Remus Lupin Sirius Black Severus Snape
Mystery Romance
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 02/22/2005
Updated: 03/02/2008
Words: 99,629
Chapters: 16
Hits: 21,007

Black Mirror


Story Summary:
Harry and the Protectors are home for the summer at Snape Manor. Wedding Plans are being made but a mystery is about to take place which will affect them all. Will Harry be able to protect Phaedra from losing her soul? AU Female Harry

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12 Darkness Descends

Chapter Summary:
The secret of the mirror is revealed. Can Harry protect Phaedra from a dark destiny?
Author's Note:
Thanks to all or you who have followed this fics faithfully

Black Mirror

Chapter 12

Darkness Descends

Severus flung himself past Lupin, wand drawn as Phaedra's new pet snake, Godric, latched onto the little girl. He immediately flung a stunning curse at the animal.

"Severus, don't stop him!" Harry screamed, throwing up a block. She knew the snake was poisonous but also had heard what he was saying to Phaedra. From where she was standing she could tell he had merely grabbed onto her robes to pull her away from the misty substance entwining itself around her. The serpent's body gave a violent lurch backwards, dragging Phaedra to the floor, just as Severus' curse hit the block. "Accio Phaedra!" Harry yelled. The child's still form rapidly slid across the stone floor towards Harry, Godric in tow, fangs still clenched onto her robes.

Seeing that Phaedra was now safe with Harry, Severus narrowed his eyes firing off a blasting curse into the gray mist. Phaedra screamed, writhing in agony, as soon as the red light from the curse hit the oily fog. All eyes watched in horrified fascination as the mist began to flow backwards, disappearing beneath the door with an odd sucking sound before vanishing.

"Severus, we need to get Phaedra out of here now," Lupin said, catching up to him as he moved towards where Phaedra lay on the floor, Harry kneeling beside her still form. "Dumbledore and Sirius will be here any minute. We need to tell them what has happened."

"I agree," he replied tersely. Wincing in pain he quickly masked his expression and crouched down beside his wife and niece.

"Sev, are you okay?" Harry whispered softly. She hadn't missed his brief lapse.

"I'm fine, merely a sprained ankle. How is Phaedra?"

"I can't tell. I am getting some really weird readings from my wand. I haven't tried to use my empathic ability yet since I'm not sure what has happened. I don't want to make things worse."

"Let me try. You don't have as much experience with diagnostic spells as I have, Harry. You were right not to try and use your powers. We do not yet know what we are dealing with and you have only just recovered from whatever that blasted mirror did to you," Severus remarked, running his wand over the prone child. She was breathing rapidly and appeared to be in shock. Her brown eyes were wide open, staring up at them with a horrified expression. Her normally pink cheeks were pale and waxen. Godric was hissing softly into her ear, nudging Phaedra gently with his head. "What is the snake saying, Harry?"

"He's trying to wake her up but she is not responding at all. He's very distressed," Harry explained, turning her attention towards the snake. "Godric, do you have any idea what happened to her?" she hissed at him.

"Ssshheee was attacked by darknessss. Ssshheee isss cold and lossst. I sssenssse ssshheee can hear usss but cannot essscape her prisssonn. Ssshheee isss with another who will not releassse her."

"Do you know who it isss?" Harry asked anxiously.

"No." The serpent shook his head with distress.

Lupin was studying the door while Harry questioned Godric. His eyes were dark amber, werewolf senses on full alert. He cautiously moved forward, wand at the ready. He was growling low in his throat, moving his wand in a circular motion about the frame.

Harry got the firm impression that had Remus been transformed, the wolf's hackles would have been standing up, his fangs bared threateningly. This close to the full moon she wasn't sure if he would be able to maintain control. Backing away from the door, he gave her a brief wink of reassurance, having sensed her misgivings. Returning to where Severus was still working over the unconscious child he sighed with frustration.

"What did the snake say to you, Princess?" Lupin queried. Severus glanced in her direction, arching his brow at the question.


"What in Merlin's name is going on up here?" A silky voice, not unlike Severus', interrupted before she could reply. "The alarms went off just as Albus and Black came through the floo."

Startled, Harry looked toward the end of the hall. Tiberius was standing at the top of the stairs, ice blue eyes reflecting the infamous Snape glare, surveying the situation. Albus was standing beside him with a grave expression. Sirius brought up the rear, swearing under his breath at the sight of the little girl.

"Uncle, Phaedra has been attacked," Severus solemnly spoke over his shoulder. "She is unresponsive. I am not certain what is wrong with her but there seems to be no physical injury." He continued moving his wand vertically over the child as the others approached.

"Severus, let me check the child," Albus' gentle voice prompted from behind his back.

The younger wizard moved aside with a nod, helping Harry to her feet. She pocketed her wand in her sleeve, hissing at Godric to climb onto her, reaching forward to give him access to her hand. Dumbledore slowly moved his wand in a semi circle around Phaedra, muttering a strange incantation. His wand glowed purple. Closing his eyes he was unable to hide the anguish reflected on his ancient features.

"What is it Albus?" Tiberius whispered.

"What did that bloody mirror do to her?" Sirius demanded, pacing up and down.

"I believe we should take Phaedra and put her to bed for the time being. I will tell you what I believe is wrong with the child once she has been safely removed from here. Then we can discuss what Sirius and I have learned about the mirror.

"Albus, I need to see the mirror. It is the only way to be certain of our discovery," Sirius said, running his hand through his curly black hair.

"It would be best if the child is removed from here first. Her presence may make things worse. It is obvious that she is in grave danger."

"Hazel! Dobby!" Tiberius summoned the elves who appeared with two loud pops.

"Master Tiberius," Hazel responded, curtseying as Dobby bowed in unison. "Yous summoned us?"

"Take Miss Phaedra down and put her to bed. See that one of you is with her at all times."

"Oh, mys poor little mistress," Hazel sobbed, looking at the still staring child. "She's is dead!"

"No, Missus Hazel. She's is spelled with dark magic," Dobby soothed, patting the elder elf on the back. "Dobby can feel it around her, can't yous?"

"My...my...magics for sensing is growing old. I is over two hundred," she sniffed.

"Dobby is right, Hazel," Severus affirmed, bending down to close the child's eyes and pick her up.

"Wes will take good care of Miss Phaedra," Dobby promised. Pointing one of his long fingers he levitated the little girl from Severus' arms.

"Godric will stay with you too," Harry stated. He can alert all of us if Phaedra's condition changes." Harry turned to the snake and hissed her instructions. Settling the serpent on the child's stomach, she nodded to Hazel and Dobby, watching as Dobby floated the little girl toward the stairs.

"I is going to get her clothes ready and put her to bed. We will keep Miss Phaedra safe, Masters Snape. Wes all loves Miss Phaedra." Baleful eyes looked up at Tiberius as she curtseyed before disappearing with a pop.

"All right, Severus, tell me what happened to Phaedra," Tiberius questioned.

Despite the gravity of the situation, Harry had to suppress the urge to giggle, as the elder Snape glared at his nephew. It was Snape vs. Snape and Harry was not sure which one would win as they looked at one another. Severus was the first to lower his eyes.

"She came upstairs after her lesson and told me she was going to play in her room," Lupin interjected on Severus' behalf. "I had no reason to believe she was lying."

"Harry and I were in the garden. When we came in with Lupin Harry went to find Phaedra to tell her Albus was coming for tea."

"Only she wasn't in her room and Godric hadn't seen her," Harry explained. "I had a bad feeling and went to look for her. I told the elves to let Sev and Remus know. Godric and I followed her up here but we were too late. She was being held by some kind of magical mist just outside the door. If only I had been here sooner, then..."

"No, Harry, this is NOT. YOUR. FAULT," Tiberius soberly enunciated each word. "If it is anyone's fault it is mine. I should never have allowed Phaedra to come up from the dungeons alone."

"I am also to blame, Princess. I should have realized she would go and look for the mirror. It is too nice of a day for her not to want to be outside."

"I know," Harry shook her head, "but it still comes back to me. I was the one who took her shopping that day. If I had been with her in the shop maybe she would never have dragged the damn mirror home!"

"Harry, the point is moot now." Severus put his hand on her shoulder. "What we need to do is focus on getting Phaedra to wake up. Albus what exactly has happened to her?"

"Tiberius, I think you suspect what I am about to say." He looked over his half moon spectacles at the other wizard, no twinkle in the vivid blue eyes.

"I do, although the practice was outlawed over two hundred years ago. I believed it to be a lost art."

"As did I, Tiberius, as did I..." Dumbledore let his voice trail off. All of them could tell he was worried. Harry could feel the brief tendrils of fear creeping slowly up her spine, stomach twisting with worry.

"Please, Albus, let me see the mirror." Sirius stalked over to the door.

"Hold on, Black. I still want an explanation as to what has happened to my niece." Severus scowled in the other man's direction.

"Severus, I wish I were wrong but I believe that Phaedra has been placed into a state of thrall." The three younger men gasped as Harry looked on in confusion.

"Headmaster, what is that? You are all radiating a sense of panic and despair at the same time and I am having trouble blocking it." Harry was beginning to tremble. She was getting really scared now. "You're all acting as if Phaedra were dying!"

"Hush, Harry, Phaedra will come back to us and everything will be all right." Severus encircled Harry with his arms but Harry could tell he was more than worried.

"Please tell me what is wrong with her. What is this thrall?"

"Harry," Sirius began slowly, "when someone is in thrall it means that their soul is in a state of bond or slavery to another."

"Like when my scar used to link me with Voldemort?"

"Not exactly," Tiberius responded. "You still had free will and were able to control the situation. Phaedra can't. Her soul has been literally tied to her bondsman."

"Like being possessed?" Harry shuddered. She couldn't help but remember what it had been like all those years ago when Voldemort had possessed her in the Department of Mysteries.

"The two are similar yet not the same," Dumbledore answered. "Phaedra is aware of what is going on. When one is possessed they have no control and are not really aware of what is happening around them."

"In short, she has been enslaved by someone or something." Tiberius frowned, icy blue eyes reflecting his misery.

"How do we get her back? Surely she can be freed from whatever it is? Can't we just break the damn mirror?"

"NO!" the five shouted in unison.

"That would give what ever is holding onto her free reign. We would loose her completely," Severus explained.

"Albus, we need to look at the mirror. If we are right at least it is a place to start," Sirius interrupted, before Harry could pose another question.

"I agree. However, we need to proceed with caution. Harry, it may be better if you don't come in with us."

"No way! I promise not to get too close. Whatever is taking over my niece has already attacked me too. I refuse to stay away." Harry glared at the four men, hands on her hips, defying them to argue. She could sense the feelings of pride from Severus, although his face remained impassive. "Phaedra is family and no one attacks my family and gets away with it!" she stormed, unaware of the blue aura surrounding her. "Everyone get the hell out of my way." Pushing her way past the five wizards, Harry could feel the power flowing through her body from her magical core. "Bombarda," she yelled, raising her hand towards the door. The force of her spell caused the door to glow white, collapsing the wards, the door bursting inwards. It was hanging at a lopsided angle by one unbroken hinge. Moving to pocket her wand, she realized that it was still in her sleeve. Stunned, she stared at her hand in surprise, mouth hanging open in shock.

"Impressive bit of wandless magic, Harry, but you needn't have blasted the door open. I would have opened it," Tiberius commented, lips twisted up in the proverbial Snape sneer.

"It is the impulsive Gryffindor in her, Uncle."

"I am aware of that, Severus. You really need to work on controlling her emotions, to make her use her Slytherin side, so she will consider her actions first."

"I have been trying but she really has presented a challenge in that respect," Snape sighed, placing one long finger on his wife's chin to push her mouth closed.

"I...I didn't mean to....I'm sorry, Uncle Tiberius," she stuttered, looking sideways over at her new in- law.

"I certainly hope so. It wouldn't do to bring down the walls on top of us, Harry," Tiberius snorted, suppressing a chuckle.

"They're just teasing you love," Sirius whispered in her ear, her magic having distracted him from the desire to check out the mirror. "Snapes have a rather dry sense of humor. I thought you realized that."

"Oh...oh yeah." Harry shook her head, cheeks flaming.

"I believe Sirius needs to verify our information about the mirror," Dumbledore interrupted, blue eyes twinkling at Harry. "However, for safety's sake it would be best if you let us enter first, Child." He placed a gnarled hand on her head, blue eyes becoming serious as he studied her over his half moon spectacles.

"Yes, Albus," Harry conceded.

"Tiberius, if you would accompany me first? Once we are sure there is no more current activity from the mirror the rest of you may enter," Dumbledore instructed, waving Tiberius along side. The two men disappeared up the hall, wands drawn, entering the room.

Sirius was pacing restlessly, while Remus was using his werewolf senses to listen intently to the soft voices from the two wizards within. Severus stood ramrod straight and didn't move a muscle or say a word, until Harry began to fidget. Arching his brow, he deftly snaked one arm around her waist, containing the nervous energy her anxiety had brought on. He knew that the older wizards would work swiftly and a few minutes wait was to be expected. He was also aware that Harry was about to go into her restless Gryffindor mode, leaping into a possibly dangerous situation without thinking it through, despite her promise to Albus to wait. Sirius' pacing was not making the wait any easier.

"Black, will you stop that infernal pacing?! You're making Harry nervous." He glared at Sirius.

"It's okay, Padfoot, just don't wear a hole in the floor. I think I did enough damage for one day," Harry quipped. She didn't need the two men to start an argument.

"See, she doesn't seem to mind me pacing," Sirius said, glaring back at Severus. "Harry knows I pace when I'm worried."

"Perhaps you should try chasing your tail instead. If you get dizzy enough you may just pass out and we won't have to put up with your incessant movement," Snape snapped back.

"And why don't you just fly on back to your dungeon cave, you overgrown bat!"

"Try and make me you mangy cur!" Snape glowered, drawing his wand.

"Once I'm done with you there'll be nothing left but bat guano!" Sirius flashed his wand in Severus' face, as the two rounded on one another.

"Stop it," Harry whispered, green eyes wide. The stress and worry about Phaedra was starting to take its toll. She did not need her godfather and husband acting like ten year olds. Their behavior was wrecking havoc with her empathic senses and she was fighting to maintain control of her temper as well as her magic. "Please...stop...it," she begged, her features reflecting her distress as she watched them square off.

"Expelliarmus," Lupin shouted, with a low growl. Pointing his wand at the two glaring wizards, he deftly grabbed theirs in his other hand, as they sailed over to him. "Look at what you two idiots are doing to Harry!" he reprimanded, moving to her side. "It's all right, Princess, just calm down now," he soothed, rubbing circles in her back. "They're just acting out their frustration with the mirror by letting off steam at one another. You know they would never really hurt each other."

"Lupin's right, Harry, your godfather and I have been at this since we were kids." Severus pulled her into a hug. "We were simply letting off steam."

"Honey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to almost lose control. Sometimes I forget our emotions can make your senses go haywire," Sirius apologized. "Forgive me, kiddo?" He flashed his best smile, brushing the hair from her forehead.

Harry raised her head from where she had rested it on Severus' chest and stood back, solemnly looking at the two men.

"Harry?" they questioned, in unison, when she didn't speak right away.

"I am going to say this only once," she spoke through gritted teeth. "I am worried and scared for Phaedra and I do not need the two of you starting your silly feud back up. You are both thirty-nine years old and it's time you started acting like it. You're both bound to me by the Rights of the Protectorship and in Sev's case the Rite of Union too. I love you both dearly but every time either of you insults or belittles the other it hurts. I can usually just shrug it off to petty jealously and childhood rivalries but not right now. So, until this business with the mirror is finished, if either of you gets out of line again, I will see to it that you have no choice but to behave." Harry took a deep breath and looked her godfather in the eyes. "Padfoot, I know you have a short fuse but if you can't control yourself and attack Severus once more I will force you to transform and cast a spell to prevent you from turning yourself back and confine you to the kennel with Hannibal and Snuffles," she said, referring to both her and Phaedra's dogs. "You will stay that way until I decide otherwise and I know how you hate to be confined."

"Hell hath no fury," Severus snorted, arching his brow, amused by Harry's show of defiance. Harry met his dark eyes with a sneer to match one of his own.

"You won't be amused by what I plan for you my beloved husband," she informed him sarcastically. "You seem to forget that one of my animagus forms is a snake. I may be a constrictor but I still have fangs. If you use any of your nasty hexes on Sirius I will wrap myself around you and sink those fangs into a certain part of your anatomy to give new meaning to the term oral sex!" All three men couldn't help but cringe and Severus gave her a rare blink. "Do you both understand me?"

"Yes, Ma'am." Sirius agreed, with a mock salute, and Remus just rolled his eyes at his lover.

"Immensely," Severus answered. "I believe it would be prudent on my part if I slept in my dressing room for the next few nights too." Severus was seething inside. He knew Harry would never do as she had said but it was wrong of her to suggest she would use their intimate relations as a weapon. He wanted to throw a good scare into her. Unfortunately, he hadn't counted on her stubbornness.

"See that you do!" she snapped.

"Ahem..." Tiberius cleared his throat from the door to get their attention and they all turned around to face him. "Now that the Mistress of the castle has had her say I believe Albus is waiting." Tiberius' lips twitched, as he spun on his heels, retreating back into the room where the mirror was stored. 'This will be an interesting battle of wills,' he thought. 'Severus has definitely met his match!'

Severus stepped forward to follow his uncle through the door, accompanied by Sirius, with Remus and Harry directly behind. Harry looked about curiously as she entered. The walls were bare with two grimy windows facing the rear gardens. The mirror stood between them, with several pieces of old furniture against the opposite wall. Catching sight of her reflection in the glass, she suppressed a shudder, a chill creeping up her spine. Yet, the mirror appeared dormant.

Sirius had positioned himself in front of the glass with Dumbledore and Tiberius off to his right. Severus was leaning on an old dresser. He motioned to Lupin to keep Harry over near the door. Scowling at her husband she shook Remus' hand from where he had placed it on her shoulder, stubbornly crossing over to stand with Severus, who was studying Sirius' actions intently.

"Much as I loathe admitting it, Harry, Sirius seems to know what he is doing," Severus whispered, his baritone undulating softly in the quiet room. He was annoyed with Harry for her earlier comments as well as ignoring his desire that she stay near the door. However, he decided not to comment, understanding the concern she had for her godfather's safety. "Don't worry, Black has a tough hide. Albus and my uncle will make sure that nothing happens to him," he remarked. 'Hell, it would serve the mutt right though if something does happen to knock some sense into that thick skull of his,' Severus considered to himself as Harry nervously shifted her weight.

"Sev, you aren't really going to sleep in the dressing room are you?" she questioned, meeting his dark brooding eyes.

"That depends on you, Harry."

"Oh," she sighed, continuing to watch Sirius run his fingers around the wooden frame. Giving Severus a covert look she decided to swallow her pride. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I did back in the hallway."

"No, you shouldn't have," he replied coolly. 'I think I will just let my precious young wife stew for a bit,' he thought wickedly. 'Let her wonder if I really will sleep in the other room.'

"Ah Ha!" Sirius exclaimed, interrupting his thoughts. Sirius' fingers were lingering in the scrollwork at the top of the mirror. "I found it, Albus. This is why the mirror seemed so familiar! I knew I had seen it someplace before."

"Excellent." Dumbledore's blue eyes studied the younger wizard. "At least now we will have an idea of how to proceed."

"Um...Padfoot...what did you find on the frame?" Harry questioned.

"Yes, Black, I would like to know myself. Especially since my niece is lying downstairs semi comatose," Severus drawled.

"Not here. I think we should discuss this in a safer place," Dumbledore spoke up authoritatively.

"I fully agree, Albus. We'll go down to tea and compare notes," Tiberius remarked. "I shall have the house elves reseal the room after I set a ward of my own."

Remus had been watching and listening to this exchange, werewolf senses on full alert. Suddenly he leapt forward, knocking Sirius out of the way, as a blue flash erupted from the mirror.

"Quickly! Everyone out!" Dumbledore commanded, his full power erupting to cover their escape with a protective dome. Another flash bounced off the shield before they made it to the hall.

Tiberius turned towards the broken door and uttered a Repairo along with a spell Harry was unfamiliar with. The door glowed red before slamming shut, the magic crackling in the air before seeping into the old wood.

"What kind of spell was that?" Remus questioned. "I have never seen anything like it."

"It is a ward of my own making. I use it to seal artifacts when I travel. It prevents any curses from crossing the barrier," Tiberius explained, ushering them towards the stairs. "I will show you how to do it later."

"I would be interested in learning it too, Tiberius." Dumbledore's blue eyes twinkled at Harry's as she looked wide eyed over her shoulder at the door.

"How on earth do you keep magic in something without cursing the object?" Harry wondered aloud.

"I did curse it, but on the opposite side," Tiberius answered amused. "You saw that I placed the spell before the door closed. It should cause the magic to repel back into the room."

No one said anything further on the way down stairs. They all stopped to check on Phaedra before going down to the parlor. Harry was disheartened to see there had been no change. Hazel and Dobby were sitting by the bed like sentinels; Godric curled up on the blanket by her feet. She couldn't help the feeling that she was forgetting something. It kept nagging at the back of her mind as she followed the group downstairs and took a seat in the parlor. Once the house elves brought in tea and biscuits Dumbledore motioned for Sirius to explain what they had learned.

"Well, you all know that Albus summoned me to Hogwarts this afternoon," he began slowly. The group of wizards nodded at his statement as he continued his tale. "Apparently, he had come across an obscure reference from France pertaining to what he believed to be that cursed mirror. It seems that it originally belonged to a French wizarding family in the sixteenth century that was into the Dark Arts. It seems this family had some kind of hold over the local Muggles and some kind of uprising occurred. The old man and his eldest son were arrested and executed by the Wizarding authorities but the youngest son just disappeared along with his mother. The estate was passed to some distant cousins who had immigrated to England and took what they wanted before selling off the property. Now here is the interesting part," Sirius smirked, "the name of the family was L'etrange and one of female members was married to a man by the name of Gaunt."

The others in the room reacted as this information sunk in. Both of Severus, brows disappeared into his hair. Tiberius scowled and Remus gaped. Harry's head jerked up, eyes wide. In her haste to jump up she became tangled in her feet, landing on the floor in front of the sofa, as she let out a yell.

"No, this can't be starting over! I can't feel any links to him!"

"Child, calm yourself," Dumbledore soothed, helping her to stand. "We do not believe it is Voldemort."

"Then who or what is responsible?"

"Black," Severus interjected before Albus could reply. "I can only assume that the name of this wizarding family was eventually changed to Lestrange from the original French."

"That is what we believe. But without any kind of blood samples or concrete family trees we are unable to determine it for certain. The Lestrange belongings were all dispersed by the Ministry once Voldemort was defeated and the Lestranges themselves were all killed."

"Padfoot, this would explain why you thought the mirror was familiar. If it was in your cousin Bella's house..." Remus voice trailed off, Sirius nodding vigorously.

"Exactly! I was only in Bella's house once or twice after she was married to Rodolfus but I think I saw the mirror in her sitting room when I visited with my mother."

"How do you know it is the same mirror?" Tiberius questioned.

"Because my cousin's husband gave it to her since she was such a beautiful witch. He magically engraved her initials into the scrollwork of the frame when they were married."

"That's what you were doing when you were examining the mirror!" Harry exclaimed. "You wanted to see if it was hers!"

"I can only assume that it was." Severus frowned.

"Yes," Sirius answered, expression sober. "It was."

"Now we need to determine exactly what she did with the mirror," Tiberius mused aloud. "Albus were you able to discover if the mirror was cursed prior to Bellatrix coming into its possession?"

"I'm afraid to say that it was. But even with the multiple scans we performed we did not detect it since it had been cleverly disguised. The magic was quite old and of an archaic nature, which accounts for our inability to detect it sooner."

"My cousin was quite..."

"I have it!" Harry yelled, interrupting Sirius, and leaping up from the chair where she had curled herself up once again. She had only been half listening to the conversation, when the idea which she had been struggling with in the back of her brain, abruptly came forth in a flash of intuition. She sheepishly looked around when she realized everyone was watching her. "Uh...sorry Sirius, I didn't mean to interrupt."

"That's all right, Honey."

"What has you so excited, Princess?" Remus quizzed.

"Moony, it's Bellatrix!"

"Harry, we have already determined that the mirror belonged to Bellatrix," Severus sneered impatiently.

"No, no, Sev! Don't you see? Phaedra's imaginary friend, it's Bellatrix Lestrange!"

"Unless you have forgotten, the Dark Lord killed Bella and had her corpse mutilated." He arched his brow waiting for her to elaborate.

"I know that!" Harry rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "But what if her soul didn't leave? I mean what if it's in that mirror?"

"What?!" Sirius and Remus gasped. Tiberius scowled as both of Severus' brows disappeared for the second time that day into his hairline. Dumbledore's blue eyes had the same glint in them Harry had seen following Voldemort's resurrection, otherwise his expression was impassive.

"Just listen to me, okay?" They all nodded, indicating their acceptance to hear her opinion. "Phaedra's invisible friend told her that her name was Beautiful Blessing, right?"

"Yes," Severus agreed.

"But what makes you think that it is actually my dearly departed cousin Bellatrix?" Sirius questioned, his sour expression indicating his dislike for his relation.

"Well, Bella means beautiful and I think Trixie is one of the names derived from Beatrix. It means something like voyage through life or blessed. I saw them in a book I was looking at with name meanings for children."

"Possible," Severus commented, studying his wife intently.

"Harry," Tiberius began, eyeing his nephew's expression, "I don't wish to change the subject but is there a reason you were looking at a book for naming one's child?"

"Huh?" Harry looked around in confusion for a minute before realizing why they were all giving her odd looks. "Oh...I'm not pregnant." She blushed, studying her feet to hide her embarrassment, before continuing. "I found the book the last time I was at the Weasleys. Fred's wife forgot it there when she was trying to decide on a name for their baby. I thought it would be interesting to find out what some of our names meant. Anyway, everyone knows that Bella means beautiful. I guess the other one was just stuck in my head."

"Hmm...It is an interesting theory, Harry," Severus commented. "However, you have forgotten that even if Bella's soul is in the mirror how did she plan to get it here?"

"She didn't. It was just a stroke of luck."

"It does make sense in a bizarre sort of way," Remus remarked thoughtfully.

"Harry, let me play Devil's advocate for a minute. That bitch of a cousin of mine would have to arrange to place her soul in the mirror. How did she know she was going to die? As far as I knew she was one of Voldemort's favorites."

"Severus, do you have any clue as to why Bellatrix would have thought she may have been in danger from Voldemort's wrath?" Dumbledore queried.

"Not really, Albus, since I was no longer spying. However, he had been growing increasingly insane and I did hear that Bella had fallen out of favor because of her competition with the late Miss Darkmoon. She had been failing in her missions. It would not have taken much for her to incur his anger. Bellatrix may very well have taken steps to ensure her survival."

"Okay," Sirius grunted, "so she decides to put her soul in the mirror if Voldemort turns on her. She still had no idea she would end up with her most hated enemies."

"Indeed, it seems almost impossible," Severus agreed. "Yet, despite her insanity or maybe because of it, she would focus herself on an idea she felt would be to her benefit. In that respect she was not unlike the Dark Lord."

"Look, I know it sounds crazy but if it is her what better way to get revenge?" Harry asked, growing exasperated by their reluctance to believe her suspicions.

"Bellatrix could have planned on possessing who ever bought the mirror," Tiberius suggested. "Once she discovered that it was actually purchased by her most hated enemies it would have been an added bonus. What better way to enact her plans and get revenge by gaining control of an innocent child? None of us would have been the wiser if Phaedra's snake hadn't alerted Harry before she could finish fully possessing the child."

"What about Harry's impression that she felt Dementors when she touched the mirror?" Remus inquired, knitting his brow in puzzlement.

"Good question, Moony. Wouldn't they have taken Bella's soul, Albus?" Sirius shuddered.

"It is possible she is in league with them if they are indeed trapped within the mirror with her. Bellatrix was more than familiar with Dementors having been a member of Voldemort's inner circle. What are your feelings on the matter, Severus?"

"Bellatrix was often on raids where the Dementors were involved. It is quite likely she has been able to exert some control over them by offering them their freedom."

"Then I think it would be prudent to proceed with Harry's assumptions. Her instincts, coupled with her empathy, have proved correct on more than one occasion." Dumbledore stood, indicating the discussion was at an end. "Tiberius, if you would accompany me back to Hogwarts for dinner I could use your expertise in the Dark Arts. We need to find a way to safely remove Phaedra from the thrall and dispose of the mirror without causing her any harm."

"If you don't mind, Albus, I think we should stop by the Ministry first. I have a contact in the Department of Mysteries who may be of help."

"Ah...If I am not mistaken that would be Rasmus Riverstone."

"It is. Have you met him?"

"I have not had the pleasure. He did not go to Hogwarts."

No, he was educated at Durmstrang and then did apprenticeships in both Eastern Europe and Canada."

"Harry, Severus, please alert us immediately if there is any change in Phaedra," Dumbledore instructed.

"Of course, Albus," Severus agreed.

"Right," Harry added, nodding.

"Come on, Moony. Let's get you settled for the night. I can tell you're hurting."

"Thanks, Padfoot." The werewolf smiled, stretching his painful joints, wincing at the cracking sound. "Is the Wolfsbane ready yet, Severus?"

"Tiberius set it to simmer before we came to tea. It should be ready within the next half hour."

"Shit! Tonight's the full moon!" Harry exclaimed.

"Harry, I see no reason for you to use foul language. You are more than aware of Lupin's condition," Severus admonished.

"Princess, everything is under control," Remus reassured, sensing her anxiety.

"But we may be running out of time." Harry swallowed, nervously wringing her hands.

"Harry, there are still several hours till moonrise," Sirius commented, surprised by her apparent worry over Remus' transformation.

"Harry, you know I won't harm anyone while using the potion," Remus reasoned, not quite able to hide the hurt in his eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Moony, there's been a misunderstanding."

"If it isn't Lupin's condition that has you so worked up then what?" Severus asked, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"I never wanted to talk about it before. In fact, I put it out of my mind until just now," she muttered sheepishly, wrinkling her brow in thought.

"Child, if you know something of importance it may aid in our search," Dumbledore remarked.

"Just before Sev and I were married...It was the day we all went shopping," Harry began, collecting her thoughts.

"The same day Phaedra bought the mirror?" Tiberius inquired.

"Yes," she nodded. "We all went to lunch in Mr. Chang's restaurant and he read our tea leaves." Severus snorted with contempt. "Sev, let me finish. You have to listen! I'm not crazy about prophecies and divination either, but this is important."

"Calm down, Harry, we understand your reluctance," Sirius agreed. "Just tell us what happened."

"As I was saying, he read all of our tea leaves and told everyone what he supposedly saw. Everybody else's was accurate but I just dismissed the one he told me. At that point I hoped to never hear another prophecy again! Mr. Chang looked at Phaedra's cup and then mine for a long time before he said anything. I think what he told us has to do with what is going on now!" Her green eyes were open wide, begging them to understand.

"If I recall, you actually shrugged it off at the time." Severus' dark eyes were studying his wife closely. "Exactly what did he tell you that makes you believe it has something to do with the mirror?"

"Like I said before, first he told Mrs. Weasley about Fred getting married and having a baby, then all about Hermione's new job, and Ginny's..."

"Harry, enough babbling, Just tell us!" Severus commanded, getting her to refocus on the issue at hand.

"Right," Harry collected her self with a deep breath. "I think it goes like this," she said, pulling forth the memory. "You have faced much together. Your love for one another is strong. It will help to bond and protect you. Reflections of the past will lead the Grim to the truth during the time of the wolf. Golden eyes shall point the way. Things are not always what they seem. Look hard enough and you will see that which is hidden. The arm of the black serpent shall lead the way to the light, for only the Phoenix may carry the one who has been lost back to the land of the living." Harry's voice faded off into silence. No one spoke for a few minutes, digesting what she had just disclosed, as she looked to them for some kind of confirmation. It was Dumbledore who finally broke the silence.

"I believe you are right, Harry. It seems the first part of the prediction may have already happened. You and Phaedra are quite fond of one another and Sirius black dog does resemble a Grim."

"Plus it's the time of the full moon," Remus added, golden eyes looking around. "You can be certain that whatever happens I will be there. It is clearly a reference to the wolf."

"Then I suggest Albus and I get started," Tiberius remarked crisply. "It will do none of us any good if we just sit here trying to make sense out of what might be going to happen. The more ammunition we have against her the better our chances."

"Lupin, I shall fetch your potion." Severus strode towards the door. "I assume you will be staying with him tonight, Black?" he questioned, glancing in Sirius' direction.

"Yes. If anything happens I can move faster on four legs than two to summon help."

"I'll just go and check on Phaedra then see about dinner," Harry stated, following them from the room.

Phaedra was still comatose. Harry dismissed Hazel and Dobby to help with dinner while she sat holding Phaedra's limp hand. She hoped she could pass on some of her love and give the child strength. She felt guilty for Phaedra's unconscious state and was worried about the ordeal they could be facing within the next few hours. Harry prayed everything would be all right. She hadn't felt this way since facing Voldemort. 'Circe, I promised you I would take care of Phaedra and I will!' she thought with determination. Transforming into her phoenix, she trilled a quiet song to the unmoving child, sending her all the love she could. Harry never saw the brief look of pain that flashed across her face followed by the tiny smile.

Dinner was a quiet affair. Moony wasn't very hungry and preferred to lie down after downing his Wolfsbane potion in one gulp. Sirius accompanied him upstairs, levitating a tray up with them to the top floor bedroom. He swore he would keep watch on both his friend and the warded mirror room.

Severus didn't have the heart to tease Harry and pretend to sleep in the other room for her earlier faux pas. Instead he pulled his bride close, making love to her with a gentle passion, rivaled only by their wedding night. They fell asleep in one another's arms, drawing strength from each other, for whatever horrors the night might bring.

Meanwhile, Tiberius Snape and Albus Dumbledore were working furiously to find a spell or charm which would help to ensure their success. Every now and then they would look towards the floo in Albus' office, waiting for the call to arms which would surely come, as the moon made its way up into the night sky...


Sorry for the long delay but I was busy with work and summer family obligations. I also wanted to give you a long chapter. There will be one more chapter and possibly an epilogue after this one. Please don't forget to review.