Ginny Weasley/Harry Potter Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Ginny Weasley Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley
Humor Friendship
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/28/2004
Updated: 08/24/2004
Words: 13,040
Chapters: 11
Hits: 18,307

Risking True Feelings


Story Summary:
Ginny starts a new club, Midnight Madness. All of the Gryffindors join. Interesting secrets are revealed and new relationships are made.

Chapter 06

Chapter Summary:
The graduation ball!!!! Harry gives Ginny a big surprise!!!
Author's Note:
From this Moment (Shania Twain)

Morning Before Graduation Ball

There was a Hogsmeade Trip scheduled for the morning of the Graduation Ball so that students could buy their last minute gowns, corsages, and suits. Hermione seemed the most excited about the ball. She had always dreamt of going to prom at her muggle high school, but this was almost exactly the same. Her mother had sent her pictures of gowns in catalogues she got delivered.

Hermione had chosen a dress that was the most stunning dress she had ever seen. It was a strapless cream-colored gown that barely skimmed the floor as she walked. She was uninterested in lavish dresses, covered in sequins and pearls; she loved plain dresses that looked elegant.

Ginny, on the other hand, loved extravagant dresses. Her parents told her that they would not buy her a dress until her seventh year, but Fred and George, now becoming quite wealthy, took pity on their little sister and bought her a beautiful light pink dress. It was spaghetti strap and was beautifully decorated with light pink pearls.

Ron and Harry decided to rent suits at a shop in Hogsmeade, much like most of the other boys at school.

Ron had invited Hermione to the ball. Hermione nearly broke down in tears when he asked in front of the entire Great Hall. He had simply asked at breakfast, of course, he over did it by bending down on one knee to ask, but it was very romantic.

When they arrived at Hogsmeade, Hermione and Ginny went to the beauty salon with the other girls, as Ron and Harry went to the suit rental and the florist shop to buy corsages.

At the suit rental, Ron and Harry rented simple black suits. Harry bought a green tie, which emphasized his green eyes, but Ron decided to just use his school-tie, because of his lack of money.

Meanwhile, at the beauty salon, Hermione was getting highlights put in her hair. She had done this once before, but it had been at a muggle salon, and had taken several hours. This took mere seconds, and she was much more relaxed. After getting the highlights, Hermione decided to get her hair straightened for the occasion. This, too, only took seconds. Hermione had also tried this before in a muggle salon; it hadn't stayed straight for very long, which was very annoying for Hermione after spending quite a bit of money on it.

Ginny was getting a French manicure, and had her hair put up in an elegant knot as Hermione had done for the Yule Ball.

After the boys finished at the suit rental, they headed to the florist shop to buy corsages for Hermione and Ginny. Harry bought Ginny's favorite flower, a white lily. Ron bought Hermione a beautiful red flower. Ron had chosen it because it was all he could afford, but he was positive Hermione would like it.

The girls did not bother to wait for the boys after they finished their Hogsmeade trip; they didn't want the boys to see them before they were ready.

Hermione and Ginny sat in their dormitory, doing each other's make-up until it was perfect.

The boys went back to their dormitory until they needed to change into their suits. Harry attempted to flatten a piece of hair on his head, while the other boys relaxed.

Night of the Graduation Ball

Harry and Ron went downstairs to wait for their dates in the common room. Many girls were already waiting for their dates, but there was no sign of Hermione or Ginny.

Hermione arrived in the common room and said, "Harry, Ginny should be down in a minute, she's just, er, getting finished."

Harry was a bit suspicious, Hermione didn't sound like she was telling the truth.

Hermione bit her lip. Ginny was nervous and ran into the bathroom. She sounded sick, but Hermione told her that she'd tell Harry that she was on her way.

Ron escorted Hermione to the Great Hall, and Harry continued waiting for Ginny.

Ginny sat down on her bed. She had never felt this nervous in her life. Harry and her had had numerous dates before, but she knew this was more important than just any old date; this was a ball, his graduation ball. Ginny gathered her courage, and walked down the stairs to the common room where she saw the back of Harry's head. He was facing the fireplace, looking at the fire blazing in it.

Ginny tiptoed up behind him and put her hands in front of his eyes. "Guess who?" she whispered in his ear.

"I don't know," Harry teased. "Lord Voldemort."

"Close, but no cigar," Ginny joked as she pulled her hands away from his eyes.

Harry turned around. "Wow," he whispered. She looked like a princess. "You look gorgeous."

"You look quite handsome yourself," Ginny commented.

"Yeah, but all I had to do was rent a suit. You got your hair done, your nails, your make-up, and bought a dress," he reminded her as he pinned her corsage to her dress.

"Good point," Ginny agreed.

"Well, shall we?" Harry asked, offering his arm to her.

"We shall," she said, grabbing his arm.

They walked down the stairs, avoiding running into all of the other couples heading to the ball.

They entered the Great Hall. It was no longer the boring dining area; it was decorated and looked incredible. Everything was decorated in blue and silver.

"Would you like to dance?" Harry asked. "I'm much better than I was at the Yule Ball; I've been practicing."

Ginny smiled and nodded. They stepped on the dance floor as a slow song started to play.

From this moment life has begun

From this moment you are the one

Right beside you is where I belong

From this moment on

Harry gazed into Ginny's eyes. She had never looked more beautiful. Her hair glistened with every move she made.

From this moment I have been blessed

I live only for your happiness

And for your love I'd give my last breath

From this moment on

Ginny pulled herself closer to Harry and rested her head on his shoulder. She felt every breath he breathed. She felt free, like a bird, flying free over the ocean.

I give my hand to you with all my heart

Can't wait to live my life with you, can't wait to start

You and I will never be apart

My dreams came true because of you

"Harry?" Ginny whispered in his ear.

"Yes?" he whispered back.

"I love you."

"I know," he told her.

Ginny purposely stepped on his foot. Harry chuckled, and whispered, "I love you, too, Gin."

From this moment as long as I live

I will love you, I promise you this

There is nothing I wouldn't give

From this moment on

Ginny noticed Ron eying them as he danced with Hermione. "You'll never guess who's watching," she whispered to Harry.


"Ron, that git," Ginny muttered.

"Watch it, that's my best man, er, mate, you're talking about."

"What did you say?" Ginny asked.

"Nothing," Harry muttered. "Can we talk, outside?"

"Sure," she answered as he led her out onto the terrace.

They sat down on a bench near the balcony. The full moon shone down on them, making it look almost like daytime.

Harry had his hands in his pockets. He looked as though he was considering doing something, but then changing his mind over and over again.

"Harry? Is something wrong?" Ginny asked anxiously.

"N-no," he stuttered.

Ginny gazed up at the moon, wondering what Harry wanted to talk about.

Ginny felt something on her hand, and quickly turned her attention back to earth.

Harry's hand was now grabbing her hand. In his other hand, he held a blue box.

Ginny's heart pounded hard in her chest. She had expected this sooner or later, but not tonight, not at age sixteen.

"Ginny, I'm not proposing," Harry told her, noticing her horrified expression. "This is a promise ring, it means you promise that one day you will marry me."

Ginny's mouth went dry and she started to tremble. A tear slipped down her cheek, followed by another, and another.

"Harry, I love you!" Ginny yelled, wrapping her arms around him.

"Would that be a 'yes'?" Harry asked stupidly.

"Yes, you moron!" Ginny shrieked.

Harry grinned and slipped the ring on her left ring finger.

After the Graduation Ball

"He gave you a promise ring?!" Hermione yelled.

"Yes!" Ginny shrieked.

"That's so romantic! Why can't all guys be hopeless romantics?" Hermione whined.

"What did Ron do this time?"

"Nothing! That's the problem!" Hermione complained.

"I could get Harry to talk to him, if it would help," Ginny offered.

"That would be fantastic!"

Author notes: When is the wedding? Forget the wedding, how will people react? Especially Ron!!!