Astronomy Tower
Lavender Brown
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/09/2004
Updated: 11/06/2005
Words: 3,689
Chapters: 4
Hits: 3,327

Big Deal

Emma Grace

Story Summary:
Our favourite couple has been broken up for three years, when Hermione runs into a surprise at Flourish and Blotts.

Big Deal Prologue

Author's Note:
Special thanks go to my wonderful beta, Trista! This fic would be much worse off without her.

Eighteen year old Hermione Granger sat at a table in her flat, her books spread out in front of her. Her mind, however, was on her boyfriend, Ron Weasley, who was due to arrive at any moment. The two had been best friends since they were eleven and at in their first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Their friendship had blossomed into romance, and they had been dating for the past year.

This is terrible! Hermione thought to herself. How am I ever supposed to get any work done when all I can think about is Ron? She smiled, allowing herself to dwell on thoughts of Ron. Their relationship had been steadily progressing, and was beginning to get quite serious. Ron had even mentioned their future together on several occasions. Hermione felt anxious every time he said something, or every time she thought about it. It was too much to handle.

Suddenly, she realized what she had to do. She had probably known it for quite some time, but was unwilling to admit it to herself.

She heard a noise, and looked up to see Ron standing in the doorway.

Ron entered the room and grinned at Hermione. It was the same grin she had fallen in love with at eleven, and then all over again at seventeen. It was the same grin that could still turn her legs to jelly.
"Ron--" she started off shakily, then cleared her throat. "Ron," she repeated, more firmly.

"'Lo, 'Mione." In about three strides, he had crossed the room and taken his girlfriend in his arms, holding her close and covering her mouth with his own.

Against her better judgment, Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into the embrace. Not for the first time, she realized just how strong the feelings she had for him are. The thought absolutely terrified her, yet strengthened her resolve to do what she had planned.

"Missed you," Ron whispered huskily into her ear.

Hermione's knees started to buckle and she tried to separate thoughts and emotions. She pushed Ron away. "Ron--"

"Are you all right?" Ron asked, his blue eyes full of concern.

"Yes. And no." Hermione turned and began pacing. "I think we should--" she couldn't bring herself to say "stop seeing each other" "--take a break."

"What do you mean? A break from what?"

"From us, Ron." She forced herself to face him, to look him in the eyes. Eyes, that now, were full of pain. Pain that she had caused. The look on his face was breaking her heart -- but she knew she had to do this. "I love you. I do, really," her voice broke, and the tears that she had been fighting started streaming down her face. "But that's why. Everything is so intense with us, it's too much. I can't do this."

"So you're giving up? You're just going to run away?" Ron's voice had a hard edge to it, which only caused Hermione's tears to flow more. She moved to hug him, but he caught her wrists in his hand pushed her away, trying not to show how much his heart was breaking.

Hermione just looked at him, unable to vocalize all her emotions, all her fears. "I'm sorry," was all she could say.

"Fine," Ron said coldly. "If that's the way you want it, then that's the way it'll be." For a brief moment, all his emotion was evident on his face, before he pushed it all down and away. He looked at Hermione, who had sunken to the floor, not trying to hold back her sobs any longer, then turned and headed to the door.
Hermione wiped her eyes with her hands, yet the tears kept coming. Her heart was crying out "Don't go!" but her head told her she would be better off this way.

Author notes: teaser for Chapter 1:
Hermione turned, and saw her old classmates Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil. Lavender hugged Hermione, catching her off guard. "It's so good to see you!"