Remus Lupin Sirius Black Severus Snape
Mystery Romance
Multiple Eras
Prizoner of Azkaban Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 02/22/2005
Updated: 03/02/2008
Words: 99,629
Chapters: 16
Hits: 21,007

Black Mirror


Story Summary:
Harry and the Protectors are home for the summer at Snape Manor. Wedding Plans are being made but a mystery is about to take place which will affect them all. Will Harry be able to protect Phaedra from losing her soul? AU Female Harry

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Severus and Sirius renew their conflict as Harry and Phaedra get ready to go shopping with the Weasley's.
Author's Note:
For all my faithful readers. The saga continues.

Black Mirror

Part 3

Hexes and Hounds

The following morning Phaedra woke Harry with a shake to her shoulders. It was sticky and humid the clouds hanging gray in the sky. There was no breeze coming in from the open window giving Harry an anxious feeling in the pit of her stomach. It was as if the world was waiting. Phaedra however was unaffected by the oppressive atmosphere as she shook Harry from a restless sleep.

"Come on, Aunt Harry, get up! We're going to Diagon Alley today!"

"What time is it?" Harry mumbled, pulling the pillow over her face.

"It's half past eight," Phaedra answered proudly. She remembered how Harry had taught her to tell time two years ago. "We have to meet Mrs. Weasley in an hour and a half so uncle said to come and wake you up."

"He did, did he? Is that all he said?"

"No. He also said you were as lazy as the Gryffindor Lion and that you were late to Potions more times than he could count."

"He said that?" Harry gasped, sitting up.

"Yup, then Uncle Sirius hexed him."

"Oh Merlin, what did Sirius do to him?"

"Turned him into a kneazle." Phaedra blinked, tossing her blond curls.

"What! Lord I had better get down there!" Harry jumped from the bed, fumbling for her glasses on the nightstand.

"It's okay. Uncle Moony is keeping Padfoot away from him."

"You mean Sirius transformed?"

"Uh huh. Then he started chasing Uncle Sev."

"Oh no..." Harry groaned pulling clothes from the closet.

"I told you it was okay. Uncle Moony is taking care of Padfoot."

"What do you mean taking care of Padfoot?"

"Well..." Phaedra shifted from foot to foot. "When they started running all over the dining room Uncle Moony tried to stop them but Uncle Tiberius told him that they needed to just battle it out. He said something about systems that I didn't understand."

"Did he say getting it out of their systems?"

"Yes, once and for all." Phaedra nodded vigorously. "That's it! What does it mean?"

"It means if they beat the crap out of each other they'll finally realize how much they actually have in common."

"Oh...right," Phaedra replied still somewhat puzzled. "Anyway they really made a mess. The house elves are all upset."

"What did they do?"

"Uncle Sev ran over the table and Padfoot tried to follow him. Dishes are all broken and everything." Phaedra waved her arms, wide eyed. "Padfoot cornered him under the china cabinet."

"Oh no...Is he all right?"

"Who, Uncle Sev or Padfoot?"


"I guess so. Uncle Sev scratched Padfoot on the nose and made a dash over to the drapes. He managed to climb them but the rod fell down. He landed on Padfoot's back and clawed him up pretty bad. Sirius went crazy. He managed to flip Uncle Sev off but he bounced off the wall. His kneazle tail is kind of bent and he keeps shaking his head. He's sitting on Uncle Tiberius' lap growling at Padfoot."

"Where is Padfoot?"

"Uncle Moony is holding him by the collar."

"You mean he didn't change back yet?"

"Not unless he did since I came to wake you up."

"Come on Phaedra," Harry said pulling on her shoes. "We have to stop this." Harry sped from the bedroom with Phaedra following on her heels. "I can't believe I slept through all that noise."

"Uncle Moony says the walls are thick cause it's a castle," Phaedra panted from behind.

"Umm...He's probably right," Harry agreed, as she flew down the stairs.

Entering the ravaged dining room, she stopped short. There were broken dishes and food everywhere. The tablecloth was hanging half off the table and the drapes lay in a tangled heap on the floor, the rod all askew. Remus was holding tightly onto Padfoot, the unnatural strength from his lycanthrope keeping the large black dog from pulling free. Padfoot had a bloody nose and his back had several deep gashes where the kneazle had raked his claws. He whined balefully at Harry. Looking over towards Tiberius she saw the large black kneazle and assumed it was the transformed Severus. The kneazle was curled on his lap, emitting low growls from deep within its throat, as he stared over at Padfoot. The kneazle's tail was bent at an odd angle and blood oozed from his left paw, where he had raked the dog's back, losing a few claws in the process. Harry wondered if they were still in Sirius' back.

"Good morning Harry. You've missed all the excitement," Tiberius chuckled wickedly. "As you can see my nephew and your godfather have started quarrelling again. I am afraid they have made quite a mess of things too."

"Aside from Severus saying I was lazy, what else set them off?" Harry glared at the two animals, her voice steely.

"Well...Severus saying that you were lazy was just the tip of the iceberg. It actually started earlier. It...uh..." Remus shifted uncomfortably.

"Spit it out Remus. What triggered their tempers this time?"

"I did." Remus flushed looking down at the table absently fingering Padfoot's collar.

"You did? What are you talking about?"

"It started over my lycanthrope." Remus shifted uncomfortably as Padfoot whined, placing his large black head on Remus' knee.

"My nephew set up a room in the dungeon for Remus to use during his transformations when the moon is full," Tiberius explained logically.

"Sirius got mad and made a nasty remark about Severus not making the Wolfbane potion properly," the werewolf sighed.

"Did you know Sev had done this?"

"We had discussed it briefly as a precautionary measure. I was concerned about Phaedra. I didn't know Severus had followed up on it so I never mentioned it to Sirius. He lost his temper when Sev mentioned it over breakfast, just as he asked Phaedra to wake you up. When he said you were a lazy Gryffindor I think he was just being his usual self and trying to annoy Sirius but that was the final straw. You know how much he cares about you and his pride wouldn't let him see that it was just Severus dry sense of humor."

"Clearly there has been one hell of a misunderstanding here," Harry said looking from one to the other. 'Merlin, I'm starting to sound like Dumbledore," she thought ruefully. "Padfoot I want you to change back this instant and take that spell off of Severus," Harry instructed trying to remain calm. "Remus you are not responsible for this. There is no need for you to feel guilty. In fact, I'm proud of you for thinking of Phaedra's safety." Harry gently patted Remus on the shoulder as Sirius transformed.

"Harry I..."Sirius began.

"Not now Sirius! Turn Sev back this instant!" she snapped sharply.

Sirius nodded, pointing his wand at the irate kneazle, while Tiberius set him back down on the floor. Severus reappeared with an angry scowl.

"Black you have gone too far. You are an arro..."

"Shut up!" Harry yelled, angrily balling her fists. Her green eyes flashed as she shut them and the china rattled as a cup flew across the table. 'Breathe. Take slow deep breaths and count to ten,' she told herself. 'Don't lose control now.' Opening her eyes, she found that Remus was smiling at her.

"Very nice, Princess, you were controlling your anger and keeping your magic in check admirably. The Headmaster would be proud of you."

"I'm trying, Moony, but it isn't easy."

"Just the same, Dumbledore would be pleased to see that you were able to keep your emotions from causing you to lose control of your magic," Tiberius agreed.

"Thanks," Harry replied, giving Tiberius a brief smile to acknowledge his praise before directing her attention back to the two angry wizards. "As for the two of you I will say this only once. If you cannot get along then I will leave. I don't care about the Ministry's decree regarding the Protectorship. I will simply leave the country and there will be no rites. I can't have people I care about going off and acting like children over some stupid old grudges."

"Honey, you don't understand. I was only looking out for you and Moony. Severus should not have said those things about you and he might have mentioned the room to me before going ahead and doing it," Sirius explained.

"I do understand, Sirius, but as usual you jumped in and acted without thinking. You let your temper get the better of you."

"Humph..." Sirius snorted with a twitch of his lips as his goddaughter rebuked him.

"And you can just wipe off that smirk. It isn't funny. If I had done something like that you would have been furious," Harry admonished, turning towards Severus. "I am just as angry with you. You are old enough to have ignored Sirius' remarks about the Wolfbane potion. All you had to do was ask Sirius to calm down and give Remus a chance to explain. I also do not appreciate you making jokes about me having been late to class. If I recall correctly, I cleaned more than my share of cauldrons to make up for any of the times I came in late. Nor am I lazy."

"I apologize Harry." Severus nodded cowed. "It was inconsiderate of me to joke about your classes with me without you being here to defend yourself."

"Now I meant what I said. I care a great deal for all three of you but this rivalry has to stop. Your childish attitudes are getting way out of hand. It is killing me. Whenever you're angry or hurt with one another I can feel those emotions acutely. I can't block them as strongly as those of other people. I think it is due to the blood bond we all share. When you guys get out of control it wreaks havoc with my empathy. If I have to I will leave. It would be better than being torn apart like this." Harry was shaking visibly. As she spoke, her green eyes were wet with unshed tears.

"Harry..." Severus and Sirius said in unison as they each stepped over to her.

"You're right to be angry. I lost it with Severus and I shouldn't have acted so irrationally. I didn't mean to hurt you honey," Sirius stated regretfully, as he cupped her chin.

"I also acted irresponsibly," Severus agreed. "I should have consulted your godfather about Lupin's idea before I acted on it." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "I love you, Harry, as do Black and Lupin. As your protectors we have all failed."

"I don't understand. How did you fail?"

"What Severus is trying to say is that we didn't protect you from the pain we inadvertently inflicted upon you," Remus stated quietly. "Our arguments hurt you worse than Voldemort's mind games ever did."

"It will take work but we promise to do better," Severus remarked offering his hand to Sirius."

"It's about time we started acting like responsible adults. I apologize Severus," Sirius said as they shook hands.

"All right then," Harry beamed, "why don't you two go and clean up those wounds before they become infected and then we can finish breakfast."

"Good idea. I'm starved." Sirius grinned.

"Come on, Black, I have some potions and salves that will work quite nicely."

The two wizards left the room. Harry shook her head in disbelief while Remus studied the ceiling. Tiberius simply arched his brow displaying the characteristic Snape sneer. Phaedra, who had been silent during the entire time, looked at them all perplexed.

"Does this mean you are still going to marry Uncle Sev? You're not going to go away are you?"

"No, Phaedra, I am not going away and yes, I am still going to marry your uncle."

"Good." She shook her head with relief. "Now can we go shopping?"

"Just as soon as we all finish eating," Harry responded, giving her a quick hug. "Dobby could you and Winky help to clean up this mess and get us some more food?" Harry called.

"Dobby and Winky will be most pleased to clean up," he answered, appearing with a loud pop, Winky beside him. "Mr. Sirius and Mr. Severus were not being very good wizards to do this!"

"No, Dobby, they weren't," Remus laughed. "I would suggest you get used to their tempers though. I suspect it will take some more time before they really become friends."

"They are being stubborn Mr. Remus. Sirius and Severus are both good wizards and will do anything to make Miss Harry Potter happy."

"Yes, Dobby, I believe they will," Tiberius agreed, as the elves swiftly repaired the damaged china and put the room back in order. They then disappeared with a pop and a few minutes later fresh food appeared on the table.

"Any bets on how long the truce will last this time?" Harry questioned, while Remus poured out the tea and Tiberius passed around a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon.

"I think they will try harder this time Princess."

"Remus is right." Tiberius nodded. "You shouldn't be so skeptical since they both have one very important thing in common which will help them to see how much they are alike."

"Such as?" Harry looked up curiously.

"You Harry!" Tiberius and Remus replied in unison.

"Aunt Harry, how come uncles Sev and Sirius always fight?"

"Because they're both too stubborn to admit they really like and respect one another Phaedra. So they keep trying to show each other up."

"Oh..." Phaedra answered, tilting her head thoughtfully. "That's silly. They're both good at magic. I hope I will be as good as them when I can do magic."

"I am sure you will be." Tiberius smiled fondly at his young niece. "Now how would you like some money of your own to spend today?"

"Really?" Phaedra's eyes grew wide with excitement. "I can have some money to buy something?"

"I think it could be arranged. After all, your new Aunt is treating you to a day out, so I thought I would too." Tiberius lips quirked in amusement. "I think it is time you learned how to handle money of your own. Wouldn't you say so Harry?"

"I think that is a wonderful idea."

"I believe that ten galleons should be enough. You can buy yourself something special." He reached into his robes and withdrew the coins. "Do you have a purse to put it in?"

"Yes uncle," she responded taking the money. "Thank you. I'll be right back Aunt Harry. I have to get my purse. Don't leave without me!" Phaedra called over her shoulder, darting from the room.

"That's an awful lot of money for a seven year old," Harry remarked.

"Perhaps, but I will be most curious to see how she spends it."

"I think Phaedra may just surprise you Tiberius. She is a very bright and thoughtful little girl." Remus pursed his lips thoughtfully as Sirius and Severus returned.

"I see the two of you have healed your wounds up nicely," Tiberius remarked as they sat down.

"Yes. That salve that Severus gave me works wonders. I will have to get some for Moony."

"It is made with Murtlap, Aloe and Bicorn horn ground into a fine powder," Severus informed them. "It is similar to one that I give to Lupin already. It is in a more potent form to help heal his wounds following some of his more debilitating transformations."

"Ah yes." The werewolf nodded. "You know the one Padfoot. It is in the brass tin." Sirius shook his head with understanding as he took a mouth full of eggs.

"Is it time to go yet?" Phaedra asked breathlessly as she ran back into the room clutching her purse.

"What have you got there Phaedra?" Sirius inquired.

"Uncle Tiberius gave me ten galleons to buy something special."

"What are you going to get? That is an awful lot of money."

"I don't know yet Uncle Sirius. I will look around and then decide. Maybe I can get something from Mr. Fred and George's joke shop." Severus rolled his eyes while Sirius laughed.

"Why not buy yourself some new books?" Remus interjected before Sirius could give her any ideas for prank items.

"Maybe. I like to read."

"Just don't let Hermione keep you too long in Flourish and Blotts. She'll have you buying out the store," Harry teased.

"Can I get a wand?"

"No," they all answered at once.

"You are too young yet Phaedra," Severus told her gently. "You are not allowed a wand until you are going to Hogwarts."

"That won't be for almost four years," Phaedra pouted with a sigh.

"Maybe we can get you a play wand. Even if it doesn't work we could all show you some of the wand movements you will learn later on with it," Harry suggested.

"Really? Will you all teach me then?"

"It you behave yourself we will show you some of them. If we show you too much you will be so far ahead when you get to Hogwarts you won't want to go," Tiberius told her amused.

"I will so! I'll bet it's loads of fun. I saw the first years when we stayed there and they all seemed so happy to be learning the magic."

"Well, I hate to interrupt this talk of Hogwarts, but I think it is time we got going," Harry said wiping her mouth with a napkin, rising from her chair.

"Phaedra I expect you to listen to what Harry and Mrs. Weasley tell you while you are out," Severus instructed.

"I will uncle Sev," Phaedra agreed, taking hold of Harry's hand and tugging her towards the fireplace.

"Have a good day, Harry," Sirius winked, "and while you're there please try to stay out of mischief."

"Humph...I'm not the one you need to worry about," she giggled, glancing down at Phaedra.

"Say hello to Molly and the others for us Princess."

"I will Remus."

"Harry why don't you go first and I then I will send Phaedra through," Severus suggested, holding out the tin of floo powder.

"Okay. Phaedra do you know where we are going to meet the Weasleys?"

"The Burrow," she answered clearly.

"Right then. I will meet you on the other side." Harry stepped into the fireplace. "The Burrow!" she yelled throwing down the powder and disappearing into the green flames. Phaedra followed suit a moment later. As Harry spun rapidly towards her destination she hoped that Phaedra would not get lost but rationalized that the child was used to using the floo system. Yet, she still could not shake the feelings of anxiety that she had woken up with that morning.


Author notes: Sorry for the delay but this new job has me really busy working ten and twelve hour days. I also had to do a bit of fixing as the fic was sent back. I could use a new beta reader so let me know if any one is interested. I have a problem with comma's...LOL I also have a yahoo group if anyone is interested. I will put the link in my profile as these are the only two sites I will be posting at.