The Opposite

Erin Alexis

Story Summary:
The Terrific Trio's 6th year at Hogwarts turns into one away from the school as they receive training to become part of an elite group of wizards and witches. New powers are also discovered as well as new and unexpected friendships.

Chapter 08 - Chapter 8: Un Presagio

Chapter Summary:
Aurora relays her story to the others. Ginny lives it instead.

Chapter 8: Un Presagio

Harry stood sat in Ginny's room with Ron and Hermione. It'd been a month and eight days since Ginny'd fell into the coma. They were watching her. She seemed so peaceful. Harry didn't want to chance delving into her mind again at a risk of making her go insane. Ron sighed deeply and turned to look at Harry.

"It seems almost too quiet with her being asleep like that. I wonder what's going on inside her mind," Ron thought out loud the last sentence. Harry nodded without realizing he was. Then Fionnula walked in the room, startling all three of them. Today, she wore a white cat suit with white boots. Her cloak had a hood on it. She had it over her head. She looked positively frightening, even if she was wearing white.

"Harry, come with me," she said. Harry stood up and followed her. Hermione mouthed the words "Good luck" to him and he nodded. Harry followed Fionnula to a small room. Aurora stood there, watching them enter. Aislin was also in the room, sitting at a table. Aislin had on the same outfit as Fionnula. Two unfamiliar faces were also with Aislin. Fionnula stood in between Harry and Aurora. Aislin stood up.

"Hello, Harry, Aurora. I bet you want to know why you are here. Well, for a month now, you've been training in your Soliopathy. At the end of every month, we are going to test you. This is basically to evaluate how far you've come. Don't worry, your clothes are enchanted. Whenever you receive a direct hit, a red mark will appear where you were hit, but no harm will be done to you. This woman to my right is Madame Cosette Constantine. Madame Constantine is a very talented Soliopath and founder of the Constantine School of Soliopathy. The man to my left is Cyril Jones. He is the highest ranking Magi, the Capo Superiori. These two will be evaluating you. They are going to point out your weaknesses and your strengths. Fionnula take it away," Aislin said. Fionnula nodded.

"Now, you may not use your wands. This exercise is strictly for Soliopathy. On my whistle you will begin and on my whistle, you will stop. Ready?" Fionnula raised her arm and stepped back. Harry and Aurora nodded. Then Fionnula blew the whistle. Harry held out his hand a jet of green light flew from it.

Aurora smirked as the light hit an invisible wall. Harry followed it up with a few hexes in succession. Aurora could not block all of them at once. She dove to the side and sent a cold stream of light at Harry. Harry ducked. Aurora's hand was still out. Harry was about to send another curse at her when Aurora's previous curse hit him in the back. She'd managed to reverse it. Harry went flying forward. A red mark was on his back. Although the curse had no affect on him, it still stung painfully. Aurora stood up and sent a Stinging Hex at him. Harry hopped up and held his hand out. The curse hung in mid-air, and Aurora's eyes widened. Harry doubled the curse's size, and it went flying towards Aurora at amazing speed. Aurora just stood there, as if mesmerized by this feat. She realized a second too late that it was going to hit her. She was blasted backwards. Aurora hit the wall and then fell to her knees.

Harry stood up straight and watched as Aurora struggled to stand. She looked up at Harry. Hitting the wall had taken a lot out of her, and Harry could tell. Aurora finally made it to the upright position. She stared directly at Harry. Harry stared back. Aislin wondered why neither was making a move. She looked back and forth between the two.

Harry felt heat behind his eyes. They turned red. Aurora felt the exact opposite of Harry, coldness. It felt as if her eyes were freezing. They turned an icy shade of blue. Suddenly, both held out their hands. A blast of red light was emitted from Harry while Aurora emitted a blue light. The four spectators watched in wonder. The two powers met in the center of the room, and a white light was formed between them. Suddenly, the light took over, and both Harry and Aurora were blasted backwards. They both hit the walls on either side of the room. Then Fionnula stood up and blew the whistle.

"That is enough. The two of you go with Aislin. I'm sure you are both very sore," Fionnula said as the two tried to stand. Aislin helped Aurora up as Harry stumbled over to them.

"Follow me," Aislin said. They both followed her into an all-white room. A table was in the center of it with various cabinets surrounding. "Sit, both of you," she said. Harry and Aurora sat on the table. Aislin looked in the cabinet and picked up two vials. She walked back over to Harry and Aurora. They took the vials and drank the potions. "They should help with the bruises and such. You two really surprised me. I didn't think you were both that powerful yet. You truly are opposites, though. Exactly like Dumbledore said. Fire and water. Dinner should be ready. Go and eat. I'm going to see what your scores look like." Aislin walked off.

Harry was currently looking very sick from whatever was in the vial. He looked at Aurora, whose face wasn't too different from his. She swallowed reluctantly and breathed heavily.

"That had to be the nastiest thing I have ever tasted," she said.

"I've tasted worse. You didn't do badly at all. You've been practicing a lot. You gave me a run for my money," Harry said jovially. Aurora smiled and hopped down from the table. Harry followed suit.

"Yes, I have. Aislin has been on me about controlling my anger. I guess we both kind of lost it while fighting, eh? How did you do that?" Aurora asked, looking at Harry. Harry looked back as they walked to the kitchen.

"Do what?"

"You reversed my Stinging Hex and put more power into it. How did you do that? I know for a fact that it was not too powerful. I really had no desire for it to hit you, just distract you so I could get another clean hit in. Nevertheless, you reversed it. It was very brilliant," Aurora said, smiling. Harry blushed a little. Aurora was a very pretty girl and had a weird power over all the boys in the castle, much to Draco's consternation.

"Well, I don't rightly know, Aurora. I guess it just sort of happened. Sorry about blasting you into the wall like that. I thought you were going to move. Why didn't you, by the way?"

"I got caught up in watching you accomplish something I could not. I realized what was happening a little too late and forgot to dodge. It is quite all right. Aislin was right. I do not feel sore anymore. That stone wall did hurt, though." They stopped in front of the kitchen and heard Draco and Neve going at it.

"You big git! You heard me say I wanted that last roll and you just took it!" Neve was yelling. Aurora sighed and walked in. Ron, Neville, and Hermione were just watching.

"You can't claim food in this place, you stupid wench! And don't call me a git, Neveah!" That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Neve's eyes narrowed as Ron, Hermione, and Neville leaned away from the table. Neve's hair turned fiery red almost instantly, and she launched herself across the table. She grabbed Draco's neck, and his chair fell backwards under their combined weight. Aurora sighed and walked over to the two. She held her hand out.

Petrificus Totalus, she thought. Both Draco and Neve's bodies went rigid. Neve rolled off of Draco. Ron looked at them on the floor.

"What'd you do that for? I wanted to see who would win that fight!" he said, sounding somewhat disappointed. Hermione and Aurora both rolled their eyes. Hermione slapped Ron on the back of his head. Ron rubbed it and glared at Hermione, who just smiled her sweetest smile. Ron mumbled something illegible and continued to eat. Harry and Aurora took seats next to Neville.

"Those two will be the death of me. I do not understand why they go at each other's necks," Aurora said, grabbing a piece of chicken. Hermione smirked.

"Maybe she doesn't like the notion of Malfoy snogging her sister. That might be it, Aurora. So, what did Fionnula want with you two, anyway?" she said, drinking pumpkin juice.

"Well, she wanted to test our skills so far. We were being evaluated by a witch and a wizard. One was a Soliopath, and the other was a high-ranking Magi. So, they made Harry and I fight. It was rather tiring. After dinner, I am definitely going to bed," Aurora said, fighting a yawn. Hermione giggled at her friend's display of sleepiness. "Harry, Draco told me you have fought a dementee," Aurora said. Harry looked at her, nearly dropping the gravy.

"A dementee? You mean a dementor?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah, I think that's what he called it. They guard the wizard prison here, no?" Aurora asked. They were all looking at her as if she was speaking Latin. Hermione looked over at Harry and Ron did the same. "Did I say something wrong?" Aurora asked.

"Oh, no, you didn't. Yes, I have fought a lot of them, actually," Harry said. Then he looked more carefully at Aurora. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, before school began, Neve and I encountered one," she said quietly. Hermione gasped, and Neville dropped his fork. Ron just stared blankly at her. Harry turned to fully face her.

"What do you mean? Did you drive it away?" he asked urgently. Aurora nodded.

"Yes. It was awful. I felt as though I would never be happy again. Like all the joy had been sucked out my life. It attacked us on a dark alley just past Diagon Alley. The odd thing was that Neve and I were originally going to split up. But, something told me not to go off alone. A type of...I do not know the English word...un presagio. Forewarning?" Aurora asked.

"A premonition?" Harry asked. Aurora nodded happily.

"I think we made a wrong turn, and then everything got cold. It was going to take Neve's soul. Draco told me that the dementee-thingies have sided with Voldemort. Why would they be after Neve?" Aurora asked. Everyone shrugged, obviously stumped.

"How did you defeat this dementor?" Hermione asked. Aurora blushed a little bit.

"Well, I know it sounds silly, but I had no idea how. Then something told me to think of the happiest memory I have. A strong memory. Then say the words Expecto Patronum very loud and very clear. I thought of the day that my baby brother was born. He was so beautiful. It was like he was my own child, you know? Anyway, the funny thing is, I had no idea what a Patronus was until I asked my father. So, how would I know how to make one?"

"That's a good question," Ron said, looking at Harry.

"You are my opposite. Maybe at that exact moment, you saw me do it or felt that I knew how. Did you tell anyone else besides Draco this? Your father, perhaps?" Harry said. Aurora shook her head.

"No one else. Just us and Draco. Neve really does not really remember what happened. At our prison in Italy, we have something similar to the dementees. We call did Draco put it...evil ghosts or something like that. At least that is what it is translated, I think." Aurora felt someone pondering very hard in the room. She looked over at Hermione. She was staring at her plate in deep thought. "What are you thinking, Hermione?" she asked. Hermione looked up at her.

"Oh, sorry. I don't think that the dementor was after Neve. I think it got confused. I don't think whoever sent it was counting on you being with your sister. Did you feel anything when you turned down that alley?"

"I looked down it for a moment. Neve said she wanted to go to the sweetshop or something like that, but instead, I had a funny premoneeton-thingy. So, I ended up dragging her along with me. Reluctant as she was, she came anyway. I think I may have altered the future or something."

"That may be why the dementor that was most likely meant for you attacked Neve. It couldn't distinguish between the two of you. It wasn't told that there would be two of you. So, it took a wild guess and chose Neve. The real question is why," Hermione said. Ron sighed.

"This is getting way too confusing for me. How would Voldemort know about Aurora and her powers? He doesn't even know about Harry's," Ron said. Hermione shook her head.

"How could he know about the second prophecy? Only Dumbledore heard it," Neville said. Hermione shook her head again.

"The dementor was sent for a reason. That reason may have been to kill Aurora. If Voldemort killed off Aurora, then Harry won't stand a chance against him. Remember the prophecy, Ron? It said that Harry would need Aurora's help in order to defeat Voldemort. She can't help if she doesn't have a soul," Hermione said.

"Thanks for that extremely cheerful input, Hermione. We need to tell Dumbledore this," Harry said, standing abruptly. The other four stood up.


Ginny opened her eyes. She was sprawled out on the ground. Sitting up, she realized that she was not where she last remembered being. The air was cold and it was dark. She couldn't see anything except a faint light in the distance. She squinted, trying to see more as her eyes adjusted to the darkness.

"Where am I?" she asked herself. Ginny stood and began walking towards the light. It seemed to be growing brighter and brighter. Then she saw them. There were six people standing around a light in black robes. "Death Eaters," Ginny whispered. She wondered if they could hear her. Then Ginny saw the reason why it was so cold. There were three dementors hovering above the group. Ginny touched a tree and fell right through it. "I'm not really here." That led her to the conclusion that she couldn't be seen.

"Is it done?" a cold voice asked. Ginny realized that it could only belong to one person: Voldemort. She stepped ahead of the Death Eaters and looked into their hoods. She recognized one as Bellatrix Lestrange. She stepped forward and bowed to Voldemort.

"Lord Voldemort, the girl somehow knew the incantation to produce a Patronus. I also believe that the dementor picked the wrong girl. She was not alone," Bellatrix said her voice shaky.

"Well, well. It doesn't make sense. The Seer said that she would be alone. Seers are never wrong. No matter. We'll get her at school. I cannot have her near Potter. I still do not understand. At Meloni, they do not learn how to conjure Patronuses until their seventh year. Assante is only in her sixth," Voldemort said. Ginny gasped.

"Assante? He's talking about Aurora. This must've happened before term started."

"Where did the dementor meet her?"

"Knockturn Alley, Master."

"I still do not understand. Could the child possibly have some sort of link to Potter?" The rest of the conversation was unbeknownst to Ginny. She felt something tugging at her, and a flash of light was seen.

Looking around, Ginny saw that she was at Diagon Alley. Smiling, she felt much safer. She turned and saw Neve and Aurora. She started to call out their names, but stopped herself. She remembered that they couldn't see or hear her. She followed them and listened to their conversation.

"Aurora, come sono ho supposto per sapere?" Neve said in Italian. Ginny closed her eyes. She tried to remember what Neve had said to her. What Neve had said to Aurora meant "How am I supposed to know?" Ginny looked back at the duo.

"Speak in English, Neve. I am trying to get better at it."

"Fine. I want to go to the sweetshop. We'll meet right here." Neve started to walk away. Ginny remembered the conversation between Bellatrix and Voldemort. They were supposed to be together. If Aurora went off alone, then she would die. Ginny closed her eyes. Maybe her telepathy would work since they couldn't hear or see her.

No! Neve must stay with you! Trouble is coming! Do not go off alone! Stay with Neve! Tell Neve to follow you! Ginny thought towards Aurora with all her might. Aurora's eyebrows furrowed and she looked around. Then she looked at Neve.

"Neve! Come back! Come with me. I do not want to be alone," Aurora said. Neve rolled her eyes and reluctantly turned around.

"You are such a baby. After we go wherever you want to go, we are going to the sweetshop. Where are you going, anyway?" Neve said. Aurora grabbed her sister's arm and pulled her along.

"I want to go to the joke shop. I do not remember where it is, though." Aurora looked down Knockturn Alley. "Come. Let us go this way." Aurora pulled Neve. Neve shook off her grip. Ginny followed them down the alley. It was virtually empty and devoid of people. Suddenly, it got very cold and dark. Neve and Aurora looked around. Ginny looked up and saw the dementor closing in on them.

"Aurora, what the hell is that?" Neve said, her voice shaking with fear. Aurora said nothing as the dementor seemed to sucking the very life out of Neve. Her sister fell to the ground, unconscious. Aurora kneeled.

"Neveah! Svegli prego! Neveah!" Aurora looked back up at the dementor. It got really close to Neve's lips. A light started to rise from her mouth. Ginny closed her eyes.

Think of the happiest memory that you have. A very, very happy and strong memory. Then, say, "Expecto Patronum" very loudly and very clearly with your wand at the ready, Ginny thought tremendously hard. Aurora looked behind her with a confused look on her face, and then stood up straight. She took out her wand and pointed it at the dementor.

"Expecto Patronum!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. A bright light was emitted, and a unicorn ran forward. The dementor was driven off by it. Everything around them returned to normal. The tiny light floated back to Neve. She gasped as her eyes opened. Aurora sighed with relief. "NEVE!" She hugged her sister tightly. Neve was shaking. "Neve, are you okay?" Aurora asked.

"Yes. Now I am. Look, there's PapĂ ." Neve ran forward to Alfonso Assante and threw her arms around him. Aurora did the same. Alfonso looked utterly shocked at the display of affection from his only daughters.

"Come on you two. We have to pack your trunks for Hogwarts." He dragged them off. After that, Ginny felt that tugging again. This time, she didn't open her eyes and see something different. She saw something very familiar.

A pair of green eyes...


Svegli prego = Please wake up