Ebb and Flow


Story Summary:
When Althea Morrigan attended Hogwarts, classmates considered Muggle Studies a joke. Unfortunately, as Muggle Studies professor, not much has changed. Why would anyone take the job? Sham marriages, staff room brawls, Centaurs, murder, and Puffskeins abound.

Chapter 58 - Hogwarts, Early June 1994

Chapter Summary:
Remus’s lips lingered on her fingers and Althea took a sharp intake of breath.

Hogwarts, Early June 1994



Thank you for allowing me to view your results on flobberworms and earthworms. An archaic virus, deep within the genome, is a very intriguing possibility. An American colleague of mine, Professor Gregor, is very interested in researching the correlation between the biological component of magic and the immune response. He is currently studying the rapid healing of injuries of the Quodpot team the Morgantown Mothmen. The idea that magic is a byproduct of a heightened immune response is fascinating. Is the secret in the methods employed, or does it lie within the Wizard body?

From my humble laboratory in Prague, I am now studying Doxy venom for its apparent inhibition of the zinc-binding sites of matrix metalloproteinases, which as you know are important for tissue remodeling. The results so far have been optimistic, but it is still too early in the trials to recommend a dose of Doxy venom in conjunction with the Wolfsbane potion regiment....

Althea placed the letter on her desk and rubbed her temples. "You're a brilliant man, Professor Kafka, but it takes me at least a month to decipher your letter," she murmured, opening her eyes wide to fight off sleep.

Thankfully, I have Remus to ask, she thought, eyeing the thick letter. However, I do believe I'll have to spend the majority of my summer holiday in the library or maneuvering through large piles of books. Bloody hell, my office is such a mess, she thought as she looked at the large stacks of journals, books, and student papers on her desk, floor, and couch. How she anticipated summer holiday--to be able to leave Hogwarts and to travel--wherever she wanted--without the prospect of marking essays. Afina had invited her to spend the first part of her holiday in New York and Althea gladly accepted the invitation. She enjoyed the idea of a new wardrobe and meeting Afina's art and fashion friends.

"I hate final exams," she said, narrowing her eyes at the third-year exams. "I have no room for myself."

I'll make room, she thought sifting through her post. Bills, bills--no I don't want to renew a subscription to -Witch Weekly! I never had a subscription! Wonderful, an invitation to The Harringtons' Summer Solstice Celebration. What a laugh! John marrying an American witch--I suppose it was a nasty shock when she told him. Gran loves to remind me it could have been me and I tell her it still could be. He won't ever leave me alone at these gatherings--obviously, his marriage means nothing to him, the toad. Speaking of Gran, this envelope is enormous, she thought, taking the envelope from Gran into her hands.

"Maybe it's her will," she remarked, begrudgingly opening the envelope. "I can only hope."

Two small envelopes slipped out of the large envelope and fell onto her desk. Picking up the first envelope, she gasped as she looked at the return address.

"'Number Four Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey?'" she breathed, as she gazed in astonishment at the neatly scrolled address.

What does Petunia have to write to me, she thought, cautiously opening the envelope. She hasn't written or spoken to me in over fourteen years--not one letter, not one response into my inquiries about Harry.... She married Dursley and forgot all about us, but I do understand. It was a matter of self-preservation. It must have been awful to take in Harry, to remind her of her past and what she was escaping from, but it wasn't Lily's fault! Althea opened the envelope, allowing the letter to slip out onto her desk. Unfolding the letter, she read Petunia's cold, forced greeting and inquiries into her health. She probably wants to dump Harry on me, she thought as she read the first sentence.

It has come to my attention that Sirius Black has escaped your prison. Since his initial escape, I have heard nothing in the news. Is he captured? I'm frightened that he would break into my home, looking for that boy, when he is in fact, at your so-called school....

"As if Sirius knows where your home is," she commented and sighed. "You never invited any of us to your home for fear of dirtying your furniture. As if I wanted to come to your home--you following us round with a damp cloth, wiping everything we touched."

...The thought of that evil man bursting into my home has led me to insist Vernon put more locks on our doors...

Althea laughed. "Like a bloody lock could keep out Sirius. He ruined all the locks at Northfield," she remarked and continued to read the letter.

...The purpose of this letter is the agreement that you look after that boy until Black is captured. I believe if we agree, that Dumbledore would have to agree...

Althea threw the letter onto her desk. "That selfish bitch," she breathed, looking with disgust at the repulsive letter.

I will agree to no such thing, she thought, still looking at the letter. If I could have had Harry, I would have, and you--you offensive hag--would not raise him. I've grown to understand that no matter how much I despise and disagree with a decision of Dumbledore, he usually has his reasons and those reasons usually are right, she thought and covered her face with her hands. It was to protect Harry, and I was in no state to raise him. I don't believe I just thought that--I'm sounding like Remus.

"I should show Remus the letter on Doxy venom," she murmured and lifted her face from her hands. "I'll write her later."

Althea stood, took Professor Kafka's letter, and proceeded toward Remus's office. I believe he'll be just as surprised to hear Petunia has written me, she thought as she walked the long corridor that led to his office. I'd expect to hear from Sirius himself before I'd hear from her. Stopping at his office door, Althea frowned at the strange sounds emanating from the other side. What is Remus doing in there? Is that...growling?

Althea knocked on the door and waited for Remus's reply.

"What?" he shouted and Althea heard a stack of papers fall to the ground. "Damn it! Come in!"

Althea cautiously opened the door and slipped into his office. "Is everything all right?" she asked and looked to Remus, sitting at his desk--his face in his hands. "I suppose not."

Remus lifted his face and scratched his chin. "No, no, everything is all right," he replied quickly and motioned Althea to sit. However, his chairs were covered with stacks of papers and she decided to stand at the edge of his desk.

"You don't look so well--a bit peaky," she replied, smoothing the hair away from his face.

Remus batted her hand away. "How am I supposed to look? The full moon is tomorrow!" he snapped and covered his face with his hands. "I--I'm sorry. I'm not feeling well. I have a massive headache."

Althea stood behind him and began to massage his shoulders. "Have you had your potion today?"

"Yes," he murmured, pointing toward the smoking goblet.

Althea massaged a particularly tense spot in his neck. "Would you like some more? I'll ask Snape for it and bring it to you," she replied softly and Remus shook his head. "Are you sure?"

"I think I know when I need more Wolfsbane," he remarked, taking her hands from his shoulders and wrapping them around his chest.

Althea frowned at his uncharacteristic gesture. Just a few moments ago, Remus was yelling at me, and now he's cuddling me? He isn't acting right, she thought, furrowing her eyebrows. The Wolfsbane isn't working properly.

"What has gotten into you?" she laughed nervously, attempting to straighten, but Remus tightened his grip on her arms.

"Nothing," he replied, resting his head on her arm. "Can't I sit here with my favorite Muggle Studies professor?" he added and sighed. "Anyway, what brings you here?"


"Doxies," he laughed, stroking her arm. "You're very capable of handling them yourself. Why would you need my help?"

"I don't have Doxies--you'd hear me scream if I had Doxies. No, I received a letter from Professor Kafka. He might have found a treatment other than Wolfsbane," she explained, succumbing and resting her head against his.

"With Doxies?" he asked and Althea murmured yes. "Nasty stuff, but so is Wolfsbane.... Why can't the treatment be a nice cup of tea?"

"It would be chamomile and you despise chamomile," she whispered and felt him chuckle against her. "Are you all right?"

"I'm wonderful," he replied, stroking her forearms.

"I thought you had a massive headache?"

"No, no, it's gone now," he replied, closing his eyes. "I like when you wear that perfume."

My perfume? He has never noticed my perfume--wait, he did, a long time ago, she thought, a nervous flutter filling her stomach. Oh, this cannot be happening.

"It's the one I always wear," she replied--her throat slightly dry. "I've worn it for over twenty years."

"I know," he sighed and adjusted his grip on her arms. Remus cleared his throat and continued, "After exams, I want to take you out to dinner."

"Dinner?" she repeated quietly and Remus murmured yes. "What has gotten into you?"

"Nothing and don't say no because I'll be offended."

Althea furrowed her eyebrows. "Fine then. Where will we go?" she asked, resting her chin on his shoulder.

What is Remus thinking? He can't afford it, she thought as Remus visibly deliberated on dinner options.

"I think you should decide," he explained and smiled, "otherwise, you'd have to eat cold Chinese take-away."

The muscles in Althea's back tightened--the dull ache of pain traveling down her legs. "You know, my back is sore in this position. You're going to have to let me go."

"I'm sorry," he replied, reluctantly letting her go. "Here," he continued and cleared off a spot on his desk, "sit here."

Althea cautiously sat on the edge of his desk. "I remember that Chinese take-away. It was at least three weeks old," she replied and wrinkled her nose.

Remus pinched her nose. "It wasn't three weeks old. It was three days old and I remember you happily ate it in my kitchen," he explained with a small smile.

"It tasted like it was three weeks old," she muttered and playfully kicked Remus's shin. "Anyway, maybe I want you to cook."

"Oh Althea, my cooking is horrible, you know that," he replied, gently shaking his head.

Althea leaned forward and grinned. "Would you like me to cook then?" she asked brightly and quickly raised and lowered her eyebrows. "I'd make your favorites."

"I'd rather have someone cook for you," he answered and placed his hand on her knee, causing Althea to sit upright. "You don't have to decide now."

"Right," she replied--her voice slightly higher than usual--she quickly coughed to correct it. "Anyway," she continued, retrieving Professor Kafka's letter from her robe pocket, "here is the letter. Professor Kafka's letter, I mean."

"Oh right, thanks," he replied, taking the letter into his hands. "Awfully thick," he remarked, waving the many pages with his right hand as his left hand traveled up her inner thigh.

Althea, very uncomfortable and confused, stood from his desk. Remus frowned.

"Leaving so soon?"

Althea nodded somewhat uncomfortably. "I should return to my office. I have so many exams to mark," she explained, resting her hand on his shoulder. "Also, you'd probably want to concentrate on that letter."

"Right," he replied, placing his hand over hers. Remus opened his mouth as if to speak, paused, and frowned thoughtfully before he continued, "Althea, you wouldn't mind stopping by my quarters tonight? I mean...to pick up this letter."

The small fluttering in Althea's stomach returned. "You could give me the letter after dinner," she answered--slightly flustered--looking toward the wall.

Remus affectionately squeezed her hand and Althea returned her gaze to him. "No, I don't think I'll read it until later...after dinner," he replied and winked. "I want some time to understand this letter."

"Right. I suppose I could stop by your quarters tonight," she replied and gently bit her bottom lip. "What time--seven or eight?"

"No..." he replied slowly, "ten."

"Ten?" she repeated, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," he replied with a small smile and Althea bit her bottom lip once more. "I'll see you at ten?" he continued and kissed her fingers.

Remus's lips lingered on her fingers and Althea took a sharp intake of breath. "At ten," she managed to say, retracting her hand from him.

Remus's smile broadened. "I look forward to it, then," he replied and tugged at her sleeve.

"So do I," she replied with a nervous smile.

Althea quickly left Remus's office and as she closed the door, she raised her eyebrows in confusion. What happened to him, she thought, her hand still resting on the doorknob. Meet him in his quarters at ten? Kissing my hand? He couldn't be, she thought, covering her mouth as she giggled. Suddenly, her eyes grew wide. I only have six hours until then!

"I need to go to Hogsmeade!" she breathed and quickly started down the corridor.


He's probably drunk, she thought--her fingertips lightly touching the door to Remus's quarters. The way he would look at me and then take a long sip of wine at dinner.... He's probably unconscious on his bed.... I can't believe I'm going through with this. Althea's fingertips traced small circles against the door--her fingertips recognizing the roughness of the wood grain. What am I thinking? I want this...but do I look all right, she wondered, tugging and adjusting her newly acquired nightgown underneath her dressing gown. Never mind that, I need to knock on the bloody door.

Just as Althea raised her hand to knock on the door, the door opened, catching her off guard.

"Oh, Althea, you're here," Remus said and took a deep breath. "Come in."

Althea entered Remus's quarters and stood close to the door. Her eyes quickly scanned the room and noticed nothing was different.

"Have you read the letter?" she asked, clasping her hands in front of her and twisting her fingers.

"Yes, of course I have," he replied--his speech shallow. "Please, don't stand," he continued, gently taking hold of her arms, "please sit."

Remus led her to his bed where she sat next to him. This is so odd, she thought as Remus dryly cleared his throat. I thought this would be more romantic.... Although, the last time, it was in an abandoned teacher's study, so this is an improvement. There is a bed and not a sofa. She folded her hands in her lap and kicked her heel against the floor. Right, something needs to be done to break this awkwardness, she thought as Remus stood and briskly walked across his quarters to a table. Opening a compartment underneath the table, he stooped to pick up a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. As he placed the first wine glass on the table, the second glass slipped from his hands and he awkwardly caught it between two fingers by the stem.

"Would you like some wine?" he asked, pouring the scarlet liquid into the first glass.

"Oh, just a little," she answered, measuring out her desired amount with her index finger and thumb.

Smiling nervously as she took the glass from him, she held the rim of the glass to her lips and watched Remus quickly down his entire glass.

"Would you like some more?" she teased and took a sip of wine.

Remus frowned slightly. "I've had enough, I think," he replied and placed his glass on the nightstand.

Althea finished her glass and placed it on the nightstand as well. "There," she said, sitting next to him.

Oh, this is so bloody unromantic, she thought, the disappointment slowly washing over her insides. I suppose he hasn't had that much experience.... I wonder how much experience he's had? Althea raised an eyebrow as Remus looked at her quizzically. He never talks about those sorts of things, so I really don't know, she thought and frowned thoughtfully. I believe he has though...I hope.

"What did you think of the letter?" she asked to break the silence.

"The letter," he muttered, absentmindedly rubbing his face. "I read it, if that's what you mean."

"Yeah, well any thoughts on what Professor Kafka wrote?" she asked, crossing her legs.

Her scarlet-colored dressing gown slipped, exposing her legs, and she quickly covered them. She noticed Remus with haste, tightly shut his eyes and opened them again.

"Is everything all right?"

Remus nodded with great exaggeration--the muscles in his neck and shoulders tightening. "I'm fine, really. Tired, but fine. The full moon is tomorrow, you know."

"Yes, of course," she replied and gently bit her bottom lip. "You seem so tense though. Here, turn round and I'll massage your shoulders for you," she added, moving closer.

"No, no, that's not necessary," he replied, holding up his hands.

Althea returned to her former position. "Right," she murmured, frowning.

I've had enough of this, she thought, folding her arms.

"I think I'll go," she continued with disappointment, standing and turned toward Remus. "You can tell me tomorrow what you think of the letter."

Remus's nervous expression faded. "Wait," he said, motioning her to sit again, "I have to tell you something."

Althea sighed and rolled her eyes in annoyance as she sat down. "What?"

Remus cleared his throat before he began, "I wanted to tell you I would like to spend the summer holiday with you."

"'Summer holiday?'" she repeated, raising an eyebrow. "I thought it would be too much of a hassle."

Remus shook his head. "I've already started the process and final approval is to arrive tomorrow," he explained, grinning. "Surprise."

Althea felt a sudden surge of excitement and happiness at the prospect of spending the entire summer holiday with Remus.

"Surprise, indeed," she replied happily, throwing her arms around his neck. "Oh, Remus, this is so fantastic!"

"I thought it would," he murmured, slowly rubbing her back.

Slightly pulling away from him, she frowned. "Oh, but I already promised Afina I'd visit her before I went to Bermuda," she replied and pouted. "Would you like to travel to New York first?"

"I would enjoy that, actually," he said, pushing her pouting lip up with his thumb. "She's written me a few times asking for me to visit."

"Fantastic, but what brought about this change?" she asked, playing with the back of his collar.

"Well..." he began slowly, gliding his fingertips up and down her sides, "why spend a holiday alone? I'd be very jealous reading your letters about your holiday in Bermuda while I'm here."

"You, jealous?"

"I would be," he laughed and playfully tickled her. "You in the sun...and on the beach...and in the ocean," he added as he continued to tickle her.

Althea squirmed and giggled, finally pushing him away. Taking a deep breath, she stared at Remus, who was breathing heavily--a large grin across his face.

"Stop being awful," she teased, still giggling.

Smoothing the hair away from his eyes, he attempted to suppress his smile. "I am on my best behavior."

"This entire day you have been so strange," she explained, adjusting her dressing gown as it had fallen off her shoulder.

Remus raised an eyebrow. "Strange?"

Althea nodded. "I knocked on your office door and I heard you growl. You yelled at me and then...then you invited me to dinner after exams--"

A small crease developed between his eyebrows. "Did I? I don't remember," he interrupted, rubbing his chin.

Althea continued, "Then at dinner, I thought you'd have a go with me on the Head Table."

Remus's eyes widened in disbelief. "Really?"

Althea nodded and Remus put his face in his hands.

"Then you're shocked and anxious that I'm here in your quarters. Do you even remember inviting me?"

"No, actually," he spoke into his hands. Sighing, he ran his hands through his hair--his eyes looking at the floor. "Oh God, Althea, I'm sorry," he continued quietly. "I honestly don't remember any of it."

"I knew it," she replied softly, resting her hand on his shoulder. "Something is definitely wrong--maybe you have a tolerance to Wolfsbane?"

Remus turned his face toward her--his expression one of utmost concern. "I don't think you can develop one of those, can you?"

"I'm not sure, but I do know you need to sleep," she replied, stroking a stray strand of grey hair away from his face.

"I probably do," he sighed, rubbing his eyes. "I have the third-year exam first thing in the morning--"

"Oh no!" she lamented, pouting once more. "You'll miss the sixth-year's production of The Crucible. I thought the exam was in the afternoon."

"Damn," he murmured, frowning. "Well, I did see the dress rehearsal and they were wonderful. Only you'd think of a production of The Crucible," he said, forcing a smile.

"Of course," she said with a proud, small smile. "They're fantastic, too. They took their roles very seriously. I was very impressed. All of them will receive full marks," she continued and forced a fake yawn. "Enough talk of classes, you need your sleep."

"I suppose," he sighed and pulled her into a hug. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight. I'll see you at breakfast," she replied as she pulled away from him. "Oh, do you need help setting up the exam?" she asked as she stood.

"No, but thank you," he answered, scratching the back of his head. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," she replied and tenderly squeezed his shoulder.

Althea rested her head against the back of his door as she closed it. I'm such an idiot, she thought as she hit the back of her head against the door. As if he'd sleep with me. Look at the way I'm dressed...how embarrassing. It just screamed eagerness.... I'm bloody lucky a tit didn't pop out while I was in there.

Suddenly, Althea heard what sounded like a glass being thrown across his quarters and smashing into the door. Slowly opening the door, she peered in, seeing Remus--with his face in his hands--the broken glass lying in a pile in front of her.

"Remus?" she asked with concern as she stepped over the broken glass.

Remus stood from his bed and met her as she walked toward him. Before she could ask him if everything was all right, he cupped her face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers. Overcoming her shock, she slowly slipped her arms around his neck--her fingers grasping and releasing the back of his hair as she enjoyed the ferocity at which he kissed her. Obviously, everything is all right, she thought, smiling to herself as the tips of his fingers slid underneath the hem of her nightgown.


Althea sleepily lifted the blankets over her head as she turned over. Oh, don't be morning already, she thought, stretching her arm out in front of her. Doesn't he sleep in?

"You're going to have to get up eventually," she heard Remus say.

"Mmmhmm," she murmured, pulling the blankets tighter over her head. "Five more minutes."

"That's five less minutes you have to avoid the students."

"Fine," she sighed, pulling the blankets away from her face. "I suppose you want me to leave anyway," she teased as she sat up.

"You know that's not true," he replied as he stood from his bathroom doorway. "I'll wake you in five minutes."

"No, it's not necessary," she replied, running her fingers through her hair. "How long have you been awake?" she asked, slipping her nightgown over her head.

Remus took the toothbrush from his mouth and spit into the sink. "Oh, about a half hour," he replied, leaning against the doorframe. "I did wake you up, but you thrust your hand into my face.... 'Oh, Remus, again? I'm exhausted,'" he teased with large smile.

Althea laughed. "I never said that," she replied, playfully narrowing her eyes at him.

Remus winked.

"Sorry about that--thrusting my hand in your face," she said as she stood. "What time is it anyway?" she asked as she placed her left foot into her slipper.

"You have a half hour before breakfast," he replied and laughed as Althea gasped.

She stumbled, but caught herself as she placed her right foot into her slipper. "Thirty minutes! I need an hour at least!" she exclaimed--her eyes widening. "Stop laughing! I'll be late and everyone will know!"

Remus shook his head as he smiled. "I'm sorry, I can't help it. No one will know about us," he replied, resting his hands on her shoulders, "I promise."

"I hope," she sighed. "Oh, what time would you like me to check on you tonight?" she asked and tugged at his robes.

"I don't know," he answered, furrowing his eyebrows in thought. "Probably eleven; I'd be settled by then, I think," he continued, brushing her hair away from her face.

"In your office or your quarters?" she asked, resting her hands against his chest.

"Quarters most likely, but it'll depend when Severus brings me the Wolfsbane," he replied and made a face.

"Just imagine tomorrow when you don't have to drink it and it'll be a Hogsmeade visit," she explained, smoothing out his collar. "All the students will be gone, leaving us professors alone," she added and winked.

"Oh..." he sighed slowly, pulling her closer to him, "I think I'll be too exhausted tomorrow. Maybe the day after."

Althea's expression transformed to humorous surprise. "So, is this something that will continue? You and me, I mean?" she asked with a slight smile.

"It would be very awkward if it didn't," he replied, resting his forehead against hers.

Althea's stomach leapt with excitement. It took a damn year, but it finally happened, she thought, gently running her fingers through the hair on the back of his head. He's not ashamed--I'm not ashamed...he wanted this.

"But it must be kept with the utmost secrecy," he teased and winked.

"Of course, Professor Lupin," she replied with mock seriousness.

"Right," he laughed and kissed her lips. "I'll see you at breakfast.... You now have twenty-five minutes."

Thank you so much for reading!