Remus Lupin Sirius Black Severus Snape
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 12/08/2003
Updated: 12/22/2004
Words: 301,506
Chapters: 31
Hits: 48,703

The Legend of the Serpent's Tongue


Story Summary:
Harry has completed her seventh year at Hogwarts and is heading towards a new and happy life. Voldemort has been defeated and is dead...or is he? What does fate have in store for Harry?

Chapter 28

Chapter Summary:
The rescue mission has begun. Will Harry be able to get the captives out of Voldemort's Lair?
Author's Note:
Thanks to all those who have reviewed. I am glad you are all enjoying this fic. Please continue your support and comments.

Legend of the Serpent's Tongue

Chapter 28

Into the Serpent's Lair

Harry had a fitful night following the meeting of the Order. She kept Voldemort out of her dreams but was aware of the increasing pain in her scar. She had made the only decision possible knowing it was going to cost lives. Dumbledore was gradually passing the torch of leadership onto her. Harry could only hope that she was worthy of such an honor. The outcome of the war would be the deciding factor.

The sun was just rising when Harry got out of bed and headed to the shower. The hot water helped her to relax the taught muscles in her body, giving her time to think about what lay ahead. It would be difficult to free the hostages but not impossible. She knew they were still alive. She just didn't know how badly they had been tortured during the night and she knew some of them had been tortured. The only one who had not been harmed had been Phaedra. Harry had been able to sense the little girl calling to her in her dreams. She was terrified but being very brave and Harry knew she had been crying over her mother. 'Don't worry, baby, I'm coming,' she thought as she climbed out of the shower. Dressing in a pair of black jeans and shirt, she pulled on a robe and her sneakers. Harry preferred to fight in Muggle clothing. For some reason she felt more vulnerable in her robes.

Harry wasn't hungry but knew she should eat something. She would need her strength. She decided to take her meal in her room wanting to think for a while longer. Sitting down on the settee in front of the fireplace, she watched the flames for a moment then rang for Dobby. He popped in with a loud crack.

"Harry Potter, Dobby is wanting to help. What can Dobby do for you this morning?" His big green eyes were worried and his ears were hanging flat to his head.

"First you can get us both something to eat for breakfast. I want to talk to you, Dobby."

"Harry Potter wants to have breakfast with Dobby?"

"Is that a problem, Dobby?"

"Dobby will be honored to have breakfast with such a famous witch. Dobby is just surprised that Harry Potter would want to be with him this morning of all mornings."

"That is exactly why I wish to be with you Dobby. You are my friend. Right now I could use your company." The elf blushed and lowered his head bashfully.

"Surely Harry Potter would rather be with her other friends or family? They are worried about her."

"I know. That is another reason I want to be with you right now."

"But Dobby is worried too!" he exclaimed wide-eyed, flapping his ears.

"Dobby, sometimes a person needs to speak with someone who is not a wizard for advice. You see things differently than they do. I would be very happy if you would stay and eat with me and we can talk."

"Dobby will get us our breakfast," he answered with a low bow. "Dobby will return shortly." He popped out returning two minutes later and snapped his fingers. A tray laden with all of Harry's favorite breakfast items appeared on the table.

"I see you are planning on stuffing my stomach this morning." Harry half smiled at the elf.

"Harry Potter must keep up her strength to face He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named."

"His name is Voldemort and he was born Tom Marvolo Riddle. He is nothing more than a powerful wizard and a coward," she said calmly spearing a sausage.

"Ooohhh...Harry Potter is indeed brave to say such things."

"I am only speaking the truth, Dobby, and you know it. Now here," she remarked spooning some eggs onto a small plate, "eat some breakfast or I will be very upset."

"Harry Potter is generous to a fault. To think about Dobby at a time like this," the elf replied flustered.

"Yes...well...I want my friends to be happy and you are my friend."

Dobby merely smiled and tried to hide behind his ears in embarrassment doing as Harry asked. They ate in silence for a little while. Harry was glad for his quiet presence. Once they had finished Harry solemnly poured them each a cup of hot chocolate studying the house elf shrewdly. He looked up at her in contemplation before he spoke.

"Harry Potter wishes to speak with Dobby about something she wishes to be kept a secret." It was not a question.

"Yes, Dobby, I don't know how you know this but you do."

"House elves is made to know when their masters want them to be discreet."

"I am not your mistress," she corrected gently, "nor would I ever wish to be. I am your friend and confidant and that is why I have asked you to be here."

"Harry Potter is very modest. Dobby did not wish to offend her."

"None was taken, Dobby. I need your help with a few things and I know you would do almost anything for me short of murder. Even then I'm not too sure you wouldn't go that far." Dobby merely glanced down without answering as Harry continued. "I want you to hold this for me." She pulled an envelope from her pocket. "It is my will."

"Harry Potter will not die!" Dobby exclaimed leaping up from his chair.

"Dobby calm down. I hope that I will be back and you can return that envelope to me in person. I need to make sure it's kept in safe hands in the event of my death. I will shortly be walking into a trap and need to know that if I don't come back my friends will have the means to escape to safety and regroup."

"Dobby understands," the elf sobbed.

"Good." She smiled wanly patting him on the head. "Last time I gave it to Dumbledore for safe keeping but he too will be fighting and is growing old. I am worried about his safety." The elf nodded in understanding. Dumbledore was an old man and as with all wizards and witches, their powers weakened with advancing age. The war was taking its toll on him and Dobby knew that Dumbledore might not survive. "Now listen to me Dobby. I want you to see that if I don't make it back that this envelope gets into the right hands. I trust your judgment to know who should receive it. I know you will know who can be trusted. House elves know more about what is going on in the wizarding world than most wizards and witches do."

"Dobby will do as Harry Potter wishes."

"I know you will Dobby. Now I have a few more things I need from you. First off, tell me about Draco. Will he be able to resist his father?"

"Young Mr. Malfoy was cruelly used by his father but Dobby thinks he will be able to stay true to the light."

"Now tell me anything you can about Lucius. I know he is a Deatheater as well as having been brought back by the Dark Lord. Does he have any kind of weakness I can play on?"

"He is evil, Harry Potter. He cares nothing for the needs of others. He thinks only of himself and his power."

"He has no weaknesses then?" Dobby shifted uncomfortably at her question. "Please Dobby, this is important. You need not fear him. He is no longer your master."

"Dobby knows this...but...it is...difficult."

"I promise it can only help our cause, Dobby," Harry told him dropping down onto her knees to look him directly in the eyes.

"He...fears...becoming like...his...father."

"Like his father? I don't understand."

"He...had...a stroke. He was...unable to...move. All he could do was talk."

"I see. He fears being incapacitated. Hmm...That may be useful in trying to contain him but I'm not sure how just yet. Does Draco know this?"

"No. He was just a baby when his grandfather died."

"Dobby how did the senior Malfoy die?"

"Dobby cannot say for sure, Miss Harry, but the last person with him was Draco's father. He claimed he found him dead in his bed."

"Okay, I understand, Dobby." The elf nodded. It was clear to Harry that Lucius had most likely killed his father. "Now I have one other thing I need you to do for me."

"Anything, Harry Potter."

"If Lord Voldemort should win and I die I want you to convince the house elves to take the hats that Hermione gave them. Ask them to help the students and teachers get to safety."

"Harry Potter! That is impossible. The other elves does not wish to be freed!"

"You must convince them, Dobby. Tell them that Harry Potter asked them to do this. Tell them that they can bind themselves to good witches and wizards later on to help stop the tyranny, which will follow. The Dark Lord will not consider them worth his time and make them do awful things. He will kill many of them just for his own pleasure. Voldemort considers them beneath him."

"Dobby will try," he whined nervously.

"Don't try, Dobby, do it! Take a stand. Tell them to stand up for what is right. If they wish to be bound let them at least be with people who will treat them properly."

"Harry Potter is wise and noble. Dobby will convince them!"

"Thank you, Dobby." Harry wiped a tear from his cheek. "I don't know about wise and noble so much as just wanting to get the elves and students to safety. We both know that if we fail today he will be coming here. None of you should have to suffer for my failure."

"Now it is Dobby's turn to convince Harry Potter. You will not fail. You are the most powerful witch of the age. You are even more powerful than Dumbledore but you do not yet recognize that fact. Dobby knows you will be coming back in triumph!"

"I hope so, Dobby...I hope so..." Harry's voice faded worriedly. "Ahem," she cleared her voice to prevent a sob. "Can you tell me where my parents are at the moment?"

"They spent the night in with Professors Lupin and Black. They is all very worried about Harry Potter. Professor Black is feeling very sad knowing that if Harry Potter is able to do the spell to send the Dark Lord away his friends will go too."

"I expected that, Dobby. I'm sad too but they do not belong here."

"Dobby knows this and so does Professor Black but he is still unhappy."

"Then we will just have to do our best to see that he gets through all this. I want you to be sure that he and Professor Lupin are taken care of if I do not come back." Dobby opened his mouth to protest but Harry silenced him with a wave of her hand. "Now I would like it if you would send my parents in to see me before it is time to go."

"Dobby will send them, Miss."

"Thank you, Dobby. There is one more thing I want to give you."

"What is that, Harry Potter? You have given Dobby so much already."

"Just this," Harry grinned pulling the elf into a hug and kissing him on the forehead. "I love you, Dobby. Thank you for being my friend and for being there for me when I really needed it."

"Harry Potter is indeed the greatest witch who ever lived. Dobby loves you too," he sobbed. Snapping his fingers, he disappeared to carry out his instructions.

Harry glanced at her clock to check the time. Her scar was prickling and her stomach was tied in knots. She settled herself back on the couch drinking the rest of her cocoa contemplating what to say to her parents and what she might be facing in the hours ahead. She knew it would not be pleasant. Harry was running through the spell to defeat the Dark Lord in her mind. 'Maybe I'll get lucky for once and just be able to get in and say the spell to take the nasty gits out without any problems,' she mused. 'That would really be something but somehow I know there will be a welcoming committee when we arrive,' she grunted to herself with a frown as a knock came on her door.

"Enter," she called.

Her mother and father came in and she waved them over to the chairs by the fire. They sat down facing her. She studied them seriously. Her father's soft hazel eyes were thoughtful as he ran a hand through his messy black hair making it stand up. Harry knew the gesture well. She had used if often enough herself when she was in a difficult situation. He cast her a half smile. Her mother was looking at her nervously. Her emerald eyes reflecting the worry and anxiety only a mother could feel for her child. She casually slipped her hand into that of her husband.

"You wanted to see us?" James questioned.

"Uh huh," Harry responded suddenly feeling tongue-tied.

"Harry," Lily began slowly, "has something else happened?"

"What...Oh no...I just wanted a word with you both in private before we have to leave," Harry stated briskly. Her voice sounded shrill to her ears and her heart was pounding so hard she thought they must be able to hear it. Getting up she paced nervously for a minute. Harry unconsciously ran her hands through her hair just as her father had done a few moments before. James Potter chuckled in amusement as Harry realized she had repeated his nervous gesture.

"Seems to run in the family," he teased gently.

"Seems that way," she flushed sitting back down. "Look I know this hasn't been easy on any of us but I need to say a few things to both of you."

"What is troubling you, Harry?" Lily asked softly. Her identical green eyes locked with those of her daughter.

"I only wanted to say I'm sorry." James opened his mouth to speak but Harry put up her hand to silence him. "Please let me finish. I have been a prat and acting like a silly little girl. I think you both know that I did it deliberately because I knew this day would come. I really wasn't ready to face it. I always felt cheated that I grew up without the two of you. I don't know how many times I would wonder what our lives would have been like if you hadn't sacrificed yourselves for me or if Voldemort had never existed. I used to picture us all together and imagine having brothers and sisters to play with." Harry took a deep breath and plunged on. "You have no idea how many times I was jealous of my friends for having what I did not. They had families who cared and I had a vault full of gold. It pissed me off that Ron would complain about being poor. He wasn't the one who was poor it was me. You have no idea how angry I was that night in Godric's Hollow after I was sent back in time. I couldn't understand why you wouldn't listen to me and get out. I knew you were aware of the prophecies." Harry's voice was shaking and her hands were clenched into fists.

"Harry we..."

"Dad, please don't interrupt. I have to get this out and I don't have much time left to do it." James Potter nodded solemnly allowing Harry to continue. "I kept thinking how could they do this to me? It wasn't just me either. I didn't understand how you could leave Padfoot and Moony to suffer the way they did. You had all the clues and I told you enough so that you understood without me giving away any secrets but you continued on the same path. It took me a long time to truly accept that it was the only thing you could do. Then, wham! You were brought back to me again! I wanted to stop it from happening. I actually tried to get there in time to stop it. You see I knew that if Voldemort succeeded I would have to face all my feelings again. I would have to admit to myself that what you did was right and that I was being selfish. I couldn't pretend any longer that I was the one who was poor and not my friends. I couldn't keep telling myself that all I had was a vault full of gold and that no one ever cared. The fact of the matter is you cared more for me than most parents. You were willing to die for me and not just to stop Voldemort. Your principles allowed you to make the ultimate sacrifice for me so that I could have a life and maybe not have to live in fear. You wanted me to go on..." Harry's voice trailed off. She sat staring into the fire. She looked up when she felt a weight come down on the sofa beside her as a gentle hand was placed around her shoulders.

"Harry, you weren't being a prat," her father's soft voice comforted. "You were reacting like a human being. One who has been hurt and lonely for a long time."

"All you wanted was to be with us and you knew that was impossible." Lily smiled sadly. "We were always there for you but there was no way you could know that. To you our presence was merely the platitudes that everyone states about someone who has died."

"But don't you see? I was being a prat. I knew I would have to send you back and I didn't want to face the reality of the situation! I pushed you both away deliberately instead of taking the time to be with you like I should have. I could have had everything that I ever wanted even if it was only for a short while and I just threw it away!" Tears were streaming down Harry's cheeks.

"Harry you didn't throw it away. You did exactly what you had to do and we wouldn't have had it any other way. You were smart to try not to get too close to either of us. You knew that you would have to send us back because it's the right thing to do but not the easy thing," James remarked.

"You didn't really push us away, Harry. Didn't you play Quidditch with your father and dance with him at the ball? You wore the dress for me and we both have seen you transform. Then at Christmas you sent us the best gift we could ever have received." Lily looked at Harry her eyes moist. "You gave us all happy memories to keep and managed to keep focused on what you need to do at the same time. So stop berating yourself," Lily admonished, smoothing the hair from Harry's forehead revealing the lightening bolt scar, which was an angry red hue.

"Voldemort is happy right now. The scar changes sometimes with his moods," Harry explained noting her mother's look of consternation.

"Is it very painful?" James asked.

"Sometimes," she shrugged, "but I've grown rather accustomed to the different sensations but I didn't ask to see you to talk about Voldemort," Harry dismissed the subject. "I wanted to spend a little while together just to get those things off my chest and to tell you that I love you."

"You'll get through this, Harry," James said hugging her, "after all you are a Potter." He grinned down at her mischievously.

"Humph, after living with my sister and her family standing up to Voldemort must seem like a piece of cake," Lily teased. Her emerald eyes were dancing with laughter displaying her sense of humor.

"You might say it's been a toss up," Harry laughed her mood brightening. "How are Moony and Padfoot doing?"

"They're prepared as much as they can be," her father stated hazel eyes sad. "You'll need to take care of them for us when this is over."

"We'll take care of one another. It helps to grieve together."

"You know we'll help to try and get Severus out alive too, don't you?" he asked.

"I never thought otherwise."

"Harry, I want you to understand that we were just stupid teenagers and what we did to Snape..."

"Dad, I understand. I think Severus does now too. Besides, he wasn't always the innocent victim. He'll grieve too in his own way."

"I think he'll be sorry that he and your father never really took the time to get to know one another. They let their childish antics get so out of hand that it turned them against one another. They lost sight of what each was really like underneath.

"I think he already understands that, Mum, but we can't change the past. He'll have to look forward. He and Sirius have already made a good deal of progress and I know he doesn't blame Remus for almost killing him. Underneath it all Severus is a good man. He just let his anger and frustrations get in the way at the wrong time."

"Are you in love with him?" James inquired curiously.

"Dad, I have three Protectors and I think you know what that means," Harry replied noncommittally.

"So you found out?" Lily demanded.

"Yes," Harry answered nodding towards the books on her desk, "but I haven't yet decided what to do about it." She grinned wickedly at the doubtful look on her mother's face.

"I see it doesn't bother you at all." James tried to hide his smile.

"I must admit it is different but I hope to have the time to figure it all out."

"Well I disagree with the whole notion." Lily shook her head vigorously, red hair flying. "However I am going to try and keep an open mind." Harry and her father laughed at Lily in amusement. "Whatever you decide though it has our blessing," she said hugging her daughter.

They spent the next hour together until it was almost twelve. Harry was happy and warm inside and knew that if she survived this confrontation she would not see them again for a long time. She was grateful for this time they had together. She could now see them as real people with feelings, hopes, and dreams that had been cut too short...

The small group had assembled in Dumbledore's office to await the countdown that would activate the Portkey. No one was talking much and all seemed to be prepared to face whatever ordeal lay ahead. Harry had taken both of her wands. Her father had been impressed with the one she had been awarded at her graduation. He told her it would be like carrying him with her into battle. She also knew he was rather pleased that his stag was her Patronus.

Draco and Ginny were standing together. Tiberius had brought the Polyjuice up with him. Ginny would drink it ten minutes prior to leaving and had already dressed in some of Harry's robes. Mr. Ollivander had also provided her with another wand made of holly to duplicate Harry's. The only difference was that the core was made of unicorn tail.

Justinian kept looking at the picture he carried of Circe and Phaedra. Harry could sense his deep pain and his feelings of loss. He had only just been reunited with them. Now he feared he would lose them once again. Tiberius Snape reminded Harry of Severus. He said little, standing stiff and tall, watching the others while gauging their abilities and weaknesses.

Sirius and Remus were there as well to help Dumbledore begin the tracking process once the Portkey activated. The others members of the Order and some of the Aurors were situated either on the grounds or in Hogsmeade. As soon as Dumbledore could establish a search grid, they would all apparate to the location in an effort to find Voldemort's headquarters.

"Attention everyone," Dumbledore addressed them all. "It is time for Miss Weasley to take the Polyjuice." He nodded to Tiberius who handed her the vial. "Are you most certain you wish to do this, Ginny?" The headmaster looked at the teen his blue eyes serious.

"Yes, Sir," she replied swallowing the vial in one gulp. She was unable to hide her grimace from the foul taste and the others couldn't help but snicker. The transformation only took a minute and she looked up at Harry with a grin.

"Here, Gin, I think you'll need these," Harry remarked handing her a pair of her glasses.

"Just promise me you won't get too used to looking like Potter," Draco drawled. "I much prefer redheads." Ginny punched him affectionately on the arm.

"Harry, please be careful. Are you sure we shouldn't try and come too?" Sirius questioned with his puppy eyes.

"No, you can't. So knock off giving me those eyes. I need you to help us get out." Harry kissed him gently on the cheek. "Just bark if you can when you get close. I can use it as a signal to try and create a diversion."

"I could let out a good howl," Moony grinned.

"You two are impossible." She winked at the werewolf.

"Seriously Princess, this is no game. Do whatever you must but make sure you get out of there in one piece."

"Remus, if I don't you have my permission to go after them all on the next full moon, although Voldemort might just give you food poisoning."

"Harry that is not funny," the werewolf admonished with a frown.

"No, but practical," Sirius agreed.

They both hugged her tightly before she let them go and stepped back. A moment later, her large green snake was slithering over the floor towards Tiberius. Being the tallest, it was felt that she could secure herself beneath his robes with the least amount of discomfort for them both. She deftly climbed up his long leg and wrapped the top of her body around his waist, coiling the rest along his leg. Once she was secured Tiberius spoke.

"We are ready, Albus."

"Very well, take hold of the letter, and good luck. James, Lily, it was good to see you and be able to say goodbye."

"You too," Lily responded with a smile as her husband shook his head in agreement shaking Dumbledore's hand.

Gathering around Dumbledore's desk their six fingers rested on the letter from the Dark Lord. Dumbledore counted down. "Six, five, four, three, two one..."

Severus had been tortured intermittently through out the night with the Cruciatus along with numerous floggings and cutting curses. His arms ached from hanging in the chains and his wrists were raw. It had been a relief when he had finally succumbed to the pain and passed out about sunrise. He had made sure to keep them occupied as long as possible. Phaedra would be too much of a temptation to them.

Circe had believed this too, making sure to keep herself between the Deatheaters and her child. The Dark Lord however, had contented himself with putting her to the Cruciatus during her brother's floggings. Voldemort had taken delight in telling her his plans for Phaedra. He planned to use her in one of his revels and would thoroughly enjoy deflowering and torturing her himself while her family watched. Circe prayed that Harry would come. She could not bear the thought that her little girl would be subjected to such debauchery. In the mean time, she would be left unharmed while she watched the torture he inflicted on the adults. Voldemort liked her spirit as she yelled at him to, 'Stop hurting them!'

The Deatheaters had also enjoyed making Ron run blind in his cell while they used him for target practice. It amused them when the Mudblood Granger had tried to block their curses from hitting him with her own body. Finally, they had stopped their sordid games around sunrise. The Dark Lord wanted them fresh for when Potter and the others arrived.

Severus was exhausted from the repeated curses and floggings he had been subjected to, wanting nothing more than to close his eyes and let the oblivion of unconsciousness overtake him again. However, he refused to give in to the temptation. His face was severely bruised, the left eye swollen shut. His wrists were bloodied and raw from where he had struggled and his arms were numb. His elegant black robes and his boots had been removed. His feet smelled of burnt flesh. The Dark Lord had taken delight at firing off burn hexes at them to make him dance while McNair had flogged him. Through it all he had barely made a sound and then only when he had been too exhausted to struggle any longer. He knew that the longer he held out the longer he and the others would stay alive. Painfully, he turned his stiff neck to peruse their prison, taking in the condition of the others.

Young Weasley was only half-conscious his head resting in Granger's lap. Severus had realized almost immediately what the Dark Lord had done when the couple was returned to their cell. The young man's eyes were blank and the iris's had turned a filmy white. He had been forced to use the goblet. Severus was able to discern from the conversations of the Deatheaters that the young man had not done so willingly despite having to endure watching Granger be subjected to multiple episodes of the Cruciatus. 'The sorting hat knew what it was doing when he put them both in the house of the Lion,' Severus mused studying the couple. Both had curled up together almost as soon as the torture had stopped. Granger was leaning against the wall in a restless sleep. At least they hadn't raped her yet.

Circe and Phaedra were also huddled together. His sister had done her best to protect the little girl with all the defiance of the Snapes. He had been proud each time she had taunted the Deatheaters using language so colorful that he might have blushed were the situation not so critical. She was unconscious now, having been struck by a powerful stunning hex, after screaming at the Dark Lord that he was a weakling. She'd told him that all Potter needed to be rid of him was a good Scourgify curse as he was no better than a Bundimun with a stench was just as foul.

Phaedra had been terrified when her mother had fallen and had thought she was dead until she realized Circe was indeed breathing. At first, the Dark Lord had enjoyed the spectacle immensely, laughing at the child's attempts to awaken her mother. The child had been so distraught and angry she had actually lunged at the bars of the cell in an attempt to attack the Dark Lord. Voldemort had merely laughed, reaching one slim white hand through the bars. Catching her by the hair he lifted her off her feet dropping her unceremoniously onto the cell floor. Severus had been proud when Phaedra, crying in pain and fear, had scooped up a handful of dirt from the floor and flung it at Voldemort. Her brown eyes had been defiant and proud in the face of danger. Unfortunately, this action had cost her dearly. Before Severus could distract him, the Dark Lord had flexed his wand, flinging her back against the wall, where she had sat crying in pain. 'At least he didn't use the Cruciatus on her,' Severus thought wryly. She was curled up now, lying with her head on her mother's chest. At first he had thought she was asleep until he heard her sniffling.

"Mummy, please wake up. I'm scared."

"Phaedra," he whispered hoarsely, "she is just unconscious. She'll awaken soon."

"Uncle Sev?" she questioned uncertainly crawling over to the bars, which separated their cells. "Are you all right?"

"I will be fine," he whispered in an attempt to calm her.

"I'm scared. I want to go home. It's cold in here too."

"I know," he sighed, "but you need to be strong until help comes."

"What if nobody comes? The bad wizard will kill us won't he?"

"Harry will come, Phaedra, "Ron's weak voice interrupted from the cell opposite them, "and when she does Voldemort will get his just desserts."

"Is Mr. Ron right, uncle? Will Miss Harry come?"

"Yes," Severus answered trying to keep the worry from his voice. 'I just hope she comes in time for Phaedra,' he considered, his heart heavy at the thought of what Voldemort planned for his niece.

"How do you know she's coming?" Phaedra looked from her uncle to where Ron was now sitting in his cell.

"She will come because we're people she loves. She would never abandon us to die," Ron told her firmly. He hoped his voice sounded more confident than he felt. 'She will know I used the goblet,' his mind berated him sadly. 'I have betrayed my trust. I should have fought harder.'

"But Miss Harry doesn't know where we are, does she?"

"She will find us, Phaedra," Severus replied, "and when she does you will need to be strong and brave."

"Will there be a fight?"

"It is very likely," Hermione's weak voice came from beside Ron. She had awoken when Ron had sat up but had been in too much pain to move.

"Will my mummy wake up soon too?" Phaedra asked seeing that everyone else was up except for Circe.

"It will be a little while yet, Phaedra, but she will waken," Severus reassured her. "Why don't you try and rest some more and by the time you wake up she will be awake too."

"All right, Uncle Sev," she sniffed. Moving back to her mother Phaedra curled up beside her once again.

No one spoke after that. Each was lost in thought their own thoughts. Severus was relieved when he saw that Phaedra did indeed drift off to sleep. His own exhaustion was catching up to him and he too drifted off into a fitful sleep. His dreams were filled with Harry trying in vain to find them while Phaedra screamed in agony. The sun was high up in the sky when he awoke to find the others were also awake. The door to the cellar was slowly being swung open.

"Ah...you are all up I see," Voldemort's oily voice greeted them. "Sssooo niccce to ssseee you are all doing Sssooo well," he hissed scornfully.

"My Lord, all is in readiness," Lucius spoke coming to kneel behind him.

"Excellent, I will want to play with Potter for a bit before we begin. The others are to remain here while I play with her. It will be fun to see how she will barter for their lives. You will bring her to me in my study as soon as they arrive."

"What of Draco, My Lord? May I amuse myself with him while you are busy with Potter?"

"Patience, Lucius. You will have your chance later. Perhaps you would like to use Nagini?"

"That would be interesting, My Lord. He has always been afraid of her."

"Then I shall see to it that she is sent to you before the revel tonight."

"Thank you, My Lord," Lucius responded as Voldemort redirected his attention to the captives.

"As you shall all soon see Potter will be arriving shortly along with a few others. Unfortunately, all her efforts to secure your release will be in vain. She will watch you all die before I finally kill her too. That fool Dumbledore will not be able to help her this time," Voldemort gloated. "Oh, and Severus, don't think that your Uncle will be of any help either. I have been aware of his disloyalty for some time now. He will die right along side of you and your sister. I shall relish watching you all beg for death. I have special plans for all of you." Voldemort gave a sharp hissing laugh before spinning on his heel and leaving them in silence, Lucius standing guard with his wand drawn. Two other Deatheaters stood ready at his side...

Harry was wrapped around Tiberius tightly as Dumbledore counted down the Portkey. Her snake senses were on full alert and she flicked her tongue to get a sense of the atmosphere around her. She could feel the adrenaline pumping in the others and the smell of fear. Her snake like senses told her they were all in flight or fight modality. Today they would be doing both. As the portkey activated she felt the familiar tug in the underside of her belly where she supposed her navel would be and was gripping tightly as they spun into the unknown.

Harry felt a sudden jolt as Tiberius landed but did not loose her grip. She had no idea what was going on since she was safely hidden beneath his robes. However, the noise told her that it was not good. She was startled and almost lost her grip when Tiberius was suddenly thrown backwards and slumped to the floor amid a sea of voices and shouts...

"They're here! You know your objectives. Disable them now!" Lucius shouted to his associates.

A series of stunning spells rang out through the cellar hitting the small group of people who had just appeared in the empty cell. Looking around when they had landed, there had been no time to retaliate or attempt an escape before being hit with a burst of stunning spells from the group of Deatheaters awaiting them. The Deatheaters immediately entered the cell and grabbed the wands from their unconscious hands.

"Lucius, we have the wands and they are all out cold," an unfamiliar voice sneered. "This was almost too easy!"

"Yes...Potter was a fool to come along," Lucius laughed. "Bring her and leave the rest. The Dark Lord wishes to see her personally before we start our little party this evening."

"Yes, Sir," the man answered. He levitated the unconscious girl out of the cell and slammed the door with a loud bang. He had no idea that it was in fact Ginny Weasley, under the influence of the Polyjuice potion, as he floated her out of the room and upstairs.

"You will not get away with this," Hermione shouted in dismay.

"Oh but we will Miss Granger. Your foolish friend has mangled your rescue attempt from the beginning and will have the pleasure of watching you all die."

"Bastard!" Ron cursed. "You're all nothing but a bunch of cowards."

"Crucio!" Lucius spat coldly. "I shall play with you again later, Mr. Weasley." He smiled coldly as he withdrew the curse amid Ron's helpless screams. Retreating up the stairs, he secured the outer door leaving the prisoners alone.

Harry stayed where she was. Silently uncoiling herself from around Tiberius' still form, she counted to twenty. It was a bit difficult as she was caught beneath his leg but instinctively dug down into the dirt with her underbelly to free herself as she slithered forward. She could hear Hermione weeping softly.

"Oh, Ron, this is my entire fault. If I hadn't been so stubborn about our wedding..."

"Shh...Mione. Everything will be okay. Harry will find a way to help."

"No, Ron, it won't. We're all going to die here and I will never be able to tell her I'm sorry for acting like a prat."

Harry listened guiltily as she softly slithered out from behind Tiberius. Looking around she took in the situation. It was not good. She was glad she had secured their extra wands within her own clothes before transforming. She could see Phaedra in the cell next to her. She wanted to let them know she was there but to keep quiet so as not to alert the Deatheaters. It was time to reveal Phaedra's little secret.

"Phaedra..." she hissed softly. The little girl looked around in confusion. "Phaedra, do not say anything. It's Harry. Look down at the floor in the next cell," she hissed. "You must be very quiet. I want you to come over by the bars."

"Miss Harry, is it really you?" she whispered softly sitting down away from her mother.

"Yesss...now listen to me..."

"Phaedra, what are you up to?" her mother questioned warily.

"Nothing, Mummy," she shrugged biting her lip. She knew instinctively that her mother would know she was lying.

"Quickly tell her to be quiet and come over here too..." Harry hissed.

"Mummy come here and be quiet, it's important."

"What ever are you...Oh my god, Phaedra come away from that snake!" she blurted, pulling at the child. Harry immediately reared up, showing herself.

"Snake, what snake!" Ron gasped thinking of Nagini.

"Quiet! It isn't a real snake," Phaedra admonished softly.

"I think you will find Phaedra is correct," Severus stated turning his head at the commotion. "I suggest you all stay quiet." All heads turned in his direction dumbfounded. His swollen lips were bent into a crooked sneer and his black eyes were burning with anticipation. "I also suspect that Phaedra may just be a Parselmouth."

"Severus is right," a soft familiar voice stated. All eyes turned simultaneously to stare at Harry in disbelief.

"Mione, what is going on? I thought they took Harry upstairs?" Ron demanded in confusion. He had heard his friend's voice even if he couldn't see her.

"Sh...Ron! Harry was hiding in her snake form. I think she was under someone's robes. She was able to get Phaedra's attention by speaking Parseltongue."

"You're right, Mione," she grinned at her friend, "but there is no time for explanations. We have to get out of here and hope the Order and the Aurors are able to find us. Dumbledore could only track the Portkey for a short way due to the wards."
"Harry, I..." Hermione started only to be silenced with a wave of Harry's hand.

"I saw what happened, Hermione. I got into Voldemort's mind when I was asleep in Albus' office. We can talk later but right now we have to get moving." Harry withdrew a wand from her pocket and directed it towards Tiberius. "Enervate!" she woke him swiftly.

"I should have expected we wouldn't have had time to fire," he said struggling to his feet as she withdrew his wand and handed it to him. "How many are there?"

"I don't know," Harry answered as they both began reviving the others.

"Merlin, I forgot how bad those stunners could be." James stretched getting to his feet. "Lils are you okay?"

"Just stiff," she replied as he helped her up.

"Justinian, what ever possessed you to come?" Circe questioned her husband as soon as he was awake.

"There was no way I was going to leave my two best girls here with that madman," he responded reaching through the bars to grasp Circe's hands.

"Come on, Draco, this is not the time to be taking a cat nap," Harry jested as soon as his eyes were opened.

"Very funny, Potter. We're lucky they didn't just use killing curses on us."

"You know that is not Voldemort's style. He has other plans for all of us."

"Where's Ginny?" Draco asked looking around.

"Ginny!" Ron gasped. "What do you mean?"

"Ron, Ginny took Polyjuice to look like me. She is the one they took upstairs."

"Harry, that's my little sister! How could you let..."

"It was her choice, Weasel, so shut up and let's see to getting her out of here too!" Draco snapped.

"Draco's right, Ron," Hermione agreed. "Ginny is a grown woman and you know that if she wanted to help no one would be able to stop her."

"I guess so," Ron agreed sullenly.

"What kind of charms are on the locks, Tiberius?" Harry questioned as he waved his wand across the door.

"Alohomora!" He smiled as the lock clicked opening the door. "Seems the Dark Lord didn't think anything stronger was needed."

"Either that or he had one of his stooges lock the doors." Harry nodded.

"I'll get Sev while you all see to the others," Harry directed moving off towards where he was confined. Unlocking the cell, she moved over towards where he hung suspended in the shackles and took stock of his injuries. "You are one big mess, but I'm glad."

"Why would you be glad that I am in such a state?" he mocked.

"You know damn well that I meant I was glad you're alive." She grinned up at him. "I wish I had brought you some clean clothes though." Harry blushed as she surveyed his naked limbs where he had been stripped bare.

"I'm sure we can secure a set of trousers from one of the Deatheaters once they've been subdued." He arched his brow sardonically.

"Let's see about getting you down first." Harry waved her wand over the shackles. "Humph, I don't know what they did but it seems they will tighten if I try to unlock them."

"That would be a problem," Snape frowned. "I would suggest you blast them off but that might create a bit of noise. Not to mention further injury if you missed."

"I would not miss and a silencing charm might work but I don't want to risk it. I have a better idea and it may just drive them all crazy."

"Really, Potter, this is not the time to be showing off," he teased deadpanned.

"You let me be the judge of that." She snickered. Stepping back, Harry aimed her wand at his left arm, "Reducio." His arm immediately shrank and he slipped from the shackle, able to put one foot on the floor. Harry caught the slight grimace crossing his features. "Sorry, I should have healed those burns first," she apologized as Tiberius entered the cell.

"I have some burn ointment in my belt," he remarked setting to work on Severus feet. "Where are your robes?"

"I believe they threw them over in that corner," he told his uncle pointing to the end of the room.

"I'll get them," Harry hurried off and returned a moment later to find that Tiberius had reduced his nephew's other arm and lowered him to the floor. Harry quickly reversed the reduction spell returning his arms to their normal size. Tiberius healed his burns as best he could and handed Severus a pain-killing potion. She then handed Severus his boots and outer robes, which had also been thrown aside.

"At least they left something for him to wear until we can secure him some trousers," Tiberius chuckled.

"His shirt and pants were there too but they were too torn up to be repaired," Harry explained.

"I'll manage," Severus smirked. "How are the others?"

"Circe and Hermione are suffering the aftereffects of the Cruciatus," Lily commented from the other side of the cell. Your niece is bruised and frightened but seems otherwise unharmed."

"The Dark Lord used a hurling curse on her also."

"She doesn't seem to be affected by it. Children can be very resilient," James Potter added. "However, Harry was right. Ron is blind. He is also suffering the after effects of the curse. I healed his numerous cuts and bruises."

"I did the best I could, Harry," Lily commented sadly, "but there was nothing I could do for his sight."

"We'll have to worry about that later. We have other things to worry about now."

"Like my sister!" Ron gasped, turning his head in the direction of their quiet voices. He found that even though he couldn't see his hearing had begun to compensate for his loss of sight.

"She's my girlfriend. Don't you think I'm worried about her too?" Draco huffed.

"Stop it immediately," Justinian scolded. He was sitting with his family. "We will get to Miss Weasley. She knew what to expect and was prepared for it. Our biggest worry is that the Dark Lord will become aware of the deception too soon."

"Then let's go. We have to get her out!" Ron exclaimed.

"We will, Ron, we just have to move carefully. We don't have any idea how many Deatheaters are here."

"Harry is right, Mr. Weasley. We also need to start working on the wards to allow the Aurors access to this site. We have no idea if they have located us yet," Tiberius stated coolly.

"Then tell us what we have to do." Hermione spoke matter of factly.

"First we need to get out of here. We need to move slowly. I recognize this place as one I have been in so I have an idea of the layout."

"How are the wards, Uncle?" Circe questioned.

"The building is heavily warded but I know a good number of them. I believe Severus will recognize some too. We need to get upstairs and start working on the ones that protect the building and the grounds."

"Right, now here is what we need to do. We go out in single file. Tiberius, you and Sev start working on the wards one inside and one out if you can manage it," Harry directed. Both men nodded in agreement. "Draco you need to help Hermione with Ron. You go first and let Hermione bring up the rear with Ron in between. We'll need to disarm a few of the Deatheaters to get her a wand but it can't be helped. I could only bring so many."

"Hermione can use my wand, Harry," her mother interrupted. "I can use your Phoenix wand. You do have your other one?"

"Yes, that will work. Hermione is good with charms so yours will work for her better than mine." The women all switched wands while Harry continued, "Justinian you go last with Phaedra in between you and Circe."

"I suppose you will be leading the charge, Potter, with your usual Gryffindor bravado?" Draco sneered.

"You've got it. I need to be able to create a diversion so your godfather and his uncle can get to work. Besides, I am less likely to have a killing curse directed at me than the rest of you. Voldemort has me on his, To Kill Personally List, remember?"

"Better you than me," Draco drawled.

"Harry, what about your parents?" Ron asked slowly.

"They will be with me."

"Why...Oh..." Hermione frowned as the reason dawned on her.

"I just have one comment, Harry. I will lead the way. I can't be killed as such so you should go between me and your mother."

"James is right, Harry, it would do none of us any good if you are stopped before we can even try to accomplish our goals," Severus stated quietly. He was looking at his old rival with respect and something else. Harry sensed it was sadness but shook off the thought.

"I suppose you're right. Now let's get going." She started towards the door when Phaedra yelled.

"Miss Harry, look out!" She was pointing at the bottom of the door. Nagini was making her way in through a flap near the floor and was rising to strike.

"Avadra Kedavra!" Severus shot the killing curse before Harry could utter a sound, striking Nagini directly in the head. The huge snake dropped to the floor with a thud.

"Too bad we can't take her with us. I'm sure you could use her venom in a few of your Potions, godfather," Draco commented as Severus hauled the dead snake out of the way.

"Just be glad she came in rather than alerting anyone that we were free, Draco," Severus commented dryly.

They all positioned themselves to leave the cellar as James Potter slowly uncharmed the door pushing it open. The small group followed him in single file up the stone stairs. He motioned them to stop at the top of the stairs while he listened carefully before opening the outer door. Once satisfied that it was safe he tried the knob. It swung outward without a sound. Glancing around, he noted no one was about and indicated they should follow. Tiberius put a finger to his lips and motioned to James in the direction of the entrance. He had been in this house before. Unfortunately, he did not know its location having apparated here following a summons from the Dark Lord. They were about half way up the hall when they were stopped by a shrill scream from upstairs.

"It's Ginny!" Ron breathed in dismay as a group of ten Deatheaters, led by Lucius Malfoy, stepped from around the corner blocking their path. The other end of the hall ended in a solid wall. The only other door was down to the cellar from which they had just escaped. They were trapped...


Author notes: I have once again added an additional chapter. There will be two more before we are all done. I also have stated a Yahoo page for my fics Esined0319. The Mathias Prophecy is already posted and this fic will follow shortly. All new fics will go there as well. Anyone who wished to contact me who is not yet registered with questions may do so at Yahoo or at [email protected].