Astronomy Tower
Percy Weasley
Romance Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 04/10/2003
Updated: 05/11/2003
Words: 23,532
Chapters: 7
Hits: 7,993

I'll Take Care of You


Story Summary:
Oliver is in a Quidditch accident and Percy realizes that he may have lost his chance to tell him the truth. Set two years after Percy/Oliver graduate from Hogwarts. P/O slash, not graphic.

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
Oliver is in a Quidditch accident and Percy realizes that he may have lost his chance to tell him the truth. Set two years after Percy/Oliver graduate from Hogwarts. This chapter-this is it, the final chapter! Life with Percy and Oliver, with some help from the Weasley Clan
Author's Note:
This is the final chapter. I've had so much fun writing this fic. I may do a sequel later. I adore Percy and Oliver even more having written this. Thank you so much to everyone who has reviewed! Big Thanks to my sister for beta-ing once again! If anyone wants to draw me a picture of Oliver in those bunny shorts, I'd love you forever!

I'll Take Care of You, Chapter 7

The last two weeks had flown by. Percy had spent every free minute cleaning, organizing, unpacking and decorating. The flat was finally ready for entertaining. Unfortunately, Percy and his new roommate had very different ideas about entertaining. The serious ministry official had invited his family and a couple people from work. The enthusiastic, outgoing Quidditch player on the other hand had invited the whole Puddlemere team, all of their friends from their Hogwarts days, his entire extended family, and half the staff of St. Mungos. Percy was cringing as he looked over the guest list and tried to figure out how much food they needed to prepare. Oliver looked at his face and realized that his love was grimac the next day's party again.

'Percy, it's all about the presents, you know. We put up with them for a couple hours, they give us lots of presents!'

'We don't need anything. There are going to be lots of people here; you know I don't like crowds,' he grumbled as he sunk onto the couch, resting his head on Oliver's shoulder. 'How do you feel today love?'

Oliver frowned down at Percy's red hair. He wouldn't tell Percy that he had tried to fly this morning. He had only been out of the hospital for a week and half and wasn't supposed to touch a broom for a month. His short flight this morning had shown him why. Exhausted and his head pounding, he had returned to the ground after only two minutes. He was so frustrated. He just wanted to fly, to play Quidditch. The risks involved in such a career were great, he had known that, but never thought it would actually happen. Even in school, though his marks were decent, he hadn't focused on anything except Quidditch. If he couldn't play again, he had no idea what he would do. What he had here with Percy was wonderful, but even Percy wouldn't want to support him for the rest of his life. Percy, who had been so fantastic through everything. He reached his fingers up to twine into the slender man's curly hair. Realizing that Percy was still waiting for an answer, he stumbled over one. 'Alright.'

Looking into his eyes, Percy knew Oliver was lying, but let it go. During the day, Oliver was always 'alright'. It was at night, in the dark, when all of his insecurities and fears came out. Oliver had moved in with Percy when he got out of the hospital. It had only been four days since they had decided to move forward with their relationship and everyone from Morgan, his mediwitch, to Fred and George Weasley had told them this was a bad idea. 'You don't just move in with someone when you haven't even gone on a date with them' was the general consensus. Oliver and Percy hadn't listened. It didn't matter what anyone else thought. This was what was right. They would have separate bedrooms; living together wasn't about sex. In fact, two weeks later, they hadn't even got past kissing and cuddling. 'Besides,' Oliver told Morgan, 'We lived together for seven years when we were at school.'

However, when they gave the grand tour tomorrow it would look a bit different. Oliver's room would be introduced as the guestroom. He had only spent one night in it. Long after both men had gone to bed that first night, Percy had been awakened by Oliver's sobs. Quietly, he had slipped into Oliver's room and crawled into bed with him. Oliver had jumped when Percy's long arm had slid around his body and pulled him close.

'What's wrong, Ol?'

'Gods, Perce, I hate this, I hate it!' he choked out through his tears. 'I'm worthless. I can't play Quidditch, I can't fly, I don't know how to do anything else, I can't imagine you would even want to see me anymore, Why did you let me move in with you? I'm worthless, Percy. I really am.'

Percy hugged him tighter, running a protective hand down from Oliver's chest to his stomach. He could feel the strong abdominal muscles running through light spasms as Oliver tried to catch his breath. Percy placed a soft kiss on the back of his neck.

'You are here because I love you. You aren't worthless. You mean the world to me, Oliver. Shhhh...now, just go to sleep. It'll be fine.'



'Don't leave. Please? Stay here with me?'

'Yeah, if you want me to.'

'I do.'

The next two nights Oliver climbing into bed with him awakened Percy. Percy sleepily wrapped an arm around the warm body joining him and both would fall asleep. The fourth night they gave up and went to bed together, knowing they'd end up there anyway. Percy spent the following day, Saturday, rearranging the furniture while Oliver lay on the bed and directed. Percy supposed it didn't matter anyway. If they had told people that they slept in separate bedrooms, they probably wouldn't believe them. Might as well just give everyone what they wanted. Besides, Percy liked having Oliver in his bed. He loved waking up next to him, loved the feel and the smell of muscular man's skin.

As the next week went by Percy and Oliver grew accustomed to sharing their living quarters again. Percy was off to the ministry everyday while Oliver recuperated. Although still weak and plagued with headaches, he grew stronger every day. By Wednesday, he had attempted to cook dinner for them. It was badly burnt and Percy wasn't entirely sure as to what it was supposed to be, but he ate a few bites, just to show Oliver his gratitude. He also wasn't completely surprised to arrive home on Thursday evening to find his love and his mother in the kitchen together. Oliver had owled Molly asking for help in cooking and she had gladly jumped at the opportunity. Together they had put together the guest list and menu for the house warming on Saturday.

Now here it was Friday afternoon. It had been two weeks since that evening when two love-struck young men finally came together. Percy had taken off the afternoon to finish the preparations for next day. As they cuddled together on the couch Percy felt as if he could take a nap and he noticed that Oliver's eyes were already closed and his head was starting to nod forward. He made to slide out of Oliver's arm when said arm tightened around him.

"Where going?' mumbled Oliver, half asleep.

'To change, love. It's Friday. Dinner with my parents. Take a nap. I'll fix you something to eat before I go. Just rest.'


Percy had slid off the couch and was almost out of the room when that dejected, sad statement reached his ears. Turning back, he saw the crestfallen look Oliver was wearing.

'What? What's wrong?'

'I just.... No, go see your parents. I'm fine.'

Percy waited patiently in the doorway. He gazed at Oliver. The bigger man was not one to keep things in and Percy knew that if he gave him a minute he would tell him what the problem was. The sleepy look in his eyes was replaced with deep thoughtfulness.

'Yesterday, your mum told me that I was family and, er, I was kind of hoping that maybe, well, if it isn't too big of a problem, that I could come with you tonight.'

Percy laughed at both his boyfriend's honesty and his own stupidity at not inviting him.

'Oh, Ol. I didn't invite you because I can't imagine why anyone would want to spend the evening with my family. I'm sorry. Of course you can come if you want to. Mum would be thrilled. And, actually, so would I,' Percy said happily. 'Why don't you go get ready and I'll call us a taxi. I don't want you to try to apparate.'

Percy barely had time to finish combing his hair when the taxi started honking. Oliver grabbed his arm and dragged him out the door, as gleeful as a schoolboy going to his first Quidditch match. Once settled in the cab, Percy turned to look at Oliver, his face twisted up in consternation. Oliver's eyebrows were raised at the face that his boyfriend was making, but he didn't comment.

'Alright, I need to tell you something.'

'From the way you were twisting your face I wasn't sure if it was that or that my bad cooking was finally catching up with you,' Oliver retorted playfully.

'Ol, I'm serious.'

'When are you not, Mr. Weasley?' This comment earned him a death glare, but then Percy raked a hand through his hair and looked out the window.

Keeping his voice low so that the driver didn't hear, Percy quickly said, "Er, I haven't told my brother Charlie that I'm gay and he'll be there tonight. Charlie is pretty cool, so I think if I just introduce you as my boyfriend, he'll be okay, but I just wanted to give you a warning, in case he freaks out.'

'You forget, my little redheaded Mars Bar, that the famous Charlie Weasley and the famous Oliver Wood have graced the same Quidditch team. We're old chums! Charlie will be fine.'

Percy tried to look offended at being called a Muggle sweet, but the extreme level of self-assured ego that had filled the last statement made him break his glare with a smile. He leaned close on the pretense of kissing Oliver's cheek. When he was close enough to Oliver he whispered fiercely in his ear, 'If you ever call me a Mars Bar again, I promise, the entire wizarding world will know about those cute little bunny-rabbit boxer shorts you wear to bed.

Oliver's hazel eyes grew wide with fear while his cheeks blushed crimson. Then he winked at Percy. "Sure thing, pumpkin-cake, ' he said in his sweetest voice, which resulted in him receiving the death-glare the rest of the way to the Burrow.

As the taxi pulled up, Percy tipped the driver generously and told the quiet old man to have a good evening. He and Oliver made their way through the yard of what had been Percy's home until two weeks ago. Oliver looked around, seemingly amazed. He stopped for a moment, gazing at the slightly lopsided house. He was smiling, but Percy faltered none the less, "Er, welcome to the Burrow, Ol.'

'All these years I've heard the Weasleys talk about The Burrow but I could never actually picture it. Percy, it's wonderful! It must have been so great growing up here, with Bill and Charlie and the twins and Ron and little Ginny. I'm so glad you let me come here. Come on, let's go inside!'

Molly had heard their voices outside and opened the back door for them to enter. She embraced them together as they made their way into the kitchen. 'Oh boys, I'm glad you're here! Everyone else is in the sitting room. Hang up your cloaks and go join them. Oliver, you look absolutely drained. Here, let me take your cloak.' She spoke rapidly while removing Oliver's green cloak and pointing him towards the sitting room.

'Thanks, Mum,' Oliver replied cheerfully, causing Percy to freeze mid-step. Oliver didn't notice and continued on to the sitting room where Percy could hear his family's voices welcoming the newcomer.

'Er, Mum?' Percy asked quietly.

'Yes, dear?' she replied absently. Oliver's cloak was already hanging up and she had turned back to the stove, stirring some sauce for dinner.

'My boyfriend just called you Mum,' he stated.

'Well, he isn't exactly on good terms with his own mother right now and I suppose, in way he is my son-in-law, so I told him to. Mrs. Weasley is hardly appropriate, wouldn't you agree?'

'Yes, I suppose so. You know about his mum? You two must have really bonded yesterday. However, I'm not sure he is your son-in-law. After all, we've only been together for two weeks.' Percy wasn't sure how to assimilate this new revelation. His mum must really like Oliver. This was good, but it was weird at the same time.

'Believe me, Percival Weasley, I know for a fact that Oliver Wood is as close to an in-law as I'm going to get from you. Now go save him from the twins. I'm pretty sure that they brought some samples from the day's testing and I don't know if your boyfriend is quite ready for that.'

'Right, mum.' Percy kissed his mother on the cheek and walked through the house to the sitting room. He paused in the doorway, gazing at his family. Arthur was in his easy chair, reading while Fred and Angelina cuddled in front of the fireplace, where a roaring blaze glowed enticingly. George and Charlie were sprawled on the couch, looking as if they had landed there after a wrestling match and just hadn't moved since. They were talking to Oliver, who was sitting on the loveseat, the fire light dancing off of his smooth dark hair, his eyes sparkling with enjoyment. None of them had noticed Percy's entrance so he took the opportunity to watch his love. The wide muscular shoulders and strong jawline had always entranced Percy. The two men were almost the same height, but he knew that no one would ever admire his muscles rippling under his clothes this way.

Oliver leaned back with a laugh at a joke and saw Percy standing there watching. With that smile that could melt Percy into the floor every time he said, 'Here you are. I thought mum trapped you away from me.'

Dropping onto the loveseat next to him Percy whispered in his ear, 'Nothing could keep me away from you, love.'

George covered his eyes and began moaning about gratuitous love scenes in the sitting room. Angelina delivered a prompt and well-aimed kick at his shins to which Fred said, 'Good show, old girl!'

'Old? Are you saying I'm old, Mr. Weasley? I do believe I'm only a few months older than you.'

'Ang, no. No! You aren't old. You are a young, beautiful woman who I am privileged to be in the presence of everyday.'

Angelina giggled. 'Flattery will get you everywhere. Keep that in mind, boys!' she stated before grabbing Fred's hair and pulling him in for a long, deep kiss.

Oliver leaned in towards Percy to whisper, 'I was going to say that with that kind of aim, it's a shame she didn't try to play Quidditch professionally after school, but I don't think she would care right now, would she?' Percy shook his head no, then put an arm around him and pulled his head down to his shoulder. Through the whole scene Charlie's eyebrows had risen higher and higher until they nearly disappeared into his matching red hair when his serious, studious little brother kissed the top of Oliver Wood's head.

'Percy, er, can I speak to you, outside, for a moment?' he stammered.

Percy glanced down at Oliver who shrugged, then moved away. He stood and followed his older brother out the door. 'Hi Charlie, how are you?' he asked when they were outside. 'How are the dragons?'

'Fine, Perce. Um, not to be rude or anything, but Oliver-'

'Is my boyfriend,' Percy finished for him.

'Oh.' They stood outside in the cool evening air for a moment in silence. 'Percy, I'm sorry if I acted a bit strange about this. It's just, well, I didn't know you were gay, but it's cool. I was just surprised.'

'Charlie, it's alright, I'm still getting used to it myself. Oliver is better about it than I am. Well, mum did tell you that we were living together, right?'

'She did, of course. I just thought you were roommates, though.'

Percy smiled, but said nothing. He just looked at Charlie.

'Damn Percy! How did you get so lucky? Oliver is gorgeous. If he wasn't so obviously enamored with you, I'd make a play for him.'

Percy's eyes went wide with surprise, then narrowed in jealousy. Charlie had a bemused grin on his own face. 'Sorry, little bro. I guess lusting after your brother's boyfriend isn't the best way to come out to him, is it?'

'Not exactly. But, I guess I'm not completely surprised. Just stay away from Ollie!'

'Percy, I'm gonna come completely clean with you here. Dad is the only other one in the family who knows, unless Bill has guessed. Dad wants me to tell everyone, especially Mum.'

'You can tell them. She and the twins are fine with me. Oliver is already calling her Mum.'

'Percy, it's more complicated than that. I, well, I don't just like guys. I also find women very attractive. I'm bisexual.'

'Oh,' was the response he got. Not horror or repulsion, just an 'oh'. Percy appeared to be concentrating deeply. He was quiet for a moment before he put his arms around his brother and hugged him tightly. 'Charlie, I'm glad you told me. Please, tell mum and everyone else. They'll love you just as much as they always have. You'll feel better. I promise.'

'Aren't you being a bit hypocritical here? I mean, you didn't tell me until tonight.'

'You are the last one in the family to find out. I owled Bill to tell him, since he won't be here tomorrow. I actually hadn't told Ron and Ginny either, but we invited them to the housewarming tomorrow, just to be polite, since they can't leave Hogwarts to come to it. Ol and I got an owl from them, Harry, and Hermione today. They said 'congratulations' and 'it's about time you two figured it out!' So, that just left you, and now you know.'

'I guess so,' Charlie muttered quietly. 'Thanks Percy, you're a good kid.'

The death glare returned; this time aimed at Charlie. 'I'm not a kid!'

What would have turned into a wrestling match with Charlie coming out the victor was quickly diffused by Molly's voice from back door. 'Boys, dinner is ready. Come eat before it gets cold!'

They settled at the table and when everyone's plates were full, Percy turned to George. 'And just where is the future Mrs. Weasley this evening?'

'With her family, but she's coming to your place tomorrow. She said to tell everyone hi.' George replied through a mouthful of mashed potatoes.

Charlie elbowed Oliver, who was sitting next to him. 'The question,' he whispered loud enough for everyone to overhear, 'that your boyfriend should be asking is: is why Katie wants to marry that.' He pointed at George.

George opened his mouth in horror, the previously mentioned potatoes spilling from it, while Oliver and Arthur snorted with laughter. The rest of dinner was a pleasant experience with talk of Charlie's dragons and the card from the Weasleys still in school. They concluded that it had to be Hermione who figured out that Oliver and Percy were together. Or maybe Harry. Ginny and Ron were both too involved with their own lives to worry about other peoples.

The last sips of coffee were being drained when a taxi pulled up out front. The young couple bade everyone a good night and headed out the door holding hands. The driver was pulling out of the driveway when Oliver spoke, 'Thank you, love, I had a great time.'

Percy was just about to respond when he noticed that Oliver had already fallen asleep. Percy rearranged him so that his head was resting on Percy's lap. He absently stroked Oliver's hair while he watched the countryside passing by in the darkness outside. Thoughts of his family and love and relationships floated through his mind. He decided that, as much as all of them had driven him insane through the years, they really were wonderful. His parents were the most loving and accepting people that he could think of. He was thrilled that Charlie trusted him with such a deep secret and the twins were fantastic. They treated Oliver as another brother. Actually, they treated him better than they treated their brothers. As the lights of London grew brighter, he mused about Oliver. The beautiful man that was asleep in his lap at this moment. Yes, Charlie was right, Oliver was gorgeous. He was also famous, funny, and terribly romantic. He always knew the right thing to say. He was outgoing and had many friends. Maybe that was why Percy just couldn't understand it. Why would Oliver want him? He was tall and skinny, with too many freckles. Shy and awkward, Percy didn't see himself as much of a catch. He thanked his lucky stars every day that Oliver wanted to be with him.

The cab pulled up to the curb and Oliver awoke with a start. He sat up and Percy helped him from the car before paying the fare and waving the driver off. He grumbled sleepily as Percy slid an arm around him and helped him inside the door.

'Why don't you get ready for bed? I'll make some tea,' Percy said, letting go of Oliver as the door closed behind them. He barely had gathered the teacups before he felt Oliver's eyes on him again. He turned suddenly and took in a sharp breath. Oliver stood in the doorway to their bedroom, clad only in the bunny shorts, which rode low on his hips. His pose was relaxed, but didn't soften the muscles throughout his body. A flush spread through the thinner man's body and he smiled. Beautiful, he thought. Oh my God, how I want him. I want to kiss, lick, and explore every inch of that incredible body. To give myself to him fully.

'What?' Oliver looked perplexed. 'Why are you staring at me?'

'How could I not?' he breathed.

'As much as I appreciate the attention, Perce, I'm gonna have to dissuade you tonight'

'Huh? Dissuade me? From what?'

'Shagging me silly. I can tell from the glazed over look in your eyes that that's what you want to do.'

Dropping his gaze to the floor, Percy blushed furiously. Casual talk about sex had always made him uncomfortable and here was Oliver, talking about it blatantly. Was it that obvious that he was turned on? The fact that Oliver had noticed only aroused Percy further. At the sound of Oliver's low chuckle, he managed to raise his head and look into the eyes that he always found so captivating.

'Babe, you are going to have to loosen up. If you are embarrassed by the mere mention of sex, we never will get past kissing,' Oliver chided gently. He hadn't meant to embarrass Percy. He knew that the dirty jokes and trashy talk used to provoke that same blush when they were in school, but he figured that Percy had outgrown that. Crossing the kitchen he wrapped his arms around Percy and hugged him tightly. 'I'm sorry, love, really. I didn't mean to embarrass you,' he whispered. Pulling the slender body tight against his, he grinned again. 'I was right, though,' he sighed.

'Sorry, Ol, I know you're tired. I'll finish that tea now.' Percy said while pulling away from Oliver's warm embrace.

'Oh, that's what I came back out here to tell you. I don't want tea. Make yourself some if you want. I just wanted my headache potion and to go to bed. Please don't take offense, but your family may have been a little more than I expected. I really need some sleep.'

After downing the potion in one drink, Oliver lumbered into the bedroom. He was nearly asleep as Percy tucked the blankets around him and kissed his forehead. Oliver struggled out of his potion-induced drowsiness to catch Percy's thin arm before he walked away from the bed. 'Perce, darling, you said you were sorry a minute ago. Don't be. I took it as a compliment that I could turn you on like that. Just...' He was asleep before he could finish what he was going to say. Percy glanced back at the sleeping form in the bed before muttering 'nox' to turn off the lights.

Back in the kitchen Percy drank his tea and thought about the conversation he and Oliver had just had. His boyfriend was right, he knew. There wasn't really any reason to be so embarrassed about sex. No one else in his family was. Maybe it was just lack of experience. Hell, even his little sister Ginny had more experience than he did. There had been none, not even a date, between Penny and Oliver. Moreover, when he was with Penny just kissing had been awkward. Well, now was not the time to think about it. There were other things that needed to be done. It suddenly occurred to him that that was exactly the thinking that made him this way in the first place. There was always something else to be done. He had always pushed thoughts of sex to the back of his mind. At least he had until Oliver. Sexy, gorgeous, confident Oliver. Percy chuckled quietly to himself while he flicked his wand and muttered a few quiet spells.

While the charms he had set cleaned the flat, Percy sat at the kitchen table and mused about the man sleeping in the next room. It wasn't until Oliver's snores grew loud enough to interrupt his daydream that Percy realized how late it was. Everything was clean and ready for the party the next day. A quiet 'nox' was enough to turn off the lights in the rest of the flat. Slipping quietly into the bedroom, Percy changed into a pair of pajama pants. He slid between the covers, trying his best not to wake Oliver. Tomorrow they would face the world together. They were no longer Percy Weasley, on his way up through the Ministry of Magic and Oliver Wood, Quidditch Keeper Extraordinaire. They were Percy and Oliver. No matter what happened, they were together and that was all that mattered to either of them. Percy wrapped his arms around Oliver's warm body and laid his head on his chest, waking Oliver. An air of contentment filled the room. Both men felt as if they were each the luckiest man on earth. Soft moonbeams fell through the window and caressed the sleepy bodies. One of Oliver's big hands moved to Percy's back to pull him even closer. 'Love you, Percy,' he mumbled.

'Love you, too, Ol.'