Remus Lupin Sirius Black Severus Snape
Mystery Romance
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 02/22/2005
Updated: 03/02/2008
Words: 99,629
Chapters: 16
Hits: 21,007

Black Mirror


Story Summary:
Harry and the Protectors are home for the summer at Snape Manor. Wedding Plans are being made but a mystery is about to take place which will affect them all. Will Harry be able to protect Phaedra from losing her soul? AU Female Harry

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
Sev and Harry's big day begins!
Author's Note:
This is for all of you who have followed me faithfully.

Black Mirror

Chapter 6

The Formal Joining of Souls II

"Aunt Harry...Aunt Harry wake up! You and uncle Sev are getting married today!" Phaedra's high-pitched voice pierced the veil of Harry's foggy brain. "Come on, Aunt Harry." The little girl grinned lifting Harry's right eyelid bouncing boisterously on the bed as she shoved her face up against Harry's.

"Arrrggghhh..." Harry growled. "What time is it?"

"Ten o'clock. Uncle Sev said you should have a lie in today cause you'll be up late tonight. I don't know why but then Uncle Moony and Padfoot laughed."

"They would," Harry grumbled reaching for her glasses. 'They better not prank me on my wedding night. Come to think of it Fred and George better not either!' She mused as the memory of last nights magical music filled her brain.

"Aunt Harry why are your cheeks getting red?"

"Hmm...?" Harry rolled over distracted by Phaedra's question.

"I wanted to know why your cheeks are red. Do you have a fever?"

"What...no...I...uh...was just thinking about...uh...kissing your uncle."

"Why would you get all red from that? You kiss Uncle Sev all the time," Phaedra questioned, her brow knitted into a puzzled frown.

"Oh... I was just thinking about doing it in front of all those people at the wedding," Harry lied. 'I wonder how old Phaedra should be before I tell her about the birds and the bees. I know she's only seven but maybe I should ask Mrs. Weasley about explaining a few things. I have no idea if Circe ever explained anything about female menses. I read where it can start as young as nine. Mine were delayed because I was so undernourished but still started by almost sixteen.' Harry scrunched up her face thoughtfully.

"Aunt Harry what are you thinking about? You look funny."

"I'm just thinking about you and how you are growing up," Harry replied ruffling her blond curls. "Now how about you let me get into the shower. Then I can have a quick brunch before the hairdresser arrives and we have to start getting ready."

"Are you excited?"

"Yeah are you? It's not everyday you're a flower girl."

"I hope I don't forget to drop the rose petals."

"You won't and I'm sure everyone will say what a good job you did." Harry smiled as she climbed off the bed. Passing the mirror as she headed towards the bathroom she noted it was now uncovered. She couldn't suppress a shudder as a feeling of cold crept over her skin but the only thing in the mirror was her own reflection. Harry took her time in the shower the hot water helping to relax her anxiety. 'This must be those wedding jitters they all kept talking about yesterday.' She smirked to herself as she wrapped her body into a fluffy towel surveying her face in the bathroom mirror. 'Well Miss Potter, today is the first day of the rest of your life,' she thought. 'You have certainly earned it.' She grinned pulling out her contact lenses from the cabinet. Deftly putting them into her sparkling green eyes Harry smiled. Despite her restless night, she was truly happy and it showed. Discarding the towel, she secured her bathrobe and returned to the bedroom.

"What are you going to wear? Can I pick out your clothes?" Phaedra asked.

"I have decided not to get dressed till it's time to put on my gown and robes since I won't be going downstairs."

"How come? Don't you want to see Uncle Sev?"

"It's bad luck to see the groom before the wedding," Harry chuckled. "I think you should take a bath while I eat."

"Do I have to?" Phaedra pouted.

"Better now than later. We have a busy day. The ceremony is at three and the others will be here by twelve o'clock so the hairdresser can do our hair. It's already ten thirty."

"Okay but I better go and tell Uncle Sev and the others we will be staying up here."

"Good idea. Have them send up the others when they arrive. We will be having our day of beauty," Harry teased using Phaedra's favorite phrase for dressing up as the child skipped from the room. Summoning Winky, she ordered a tray of food and then turned her attention back to the mirror. Standing in front of it she no longer could feel anything unusual nodding with relief. Opening her bathrobe, she surveyed her naked form. "Not too bad," she muttered. Harry noted the firmness of her breasts and the slender curve of her hips. "I would have decent figure if it weren't for the scars old Tom left me with." She deftly ran a finger over the fine white lines crisscrossing her abdomen between her navel and the soft triangle of black hair covering her private parts. Another scar ran along her left side down onto her thigh. Despite all of Madam Pomfrey's ministrations, she could not heal all of Harry's scars from the final battle. "Poppy did the best she could," Harry remarked to her reflection closing her robe once again. "I just hope Severus isn't put off by them too much. Fine wedding night I'll have if he thinks they're disgusting," she sighed. Harry knew Severus was aware of her scars but she still felt self conscious and insecure. He had never actually seen them. A tray materialized on the small table near the hearth just as Phaedra returned. Flopping into a chair, she began to eat a slice of toast turning her attention to the child.

"Uncle Moony says 'Happy Wedding Day' and Uncle Padfoot said he will be up to see you in a little while. Uncle Sev said to tell you he loves you," Phaedra giggled.

"Well I love him too," Harry laughed.

"He said he would see you at the ceremony and wanted me to remind you to make sure you give his ring to Uncle Padfoot so all the rings are together. Headmaster Mr. Dumbledore has to put the spell on them before the ceremony."

"I won't forget. It is in the box on the night table."

"Can I see it?"

"Sure bring it here," Harry directed. Phaedra retrieved the small box and Harry opened it to reveal a gold band entwined with the pattern of a serpent."

"Does yours look the same?"

"Mine has a Phoenix on it and the silver rings for Sirius and Remus both have a Griffin. Each has an inscription inside."

"What do they say?"

"They're all different but you can read the one I put into your Uncle Sev's now if you want."

Phaedra carefully took the ring from the box and examined the inscription.

"Severus, the ever watchful serpent who fills my heart with the song of the Phoenix, Harry," she quoted. "What do the others say?"

"Mine says, 'Harry, the Phoenix whose song has filled my heart with joy resurrecting my soul from the darkness.' Remus' ring says, 'the Griffin with the cunning of the wolf, guardian of the Phoenix,' and Sirius' says, the Griffin with the fidelity of the dog, guardian of the Phoenix."

"I think that's nice."

"Yeah me too, Harry smiled, "now go and take your bath. You want to get your hair done don't you?"

"I'll be done in a jiffy! Today you are 'ffically my aunt!"

"That's officially now get a move on or we'll be late for the wedding!" Harry laughed nudging her in the direction of the bathroom. A few minutes later Harry heard her splashing around in the water singing joyfully...

Tiberius was seeing to the last minute arrangements. The ladies would ride to the village in a coach drawn by the winged horses, the animals enchanted so that the Muggles would not see their wings. He was also putting the final additions on the bubble potion instructing the house elves on where to secret them. Fairy lights would decorate the gardens once it got dark and the ballroom was set up for a group of classical musicians. Dumbledore had also enchanted the ceiling to reflect the sky like the one in the Great Hall at Hogwarts. The Weasley twins had provided the fireworks. Extra house elves had been brought in from Hogwarts to assist in the preparations for the dinner feast and ball to follow.

Sirius, Remus and Severus were sitting in the library discussing the upcoming graduation ceremony and new term at Hogwarts. Each was reminiscing about their school days trying to kill time before having to change into their dress robes for the wedding. Sirius shifted uncomfortably in his chair somewhat distracted as he cast occasional surreptitious glances in Severus' direction. This was not lost on the Potions Master nor was the feigned innocent expression on Lupin's face. Severus was growing increasingly annoyed sensing that Black had something other than school business or former pranks on his mind.

"Black you are more up tight than an Erumpent during mating season," the Potions Master scowled, "and Lupin can't keep a straight face every time he looks at you. It's not as if your wedding night was a new experience for either of you so what is going on?" Severus arched his brow with a sneer.

"Severus I believe Sirius wants to discuss something with you pertaining to Harry," Remus snickered studying the ceiling.

"Harry? What is wrong with her? Is she ill?"

"No. She's fine as far as I know and I want her to stay that way," Sirius remarked studying his former rival intently.

"Why shouldn't she? Has there been any news of the few missing Deatheaters?"

"This has nothing to do with any type of threat. As far as I know the Aurors have no new leads and Harry is safe."

"Then what are you talking about!" Severus questioned growing more annoyed.

"Severus I think Sirius wants to have a little chat with his goddaughter's prospective bridegroom," Remus stated calmly.

"What the devil are you both talking about?" Severus looked between the two men.

"Sev as Harry's godfather I feel it is my duty to... well...remind you that she's a virgin."

"I am well aware of Harry's innocence Black. What are you getting at?"

"I just wanted to make sure you take it slow later on tonight. If I thought for one minute that you were in any way rough with her I would hex you into oblivion," Sirius glared protectively.

"First of all, Black, what Harry and I do in the privacy of our bedroom is none of your business. Secondly, if you had one iota of common sense you would realize that I would never do anything to hurt her!" Severus exclaimed crossing his arms with an angry scowl.

"Severus calm down. Sirius is just nervous and concerned about Harry. He knows you love her but felt is was his obligation as her godfather to have a little prenuptial chat with you."

"Humph, he practically accused me of wanting to rape her."

"I apologize Snape; I just don't want Harry to remember her first time in a negative way. You know as well as I do that for some young women their first time is painful. I guess I got a bit carried away worrying about how she will react," Sirius explained sheepishly.

"I accept your apology but you needn't have been concerned. I would never be rough with Harry nor would I ask her to do anything she finds distasteful."

"Now that the two of you have settled your apparent concerns I suggest we go and say hello to Hermione and Ginny. I can hear them in the hall talking with Dobby along with Molly Weasley. They arrived just as you were finishing your discussion," Remus said casually. The three men quickly rose to go and greet their guests before the ladies went up to join Harry and Phaedra...

Harry was helping Phaedra to dry her hair when there was a knock on the bedroom door. Getting up she opened it to find Molly and her friends beaming at her.

"Harry dear," Molly said sweeping her into a motherly hug, "this is going to be one of the happiest days of your life and I am so thrilled to be a part of it."

"Geeze, Mum, give the poor girl a chance to breathe," Ginny giggled.

"Are you nervous yet Harry?" Hermione asked.

"She's all excited. Me too!" Phaedra babbled racing over to hug everyone hello.

"I'm sure you will do a wonderful job today Phaedra." Molly beamed hugging the child.

"I take it the hairdresser hasn't arrived yet?" Hermione observed.

"I'm sure she'll be here in a little while. Do you all have your gowns?"

"Dobby took them to make sure they didn't need a last minute pressing," Ginny answered. "It must be nice to have the elves to help around the house."

"Ginny! You know how I feel about keeping house elves," Hermione interjected.

"Mione we pay Dobby and Winky. The others were here before I came and seem quite happy. They have served the Snapes for generations and wouldn't understand if we tried to free them and give them clothes."

"I know but it just seems so unjust."

"Well I for one wouldn't mind having even a paid elf," Ginny remarked. "Is this the mirror you bought in Diagon Alley Phaedra?" she questioned studying her reflection.

"Yes, isn't it beautiful?"

"It looks positively ancient. Do you know anything about it?" Hermione asked coming up behind her sister-in-law.

"All the man said was that it was part of an estate. It was in terrible shape when we found it in the shop," Molly replied. "Now that it is cleaned up I believe it may be some kind of antique."

"Is that a name or something?" Phaedra queried.

"No dear. An antique is a very old and valuable article."

"My mirror is worth money?"

"It may be if your uncle can learn anything more about it," Molly said dismissing the subject. The mirror made her feel decidedly uncomfortable. She was saved from further comment by another knock on the door and hurried over to open it for Harry.

"Molly I believe these are your gowns," Sirius stated jovially, entering the room. "I intercepted Dobby on his way and decided to bring them up myself."

"Sirius, Phaedra said you would be up." Harry grinned at her godfather who was leaning in the doorframe.

"I wanted to wish my best girl good morning on the happiest day of her life. In a few hours I'll be lucky if I can even get a word in edgewise."

"Don't be silly." Harry hugged him. "I plan on dancing with you and Moony tonight and we will all be seated together at dinner."

"Ahh...but you will only have eyes for him. Old Padfoot will be neglected," he joked.

"Don't worry, Sirius, I'm sure Harry will sneak you a few scraps under the table," Ginny teased referring to his animagus form.

"Harry, how do you ever keep him under control?" Hermione rolled her eyes.

"He has been difficult to house break but we're getting there." They all broke up laughing. "Where's Moony?" Harry questioned glancing around him into the hallway.

"Taking a cold shower. All this romance was getting to him."

"Right...where is he really?"

"In a cold shower. I charmed the spigots to keep him under control," Sirius responded mischievously as a loud oath suddenly erupted from down the hall in their room. "Oops...I better go. I think he is planning a counter attack. I'll see you at the ceremony love." He quickly glanced over his shoulder before kissing Harry and darting down the hall.
"Sirius Black, you come back here!" Remus voice exclaimed as he burst from their room chasing Sirius down the hall wearing nothing but a towel. They all erupted into peals of laughter at the sight as Harry swiftly closed the door.

"You don't think he'll hurt him do you?" Hermione questioned once she caught her breath.

"Nah...He'll just think of some prank to get even later," Harry giggled.

"Remind me to tell Remus what nice legs he has later, will you?" Ginny grinned while Molly glared at her disapprovingly.

Harry just winked at her friend as they were interrupted once again by the arrival of the hairdresser. The next few hours were spent happily chatting as the beautician worked her magic and the girls donned their wedding attire. Arthur would meet Molly downstairs and they planned to apparate to the ceremony together. Ginny and Hermione had talked her into surprising her husband. They knew he would be pleased when he saw how lovely she looked. Harry waited patiently once the others were ready. She still had to put on her own gown and robes having only donned her underclothes.

"Harry why aren't you putting on your clothes?" Hermione asked. "We've been waiting all day to see you in them."

"I asked Harry to wait and that I would help her. She's as much my daughter as Ginny and I also want to have a few minutes alone with her before we leave."

"Uh oh," Ginny whispered, "I think Mum wants to have a sex talk."

"Great," Harry blushed. "So what do I do?"

"Just go along with her. It will make her really happy."

"Right," Harry whispered back.

"Why don't you three wait downstairs for Arthur? Harry and I will be down in a few minutes," Molly directed.

"Good luck," Ginny mouthed with a wink behind Molly's back as she left the room with Hermione and Phaedra.

As soon as Molly was certain they were downstairs, she turned to Harry.

"Let me help you with your gown dear," the elder witch stated taking Harry's gown and robes from the garment bag hanging by the closet.

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley." Harry allowed her to help her dress, slipping on her shoes before pulling on the matching cloak. They looked in the mirror together and Molly couldn't hide the tears.

"You look radiant," she sniffed putting an arm around Harry's shoulders. "You may not have come from my own womb but I couldn't love you more if you had."

"I know Molly." Harry looked down at her hands suddenly finding them quite interesting. "I...love...you too," she stuttered shyly. Molly hugged her gently kissing her cheek.

"Now before we go I just want to have another small word with you," Molly said calmly. Harry looked up nervously. "I think you probably know all about the birds and the bees so I won't go into the specifics. I just want you to know that well...sometimes...a girl's first time can be a bit uncomfortable."

"Was yours?" Harry blurted feeling her face grow crimson.

"Let's just say that Arthur was very considerate of my needs," Molly responded her face a red as Harry's. "I am sure that Severus is more than a little experienced in these matters. He loves you very much Harry. Trust him to know what to do."

"I do," Harry answered, unable to meet Molly's eyes. "I just hope I will know what to do."

"Don't worry, you will. Trust your instincts," Molly stated amused. "Now I think it's time we got going. You don't want to be late. I'm sure..." she was interrupted by a soft knock on the door. "Who is it?"

"It is only me, Molly," Dumbledore's soft voice responded. "Arthur is here. May I come in?"

"Of course Albus." Molly swung open the door allowing him admittance. "We were just getting ready to leave."

"May I have a moment with Harry? I have decided to accompany her in the coach for added security."

"Certainly. Is there a problem?"

"No but the press is there and with such a large crowd gathering I felt it might be prudent."

"I understand. I'll just go on ahead then with Arthur."

Dumbledore nodded turning his attention to Harry while Molly headed off to find her husband.

"My dear if I were seventy years younger..." He beamed blue eyes sparkling like sapphires behind his half moon spectacles. "You look beautiful." He embraced her affectionately kissing her forehead.

"Thank you." Harry beamed back, green eyes locking with blue, her smile reaching her eyes. "I like your robes." He was wearing silver blue decorated with silver lightening bolts.

"I felt they were appropriate to the occasion," he chuckled warmly. "I need Severus' ring Harry. Sirius forgot to retrieve it before. I didn't quite understand his explanation. He kept muttering something about a wolf and a towel." His blue eyes were twinkling merrily.

"Trust me when I tell you that the Marauders were in rare form this morning," she chuckled handing him the box form the nightstand.

"Then I know this will definitely be a day to remember," he laughed. Taking his wand from within his robes, he placed all the rings in front of him. Muttering a spell under his breath, he tapped each ring in succession. A brilliant blue glow emanated from them before fading with a shower of white sparks.

"You have got to teach me some of those spells."

"This is ancient magic, Harry, and as soon as I feel you are ready I will begin teaching all four of you."

"Cool," she grinned.

"I believe we have kept the others waiting long enough. Severus will be in a rather anxious state if we are late." He offered her his arm leading her from the room.

"Actually he will probably say something like, 'Late as usual, Potter. Did no one ever teach you about punctuality?' Then he would give one of his famous glares at you thinking, 'Damn Albus' blue eyes. I hate that infernal twinkle,' and we'll all laugh cause for once in his life he will have forgotten to occlude his mind." Dumbledore threw back his head laughing at her impersonation of the young wizard as they made their way down the stairs. Half way down, they were met with several gasps. Ginny and Hermione were smiling broadly. Phaedra was staring up at them, brown eyes wide with delight.

"Aunt Harry you look so beautiful. Uncle Sev is going to faint."

"I don't think he'll faint, Phaedra, but I think he will be at a loss for words," Hermione remarked sensibly.

"Either that or he will skip the reception to whisk Harry off somewhere private," Ginny teased. "Somehow I don't think he is going to want to be away from her for long."

"Thanks and I should say the same for you and Mione."

"What about me?" Phaedra demanded.

"You, Little One, will give young Weasley's date a run for her money," Dumbledore told her affectionately, escorting them from the manor.

Phaedra, Ginny and Hermione took the lead coach while Dumbledore and Harry were in the second. Once settled they headed off down the long drive towards the road to the village. Harry looked out the window with interest. The local people lined the streets waving handkerchiefs. She noticed that the wizarding folk had attached them to their wands disguising them as small flags. Harry was excited and nervous at the same time, unconsciously twisting the engagement ring on her finger. The closer they got to the church the more anxious she became. Dumbledore gently placed a hand on her head and muttered a calming spell when they arrived. The girls entered the building first, the Aurors and local police keeping the crowds back. Dumbledore then assisted her from the coach amid camera flashes and excited reporters. As they entered the Knave, she spotted a beetle hanging on a large tapestry out of the corner of her eye but Dumbledore had already seen it.

"Rita Skeeter I suggest you transform back immediately before I take measures to assure you are removed from the premises," Dumbledore warned coldly. He was staring directly at the beetle, blue eyes like fire.

"I apologize, Dumbledore, but this is big news," she answered returning to her human form. "As a member of the press..."

"Leave the building now or you will never write another word," he warned. "I will not have one of our most ancient ceremonies disrupted. This ceremony is by invitation only."

Rita looked cowed and headed back towards the door. Harry knew she could feel the angry waves of magic coming from the Headmaster.

"Rita wait one moment," Harry called softly causing the witch to turn back. "If you leave your photographer outside and promise to only print a factual account of the ceremony and stay clear of the reception I will allow you in."

"Dumbledore?" She looked at the ancient wizard for confirmation.

"Do Harry and I have your word that you will do as she asks?"

"I will," she replied without hesitation. "This ceremony is the scoop of the century. Besides I am not fool enough to try and breech the wards at the castle later on."

"Very well then, take a seat in the back of the room and be quick about it." She slid into the back of the church without another word. "Are you sure about this Harry?"

"If she's inside at least you can keep an eye on her. I may not like the woman but when she does print the truth she does a good job."

"I agree," he smiled. "Now I believe the others are waiting." He glanced into the inner room. "I shall take my place and then you and Phaedra may enter." He hugged her one last time and disappeared up the center aisle.

"Aunt Harry I'm scared," Phaedra whispered.

"Me too," Harry winked. "Just look up ahead and don't forget to drop your petals."

"I won't." Phaedra turned with a determined look on her face as the music stopped for one moment before changing to the traditional wedding march. "Go ahead." Harry nudged her gently as the onlookers rose.

Once Phaedra was partway down the aisle, Harry appeared within the archway. Taking a deep breath she looked around before starting down. Hermione and Ginny were standing up front behind Dumbledore. Draco and Ron flanked them on either side, resplendent in their Auror dress robes. Remus and Sirius were standing on opposite sides of the aisle facing one another, their heads turned to look at her. Sirius had the biggest grin she ever saw while Remus' eyes were glowing proudly, a boyish smile lighting up his features. Their dress robes were dark red trimmed with gold to signify their former Hogwarts house, which offered the protection of the Griffin. It briefly registered in Harry's mind that the Weasleys were in the front pew reserved for family. Arthur's arm was around his wife's shoulders to keep her from crying. Tiberius was also in the first pew but on the opposite side, signifying he was the groom's closest relative. Hagrid was in the second row behind the Weasleys, sitting next to the Dursleys. Her Aunt Petunia's horse like face was strait but her lip was twitching slightly. Uncle Vernon seemed subdued but there was a calculating look in his eyes. Dudley just seemed bored. Her friends and the other members of the Order were scattered about the church along with the rest of the family members.

Harry took all this in quickly as she made her way forward before locking eyes on Severus. At that moment, everyone else became a blur on the edge of her mind. His tall straight form awaited her arrival at the top of the aisle just below where Dumbledore stood on the alter platform. His dark eyes were glittering, a smile at the corners of his lips, as he drank in her appearance. Harry smiled back. His dress robes were in his traditional style but were a dark shimmering silver gray trimmed in green satin. The Snape family crest was embroidered on the right side. Harry was pleased he was not wearing black.

As Harry reached Sirius and Remus, she was vaguely aware that Phaedra had slipped into the pew beside Tiberius. Stopping between the two wizards, they each kissed her briefly telling her how beautiful she looked before she stepped forward beside Severus. Sirius and Remus turned to stand behind them as Sev took her arm and they faced Dumbledore.

"Welcome everyone," the headmaster greeted, "we are here today for a wonderful and solemn occasion. However, before I begin the final Rites of Union between Harry and Severus I have another happy announcement to make." His blue eyes were twinkling furiously as he looked at Remus and Sirius. "Last night in a private ceremony with the consent of Harry, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin were joined in wedlock under the rules of the Protectorship and will be sharing in today's festivities. They were not able to have many of you present as their decision to marry was only made yesterday and there was not enough time to notify everyone. Please welcome the happy couple."

The room burst out with much applause and Harry could hear Sirius grandmother and Cousin Andromeda sobbing happily. Remus' parents also seemed genuinely happy. She was also aware of a snort coming from her Uncle Vernon. 'I'll bet that went over really well,' she thought pursing her lips in amusement. 'I wonder if Uncle Vernon is turning purple yet.'

"Now let us begin the ceremony," Dumbledore continued once the excitement had died down. "It is my pleasure as a Senior Mage and Keeper of the Trust for the Protectorship to perform the Formal Rites of Union for these two young people. I have watched them both grow up and did my best to aid them in their moments of darkness. May the rest of their lives be filled with happiness and light. Remus and Sirius will you please step forward and accept the Rings of Guardianship?"

"I will," they answered in unison.

"Then repeat after me one at a time beginning with Sirius. I, Sirius Black, godfather and protector of Harry James Potter do hereby declare my fealty. I will continue to guard her and offer my protection for the duration of my life. I will also stand ready to defend Severus Snape, the protector she has chosen to join in wedlock under our ancient laws." Sirius followed Dumbledore's instruction without a flaw and gave Harry a wink. "Harry will you and Severus place the silver ring on Sirius' left hand please?" They both did as instructed and Harry could feel a brief energy charge.

"All ready Remus?" Dumbledore smiled. Remus nodded grinning happily.

"I Remus Lupin, friend, teacher, and protector of Harry James Potter do hereby declare my fealty. I will continue to guard and protect her for the duration of my life. I too will stand ready to defend Severus Snape, the protector she has chosen to join with in wedlock under our ancient laws," Remus recited calmly, golden eyes shining.

Harry and Severus placed the ring on Remus finger and she was met with another brief burst of energy. 'I wonder if Severus can feel the energy from the spells too?' she mused as Remus and Sirius resumed their positions behind them.

"Severus Snape do you hereby swear your fealty as the Protector of Harry James Potter and accept her hand in wedlock as your wife?" Dumbledore asked.

"I do."

"Harry James Potter do you accept the protection of Severus Snape and accept his hand in wedlock as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Then join hands and recite your vow to one another."

"Harry I have watched you grow from a frightened child to a beautiful young woman. I was not always kind or generous to you and often unjustly criticized you. Yet, you kept trying to understand me and only offered kindness. I buried myself in an icy shield but somehow you were able to break through to find the soul I had thought lost. I will never hurt or wrong you again. Always remember that I love you even if I do not state if often enough. I will love and guide you through the rest of my life."

"Severus when I first met you I thought you cold and mean, yet you were always watching out for me. You saved my life more times than I dare to count. Somehow, I knew that the image you projected was nothing more than a façade to protect yourself from the hurt and loss in your life. You were a man who had forgotten how to hope for anything better, yet you turned away from the darkness, which threatened to consume you. I understood your pain of loss and loneliness despite your desire to punish yourself for your past wrongs. I took a step and reached out to you. Even though you hesitated, you reached back. I knew what ghosts lurked inside of your heart and determined to vanquish them. I hope I will always continue to do so for hidden beneath those years of anger and pain I found a warm, kind, loving human being. I love you."

Molly Weasley was sobbing openly now and silent tears were running down Hermione's face. Ginny's lower lip trembled and Hagrid's sobbing echoed through the entire building. Harry heard Remus whisper to Sirius.

"We did a good job Padfoot."

"Yeah, Moony, we sure did," he whispered back, voice husky with emotion.

"Severus will you and Harry place your rings on one another and then join hands with Remus and Sirius." They did so and once again. Harry was aware of the magical energy they contained. Then Dumbledore waved his wand over them. The golden ropes appeared in a blaze of light connecting them all once more before fading. However, Harry and Severus' rings were glowing a bright blue. "By the power invested in me as Head Wizard of the Wizengamot and Keeper of the trust I now pronounce you husband and wife. Kiss your bride Severus." Dumbledore beamed with enthusiasm.

Harry looked up at Sev and he met her eyes, taking her into his arms. Their lips met in a passionate kiss. As they did so, Harry could feel the energy surge from her ring through out her entire body. She knew he felt it too. They broke apart to cheers and clapping, making their way back down the aisle. Tears of joy glittered in her eyes and the church bells pealed out to announce to the people waiting outside that the marriage of the Viscount was concluded.

Harry and Severus waited patiently on the receiving line to greet their friends and family members. Everyone was hugging, laughing, and shaking hands. Even the Dursleys seemed to be on their best behavior. Although her Uncle seemed nervous when shaking Severus hand and Aunt Petunia's hug was forced. Harry ignored it though and just as they were getting ready to leave for the coaches, her jaw dropped in shock.

Sirius was staring at Severus with a strange look in his eye and Severus was looking back. They both looked over at Harry when Sirius shrugged and giving a wicked grin grabbed Severus into a huge bear hug.

"Sev, I might be a right bastard at times but I want you to know I meant what I said in there. If you're what makes my goddaughter happy then you're all right in my book."

"My god, hell must be freezing over." Ron gaped.

"Don't be silly, Ron, they all just love Harry. She's what made them all realize they were acting like children," Hermione admonished. "Isn't that right, Harry?"

"Harry?" Ron shook her shoulder to get her attention.

"Uh...Hermione...I think Ron was right. Sev is hugging him back!"

The wedding attendants all erupted into raucous laughter at the expression on Harry's face. Severus merely took her arm, calmly escorting her to their carriage for the ride back to the castle. Ignoring the reporters, he nodded to the well-wishers in a dignified manner before helping her inside. As the carriage drove off, he threw back his head laughing at his bride's still dazed expression before gathering Harry into his arms kissing her passionately.


Author notes: Sorry for the delay but I got kicked back for editing and had to read HBP too. Snape is not Evil! I am going to do a Severitus challenge after Black Mirror which will have our AU Harry and incorporate HBP. Hope you all like this chapter and once again it is broken in half. The reception and wedding night are in chapter 7 which is almost finished. All stories go up on my Yahoo group first.