Remus Lupin Sirius Black Severus Snape
Action Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 12/08/2003
Updated: 12/22/2004
Words: 301,506
Chapters: 31
Hits: 48,703

The Legend of the Serpent's Tongue


Story Summary:
Harry has completed her seventh year at Hogwarts and is heading towards a new and happy life. Voldemort has been defeated and is dead...or is he? What does fate have in store for Harry?

Chapter 16

Chapter Summary:
Harry comes to terms with Arsinoe to defeat the Dark Lord. The relationship with Severus begins to intensify.
Author's Note:
Thanks to all my readers for their reviews and criticisms. Thanks again to Wolfiejinn my beta reader.

Legend of the Serpent's Tongue

Chapter 16

Day of the Serpent

Harry spent the next morning entertaining Phaedra in the Great Hall doing tricks with her telekinesis. She had enjoyed doing so and it gave her a chance to practice her skills as Professor Dumbledore had instructed. The little girl had laughed with delight when Harry made her stuffed rabbit, Mr. Hoppity Hop, jump across the tables, always keeping it just out of Phaedra's reach. They were playing together when Severus came in. His face was set in his customary scowl, warning Harry that he was not in the best of moods.

"Uh, oh...I think Uncle Sev is mad about something," Phaedra announced as he came towards them, fixing his dark eyes on Harry.

"Oh shi...sugar," Harry corrected herself swiftly to avoid swearing in front of Phaedra. "I forgot I have an Occlumency lesson and then was supposed to work on my potions today."

"Miss Potter, I do not appreciate being kept waiting. I believe you were due in the dungeon twenty minutes ago," Snape sneered, his scowl deepening.

"Uncle Sev, you aren't going to expel Miss Harry, are you?" Phaedra asked nervously. "She didn't mean to miss her lesson. She was just playing with me while she practiced her kinesis for Headmaster Mr. Dumbledore."

"You mean telekinesis, Phaedra," he corrected his niece, softening under her warm brown eyes. "I can't have her expelled since she is no longer a student here."

"But if she is finished school how come you are still her teacher?"

"I am tutoring her so she can perfect her Occlumency skills and possibly pass her Potion Master's exam," he explained patiently, but Harry did not miss the cold glare he cast in her direction. "If she does not get down to the dungeon in two minutes I will be forced to discontinue her lessons."

"I'm on my way." Harry jumped up, swiftly heading towards the door. "You will have to see that Phaedra gets back upstairs safely," she called over her shoulder, speeding out of the Great Hall.

"Uncle Sev, please don't be mad at Miss Harry. I had no one to play with. Mummy is with Headmaster Mr. Dumbledore and Uncle Tiberius is asleep," Phaedra informed him while they climbed up the stairs.

"Is Uncle Tiberius unwell?" It was not like the elder Snape to sleep this late in the day.

"No, but he didn't come home till real early this morning. We were eating dinner when all of a sudden he got up and said he had a pointment."

"You mean an appointment."

"Yes, anyway he said he had to leave right away and didn't know when he would be back. He kept rubbing his arm like it hurt. I didn't see him again until real early this morning when I got up to go potty."

"Phaedra, which arm was he rubbing?" Severus asked, trying to sound casual.

The little girl cocked her head thoughtfully. "This one, I think," she replied, rubbing her left arm to demonstrate. "Did he hurt himself?"

"What? Oh no, I think he was just nervous," Snape replied steeling himself to keep his voice calm. "If he is still asleep I will see if one of the other Professors will look after you for awhile until he wakes," Severus told her reaching the rooms she shared with her mother and uncle.

Tiberius Snape was awake when they entered and Severus looked at him with open curiosity. His uncle looked back, his face neutral, as their eyes met. Both men were skilled with Legilimency and Occlumency and had strong telepathic abilities.

It was a battle of wills, but Severus was finally forced to lower his eyes when Tiberius spoke.

"I will speak with you later, Severus, in Professor Dumbledore's office. I will have him summon you there after we have spoken."

"Yes, uncle, I shall be most interested in meeting with you at that time."

"Is something the matter?" Phaedra questioned anxiously, looking from one to the other.

"No, little one," Tiberius smiled fondly. "Severus and I were just playing a little game. He likes to practice his mental skills with me."

"Like the game I was just playing with Miss Harry?"

"She was watching Harry do her telekinesis," Severus replied to his questioning glance.

"Ah...I see. Yes, Phaedra, something of that nature," he answered dismissively. "Now I suppose your mother is busy with the Headmaster so you will need some one to watch you?"

"Yes, uncle, can we go outside? Maybe we could go flying?" she asked hopefully.

"Hmm...Flying...I think that could be arranged."

"Yippee...Uncle Sev I am going to go flying!" Phaedra beamed. Severus arched his brow in amusement.

"Phaedra, I expect you to behave. It is time you practiced some of those flying lessons Severus and Harry showed you."

"Yes, Sir, can you show me some new moves too?"

"We will see how you do first." He smiled, patting her head affectionately. "Now go and get your broom."

Phaedra darted out of the sitting room and Tiberius turned to Severus. "I will expect you as soon as Dumbledore is ready. Your questions will be answered then," the elder Snape informed him coolly, "and Severus your skills are quite good, but I think you and I will need to practice now. The situation with the Dark Lord may warrant you needing to use them more often."

"Yes, Uncle, it will be good exercise. Perhaps after dinner in the evenings would be a good time?"

"As you wish, now I suggest you get back to work with Harry. I believe she has a lesson this morning?"

"She was late, but she was babysitting for Phaedra, so I will let it go," he responded. Turning on his heel, he left his uncle with Phaedra, who had just returned.

Reaching the dungeon Snape found Harry chopping the ingredients for Lupin's Wolfbane Potion. She did not hear him come in so he stood watching her for a few moments. 'She doesn't realize how much she has come to like our time together doing the potions lessons. I was hard on her too often, but the situation at the time warranted it. I needed to make her dislike me or the Dark Lord would have been suspicious. If what I suspect is true, she will need to be careful around Tiberius. If he is spying for Albus, Harry will need her Occlumency more than ever. Uncle will not have a problem blocking his mind, but Harry...well...it would be best if she didn't get too close. My uncle could be placing them both in grave jeopardy, the wily old scoundrel,' he sneered to himself. 'Albus is a shrewd one...I couldn't go back to the Deatheaters for him so he got Tiberius to do it. I wonder what my uncle promised the Dark Lord, and visa versa.'

"Oh...Severus, I didn't hear you come in. You're as silent as ever. Have you been here long?" Harry questioned looking up from her work.

"I only just arrived," he replied coolly. "I believe we were to do Occlumency first?"

"We were. I didn't know how long you would be so I started Remus' potion. I know we are supposed to do the Dreamless Sleeping Potion but I figured I could get this done in the meantime."

"Very well, proceed with what you are doing," he sneered, closing her book. "Let's see how good your memory is, shall we?"

"You want me to make the Wolfbane Potion from memory?" she asked aghast.

"I believe that is what I just said. You will be asked to make at least two potions from memory at your exam. This one is on it quite frequently." He smiled slyly, taking a seat nearby to watch.

Harry continued with her work, and could feel her palms starting to sweat. She knew Severus was watching her intently. Harry kept trying to picture him sitting there in his underwear, to alleviate her tension, as she had taught Neville to do. The only problem was that she was having some other very embarrassing thoughts, and kept having to stop because they were so distracting. Finally, she finished getting her ingredients in order, set the cauldron to boil, and reviewed her work before she began to add each item in the order she felt they belonged. Thirty minutes later, she sighed, poured the completed potion into a large glass beaker, and turned to look at Severus. He was sitting quietly, a satisfied smile on his face.

"Judging by your expression I guess I did it right?"

"There were a few tense moments, especially when you were measuring out the blood and the amount of the Wolfbane, but yes...you did well. I am more that a little pleased. It helps to make up for your earlier tardiness."

Harry was so happy she didn't stop to think about her actions. Throwing her arms around him, she gave him a big hug. What was more disconcerting was that he hugged her back, creating an odd thrill all through her body. Suddenly she realized what was happening, and pulled herself free, trying to collect her thoughts.

"Ah...I think we...should have some...lunch," she stammered embarrassed, heart racing.

"Would you like to eat down here? I will have the house elves bring us something."

"No...No, let's go up to the Great Hall. It will help me to relax before you start trying to invade my mind," she offered, nervously. 'God if he ever sees what I have been thinking...'

"As you wish," he agreed, moving off towards the door. "Bring Lupin's potion with you too. He will be happy to get it now, rather than later. It will help to alleviate his symptoms and will remain effective for the duration of the full moon."

Harry did as she was instructed, following Severus from the dungeons. She was relieved that they were not going to be eating alone and was very disturbed by the thoughts she had been having towards him.

Reaching the Great Hall, Harry noted that all of the teachers had arrived for the upcoming term, but the Snapes were absent. Sirius was sitting with Remus. The werewolf looked tired, his face etched with signs of discomfort, as he pushed his food around his plate. Dumbledore was patting him on the back, and Madame Pomfrey looked on comfortingly. She was glad she had done the potion early. She approached them quickly, and Remus looked up trying to disguise his pain.

"Hello, Princess. How was your lesson?"

"It isn't over yet," she said glancing over at Snape. He had seated himself beside Professor McGonagall. Harry hoped she wasn't blushing. "I made your potion up early today. Severus had me do it from memory while he watched," she explained setting it down beside him.

"I guess you did alright," Sirius remarked, amused by her discomfiture, "otherwise he never would have let you give it to him."

"He said he was more than a little pleased," Harry beamed, chuckling. She was relieved that Sirius thought her blush was due to his rival's praise.

"Thank you, Harry. This is going to be a rough one," Remus sighed, drinking his potion with a grimace. "I really wish he could make it taste better though."

"He's working on it," Harry assured him.

"Sit down, Love, and have some lunch with us," Sirius remarked.

"No thanks. I think I will spend some time with Hermione. I see she is sitting with Arsinoe. Where is Ron?"

"He had night duty again," Dumbledore answered. "He is probably still asleep."

"That's not hard for Ron. Other then Hermione his two main things in life are food and sleep," she quipped, and they all chuckled.

"I understand you dined in your quarters last night with Arsinoe, Remus, and Sirius."

"Yes Headmaster, I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not; I am actually rather pleased. All I have ever asked is that you give her a chance."

"I'm trying. Would you like to come to dinner tonight?"

"Unfortunately, I have made other commitments for this evening. Perhaps another time when things have settled down, after start of term?"

"I would be delighted. You know I always like our quiet time together," she beamed fondly.

"Then we will make it a point to do it at least once a month," Dumbledore responded, blue eyes twinkling with delight.

"You're on," she winked, "besides I know the elves will serve us the best desserts on those nights." Harry teased the old wizard.

"Go on and enjoy some time with Hermione. She has been reviewing all the books in the library and I gave her permission to order some new ones."

"She's probably ecstatic," Harry chucked. "I'll see you two later," Harry said, glancing at her two protectors. "I am looking forward to a little flying time tonight."

"We aim to please," Sirius replied, brown eyes mischievous. "Meet us outside in front of the castle at ten. The moon will be up and Remus will have transformed."

"I'll be there," she promised, hurrying off to sit with Hermione.

"Harry, Arsinoe was just telling me about some ancient runes used to cast spells to ward off evil spirits."

"Maybe we should use one on Peeves," Harry joked playfully.

"Your playful poltergeist doesn't exactly fit the category," Arsinoe smiled, amused, "but I can understand why you would want to do something about him."

"Has he caused you many problems?" Hermione questioned.

"A few but it was nothing I couldn't handle."

"Just watch out for the water balloons. He likes to sneak up when you aren't looking. Peeves has caught just about everyone in the castle at one time or another except for the Headmaster," Hermione explained.

"I have already had the pleasure of being soaked," Arsinoe grinned, showing even white teeth. "Harry I would like to thank you for having me dine with you and the others last night. I had a really nice time. Would you and Hermione like to have lunch with me in Hogsmeade? Minerva tells me the Three Broomsticks is nice."

"That would be nice," Harry agreed. The dinner party had been pleasant, Harry admitted to herself, and the books that Arsinoe had given her had been quite interesting at first glance. "When would you like to go?"

"How about if we go after classes start one weekend? I am still making some modifications to the lesson plans, and am not sure how many students will be taking my class."

"You can count on all the sixth and seventh year Ravenclaws," Harry responded.

"Ron told me that Ginny was interested too, and so was Colin," Hermione added. "I'm not sure about the Hufflepuffs. The Slytherins might be interested depending on the magic involved."

"If it is something that will be of benefit to them you can expect them to sign up," Harry added disdainfully.

"You are not fond of the students in the house of the serpent?"

"Not especially," Harry remarked. "Many of their families were followers of Lord Voldemort. The ones who haven't been sent to Azkaban probably still are," she snorted with disgust.

"Do not judge the students too harshly. They've been taught their prejudices by their parents," Arsinoe chided.

"We know. The Dark Lord's first in command was Lucius Malfoy, and as you know from the meeting, we believe he has resurrected him as well," Hermione stated frowning.

"Is he related to the young Auror who is partnered with your fiancé?"

"Draco is Lucius son. He and Ron have never really gotten along and now it is even worse since Draco is going with Ron's sister, Ginny."

"Is that the girl you said wanted to take my class?" Arsinoe asked with interest.

"Yes," Harry answered. "She will be in her seventh year. She is the youngest in the family and the only girl."

"How many brothers does she have?"

"She used to have six, but Percy was killed in the war. You met Fred and George at the meeting the other night. There are also two older brothers who are somewhere in Mexico or South America right now."

"Ah...we have met. Bill and Charley Weasley are working with my people to ensure that the spell Harry will need to use arrives here safely."

Harry and Hermione looked at one another in surprise. They hadn't realized that the two Weasley's were in the Aztec Wizarding community.

"Do you know when they will be coming back to England?" Harry questioned with interest.

"I'm not certain," Arsinoe replied, her expression unreadable. Harry sensed that she was holding something back, but decided not to pry, suspecting that this knowledge was something she had in confidence with Dumbledore for the safety of the persons involved. "How are your lessons coming with Professor Snape?" Arsinoe questioned, changing the subject.

"I have some more this afternoon. We are going to work on my Occlumency and then do another potion."

"How soon do you think you could begin working with me? I know you will be spending time tonight in your animagus form, going out with your godfather and Professor Lupin."

"We can start tomorrow night if you like," Harry told her, watching as Professor Snape rose from his seat. He strode over to speak with Dumbledore who had signaled him from across the room.

"Now I wonder what that is all about," Hermione mused, following her gaze.

"Yeah, me too, any idea what is going on Arsinoe?" Harry asked the older witch.

"I'm not sure," she said studying the interaction of the two wizards. "Despite what you may believe, Dumbledore does not tell me everything."

Harry wondered that since Tiberius, Circe, and Phaedra were not present for lunch if their whispered conversation had to do with them. While she sat studying them, Dumbledore glanced in her direction. He had a calculating look on his face, but his blue eyes were soft and reassuring. He said something to Severus, who nodded, and headed towards where they were sitting.

"Is everything all right, Severus?" Harry inquired curiously.

"I have to have a meeting with the Headmaster in his office. It may take some time. Perhaps you would like to work with Miss Darkmoon this afternoon instead, provided she has the time of course," Snape remarked, looking in Arsinoe's direction.

"I will be happy to rearrange my schedule to work with Harry, provided she has no objections," Arsinoe answered.

"What about my Occlumency lesson?"

"We can do it later this afternoon. I know you will be running wild with the canines later, so I won't even bother to try and ask you to mix a potion," he sneered. "You seem to take a great deal of pleasure in their juvenile cavorting under the moon."

"Maybe a little cavorting beneath the moon is what I need to feel like myself again, Severus," she sneered back. "It's good to let oneself go once in awhile."

"I thought you had already done that with your visit to Privet Drive?" he countered levelly.

"What time do you want me for the Occlumency lesson?" Harry asked, refusing to rise to his baiting about her leaving Hogwarts two nights ago.

"Be there promptly by three. We will work through until dinner," he replied. Not waiting for her answer, he spun on his heel and moved swiftly out of the Great Hall.

"Perhaps we should get started then," Arsinoe remarked rising. "Please excuse us, Hermione."

"Of course; Harry I will speak with you later. Ron will be here for dinner so we can all sit together."

"You're on," Harry agreed, rising. "I will see you later then." She followed Arsinoe from the hall.

She led Harry to a previously unused classroom on the third floor, which had been set up especially for her. There were pictures on the walls painted in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and hieratic. A replica of the Aztec pyramid complex stood on a table nearby and there was a display case filled with carved stone tablets depicting the serpent god of Quetzcoatl along with various other deities from both cultures. Harry looked around in fascination. Under other circumstances, she would have been tempted to question Arsinoe about the various objects but felt uncomfortable doing so since she had been so resistant to her help.

"I see you are interested in the displays I have set up showing the pyramids of Teotihuacán, in Mexico," the older witch stated coming over to where Harry was examining the pyramid complex. "This is the Pyramid of the Sun," she pointed to a large pyramid dominating the center of the religious complex. If you face west from the top of the pyramid, you will be overlooking the Avenue of the Dead. The temple at the south end is the Temple of the Plumed Serpent, Quetzcoatl. The Quetzalpapalotl Place is Southwest of Moon Plaza. The Pyramid of the Moon is at the North end of the Avenue of the Dead and it faces south. Hence, the ancient wizards who guarded the Sun Temple could see in both directions. The Temple of the Sun was originally painted bright red and plastered. The color most often associated with the Temple of the Feathered Serpent is green obsidian, much like the color of your eyes."

"You almost make me sorry I didn't studyancient runes," Harry remarked, mesmerized by the slow steady rhythm of her speech. It was almost hypnotic and Harry had to shake her head to make sure she was not dreaming. Arsinoe's golden eyes were glowing oddly, just as when she had met her.

"Perhaps you would like to audit one of my lectures with the seventh year students?" Arsinoe queried, breaking the spell.

"If I get the time I would like to hear about Quetzcoatl and his twin sister, Quetzalpetzatl."

"I will let you know when I speak on the legends. Are you interested in Egyptian lore at all?"

"Yes...Ron visited Egypt when we were going into our third year. He said some of the curses the ancient wizards used were awesome."

"The ancient magic used on the tombs and temples in both cultures is quite extensive. Unfortunately, with the fall of the ancient civilizations through war and disease, we have lost much of this knowledge. We believe the Aztec wizards had more than a rudimentary knowledge of blood magic."

"Blood magic is what Dumbledore used to protect me as a child. It was also used during the Rites of Protection."

"The magic he used was purely rudimentary to the ancients. It is one of the reasons blood sacrifice was so important to them. They believed that the blood of their enemies would reinforce their victories over them."

"Yech," Harry grimaced. "The idea of having one's heart ripped from their chest while still alive is rather unappealing if you ask me. Not to mention being decapitated."

"We may never know why they believed that such brutality was necessary other than their belief that it was needed to appease the gods."

"More likely that was just an excuse and was politically motivated. It would have been a great way to get rid of anyone they thought was a threat to their position and power."

"You may be correct," Arsinoe agreed. "It may also have been a way to control the Muggles."

"They almost make the Deatheaters look tame," Harry remarked with a shudder.

"Yes, the Egyptians were almost as bad though. They had one ceremony where they would throw a young maiden into the Nile for the Crocodile god."

"How did they execute their enemies?"

"In various ways, some were beheaded, while others had their arms and legs tied to two horses and were pulled apart. Sacrilege was punished by being buried alive, but that was usually reserved for the nobles."

"Okay, now that my lunch is about to come up, how about we change the subject and work on my becoming an animagimultiplico?"

"All right," Arsinoe agreed, smiling with amusement. "First I want to see your phoenix. This way I can see how long it takes you to transform. One of the things a multiplico can do is change from one animal to another without going back to their human form."

"Really, I didn't know that. It wasn't in my reading."

"That's because it is such a rare ability. There are wizards who can do more than one animal, but they still have to go back to their human form first, and even that skill is quite rare."

"I have never met anyone who can do more than one animal, let alone without changing back to their human form."

"Actually, you have," Arsinoe grinned mischievously. "He is someone very close to you. At least he used to do it."


"I have said too much already," she answered noncommittally. "Now let's get started or we will use up all of our time talking and you will have to leave to meet with Professor Snape." Arsinoe reached into her desk and withdrew what appeared to be a stopwatch. "When ever you're ready..."

"I need some space," Harry stated, moving to the center of the room. She then looked at Arsinoe, and winked, transforming in the blink of an eye.

Arsinoe gasped in surprise. She had barely had time to set the stopwatch. Glancing at it, she was amazed. Harry had transformed in only one second. It took most witches and wizards who were capable of the animagus transformation at least three to five to complete the change. Moving over to the beautiful phoenix that was sitting quietly, watching her intently, she gently stroked the soft scarlet feathers. Harry trilled softly.

"Harry, go ahead and transform back to your..." Arsinoe never completed the sentence. Harry was standing in front of her, a wide grin on her face, green eyes dancing with mirth. Clearing her throat, Arsinoe collected herself. "You did that in record time. It is most unusual. Can you do it again?"

"Sure." Harry's laughter was still ringing in the air, as the beautiful bird appeared once again. Arsinoe shook her head in disbelief, turning to put the watch back on her desk. "I guess I did alright, then?" Harry asked over her shoulder, as the older witch turned to face her startled.

"It's not wise to sneak up on your instructors," Arsinoe teased, but Harry could tell she was still in shock.

"Sorry, but I like to transform. It's fun."

"I suppose you enjoy flying too?"

"With or without my broom?"

"I would hazard a guess that it is both."

"You're right," Harry chuckled. "I fell free when I fly...like I'm one with the wind."

"That is good. You are identifying with the forces of nature. It will help you when you need to cast your spell, since you will be calling on the ancient magic to reverse an act against nature."

"Arsinoe, why do I have to transform into a feathered serpent to reverse the spell anyway? Voldemort's people were able to do it with just a regular snake."

"You do not have to transform to do the spell. The evil wizards who practiced necromancy were all parselmouths and it is believed they could transform into serpents as well."

"Like Lord Voldemort."

"Exactly, but the wizards who fought against them were also able to do so and wanted to prove to the people that they were not all evil. Therefore, they cast a spell to merge with the birds, hence the feathered serpents. You will not be able to speak Parseltongue when you are in your phoenix form. If he transforms to fight you, as he did previously, then you will have to do so too. In the event this should occur, we wish to give you an edge on him. You will be able to fly out of his reach and still speak the words that will send his soul back to whatever dark pit it had come from," Arsinoe explained, placing her hands on Harry's shoulders. "Harry, what you need to understand is that your heart is pure and your love gives you the ability to become the phoenix. Yet, you are also a parselmouth, which means the serpent also rests inside of you, waiting to strike out at your enemies. If you can merge these two concepts into the form of the feathered serpent, as those ancient wizards did, you will prove that you can rise above the evil that is associated with such magic."

"I see... but what if I can't merge them?"

"You will. You have no idea the power you possess. I can sense it in you. I have seen you in a vision, and you will be revered among wizards through out the world."

"Excuse me, but I'm just Harry. There is nothing unusual about me," she remarked skeptically, shaking her head.

"You're wrong. Everything about you is special. You are destined for greatness, just as Dumbledore was. We have all seen that. Why do you resist it so much?"

"Why does everyone think I am so special?"

"I believe you have been through this same conversation a number of times already with the Headmaster."

"Then humor me. What is so different about me that makes me unique as a witch?"

"Your name alone makes you unique," Arsinoe smiled, shaking her head to keep Harry from opening her mouth to speak. "Then there are your accomplishments. Think of what you have done in your life. You have stopped this dark wizard every time he has tried to parlay the balance of power to his way of thinking. He is a great wizard, but he has misused his gifts for his own designs. You have not. This alone is what makes you great. Tell me, has he ever tried to get you to come over to his side?"

"Yes, a few times, starting with my first year at Hogwarts."

"Then why didn't you accept his offers?"

"Because it was wrong! He is an evil man, and takes his pleasure from the pain and suffering of others."

"Exactly, where as you take yours from their love and happiness. You alone have stopped him, because you are his direct opposite. You have known this for a long time, yet you still resist."

"What makes you all so certain I will be able to do it again?"

"Were you not paid a visit by a certain old woman last spring?"

"What? You mean when I saw my future self. Who told you about that?"

"Dumbledore told me, and obviously, she was here to tell you how to succeed."

"I did everything she said."

"What were the first words she said to you?" Arsinoe asked, golden eyes glowing with that eerie light.

"She said the prophecies were correct...both of them...Oh Merlin...it was also a warning that the battle at Hogwarts wasn't going to be the end. Why didn't I see it before?"

"No one did, but Albus was suspicious when Voldemort was killed. He knew something was not as it should be. The Deatheaters continued to remain too active instead of disappearing back into the facade of respectability."

"Why didn't he tell me this himself?"

"He does not like to worry you. Dumbledore knows you have been through more in your eighteen years than most have in their entire lifetimes. Besides, what could you have done?"

"Nothing," Harry replied flatly. "Absolutely nothing."

"Nevertheless, you can now. You need to be prepared, Harry. Your actions now will determine your own future."

"I don't understand. I saw myself. I spoke with her, and she was quite old...at least as old as Dumbledore."

"You saw what should be, not necessarily what will be," Arsinoe explained gently.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you know why time travel is among some of the most restricted magic of the wizarding world?"

"I always thought it was so people would not use it to further their own ends."

"Exactly. As I understand it, you have always liked to bend the rules," she said amused. "It would seem that you will continue to do so through out your life."

"What are you getting at?"

"By traveling back in time your adult self showed you what was to come, but it will not happen unless you make the right choices now. One wrong decision...or one changed action on your part can alter that outcome. The future is not set in stone Harry."

"So what you're telling me is that if I do one thing wrong I may not live to become that old woman?"

"Yes...and no. You may survive but things might be changed that would otherwise have been different."

"For instance?"

"Both you and Voldemort may survive...and others may die who did not die before," Arsinoe told her quietly. "I believe your old self told you to think before you act?"

"Yes," Harry answered with a whisper.

"Then now is the time to do so. Learn, Harry...learn all you can as quickly as you can. Do not let this evil prevail. Give yourself the knowledge to become that old woman you met last spring and give the rest of us a chance for peace."

Harry's mind was racing and her stomach was in knots. 'How will I know what is right and what isn't? I don't know what to do. What if I cause the deaths of the people I love? I could never live with myself,' she worried inwardly. Her green eyes shown with worry as she looked at Arsinoe. 'I have been acting like a childish fool! Instead of doing the responsible thing, I just got stubborn and refused to listen to what they were all saying. I hold their lives and the lives of their loved ones in my hands, and by god, I am going to do everything in my power to keep them all safe. Even if it means I don't live to become that wise old woman.' Slowly, she found her voice, and with a quiet dignity, Harry swallowed her pride as she spoke aloud, "Teach me what I have to learn. Too many have died at the hands of that mad man."

"Then come, open your mind to the serpent within you, just as you opened it to the phoenix."

Harry nodded. Closing her eyes, she began to concentrate on picturing the snake in her mind. It was a soft green, with fine white stripes circling its body. However, unlike Voldemort's cobra, this snake was not poisonous. She had seen it in the zoo last year with Phaedra, when she had gone to stay with Severus and his sister on the weekends. It reminded her of the Slytherin colors of green and silver. The sign had said it was an Emerald Tree Boa. Once she had the image firmly fixed in her mind, she began the spells for transformation. Slowly, she felt her arms become limp and they seemed to be disappearing into her body. Her legs felt as if they were being fused together, and she had all she could do to keep from panicking. Her jaw hurt, and her tongue felt as if it was being sliced with a razor. Her hearing dulled, along with her sense of smell. She was cold, and longed for something warm as she felt herself being lowered to the floor.

Harry could hear Arsinoe calling her name, but it sounded as if it came from underwater. Opening her eyes, she found she was lying on the floor, and called to Arsinoe for help. It was then she realized that she was sticking out her tongue, and she could sense something warm in front of her as she crawled along the floor. It was Arsinoe, and Harry picked up her head to try to see her better. The older witch was smiling in triumph. Harry realized she had accomplished her feat. She was a snake! Commanding her body to move, she slithered over to the window to get a look at herself in the glass, before turning to look at Arsinoe once again.

"I did it! I did it!" she cried out in amazement, but Arsinoe did not answer her. 'Of course,' Harry thought, 'she can't understand me. I am speaking in Parseltongue!' Her body felt odd as it moved along the floor back towards the grinning witch, and a draft from behind alerted her that the door had been opened. Coiling herself about her body to keep warm, she looked to see who had come in. It was the Headmaster and Professor Snape. 'Ah...now for some fun,' she told herself, gleefully slithering over to Severus.

"Miss Darkmoon, I must say you have a very nice pet," Severus remarked. "However I would appreciate it if you would let Harry know it is time for our Occlumency lesson," he told the witch, glancing around, wondering where Harry was.

"I don't believe Harry is in any shape to do Occlumency, Severus." Dumbledore's blue eyes twinkled, as the snake wound its way up Severus leg, and around his body.

"Headmaster, we both agreed she should begin immediately," Severus answered, trying to keep from becoming annoyed. "Miss Darkmoon, do you usually allow your snake to run free? It might become lost in a castle of this size."

"I would say that she is in quite good hands at the moment," Arsinoe chuckled. "After all, you are the head of Slytherin House."

"Nevertheless, I need to get started. Where is Miss Potter?"

"Why don't you ask the snake Severus?" Dumbledore teased, blue eyes laughing, surveying Harry over his glasses. She didn't know how Dumbledore knew it was her, but apparently, he was enjoying her mischief.

"Headmaster, I am not a Parselmouth, or I would!" Severus snorted, trying to maintain his demeanor, as the snake draped itself about his body.

"Then I shall ask the snake for you," Dumbledore chuckled. "Pretty serpent, have you seen our Harry anywhere?"

Harry flicked her tongue and hissed in response. She knew this was her cue. Looking at Severus, she began the sequence of spells to transform back to her human self. It took a few seconds, and Severus gasped in surprise. His face lost its cool facade as he realized he was holding Harry in his arms.

"Hello, Professor," she laughed boldly. "You can put me down now." Severus immediately regained his composure, and set Harry down on her feet. Harry couldn't help but notice the slight tinge of color that had been added to his cheeks.

"I see you have been able to transform yourself into a serpent. I find it interesting that the one you chose is green and white. It closely resembles the Slytherin house colors of green and silver," he remarked, black eyes glittering.

"It was the closest I could find. If I have to become a snake, I figured it might just as well be something pretty. After all, my phoenix has the colors of Gryffindor. You all keep telling me that I am both, so..." Harry shrugged, with a coy smile.

"Child, I am more than a little pleased that you have accomplished this task so easily," Dumbledore beamed, blue eyes twinkling. "How long did it take for her to accomplish this new animagus form?" he questioned Arsinoe.

"She did it on her first try, but the transformation takes her longer than when she does the phoenix. Harry, will need time to perfect this new form, so that she can do it as easily as the Phoenix. Then she can start to try and combine them into the winged serpent."

"I see," Dumbledore mused. "And then?"

"Then she must learn how to transform from one animal to the other without changing to her human form. That is the most difficult. It is also the most dangerous," Arsinoe warned.

"Now that sounds ominous," Harry remarked.

"I don't wish to frighten you, Harry, but it is very difficult to do. It can also go terribly wrong, but I believe you have the ability." Arsinoe looked very serious. "Practice the snake for a few days until you can do it as easily as the phoenix, and then we will begin on the next step. The animagus spell involved is slightly different as you will need to think of both animals at once."

"I understand," Harry nodded. "Now I suppose I belong to Severus for the next two hours until dinner?"

"Indeed," Snape sneered arching his brow. "I shall escort you to the dungeon for your Occlumency lesson, and if we have time afterwards I have decided you will mix the Dreamless Sleeping Potion."

"Then let's get going. I have an evening out tonight and could use some relaxation. I have a feeling I am going to need it."

"Humph, "Snape grunted leading the way. He stopped at the door when he realized she wasn't following. "Well Potter, what is the matter?"

"I think I will just practice my new animagus form on the way," she grinned slyly, beginning the spells in her head. This time it came a little easier since she knew what to expect. She slithered over to him and out the door.

"Harry," Dumbledore called after her laughing, "just don't let him put you in a tank as the new house mascot."

"Ssss..." she hissed in Parselmouth. She knew he didn't understand that she was telling him that would never happen.

Severus moved swiftly down the corridors and stairs to the dungeons, the beautiful green serpent slithering behind. Harry could feel the animal form taking a stronger hold, and had the desire to find something warm and furry to eat. 'Too bad Wormtail is dead. I could make a nice meal out of that traitor and then bask in the afternoon sun. I will have to control this urge for warm-blooded food, or I may really start hunting. These floors are cold, even though it is the end of August,' she hissed as she felt the muscles of her soft underbelly moving her forward.

Reaching the darkness of the lower levels Severus opened the door to his office. Harry glided in crawling up onto his favorite chair by the hearth. He then turned and studied her, arms crossed, his jaw set firmly. He was in no mood for games and his body heat and language told Harry he was worried about something. She transformed back to her human form and sat studying him.

"Sev... what's wrong?" she asked timidly.

"Nothing you need to worry about. Are you ready for your lesson, or are you planning on becoming the house mascot as the Headmaster suggested?"

"Actually, that might be a rather interesting idea. If there are Slytherin students, as well as some in the other houses who are thinking of becoming Deatheaters and joining Voldemort I could learn what they are up to. I could just hang out in the Potions Lab or the common room. They would never suspect my animagus form of a snake. I could also pose as Fawkes again like I did before the Protectorship and infiltrate the other common rooms as well."

"Harry," Severus began, slowly pursing his lips, "I do not believe it would be wise of you to act as a spy."

"Why not?"

"Many of the older students are your friends. It would not be right to invade their privacy in such a manner," he remarked, raising his hand to stop her from protesting. "I know you're eager to stop the Dark Lord but I do not feel that any students who may be involved have enough knowledge to warrant such actions. There is also the need for you to prepare yourself fully for the events you are going to have to face."

"But Severus, if the students have overheard anything from their parents..."

"No Harry!" he exclaimed sharply. Anything they may know would be minimal, and the Order would already have leaned of it. The Dark Lord's followers, however dimwitted a few of them are, know better than to discuss his plans. His retribution would be swift and painful, if not lethal."

"I see," Harry responded, feeling useless. She wanted so badly to help before things got anymore out of hand.

"Don't worry," Severus voice softened, understanding her desire to help. "Your time to act against him will come."

"And how many more people will have to die before that happens?" she questioned bitterly, jumping up from her seat and pacing the floor.

"I can't answer that. Unfortunately, there are always innocent casualties in war."

"Well there shouldn't be." Harry was shaking with anger. "Families shouldn't be torn apart. Why do parents have to watch as their children are tortured and die and how many more children will have to endure growing up alone?"

Severus didn't answer. He couldn't, because the questions she asked had no answers. They had been asked for thousands of years but the result was always the same. The loss of innocent lives would always be the cost for peace.

Taking two swift strides across the room, he stood over Harry, studying the face he knew so well. 'James' face with Lily's eyes,' he thought. 'The only difference is that James' arrogant smirk has been replaced with a serious frown, and instead of Lily's laughing green eyes Harry's hold a deep sadness.'

They stood looking at one another, eyes locked. Severus softly traced her jaw line with his index finger. Slowly, he lowered his head and chastely brushed his lips against hers. Harry relaxed in his arms as his tongue gently sought hers, responding to his embrace. When they finally parted, she rested her head on his chest, while he stroked her hair. Neither of them spoke right away. There was no need for words. It was Severus who finally broke the silence.

"It's time we started your lessons," he whispered, nuzzling her ear.

"I don't suppose we could put it off until tomorrow?" she said looking up into his dark eyes.

"No...It would be better if we proceed," he told her, gradually resuming his usual demeanor. "You have to master your mind or the Dark Lord will use it to his own advantage."

"All right," she sighed, "just give me a minute to prepare."

"Very well, but only a minute," he answered, glancing at his watch.

"You're timing me?!"

"You asked for a minute so that is what you shall receive." He arched his brow amused. "Thirty seconds...fifteen...seven...Legilimens!"

His assault on Harry's mind was swift and immediate, as memories flew instantly through her mind. Crying when she was four and Aunt Petunia threw away her stuffed dog. Dudley pushing her down in the flowerbed and telling his mother she had trampled it deliberately. Harry shopping in Diagon Alley with Hagrid, still disguised as a boy. Sitting with her Protectors in Dumbledore's office in her sixth year. Snape deliberately throwing away her potion with a sneer while Draco laughed. Kissing Mad Eye Moody after swallowing the love potion. The battle with Voldemort in Grimmauld Place.

"NO!" she cried aloud, fighting to close her mind, while pushing into his. She could see the image of Severus in his Deatheater robes kneeling in front of Voldemort. His duel with Lucius Malfoy in the Great Hall; and flying at the Weasleys with Sirius and Phaedra. One by one, the doors to her mind and emotions swung shut, as she forced herself further into his mind to stop his assault. She could feel his withdrawal. Harry finally jerked back, shaking, as their minds separated. Snape stood watching, stiff and tall, expression unreadable.

"You reacted well, but are still too slow. You need to concentrate harder."

"I am concentrating!"

"It is not good enough. You need to close me out before I can get inside. As soon as you feel me starting to probe your thoughts and feelings you need to retaliate," Severus instructed forcefully. "Now let's start again, Legilimens!"

This continued for almost an hour, but Harry grew stronger with each assault on her mind. As Severus tried to enter for what seemed like the hundredth time, Harry was exhausted and becoming angry at his insistent probing. Mustering the last of her strength, she slammed her conscious mind shut, and flung him across the room. Smack! He fell back against the wall, stunned.

"Severus!" Harry cried running over to where he had slid down onto the floor. "Are you hurt?"

He looked at her, gingerly testing his limbs, and began to laugh. "I am uninjured. You have successfully fought me off and were able to stop me physically as well. If you can do that to the Dark Lord you will be one-step ahead of him. I could feel the force of your power and was helpless against it," he explained, rising from where he had fallen. "I think you have practiced enough for today. Come along, we still have time so we will work on your potion. Do you think you can do it from memory?"

"The Dreamless Sleeping Potion?"

"I believe that is what I told you earlier."

"Do I have a choice?"


"I didn't think so." She grinned up at him playfully.

"Then I would suggest you get started or we will be late for dinner. I would hate to see you have to rush to get ready to meet your godfather and his canine cohort," he sneered.

"Severus...be nice. You know very well that you and I can spend some fun time together too. All you have to do is to ask me."

"I thought that is what we were doing," he replied sardonically.

"Arrrggghhh," she shook her head, gathering the ingredients for the potion.

She worked quietly for the next forty minutes, mixing and setting things to boil. She watched the cauldron closely, her jaw set into a deep frown when the potion turned a lovely shade of fuchsia, instead of the dark purple it was supposed to be. Severus just shook his head, and indicated she was to dump the cauldron.

"I will not tell you what you did wrong. Look it up and write me a full parchment on the proper mixture and its components. I will expect you to have it ready by tomorrow afternoon when we meet again."

"Yes, Sir," Harry answered. "Although I have an idea where I went wrong already."

"This is a tricky potion, Harry. Your mixture could have been lethal."

"Why didn't you stop me when you knew I had done it wrong?" she questioned, curiously.

"I wanted to see if you would catch the mistake on your own. You will be allowed to dump one cauldron during the practical exam, but only one. There are many more difficult potions you may be asked to perform. It would be a waste if you had to dump one of the easier potions since you will be graded on each one individually. You will also be timed."

"I understand. Will we do this one again?"

"Tomorrow. Once you have it perfected and I see that you can mix some of the other potions from memory I will teach you the Draught of Living Death. It is dangerous and complicated."

"Would they ask for such a potion on the exam?" she asked startled.

"Occasionally, since it is used by healers when someone is extremely close to death and they need to slow their body functions to save them."

"I didn't know that," Harry answered thoughtfully.

"Now let's go up to dinner. I know you would like to relax over your meal and visit with your friends." Severus muttered a spell lowering the lamps, and they left the dungeon together. It had been a grueling afternoon, but Harry was inwardly pleased with her progress. She was determined to stop Lord Voldemort, no matter the cost to herself.


Author notes: The Aztec square and temples are historically accurate. The references to ancient Egyptian rites is a matter of record.