Remus Lupin Sirius Black Severus Snape
Mystery Romance
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 02/22/2005
Updated: 03/02/2008
Words: 99,629
Chapters: 16
Hits: 21,007

Black Mirror


Story Summary:
Harry and the Protectors are home for the summer at Snape Manor. Wedding Plans are being made but a mystery is about to take place which will affect them all. Will Harry be able to protect Phaedra from losing her soul? AU Female Harry

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
Harry, Phaedra, Molly, Hermione and Ginny go to Diagon Alley. Mr. Chang will read their tea leaves with a warning for Harry and Phaedra.
Author's Note:
Thanks to Wolf Star for beta reading this one.

Black Mirror

Chapter 4

Girls Day Out

Harry exited the floo system in the living room of the Burrow. Brushing herself off, she was greeted by the cheerful voice of Molly Weasley.

"Hello, Harry dear, how are you?" Molly bustled over, enveloping her into a bear hug.

"I'm fine, Mrs. Weasley. It's good to see you again." Harry smiled, returning the hug. They turned at the sound of a soft thud.

"Ouch!" Phaedra proclaimed. She had just come from the floo and was sitting on the floor, having landed on her buttocks.

"Are you okay?" Harry laughed, helping her up.

"Yeah," she giggled blushing as Mrs. Weasley brushed off her robes.

"Hello, Phaedra, are you excited about our shopping trip?" Molly smiled fondly.

"Yes, Mrs. Weasley. My uncle Tiberius gave me some money to buy something special today!"

"That's lovely dear. Do you know what you want to buy yourself?"

"Not yet, but maybe you can help me? My uncle says I have to learn how to handle money."

"Of course I'll help," Mrs. Weasley replied, pleased that the child had asked. "How much did he give you?"

"Ten galleons."

"Oh my, that is a good deal of money for a little girl." Molly Weasley shook her head.

"That's what everyone else said too."

"I think I'll just let your uncle know that you arrived safely," Harry stated, noting the look on Molly's face. She knew that Molly had always been frugal due to necessity while raising her seven children. The thought of Phaedra having ten galleons had to be more than a little disconcerting.

"That's a good idea Harry. I'm sure they would like to know." Molly nodded, wiping her hands on her apron.

"Snape Castle, Severus Snape," Harry said throwing a pinch of powder into the hearth. A moment later Severus head appeared in the green flames.

"Is everything all right Harry?"

"Yes. I just wanted to let you know that Phaedra got here safely."

"I had no doubt that she wouldn't," Severus sneered. "Hello Molly," he addressed the older woman who had come to stand beside Harry. "I hope your family are all well."

"Yes, Severus, we're all doing fine and looking forward to the wedding. With all the dreadful events of the past few years it's time we all looked forward to having some fun."

"Uncle Severus, Mrs. Weasley said she will help me to pick out something to buy!" Phaedra called.

"Indeed. Then I know you will spend your money wisely." He arched his brows in amusement. "Did you have any problems with the floo?"

"I landed on my bum," she remarked, rubbing her backside. "I forgot to bend my knees when I landed." Mrs. Weasley smiled and Harry couldn't suppress a chuckle. "It's not funny, Aunt Harry," she pouted.

"I'm sorry, Phaedra, but I used to have the same problem." Harry hugged her, playfully patting her bottom. "I usually landed flat on my back though and slid across the floor. I was more than grateful to Professor Dumbledore when he taught me how to apparate."

"Uncle Sev did you ever land on your bum too?"

"That question shall remain unanswered, Phaedra, as it is none of your business." He looked at his niece stoically.

"I'll bet he did," Phaedra whispered to Harry who rolled her eyes.

"Ladies I shall leave you now to your business. Have a good day," Severus remarked before disappearing from the flames as they all burst out laughing.

"Where is Ginny?" Harry questioned getting control of herself. "I would have thought she would have come down to greet us by now."

"She is over at Ron and Hermione's. I expect she and Hermione will be here any minute," Molly answered. "How about a cup of tea while we wait?"

"Okay." Harry and Phaedra followed Molly into the kitchen. Molly poured out the tea and settled Phaedra at the table with a glass of milk and some biscuits.

"So, Harry, are you excited?" the older woman queried.

"I suppose so." She shrugged.

"What's wrong dear? You don't seem as happy as you should be."

"I feel like I've had no say in this whole thing. I didn't even go over the guest list."

"Oh dear," Molly sighed. "I suppose that's my fault. With all you have been through, I rather took over as Mother of the Bride. I'm sorry. I should have spoken to you first."

"That's all right Mrs. Weasley. It was kind of you to think of me."

"Now, Harry, you know we all think of you as a member of the family." Molly patted her hand affectionately.

"Is it all right if I see the guest list? It's okay if you don't want me too though. I'm sure you invited all my friends and I trust your judgment. I know that you wanted me to not have to worry about everything." Harry looked at Molly, green eyes smiling with gratitude, not wanting her to feel as if she had done something wrong.

"There is no reason not to show you the list. I should have consulted you about it anyway. I was just so excited and happy. I didn't want to burden you with any more worries than you have already had." Molly rose from the table, picking up her wand from the counter; she summoned a sheaf of papers from the living room with a quick flick of the wrist. "Here you go dear. I hope everything is okay. There is still time to invite anyone I may have missed," Molly stated. Resuming her seat beside Harry at the table, she waited while the younger witch prepared to review the list of names.

"I'm sure you did a wonderful job, Molly." Harry beamed, yet her empathic sense was picking up a brief feeling of anxiety emanating from the older woman. Scanning the list, she read down the page, a smile curving the corners of her mouth. Most of the guests were school friends, Hogwarts faculty, Order members, and relatives of her protectors, along with various Ministry officials. She stopped abruptly when she reached the bottom of the page. Gasping, Harry looked up in astonishment, her green eyes reflecting shock and disbelief. The last names listed were the Dursleys.

"I'm sorry, Harry. I just thought that as your only living blood relatives that they should be invited. I know I should have asked you first but I really didn't believe that they would come."

"You mean Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon have accepted the invitation?" Harry inquired dumbfounded.

"Yes, along with your cousin Dudley. They only recently came back from New Zealand. Dumbledore told me that your uncle's company has been downsized and they had to come home. Your cousin lost his job completely and your uncle's division was cut in half. They are back on Privet Drive." Molly wrung her hands nervously as Harry continued to stare at her in disbelief. "You aren't angry at me for inviting them?" she queried fretfully, unable to hide her chagrin.

"No...no, Mrs. Weasley," Harry lied. "I'm just surprised they accepted."

"Well...perhaps your Aunt Petunia and her husband have come to realize what a wonderful person you are. I'm sure they must feel terribly guilty over the way they treated you. It's not unheard of to have a change of heart."

"Maybe, you can never tell with the Dursleys." Harry shrugged, biting back her anger. 'Change of heart my ass,' she mused. 'They can't be trusted despite what Molly may think. I just hope they don't cause a scene. I'm sure they're up to something.'

"Harry! Phaedra!" Hermione's voice exclaimed excitedly, interrupting Harry's thoughts as she dashed into the kitchen. "How have you been? Have you been here long?" The bushy haired girl greeted, enveloping her into a massive hug.

"It's great to see you, Harry," Ginny Weasley remarked with a grin, following Hermione into the kitchen. "How have you been, Phaedra?"

"I landed on my bum coming through the floo. Your mummy gave me some cookies so now I feel much better," she giggled.

"Hey guys it's wonderful to see you again. How does Ron like married life, Hermione?"

"His only complaint is that he hasn't been getting enough sleep," she blushed.

"Really and why is that?" Harry feigned innocence.

"You know darn well why, Harry Potter," Hermione laughed, her color deepening, "So don't take that innocent expression with me."

"She's keeping him really happy these days," Ginny added, continuing the teasing.

"It could be the other way around too," Harry laughed. "Just don't tire him out too much with his husbandly duties.

"Ahem," Molly cleared her throat, glancing over at Phaedra.

"What are husbandly duties, Aunt Harry?"

"Ah...taking out the garbage," Harry answered trying to think of a quick answer.

"Yes, and helping to do any repairs around the house," Hermione continued in a rush.

"And making sure Hermione stays happy and contented," Ginny added with a hint of mischief, nudging her sister-in-law.

"Girls, I do believe we should be on our way," Molly Weasley interceded before the teasing got out of hand. "I'm sure Phaedra has been looking forward to this trip for days. I know my own brood always loved a day at Diagon Alley." Molly took Phaedra by the hand and steered the group towards the fireplace. "I am sure we'll all have a wonderful day even though it does look like rain."

"I know we will," Ginny agreed. "I can't wait to go to the beauty salon and get my new dress robes."

"Now Ginny, do not get carried away. It was very nice of Harry to offer to get you new robes for the wedding."

"It is no problem, Mrs. Weasley. You are all my family and I want you to be happy. Besides, I cannot wait to see Draco's face when he sees Ginny all dressed up. You never know he may even propose, Gin," Harry chuckled, nudging her friend.

"Yeah Gin, I've seen how he ogles over you now. Just wait till he sees you all dressed up. You'll knock him dead," Hermione laughed.

"I hope so," Ginny stated good-naturedly.

"Miss Ginny, why do you want to kill Draco?" Phaedra asked in consternation.

"No Phaedra, it is an expression that means he will be stunned to see how good I look."

"Miss Ginny, you always look good."

"Thank you, Phaedra."

"Come along then, girls." Molly handed them all some floo powder from the canister on the mantle. "I'll go first and then you can send in Phaedra. We'll go to the Leaky Cauldron and make our way up the alley from there," Molly directed. They nodded in understanding before Molly disappeared into the flames, each following in succession.

"Hi Tom!" Harry waved to the innkeeper as she exited the floo and dusted herself off.

"Great to see you again, Harry. Everything all right?"

"Never better!" She grinned, following the others out towards the brick wall. Molly tapped the bricks in the way Harry was shown by Hagrid when she first visited Diagon Alley when she was eleven and they walked into the crowded street.

"Aren't you nervous you'll be recognized, Harry?" Ginny questioned. Her friends knew she didn't like the notoriety.

"I'll just deal with it. My scar is barely visible now that Voldemort is finally vanquished and my hair is long."

"You should have worn your contact lenses," Ginny commented.

"I have them with me in my purse. If too many people cause a scene I'll put them in."

"Harry needs to get used to all the publicity now anyway," Hermione remarked. "She is a grown woman and there will always be someone asking questions about what happened."

"You're right, Mione, as usual. I just wish they would not be so overly zealous about it."

"Aunt Harry, I think it would be fun to have everybody wanting to meet you."

"Unfortunately, Phaedra, that is not the case," Hermione explained knowingly. "People want to know Harry the celebrity and don't get to know the real person. It makes them feel important."

"Yes, and they make up all kinds of nonsense about you too." Ginny nodded in understanding.

"And it often is not very nice," Harry agreed.

"That's mean," Phaedra stated, frowning.

"Yes dear it is, but some people just want to get the attention," Molly snorted. "Now where do you all think we should start our little shopping spree?"

"How about if we go and get our wedding clothes fitted first. Then we can head on over to the beauty parlor. After that it should be time for lunch," Harry commented.

"I think that sounds fine." Molly led the group towards Madam Malkin's as they all chatted excitedly amongst themselves.

"Hello ladies," the bustling shopkeeper greeted them as they entered. "What can I do for you today?"

"We all need dress robes for an upcoming wedding," Molly said taking charge.

"Of course. Is it formal or semi?"

"Formal," Harry answered stepping from behind Mrs. Weasley.

"Harry Potter! It is good to see you again. I take it you are the bride?"

"Yeah." Harry nodded, her cheeks coloring.

"The whole wizarding world is talking about it, Miss Potter. It is the biggest event since the marriage between Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy. The only thing more talked about was your taking care of You-Know-Who."

"His name was Voldemort," Harry remarked quietly, watching as the others winced at her use of the Dark Lord's name.

"Yes, well...have you decided if you want a full witch's bridal outfit, or a dress in the Muggle style?" Madam Malkin inquired changing the subject to avoid any further discomfort and possibly lose Harry's business.

"I honestly haven't given it much thought. What do you all think?"

"I think you should wear full wedding robes," Ginny commented.

"No, Gin, Harry should wear the traditional Muggle wedding dress," Hermione countered.

"Some help the both of you are!" Harry grinned good-naturedly. "I think we will go with both. The rest of my family will also be needing outfits in which ever fashion they prefer." She waved her hand in the direction of the others.

"Then I shall show you all of our selections. We can also custom tailor to your desires too."

"That won't be necessary, Madam Malkin," Molly spoke up quickly. "It will be far too expensive."

"Don't listen to her, Mrs. Malkin," Harry quipped. "I will be paying for all of their garments." Harry gave Mrs. Weasley a challenging look, placing her hands on her hips. This did not deter the older witch from trying to dissuade her however.

"Harry that is most kind of you but it really isn't necessary."

"Yes, Mum, it is." Harry looked at Mrs. Weasley over her glasses. "It will mean a lot to me. You are the only family I truly had growing up and I want to do something special for you."

"But Harry..."

"No buts! I love you all and I can afford it. If it hadn't been for all of you, I might not be here today. Let me do this," Harry argued. "You have been my mother in all but blood and I want you to have something back in any way that I can give it."

"You already have dear." Molly hugged her, tears in her eyes.

"Then make me happy and let me do this. It will make me feel good," Harry sighed catering to the other woman's motherly instincts.

"Oh...very well... but do not get carried away!" Molly stamped her foot lightly, exerting an effort to assume her maternal authority, but there were tears in her eyes.

"Good! Madam Malkin if you could show us your wares now we will pick out a few and try them on."

"Excellent!" The woman stated leading them towards a section of her shop catering to wedding apparel.

The women looked around eagerly and made a few selections. Harry and the others helping Phaedra.

"Ooo...I like this one, Aunt Harry!" Phaedra pointed excitedly towards a royal blue set of robes trimmed in gold silk.

"Planning on becoming a Ravenclaw when you get to Hogwarts?" Ginny teased. "Their colors are blue and yellow."
"I'm sorry dear but those are for the older women," Madam Malkin explained. "I have others for you though." She led Harry and Molly over to another rack of samples.

"What do you think of these, Phaedra?" Harry questioned, as the child looked them over. "I know you like pink."

"No, I want something different. I always wear pink."

"Then why not get something in blue or green? It would accent your blond hair."

"Hmm...Can I get something with a pattern on it?"

"Of course," the shopkeeper said, noting Harry nodding in her direction.

"This is pretty." She had selected a powder blue with little silver butterflies flitting around it.

"I think it is rather busy," Molly stated. "How about this one?" She held up a dress in deep purple with lavender trim and an appliqué of a witch stirring a cauldron."

"I think my uncles would like it." Phaedra beamed.

"That one also comes with a matching lavender cloak trimmed in purple satin," Madam Malkin remarked. "Would you like to try it on Phaedra?"

"Okay," she agreed.

"You look around Harry. I will help Madam Malkin with Phaedra," Molly directed, following them into a fitting room.

"What do you think of this, Harry?" Hermione asked perusing the selections. She had picked out an amber colored gown with chocolate brocade trim, which highlighted her eyes and contrasted with her brown hair. The material would reflect with an iridescent golden glow when walking.

"Oh, I really like that for you, Mione. What do you think, Gin?"

"Ron will flip. Go and try it on, Hermione."

"What about you, Ginny? See anything you like?" Hermione asked.

"I really like this pale green with the forest green satin trim but I think it may be a bit too much green."

"Try it on. We can always see if Madam Malkin can change the trim," Harry suggested.

"All right," Ginny agreed smiling.

"How about you, Harry? Don't you see anything you like?"

"I have an idea what I want but I will wait for Madam Malkin. I'm not sure if I will have to have it customized or not."

"Hah! I knew you were thinking about what you wanted even when you denied it," Ginny chuckled.

"Not really, Gin, but I kind of got an idea in my head and it just won't go away."

"Well what is it then?" Hermione questioned eagerly.

"You'll see it when I find out if I need to have it done special. I have to speak with Madam Malkin first. Go and try on your outfits. I'll keep perusing while I wait."

"That's our Harry. Never divulges anything till she's ready," Hermione laughed.

The two girls entered the fitting rooms as Phaedra and Molly emerged. The girls stopped to admire her outfit.

"Phaedra you look so pretty!" Harry smiled. "Just like a little princess."

"I think it makes your blond hair really stand out," Hermione agreed.

"Maybe we could have her hair put up for the wedding?" Ginny questioned, sweeping Phaedra's hair off her shoulders to get an idea of what she would look like.

"Do you like it, Phaedra?" Harry asked.

"I love it, Aunt Harry, can we buy it? Pleeeassssee?"

"Do you want to make any changes in it?"

"No, I like it just like this."

"You will be the best dressed little girl at the wedding then." Harry winked with a nod. "Now why don't you two try yours on while Molly and I look around? She still has to find something too."

Molly and Harry quietly perused the racks of clothing while Phaedra watched in fascination. Molly seemed to prefer the less expensive sections while Harry pulled out a few possible alternatives, which the older woman would never have even considered due to the cost.

"Harry those robes are lovely but I would be uncomfortable in something so extravagant," Molly told her. Harry had selected a periwinkle satin robe with silver threads through out, trimmed with dark blue silk. "I think I would like to try this one on though," Molly stated, holding up a corn silk yellow taffeta with brown trim.

"Try them both on Molly," Harry insisted. She knew Molly would look stunning in the blue and it would highlight her red hair and blue eyes.

"Very well dear, if it will make you happy."

"As Severus would say, exceedingly so," Harry quipped just as her two friends emerged from the fitting rooms. "You both look stunning!"

"Do you really think so, Harry?" Hermione asked, pleased with her friend's reaction.

"I'm still not sure about all of this green. I feel like a Christmas ornament with my red hair," Ginny remarked.

"Hmm...I see what you mean, Ginny. Maybe if we change the colors to silver with the dark green trim? I have a feeling a certain blond Slytherin would like that," Harry teased.

"I have just the thing," Madam Malkin told them coming over to study their selections. I would have to make it up for you though. Let me show you the sample material." Ginny nodded and the shopkeeper disappeared into the back of the store. Returning a few minutes later, Ginny gasped. She was carrying an exquisite pale silver material, which appeared to be iridescent. "What do you think, Miss Weasley?"

"It's gorgeous. Could you trim it in the forest satin?"

"I think a forest green silk would be better. The satin shine would take away from the effect of the silver where as the silk would not have that problem. It would in fact make it stand out."

"Could she get a cloak to match?" Harry inquired, pleased with Ginny's reaction.

"Oh my yes, I could do the cloak in a solid green silk with a touch of the silver at the neck and cuffs."

"I think that would be fantastic!" Hermione grinned, looking at Harry.

"That makes two of us." Harry smiled warmly. She was genuinely happy at the excited expression in Ginny's eyes. Harry could tell she was thinking of Draco's reaction.

"I think Draco will faint when he sees her," Phaedra piped up, "and I don't even like boys!" The adults laughed at the little girl's remarks.

"I thought you liked my twin brothers?" Ginny kidded with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Well they're different!" Phaedra retorted.

"Ahem," Molly cleared her throat, shifting nervously. "Ginny, perhaps..."

"No!" Harry interrupted knowing Molly was worried about the cost. "This is my treat and I don't want to hear any more about money." Harry folded her arms across her chest and looked at Molly with a defiant smile.

"Oh, all right then," Molly gave in. She knew that both of her 'daughters' would argue incessantly if she continued and did not want either of them to be disappointed.

"Good. Now that that's settled why don't you try on the robes we picked, Mum?" Harry said, knowing that calling Molly mum always melted her heart.

"I'll be right back then." Molly went to the fitting rooms while Ginny busied herself with Madam Malkin who was taking her measurements. Hermione's selection had fit perfectly as did Phaedra's and the shopkeeper put them aside to be picked up later. Meanwhile, Harry contented herself with looking at various gowns; robes and material samples while Hermione took Phaedra over to a portion of the shop to select matching shoes for their new robes. Ginny joined them as soon as Madam Malkin was finished with her.

"Is there anything you like, Miss Potter?" the kindly businesswoman inquired?

"Yes, I rather like this flowing silk with the shimmering threads going through it."

"That is a lovely choice but how about a particular style?"

"Well...ah...I kind of have an idea. I know Professor Snape buys his robes here and I would like something in a similar style but somehow combining a Muggle gown at the same time."

"Hmm...Come on over to my drawing table and we will see what I can do." Harry followed her and Madam Malkin drew up some sketches by tapping her wand on various pieces of blank parchment. After a few variations, Harry beamed up at the older woman.

"That's it! That is the one I want," she exclaimed excitedly.

"I think you will be absolutely beautiful in it." Madam Malkin nodded, pleased with the outcome.

Harry had selected a high-necked form fitted dress with buttons down the front. The sleeves were tapered with a slight cuff at the end similar to Severus' outer robes. It had a matching long sleeveless cloak, which fit over it. The cloak would remain open, falling off her shoulders to form a train complimenting the gown. They then selected which materials to use. She chose a lightweight white satin for the gown. The cloak was a soft silk, which would have a rippling effect to billow out behind her in much the same way as Severus' robes as it fell into the train behind her. The edges would be trimmed in iridescent silvery white silk. Madam Malkin then suggested that the cuffs, collar and buttons on the gown be done in the same shimmery silk to complete the ensemble. Harry grinned with delight. Her smile widened when Madam Malkin reached beneath the counter and took out a pearl tiara and matching earrings with the same iridescence as the material. After taking a quick set of measurements, Madam Malkin assured Harry that the gown would be completed in plenty of time for the wedding just as Molly emerged from the dressing room.

"What do you think, Harry?" she asked. Molly had put on the yellow corn silk robes.

"It looks very nice on you, Molly." Harry tried unsuccessfully to hide her disappointment that she had not donned the blue robes.

"Don't worry dear. I will try on the other set too. I do like the yellow ones though. They are more my style."

"Don't make any judgments till you try on the others. You might like them better," Madam Malkin advised kindly. Molly nodded and turned back to the dressing rooms. She emerged a few minutes later to find all the girls waiting.

"That color blue looks absolutely gorgeous on you, Mum," Ginny enthused. "I think you should buy it."

"I still felt more comfortable in the other style. These are a bit too form fitting for my figure."

"I have an idea. Molly did look nice in the yellow but the color made her look a bit washed out with the red hair," Harry remarked thoughtfully. She hated to admit it but the style of the yellow robes did look nicer on her adopted mother. "Madam Malkin, could you make up a set of robes in the style of the yellow ones using this blue material?"

"Absolutely, Molly will look simply ravishing. While the other style suits her so does this color combination."

"I think that would be wonderful," Hermione agreed.

"What about it, Mrs. Weasley?" Harry inquired.

"Well..." Mrs. Weasley considered, "if you don't think it would be too much trouble?"

"It will be no trouble at all," the shopkeeper stated.

"Then it's all settled. As soon as Molly is measured and we both pick out matching shoes, we can head over to the beauty parlor."

"What about you, Aunt Harry? Aren't you going to get new robes too?"

"Ah...Madam Malkin and I designed my wedding robes while you were all busy. I am also swearing her to secrecy since I know the press will be trying to find out what I will be wearing," Harry stated looking over towards Madam Malkin.

"They certainly will not find out from me," Madam Malkin stated emphatically.

"Ooo...can we see the designs?" Ginny demanded excitedly.

"Nope, you will all see me the day of the wedding." She grinned mischievously.

"Harry that's not fair," Hermione pouted. "You saw my dress before hand."

"That's true and you looked very beautiful in it too." Harry smiled. Ron and Hermione had been married on the battlefield the day Harry had defeated Voldemort. They had also opted to go ahead and have their originally planned Muggle style ceremony a few weeks later, following a suitable mourning period for Hermione's parents and Charlie Weasley.

"Then why can't we see the pattern?" Ginny demanded.

"Because I want my two bridesmaids to be surprised when they help me get ready."

"What!" they exclaimed in unison.

"You heard me. I'm not really into this wedding stuff but I want you both beside me. That's what sisters are for."

"But Harry, we should have gotten similar outfits then," Hermione stated, perplexed.

"I told you I'm not into this wedding stuff to that degree. I wanted you both to wear what you liked, not some silly outfits you'll never wear again. Besides, we're having a traditional Wizarding service. The only one to go up the aisle will be Phaedra and myself. You guys will meet me at the front of the church along with the other attendants.

"Harry's right. The attendants stand on either side of whoever is doing the service to act witnesses. Since this is also a reaffirming of the original Protectorship with a final rite it is done differently," Molly explained. "I'm not entirely sure of the exact service but I believe Harry will stand with Severus. Sirius and Remus will stand behind them, one on either side."

"I will have to see if I can find any more information. I wonder if Dumbledore has any books relating to the ceremony." Hermione's eyes glowed with interest at the thought of reading about something new.

"Uh oh, Miss Hermione has that look on her face again."

"What look is that, Phaedra?" Mrs. Weasley questioned, while Ginny and Harry chuckled in unison.

"The one she gets when she talks about reading something," Phaedra informed her.

"Well before we end up in Flourish and Blotts I think it's time we headed to the beauty parlor," Harry laughed. She finished settling the bill with Madam Malkin and had the robes charged to her account at Gringotts. The shopkeeper assured her the new robes would be delivered next week. The group then proceeded through the streets to the beauty shop where Circe and Phaedra had taken Harry two years before. The same young witch greeted them and all the girls had their hair restyled. Harry made sure to explain that she wanted to keep hers long since she would be wearing a tiara for the wedding. She then arranged to have the beautician come to Snape Castle to style all of the girls' hair again for the wedding. Mrs. Weasley watched them all chattering away with a warm motherly expression when the beautician turned to her.

"Now what kind of hairdo would you like, Mrs. Weasley?"

"What? Oh no, I wasn't planning on having my hair done."

"You may not have planned for it but we did," Ginny smirked. "It's about time you paid some more attention to yourself Mum."

"It's really not necessary," Molly answered flummoxed by all the attention.

"Come on, Mum," Harry pleaded, once again catering to her motherly affections. "I think Arthur could use a nice surprise."

"Yeah Mum, it may put a new spark in your marriage. After all, now that we're all grown up I'll bet Dad would like to spend some alone time with you." Ginny gave her mother a sly look.

"Ginny Weasley, that will be enough," Molly reprimanded, knowing what her daughter was inferring. "Our marriage doesn't need a new spark. I didn't have seven children for nothing you know." The girls all giggled while Phaedra just looked confused. No one bothered to explain.

"I think it would be nice to do something different for a change, Molly," Hermione added.

"Why not get a hair cut? It would be the new you!" Harry encouraged.

"Well, maybe just a trim," Molly muttered seating herself in the chair the beautician indicated. Once her hair was washed and conditioned she studied Mrs. Weasley's features with a smile.

"Now just relax and trust me," the young witch insisted as her scissors magically began to trim at Molly's long red locks. Twenty minutes later Molly was staring into the mirror in shock.

"Oh my, what ever will Arthur say?"

"He will want to know what you have been drinking to make you look so young," the mirror replied. "I must say you don't look old enough to be the mother of these other young ladies." Molly flushed bright red with embarrassment.

"Dad's gonna think you're absolutely gorgeous," Ginny affirmed.

"Ginny's right, you look great, Mrs. Weasley." Harry was smiling so brightly Mrs. Weasley couldn't help but look at her with wonder. 'I can't recall ever having seen her so happy,' she considered, eyes filling with tears.

"Don't you like it?" Harry asked misconstruing the elder woman's expression.

"Harry, let your blocks down and you will find I have tears of joy to see you so happy," she said referring to Harry's empathic ability. Harry gave her a quick hug, feeling a lump forming in her throat.

"Now that that is settled I really would like to go to the book store," Hermione announced smiling.

"Let me just make arrangements to have Molly's hair done for the wedding too."

"Oh, Harry, that is really not necessary."

"Don't you want to help me get ready too?"

"I would love that dear." She beamed at Harry affectionately.

"Good," Harry said turning to the proprietress of the salon. A few minutes later they were back on the street. "I think it is going to rain any minute," Harry remarked looking at the threatening clouds. "Why don't we go to the book store and then have lunch."

"I'll vote for that," Hermione agreed.

"Me too, I'm famished," Ginny spoke up from behind.

"I want to go and see Mr. Fred and George!"

"We will stop at the joke shop as soon as we've finished lunch, Phaedra," Mrs. Weasley promised. "Then I have a few stops to make. Would you like to come with me to do your shopping?"

"Could I?"

"Certainly, have you given any thought to what you want to spend your money on?"

"Not yet but I'll know it when I see it."

"I think you should look for a wedding present for Severus and Harry," Molly whispered conspiratorially.

"That's a good idea! Can I get something for myself too?"

"I know a few shops that are not too expensive. We'll look around a bit and see what we can come up with."

"Okay." Phaedra laughed, pleased with the idea.

Once in the bookstore Hermione went right to the reference section for information on Wizarding weddings in conjunction with the Protectorship but there was nothing available. The girls browsed for a while. As usual Hermione bought some new books. They then headed towards the Chinese restaurant for lunch. Cho greeted them at the door and seated them in a secluded booth. She immediately conjured a pot of Chinese tea.

"Grandfather told me you would be along. He always knows these things." She smiled warmly. "He insists on reading your tea leaves before you all leave."

"That would be great," Harry told her cheerily.

"Humph, divination," Hermione snorted when Cho was out of earshot and they had ordered.

"Now Mione, even you can't say that sometimes there are real prophecies."

"I suppose not, Harry, but just the same most of it is just plain silly."

"Oh come on, Hermione, it will be fun. I hear Mr. Chang's never wrong." Ginny berated her sister-in-law.

"I think he just uses good sense and the wisdom of people's desires."

"He knew I would turn into a winged dragon."

"We all knew that!" Hermione defended herself.

"Maybe but he also knew I would come through a fire to do it." Harry shuddered at the memory.

"I'm sorry, Harry, I don't mean to dredge up those memories," Hermione apologized.

"No matter, let's just enjoy our lunch," she answered digging into the sweet and sour chicken that had appeared in front of her.

They all ate heartily on lo mein, egg drop soup, sweet and sour chicken, ribs, and steamed vegetables with pork fried rice and egg rolls. An ominous rumble of thunder greeted their ears just as they finished. Harry couldn't escape the feelings of apprehension, which continued to knot her stomach as another thunderclap with a burst of lightening announced the summer storm in all its fury.

"Lets hope it doesn't rain like this for the wedding or Ginny's graduation," Molly murmured as Mr. Chang came over to their table and bowed.

"It is my belief that only sunshine will grace those two wondrous events," he greeted. "It is good to see you all so well and happy." The ancient Chinese gentleman smiled.

"It is equally good to see you the same way," Harry replied.

"Ah...the feathered dragon knows how to keep an old man's spirit happy."

"It's good to see you again Mr. Chang," Molly stated respectfully. The old Chinese man had always awed her even more than Albus.

"May an old man join you for dessert? I suspect the little one may just be wanting something like strawberry ice cream." He nodded in Phaedra's direction. With a wave of his hand a large cup of her favorite dessert appeared.

"Thank you, Mr. Chang." Phaedra beamed with delight.

"You are most welcome, little one," he replied. Waving his hand once again a tray of almond cookies and other sweets appeared. "It would pleasure me greatly to read your leaves." He indicated the empty teacups.

"We would be honored, Mr. Chang," Harry responded, shooting a look of warning towards Hermione.

"Then I shall begin most respectfully with your matriarch." Molly smiled nervously as he picked up her cup and studied the leaves. "You are like a mother lion and protect your cubs fiercely. Each has given you much pleasure and pain but you have never ceased to see them as they truly are. All will fill your years with much happiness and many grandchildren. You will soon be graced with the first of them but not from where you would expect." His dark eyes twinkled merrily as Molly shot a look towards Hermione. He then picked up Hermione's cup. "You do not trust your inner voice but only wish to see that which is plausible. This will change with time. There is much in the universe, which remains mysterious. You will help to unlock some of these mysteries when you learn to listen to that which you cannot see." Hermione looked at him with wide eyes. She had just applied for a job in the research department of the Department of Mysteries and had not even told Ron. Next he studied Ginny's cup. "Ah...the spirit of adventure resides within. You will travel far with the one who shares your soul. Cats are always free to wander but return home." Ginny flushed up to the roots of her hair. Just prior to finishing school she had become an animagus. She was a small orange cat but was not yet registered. McGonagall had arranged for her to register after graduation. She would demonstrate her skill at the Graduation ceremony.

"Do me next," Phaedra begged through a mouthful of ice cream.

"Phaedra, don't talk with your mouth full," Molly admonished gently.

"The little one has yet to learn patience," Mr. Chang laughed. "It will come with time." He picked up her cup. "Harry, may I see your cup also?" he asked. She handed it over as the thunder pealed in the background. Mr. Chang studied the two cups intently. His face was set into a blank mask. "You have faced much together. Your love for one another is strong. It will help to bond and protect you. Reflections of the past will lead the Grimm to the truth during the time of the wolf. Golden eyes shall point the way. Things are not always what they seem. Look hard enough and you will see that which is hidden. The arm of the black serpent shall lead the way to the light for only the Phoenix may carry the one who has been lost back to the land of the living." Mr. Chang then blinked as all eyes stared at him. "I apologize. Sometimes I become lost in my thoughts." He looked at Harry and nodded with a mysterious smile, then rose from the table bowing, before he departed.

"What the devil was that all about?" Hermione questioned angrily. "He merely muttered in riddles."

"I hate riddles," Harry commented. "Especially when they appear to be some kind of prophecy."

"It sounded more like a warning to me," Ginny reflected. "What do you think Mum?"

"Mr. Chang is a very mysterious man. He will never tell you anything in plain English but he often knows things."

"Humph, I think it was just a lot of gibberish. He was putting on a show."

"Just the same, Hermione, I think I should put the memory of what he said in my Pensieve later on. It may be important." Harry could not tell her friends that every nerve in her body had been burning with terror during Mr. Chang's reading. Something was coming and it wasn't good. Something that would affect both Harry and Phaedra. She only hoped she could protect the little girl. 'Why is it always me?' she questioned in her mind. 'I hoped when Voldemort was gone I could have a normal life.'

"Aunt Harry, did Mr. Chang say something bad? I didn't understand it at all."

"No, Phaedra, he was just giving Miss Harry a riddle to solve."

"Oh, like a game?"

"Yeah, baby, like a game." Harry smiled reassuringly at Phaedra but her stomach was tied up in knots.

"Well I think the rain has stopped. Lets be on our way," Molly intoned. "I'm sure Phaedra would like to see Fred and George."

Harry quickly paid the bill glad to be out of the restaurant. As she exited the building to meet the others on the street some of her anxiety was dissipated by a large rainbow, which was hovering over Diagon Alley.

"Isn't it beautiful, Aunt Harry?" Phaedra bounced up and down on her heels.

"It sure is! I haven't seen one in quite some time."

"Is there really a pot of gold at the end?"

"I don't know. We should ask Dumbledore."

"That's just an old folk tale common to Muggles and Wizards alike," Hermione stated matter of factly.

"I don't know dear. The Leprechauns really are reputed to keep their gold in large pots and cauldrons," Molly informed them.

"Fred and George know all about Leprechaun gold. You should ask them about the time we all went to the Quidditch World Cup," Harry smirked. She knew Molly had no idea about her sons having bet on the outcome of the event and being paid in Leprechaun gold. Molly just looked at her quizzically.

The shop was busy when they entered and one of the twins was behind the counter with Lee Jordan. The other twin was demonstrating the newest version of the Skiving Snack Boxes to a group of kids who Harry recognized as some of the students at Hogwarts. As soon as they spotted Harry, they disappeared from the shop. They didn't want their teacher to catch them with snack boxes.

"Harry! Good to see you, but I dearly wish you would not scare off the customers," George laughed.

"Sorry George," Harry chuckled. She could tell the twins apart empathically by their emotional make up. "As a Hogwarts teacher it is my responsibility to make sure they tow the straight and narrow."

"You are certainly more responsible than my sons," Molly commented looking at her errant son. She did not see Harry rolling her eyes behind her back as George had all he could do to contain his laughter.

"Mr. Fredgeorge! I missed you both," Phaedra interrupted charging into the nearest twin to give him a big hug.

"And we," Fred began, "missed you too," George finished. "Our hearts," George continued, "are breaking," Fred added, "since you have not," George went on, "come to see us," Fred finished.

"Talk about being on the same wave length," Harry shook her head, chuckling. "I have never understood how they can do that."

"Me neither and I'm their sister," Ginny agreed, stepping up to hug her older brothers.

"Have you both got dates for the wedding?" Hermione asked. "Ron told me you were both seeing people."

"Ah yes...we will be accompanied by two beautiful young ladies," Fred remarked.

"Yeah, they are coming with Padma and Parvati Patil," Ginny smirked.

"Now little sister why would you give away our secrets?" Fred asked.

"It sounds like double trouble to me," Hermione snorted.

"Who are these twins? Do I know them?" Phaedra demanded. "I wanted you to be with me."

"And so we shall sweet Phaedra." George scooped up the little girl. "We will dance the night away." He then pretended to dance around the room, Phaedra laughing with delight.

"I really think you two should wait for her to grow up. It seems the perfect match." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"And perhaps we shall." Fred wiggled his brows.

"Just remember her Aunt is the most powerful witch around and her uncle the most unsurpassed Potions Master of the age. He is quite proficient with poisons." Ginny grinned wickedly as the twins pretended to cringe with fear.

"Don't worry Mr. Fredgeorge. Aunt Harry and Uncle Sev won't hurt you."

"Phaedra, we might believe that about Harry but your uncle is another story."

"Then I will turn him into a canary!" Phaedra exclaimed smugly.

The group continued to visit for a little while and the twins gave Phaedra some simple candies. Harry made certain they were not magically charmed to create havoc.

"Harry, I hear the Dursley's are coming to the ceremony," George remarked trying to look innocent.

"Yes, they are, young man and I expect the two of you to behave towards the Muggles!" Molly interrupted before Harry could reply. "I will not have Harry and Severus' reception ruined by the both of you."

"Don't worry, Mum. We would never dream of it," Fred placated.

"On the other hand we may just be the best entertainment," George whispered to Harry.

"Let's just see if they behave first," she whispered back. "I don't want any trouble."

"Right. We promise not to do anything so long as they do not cause you any problems."

"Thanks George," Harry responded. She knew he wasn't lying. Nevertheless, she decided it might be a good idea to keep a wary on them at the reception.

"Well it is time we got back to work," Fred informed them. "We have new wares waiting for the unwary."

"Humph," Molly snorted. "Come along Phaedra. I need to run those errands. Would you girls like to come with us?"

"No I need to pick up a few things at Quality Quidditch Supplies," Harry answered.

"I'll go with you, Harry," Ginny remarked. "Are you coming Mione?"

"I need to go over to the animal emporium. Crookshanks has been having a fur ball problem and I need to get him some medicine."

"Okay. How about we all meet back at the Leaky Cauldron in an hour?" Harry suggested.

"I believe that will be sufficient time to get my errands done and help Phaedra shop," Molly agreed. "Then we can all have a spot of tea or a cold drink before heading home."

The small group departed the twins shop amid hearty good-byes and all headed in their separate directions. Molly took Phaedra by the hand and Harry watched as they headed up the street. Her feeling of unease continued to assert itself. 'Probably just lack of sleep and pre wedding jitters combined with PMS,' she shrugged heading off with Ginny...

Molly went to the market to pick up a roasting chicken for dinner that night and then headed towards a small inexpensive gift shop. While Arthur made more money now that he was Minister of Magic, they were still far from wealthy, even with all of her children gone except for Ginny; not to mention that the twins still ate most meals at home with them before retiring back to their flat above the store. She still had to maintain a budget. Still, Molly wanted to get something special for Harry and Severus' wedding gift and knew that she might just find something in Wondrous Magical Gifts and Treasures. The store specialized in both new and used estate items. She felt they might have something of interest for both herself and Phaedra.

"I think you may find something to buy here, for Harry and Severus' present, Phaedra, as well as something for yourself," she told the little girl as they entered the shop. It was small and cramped with various items displayed through out the shop. Phaedra immediately began to look around. Molly was reminded of a young Harry. The child had that same sense of wonder and amazement. Molly hoped her curious nature would not get her into too much trouble.

Phaedra wandered around looking at different things while Molly spoke with the proprietor of the store. She had shopped there in the past and he was familiar with her tastes. Phaedra was quite taken with a display of hair clips, which could change color to match your outfit and a small locket made to look like a Phoenix.

"Do you see anything you like Little Lady?" the shop owner questioned.

"I like the hair clips and the pretty locket. It reminds me of my Aunt Harry."

"Aunt Harry? You mean your Aunt Harriet don't you?"

"No, my Aunt's name is Harry. She's famous."

"And what would your Aunt be doing with a boy's name?"

"My Uncle said she was named that to protect her as a baby. Everyone believed she was a boy till she was a teenager."

"Just why would that be." The man had decided to humor the child.

"To protect her form the Dark Lord. She killed him when she was a baby and then two more times till he finally went away for good."

"Right. That sounds like Harry Potter. You shouldn't make up stories like that young lady," he reprimanded.

"Phaedra is telling the truth. Harry Potter is her aunt. At least she will be in another two weeks when she marries Severus Snape," Molly interceded, her tone steely.

"Oh, Mrs. Weasley. I am sorry. I thought the child was just making it up," he apologized. "What can I do for you...er..."

"Phaedra," Molly informed him realizing he did not know the child's name.

"Well then, Phaedra, what can I do for you?"

"I need a present for my Aunt and Uncle's wedding and I want to buy something for myself too. I don't have much money though."

"How much do you have?"

"Ten galleons."

"Ten galleons. That is quite a sum for a little girl. I'll tell you what. I think I have the perfect gift for your Aunt and Uncle. I know he's a Potions Master at Hogwarts and head of Slytherin House. I understand Miss Potter was a Gryffindor."

"That is correct," Molly replied, "do you think you have something Phaedra would like?"

"I believe I may have something for you both. I should have realized you would be attending the ceremony Mrs. Weasley. As the Minister's wife..."

"Harry is like a daughter to me. I have known her since she was eleven years old. My son and his wife are her best friends." Mrs. Weasley cut him off.

"I beg your pardon. I didn't mean to appear rude." He then showed her a blank piece of woven cloth. I don't know if you have ever seen these but they are called Union Cloths. We embroider them with either family crests or create new ones and put the initials of the couple in the middle. I thought the little one would like to give one to Miss Potter and Professor Snape."

"I like that but what would I put on it?" Phaedra asked.

"Here are some pictures to get an idea," he placed a large book on the counter. She flipped the pages and looked at the images.

"Can I use any of these?" she asked.

"Of course but the more you put into it the more it will cost," he informed her.

"How much would it be if I put Aunt Harry and Uncle Sev's initials in the middle and then had a snake and a phoenix on either side? Her animagus is a phoenix. I also want to put a black dog on top and a wolf's head on the bottom. Uncle Sirius and Uncle Moony are her Protectors too. They shouldn't be left out."

"I have heard of the Protectorship. They are all joined by blood. Let me see how much it will cost."

The man disappeared into the back room while Phaedra continued to browse around. She kept feeling like she was being watched. As she was about to turn back to the front of the store she caught a reflection out of the corner of her eye. In the back of the shop there was an old beveled floor mirror. It was supported by two carved wooden snakes that formed the frame and met at the top. Phaedra was inexplicably drawn to the mirror. She was admiring herself when the salesman returned.

"I see you like that old mirror."

"I think it's really interesting. I never saw one like this before."

"I believe it is one of a kind. Would you like to give it to your Aunt and Uncle?" he questioned.

"No, I don't think Aunt Harry would want a mirror. I like it though. How much is it?"

"Well...let me think. The tapestry would normally be ten galleons but I have a smaller one that you could have framed and for five. That would leave five galleons for the mirror."

"I should think that the mirror would be more expensive than that," Molly chimed in.

"It is from an estate auction. I have no idea who it belonged to. The few people who seemed to be interested changed their minds. It is just taking up space in the store."

"Do you like the mirror Phaedra? It seems rather odd to me." Molly suppressed a shiver.

"I do like it, Mrs. Weasley, and my Uncle and Mummy were both Slytherins. I think it would be pretty all cleaned up."

"Very well dear but it will use up all of your money."

"I'll tell you what. I'll throw in the hair clips and necklace you were looking at before. No sense in having a mirror if you can't admire your reflection in something pretty."

"Very well," Molly conceded seeing the delight in Phaedra's eyes. How soon can you have the tapestry ready for Phaedra?"

"I can have them both ready within a few minutes. Have you made up your mind between the crystal glasses or the silver platter?"

"Yes, I think the glasses would be nice with the matching wine decanter."

"I shall wrap them up for you," the shopkeeper beamed. Returning to the back of the store to see to their purchases he was feeling both relieved and dismayed. 'Maybe I shouldn't let the kid buy that mirror but I'm glad to be rid of it. The damned thing gives me the creeps. Makes you feel like someone is watching you.' He shrugged off his morbid thoughts deciding he was just feeling out of sorts since the war. He was getting old. He could not have known that from deep within the mirror a pair of cold gray eyes was watching from within a pale face, the ruby red lips drawn into an evil smile...

Phaedra and Harry returned to Snape Castle in time for dinner. They were greeted by Sirius as they came out of the floo.

"Hey, how was the shopping trip?"

"Great," Harry responded, kissing him on the cheek.

"Mrs. Weasley helped me to shop," Phaedra stated indicating a small package in her robe pocket. "I'm going to have Uncle Tiberius enlarge my packages after dinner."

"Hey, what about me?" Sirius laughed.

"Nope, you can't see what I bought. It's a surprise for the wedding."

"Didn't you get anything for yourself?"

"Yes, I bought a pretty mirror. The man said it took up too much room in his store and he wanted to get rid of it."

"Really, that's interesting," Sirius looked at Harry who arched her brow with a shrug.

"I think it was because he thought I was lying when I told him about Aunt Harry and Uncle Sev. Mrs. Weasley yelled at him..." Phaedra giggled.

"I'll bet she did." Sirius grinned at them. He was more than familiar with the Weasley tempers.

"What's for dinner? I'm starved," Harry asked.

"Haven't a clue but it smells delicious." Sirius sniffed expectantly.

"Come on Phaedra," Harry said pulling on her sleeve, "let's get cleaned up and have something to eat."

"Do I have to take a bath tonight?" Phaedra questioned as they went up the stairs and Sirius went into the library to await dinner.

"Not till after we eat..." Harry's voice faded as the two girls disappeared up the stairs.

The two girls told about their day while they ate and then the house elves took Phaedra up to bed. She was too tired to argue. After kissing them all good night, she allowed Hazel to see to her needs. Harry hadn't mentioned what happened at the Chinese restaurant and Phaedra was too distracted to go into any details. Therefore, the four wizards were amazed when Harry went and retrieved her Pensieve.

"Harry why are you taking out your Pensieve? Was your trip that memorable?" Severus arched his brow with a sneer.

"Don't be silly Severus. I have something I want to show all of you. We told you Mr. Chang read our tea leaves but when he got to mine and Phaedra's...well...just let me show you." Concentrating on the memory, she placed her wand to her head. Extracting the silver thread she placed it into the metallic like fluid. A few moments later they were viewing the memory. When they exited the Pensieve the group all appeared thoughtful.

"I can't say if what Mr. Chang saw in the leaves is a warning or a prophecy but I am concerned. From what I can see, it appears that something is going to happen. Although, reading tea leaves is not usually a good indicator of future events," Tiberius remarked.

"I agree uncle; however, knowing Harry's past experiences I feel we should keep an open mind."

"What about Phaedra? It seems he was reading something in both cups which would indicate that whatever is going to happen will involve them both," Remus added.

"It's possible that it is simply something ordinary too. We could all be misconstruing the situation." Sirius tried to sound hopeful but his voice fell flat.

"Just tell me that it doesn't concern a certain dark wizard whom we all know and love," Harry remarked sarcastically. "I can not go through that again..." her voice trailed off as she closed her eyes with the memory of her final confrontation with Lord Voldemort.

"Harry," Severus put his arms around her shoulders comfortingly, "I sincerely doubt this has anything to do with another return of the Dark Lord. He was most definitely destroyed."

"Severus is right, love. If you don't believe us take a look at your forehead," Sirius stated firmly. 'Christ, I don't want her to worry about that bastard anymore. Hasn't she gone through enough already?' he questioned in his mind.

"I agree. Severus' Dark Mark would be back in full force if it were anything to do with Riddle, Princess. I think this may be something more mundane."

"I tend to agree but we should still be on guard. My niece does have a tendency to get into mischief." Tiberius arched his brow in amusement.

"I hope that's all it is." Harry looked up doubtfully.

"As Hagrid would say, 'what will come, will come,' and that is more than true." Sirius flashed his boyish smile.

"I think you will see things are not so serious after a hot bath and a good night's sleep," Severus commented. "Come on, I'll walk you upstairs."

"Yeah, you're all probably right." Harry rubbed her eyes tiredly. "It's been a long day."

Severus walked her upstairs to the bedroom, quietly returning the Pensieve to her closet shelf. They were careful not to wake Phaedra. Harry kissed Severus good night but did not wish to leave his arms too soon. They just stood embraced for a few minutes, Severus rubbing her back, Harry's head resting on his chest. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed his warmth, relishing in a feeling of love and security before he finally had to release her. He departed following a soft kiss and Harry headed into the shower before tumbling into the great bed beside Phaedra. She fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow, but her dreams were filled with Phaedra calling out to her from somewhere in the dark...


Author notes: I know the postings are not as frequent as usual but I want to maintain my standard or writing despite my heavy work schedule. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. The wedding will be next and the action is coming now that the atmosphere is set. For faster postings you can join my Yahoo group too as these are the two sites I use most.