Remus Lupin Sirius Black Severus Snape
Mystery Romance
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 02/22/2005
Updated: 03/02/2008
Words: 99,629
Chapters: 16
Hits: 21,007

Black Mirror


Story Summary:
Harry and the Protectors are home for the summer at Snape Manor. Wedding Plans are being made but a mystery is about to take place which will affect them all. Will Harry be able to protect Phaedra from losing her soul? AU Female Harry

Chapter 13 - Black Mirror chapter 13 'Through the Looking Glass'

Chapter Summary:
Can Harry and Severus save Phaedra in time or will the evil within the mirror prevail?


Chapter 13

Through the Looking Glass

The moon shone brightly through the small bedroom window. The wolf lay quietly on the bed, head resting between his paws, ears pricked for any sound other than the restless pacing of the large black dog across the carpet. Remus had transformed over two hours ago, and it was now past midnight. 'Perhaps it won't be tonight,' he thought to himself. 'Maybe whatever is going to happen will be next month. It would buy us more time to try and free Phaedra from the thrall. I know Severus and Tiberius could keep her in stasis for that amount of time without harm. Hell, sometimes Harry used to be unconscious for weeks during the war. I just wish Padfoot would stop pacing. It won't do him any good if he's tired if something does happen. Besides, he is bloody well annoying.' The werewolf looked over at his old friend, golden eyes burning in the reflected light.

Sirius had started pacing about an hour ago. He hated sitting still, especially when there may be some kind of action going on. The anxiety was starting to get to him. He was worried about what might happen. He knew his cousin Bellatrix. She would stop at nothing to get revenge. Her madness only compounded the problem. Sirius froze suddenly in mid stride as his sensitive hearing picked up a sound in the hall and Moony's head jerked up. Both canines turned their heads simultaneously towards the direction of the sound, noses twitching, trying to catch any scent from the would be intruder. Each visibly relaxed as the soft thud, thud, of bare feet came closer and they detected the familiar smell of Dobby. He was making his nightly patrol as Tiberius had ordered him to before returning to Hogwarts with Albus. Hazel had stayed with Phaedra. The two canines listened intently as the house elf's presence drew up towards their door and stopped.

"Masters Black and Lupin is yous both there?" he questioned nervously. The elf was more than aware that Lupin was a werewolf and had no desire to test the efficacy of the potion by entering the room unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Woof." Sirius soft bark came in response, followed by a soft snuffling.

"I is almost finished and just has to check the wards on the mirror room. Everyone be's sleeping. Miss Phaedra has not moved."

Sirius snuffled again in understanding as Dobby shuffled off down the hall towards the warded door. Meanwhile Lupin moved from the bed and sat down beside Sirius. Off in the distance they could hear the village clock chime one...

Despite her frozen appearance, Phaedra was in the throws of a nightmare. Her mother kept calling to her, telling her to follow her friend Beautiful to the mirror. She wanted to come back and only Phaedra could help her. The little girl was torn. She wanted her mum but knew something was not quite right.

"I am not dead, Baby. I need to get back to you. Please...please help mummy!"

"But I saw you buried! Aunt Harry and Uncle Severus said you could not come back. Where are you Mummy?"

"I am trapped, Baby. Please come and let me out," her mother whispered plaintively. "Your aunt and uncle lied to you. It was not me you saw in that coffin. They took someone's body and made it look like me so they could take you for themselves!"


"Your uncle is loyal to the Dark Lord! He always has been and wants to give you to him as a servant."

"But Aunt Harry told me he was a spy."

"Yes...he was, but for the Dark Lord. His mission was to get your Aunt to trust him and then he is to bring her to him to be tortured and killed. You and I are the only ones who can stop him," the soft voice cajoled.

"Uncle Sev would never hurt Aunt Harry!" Phaedra argued. "He loves her."

"No, Phaedra, he does not! He is only playing pretend just like you do."

"I don't believe you! Voldemort is dead! I saw Aunt Harry kill him. I don't think you are my mum either! She loved Aunt Harry too!" Phaedra snapped back. She knew her mother and even though it was her voice something was not right. It made her feel cold and lost inside. Her instincts were confirmed when she was greeted with a wicked cackling laugh.

"So...You want to play with me the hard way?" Beautiful's cold voice announced with sly amusement. "Then we shall do so. You are already mine, little brat, and soon your family will pay for all the trouble they have caused me." The woman's voice continued to cackle with a cold evil laugh. "I shall use my knowledge to control your wild untapped magic to obtain my revenge."

Phaedra was scared. Her child's mind was not sure if she was more afraid of being punished by her uncles, for defying them and going to find the mirror, or the evil presence she could feel trying to take her over. 'Aunt Harry,' she sobbed telepathically, trying to find Harry. 'I need you.' It was her last conscious thought before Bellatrix numbing presence took over.

In the stillness of the night, full moon shining through the window, the tower clock striking one, Phaedra's eyes snapped open, iris's rimmed red...

Harry was sleeping peacefully, curled against Severus, her head resting comfortably on his chest, his right arm draped around her shoulders, their legs intertwined. She was having a pleasant dream with images of her loved ones frolicking in the sand by the ocean. Phaedra was laughing, playfully kicking up the sand, when she looked up with a mischievous grin and ran into the water.

Severus had come up behind Harry, pulling her into his firm chest, smiling as they both watched their niece playing. Gently nudging Harry to face him Severus planted a quick kiss on her lips, tightening his arms around her shoulders. Harry instinctively knew that even though she was dreaming Severus was holding her close while they slept.

Harry shifted in her sleep, feeling as if a chill wind had passed over her, the dream changing. Her dream self looked around. The sky had grown dark with angry black clouds roiling overhead, Severus' comforting presence gone. She was momentarily blinded by a flash of lightening before turning her attention back to the water searching for Phaedra. The child was struggling to reach the shore, swimming frantically, a look of panic on her features. Every time it looked as if she would make it to shore the current would sweep her back out to sea. Harry started running towards the surf as the dream shifted once again. She was further up the beach and Severus was standing on a large jetty, his arm pointing towards the water behind Phaedra. Harry's eyes followed the direction of his outstretched arm, a sense of foreboding beginning to engulf her. Her heart dropped into her stomach when she spotted a large black fin in the turbulent water. It was moving in behind the little girl just as another bolt of lightening struck, the air crackling with the static electricity, before being blasted by a clap of thunder.

Phaedra looked pleadingly at Harry as the dark shadow beneath the water overtook her small form. Somehow, despite the chaos around them the child's voice made it to Harry's ears.

"Aunt Harry, please help me!" she cried, before being pulled beneath the water.

Harry woke with a start, sitting up in bed, heart pounding, the pale moonlight shining through the window. Severus jerked awake at the same time, the village clock striking one...

Tiberius and Dumbledore poured over the voluminous Grimwar before them, intent on finding out how to safely destroy the mirror without harming Phaedra. They knew they were running out of time.

"This is almost impossible, Albus!" Tiberius exclaimed, unable to hide his growing frustration. "There is simply nothing here. We are going to lose the child to that dark bitch," he groaned, slamming the book closed.

"Calm yourself," Dumbledore chided, placing a gnarled hand on the younger man's shoulder. "We simply aren't looking at the whole picture. Perhaps the mirror was never intended to be used as a dark object. It may very well be that the mirror itself is harmless. I think that Bellatrix herself is the cause of all our problems and has found a way to use the mirror as a convenient tool to achieve her goals."

"Very good, old man," Phineas Nigellus' voice chuckled behind them.

Turning the two wizards looked up at the former Slytherin headmaster. He was leaning against the frame of his portrait. His head was cocked to the side, lips curved into a laconic smirk, gray eyes glittering with some unspoken knowledge.

"Phineas, this is no time for games. My great niece is presently lying in thrall thanks to one of your family's misbegotten spawn," Tiberius ranted, blue eyes glinting like steel, barely keeping his temper in check.

"Hmmm....So I've heard," Phineas responded, studying his nails with feigned boredom.

"Black, I swear if anything more happens to Phaedra..."

"Enough! You are both acting like spoiled children," Dumbledore interrupted. "This is no time for the two of you to be going off at each other. Phineas, if you know anything which will be of help now is the time to divulge it." Dumbledore stared up at the painting, arms crossed, clearly annoyed with the former headmaster.

"Really, Dumbledore, there is no need to get huffy. I am merely surprised none of you thought to come to me in the first place."

"So, you do know something about the mirror," Tiberius commented, sharply.

"Naturally," Phineas said, settling himself back into the chair behind him in the portrait. "It was, as Tiberius so eloquently stated, gifted to one of my misbegotten spawn," Phineas commented with derision. "However," he continued before Tiberius could interrupt, "I have no desire to see the child harmed so I will tell you what I do know."

"Thank you, Phineas," Dumbledore answered, resuming his seat.

"First of all I happened to be visiting one of the other portraits when Bellatrix was given the mirror. You are correct in your assumptions that the LeStranges were the same family from France. The mirror is not a dark object. They simply used it as a hiding place to cover their illicit activities. It is a portal from which one can enter and observe what is happening around them undetected."

"Do you know how to get into the mirror?" Dumbledore asked.

"I am not certain, but it does have something to do with the moonlight. I do know that it is most likely password protected. In order to exit one can be assisted from the outside to find the way out. Apparently, once inside the exit is hidden to those who have not been given the charm to activate it. I am unaware of how this actually works."

"You said that someone can leave if assisted though."

"Yes. If the portal is opened someone on the outside can try and call to the person within and can also reach inside. However, they run the risk of being sucked in themselves should they attempt to do so."

"You claim that the mirror is not in and of itself dangerous. Then how is it that both Harry, Phaedra, and your nephew have been affected?" Tiberius questioned

"It would seem that Bellatrix is able to cast spells and the like from within the mirror and she has been doing so."

"But she is dead, Phineas. I know of no way a spirit or ghost can perform magic on a living being." Dumbledore reminded him.

"Not normally, no, but you have forgotten that the Dark Lord himself was not entirely powerless when he lost his body. We have no idea how much Bellatrix may have learned from his experience in the Dark Arts."

"Albus, I think it's high time we returned to Snape Castle. If what Phineas has told us is true about the effects of moonlight on the mirror..."

"Tonight is the full moon," Dumbledore finished, completing Tiberius statement. "It may act as some kind of catalyst for the portal."

Expressions grim, the two powerful wizards rose from their seats at the table, neither wishing to voice their shared concern any further. A cool summer breeze came through the open window, causing the candles to flicker wildly, casting eerie shadows upon the walls. An owl hooted nearby. Fawkes suddenly trilled a discordant note, fluttering over to his master's shoulder. The hairs on the back of Dumbledore's neck stood up. An involuntary shiver crept up Tiberius' spine. The two wizards looked into one another's eyes, each feeling as if someone had walked over his grave. The bell in the clock tower had just struck one...

Bellatrix knew time was of the essence. She needed to act swiftly in order to keep control of the child's body and bring her plans to fruition. The little girl's snake was curled on the bottom of the bed and she needed to get him out of the way first. Deftly, she flexed the fingers of the new body under her control, a twisted smile gracing the once innocent features. Carefully gathering the bed linens, she peeked under her lashes at the elf snoring beside the bed. She would need to be disposed of as well. Bracing herself, she threw the blanket over the snake. Sitting up silently she twisted the cover about the serpent's body, effectively trapping him. 'He may be of use to me later being as how the child is a parselmouth,' she mused. 'It would befit me to use him as my new familiar. Now to get rid of that stupid old elf, she is too loyal to the Snapes to be of any use.'

Hazel shifted in the chair but didn't awake as Bellatrix slid silently from the bed, no time to waste. Hurriedly reaching towards the old elf, Bellatrix snatched her around either side of her head. Startled, Hazel's eyes snapped open to be met with glaring red eyes in her mistress' little face. She opened her mouth in an attempt to yell for help, honor bound not to harm the child, but all that came out was a soft gurgle as Bellatrix swiftly snapped the fragile neck. Stepping away from the body she sped silently for the door. Stealthily opening the door a crack she glanced into the darkened hallway. It was still quiet. Slipping out the door, she sped up the hall on tip toe. Without a wand, the less noise she made the better. 'If I know that Potter brat and Snape they will be aware of my presence none too soon,' she thought. 'I need to get rid of the kid's soul as fast as possible. My associates will appreciate their little treat.' She smirked to herself. Once that is done it will be easy for them to disable the others so that I can steal a wand and put an end to them.' Bellatrix was so wrapped up in her thoughts she almost didn't hear the flip flop of the footsteps coming down the stairs, or the muted voices from the bedroom behind her. As soon as Bellatrix became aware that there were voices coming from back down the hall, she caught sight of the elf making his way towards her in the darkness. 'Blast, it's that idiot reject elf from Lucius manor, the one that helped Potter. Dabby...no Dobby was the inferior creature's name. Realizing that she was becoming careless in her preoccupation with revenge, she quickly formulated a plan to get rid of the elf and make it upstairs before being discovered by whoever was now awake.

All of Dobby's instincts were on alert. His magic seemed to vibrate with a feeling of static electricity brought on by his unease. He could tell something was amiss within the castle walls, almost like a piano being played off key in another room. The building simply vibrated with darkness as he made his way down from the upper floors. His large green eyes were as wide a golf balls, searching the darkened hallways, unsure of what was lurking within the shadows. He jumped when a tearful Phaedra crept from one of the dark corners. Her eyes were on the floor, and she was sniffling in distress.

"Dobby," she sobbed. "Aunt Harry needs you. I woke up and something awful happened." Bellatrix smirked inwardly, enjoying her performance. "They're all in my room. Uncle Sev said I should find you right away. Please hurry, I'm so scared!"

"Miss Phaedra! Yous shouldn't be out of bed. Harry Potter and Professor Snape should have summoned Dobby!" The elf remarked with indignation. "You have been very very ill! Dobby will tell Harry and the Professor they should not have sent you for him."

"They couldn't call for you, Dobby. Everything is a mess and something is wrong with Hazel. You need to come right away!" Bellatrix pretended to become more distressed and motioned the elf towards the bedroom, where the voices were becoming louder.

"Yes, yes, Dobby will go and help Harry and Professor Snape! He exclaimed, ears flapping wildly. I can hear that they's upset." He turned in the direction of the bedroom, preparing to snap his fingers and pop in immediately.

Bellatrix quickly snatched a small bronze statue from a niche in the wall, just as the elf went to disapparate, and brought it down on his head. Dobby collapsed at her feet unconscious. 'Now to deal with my cousin and his pet werewolf,' she mused, stepping over the prone body of the elf. She raced up the hall on tip toe towards the back stairs. 'I somehow need to try and get a hold of one of their wands,' she thought. 'I can do some wandless magic but it is risky in this body. The child's magic is still too wild even though it is strong. If I push too hard it could trigger an accidental backlash onto me. Perhaps one of my associates can create a diversion instead.' Bellatrix smiled at the idea. 'I'm sure Sirius would love to see one of his old friends from Azkaban...'

Harry and Severus both knew something was terribly wrong when they woke simultaneously. Harry was drenched in sweat from her nightmare and Severus eyes were wide and searching about the room. Harry could tell he was looking about instinctively for a hidden enemy. Looking at her husband, she slid from the bed, hastily pulling a bathrobe around her naked body. Severus nodded and did the same, controlling his desires as he took in the image of his nude bride in the moonlight. Harry moved towards the door to the hall but Severus grabbed her arm to stop her. Shaking his head negatively at her inquiring look he gestured towards the fireplace with a nod of his head. Better to use the floo and possibly take someone unawares rather then open the hall door and alert any intruder to their presence too soon. With a quick jerk of her head to indicate she understood, she followed Severus to the fireplace, where he took down the canister of floo powder.

"Phaedra's room," he whispered, stepping into the green flames and disappearing.

"We're coming, baby," Harry whispered to herself before following Severus through the floo into the child's room. She landed with a thud on her backside, as ungraceful with floo travel as ever.

Severus would have found it highly amusing if not for the sight in front of him. He was glad that Harry had not come through first. Death was never a pretty sight.

"Lumos," he said, casting his wand about the room.

"What is it, Sev?" Harry questioned, blinking at the sudden brightness.

"Hazel is dead," he answered dryly, "And I do not see Phaedra or the snake anywhere."

"Godric," Harry hissed, following Severus across the room, heart thumping wildly. "Where are you and what haassss happened to Phaedra?" Harry could see Hazel's limp form slouched in the chair, a trickle of blood oozing from the corner of her mouth to drip on the carpet. She could not help the feelings of guilt which began to overwhelm her as her ears listened for some response from the serpent.

"This is NOT your fault, Harry," Severus admonished. He knew Harry would believe she was responsible for the death of the old elf.

"There!" Harry pointed to where the blankets were furled at the bottom of the bed. They had begun to undulate and she could hear a faint angry hissing coming from within. "Godric is alive! He'll be able to tell us some of what happened. We have to find Phaedra!" Harry gasped, pulling the blankets from the bed to free the angry snake.

"Godric, what happened? Where isss Phaedra?"

"Ssshheee caught me by ssssuuuppprrriisssseee, we muussst move sssswwwiifffttllyyy," the serpent answered. "My missstttrrreessss isss posssseeessseeed by the dark one." He quickly began slithering towards the door while Harry translated what he had told her.

"The snake is right, we must move swiftly if we are to save Phaedra," Severus stated, trying to remain calm. He didn't want to further upset Harry and his own stomach had tightened into a huge knot. Fortunately, his years of spying and his Slytherin heritage enabled him to keep his feelings in check. "Come on, she will be heading for the mirror." He stalked to the door flinging it open. There was no need to be stealthy any longer. He'd be damned if Bella got away with harming his niece and he damn well wanted to let her know it.

"Well at least Sirius and Remus will not make it easy for her to get to the mirror."

"If I know Bellatrix she will be prepared for them. She is not one to give up easily. She knows we will not harm Phaedra if we can help it," Severus fumed, his dark figure stalking into the hallway. With a wave of his wand the hallway was fully lit but he stopped short, Harry bumping into him. "Bloody Hell! What else will that bitch do tonight!" he swore.

"Dobby!" Harry cried, spotting the crumpled elf lying in the hall. Running over to his limp form she crouched down beside him. "Please Merlin, don't let him be dead too!" She was relieved to see he was breathing. He moaned softly as she checked his pulse and his large green eyes fluttered open and focused on hers.

"Mistress Harry...Dobby...was attacked...by...Miss Phaedra. Dobby...has failed," he sobbed, a lone tear running down his cheek.

"Dobby it wasn't Phaedra. It was Bellatrix. She is controlling her. She murdered Hazel."

"No! No! No! Hazel is a good elf doing her duty. Dobby should have been there to protect her," he wailed. The elf sprang to his feet, weaving crazily, his ears flapping wildly.

"Dobby," Severus interrupted impatiently, "Go and summon my uncle and Dumbledore back here now. We're wasting time. Phaedra is in grave danger!" Severus ordered. With a wave of his wand he healed the growing lump on the elf's head and stormed up the hall, Harry running to keep up.

"Dobby will get help," the elf called. Snapping his fingers he disappeared with pop...

The two canines lay by the door waiting, ears pricked for any sound, black noses twitching to catch any unusual scent. Lupin's nose twitched, his left ear flicking, jumping to his feet simultaneously with the huge black dog. The noise was faint but both heard the soft padding of little feet, the child's corrupted scent reaching their sensitive noses. Both canines looked at one another. Lupin nodded and Padfoot stood up on his hind legs. Maneuvering the door knob with his front paws the door swung open and they entered the darkened hallway. Remus moved to the middle of the hall to block the child's path while Sirius leaped across the hall blocking the warded door. Their muscles tensed, hackles on end, teeth bared, they waited for Bellatrix to approach. Both were assessing how to stop the spirit of the evil witch without harming the child.

Bellatrix stopped halfway up the hall, eyes glowing red by the light of the moon, an evil smile gracing her lips. Sizing them up she quickly studied the situation with the animagus and the werewolf who were blocking her path. She knew they would do whatever they could to keep her from getting back to the mirror but her insane cunning was not about to let them keep her from fulfilling her goal.

"Oh, look at the nice puppies that have come to greet me," she taunted sarcastically. Phaedra's voice had taken on the sensual quality of the formerly beautiful woman, causing the two canines to growl deep within their throats. "Hello cousin," she drawled, glancing over the head of the werewolf towards Sirius. "I heard you and the filthy animal have been married. You always did hang around with trash though. So it came as no surprise." An expression of utter disgust crossed the child's features as she rolled her eyes. "Tell me, do you shag doggy style and which of you is the male?" she questioned casually, baiting Sirius into losing his temper, initiating a deep growl. "You're right, cousin, I should not have asked such a question. It was in poor taste. After all, what could one expect from such a disgrace to our family as you? Even Regulus had more balls. All you ever cared about was your beautiful face and playing pranks. The rest of us had more important matters to attend to, like holding up the Pureblood family traditions. You never were anything more than a disgrace to the name of Black, you filthy blood traitor," Bella jeered, slowly advancing up the hall as Sirius continued to growl deep within his throat, the werewolf following her every movement. "It makes no difference now though. I made sure that your beloved little Potty goddaughter will be well taken care of. Pity the next time you see her it will be in Hell." Bellatrix laughed insanely as Sirius finally reacted to her taunts, transforming back into his human form, wand pointing directly at her heart.

"What have you done to Harry?"

"I haven't done a thing to her pretty little head," Bella answered. Not yet, anyway." She knew that Sirius would never believe she was stating the truth. Bellatrix wanted him to lose his temper and forget his position by the door, enabling her to distract the werewolf long enough to summon her friends. "However, I do have some wonderful plans for all of you." The evil glint in the child's eyes belied the innocent smile she directed towards her cousin. "Unfortunately, I really must be going now. I hear your little brat and her blood traitor mate, Severus, coming up the stairs." Bellatrix waved her hand awkwardly, Phaedra weakly attempting to fight her control, as she sent a silent Expelliarmus towards her cousin, deftly snatching his wand. "Incarcerous Argentum, Petrificus Totalis," she yelled, directing the wand in a wide arc as she dodged Remus attack and caught Sirius before he could transform. They fell to the floor with a thud, Sirius body rigid, the werewolf securely bound, silver ropes hissing, burning into him. Stepping over the wolf she sauntered up to Sirius. "Crucio!" she exclaimed, cursing her cousin, knowing he couldn't utter a sound in his torment. She was enjoying her fun, exhilaration flowing through her with the feel of the dark magic. She could feel the child's will wilting in agony, loving every minute of her control over the young soul, just as Severus and Harry bounded into the upper hallway. "Bombardia!" she screamed, blasting a hole through the wall, disrupting the wards to bypass the door.

"Bellatrix, release my niece now or suffer the consequences!" Snape roared, racing up the hall, Harry on his heels.

"You're too late, Severus. Soon I'll have all I ever desired and no one will be able to stop me," Bella shrieked madly. "Crucio!" She shot the curse towards Severus. He dodged swiftly to the side as Harry came up short from behind him, the curse hitting her full in the chest. She fell to the floor in agony, curling into a fetal position, refusing to give Bella the satisfaction of hearing her cry out.

"Harry!" Severus gasped, realizing what had happened. "Finite Incantantum." He quickly cancelled the curse, pulling Harry to her feet in one fluid motion, silently berating himself for not having any of the anti cruciatus potion in his robes.

"Sev, I'm okay," Harry panted. "We have to stop her, help Moony and Sirius!" She sprang forward as Bella turned away.

"You'll never be in time, Potty," Bella goaded, stepping over the rubble disappearing through the hole in the wall. "Phaedra's body is already mine and her soul will soon be forfeit," she cackled over her shoulder.

"Never, you filthy bitch!" Harry screamed, racing after her.

"Harry NO!" Severus yelled. "Wait for us!" He strode after her, freeing the bound wizards in the process. "Bloody Gryffindor bravery," he thought, "When will she ever learn?" He vanished into the hole leaving the other two to recover on their own, knowing they would follow as soon as possible...

Dobby popped into the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts just as Tiberius disappeared through the floo back to Snape castle. Frustrated, the elf once again snapped his fingers to return to the castle. Popping into the parlor he found the two men dusting themselves off and looking around worriedly.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, Master Snape, we's is needing help! The evil witch has killed Hazel and taken Miss Phaedra! Mistress Harry and the young Master Snape is going after her. They's is heading to the mirror room."

"Dobby, alert the other elves and release the dogs onto the property in case she tries to leave the castle. Guard all exits," Tiberius ordered while Dumbledore muttered antiapparation wards. "She must not escape."

"Right away, Master Snape." Dobby did not wait for a response as he popped out.

"We must hurry, Tiberius, there may not be much time." Dumbledore was already moving rapidly towards the hall and up the stairs. Tiberius followed, awed at the powerful aura surrounding the old man, as he took the steps two at a time. They reached the upper floor in time to see Severus disappear into the hole and Sirius hobbling over to the werewolf.

"Sirius, what has happened?"

"Albus, she got passed us and got hold of my wand," he said, trembling, the after effects of the Cruciatus curse evident. "She is controlling Phaedra. Remus has been burned. The bloody bitch used silver ropes on him." Remus whined in response, struggling to get to his feet.

"Accio burn paste, Accio anti cruciatus potion." Tiberius summoned the healing potions with a wave of his wand. Within a minute both came sailing up the hall. "Here, take this." He thrust Sirius a vial. "Rub this into his burns," Tiberius directed, indicating the jar. "It doesn't appear he has absorbed too much poison and it will help to counteract any further contamination until he can be seen."

As Tiberius tended to the animagus and the werewolf, Dumbledore rapidly surveyed the area. He flicked his wand, repairing the wall. Another swish and an incantation removed the wards on the door. It swung open slowly, flashes of colored light greeting his steely blue eyes...

Harry had charged into the room at top speed and latched onto the back of Phaedra's nightgown. Forcefully she pulled her backwards but Bellatrix spun around in her grasp and knocked Harry off her feet. Harry immediately put up a shield, and rolled away while Bella attempted to fire off an Avadra Kedavra which bounced off the door, as Severus came through the hole in the wall. His face was set in a furious scowl, wand raised to fire off a curse to stun his possessed niece, as he put up a shield. However, Bellatrix didn't fire. She simply muttered a spell, causing the glass to shimmer. No longer solid, a dark gateway was revealed where there had once been glass.

"NO!" Harry screamed, throwing herself forward, crashing into Bellatrix's back. Too late she realized her momentum had shoved the child's body forward, causing them both to tumble head first into the mirror. The evil witch was cackling with glee at Harry's mistake.

"HARRY!" Severus frenzied cry echoed around the room as the wall repaired itself and the door swung open. He caught sight of Albus and his uncle from the corner of his eye as he dashed across the room, unable to stifle a sob when he reached the mirror. The glass was once again solid. Harry and Phaedra were gone...


Sorry for the long delay but I have been very busy and will be moving to another state soon. Work has also gotten in the way. This chapter is on as good as I wanted it but I thought it was a good place to leave off...I am so evil...LOL Enjoy and please review! It helps to give me incentive.