Remus Lupin Sirius Black Severus Snape
Mystery Romance
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 02/22/2005
Updated: 03/02/2008
Words: 99,629
Chapters: 16
Hits: 21,007

Black Mirror


Story Summary:
Harry and the Protectors are home for the summer at Snape Manor. Wedding Plans are being made but a mystery is about to take place which will affect them all. Will Harry be able to protect Phaedra from losing her soul? AU Female Harry

Chapter 08

Chapter Summary:
Where did Severus and Harry Apparate to? The figure in the mirror makes a move.
Author's Note:
Hope you enjoy this chapter. It is special for Dr. T who got me to become a bit more daring and for Topaz Lady who is a new bride.

Black Mirror

Chapter 8

A Night of Passion Love and Darkness

"Ladies and gentlemen," Sirius raised his arms addressing the startled guests. "Our groom has asked me to extend his thanks for your attendance on behalf of himself and his new bride one last time. He wanted to surprise her with a few days alone for a brief honeymoon. Please continue to enjoy the rest of the ball."

This announcement was met with cheers, applause and a few snickers. The orchestra began to play following the announcement that Severus had arranged for them to stay another hour. Much to the delight of the late night revelers the house elves had set up a table laden with pastries and demitasse.

"I see my nephew has already departed." Tiberius smiled knowingly at Sirius and Remus. He had just returned from putting Phaedra to bed. She had woken briefly and he had spent the time settling her back to sleep with a bedtime story.

"Do you think Harry will be upset with him? She was pretty adamant about not leaving Phaedra," Remus remarked.

"I think Severus will convince her that Phaedra will be fine with all of us for a few days," Tiberius answered. "They should have some time together. It's not as if they have left the country."

"Let's just hope Harry doesn't hex Sev into oblivion on their wedding night for going against her wishes." Sirius lips twisted into a wicked grin. He could just imagine what Harry might do to Severus...

Harry looked around in shock as they appeared at their destination. It took her a moment to realize that she was in the entrance hall of Severus' London town home. Her new husband was looking down at her. His dark eyes were shining with amusement.

"Sev, what are we doing here?"

"I have arranged for us to be alone for a few days."

"But I thought..."

"Harry," he cut her off, "I know you did not wish a honeymoon because you are still concerned with Phaedra. However, I felt we should both have some privacy for a few days at least. If there are any problems we can simply Apparate back to the castle."

"Does anyone else know about this?"

"Your other protectors and my uncle helped to get the house ready." He arched his brow, the corners of his lips twitching into a sly smile.

"Right," she responded. A myriad of emotions passed over her face in an instant. She was not sure if she was angry, happy, or just plain amazed that she had no clue what they had been doing. Severus simply threw back his head laughing in his rich baritone. "You know I should hex you from here to eternity for this but that laugh has made it all worth while. You should do it more often," she told him breaking into a slow smile.

"I have a suspicion with you in my life I just may do so." He gently traced the outline of her face with one slender finger. "Come..." He scooped her up into his arms carrying her up the stairs. "I believe the house elves have laid out a late supper in our room."

"Severus, put me down!" she exclaimed, taken by surprise with his unexpected action.

He simply ignored her request and continued up the stairs towards the master bedroom. The door opened with a brief wave of his hand, snapping shut behind them, before he gently set her down on her feet. Harry had only been in this room very briefly during her last summer with the Dursleys. She looked around, noting the décor had been changed.

"Do you like it?" Severus queried, watching her.

"You changed it."

"I felt it would be more fitting now that there would also be a female occupant."

"It's lovely. Not too feminine or masculine," she said, investigating her surroundings.

The walls were painted pale celery green. This was complimented with forest green and gold brocade draperies. The plush carpet was done in dark green with a light green border matching the walls. In front of the fireplace there was a green loveseat with two green and gold striped chairs. A light oak coffee table had been placed between them. An oak secretary stood in one corner. The enormous oak four-poster bed stood at the other end of the room. The bed hangings were the same pattern as the drapes. The linens were light green with a matching gold comforter. A small table with two chairs had been set up with sandwiches and a pot of tea. Four doors led off the room. Harry discovered that two were closets with many of their clothes already inside. The third was a small dressing room with a day bed and a private bath for Severus. The last door led to a huge bathroom with a sunken tub. There was a set of double sinks and a large mirrored vanity table for Harry's use. She noted that the long white silk nightgown she had selected for her wedding night was hanging on a hook behind the door. A small vial of dark green fluid was sitting on the sink. She flushed slightly knowing that it was a pregnancy preventative potion often dispensed by Madam Pomfrey to the older students at Hogwarts. 'Seems the elves didn't forget a thing,' she mused, coming back into the main room. A slight smile was playing about her lips.

"I'm pleased that our quarters meet with your approval," Severus remarked.

"You're sure Phaedra will be okay?" she questioned anxiously, as he pulled out her chair at the table before seating himself opposite her.

"Harry," he contemplated for a moment. "Don't you trust your godfather and the werewolf with her? Not to mention my uncle will also be present." He sneered.

"Since you put it that way...I just hope the castle is still standing when we get back. There is no telling what the Marauders will do." Harry teased him with a devious little grin. She poured the tea and they helped themselves to the sandwiches.

"Hmm...perhaps I should Floo my uncle in the morning and warn him to be a bit more cautious," he answered playfully.

"Oh, I don't know. I have a suspicion he may just be as much of a prankster as they are. We may get back and find bubbles coming from all the chimneys!"

"It would not surprise me in the least," Severus replied. He was happy that she was no longer disturbed with the idea of leaving the child for a few days.

"How long will we be here in London?"

"Only three days. I have made dinner reservations for tomorrow and then we shall attend the theatre on Monday evening."

"What will we be seeing?"

"I hope you have no objections to The Phantom of the Opera?"

"No. I think it should be fun. I saw an old Muggle movie version once when my aunt and uncle were out for the day. I was able to sneak and watch the television," she explained, seeing his inquiring look. "Will we need Muggle clothes?"

"Yes, it is a Muggle theatre. Would you like to go and buy something new tomorrow afternoon? I need some new Muggle attire to wear myself so we could spend the afternoon shopping."

"All right, even though I know you don't like shopping unless it is for potions ingredients."

Severus just quirked his brow, taking a sip of his tea. Harry grinned back with delight sensing his amusement...

"Well, Padfoot, it was one hell of a party," Remus said, climbing the stairs with his friend.

"I think so too. It was good to see my grandmother looking so well. I felt bad for Andy though," he remarked, referring to his cousin Andromeda. "I could tell she misses Nymphadora."

"We all do, Padfoot. I think Harry forgot for a minute that she had been killed. I saw her looking around for her and Charlie at one point during the evening before she realized."

"She didn't say anything to anyone did she?" Sirius asked nervously.

"No. She just looked sad. She and Tonks were kind of close."

"I know. It was Tonks that made her want to become an Auror. She used to love watching her Morph into someone else."

"We all did, Padfoot. She was always happy no matter what was going on with Voldemort."

Sirius nodded, pushing open the door to their room. He put up a silencing charm to prevent Phaedra from overhearing anything she shouldn't be privy to. Her bedroom door had been left open in case she needed anyone during the night. Her nightmares were growing less frequent but still persisted. Tiberius was concerned that with all the excitement of the day she would not sleep well during her first night without Harry. He had taken the added precaution of keeping his door open also. A magnification charm had been placed on her voice so that if she was having dreams they would hear them immediately.

"I hope Phaedra will be okay tonight. She's not used to being without Harry," Sirius remarked, pulling off his robes.

"If not I know a big black doggie that will be happy to stand guard at the foot of her bed," Remus teased him, tossing his own robes onto the chair.

"I would much prefer to be on the foot of Harry's bed tonight!" He snorted. "I have no clue what she sees in him. She could have had us instead, Moony."

"Now, Padfoot, you know she would never want to separate us and would feel like a third wheel if she had taken us both. It's just like she said. You can't help who you fall in love with," Remus admonished, putting his arms around Sirius neck.

"Yeah, but Snivellus of all people."

"He's changed, Sirius, and you know it. You even hugged each other earlier following the ceremony. What's even more astounding is that you both meant it. Harry loves him and he loves her. If I didn't know better I would say you were jealous."

"I am not! I want her to be happy. I'm just not sure he's the man to do it."

"He already has, Padfoot, and you can just drop that scowl from your face right now. Harry still loves us both and always will."

"You're right as usual, Moony. What do you suppose they are doing right now?"

"I don't know about them but I know what I would like to be doing."

"Oh really. What's that?" Sirius' eyes gleamed in the dim light from the candles.

"Like you really don't know?"

"Show me." Sirius teased his mate.

"All right, I will." Moony planted his lips on Sirius', who returned his embrace. Their tongues slid easily into one another's mouths exploring the cavity beyond. Each time they kissed it was as if it were for the first time all over again...

Tiberius had heard the two young wizards retire to their room for the night. He knew they really loved one another but he still had some reservations regarding Black. He seemed accepting and even happy over the past few days but Tiberius also knew how much he cared about his goddaughter. Overall, Sirius was a good man, but his family like Tiberius' had its dark side. He hoped that the new relationship he and Severus were developing would continue to improve. The two young wizards had more in common than even they realized. He suspected it would still be a rocky road ahead for the two of them but with Harry, Phaedra and the werewolf's help he believed that under the circumstances they would grow to become good friends.

He also knew his nephew was still a bit skittish when it came to the werewolf. However, Remus had shown remarkable restraint and resilience where his condition was concerned. Remus had been bitten as a child. Every day had been a test of his courage and strength. Remus was a kind and caring individual. More so than many men Tiberius had met who were not afflicted with such a terrible curse. Tiberius held no ill will towards him despite the fact that he had almost attacked Severus while they were in school. No, that had been due to Black's dark sense of humor. Had Black followed the rest of his family into Slytherin, Tiberius had no doubt that the event never would have happened. Still, Sirius Black was a loyal man to those he cared about. He had a good heart and resisted the darkness that had possessed the majority of the Blacks. He was also a survivor. Twelve years in Azkaban would have destroyed most people. Tiberius understood that Sirius Black's childhood was not much better than Severus' had been. What Black did not know was that his late Uncle Alphard and Tiberius had been good friends. Both were outcasts as far as their relatives had been concerned and Tiberius could sympathize with Black's situation. Yes, Severus and Black had more in common than they had ever guessed. Alphard and Tiberius had done what ever they could to save their favorite nephews from the clutches of the darkness which had been eating at their world. Remus had fared somewhat better but not by much. At least his family didn't disown or put him down like a rabid animal.

He also knew the neglect and mistreatment that Harry had endured as a child. Yet, unlike the Dark Lord, she had persevered never giving in to darkness. She always saw the good in others and her capacity to love was unbelievable. He firmly believed that Harry was the anchor which would keep them all together by cementing the relationships to which they were now all bound.

Moving swiftly and silently down the hall, he checked one last time on Phaedra, before retiring for the night. She was sleeping peacefully. The sleeping draught he had slipped her earlier had taken effect. He smiled down at the child affectionately. 'I hope you aren't too unhappy that Harry and Sev won't be here in the morning. I'm sure you will have fun with the three of us,' he thought, contemplating the sleeping child. Sirius was planning to take her flying on one of the winged horses tomorrow. Tiberius smirked picturing the look of excitement on Phaedra's face in the morning when she found out. They had other things planned as well for the next three days. Tiberius would work with her on a simple potion and Remus was taking her over to see Molly Weasley where she would be baking cookies.

"Sleep well, Little One," he whispered, turning from the bed. He was about to leave the room when he caught an odd reflection out of the corner of his eye in the direction of the mirror. Turning swiftly, he studied it warily, running his wand over it once again. He knew Harry did not like the thing and her empathy was extraordinary. Still, he could detect no unusual spells. "It must have been a trick of the light," he muttered. "I'm probably more tired than I thought." Shrugging his shoulders, he left the room to prepare for bed. Tomorrow would be a busy day. He never heard the soft voice or the leering smile from within.

"Ah...Blood traitor. Enjoy yourself for now. Soon your family will topple like a stack of cards. The House of Snape is about to come crumbling down. Your niece is almost mine already. It is just a matter of time..."

Harry finished her tea and stretched. She was growing tired and the events of the day had worn her out but she knew Severus had other things in mind. 'Come to think of it, so do I,' she mused. Harry didn't realize she was smiling at the thought.

"What do you find so amusing?" Severus inquired.

"Huh? Oh I was just thinking."

"I can see that. I am curious as to what is making you smile like that."

"Nothing," Harry replied hurriedly, feeling the heat rise in her face. "I think I'll go take a shower and change." Severus snorted trying to conceal his laughter as she fled into the bathroom. 'He knows darn well I was thinking about our making love,' she thought, rolling her eyes. Stripping off her clothes, she pulled the pins from her hair, deciding to take a warm bath rather than a shower. Pouring the bath salts she found into the tub, she immersed herself fully, relaxing as the tension flowed from her limbs. Harry could hear the water go on in Severus' shower...

Severus casually removed his wedding robes folding them neatly on the day bed before stepping into the shower. He was quietly humming the waltz he and Harry had danced to earlier in the evening. A smile tugged at his lips as he contemplated the night in front of him. 'I wonder what the students would think if they could see their dour Professor now," he considered amused. 'I'm sure my Slytherins are delighted. Indeed, they would think it a coup that a Slytherin and former Death Eater ended up married to one of the most powerful leaders of the light. I shall have to make sure they never realize that it was Harry who actually scored such a coup.' He chuckled to himself. 'Merlin, I never believed I could feel this way about anyone or anything again. Hell, I never even expected to survive the war! Let alone end up with the one person who made it all happen. Sometimes I wonder if I'm good enough for her...'

"Moony," Sirius moaned softly. "You're doing it again."

"Doing what, Padfoot?" the werewolf whispered in his ear.

"Tying my stomach up in knots with anticipation," Sirius answered, pulling on Remus' trousers.

"That was my intention all along," Remus' husky voice responded, as he fumbled with Sirius' shirt. "Oh hell!" he gasped, as Sirius' hand found his growing erection through his trousers.

"Now you're really in for it," Remus growled, ripping Sirius' shirt open, buttons flying in all directions."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Just this," Remus panted, running his tongue down the side of Sirius' neck to his chest.

"Then I will just have to fight fire with fire." Sirius grinned. Opening Remus' zipper and dropping his mate's trousers to the floor he tugged on his boxers. Remus began to kiss him harder, all the while forcing Sirius towards the bed...

Harry stepped from the bath and hurriedly dried herself off with the large fluffy towel the elves had laid out. She left her damp hair down around her shoulders. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She could feel her desire for Severus building in anticipation of their finally being together. Grabbing a bottle of perfume from the vanity she put some on. It had the subtle smell of vanilla. Pulling on her nightgown, she worried once again about the scars on her body, before hanging up her wedding dress. The elves would see that it was properly cleaned. Studying her reflection in the bathroom mirror, she was pleased. The sheer silk made the outline of her breasts stand out and accented the curve of her hips. Taking a deep breath, she reached for the potion bottle, swallowing the contents with a swift gulp. Her heart was beating hard and she stood for a minute to steady her nerves. 'Damn, I am a nervous wreck. Calm down, Harry,' she chided herself. 'You stood up to the most evil wizard in over one hundred years. Yet the thought of making love for the first time has your knees weak.' Taking another deep breath, she let it out slowly, opening the door...

"Oomph..." Sirius grunted, flopping backwards onto the bed. Remus slid off his boxers and stood naked over the Animagus.

"Now my love, you will find out the true meaning of torture." The werewolf smiled. His golden eyes were glowing like burning coals by the lone candle. Reaching down he pulled Sirius' trousers and shorts off with one swift movement.

"What...do you...have...in mind?" Sirius panted, meeting Remus' gaze with his own.

"You will be howling with delight and begging for mercy by the time I get finished with you," Remus' husky voice responded. Pinning Sirius to the bed with his thighs he reached down grasping his mate between his thighs. Slowly he began to work his hand back and forth, relishing the feel of the soft pulsing before dropping to his knees...

The bedroom was illuminated with a soft glow from the fireplace. Severus was standing by the long French windows looking out over the gardens. He was dressed only in black pajama bottoms. He turned his head when the bathroom door opened. Harry's lithe form was silhouetted in the dim light. Letting out a slow breath, Severus' dark eyes drank in the outline of her body. Her breasts were round and taught beneath the soft fabric of her nightgown, slender thighs curving gently down from well-formed buttocks. Harry was unaware that the angle of the firelight enabled him to see through the material allowing him to see the contours of her body beneath. Severus silently blessed whatever deity had granted him the privilege of loving this exquisite young woman. He was tantalized by the thought of consummating their union.

"If you get any more beautiful Aphrodite will be jealous," he remarked quietly, as she moved over to stand beside him. Cupping her chin, onyx eyes met emerald. He gently lowered his lips to hers.

"Somehow I don't think the goddess of love and beauty has anything to worry about." She blushed, resting her head on his bare chest. He circled her with his arms stroking her thick locks.

"Harry..." he whispered.

"Hmm...?" She looked up shyly.

"I love you." He met her lips once again, more insistently. Gently pressing his tongue to her teeth she opened her mouth meeting his kiss. He slowly rubbed her back. She leaned into him, bodies pressed together. 'Go slow Severus. Don't frighten her," he thought. Cupping her buttocks he ran his hands down the side of her thighs.

"I love you too," Harry responded, their lips slowly separating.

"As husband and wife we should have no secrets from one another," Severus said quietly, toying with the fine spaghetti strap of her nightgown.

"No...I don't suppose...we should," Harry answered nervously.

"To love also means we should trust one another without question." His dark eyes bored into her, reflecting his smoldering passion. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes...you know...I do."

"Then the best way to express our trust is to bare both our bodies and souls to each other. That way there will be nothing hidden between us." He gently pushed the strap off her shoulder, never taking his eyes from hers.

Harry's heart was pounding so hard in her chest she wondered if Sev could hear it. Staring up into the black pools, she lost herself for a moment. She understood what he was asking. She could feel his love and desire through her empathy. Slowly, she nodded in acquiescence. He removed her other arms from the straps. The silk nightgown slid to the floor around her ankles. With another swift movement, he pulled the drawstring on his pajama bottoms, letting them fall. They stood naked together in the fading firelight, Severus gently tracing the outline of her body.

"Sev..." she whispered, acutely aware of his manhood.

"Sh..." he soothed, pressing a slender finger to her lips in understanding. "I will never hurt you, Harry," he murmured tenderly. "My pleasure will be in yours." Lifting her chin, he gently sought her mouth, enveloping her with his passion.

Harry's body responded. A feeling of warmth crept down her abdomen as his hands moved down her back. His mouth became more insistent. Releasing her tongue he planted warm kisses on her neck. Pulling back momentarily, his black eyes sparkling with love and desire, he scooped her up into his arms. Carrying Harry over to the bed, he set her down in the middle, smoothly sliding in beside her...

Remus chuckled evilly. Sirius gasped with pleasure as he lay back on the bed, Remus kneeling in front of him.

"Moony," he moaned. "You weren't kidding about slow torture."

"Never underestimate a horny werewolf," he answered mischievously. "I have only just begun to play."

"Ooohhh..." The Animagus took in a sharp breath. Remus had lowered his mouth and was running his tongue up and down. "Moony...please..." he begged. "I...surrender." Sirius squirmed, reaching down to pull his mate closer.

Remus growled softly with pleasure at his lover's submission. Giving him a gentle nip on the thigh, he teased him once again with his tongue, slowly letting his lips move back down his stomach...

Severus brushed the hair from Harry's face settling himself on his side. Her emerald eyes were wide with anticipation. He nibbled on her soft earlobe then ran his tongue down her neck. He began to fondle her soft breasts, smirking as she sucked in a tight breath. Lowering his head their lips met once again, her tongue pushing into his mouth first. He continued to tease one breast and then the other.

Harry was growing more excited and slowly began to relax as Severus toyed with her breasts. 'Damn, I wish I had read Hermione's copy of that sex manual I gave her when she got engaged! I have no clue what to do," she thought frantically. 'What did Mrs. Weasley say? I should just use my instincts. How am I supposed to do that?!' Her panicking thoughts were interrupted when Severus shifted position and once again ran his tongue down her neck. This time he didn't stop there.

Severus was watching his bride closely. He realized she was relaxing under his hands but was also distressed. 'I know she must be worried that she will not be any good. If I have to, I will help her. Although, it is delightful that she is so shy," he mused. 'I think it's time for a bit more teasing. Her body will do the rest.' Softly breaking their kiss, he slid his tongue down along her neck, bracing himself for her reaction; he let it slide over her right breast. She stiffened slightly. Looking up he quirked his left brow with an unasked question. Harry nodded uncertainly in agreement. Lowering his head back down he gently kissed her right breast while fondling her left. Harry closed her eyes and leaned back into the pillow...

Sirius ran his hands through Remus' hair. Growling with pleasure, he bucked lightly beneath the continued onslaught of the werewolf's sweet torment. Moony had both hands planted firmly on his thighs, deftly nipping and teasing. He wasn't sure if he were in Heaven or Hell as the fire in his limbs grew with each passing minute when his mate lifted his head and stood over him once again.

"It seems to me you're the one having all the fun," Remus remarked, cocking his head.

"Then why don't you join me in the bed? I can guarantee you will not regret it," Sirius replied, giving him a saucy grin. "We'll see who really howls with delight," Sirius said, pulling Remus down beside him in a passionate embrace. Their tongues were flicking behind one another's teeth. He proceeded to stroke the werewolf's body with his own in a gyrating frenzy of twisted limbs.

"Padfoot... I... need you..." Remus groaned. "I...can't wait...any...longer!"

"Oleaceus," Sirius muttered the lubricating spell into Remus' ear, pulling him onto his knees. "Now who is enjoying a bit of torture?" He laughed wickedly, straddling him from behind.

"I think we will both be grateful for that silencing spell tonight, Padfoot," Remus croaked.

"I do believe you're right, Moony," Sirius whispered. Remus leaned back to meet him. Two minutes later two simultaneous howls reverberated from the walls. Both wizards were grateful for the silencing charm as they met their release. They tumbled back to the bottom of the bed panting, their bodies' slick with sweat.

A misty figure watched furtively as the sleeping child shifted in her sleep. The wait would be over soon. Revenge would be more than sweet. The child was the perfect choice. No one would suspect until it was too late. A new body and a new life to be had with no one the wiser. The little one was gullible and easily used.

"Soon she will take her place in the mirror and I will be free." A twisted smile graced the face within the mirror with the thought of the havoc that would be rendered. "Yes, Little One, dream. Dream of the mama you have lost. Your deepest desire will be the downfall of them all. I will enjoy seeing the looks on their faces when they realize the soul of Phaedra Snape no longer inhabits her body but has been replaced with mine. Ha, ha, ha." The cackling laughter drifted throughout the Limbo behind the mirror; the other dark inhabitants knew better than to come near the one who watched...

Harry rested her head back into the pillows as Severus' mouth closed over her breast. Instinctively her hand moved to his head playing in his fine silky hair. Her tension melted as a wave of heat moved through her. She moaned softly, sensations of hot and cold tingling within her, sending shockwaves of desire down her abdomen.

Severus was more than a little pleased with the response he was eliciting from Harry. He also found her youthful breasts delightful. He could feel his erection but was more than able to control himself. His release would come soon enough. Harry's newfound desire was more important. He wanted to initiate her properly. He tenderly kissed her breast one last time, raising his head to find her lips once again.

Harry met Severus' eyes before their lips met. The passion and tenderness they showed moved her deeply. In that moment she understood how much he truly cared. There was no need for words. Their mouths met, tongues twisting and rubbing against the roofs of one another's mouths. Wrapping her arms around him, she ran her hands over the soft skin of his back. She could feel his hardened member resting against her thigh.

Severus could feel Harry rubbing his back as he deepened his kiss. 'That's right, Harry, just relax and let your desire take over,' he thought. 'I shall awake senses you didn't know existed. Bewitching your mind and creeping through your veins to touch your nerves like fire and ice. With our first union you will understand how deeply I care for you. Tonight is your night. I mean to make it special.' Severus slowly broke from the kiss. Once again he fondled her breast before letting his slender fingers trail over her abdomen...

Sirius and Remus lay nestled in each other's arms, heads resting on their pillows, content with the quiet intimacy that had ensued following their frenzied lovemaking.

"Padfoot...Are you asleep?"

"Hmm? Just dozing, Moony. Is something wrong?"

"No, not at all. I couldn't be happier right now. I was just thinking about how things have turned out for all of us."

"I know, Moony. I'm sorry I have been such a prat lately about Harry and Severus."

"That's okay, Padfoot. I would have been worried if you hadn't been."

"I can't help caring about her."

"I care about her too, you know. If Severus can make her happy than that's all that should matter."

"You're right. I guess I'll just have to get used to the idea some more. He really isn't that bad once you get past that mask he always wears. Just don't let him know I said that," Sirius warned, chuckling. "I may still have a few pranks up my sleeve."

"I won't say a word," Remus snickered. "But if I were you I would keep a safe distance from Harry when you do. She may just turn it back onto you."

"Hey, who said I won't prank my adorable goddaughter too?" He grinned wagging his brows.

"Oh no. Why do I think we are in for a round of prank wars?" Remus groaned.

"Ah...now that is something to dream about...eh, Moony?"

"Go to sleep, Padfoot."

"I was doing just that when you decided to have a late night chat. Now I'm wide-awake. Are you up for another round?"

Remus just gave him a boyish smile allowing his hands to creep down Sirius' abdomen...

"Sev, that tickles!" Harry giggled as his finger trailed down her stomach.

"Does it?" He quirked his brow amused.

"Uh huh..." she muttered, closing her eyes as he ran little circles through her hair.

"Don't you like it?"

"I didn't say that." She smiled, opening her eyes to look at him.

"Good," he answered, seeking her lips. Once again, he deepened the kiss, continuing to fondle her for a few minutes. 'That's the girl, you're getting there,' he mused, as she ran her hand down his back and over his buttocks and thigh. 'I won't push. You'll reach around when you're ready. In the meantime I believe a little enticement is in order.' He smiled inwardly. Trailing his fingers in the fashion she was now becoming comfortable with he let his hand slide down the side of her groin, slowly separating the soft outer folds of her womanhood.

Harry stiffened for a moment but did not break away from him. Instead, she tightened her arms around his shoulders seeking his reassurance. He continued to cradle her in his other arm, kissing her slowly. She relaxed once again, parting her thigh to allow him access.

Severus lazily moved his fingers teasing her soft flesh. Harry's eyes were closed as he eased out of the kiss to nibble on her ear while he explored. He had found his mark and began to massage it. Moving his finger in a tight circle he waited patiently for the response he knew would be forthcoming.

Harry sucked in a sharp breath, a delightful tingle spreading though her lower body. Instinctively she stretched into it, separating her thighs, allowing Severus greater access. Opening her eyes, she sought his mouth, as her breathing deepened.

Severus released her ear lobe with a gentle nip. Meeting her mouth he matched her insistent kisses with his own. He continued to tease her; delighted that she was showing such signs of pleasure at his intimate contact. She moved her hands over his back and thighs, letting her fingers run back up his stomach to his chest and down again. 'You're getting warmer, love, but perhaps I need to give you a little bit of a push,' he considered wryly. 'Although, your modesty is refreshing.' With this thought in mind, he calmly moved his outer leg and wrapped it over Harry's. His erection was firmly pressed up against her.

Harry felt Severus shift his weight slightly, pinning her leg beneath him. Rubbing up against her thigh, he continued to send waves of heat through her. Gathering her courage she knew what he wanted her to do. Swallowing nervously she ran her hand back over his thigh and onto his lower abdomen. Her fingers lingered there for a moment. Shyly, she reached down to explore. Severus took a deep breath as her small hand started to stroke him tenderly. She was grateful that the fire was down to embers now since she could feel the flush creeping up her cheeks...

Remus had Sirius pinned beneath him having reversed their previous roles with this second round of intimacy.

"Oh, Moony, what ever you do don't stop!" Sirius begged.

"What would you do if I did?" the werewolf asked, thrusting into him once again.

"You don't want to find out!" Sirius grunted as Remus reached around to fondle him. Sirius gasped with pleasure as Remus teased his senses.

"Never fear, my love, I have no intention of stopping. I find your body absolutely delicious," Remus told him, drinking in his scent. His heightened senses told him of his mate's desire as he pressed back into him.

"Remus, I know I don't tell you often enough but I love you very much. I promise never to doubt you ever again," Sirius sobbed, waves of pleasure coursing through him.

"Me too, Padfoot...me too..."

Severus tilted his head back with pleasure, watching Harry beneath hooded eyes, as she explored his lower body. Her touch was light. She shyly continued to move her hand with a steady rhythm. He sensed her discomfiture and gave her a squeeze of encouragement. 'Now, I hope this won't make her uncomfortable, but I don't want her first time to be too painful. I look forward to the time when she will enjoy my next exploration,' he pondered, considering his next move. He cautiously moved his hand downward, gently performing a perfunctory test.

Harry jumped, drawing back sharply, a stab of pain running through her. She looked at Severus wide-eyed and anxious.

"Sev," she breathed. "That hurt!"

"Shh...I'm sorry, Harry, it's all right," he whispered huskily, kissing the tip of her nose. "Lay back now," he said, keeping his fingers still so as not to alarm her further. 'Damn, this is not going to be as easy as I hoped. No matter, there are other ways to get her to relax enough when the time comes. I just didn't want to push her tonight not knowing how she will react.' Leaning over he nibbled on her ear once more then sought her lips for a deep kiss. She was still a little tense so he patiently waited until her breathing evened out once more. Then he continued exploring her intimately.

Harry curled into Severus as his tongue ran over the ridges on the roof of her mouth. She knew what he was doing and let him lead her now. 'I hope it doesn't hurt too much,' she worried silently. Severus had somehow shifted his hand so that he was able to stimulate her without any discomfort. She slowly settled down as a new wave of tingling sent pleasant shock waves up inside her body.

Severus was watching Harry closely. Easing his tongue from her mouth, he lowered his head to tease her breast once more, moving his hand from between her legs to fondle her. Harry once again began to breathe deeply, the heat of desire reinforced within her...

"Moony..." Sirius sighed contentedly. "Let's never get out of bed again."

"As nice as that sounds, Padfoot, I don't believe it will be possible." He nuzzled his lover's neck.

"I know...but it's a nice thought." He yawned. "Let's get some sleep. I'm taking Phaedra flying tomorrow."

"I hope you know what you're doing. Harry will kill you if anything happens and Severus will chop you up for potions ingredients."

"Not to worry, Moony, I have everything under control."

"That's what worries me, Padfoot...Padfoot?" Remus turned to look at Sirius when he didn't comment and smiled fondly. Sirius was sound asleep.

Harry was enjoying the feel of Severus' explorations once again. Her hand was drifting through his long locks. Every now and then, she would pull him to her. He would tease her wickedly when she did this, sending waves of excitement through her. She looked down when he shifted his position beside her.

'Okay, time to drive my little one insane with delight. I hope she isn't put off but I know she understands about the various ways to stimulate the sex drive. Although, I won't push her do the same to me tonight. She's not ready but it will come in time,' he reflected, smiling inwardly. 'In the meantime...'

Harry sank back with a low moan. Severus was running his tongue down from her cleavage onto her abdomen, slowly tracing the outline of her navel. 'Now this is really nice,' she thought as another wave of butterflies ran through her. She was totally unperturbed by his actions and found them more than a little erotic. Reaching down, she ran her hand through his hair. He playfully nipped her inner thigh. She was aware that he was subtly shifting downward but was becoming too aroused to care.

Severus gradually worked his way down to her thighs, teasing her with his lips as he went. He knew that soon he would have to take his bride and consummate their union but he wanted her to welcome his embrace. He would be as careful as possible to avoid causing her undue pain. However, he knew she would have some discomfort. He could lessen this if she was fully relaxed and willing. His next actions would help this along. Severus had never known a woman who did not writhe with pleasure at this form of intimacy.

Harry looked down as Severus kissed her thigh one last time and lightly pushed her legs apart to slip between them. She was puzzled for a minute as he was down so low. 'What in Merlin's name...' Her thought was interrupted as a sudden shock wave burst through her body. His tongue found its mark.

Harry's breathing deepened considerably. Instinctively moving to allow him more room, she reached down tangling her hands in his hair. Her body was on fire. She thought she would go crazy with the agony of it all. There was a sweet throbbing like waves of electricity running up and down her body.

Subtly, Severus observed Harry's reactions. He knew he had done the right thing. He would have to take her in a few minutes. His own need was becoming overpowering. He would do his best to keep her stimulated while she was uncomfortable, keeping her pain as brief as possible. 'I want her to remember the pleasure of her first time not the discomfort,' he thought.

"Severus, I love you so much," Harry moaned, arching her back as another wave of excitement coursed through her.

"I love you too," he answered softly.

"You...you're...driving me...insane."

"That, my dear, is the idea." He smirked. "Did I not tell you that my pleasure would come from yours?"

Harry was reminded of a snake the way he moved his tongue. 'Figures he would be in Slytherin. Now I know the real meaning of a snake in the grass." She moaned quietly to herself. 'Oh, Merlin, I can't take much more of this.'

Severus raised his head as Harry's breath came in short gasps, her body trembling with desire. With delicate and slow movements, he moved up to kiss her soft stomach, then her breasts, first one then the other. His loins were aching with the desire to possess her. It was time...

Tiberius leaped from the bed. Phaedra was crying. Grabbing his robe, he ran down the hall, almost colliding with Remus and Sirius. They all rushed into her room together. Phaedra was sitting up in bed, crying hysterically.

"Phaedra, it's all right." Tiberius wrapped his arms around the child's shoulders.

"Uncle...I...had a...dream about...mummy," she sobbed, burying her face in his chest. "She was...all...alone...and trying...to find...me."

"Sh...Phaedra," Remus' soft voice consoled. "It was just a bad dream."

"Uncle Moony is right," Sirius confirmed. "We all have bad dreams once in a while. I think maybe you had too much cake at the party tonight," he said, trying to lighten her mood.

"I only had two pieces!" She pouted turning her head to look at the Animagus.

"That is one too many," Tiberius agreed, going along with Sirius' attempt to distract her from the nightmare.

"Aunt Harry said I could have them."

"Hmm...I'll just have to have a word with that goddaughter of mine then."

"Uncle Sirius, please don't yell at her."

"Don't worry he won't." Remus eased her anxiety. "If I know him, he will just play a prank on her."

"Can I help? Why didn't she come in with Uncle Sev?" Phaedra looked around bewildered.

"Severus decided to take her away on a brief honeymoon for a few days," Tiberius answered patiently.

"She said they weren't going anywhere."

"It was a surprise. She didn't know. He kind of kidnapped her," Remus explained.

"Who will stay with me then?"

"We will of course! And do I have a special day planned for you tomorrow," Sirius boasted.

"What is it?"

"Ah...if I tell you now it will spoil the surprise."

"Uncle Tiberius, do you and Moony know what it is?"

"We do. You can be certain you will love every minute of it," Tiberius replied.

"Will you tell me, Uncle Moony?"

"Nope, can't do that. But I will tell you we all have things planned for you over the next three days."

"Really?" Her eyes opened wide with excitement, the nightmare fading to the back of her mind.

"Wizard's Honor." Remus winked. "Now why don't you try and get back to sleep. It will be morning before you know it."

"Will someone stay with me?"

"I'll be happy to keep you company so long as you don't mind a puppy dog at the bottom of the bed." Sirius grinned, transforming.

"I'll stay too," Remus agreed, conjuring a comfortable chair into a bed.

"What about you, Uncle?"

"As much as I believe in children facing their fears I think this is a special incidence. I certainly do not wish for my nephew and his new bride to hex me upon their return. Harry was most concerned about your being alone." He hugged his niece. Settling her back down in the bed the elder wizard stretched out beside her. "Just don't expect this all the time."

"I won't, Uncle, I promise."

The group settled in for the night, Remus on his small bed with Padfoot curled up at Phaedra's feet. Tiberius was amused with the Animagus. He briefly wondered if he missed curling up to protect Harry now that she was grown. Fortunately, now that the Dark Lord was finally gone, there would be no more serious threats...

"Harry," Severus drawled softly, "I want my wife."

Harry looked into his black eyes. They were burning with passion. Her heart was beating rapidly and she ached with newly awakened desire. Severus continued to toy with her left breast while propping himself up with his other arm to study her face in the dim light. Her mouth was suddenly dry and she liked her lips. Green eyes were locked with onyx. She forced herself to say the words that her body was crying out for. The words she knew he wanted to hear.

"I...I want...you...too, Sev."

He nodded, kissing her warmly. Harry took a deep breath as another wave of heat ran through her. Instinctively, she reached down to help guide his hand with her own as he lay above her. Severus heart sang with joy at her unexpected action. His delight was doubled when she impulsively shifted her legs, allowing him easier access to that which he so desired. Nevertheless, she still stiffened anxiously. Holding himself steady, he refused to allow her to panic at the last minute.

"Relax, Harry, do not be concerned. I promised to do my best not to hurt you and I will," he whispered in his soft baritone. "Just trust me."

"I do. I want you to make love to me. I'm just nervous."

"I know," he answered, nuzzling her ear and tweaking her breast at the same time.

She groaned softly turning her head seeking his mouth. Meeting her lips, he pushed his tongue past her teeth enjoying the feel of his tongue meeting hers. He deepened the kiss. She drew her arms around his back reveling in the feel of his warmth. His loins were screaming at him to complete the act. Yet, he still held off for one more minute, allowing her to relax. He then tightened his arms around her and gave two rapid thrusts.

Harry was burning with an unspoken need as she surrendered herself to Severus' kisses holding him close. His mouth became more insistent and he held her tightly to him. Her mind was reeling when she felt the first thrust. She couldn't hold back a soft sob with the second one. A tearing pain passed through her lower body as they were joined for the first time.

Severus wanted to go on but he did not want to give Harry any further distress. His swift intrusion had shocked her. It was the only way to avoid giving her a good deal of pain. This way it was over quickly. He held her tenderly, smoothing the hair from her face as she looked at him wildly for a moment.

"I'm sorry, Harry, but this was the only way. If I went slowly, you would have been in too much discomfort. I didn't want you to have to be afraid of being in pain," he whispered in apology. "Shh...The hard part is all over," he said, soothing her with his hypnotic baritone.

"I...I'm...okay." She trembled haltingly. She was confused and distressed. The pain was not unexpected but her burning desire for him was now intensified. Severus lips quirked in a slight smile of understanding.

"You are a terrible liar. It is a good thing you told that old hat not to put you in my house. They would have eaten you alive." He teased, kissing her gently, fondling her tenderly.

"That's not true and you know it!" she huffed indignantly. "And I wish you wouldn't do that." Harry nodded towards his hand.

"Why not?"

"Because..." she answered weakly. 'Damn he's driving me crazy again and he knows it!'

"I happen to like these lovely breasts. If you find my actions so repulsive then why don't you stop me?" He sneered, reminiscent of her school days.

"You're laughing at me." Harry unsuccessfully pretended to pout.

"Am I? I hadn't realized," he chuckled wickedly, leaning down to kiss her.

"You know for a former Death Eater and a spy you're really out of practice when it comes to keeping your mouth shut," she taunted, squirming beneath his probing hand.

"Ah...But since we no longer have any secrets from one another..."

"Okay. I give up," she sighed, pushing his hand tighter against her.

"Humph...just a little tweak here and there and you're putty in my hands." He threw back his head laughing. Harry was calming down nicely now. He sensed she was practically climbing the walls with desire.

"I would be careful if I were you. Give me enough time and you may just meet your match," she replied, with a sly grin.


"Uh huh," Harry mumbled, leaning in to kiss him, rubbing his back.

"That's what I'm counting on," he stated. Embracing her fervently, he began to move his hips.

Harry moaned softly with delight, surrendering herself to her husband's controlled passions. He thrust leisurely at first, his hands and mouth continuing to work on her newly awakened desires, sending wave after wave of electricity through her. Gradually he became more insistent embracing her passionately. Harry started to move with him. This surprised him at first but he was pleased with her attempts as his own need began to overtake him. 'Hold back, Sev,' he berated himself. 'Don't spoil it for her by letting go first.'

Harry's body was slick with sweat. She could feel her desire building to a frenzy. Severus had helped her to move with him. She was becoming frantic for some kind of release, kissing him with abandon. She still felt some mild discomfort but it no longer mattered.

Severus' own need was threatening to explode. He was sweating hard with each movement and Harry was trying furiously to keep up. He smiled to himself. She would eventually be his equal in bed but he suspected she would allow him to be the dominant one when it came to initiating their lovemaking. He had no problem with that. He was used to dominating people from his days as a Deatheater. If the most powerful witch of the age wanted to allow it who was he to argue...

Tiberius shifted uncomfortably beside Phaedra. Something had awoken him. Looking around he saw that the Animagus was also awake and so was the werewolf. All of their senses were on alert and Sirius was growling softly in his throat, ears perked, and nose twitching in the air.

"What is it?" he mouthed to Remus.

"I'm not sure but it isn't good," the werewolf answered softly.

Sirius was standing up on the bed, the hackles rising on his back, staring at the mirror. Remus squinted using his own heightened senses. Harry had been right. Something was wrong with that thing.

"Remus?" Tiberius looked from one to the other.

"Get Phaedra out of here. I don't know what it is but something is wrong with that mirror."

Tiberius didn't have to be told twice. He grabbed the little girl and ran for the door but it slammed shut. Sirius leaped from the bed, putting himself between them and the mirror as Remus cursed. He had left his wand in their room. Thinking fast, he jumped up, grabbing the mirror from behind. Dragging it into the bathroom he slammed the door. Phaedra had woken up in the confusion. She was crying that they were hurting her friend and that she had to get to her mum. As soon as the mirror was out of sight, Tiberius tried the door. It opened easily. The three wizards fled, carrying Phaedra from the room. Padfoot dashed up the hall. Grabbing his wand in his teeth, he ran back to the child's room. Transforming back into his human form when he reached the child's door, he quickly sealed the room with a locking charm, warding it against any further disturbances...

Harry moaned one last time as Severus made love her. In that moment, her muscles contracted, sending a wash of tingling spasms through her with a blissful release. She was panting heavily. Severus held her to him and thrust one final time planting his seed deep within her belly.

They both lay quietly resting for a few minutes. Severus slowly moved off to lie beside her. Neither spoke as he gently wrapped her in his arms. She nestled up against him resting her head on his chest. He kissed her lightly on the top of her head while drawing slow circles on her back. Severus silently thanked all the deities in creation for sending her to him. If this was his reward for all the years of fear and pain while spying on the Dark Lord then it had been worth the wait.

For the first time in her life, Harry James Potter Snape knew what it was like to be truly loved. Her soul was finally at peace. She drifted off to sleep, blissfully unaware that the darkness had begun once again, raising its ugly head to threaten her new found family...


Author notes: Sorry, sorry, sorry this has taken so long but I have had to make a lot of changes to satisfy the mods. For those of you who are old enough the origina version of this chapter is available on my Yahoo group. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and rest assurred that chapter 9 is already written but needs to be put onto my computer due to loss of my old one. I promise to do it shortly!