Remus Lupin Sirius Black Severus Snape
Mystery Romance
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 02/22/2005
Updated: 03/02/2008
Words: 99,629
Chapters: 16
Hits: 21,007

Black Mirror


Story Summary:
Harry and the Protectors are home for the summer at Snape Manor. Wedding Plans are being made but a mystery is about to take place which will affect them all. Will Harry be able to protect Phaedra from losing her soul? AU Female Harry

Chapter 15 - Chapter 15 the Destiny of Souls

Chapter Summary:
What will happen to Phaedra and Harry within the mirror. Will all be lost or can Phaedra be freed from Ballatrix's thrall?
Author's Note:
Thanks to all who have stayed with this series from the beginning, and to those who have jusy discovered it.


Chapter 15


Harry was flying blind. There was nothing but darkness and the gray swirling mists. Suddenly, buffeted by an icy whirlwind, she had all she could do to hold onto the Orb containing Phaedra's soul. Caught by a rapid gust of the wind, wings fully expanded to keep aloft, Harry spun upside down towards the floor. Twisting her body to try and regain control, the Orb pressed into the silky feathers of her stomach, she hit the cold stone, rolling over to land with the Orb beneath her, still intact. Transforming back to her human self she quickly put the Orb into her robe pocket. The Dementors rushed around her, their tattered robes flapping in the wind like grotesque scarecrows. Beginning to panic, Harry's mind flashed through her options. It had become impossible to fly because of the wind. The Dementors were closing in on them and she had no clue how large this Limbo like area was. She briefly considered transforming into her winged serpent, but was unsure where the ceiling was, if there even was one. If she transformed into the snake she had no way to carry the Orb, except in her mouth, and feared she would either choke, or worse, swallow it. As if on cue one of the Dementors swept in. One skeletal hand was reaching towards her, the other lowering its hood, coming in for the kill. Occluding her mind, Harry pulled her wand.

"Expecto Patronum," she gasped. Instantly, her new Patronus leapt forward, the giant bat sweeping the creatures back. Harry had no choice but to run, seeking a way out from the mirror. She continued to cast her Patronus as she ran, keeping the horrid creatures at bay, but knew it would only be a matter of time. She was growing exhausted and another transformation would only worsen the situation. She needed to conserve as much magical energy as possible, having already expended a large amount with the rapid succession of transformations and Patronus spells. As she ran, Harry wondered if she did transform again if she could just disappear in a flash of flames to escape the mirror, reappearing back inside the castle. Fawkes did it all the time but he was an actual Phoenix, not an Animagus, and Dumbledore had once told her this was impossible. However, he was occasionally wrong about such things. After all, the last multiple Animagus had been Merlin, so maybe it would work. 'I'll try it if nothing else works as a last resort,' she thought. 'It can't be much different than apparition. Maybe Moony left a clue or something. Hell, I'm not even sure if he got out. The Dementors were everywhere and Bellatrix was screaming for them to suck out his soul,' her mind sobbed in desperation. 'Oh Sev...Help me please...I don't know what to do...

As Severus stared at the mirror his horror quickly turned into anger. Lupin had only partially succeeded in his mission. Harry would not be lost to him. He refused to even entertain the though that she had not survived. He was determined to find her and then deal with ridding his niece of her possession by Bellatrix. Glancing quickly back at the still form of the witch, he flicked his wand, releasing the rope from the werewolf. With a circular motion he then secured one end of the rope onto the old iron door handle while snaking the other around his waist.

"Albus," he shouted over the rushing wind, "I am going to get my wife!" He stepped deftly through the broken glass and into the maelstrom before anyone could utter a denial. The first thing he felt was the cold, and knew there were still Dementors nearby. He also realized a thick gray mist prevented him from seeing anything other than grotesque images formed by the wind as it whistled around him. "Lumos," he muttered. The dim light barely helped to dispel the darkness in front of him as he moved forward, his senses on alert. He only hoped he would be in time. Even Harry, despite her Animagus forms, could not hold out forever against the Dementors, especially in this foul place, without food and water...

Harry was exhausted; tears came unbidden from her eyes. She didn't know how long ago she had started to cry and she could feel the Dementors coming closer each time. Stopping to catch her breath, she sat down on the cold floor, pulling her bathrobe tight around her in an attempt to keep the cold at bay. 'There is no way out,' she mused, unable to stop a sob from escaping from her lips. 'Oh, Phaedra, I am so sorry,' she thought, clutching the Orb closer in her pocket. 'I failed you.' Her mind then drifted to thoughts of her husband. 'Sev, I love you and now you will be left all alone again. Please don't go back to being that cold and bitter person you once were. I should've listened to you and thought before trying to grab onto Bella.' Harry absently toyed with her wedding ring, letting down her empathic shields. 'Maybe, Sev will be able to feel how much I am going to miss him if I try and touch his soul before mine is lost to the darkness...'

Severus moved silently through the mists, the wind finally slowing, as he made his way forward. The cold was growing more intense. The light from his wand began to fade as a cloaked figure erupted from the fog, claw like hands reaching towards him, fetid breath creating a nauseating stench in the air around him.

"Expecto Patronum!" he shouted. A silvery form shot from his wand, but it was no longer the doe from his youth, or the small teddy bear that had appeared when he had begun to think of Dumbledore as his parent figure and mentor. But this new Patronus did not shock him, for it was a winged snake, a smaller version of Harry's winged serpent. As the realization of its significance hit him, his wedding ring began to glow and burn on his finger, its magic alerting him to Harry's distress. He plunged forward wondering if the other Protectors could feel it as well, or if the magic from the mirror would interfere with the spells. Unexpectedly, a feeling of love and regret swept over him, causing him to pause abruptly in his search. Harry had let down her empathic barrier and was reaching out towards him! Latching onto the feelings he started running. He could sense a feeling of desperation. His keen sense of hearing picking up the faint sound of crying as the mists grew colder. Throwing all his power into a strong Lumos, he could see a patch of blackness up ahead, feelings of doom engulfing him...

Once Severus had disappeared into the mirror Dumbledore and Tiberius made short work of the Dementors. Sirius transformed back from his Animagus form and looked around while Remus remained beside the unconscious form of the possessed child. The blowing winds had diminished following the initial onslaught, the broken mirror resembling a black hole. Nothing came out. The rope securing Severus stretched into the nothingness beyond.

"So now what?" Sirius ventured, looking from Dumbledore to Tiberius. "Should one of us go in after them?"

"No, Sirius, I believe that it would be unwise to do so. We have no idea if there is going to be another group of Dementors or if anything else may come from within." Dumbledore shook his head sadly. "We can only wait."

"Why don't we wake up Bella and ask her?"

"I think we should wait," Tiberius remarked. "She may be able to call for reinforcements for which we are unprepared. My nephew is well versed in the Dark

Arts and will be able to pull on the rope if he is in trouble."

"I can't just sit here and do nothing! My goddaughter and Severus are both in there. Severus and I may have our differences but I hold my oath to them both sacred."

"We understand that, Sirius, and so do they. However, Harry and Severus would not want you to put yourself to any unnecessary risk If nothing happens within the next fifteen minutes then we will consider either awakening Bellatrix or allowing you to enter the mirror," Dumbledore told him gravely.

"So we just have to sit here and do nothing?"

"No, we should make sure Bellatrix is bound and unable to speak, then you and Lupin should get ready to pull on the rope should my nephew need it. In the meantime, Albus and I will try and work out a way to get Bellatrix out of Phaedra's body. We need to be certain she is no longer in control while we watch for any signs of trouble from within that wretched mirror," Tiberius ground out. He was unable to completely hide the anger and worry in his voice despite the blank mask on his features.

Sirius looked back and forth between the two older wizards. Seeing Dumbledore's nod of agreement he moved back towards where Remus lay guarding Bellatrix. Sirius was not happy and swore under his breath, but would do as they instructed for the time being. 'Oh, Harry, I hope Severus can find you and you come home safely,' he reflected morosely. He completed the bonds to secure Bellatrix while Albus and Tiberius spoke in hushed voices. Then he sat down to wait beside the still slack rope, staring into the mirror's black void. He was brooding to himself when all of a sudden he felt the ring on his finger begin to tingle, emitting a burning sensation.

Moony whined, as Sirius stood abruptly, immediately sensing that something was wrong with his mate. Sirius was staring at his ring, which was emitting a soft glow. The werewolf had removed his ring prior to his transformation, but the scent of his lover's fear and the tightening of his muscles alerted the werewolf that Harry and Severus were in trouble...

Harry was sobbing, the Dementors were closing in. She kept trying in vain to find the strength to cast one last Patronus but it was useless. She could hear her mother's screams, the Dursleys calling her a freak, and worst of all, Voldemort's mocking laughter. She was frozen and just wanted it to end. She couldn't move. A skeletal hand reached out and grabbed her shoulder, while the other lowered its hood, gaping maw ready to feed on her soul. Somewhere in the back of her mind she thought she heard a familiar voice ring out. But no...It couldn't be. He was safe in the castle. A final tear slid down her cheek as she succumbed to the blackness...

"Expecto Patronum!" Severus shouted. His Patronus shot forward in a brilliant flash of silver before diving into the center of the Dementors. He shouted the spell a second time as they scattered, his long legs carrying him faster than ever before. Harry lay on the floor in front of him, eyes closed, shallow breaths coming from her parted lips. "Merlin... No... Please let her be all right...I can't lose her to those foul creatures," he gasped. Reaching his long arm forward he pulled her to him, kneeling beside her still form. "Harry," he called, shaking her shoulders. "Harry, wake up! We haven't got much time! Do you hear me, Harry?" he called desperately. "Snap out of it, Potter! We have to get out of here NOW!" he shouted, trying another tactic to get her to respond. "Look at me when I am speaking to you, Potter!" he snarled, using his most lethal Professor's voice, hoping to get her to respond, as he held her ice cold body close to his chest.

Harry was freezing, and thought she could hear someone yelling something through the black haze surrounding her mind. She was dreaming she was in her Occlumency lesson and Professor Snape was yelling at her while she was down on the floor. She could smell cinnamon and cloves and heard an odd thumping sound. Something was wrapped around her and she felt safe as the warmth came back into her limbs. Forcing her mind up through the void, she realized she was listening to a heartbeat. Her mind suddenly registered that familiar smell of cinnamon and cloves as belonging to Severus. Not daring to believe her senses, she slowly cracked open her eyes, only to find herself facing a heavy black robe. Shifting her head, she found herself looking into a pair of familiar obsidian eyes.

"I am looking at you, Professor." She smiled weakly, reaching up to touch the rough stubble on his cheek. It was wet.

"Harry? Thank Merlin, I thought I was too late."

"I thought I had lost you too, Sev," Harry replied, soaking up the warmth from his arms.

"Harry, we have to get out of here. The Dementors will be back. Are you strong enough to walk?"

"I think so, but how do we get out? I couldn't find anyway back," she said, as he assisted her onto her feet.

"The same way Lupin did. I have a rope secured to my waist. We simply pull on it to alert the others. They will respond to my signal and lead us towards the exit."

"Oh, too bad I didn't think of that before I grabbed onto Bellatrix."

"Indeed," he agreed. A familiar sneer graced his lips before he gave the rope a tug...

Sirius' ring was still tingling when he grabbed onto the rope, which still remained slack. He kept looking from the rope to his ring and then back to the mirror when the rope did not move. He wanted to plunge into the mirror but Dumbledore had moved to block his path.

"Sirius, do not be hasty. If Severus needs your help he will let you know. Let me know if there is any change from your ring, as I believe it has alerted you to some kind of danger?"

"It is warm and tingling and before it was glowing."

"As I suspected. Has it changed any since you first felt it?"

"At first I thought it would burn my finger off, but now it is just as I said, warm and tingling."

"Then let us see what happens. I think what ever is happening our Potions Master has it under control."

"But what if..." Sirius began to argue when he was interrupted by a pull on the rope.

"There, you see, Severus has called for you to guide the way out."

Sirius simply nodded, and began to pull on the rope, Moony standing ready to assist him, but there was no need. It seemed that Snape merely needed a guide. At least he hoped it was Snape and not something else...

Severus held tightly to Harry's arm as he allowed the pull of the rope to lead them towards the opening of the mirror. His wand was raised high in his other hand, its meager light barely helping to dispel the darkness. Harry was shivering with the cold so he cast a brief warming charm and she smiled wanly. Dark shadows followed through the twisting gray mists, and he could feel the presence of the Dementors. The strain was evident on his wife's pale features, as she tried to maintain her empathic blocks, to fight the overpowering feelings the horrid creatures imbued.

"Harry, do you know how many Dementors are here with us?" he whispered.

"I'm not sure. Maybe five or six," she replied, trying to sense the creatures.

"Are you up to casting a Patronus should they attack again?"

"Yes, now that I have you near me."

"Stay alert then. I think they are grouping. I suspect they will try and attack as we near the exit."

"Why do you suppose they haven't left the mirror?" Harry questioned.

"I am uncertain. Perhaps they were told to stay until called for. Either that, or they are as trapped as we are without Bellatrix." He raised his brow thoughtfully.

"Sev, about Bellatrix, she did..." Harry began to explain about the spell, only to be interrupted by the group of Dementors swooping in. She pointed her wand just as Severus dropped her arm and did the same.

"Expecto Patronum!" they shouted in unison. The bright silver images of a large bat and a winged serpent swooped through the mists, scattering the Dementors. Severus gave a mighty tug on the rope; they needed to get out quickly. He grabbed Harry as he was jolted forwards. She was hanging onto his robes when the rope attached to Severus' waist tightened with violent tug. Caught off guard Severus was yanked forward, loosing his grip on Harry as he was jerked into the mists and disappeared.

"Severus!" she called. In a near panic Harry groped around the floor searching for him unsuccessfully. "Lumos," she lit her wand. There was no sign of her husband. She was alone, and she could sense the Dementors beginning to return...

Severus fell into the open room, landing at Dumbledore's feet. The old man kneeled down making certain he was unharmed as he glanced around looking for Harry.

"Snape, where's my goddaughter?" Sirius questioned, as Dumbledore ran his wand over they younger man, checking for any injuries.

"Harry?" Severus' head spun around only to face the black void where the mirrored glass had once been. "Shit! When you pulled me through the mirror we became separated. She's still in there with a group of Dementors." Spinning his body around, Severus rolled back towards the mirror, throwing his upper body inside, while his legs remained in the room. He spotted the dim light from her wand about six feet to his left. "Harry, follow my voice," he yelled, as the chill from the Dementors reached him.

"Sev, where are you? I can't see you through the dark and the mists."

"I'm over here," he responded. He was still was holding his wand and lit it to help guide her to him. He could see her drawing closer, when a Dementor swooped down towards her lighted wand. He shouted another Patronus and stretched forwards, able to discern Harry on the floor in the glow from the Patronus. Grabbing her robe with one hand, he pulled, and flung himself backwards out of the mirror. He landed in a heap, Harry on top of him.

"Harry!" Sirius' joyful voice greeted her ears as he pulled her up and hugged her. "I was terrified we had lost you."

"I'm fine, Sirius. Just a bit shaken up from the Demen..."

"Look out," Tiberius yelled, pulling his nephew to his feet. The Dementors had followed them from the mirror.

The room was immediately filled with silver animals. Sirius had been caught off guard and was unable to transform as one of the creatures swooped down at him. Moony jumped forwards with a howl as Dumbledore's silver phoenix intercepted the creature. In the meantime, Tiberius sent a blasting hex combined with a banishing charm towards the mirror, sending it into oblivion. Severus turned towards Phaedra, and gasped. All heads turned in the child's direction.

"NO!" Severus yelled, as a silver thestral shot from Tiberius' wand towards the Dementor. However, it was too late. The creature had already locked his mouth onto the child, and she lay limp and staring. The Dementor then turned as Severus and Dumbledore both sent their Patronuses to assist the one cast by Tiberius, and it fled through the window.

Everyone gathered around the body of the little girl except Harry. She stood watching as her husband and his uncle cradled the limp body. Severus' jaw was set, the pain of loss evident in his dark eyes. Sirius transformed and went over to see if there was anything he could do. Looking up at his goddaughter, he shook his head negatively, expecting to see her upset and crying. He was shocked to discover she was simply looking on without any sign of being upset.

"Severus, we need to move her back downstairs," Dumbledore said, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"No," he whispered. "I cannot allow her to die like this." He stood up with Tiberius and pointed his wand towards Phaedra. "Avada..."

"Expelliarmus," Harry interrupted the curse, Severus' wand flying neatly into her hand. "I can't allow you to do that."

"Harry, you can't be serious! If we leave her she will just waste away. There is no chance of separating her soul from Bellatrix now. The Dementor would have taken them both!" Severus ground out, trying to keep his temper in check.

"Severus is right, Harry, it would be unfair to Phaedra," Sirius told her. "If you want you can go downstairs and wait. Let Severus do what needs to be done."

"Maybe under ordinary circumstances I would, but there is something none of you know. It was only Bella's soul that the Dementor took."

"Child, what are you saying?" Dumbledore asked, blue eyes alert with interest.

"When Moony and I were in the mirror, Bellatrix did some kind of ancient magic and separated her soul from Phaedra. Moony was there, but he didn't get to see what happened when Phaedra's soul was set adrift. You pulled him back out with Bellatrix. In any event, he wouldn't be able to tell you anything. Well, maybe he could tell Sirius in his dog form, but only about the separation."

"Harry, for Merlin's sake, what are you trying to tell us?" Tiberius inquired, unable to keep the agitation from his voice.

"Well, Bellatrix separated the souls and set Phaedra's adrift for the Dementors to catch, but I beat them to it. I conjured an Orb to hold it in, and caught it in true seeker fashion." She grinned, reaching into her pocket, pulling out the glowing Orb.

"You mean to tell us you've had it this whole time?" Severus asked, unable to hide his shock. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I started to when we were trying to get out of the mirror. That's when the Dementors came." She shrugged. "Now we just have to put it back where it belongs."

"Albus, is this possible? Can we return Phaedra's soul to her body?"

"I am uncertain, Severus, but am open to suggestions."

"We need to go and study some of the ancient tomes. There may be an answer there," Tiberius suggested. "In the meantime we need to keep them both safe."

"Uh...guys. I think I have an idea that might work."

"What is it, Harry?"

"I don't know if it will work, but I got the idea watching the Dementors." She shifted uneasily, hoping they wouldn't think her idea absurd.

"Tell us, Harry. You've always had good instincts," Dumbledore encouraged.

"It's just that Dementors suck out souls through a person's mouth. I read somewhere that the ancient Egyptians did something called the Opening of the Mouth Ceremony to their dead so that the soul could reenter the body from the afterlife." She took a deep breath. "Can't we just put it back in through her mouth?"

The wizards all looked uncertainly from one to the other, before Tiberius spoke.

"You are correct about the ancient Egyptians, Harry, but I don't see how such a thing could work."

"But you don't know that it won't. I can still capture her soul again if it starts to drift off. I think it is worth a try. It could take months to find another way, and I don't think Phaedra can last too long like this."

"Severus, as the head of the family I am willing to let Harry try. What are your thoughts on this?"

"Uncle, Albus has always been right about Harry's instincts. I believe we should let her try." He looked at Harry, hope in his dark eyes.

"Very well, then. Harry, go ahead and try. Albus and I will stand by to create another Orb if it is needed," Tiberius informed her.

"Sev, will you hold her head up and lean it back to keep her mouth open for me?" He tilted his head in understanding, cradling Phaedra's head in his lap, positioning her as Harry desired. She then moved over to kneel beside them on the floor and studied the Orb for a moment. She then placed it up against Phaedra's open jaw and muttered a spell dispelling the lower half of the Orb. The golden mist swirled around for a moment and then began to slowly snake its way into the child's body through her parted lips. Once it was gone, Harry banished the rest of the Orb and they all waited with bated breath.

"Phaedra, come on baby. It's time to wake up. You've had us all very worried," Severus prodded gently. "Come on, little one, you need to wake up," he told the still child, running his hands through her hair.

"Uncle, Sev?" Phaedra twitched as her eyes focused on her Uncle.

"YES!" Sirius hollered ecstatically, fisting his hand into the air. "You did it, Harry. It worked! Phaedra's awake and my cousin got what was coming to her."

"Well done, Harry." Dumbledore's blue eyes twinkled.

"What is going on?" Phaedra asked, looking around the room. "Why are we in this old room?" The adults just laughed. "Humph, nobody ever tells me anything," Phaedra pouted.

"Can you remember anything, Child?" Dumbledore inquired softly.

"I had a bad dream. How did I get here? Did I walk in my sleep or something?"

"Something like that," Severus answered giving her a hug. "But you're safe now and that is all that matters."

"I think we should all be getting to bed. It has been a long night," Tiberius remarked, taking Phaedra in his arms to allow Severus to stand.

"But I just woke up! I don't want to go to bed."

"I think a nice cup of hot cocoa will help you go back to sleep, and then tomorrow maybe we can go and visit Fred and George," Harry smiled, a happy tear running down her cheek.

"Aunt Harry, you're crying. Is something the matter?"

"No, Phaedra, everything's fine. I am just happy that you're safe now. How about we all tuck you back into bed with that cocoa?"

"If I go back to sleep can we go and see Mr. Fred and George when I wake up? You said we could."

"Spoken like a true Slytherin," Harry laughed. "Yes, Phaedra, we will go and see them."

"If you're a good girl, I will personally buy you a Puffskein from their shop," Severus declared, as they all trooped from the room. Dobby met them on the lower floor.

"Masters Snape, Dobby and Winky has cleaned up in Miss Phaedra's room," he said, green eyes sad. "We's wanted to know if Winky should stay with Miss Phaedra?"

"That won't be necessary, Dobby. I will stay with my niece for the remainder of the night. However, Winky will now be Phaedra's personal elf."

"What about Hazel?" Phaedra demanded.

"Phaedra, Hazel was old and she passed away tonight," Harry explained. She felt the half truth would be better than trying to explain what really happened.

"She went away to be with Mummy?"

"Yes, Child, but that doesn't mean she left you. You will see her again someday, along with your parents."

"What if you all go away too?"

"Phaedra, none of us are going away for a long, long, time. By then you will be a grandmother," Severus comforted her fears.

"I'm going to miss Hazel." She buried her head in Tiberius' robes and started to cry.

"Me too," Harry quietly agreed. "I think you will like Winky though. She is a young elf and you will be together a long time."

"Will she play with me?"

"I bet she will."

"Oh yes, Miss Phaedra. Winky is a good elf. She's likes to play with children," Dobby piped up, as he followed the group into Phaedra's room.

"Dobby, if you would get the hot chocolate and inform Winky and the rest of the elves of her new duties, you can then retire for the night," Tiberius instructed.

"Right away, Master Tiberius, Dobby will see that yous get the chocolate and will tell Winky and the other elves right away." Snapping his fingers he popped from the room.

Tiberius settled Phaedra back into bed as a tray with five cups appeared. Remus stretched out by the fire with a sigh, and Sirius sat beside him, absently stroking his soft fur. They all talked quietly among themselves while they drank their cocoa and Tiberius subtly charmed Phaedra back to sleep. Once she was resting peacefully, Tiberius charmed one of the chairs into a bed for himself. Sirius took Moony back to their rooms since the moon would soon set. He then set up a silencing spell so that no one would hear his painful ordeal. Albus elected to stay the rest of the night, and Severus and Harry showed him to his room, before retiring themselves.

"I need a shower. I'm filthy from tonight's adventures," Harry stated, heading towards the bathroom. Stripping off her clothes, she threw them in the bin, and stepped into the steamy water. She stood there, eyes closed, letting the relaxing stream melt the night's aches from her tired muscles. She didn't hear Severus come into the bathroom and was startled by a soft touch on her shoulder. Snapping open her eyes, she found Severus studying her with amusement.

"If you have no objections I thought I would join you." He pursed his lips in amusement at her blush. In the short time they had been married they had yet to bathe together and the time had seemed right.

"Depends what you have in mind." She grinned back at him.

"What ever you would like my dear," his velvety baritone whispered into her ear.

"In that case..." She pulled him down to meet his lips, their tongues meeting one another. They stayed locked that way for a few minutes, the warm water engulfing their entwined limbs.

"I love you, Harry. I may not say it often but I do." He slowly slid his hands over her wet buttocks and she shivered with pleasure at his touch.

"I love you too, Severus," she whispered into his chest, reaching down to explore his hardening member. "By the way, I noticed your Patronus has changed."

"As did yours, I find it amusing that you still picture me as the bat from the dungeons," h e teased.

"Just trying to maintain your reputation," she responded, nipping his chest.

He tilted her chin up with his finger, leaning down to meet her lips again while fondling her breasts. He released her slowly and reached for the soap. Lathering his hands he ran them over her soft skin, nibbling her ear lobe as he did so. Harry followed suit, and they teased and kissed one another, taking pleasure in one another's arousal. Severus moaned as Harry tweaked his nipples and began kissing her way down his chest to his stomach, exploring him with her mouth. He wondered idly how far she would go, when she took him into her mouth. Leaning up against the wall he ran his hands through her wet hair and down her back as she slowly worked her tongue over his shaft. He reveled in her shy ministrations, knowing she was unsure about taking him in all the way. However, he had other ideas. He wanted to be inside her with the warmth of the water, and the closeness such intimacy would imbue. Reaching down he gently nudged her away. She looked up in confusion at first, and he pulled her up to him for another long kiss as he guided her up against the wall. Carefully reaching around her he picked her up.

"Put your legs around me," he whispered, and a light of understanding made her green eyes dance.

Harry locked her legs around his waist, as he carefully helped her guide him to her entrance. He penetrated the soft folds slowly, allowing her time to adjust, before he took her tongue into his mouth once again, and began to thrust. He moved slowly at first, letting the water spill over them, allowing her need to grow in intensity. Gradually she began to try and match his movements with her own. She arched her back into the wall as he sped up, his own need growing urgent, her legs tight about him. Harry moaned softly as he penetrated harder each time, pressing herself into him, both frantic for release. She sobbed with pleasure as her taught muscles shuddered with an intense orgasm, Severus moaning her name, with his own release at the same time.

Harry had no idea how long they stayed that way before she unwound herself from her husband's body and he gently set her down and turned off the water. He pulled two towels from the rack and wrapped one around her and the other about his waist. Picking her up he carried her to their bed. Flicking his wand he cast a drying spell and put on their night clothes. Climbing into bed, he nestled her comfortably in his arms, kissing her forehead. Neither spoke, they didn't have to. They just looked into one another's eyes, the love they had for one another reflected there, as they slowly drifted off to sleep.

Neither knew that while they slumbered peacefully, enfolded in each other's arms, the result from their intense love making was starting to make itself present inside of Harry. It would be several weeks before they learned that next spring the soul of a new Snape would make its entrance into the magical world...


This is the final chapter but I will be doing an epilogue to tie the series together. Sorry for the delay but it was sent back for editing or it would have been up before Christmas. The epilogue has been started and will be posted ASAP