Remus Lupin Sirius Black Severus Snape
Mystery Romance
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 02/22/2005
Updated: 03/02/2008
Words: 99,629
Chapters: 16
Hits: 21,007

Black Mirror


Story Summary:
Harry and the Protectors are home for the summer at Snape Manor. Wedding Plans are being made but a mystery is about to take place which will affect them all. Will Harry be able to protect Phaedra from losing her soul? AU Female Harry

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10

Chapter Summary:
Harry must confront her hidden fears.
Author's Note:
I dedicate this one to all those Harry Potter fans who agree that Severus has not really gone back to the Dark side.

Black Mirror

Chapter 10

Serpents and Lions

Harry was floating in a comfortable fog. The gray mist swirled around her making odd patterns in the endless limbo. She moved forward, at least she thought it was forward, since there was no sense of a horizon. There was only the emptiness, permeated with a dull light, giving her the notion of the sky just before daybreak on a winter morning. 'Where in hell am I,' she thought, moving along. 'This place is like a vast wasteland. I need to find my way out.' She looked around searching for a means of escape before continuing on. She went for what must have been miles but wasn't tired since she wasn't really walking, just drifting along, growing more and more frustrated with her lack of progress...

Severus was not finding anything of interest in the books which would help in finding the solution of the mirror. Putting the volume he had been reading aside he moved over to the bed to check on Harry. She was still in a deep sleep. A frown was creasing her forehead. Studying her face intently, wondering what was going through her mind, his sharp eyes caught the small remnant of her famous lightening bolt scar. It was merely a shadow of its original mark since Voldemort's death. Using one long finger he moved to trace the faint outline. As he did so his dark eyes widened in shock and he jerked his hand back. The scar was warm and beginning to burn with a faint red line...

"Bloody Hell," Harry swore aloud, startled by the sound of her own voice reverberating through the void. "Where the fuck am I?" Silence...nothing but silence. "Is anyone else here?" she shouted angrily, opening up her empathic senses. Almost as if on cue a streak of red lightening crossed ahead of her in the distance, feelings of cold and fear assailing her senses. The tinkling sound of a woman's laughter, which might have been beautiful once but now, sounded off key, echoed hollowly around her. Reaching for her wand she discovered it was not there and that she was utterly formless.

"Oh, Merlin," she sobbed, a vision of the mirror appearing through the mists. "I am lost in my mind. Severus help me!" she screamed in panic. Her empathic sense desperately reached out for the safety and comfort of her husband's love...

Severus instinctively checked his left arm where the dark mark had been burned into his arm long ago. It was still unblemished. Looking at his sleeping wife again his analytic mind swiftly noted that her expression was now one of deep anxiety; the scar still glowing a faint red. As a soft whimper escaped her lips he suddenly felt a tingle within the bond they shared. Realizing his young wife's empathy made their marriage and protectorship bonds even stronger he wasted no time. Harry was reaching out for him and she was afraid. Pushing open her eye lids, onyx orbs locked onto emerald green.

"Legillemens!" he entered her mind...

Harry didn't understand what was happening to her. She realized this was just a part of her mind but was confused by the mist. When Sev had taught her Occlumency she had learned to organize all her thoughts and memories. Each was stored in a neat little Hogwarts trunk, not unlike the one Alastor Moody used. If you unlocked the trunks you would go into various places in her mind. She had one for happy memories, mostly of her school years, one for her life at the Dursleys, and a double locked compartment for Voldemort. This seemed to be in none of them and she wanted out. 'Is this what people in a coma think like? Are they really lost inside themselves and unable to find the way out?' She considered this possibility, becoming more frightened by the idea. "Sev, please help me," Harry begged, her voice unsteady as she fought another burst of tears. "I just want to come home." She reached out once again, and this time something stirred within her...

Severus made his way through Harry's mind, carefully checking the various trunks as he went along. Nothing seemed out of place and all were securely locked. 'Hmm...this cannot be good,' he mused. 'I shall have to probe into the deeper parts of her mind which she has not sufficiently organized yet. It was not necessary during the war. The Dark Lord did not believe her capable of doing more than rudimentary Occlumency to keep him from possessing her.' As he considered this he debated where to look next. Then he felt another strong emotional pull. Harry was frightened and confused and he felt a sense of panic. He needed her to calm down so he could follow the thread of her thoughts. Squaring his shoulders, he did the one thing he knew she would respond to and spoke aloud. "Potter," he growled, "You're a Gryffindor! Use some of that courage you are supposed to be so famous for. Or was that just a fabrication for your adoring public?" The response was swift in coming. He sneered gleefully as he followed the emotional thread, locking onto her feeling of resentment and surprise at his attitude...

'Severus Snape,' Harry's mind responded, 'I am no coward! I'm just lost and confused about how I got here. Can you help me or not?' She hoped she sounded angry but somehow knew it had fallen flat. She heard him snicker but also realized he was worried. Using his feelings as a guide she started forward once again, only to be stopped by a vision of something dark and formless. It was not a Dementor, although and she could hear harsh breathing coming from it. If she had encountered this thing anywhere else her skin would have been covered in goosebumps.

"Who or what are you?" she questioned, gathering her Gryffindor courage.

"Don't you know, Harry?" the figure whispered silkily, reminding her of a soft hiss. "I am the thing you despise the most. I am your weakness and will always be with you." The figure chuckled softly.


"No, guess again. Would you like another clue?"

"Not really. I hate riddles."

"Lovely pun, but I will give you a clue anyway. I am that which you were born with and will carry to your grave. I change as you change and with every day I grow stronger. You love and yet you loathe me for we are joined." As the figure spoke, another appeared beside it, larger and joined to the first by a wraith like snake.

"I...who are you?" she sputtered, staring hard at the figures before her. They were twisting in and out of what could only be called grotesque human forms. As they did so, the serpent grew and looked at her with burning eyes, which seemed to go from green to black before turning blood red. Harry was becoming unnerved and wanted more than anything to wake from this nightmare world.

"Well...we are waiting. What is your answer Potter?" the second figure spoke, towering over her. "Are you so arrogant that you would deny knowing who stands before you?"

Harry knew that cold silky voice and she looked away towards the smaller figure, eyes wide with disbelief.

"Yeessss," the smaller hissed in Parseltongue. "I see you do begin to understand."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she snapped. "Now stand aside and let me pass. I am going home."

"You cannot escape us, Potter. We are a part or you, both of us." The taller figure gave a cold harsh laugh. As he spoke their forms shifted again becoming more distinguishable.

"Nooooo...." Harry screamed. "You are not real!" Harry was staring at herself. The snake was joining her to Severus, who was leering evilly.

"Oh, but we are. I am the darkness in your soul and bound to Severus just as you are. It is his darkness which brought you to him and which will make you stronger. Voldemort was weak where we will be strong. Severus will help to make it so. When you married him you opened the door to greatness!" Harry's evil self chortled.

"Never! You're a liar. I didn't marry a dark wizard! Severus has a conscience and no dark wizard would," she argued angrily.

"Do I have a conscience, Harry? Or did I just wish to play on the winning side?" the evil Snape sneered. "I willingly followed the Dark Lord. I understood the darkness and welcomed it. A cunning move, don't you think? All I had to do was wait till you came into your full potential. Now, with your powers and my knowledge..."

"Do not listen to him, Harry!" Snape's sharp voice called through the swirling mists. "Follow my voice. They cannot hurt you," he commanded.

Harry hesitated only a second. Then, gathering her courage and tore through the image of the serpent. Severus was calling her name, telling her it would be all right. She ran towards where she believed his voice emanated. The mist thinned as she ran but she didn't notice until she saw a bright light in front of her. Heading towards it she glanced back over her shoulder. The images were trailing behind. As she drew closer to the light they faded, disappearing with a soft pop. Entering the light she was engulfed in a pair of strong arms. She knew it was her Severus, not the inhuman being she had left behind.

"Sev, what was that place?" Harry asked, unnerved. "I thought when you taught me Occlumency that I had put all my thoughts safely into compartments."

"I shall attempt to explain later," he answered, releasing her slowly. "You needn't concern yourself with it for the time being. I know you can find your way back from here." Turning her around, he steered her towards the chambers of her mind, where she had safely stored her memories within the various trunks. He then withdrew knowing she would awaken shortly...

Harry slowly became aware of a throbbing in her head and her body ached. She could feel the pain in her limbs. She vaguely wondered what had happened. Slowly opening her eyes, blinking in the light, someone slipped her glasses onto her face. Turning her head, she saw Severus sitting watching her, a smile on the corners of his mouth, his left brow arched.

"Sev, what happened? I'm not sure what was a dream and what was real." She smiled wanly.

"How much do you remember?"

"I...I...felt something...the mirror!" she gasped. "Sev, you have to keep it away from Phaedra. That thing it evil! Where is she?" Harry questioned, trying to sit up and falling back onto the pillows in pain.

"Harry, calm down, Phaedra isn't here. Black and Lupin have taken her to Diagon Alley until dinner."

"Um...I thought she was with Mrs. Weasley?"

"She was. They picked her up. Lupin was going to take her to Fortescue's while Black investigated the origin of the mirror from the shop where it was purchased."

"Oh...okay. Is Dumbledore still here? I need to tell him what happened but it is a little fuzzy. How did I get hurt?" She frowned, trying to remember everything that happened after they went down to the dungeon. "I can remember feeling... cold...and...utterly lost...like there was no more...happiness. Then...Oh Merlin! I felt as if I was surrounded with Dementors. But there was something else too. It...it...was an overwhelming...hatred," Harry shuddered, as her voice trailed off.

"It's all right, Harry." Severus soothed, propping her up on the pillows. "Take this potion. It will help with the headache." He picked up the vial from beside her on the night stand, tipping it to her lips. "You were flung across the room by some powerful Dark Magic and hit the wall. Your skull was fractured along with your collarbone. You also bruised some ribs. I thought I was going to loose you when I saw you just lying there." He lightly brushed the hair away from her forehead. "You were bleeding from your ears and so still..." He looked down, taking a deep breath to control his emotions. He had been more worried than he liked to admit. He looked up as Harry reached out and squeezed his hand. "Poppy and Dr. McBride were here and healed your injuries. You are going to have a bit of a headache and some sore muscles for awhile. Now, to answer the rest of your question, Dumbledore and my Uncle have gone back to Hogwarts. They are going to try and find out more about the mirror in some ancient texts. They will all be back for dinner. Albus will speak with you then."

"All right," Harry nodded, relaxing as the potion took effect. Closing her eyes for a few moments she allowed her mind to drift. She vaguely remembered having an odd dream, which had left her with a sense of disquiet. Her eyes snapped open as the realization of being lost somewhere in the recesses of her mind hit home.

Severus was sitting quietly by her bedside, a book open on his lap, pretending to read. Watching her covertly, he had hoped that she would not remember what had happened, before he had Legillimized her. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Calmly placing the book aside her met her intense gaze.

"You're troubled," he stated, matter- of-factly.

"Sev, I thought I had a dream." Harry hesitated, picking at her sheets, dropping her gaze. "It wasn't though...was it?

"You called out to me empathically for help."

"You felt that?" she questioned, amazed.

"We are bonded, Harry. It is only natural that I feel when you need me."

"When...I was...lost...I kept trying to come home...but didn't know...how," she muttered uncertainly. "I wasn't even sure who I was at first." She looked at Severus, trying to put her thoughts in order. "It was scary, you know?" Severus merely nodded, placing her hand in his, to show her he understood. "Anyway...I kept on going but..." her voice trailed off, a look of forced concentration creasing her brow. "Did you use Legillemency to come and help me?"

"It was necessary. You were unconscious and in need of my assistance," he answered, lips twitching with amusement. "Are you angry that I invaded your mind?"

"Of course not! I called and you came. I would have done the same thing." He gave her the shadow of a smile and opened his mouth to reply but she waved him off. "No, let me finish. I realized I was trapped in my mind but nothing was as it should be. My stored memories weren't there...and...and all kinds of dark creatures seemed to be lurking in the shadows. I kept chasing them off...but then..." she shivered, pausing in her story.

"Take your time, Harry," Severus said, pulling the duvet up around her.

"Severus, I saw...I saw myself. I didn't know it was me at first. I thought it was Tom Riddle. Then, you and a serpent were there, but it wasn't us. We were dark and I could feel the evil." She shuddered at the memory. "You said I was going to be the next leader of the dark and that's why you married me. My other self was laughing at me and the snake was bonding us together," she finished, in a rush.

"I know. I was able to hear what was going on inside your mind as I searched for you. I knew you were terrified about what you were seeing. I kept calling out until I came to the edge of your known mind and finally got your attention."

"That's how I found my way out," Harry informed him. "But why didn't you come in after me?"

"Harry," Snape sighed, "it would have been even more dangerous if I had come into that region of your mind. However, I would have done so had I believed you could not fully extricate yourself from the situation."

"Where was I?" she asked. "Why was it so dangerous?" Her green eyes implored him to answer her question.

"You were not in the part of your mind which contained your conscious memories," he replied, choosing his words carefully. "You were in a part of your subconscious called the Id."

"The Id?" she frowned.

"Yes," he confirmed. "It is a very primitive area. It controls your worst fears and nightmares, harboring all your secret monsters. It is believed that it is this region from which a Boggart paralyzes us, bringing these monsters to the forefront of our conscious, and takes their images."

"So...these were fears...in the form of my worst monsters?"

"That is correct," he responded, taking on his best lecture mode. "Your subconscious brought out the monsters from the Id. You were literally confronted with your worst unconscious fears."

"Oh, Sev..." Harry suddenly burst into tears. "It was worse than anything a Boggart could have shown me."

"Hush." He cradled her gently in his arms. "If I know anything, it is that you will never go dark. Nor, will I ever be tempted to either return to the Dark Arts for personal gain, or to try and turn you towards them."

"But why would I harbor such horrible ideas? Even if they are in my subconscious?"

"Harry--" he moved back so that she could look into his eyes. "--you were touched by the Dark Arts for most of your life. You also knew that I was not always a spy for the light. It is entirely plausible that you would harbor unconscious thoughts of that nature. In fact, I would be surprised if you did not. I may be a master at Occlumency, and can block out my thoughts, but I can't hide my inner feelings from an Empath. What do you feel from me?" He sat back, allowing her to pick up on his feelings, as she let down her emotional blocks to scan him.

"I...I'm sorry. I've hurt you badly with this. I can feel the love inside of you and the guilt for your past." Harry hung her head. 'How will I ever make this up to him?' she thought, sadly. "Severus, please forgive me for doubting you, even if I didn't do it consciously."

"There is nothing to forgive. I am what I am. If anything, I should be the one begging you for forgiveness. I commit some terrible crimes in my service to the Dark Lord. It is not fair that I should inflict you with this kind of pain."

"Then I guess we're kind of even," she said. Reaching over, she brushed the hair from his face, leaning forward to give him a soft kiss on the lips.

"You need to rest," he stated, resettling her in the bed.

"Will you lie down with me?"

"I think that can be arranged. I could use a nap, Mrs. Snape. You really know how to make me worry."

"Didn't I tell you life with me would never be dull?" she grinned, sliding over in the bed to give him some room, delighted he had called her by her married name.

"Humph," he snorted, quirking his left brow. "Between you and my mischievous niece I had better keep a stock of stomach potions on hand. Otherwise I may develop an ulcer," he teased.

"Sev, if you didn't develop and ulcer through all my years as your student and spying on the Dark Lord I don't think you are going to get one now," Harry laughed, snuggling onto his shoulder.

"Hmm...then I will most assuredly go gray."

"Nah, you would have done that years ago too with all the cauldrons Neville melted."

Severus rolled his eyes, smirking with amusement. Enveloping her in his arms he closed his eyes. Harry did the same. They soon were both fast asleep, the stresses of the day having taken their toll.

Harry was awakened by the bed shifting. Opening her eyes, she reached beneath the pillow for her glasses, where she had stowed them before going to sleep. She was greeted by the sight of Moony pretending to look at the ceiling, as Phaedra tried not to giggle. Dumbledore's blue eyes were twinkling and Tiberius Snape was smirking evilly. She turned her head just in time to hear Severus' angry voice.

"Black, you flea bitten mongrel, get the bloody hell off of me!"

Snuffles had wedged himself half on top of him, licking his face with a wolfish grin on his canine features. Rolling over onto his back, he placed himself between Severus and Harry, then transformed.

"Whatever you say, Sev," he greeted with his barking laugh. "You feeling better, Harry?" Sirius asked, batting his lashes at his goddaughter. Harry grinned back at his antics.

"Black, get out of our bed this instant or you will be hexed into the next century!" Severus glared at the laughing wizard. "Or do I have to remind you that Harry was severely injured this morning?"

"It's okay, Sev, I'm used to Sirius' antics." Harry winked at her godfather. "I needed a good laugh. Sirius would never have done it if he thought I wasn't well enough."

"That's right. I cast a quick diagnostic spell before hand just to make sure," Sirius answered. "You really need to lighten up, Severus, but I suspect Harry will take care of that."

"Hey, what about me? I like when Uncle Sev laughs too." Phaedra piped up, hands on her hips, tossing her blond curls. "It was my idea to have Padfoot wake them up!"

"Yes, a true Marauder in training," Sirius gloated happily.

"Phaedra, you should be more considerate about invading other people's privacy," Snape reprimanded her firmly. "As for you-" he turned towards Sirius. "-get out of our bed NOW!" Severus demanded, pointing his wand at Sirius, an evil gleam in his dark eyes.

Harry was becoming agitated seeing two of the men she cared about at one another's throats once again. 'Won't they ever grow up and get along?' she thought miserably. 'Sirius didn't hurt anything. He was just playing a harmless joke and the expression on Sev's face was funny. I guess they need to be taught a lesson again. They were actually starting to get along.' Slowly, she slid her hand from beneath the covers.

"Ahem." Remus nodded in Harry's direction to catch the attention of the two men but he was too late.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Harry pointed with two fingers, displaying her ability for wandless magic, effectively freezing the two wizards in place. Two pairs of startled eyes shifted in her direction.

"Wow!" Phaedra exclaimed.

"Someone summon a camera," Remus grinned, amber eyes alight with mirth. "I have got to get a picture of this for my album."

"I believe you two are really in the dog house with a certain young witch," Tiberius sneered.

"You would think that by now they would know how their behavior upsets Harry," Dumbledore added, blue eyes crinkling with laughter.

Harry looked at the group and smiled, waving her hand without a word. She rather liked Remus' idea and a moment later his camera sailed into the room. He quickly snatched it out of the air. She smirked wickedly at the two men frozen beside her in the bed. Seeing what was about to happen, they both glared back, unable to move.

"I'm impressed, Harry. I had heard you could do wandless and soundless magic but I have never seen you perform any," Tiberius stated, as Remus began taking pictures.

"I don't usually do it but I think in this case-" she shrugged in Sirius' and Sev's direction. "-these two needed to be taught a bit of a lesson. I can't wait to see everyone's reaction when Remus shows them the pictures," she remarked, turning her attention back to the two wizards beside her. "Sev, I think that is the best glare you have ever given me. However, you did bring it on yourself." She smiled innocently at her husband. "Sirius, when are you ever going to remember that Sev cannot take a joke?" Sirius just looked back, only able to blink his eyes, still amazed that Harry had stunned him.

"Harry, I do believe you should release them," Albus remarked. "It is almost time for dinner and we have things to discuss." He was looking at her seriously, the twinkle fading from his bright blue eyes.

"Right, I guess it would be a good idea." With a flick of her wrist the two men relaxed. Sirius rolled off the bed and got hurriedly to his feet.

"Moony, give me that camera!"

"No way, Padfoot," Remus said, dodging his hand. "This is just too priceless."

"Don't even bother to try, Sirius," Harry smirked, with a wave of her hand. "I just put a sticking charm on Remus hand. He is the only one who can remove the camera."

"Harry, I might remind you that I am in those photos too," Severus stated, arching his brow.

"I know and if you don't behave I will make sure those pictures find their way to the students at Hogwarts! I am sure they would really love to see their most feared Professor in such a compromising position. Especially your Slytherins." Harry crossed her arms over her chest, meeting his sneer with one of her own.

"How delightfully Slytherin of you my dear," Tiberius remarked. "I am very pleased to see how well you fit into our family. My nephew has met his match."

"Why, thank you, Uncle. I was supposed to be in his house you know."

"So I have heard," Tiberius chuckled. The corners of Severus lips quirked up, happy that his uncle thought so highly of his new wife.

"Aunt Harry," Phaedra interrupted, "how come the kids at Hogwarts are afraid of Uncle Severus?" The little girl had not missed Harry's earlier remark.

"He is very strict and likes to scare them. This way they don't blow up too many cauldrons." Harry nudged her husband. "Fact of the matter is though, he is really an old softie at heart."

"Did he ever scare you?"

"Phaedra, Harry was one of the only students who ever gave me any lip," Severus told his niece.

"Yeah, and on my first day of class," Harry laughed. "It was a battle of wills."

"She lost," Severus sneered.

"Oh, I don't know about that. I married you didn't I?"

"My dear wife, are you saying that you set me up from the beginning? If I recall correctly you believed me to be a villain."

"Ah...but there is something to be said for a challenge." Harry flung her arm over her head dramatically. "The fair maiden causing the evil wizard to fall in love with her and see the light."

"I think that whack on the head has caused more damage than we thought." Sirius shook his head, pretending to frown.

"You may be right, Black. She has forgotten that I was already on the side of the light."

"Now that is what I like to see. The two of them in total agreement." Harry beamed looking from one to the other.

"Harry, there is no reason to be insulting." Severus looked down his nose, trying not to smile.

"Humph...the thought that Severus and I would actually agree on anything. It is absolutely absurd," Sirius agreed, while the older wizards laughed.

"I don't understand." Phaedra shook her head in confusion. "What is so funny?"

"I will explain later, Phaedra." Remus tousled her hair affectionately.

"Good, I'm hungry. Can we have dinner now?"

"I will have the elves bring us up dinner here. Harry should remain in bed for the evening or Poppy will have my head," Severus remarked, summoning the elf.

"Can I at least take a bath before we eat?"

"I'm sorry, Harry, but Madam Pomfrey clearly told me to make sure you stay in bed for the rest of the day before we left Hogwarts," Albus stated.

"Since when do I ever follow her instructions?" Harry grinned, moving to get out of bed. "Sev can help me into the bathroom. I promise I will go right back to bed." Harry swung her feet onto the floor and tried to stand but fell back as a wave of dizziness overcame her and Dobby popped into the room.

"Lady Snape must not get out of bed! Madam Pomfrey instructed Dobby to make sure Mrs. Snape did not get up!"

"It is all right, Dobby. Master Snape is going to help her bathe before dinner," Tiberius told the elf. "If you would set up in here we would appreciate it."

"Yes, Sir. If you says it is all right. Dobby will see to the dinner but Dobby will bring Lady Snape a tray so she stays put!" the elf bowed and disappeared with a pop.

"It seems that Dobby was accosted by Poppy to make sure you do as she instructed." Dumbledore was clearly amused.

"I'm not a child. Doesn't anyone trust me?"

"NO!" all the men answered simultaneously. Harry curled her lip with a frown.

"We all know you too well, Harry." Remus smiled. "Be glad she didn't insist that you be brought back to the Hogwarts infirmary so she could keep an eye on you."

A table suddenly appeared in the sitting area with places set for the guests.

"It seems the elves are getting our meal in order," Tiberius remarked.

"Indeed," Severus agreed. "Come on, Harry, I will help you to bathe and then it is back to bed." Severus rose and came around to stand before her. Harry reached up, thinking he was going to carry her but didn't see the gleam in his eyes. "Phaedra would you like to see some more magic?"

"Yes, Uncle Sev!" She clapped her hands excitedly.

"Then... I give you the floating witch!" he sneered, waving his wand, levitating Harry from the bed.

"Severus, put me down immediately!" Harry exclaimed, unable to hide her laughter.

"It's not nice to petrify your husband. It brings out the villain in me," he laughed, evilly, floating her into the bathroom and closing the door. A minute later they could all hear the tub filling with water. Harry started to scold Severus affectionately before a silencing charm stopped them from hearing the rest of her playful rant.

The couple emerged twenty minutes later. Severus had obviously taken the time to bathe also. His damp hair and black silk pajamas with a matching smoking jacket attesting to the fact. He was carrying Harry, who was dressed in a forest green silk nightgown with a matching robe.

"Have fun in the tub, Harry?" Sirius quipped, taking in their attire and Severus' still damp hair.

"What? Sev merely washed my back."

"Yes, I can see that." He snickered at the flush creeping up Harry's cheeks. Severus' smirked at the other wizard as he settled Harry back into bed, giving her a quick kiss.

"Aunt Harry and Uncle Sev are kissing again. Yucky, I'll never kiss a boy."

"Wait a few years, Phaedra, I guarantee you will change your mind." Harry smiled at her niece. "Besides, I would hardly call your uncle a boy anymore."

"Harry," Tiberius interrupted, "if you're all settled I will have the elves serve now so we can get dinner out of the way and discuss business."

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to keep everyone waiting."

"There is no reason to apologize," Tiberius corrected. "We all agreed to wait for you and Severus before we started."

"Nobody asked me if I wanted to wait. I'm starved." Phaedra pouted.

"It is good manners to wait for the entire family to be present. We also have a guest," Tiberius gently admonished his niece, nodding towards Dumbledore.

"Yes, Uncle."

"Phaedra, why don't you sit on the bed with me? The elves can bring you a tray too. We'll let the men have the table to themselves. When dinner is finished, before you go to bed, I will give everyone the presents we brought from London."

"You got me a present?"

"We did," Severus said. Seating himself beside the Headmaster the food appeared on the table. Two tray tables materialized in front of the girls.

"Why can't I have my present now?" Phaedra whined.

"Because it is dinner time and we have a guest," Tiberius rebuked his niece. "You need to learn to be a little more patient, Phaedra."

"Aunt Harry, please can I have it now? I promise to eat everything."

"Your uncle is right, Phaedra. We have gifts for the others too. Besides, I happen to know you will be quite delighted with your present. Your Uncle Severus was not exactly sure about my getting it for you. It took a bit of convincing on my part for him to allow you to have it."

"It must be something really special then!" Phaedra's big brown eyes glowed with excitement.

"I think so. Now eat your dinner so I can give it to you before your uncle decides otherwise."

Phaedra did not have to be asked twice. She happily dug into the plate of spaghetti and meatballs. Harry looked at her tray and scowled while the adults looked on in amusement.

"Why is it that everyone else has pasta and I get stuck with a bowl of chicken broth and some crackers?" She glared over at the table, idly playing with the broth. Giving it a stir, she let it drip from the spoon back into the bowl, frowning with disgust.

"Princess, you had a serious head injury," Remus answered sensibly. "If I know Poppy she undoubtedly left instructions with Dobby to keep your diet light this evening."

"I am going to hex that mediwitch from here to Siberia," Harry muttered, under her breath.

"What was that, Harry?" Dumbledore's blue eyes twinkled. He knew how much Poppy used to drive her crazy in the infirmary.

"I said..."

"That she's gonna hex her to somewhere called Siberia," Phaedra interrupted, before Harry could formulate a plausible facsimile.

Harry's cheeks flushed with embarrassment while the men all chuckled. They all knew that Poppy's devotion to her craft bordered on the extreme. Harry had borne the brunt of her ministrations more often than not.

"Eat your dinner, Child," Dumbledore scolded affectionately. "I am sure there will be much to discuss afterwards." He glanced benignly towards Phaedra.

Harry nodded in understanding, taking a spoonful of the broth. It was an unspoken agreement not to mention the mirror in front of the little girl.

The conversation over dinner was light. Harry kept Phaedra occupied playing games while they ate and Severus enjoyed watching her. He looked forward to the day when he and Harry might have a child of their own. A brief shadow crossed his face as he was briefly reminded of the son he had lost so long ago. Harry sensed his change of mood and looked up with concern. Forcing the thoughts from his mind, he met her eyes, letting her know how much he loved her. She smiled back, her own feelings of warmth and love dispelling his somber mood.

Harry was glad when dessert appeared and she was allowed to have some of the cookies Phaedra had baked with Mrs. Weasley. She made sure to make a fuss over them. The little girl beamed with pride, telling everyone she did all the mixing herself, to practice for stirring potions.

"Aunt Harry, can we have our presents now?" Phaedra asked, no longer able to contain herself once everyone was relaxing over tea.

"Phaedra, it is rude to ask," Tiberius reprimanded sternly. "Apologize immediately to your aunt and uncle."

"Yes, Sir," she answered meekly. "I'm sorry, Aunt Harry and Uncle Severus. I didn't mean to be impolite."

"Apology accepted, Phaedra," Severus replied, nodding.

"It's all right, Phaedra. We know you get excited about presents. Everybody does. I'll bet Padfoot is just as anxious as you are." Harry winked at her godfather.

"Yes, Harry, I am sure he is. Every dog likes a good bone," Severus quipped, sneering.

"I always liked a good steak bone," Sirius smirked, not rising to Severus' baiting. "What about you, Moony?"

"I've always preferred a good lamb bone myself," the werewolf laughed.

"Sev, where are the presents?" Harry asked, ignoring the three wizards.

"I had Dobby put them in the dining room since I originally believed we would be dining in there." He snapped his fingers and Hazel appeared. "Hazel, please have the packages we brought home with us sent up here," he instructed the elf.

"Yes, Master Severus. Will yous be wanting anything else?"

"It is almost time for Miss Phaedra to go to bed. You are to see to her needs as usual in about half an hour." The elf nodded, disappearing with a pop. A moment later the packages appeared on the table.

"Sev, since I am being forced to stay in bed, would you hand out the gifts?"

"Of course, Harry." He passed the gifts out to the men around the table and then floated two packages over to the bed where Phaedra was sitting with Harry. "Phaedra, I think it would be best if you let Harry help you to open them."

"Okay, Uncle, but why are there holes in the wrapping on this one?"

"You will see, shortly." All of the wizards were watching as Harry picked up the package with the holes.

"Air holes?" Remus mouthed to Severus.

Severus nodded. He could tell that Remus was using his sense of smell to determine what was inside. A moment later the werewolf raised his brow and Severus simply smirked.

"Aunt Harry, something is moving in there. Is it something alive?"

"Can you hear anything else?"

"It is talking and wants to come out!" she said, excitedly. "What is it?"

"Well, Phaedra, I will open this now and you can see for yourself," Harry answered, removing the top from the box. Phaedra gasped with delight as a large egg shaped head with big eyes peered back at them.

"What's in the box, Phaedra?" Sirius asked.

"Unless my canine sense of smell is off, I have a hunch it is some kind of snake," Moony remarked, tilting his head. Even as he spoke, an elongated green head poked itself up and looked at Harry.

"Hello, handsssooome one. Welcome to your new home," she hissed softly. "Thisss isss Phaedra, and if you will accept her she will be your new mistress. Will you agree to be her familiar?"

"Isss ssshheee a sssspppeeaakkeeerrr like yourssseeellff?"

"I am," Phaedra hissed back in Parseltongue, studying the snake. He was flicking his tongue out, tasting the scents filling the room.

"Ssshheee isss young." The snake looked at Harry for confirmation.

"Yeessss, ssshheee isss, but ssshheee will take good care of you."

"And the dark one who waasss with you, he will need my venom and ssskkiinn ass you told me before?" The snake turned his head to look towards Severus.

"Yeessss and sssoo will the one next to him. They will usss it in potionsss ass will I."

"One of them haassss the tasssste of the wolf." The snake stared at Remus, his tongue flicking rapidly.

"He isss a werewolf. He usssesss a potion to keep him from harming anyone," Harry explained, patiently.

"Doesss he do potionsss too?" the snake questioned, sliding more of his body from the box.

"No, but your venom isss one of the ingrediantsss in the potion we give him sssoo he will ssstttaay calm and keep his mind."

"Who are the otherssss?"

"The dark haired one is Sssirriusss. He isss my godfather. The one with the long white hair and beard isss known as Dumbledore."

"The Headmasssteerr at Hogwartsss?"
"You know about Hogwartsss?"
Phaedra asked, excitedly.

"Yeessss. The ancient one isss renowned for his fairnessss young one. If he isss here it is a good omen. Only Harry Potter would be a better friend. I know ssshheee isss a sssspppeeaakkeeerrr. I did not know there were otherssss."

"You didn't tell him did you?" Phaedra nudged Harry.

"What isss it ssshheee did not tell me?" the snake asked, dark eyes resting on Harry.

"My aunt isss Harry Potter. She married my uncle Ssssevveerruussss and is now Harry Potter Ssssnnaappe." Phaedra was grinning from ear to ear.

"Then I am happy to have sssuucchh a niccce home. I will be your familiar Missss Phaedra." The snake turned back to Harry. "You will teach her how to care for me and keep me warm?"

"Yeessss, ssshheee isss a fassst learner. We will alssssoo sshow you our other familiarsss sssoo you do not bite them."

"I will do them no harm," the snake agreed.

"Harry, you and Phaedra seem to be having quite a conversation with the snake. Unless I miss my guess he is a Boomslang." Dumbledore's blue eyes twinkled as he took in the light green snake, whose scales tapered into a dark blue hue. "What were you and he discussing?"

"I was simply filling him in on who everyone is and letting him know he will be well cared for. In turn he will not harm anyone in the house or the familiars."

"He also said he would take me as his mistress!" Phaedra beamed.

"Does he have a name?" Sirius inquired, curiously.

"I never asked him," Harry shrugged, turning to the snake who had curled up on the blanket. "We wissshh to know if you have a name or if we sshhould name you."

"I waasss named Godric by the ssshhopkkeeeppeer. He found it quite funny but I do not know why. He would laugh as you are doing now," the snake responded, annoyed, as Harry was unable to hide her laughter. She quickly explained to the animal about the two rival houses of Hogwarts and how she had worked so hard to unify them. "Then thisss isss a good name. You sssaaiidd your mate isss from the ssseeerrppenntt housssse and you from the one of Godric. I am a symbol of your unity." Godric seemed to smile.

"Harry, what is so funny?" Severus inquired.

"Oh, Uncle Sev-" Phaedra giggled. "-he told Aunt Harry that his name is Godric."

Severus just shook his head in astonishment while the others chuckled merrily.

"I guess he really fits into this family then," Sirius barking laugh choked out.

"That's what he said too," Harry responded. "Now I think it is time for Phaedra to go to bed. Godric will keep an eye on her."

"I can take him to my room?" Phaedra asked, looking from her Aunt and Uncle.

"Yes, but I will carry him for now. You go on ahead with Hazel and get ready for bed. I will bring him in shortly," Severus instructed, as the house elf popped into the room. Phaedra knew better than to argue, since it was already passed her bedtime, and went off with the elf. "Harry if you will explain to Godric-" he rolled his eyes at the name. "-about what is going on. I would appreciate it if you would ask him to come to us if there is any trouble during the night."

"I had the same idea," she smiled, meeting his dark eyes. Turning to the snake she explained briefly about the mirror and that they believed Phaedra could be in danger. The snake asked a few questions and readily agreed to make sure the child was safe during the night. He was happy with his new home and pleased to be of help. She then directed him to crawl up onto Severus' arm so he could take him into his new mistress.

While they waited the others opened their gifts. Harry had bought Remus a new plan book for his next years Care of Magical Creatures class. Dumbledore got a box of his favorite lemon drops and Tiberius a bottle of very old brandy. Everyone laughed when Sirius was given a new shirt that had a black Labrador retriever on it, ears flying at odd angles, sitting on a speeding motor bike. Underneath were the words, 'Beware of Dogs on Flying Motorcycles.' Harry had made it up special just for him.

Once Severus returned from delivering Godric to Phaedra they spent the next two hours discussing what they had found out. Unfortunately, it wasn't too much. Dumbledore and Tiberius believed that the mirror could be some kind of portal. There had been vague references to it in the books at Hogwarts but they needed to study it some more. Sirius had hit a dead end with the shopkeeper. He had bought the mirror at an auction following the fall of the Dark Lord. However, this added to their worries since they felt it may have belonged to one of the Death Eaters who had died in the war. He still couldn't get past the idea that he had seen the mirror somewhere before. Remus suggested they continue to make some inquiries and offered to go to Knockturn Alley.

All agreed to tackle the problem some more tomorrow after Severus finished making Remus' potion. The full moon was coming shortly and they needed to be prepared for his transformation. Dumbledore finally bid them all good night and returned to Hogwarts, declining an offer to spend the night. The rest of the group retired to their rooms and Severus climbed into bed beside Harry, cuddling her close. They talked quietly for a few minutes, content in one another's arms, before falling asleep. Both had been more tired from the events of the day than they had cared to admit.


I am sorry for the long delay. I have been really busy marketing my book and working. I hope you all like this chapter. Parselmouth will be shown in italics. I also discovered that there really is a snake known as a Boomslang. It is this skin that is used in various potions, along with the venom.