Astronomy Tower
Percy Weasley
Romance Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 04/10/2003
Updated: 05/11/2003
Words: 23,532
Chapters: 7
Hits: 7,993

I'll Take Care of You


Story Summary:
Oliver is in a Quidditch accident and Percy realizes that he may have lost his chance to tell him the truth. Set two years after Percy/Oliver graduate from Hogwarts. P/O slash, not graphic.

Chapter 01

Oliver is in a Quidditch accident and Percy realizes that he may have lost his chance to tell him the truth. Set two years after Percy/Oliver graduate from Hogwarts. P/O slash, not graphic.

Words: 2,868
Hits: 2,487
Chapter 02

Oliver is in a Quidditch accident and Percy realizes that he may have lost his chance to tell him the truth. Set two years after Percy/Oliver graduate from Hogwarts. Chapter 2-Where did Percy go?

Words: 3,922
Hits: 957
Chapter 03

Oliver is in a Quidditch accident and Percy realizes that he may have lost his chance to tell him the truth. Set two years after Percy/Oliver graduate from Hogwarts. This Chapter-Oliver's awake. Will Percy tell him? P/O slash

Words: 2,383
Hits: 742
Chapter 04

Oliver is in a Quidditch accident and Percy realizes that he may have lost his chance to tell him the truth. Set two years after Percy/Oliver graduate from Hogwarts. P/O slash. This chapter: musings on the minister of Magic and Percy's wardrobe. And what is wrong with Oliver?

Words: 2,770
Hits: 905
Chapter 05

Oliver is in a Quidditch accident and Percy realizes that he may have lost his chance to tell him the truth. Set two years after Percy/Oliver graduate from Hogwarts. P/O slash. This Chapter-Percy has a bad day, the twins make an appearance and a family dinner occurs. Do the Weasley's know something? T

Words: 3,546
Hits: 898
Chapter 06

Oliver is in a Quidditch accident and Percy realizes that he may have lost his chance to tell him the truth. Set two years after Percy/Oliver graduate from Hogwarts. This chapter-yes, the talk...finally!

Words: 3,617
Hits: 910
Chapter 07

Oliver is in a Quidditch accident and Percy realizes that he may have lost his chance to tell him the truth. Set two years after Percy/Oliver graduate from Hogwarts. This chapter-this is it, the final chapter! Life with Percy and Oliver, with some help from the Weasley Clan

Words: 4,426
Hits: 1,094