, she was able to nudge Snape out of the way with one foot and reaching out grabbed the Snitch. The crowd went wild.

"Harry Potter has caught the Golden Snitch," Dean Thomas yelled enthusiastically. "The students win one hundred and sixty points to ten."

Harry was jubilant and looked over at Snape, who arched his left brow and nodded as she held the Snitch in the air for all to see. Her team members were gathering around, along with the teachers as she pointed her broom towards the ground.

Dumbledore seemed to be watching something else, and Harry was wondering what it was when she suddenly felt a familiar tug behind her belly button, and letting go of her broom, she felt herself being pulled through space. The Snitch had been turned into a Portkey!

Dumbledore was on his feet and was moving quickly through the throng of students and teachers. Harry had disappeared, and there was turmoil on the quidditch field. Dumbledore had to stop the student responsible for turning the snitch into a portkey. He had known one of Harry's good friends would betray her. Indeed, he had believed he knew who it was, and was more than a little aggrieved that his suspicions were confirmed. He had made it a point to watch the students during the match, and had spotted the wand just as Harry had caught the snitch. Using his powers, he became invisible and apparated to the bottom of the stands to catch the culprit.

Sirius grabbed Harry's broom as she let it go, and was stunned when she vanished. He immediately flew to the ground with the other teachers and quidditch players.

"I want all students to go to their common rooms at once," he yelled, but only those closest to him heard.

Snape immediately flew over to Dean Thomas, and had him announce to the students to return to their common rooms, and then he flew back to Sirius.

"Black, I believe the snitch was used as a portkey. We must get to Albus immediately." He motioned the others to follow and flew off towards where the students were heading back to the building. He saw the headmaster waiting by the main entrance of Hogwarts. "Albus, they used the snitch as a portkey."

"I am more than aware of that, Severus, and I know who the guilty party is."

"Albus, we need to get Harry back!" Sirius exclaimed anxiously.

"And we shall, just as soon as we find where she has been taken to."

"Headmaster, Harry is in grave danger. We need to organize a search immediately," Remus gasped as he came over to stand with the others.

"I want all of you to calm down. We will get Harry back, but we need to keep our heads clear and our emotions in check," Dumbledore admonished sternly.

"Professor Dumbledore, what happened? One minute Harry had the snitch and the next she just vanished, just like after the Tri-Wizard Tournament," Ron Weasley questioned, his eyes moist, worry etched into his features, "please tell me it wasn't another portkey."

"I am afraid so, Mr. Weasley," Dumbledore gently placed his hands on Ron's shoulders. "I need you to be strong now for Harry, and for the person responsible. I want all of you to go to my office and wait there. I will be there shortly with the only person who can help us now."

"It's the person who betrayed her, isn't it?" Ron asked angrily.

"Easy, Ron," Sirius spoke quietly, but his eyes were smoldering, with anger, "we need to question the person responsible if we are to get Harry back safely."

"But what if..." Ron began.

"Mr. Weasley, the Dark Lord will not kill Harry immediately. He wishes to demonstrate his superiority over her to his followers. We have time, if we keep calm and plan quickly. Now let's do as the Headmaster requests, and go to his office," Professor Snape said guiding Ron back into the building.

Sirius and Remus followed as Dumbledore continued to wait for the one person who could help him to save Harry. He didn't have long to wait....

Harry landed with a thud, stunned for a moment, but the burning in her scar quickly reminded her of what had happened, and she looked around. She was in a large room, with a fire burning in the fireplace. The furniture had once been lavish but was now worn and the smell of mildew filled her nostrils. She was sitting on a threadbare oriental rug, and a large boa constrictor was curled up by the wing chair, it's black eyes staring at her.

"Welcome Harry Potter," the snake said lifting its head.

"Nagini, where is your master?" Harry questioned the reptile.

"He will be here shortly. I am to keep you company until he returns."

"Oh, really," she muttered getting to her feet, "I don't suppose you would consider a better life than being the pet of a low life sociopath murderer? Slytherin House could always use a mascot."

"My master treats me fairly," the snake intoned, its forked tongue licking the air.

"Where are we anyway?"

"You are in my father's house," Voldemort's oily voice spoke from the doorway, "I bid you welcome."

"I sincerely doubt it, Tom Malvolo Riddle," Harry replied deliberately using his true name to irritate him.

"Do not ever call me by that name, I am Lord Voldemort," Voldemort's eyes burned into hers, but Harry had enough sense not to look at him too long.

"I have no intention of calling you that ridiculous name ever again. It just shows what an egotistical manic you really are," she remarked bravely, knowing it would get him even angrier.

"Crucio," Voldemort yelled hitting her with the Cruciatus curse, his wand showering red sparks. "It's good to see you on your knees; you need to learn to obey me."

"If you think I would ever obey you then you should be committed to St. Mungo's."

"Oh, you will obey, if you wish to stay alive for more than a few hours. I have a wonderful use for you."

"Gee, you mean you don't want to recruit me any more? I am so disappointed," she smiled sarcastically, attempting to get up from her knees.

"Crucio!" Voldemort laughed again, enjoying her pain. "I see Severus has taught you well. You don't even scream with the pain, but that will change. McNair will see to that," Voldemort laughed as Harry looked up sharply. "Yes, my dear, I have every intention of torturing you. You see, you are very close to that fool Dumbledore, and I need to see how much he knows."

"Dumbledore tells me nothing," Harry responded fighting the curse through clenched teeth.

"That is not what your friend has told me," he smiled evilly, his voice light with amusement. "You see, this time I made the Prophecy happen. It was so easy, and your friend so gullible. Of course, I did foresee a minor problem, so I took out a bit of insurance."

"What friend, and what do you mean, insurance?"

"Ah...I see I have gotten your full attention, so I will tell you, but first I need a bit of entertainment. Crucio! Crucio! Crucio!" Voldemort rapidly cursed her in succession, chuckling with enjoyment as she curled into a fetal position from the pain, "I do believe your tenacity will make torturing you a real pleasure, Harry. You may prove even more entertaining than Severus was."

"You bastard. How dare you try to use my friends against me?"

"It was quite simple actually. Jealousy is such a marvelous emotion to play with; add a small insurance policy, and you have been betrayed," Voldemort sneered sitting down in the chair and kicking Nagini out of the way. "Go and find McNair, Nagini, and send him to me," he told the snake as it slithered out of the room.

"My friends would never even talk with you. There is no way you could have influenced them," she argued lamely, knowing her friends were no match for his powers.

"Oh, come now, Harry, a simple suggestion, and then an Imperious curse. All I needed was a few minutes. By the time your friend knew what had happened, I had my insurance. I'm sure you would have betrayed a friend to save the lives of your parents too."

"Who is it? Whose parents are in danger?" Harry questioned him, her voice sounding shrill in her ears. 'Don't panic, he wants you to be scared and upset so he can use you for his own ends,' Harry reasoned with herself.

"I was going to tell you, but your friend will be here shortly. It is a part of our agreement. Of course, I do not intend to keep my end of it, but I will enjoy watching your face while they all die together...

Dumbledore looked down at the student coming towards him, and his blue eyes were unreadable, "I think you should come with me. I am aware of what you have done," he said taking the student by the arm, and heading into the building.

"Headmaster, I have to go to him or he will kill my family."

"There is time to save both your family and Harry, if you co-operate Child."

"Where are we going?"

"To my office. Professors Black, Lupin, and Snape are there waiting for us, along with Ron."

"Headmaster...please...I have betrayed my friend. I can't face them knowing what I have done."

"You have no choice. I will not allow you to leave. The floo powder you have secreted in your pocket will not work. I have charmed all of our hearths so that only the faculty can use them," Dumbledore explained to the frightened child as they reached the gargoyle that protected the moving stairs to his office. "Candy Kisses," he opened the passage for them to enter, and they rose up into his office. "Gentleman, this is the person on whose actions Harry's fate now rests," the old man spoke gravely, as the others stood up in shock...

"Ah...McNair, I have a job for you. I know how much you like to keep busy and perfect your skills. I thought that she would provide a little enjoyment for you while we wait for our other guest. Of course, they will both be killed later on tonight, but first we will wait for Lucius to bring his prizes," Voldemort gloated, looking at Harry malevolently.

"Lord Voldemort, I will be pleased to provide you with some entertainment this afternoon. A Cruciatus curse perhaps?"

"No, I have already hit her several times. She is as tenacious as our old friend, Severus. I think something purely physical would be rather interesting. Do you still keep that whip?"

"Yes, Lord. I have it down in the basement, where I keep all my equipment."

"Then we shall bring your tools up here, and enjoy ...Crucio!" Voldemort yelled pointing his wand at Harry as she attempted to get up again. "Potter, you really shouldn't try to get up without my permission. McNair, get your tools. I believe Potter is being a very disobedient child."

"Immediately, Lord Voldemort," McNair smiled at Harry with all the warmth of a dead fish. Waving his wand, a large satchel appeared, with a whip and a cat-o' nine- tails.

"Excellent! Now we can begin," Voldemort waved his wand, and using the Imperious curse made Harry stand and face the wall. He magically bound her hands, so she could not move. "Before we start, I think we need to make sure she doesn't have her wand," Voldemort walked over to Harry, and rubbed his hands down her body, lingering a little too long as he brushed her breasts and thighs.

"Take your fucking hands off of me!" Harry spit over her shoulder into his face, her eyes blazing with anger and her stomach knotted in fear.

"I think not, but I can be patient my dear. I don't like to rush these things. You need to learn to submit to my will," he laughed coldly. "But I am getting a bit concerned. It seems your friend is late. I guess it's time to send in my Deatheaters."

Voldemort closed his eyes, and Harry's scar began to burn. A moment later Lucius Malfoy appeared along with the senior Crabbe and Goyle.

"Lord Voldemort, we have felt your summons, and will obey," Lucius nodded, his cold blue eyes looking over towards Harry, a smile twisting his lips.

"Potter is not for you just now, Lucius. It is time for you to complete your assignment. Her friend has failed to show up."

"It will be my pleasure. It's a pity though, that I can only kill the parents. I know Draco would like a shot at..."

"Enough Lucius! You talk too much. Now go and enjoy yourself. You are to bring their bodies back here when you are done as an example to those who disobey me!"

"I will do so Lord," Lucius answered and then swept from the room with Crabbe and Goyle.

Harry had listened to their conversation and her heart sank. She knew now who had betrayed her. There could only be one person that Lucius and Draco would want to see harmed so badly other than herself. The same person who had reminded her that Voldemort could make people do things they didn't want to do, and would use threats and intimidation to attain his desires. Harry's heart was in turmoil...

"Hermione, no!" Ron choked, scowling in disbelief. "Headmaster, there must be some mistake."

"There is no mistake, Mr. Weasley. Miss Granger has committed a terrible wrong against both you and Harry, she must now rectify it."

Sirius moved over to face Hermione, his brown eyes glaring with rage. He had all he could do to contain himself from slapping her in the face.

"Hermione Granger, if Harry dies I will find you wherever you are at and you will be made to suffer the same way as she did. Do you understand me?" he asked softly, his cruel smile belying the calmness in his voice.

"Miss Granger, what did the Dark Lord offer you in exchange for Harry?" Snape questioned looking down his nose at the frightened teen.

"Professors, Ron, please believe me. I had no choice. I ran into him in Hogsmeade. He was disguised and stopped me on the street to ask about the magic shop," Hermione began to cry softly; "he used the Imperious curse with a memory charm on me to make me jealous of Harry. He had me believing that she felt she was better than me because I'm Muggle Born. I tried to fight, but I couldn't. He said he would kill my parents. He knew everything about them, and even conjured a picture of them at work. He told me that if I told anyone he would kill them along with me and Harry. Professor, he had my mum's wedding ring."

"How did he contact you?" Professor Lupin asked with concern.

"He would prearrange the meetings for early in the morning. He showed me how to put everyone under the sleeping charm. I timed the night watches to get past the teachers and Mr. Filch. I was also the one who left the door open to the roof. Harry wasn't supposed to get out; I was supposed to let Mr. Malfoy in later in the evening."

"Did you let Malfoy in the night he attacked Professor Snape?" Dumbledore questioned his blue eyes intense and angry.

"Yes, I opened the door from the kitchen after the house elves were done for the night. I put a masking spell on it so no one would notice," Hermione sobbed. "Headmaster, please, my parents...he'll...kill them if...I don't...go to him."

"Your parents are safe, Hermione. The Aurors have been guarding them since you helped us to question Pettigrew. Moody alerted me that the Deatheaters were watching them. Unfortunately, I did not receive his owl until just before today's Quidditch match. If Voldemort's men try to get to your parents, they will be walking into a trap. Unfortunately, I did not anticipate that Voldemort would have you use the snitch as a portkey."

"Oh, Professor Dumbledore, if Harry dies it will be my fault," Hermione wept, shaking with fear and grief. "I tried to tell her just before Christmas. I made sure to... remind her that... Voldemort... can make people do things... they don't want to. Please...you...have to...do something."

"Headmaster, Hermione is telling the truth. I was there. It was the same day that Professor Black's story was in the Daily Prophet; just before Hermione caught the train home for the Holiday," Ron affirmed glumly. Voldemort was holding his best friend and his other friend had betrayed her out of fear for her family.

"Hermione, I want you to stop crying, and calm down," Dumbledore said guiding her over to the sofa. "It is imperative that you tell us where you sent Harry. We need to get to her before Voldemort finds out his men have walked into a trap."

"I...I sent her...to...the...Riddle...mansion."

"Damn!" Sirius swore brushing the hair back from his forehead, "how are we going to get in? I'm sure that bastard has traps and charms everywhere."

"I can get in," Snape looked at Black, his dark eyes unwavering. "I will go and try to get her out."

"I'm sorry, Severus, but that is out of the question," Dumbledore said shaking his head negatively. "It is far too dangerous for you to go alone."

"I'll go with him. He can say he has deliberately not been answering the summons in order to convince you of his loyalty so he could get the kind of information Voldemort wants. He can offer me up as his prisoner," Sirius spoke resolutely.

"What if Voldemort questions him about the night Lucius attacked?" Remus asked logically.

"I'll tell him I did not trust Lucius, and did not believe he would have him kill me within the building. I can say that I was going to tell him everything after he took me back to his current hiding place when Lucius was no longer present. Harry just happened to come along and spoil my plan."

"I don't like it, but it is the only plan we have at the moment," Dumbledore mulled it over in his mind. "Perhaps I should go with you..."

"So my dear, Miss Potter, I see by the look in your eyes you know now who has betrayed you. Your little Mud Blood friend, Hermione Granger. She was so easy to manipulate. She didn't have the skill to fight the Imperious curse; she actually believed at first that you thought you were better than her. Of course, once I had her under control I let her know it was a lie," Voldemort gloated licking his lips with pleasure.

"Hermione didn't betray me. She did what any kid would do. She chose her parents lives over that of her friend. My guess is she didn't come because she's afraid, but because she is with Dumbledore."

"Dumbledore, what has that old fool got to do with this?"

"Albus Dumbledore is not a fool. He has powers you'll never have. I'll bet you he knew you had Hermione under a charm."

"Then why are you here, Harry? You're oh so perfect Headmaster is allowing you to suffer for the fun of it. I think not."

"I'm here, because he expected something like this to happen. He is probably planning his next move right now," Harry laughed, hoping she sounded convincing. "For all you know we planned it this way in order to trap you."

"Did you now," Voldemort jerked Harry around to face him, "let's just find out how much you really do know. McNair, use the whip on her back!" Voldemort threw her face down onto the floor, tearing her Quidditch robes to expose her back. A moment later, she felt the sting of the whip and winced with pain, but she refused to cry out. "Hit her again!" Voldemort screamed in anger.

"Yes, Lord, with pleasure," McNair chuckled reveling in her pain as he came down harder on her back a second and third time.

"Crucio! Crucio! Crucio!" Lord Voldemort glowered over her, hitting her with the curses at the same time as the whip came down on her back. "I am going to kill you, Harry, but very slowly. If you think you are in pain now, wait until tonight. All my followers will see you die, and they will know you are nothing more than a stupid little meddling witch, no better than your parents were."

"My parents were brave and honorable. They died to stop you and I will too. I plan on sending you straight to Hell for all the pain and suffering you have caused in the world," Harry spat at him, her lips bleeding from where she bit them to keep from screaming.

"Hit her again, McNair! The little bitch is stubborn, but she will beg me to kill her later; Crucio!" Voldemort continued to curse her, with every crack of McNair's whip, and finally Harry could no longer refrain from crying out. "So you do have a breaking point. Severus would be proud you lasted this long. Pity I have to kill you. It would be fun to keep this up for months on end. Now," Voldemort said as he prodded her with his boot," what can you tell me about Dumbledore's plans?"

"His vacation plans?" Harry looked up at him with a rictus smile.

"Crucio! You bitch. You will answer me!" Voldemort exploded and McNair didn't wait to be told to use the whip again.

Harry's back was being laid raw, and she knew she couldn't stand much more without passing out soon. Even if she had known Dumbledore's plans, she would never tell Voldemort. She would die first. As these thoughts were passing through her head, Harry caught sight of a slight movement in the hallway. She knew that who ever it was, they had been listening for a few minutes and did not want to be discovered.

"Lord Voldemort," Draco Malfoy entered, kneeling in submission, "my father has returned. It was a trap!"

"I told you never to interrupt me, Draco," Voldemort's red eyes burned like fire.

"I am sorry; Lord Voldemort, but my father and the others were attacked by Mad Eye Moody. They lost Avery."

"Crucio!" Voldemort cursed Harry one more time, and then conjured up some salt, putting it onto her raw back. Tears streamed from her eyes, but she refused to yell out again. "Draco, I am leaving you to guard our guest. See to it that she is made comfortable," Voldemort instructed as he released the bonds on Harry's wrists, which were now bloody and swollen from where she had struggled against them as he had cursed her. "You may play with her if you like, and practice your Cruciatus and Imperious Curses. If you can get her to scream, I will give you a promotion, and let you help to recruit our younger members."

"Yes, Lord. I will do my best," Draco smiled worshipfully.

"McNair, come with me. If I find out that someone screwed up there will be hell to pay," Lord Voldemort swept from the room, his robes billowing out behind him, with McNair following in his wake.

"Crucio!" Draco yelled with a smile as Voldemort exited. "Crucio... Potter," he whispered after the Dark Lord had gone, "I don't want to stay here. Voldemort is a lunatic and my father is a sadistic bastard. I can't leave though, since I think that they are planning something big, and my father is always watching me. Listen, Nagini is coming, Crucio!" Draco cursed her again to avoid his being overheard by the snake. He was amazed at her ability to fight through the curses and not cry out, despite the obvious pain on her features.

Harry saw the snake pass by them in the hallway and was aware that the snake was muttering about how her master had kicked her earlier. She ignored Harry and Draco and kept going. Once Harry could no longer hear her talking to herself, she scanned Draco's emotions. He was frightened, and worried.

"Draco," she whispered, "I told you that you would have to make a choice the last time we met. Are you prepared to fight with Dumbledore to stop this tyrant?"

"Can you keep me from going to Azkaban? They keep taking me on raids, but so far I have only watched."

"Will you testify against them?"

"If I have to, yes."

"What about your father?"

"I hate him. He practices cursing people on me and my mother."

"I can't promise you anything. If you keep me informed I will talk to Dumbledore, but you will have to prove to me you are not working with them and trying to trick me. As you learn things, send an owl to Dobby with an envelope addressed to Jamie Evans. Dobby will see that it gets to me. Once I'm satisfied you're on the level, I will talk to Dumbledore."

"What if I'm caught before then?"

"Don't be," Harry warned studying him. She could feel his fear, but he was also excited that she might believe him. She knew he hated his father and was worried about his mother. "Someone's coming, quickly, curse me again!"

"Crucio!" he yelled, as the younger Crabbe and Goyle peeked in. "What do you two want? Lord Voldemort put me in charge of Potter."

"We just wanted to see how you were doing," Goyle responded and Crabbe nodded in agreement.

"Well, as you can see I'm doing fine, now go away and let me have some fun," Draco waved his wand at them threateningly, and they left the room hastily. "Potter, you have to get out of here. Voldemort is going to kill you tonight and have a feast over your corpse."

"Draco, knock over some furniture to make it look like we had a struggle, then give me your wand. I'll knock you out and get the hell out of here."

"How? The building is under heavy guard. You can't just walk out of here."

"Draco, there's no time to explain. Just trust me," Harry hissed, deliberately knocking over a chair, as she rose from the floor unsteadily. Draco moved the coffee table onto its side while Harry then turned over a lamp, spilling a bottle of ink on the desk. "Now, give me your wand. I'll see that it's left on the floor for when you wake up."

"Here, but I still don't see..."

"Stupefy!" Harry stunned him before he could finish the sentence. She then went over and opened the window, throwing the wand back over by Draco, and transformed. She was tired and would need to rest before returning back to human form, but should be able to make it back home to Hogwarts. None of Voldemort's Deatheaters paid attention to the great bird as it flew overhead and the village of Little Hangleton disappeared behind her into the late afternoon shadows...

"Professor Dumbledore, is there anything I can do to help?" Ron asked worriedly.

"You can take Miss Granger back to Gryffindor Tower and tell the Prefect she is not to be allowed to leave. I will determine her punishment depending on what happens to Harry," Dumbledore informed them gravely. "Miss Granger, if I may have your wand please?"

"My...wand...Headmaster?" Hermione asked with trepidation.

"Yes, Hermione. I do not believe you should be entitled to the privilege of having a wand at this time. I will not break it however until I decide if you should be expelled." Dumbledore spoke with the austerity of his position, as he took Hermione's wand and put it into his desk drawer. "Ron, after you escort Hermione back to the tower, I want you to bring Snuffles over to Hagrid and ask him to look after her while we try to rescue Harry."

"Yes, Headmaster," Ron replied. "Come on, Hermione, you had best do as Professor Dumbledore orders; you're in enough trouble already."

"I'm coming," she said following him to the moving stairs. "You all hate me now, don't you?"

"No, Child, but we expected you of all people to be able to distinguish when to speak up. Instead you made matters worse, by not coming forward."

"I'm sorry, really I am. Harry would die to protect any one of us, but I was too afraid to do the same for her," Hermione began to sob hysterically, as Ron took her by the shoulders, guiding her back towards Gryffindor Tower.

"Severus, I don't need to tell you how much of a risk this will be. Voldemort wants you dead as much as Harry and he has already forgiven you on more than one occasion."

"That is why Black's plan may work. Our hatred for each other is well known, and he is Miss Potter's godfather. Voldemort will want to make her suffer by watching him in pain."

"The question is can you keep him from killing Sirius?" Remus demanded apprehensively.

"He will not kill him if I can convince him that he is privy to Albus plans. He will however plan on torturing him, with Miss Potter present."

"But how will you alert Albus to cause a diversion long enough for you to grab Harry and Sirius and get out with the portkey he made from your boot?"

"I am sure that Voldemort will hit me with at least one Cruciatus Curse. I will, quite simply scream."

"But you never..." Remus voice trailed off as he realized the simplicity of it. Severus never screamed until he was practically half-dead from the pain.

"Remus I will need you to stay here. Should we fail, you and Minerva must evacuate the school. Any student who is not considered a Pure Blood will be in danger. You will also alert both the Order and the Ministry. It is already almost five, and the sun will be setting soon. If we have not returned by midnight, then you will consider us lost and do as I have instructed."


"Don't argue with me, Remus. Time is of the essence. I am trusting you with the safety of our students," Dumbledore put his hand on Remus arm, and looked at him over his half moon spectacles.

"Very well, but I will be expecting you all to get back here safely," Remus answered, looking at them all and trying to sound convincing. Nevertheless, was unable to hide the worry in his tone.

"Then let's get going," Sirius smiled at his old friend, "the sooner we leave, the sooner we'll be back."

"We will apparate down by the path to Hogsmeade," Dumbledore informed them quietly. "Remus, why don't you accompany us to the apparition point and then go and see to Mr. Weasley. He may wish to wait with you. I know he is worried and angry."

"Thank you, Albus. I will do that," Remus Lupin responded as the four men left the Headmaster's office, prepared for the ordeal they believed they would each be facing...

Ron escorted Hermione back to Gryffindor Tower in silence, unable to find the forgiveness in his heart to comfort her. 'What would I have done in her place? Could I have risked the lives of my family to help my friend?' he questioned himself silently. 'Why didn't she use her smarts and just write a letter to Dumbledore or Harry to tell them what had happened?' he sighed inwardly, confused and hurt. 'Hermione never really was people smart. She's more book smart. It probably never occurred to her that Harry and Dumbledore would have protected them all. Hell, her family was being protected and she never even knew it. If only she had trusted her friends, a little bit more. Now she'll probably be expelled, and Voldemort may have gained the edge he has been waiting for. Please, Merlin let the Prophecy be right; let Harry be okay.' he thought as he walked her into the Common Room and the other students eyed them suspiciously, as Ron had a private word with the House Prefect.

Ginny had been sitting with Hermione when Harry had disappeared and had seen the wand flash. The students all knew Hermione had been responsible for what ever had happened to Harry.

"I know how hard he is to resist, Hermione, but you could have come to any one of us," Ginny told her quietly, while Hermione shifted uncomfortably.

"He threatened my family. They're Muggles, and wouldn't have had a chance," Hermione cried, running upstairs into the girls' dorm. She flung herself onto her bed, and lay there crying, wondering if her friends would ever forgive her, and if she could ever forgive herself for being so stupid. 'If Harry comes out of this alive, I promise that I will spend the rest of my life making it up to her.'

Ron had been glad to escape the scene in Gryffindor Tower and had not seen fit to come to Hermione's aid. It would be up to Harry how to deal with her friend, but for now, she was ostracized. The other students considered her a traitor, since unlike Ginny, she had not been kidnapped and used to try to restore Voldemort. As he reached Harry's room, he heard Snuffles at the door and called out to her.

"Hey, Snuffles, it's Ron. Would you like to go outside for awhile?"

"Woof. Woof!" Snuffles barked and whined at the door.

"Okay, puppy," Ron spoke to the dog, "I'll take you." He used Harry's new password, 'Padfoot' to enter, and Snuffles leaped up on him as he opened the door. "Hey, girl, don't worry. Harry will be home soon. In the meantime Uncle Ron will take care of you, okay?" he questioned her as he pet her affectionately. He found talking to her was extremely comforting, and realized how badly he had wanted to cry. 'I need to be strong for Harry. She will need me when she gets back.'

"Woof," Snuffles barked again going over to her bowl, and Ron noticed it was empty. Harry had always fed Snuffles herself, feeling it was her responsibility and not that of the house elves.

"Hungry, huh?" he asked the dog and she wagged her tail. "Then we'll eat first and I'll see you have a good run." Ron picked up the bag of dog food that Harry had learned to keep out of Snuffles reach, and poured some into her bowl. As she ate, he took her water dish and filled it up in the bathroom. He waited until Snuffles had finished, then attached her leash, since he didn't know if she would run away from him, and headed down stairs. Reaching the main entrance, he was just in time to meet the Professors on their way to rescue Harry.

"Mr. Weasley, would you like to walk with us to the apparition site?" Dumbledore asked as Snuffles greeted them all happily. She was sniffing, and Sirius knew she was confused and looking for Harry.

"Yes, Sir. Snuffles will enjoy the walk too. Are you all going?"

"No, Professor Lupin will wait with you. I want you both to see that the school is safe," Dumbledore said in an effort to include Ron and make him fell as if he was contributing.

"I'll do my best, Sir."

"We know you will, Ron," Sirius looked at the teen confidently. "Harry will need your support when she gets back."

"I just wish..."

"No, Mr. Weasley, Harry could not bear it if anything happened to you. As it is she will have to deal with the situation with Miss Granger," Professor Snape stated knowing that Ron wanted to go with them.

"I know," Ron replied somewhat crestfallen.

"Ron, I'd like to go too, but someone has to mind the house," Professor Lupin patted the youth on his back. "Just be glad that she has three of the best wizards that ever came out of Hogwarts on her side. I'm sure they'll all give Voldemort a good kick in the ass."

Ron smiled at Professor Lupin, glad that he was treating him as an equal, and talking to him as if they were old friends. "With both Dumbledore and Harry, he'll have more than he ever bargained for," the youth replied.

"Then this is where we all part company for the time being," Dumbledore announced as they reached the path to Hogsmeade. "I will be...

"Woof, Woof, Woof..." Snuffles picked that moment to start barking frantically and pulling hard on her leash, almost knocking Ron off his feet.

"Professors, I'm sorry. I don't know what's the matter with her."

"Let her go, Ron," Sirius told him, "I think she senses something."

"Probably just a rabbit. If I let her go..."

"Woooffff...." Snuffles howled cutting Ron off in mid sentence as she wrapped the leash around his legs, and stared up at the darkening sky....

Harry had been flying for what seemed like hours. Her back hurt, and it was an effort to fly. The muscles she needed to use her wings were directly linked to those in her back and it was an agony to keep on going. Her insides felt like they were on fire too, as the Cruciatus curses had not yet fully worn off and wouldn't for several more hours. She wasn't even sure if she was going in the right direction, but her instincts told her to go that way, so she did. She wanted to stop and rest, but was afraid she would not be able to get aloft again.

She was also worried about Sirius. She knew he would be frantic about her disappearance and hoped he wouldn't do something impulsive. 'What if he found out that it was Hermione that had betrayed her? What would he do then?' All these thoughts gave her the impetus to keep on going, and finally, as the sun was getting low in the sky, she could make out the towers of Hogwarts in the distance.

'Just a few more miles...just a few...more...miles,' she chanted to herself, not realizing she was actually making a cooing sound in her throat. Finally the village of Hogsmeade was beneath her and she could see the castle torches just coming on in the twilight. 'I'm home...I made...it...' she said with relief and could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. Blinking she thought she saw a group of people standing on the path leading from the school into town. In her pain and exhaustion she had to look hard to see who they were, and then she heard Snuffles. 'My family, they're here looking for me...Snuffles...' she called, not knowing that from the ground five figures had looked up when the dog had howled. They had heard her screech, and could see a large scarlet bird coming towards them, struggling to land...

"By Merlin's beard, it's Harry!" Dumbledore exclaimed as the dog continued to cry and Ron detached the leash.

Snuffles bounded forward and Ron took off behind her. Sirius transformed and passed them both as the Phoenix crashed to the ground. He could see she was breathing heavily, and was utterly exhausted. Sniffing her gently he scented blood, and noticed how the feathers on her back were wet and sticky. He quickly transformed as she watched him, her sides heaving.

"Sirius, why isn't she transforming back?" Ron panted racing up to him behind Snuffles, who sat down and began to whine.

"She can't Ron, she's badly hurt and exhausted. We need to get her into the castle," he explained as the others came over to where Harry lay injured.

"How bad is it Sirius? I can scent the blood."

"I'm not sure, Remus. She's too exhausted to try and communicate with me."

"She's in shock," Dumbledore said quietly, removing his outer robe. He gently wrapped it around her, and sent her a warm surge of energy.

"Headmaster, if I may be so bold, I don't think we should take her to Madam Pomfrey. Not in her animagus form, anyway."

"I agree, Severus. We will take her to her room. Ron, you take Snuffles, and go and get Professor McGonagall. She and Sirius will have to help her transform back into her human form. Meet us up in Harry's room," Dumbledore instructed the youth with authority.

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore," Ron replied taking off at a run towards the castle.

"Don't worry, Child. You're home and safe. We'll all take care of you," Dumbledore gently spoke to Harry as he carefully picked her up and began walking towards the castle.

"Albus do you realize that if Harry had been a few minutes later and Snuffles hadn't been here to alert us, the three of you would have been at the Riddle Mansion?"

"Yes, our little rescue mission would have been a failure, Remus."

Harry trilled up at Dumbledore and blinked when she heard what Remus had said. They had been coming to help her! Thank god they had spotted her. She made up her mind that as soon as she was well enough, she would give Snuffles a big steak for saving them by alerting them to her presence. For now though, she just wanted to cuddle up to the warmth and comfort that Dumbledore emitted as he carried her the rest of the way into Hogwarts, and safety. Everything else could wait until tomorrow...