Ebb and Flow


Story Summary:
When Althea Morrigan attended Hogwarts, classmates considered Muggle Studies a joke. Unfortunately, as Muggle Studies professor, not much has changed. Why would anyone take the job? Sham marriages, staff room brawls, Centaurs, murder, and Puffskeins abound.

Chapter 43 - The Cottage, Christmas Day 1980

Chapter Summary:
“Constant vigilance,” he replied and yawned.
Author's Note:
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this story! Please check out

The Cottage, Christmas Day 1980


Althea heavily blinked; her eyes attempted to adjust to the bright morning sun. She smiled as she wiped the sleep from her eyes. What a marvelous day, she thought, and sighed happily, Christmas. Yawning, she allowed her arm to fall, and with a loud thump, her forearm slammed into a man's chest.

"Ow," Sirius groaned.

Althea gasped and turned onto her side. "Oh, I'm so sorry," she whispered, tenderly placing her hand on his cheek. "Are you all right?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm all right," he replied, rubbing his chest. Sirius turned his head toward her and laughed quietly. "You forgot again, didn't you?"

Althea smiled sheepishly. "Sorry," she said and kissed his unshaven cheek. "Happy Christmas."

Sirius closed one eye as he thought. "Oh, it is," he agreed and smiled sleepily. "Happy Christmas," he added and kissed her lips.

Althea pulled away and looked at him thoughtfully. "I feel awful hitting you again," she said, stroking a lock of hair behind his ear. "I'm still adjusting to you sleeping in my bed. I didn't hear you return last night."

Sirius turned onto his side and wrapped his arm around Althea's waist. "I promise I'll find a flat soon," he assured, allowing his hand to slide underneath the hem of her nightgown. "I reckoned that you didn't want me to wake you," he explained, his fingers leisurely gliding up and down her side--Althea caught her breath. "You were sleeping so peacefully and you haven't had proper sleep in days."

"Neither have you," she replied, her index finger gently poking his chest.

"Don't worry about me," he replied and winked, taking her hand in his.

"How can I not?" she remarked as Sirius kissed her fingers. "Three nights in a row out on patrol? What time did you return?"

Sirius screwed his eyes up in thought, obviously searching for the appropriate answer.

"What time?"

"Six," he sighed and kissed the inside of her wrist.

Althea quickly pulled her hand away, which caused Sirius to frown. "You should've slept in the spare room. I wouldn't have bothered you, then."

"I don't like the spare room," he answered as Althea rolled onto her back. "Anyway, it's not safe--"

"To sleep in the spare room?" she asked, turning her head to look at him.

Sirius, smirking, nodded.

Althea giggled deeply as she looked toward her ceiling. "And that mistletoe, suspended from the ceiling," she began, and nodded toward the neatly tied bouquet, "is to protect against a Death Eater attack?"

"Constant vigilance," he replied and yawned.

Althea frowned. "I should leave you to sleep."

"No," he yawned. "No, stay here."

"Then go to the spare room--"

"I'll sleep right here," he murmured, resting his head on her shoulder.

"And have you snore into my ear?" she whispered, stroking the back of his head. "I think not."

"I don't snore," he replied, holding her tighter. "I'm sorry I couldn't spend Christmas Eve with you--"

"Don't worry about it--"

"No," he began, gently shaking his head, "you planned this lovely dinner...and I had to ruin it."

"James wasn't about to patrol on Christmas Eve," she replied, leaning the side of her face against the top of his head. "I overheard you both when I was in the kitchen."

"You're not angry, then?" he asked, lifting his head from her shoulder.

"I'm disappointed," she answered and Sirius frowned. "How could I not be? I wanted to spend the night with you," she explained quietly, fighting a frown. "I barely see you anymore."

"I barely see you," he replied, rolling the satin strap of her nightgown between his thumb and forefinger. "Always at St. Mungo's."

"Healers are disappearing and dying," she replied sadly, purposefully looking away. "I was called back."

"You were almost one of them," he remarked solemnly and Althea quickly turned her head to look at him. "You and that Caretaker barely escaped that Healer under the Imperius Curse."

"How did you know?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows. "I never told you."

"I know you never told me," he agreed as she let the strap of her nightgown fall from her shoulder. "You told James and James told me."

"I told him not to tell you," she replied, frowning. "I should've known he couldn't keep quiet."

"He's my best mate, love," he teased and Althea removed Sirius's hand from her other nightgown strap. "We keep nothing secret."

"Unfortunately," she muttered and wrinkled her nose. "You're not on patrol tonight, are you?"

"No," he answered and kissed the tip of her nose. "You won't have to spend another night alone."

Althea smiled a small, impish smile. "I didn't spend last night alone," she said as Sirius's face registered shock and confusion. "I spent it with Gran at the Christmas party," she continued, ending in a lofty voice.

"Oh, the Christmas party," he replied, his expression softening as he mimicked that same lofty voice. "How was the Christmas party? Was it the highlight of the season?" he asked with feigned eagerness. "You didn't create a scandal, did you?"

"Only when I climbed atop a table and declared my undying, unyielding love for you," she replied and winked. "You can ask Peter."

Sirius looked at her with a small amount of humorous surprise. "Peter?"

"Yeah," she breathed, grinning. "He escorted me."

"How'd you persuade him to attend that?" he asked, smirking slightly.

Althea stretched out her legs and sighed. "I told him that there would be loads of food and drunk Muggle girls."

Sirius chuckled as he rolled onto his back. "The only ways to Peter's heart," he remarked, rubbing the side of his face, "food and girls."

"He left with one," she replied plainly and Sirius lowered his hand. "A very pretty one, too," she continued, rolling onto her side and resting her cheek against his chest. "Unfortunately, after he left, I had John Harrington following me round the entire night."

"Did you hex him?"

"No," she sighed, "but I should've. At one point, he stuffed mistletoe down his trousers and winked at me."

Sirius let out a bark-like laugh that surprised Althea. She slightly lifted her head as Sirius continued to shake with laughter. I had forgotten how much he enjoyed hearing of John's idiocy, she thought, starting to laugh as well.

"That is a new and pathetic low," Sirius laughed, holding her tightly.

Althea looked up toward Sirius's smiling face. "Who suspended a few twigs above my bed?" she teased, raising an eyebrow.

Sirius looked toward the mistletoe and frowned with mock thoughtfulness. "Gran probably," he replied and nodded resolutely. "That woman will stop at nothing to bring us together."

"Yes, she can't stand us apart," she quipped and winked. Althea heard the sound of the doorbell and frowned. "Who could that be?" she wondered aloud as she sat up.

"Ignore them," Sirius murmured and kissed her shoulder as she heard the doorbell again.

"How can I?" she replied as she stood from her bed. "Stay here."

"Stay here?"

"Yes," she replied anxiously, grabbing her dressing gown. "It could be Gran."

"Well, then," Sirius said as Althea walked toward her bedroom door. "I better remove me pajamas and greet her, naked. It would surely make her Christmas morning."

Althea fiercely fought as smile. "It would ruin mine," she replied as she slipped her arm into her dressing gown. "Stay here."

Althea slipped the rest of her dressing gown on as she made her way through her cottage to the front door. Bloody hell, what is she doing here, she thought as she saw the figure of Gran through the peephole. Althea reluctantly opened the front door and forced a smile.

"Good morning, Gran," she said as she held her dressing gown closed. "Happy Christmas."

Gran eyed Althea with visible annoyance. "Why aren't you dressed?" she asked, refusing to enter the cottage.

"Why am I what?" she asked defensively, pulling her dressing gown to her chin.

"Dressed, Althea Rosemary," Gran explained, thrusting her hand toward Althea. "We have Mass in one hour."

"Damn," Althea muttered, frowning. She had forgotten Christmas Mass with Gran. "Right," she said hollowly, running her fingers through her messy black hair, "just--just go.... I'll be there, I promise."

Gran appraised Althea and sighed disappointedly. "I will sit in my usual place, and I expect you to sit with me," she stated and Althea fought very much not to roll her eyes.

"Yes, Gran."

"Please be prompt as well," she added and Althea gave in.

"Of course, Gran."

"I mean it," she warned, narrowing her eyes at Althea. "The embarrassment I felt when you arrived late at Easter--"

"I won't, Gran."

"Well, then," she said, taking one last look around the cottage and then at Althea.

Sirius, don't you dare come out, Althea thought as she smiled weakly at Gran.

"I must leave," she said and gave Althea brisk kiss on the cheek. "I expect you there, Althea Rosemary."

"Right," she replied, her hand easing the door closed. "Goodbye."


Althea sighed as she shut the door. One day, she thought, resting her forehead against the door, one bloody day without 'Althea Rosemary.' One day without a damn lecture. Althea concluded that Gran viewed Althea's life as one enormous lecture, and Althea, as a willing note-taker.

"Happy Christmas, Gran," she whispered and sniffed loudly.

"Are you all right?"

Althea shook her head and she turned to look at Sirius. "Of course, not," she replied, wiping a tear from her cheek. "It's Gran."

Sirius frowned as he walked toward her. "What did she want now?" he asked, resting his hands on her shoulders. "Other than to ruin our fun."

Althea inhaled a deep breath and sighed, massaging her upper arms. "Mass," she replied and wrinkled her nose. "I'd forgotten...but," she continued and Sirius pinched her nose, "you will have the perfect opportunity to sleep."

Sirius made a face. "Oh, it's no fun without you there--"

"To hit you in the face," she finished and winked.

"Precisely," he murmured, leaning closer.

Althea placed her palm against his mouth, at which, Sirius sighed. "I can't--not now, anyway," she lamented, removing her hand from his mouth. Sirius frowned and so did Althea. "Bloody hell," she sighed, rubbing her forehead, "Mass."

"That woman goes every bloody day," Sirius remarked, running his fingers through his hair. "What the bloody hell is she atoning for?"

Althea shrugged. "I reckon she enjoys it."

"She enjoys making you miserable," he said, his fingertips gliding up and down her arms.

Althea nodded.

"But it won't be that awful," he continued with a small smile. "Not today."

"Yes, it will," she replied glumly, looking at the floor.

"No," he replied, lifting her chin, "just think that I'll be waiting for you here--"

"You'll be sleeping--"

"--and we'll have Christmas with Lily and James," he finished, grinning. "Harry's first Christmas."

I have been looking forward to that, she thought, smiling. Lily was so excited when she owled me last...and so was Sirius. I reckon he bought him another gift while on patrol last night.

"You bought him another gift, didn't you?" she asked, playfully narrowing her eyes at him.

Sirius inhaled a deep breath and turned his head from side to side. "I might've."

Althea shook her head.

"Don't worry," he began with a small smirk, "I won't get pissed and decide to ride the toy broom.... I'll save that for his first birthday."


Althea frowned slightly as she entered the vestibule. After smoothing out her skirt and coat, she looked to her watch--she had time to spare. Inhaling a deep breath, she stepped forward and winced as the church floor creaked underneath her foot. Why must this bloody floor announce my arrival, she asked herself as she walked the aisle and refused to make contact with any of the eyes staring at the new parishioner that had entered. And why must Gran sit so close to the altar? Gran, sitting very erect, sat three pews off the center aisle from the altar. Althea despised the spot and wished she could be like the others that sat in the middle, or if daring, sat in the back of the church. She did this on purpose, she thought as she rolled her eyes at Gran's choice of hat. Sitting that close and wearing that awful hat.

After almost forgetting to genuflect, Althea entered the pew and knelt. After saying a quick prayer, imploring God to give her the strength to withstand Gran, she sat and smiled at Gran. Gran, surprisingly, smiled and patted Althea's hand.

"On time, and with twenty minutes to spare," Gran said quietly and gave Althea an approving look.

Althea, bemused, looked at Gran. "Are you all right?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course, I am all right," she replied and looked toward the altar. "Isn't the church lovely? We donated the evergreen this year."

Althea's eyes scanned the altar to see boughs of evergreen adorning the altar, the pulpit, and the candelabras. It's that ridiculous hat, she thought as Gran smiled when the organ started to play and filled the church with Christmas music. That Albert fellow gave it to her, told her she looked lovely in it, and she's worn it every bloody Christmas ever since.... At least she's not giggling...the memory of Gran giggling as that Albert placed that hat on her head will stay with me forever. 'Oh, Albert'--oh, please. Gran nodded as Lady Applewood joined them. I shouldn't complain, she thought as Lady Applewood remarked how she loved Gran's hat. She isn't lecturing me.

"Happy Christmas, Althea," Lady Applewood whispered, smiling.

"Happy Christmas."

"You look lovely as always," Lady Applewood replied and politely nudged Gran. "Doesn't she always look lovely, Agnes?"

Gran nodded slightly. "Yes, she's a very beautiful young woman," she answered and Althea waited for the "but"; however, it never came.

"Thank you," Althea replied, smiling slightly. "Did Sophie give you that scarf? It's beautiful."

Lady Applewood looked to her scarf and stroked the beading. "Why, yes, she did," she replied, but quickly frowned. "What is that noise?"

Althea's eyes widened as she heard the drone of a motorbike as it seemed to circle the church. Her stomach leapt at the possibility that it could be Sirius. I told him to stay home and sleep, she thought as she looked out of the corner of her eye at Gran. Gran knew that sound as well. She sat rigid, her lips thinning, and she seemed to be half-listening to Lady Applewood's questions of the motorbike's ownership.

A gasp and murmurs alerted Althea that the owner of the motorbike had entered:

"A motorbike to Mass?"

"I think it's brilliant."

"You would."

"What is he wearing?"

"Is that a leather jacket?"

"Heavens, he's wearing boots."

Althea sat up in her seat as the parishioners continued to chatter. Slowly, she began to turn her head, but Gran grabbed her forearm.

"Do not turn to look, Althea Rosemary," Gran warned.

Althea nodded--her heart beating excitedly as she heard the distinct footsteps, the distinct footsteps she knew to be Sirius's as he walked up the center aisle. Her breathing became shallow and she bit her bottom lip to keep from smiling as his footsteps approached. The footsteps stopped at the pew behind her and Lady Applewood gasped.

Althea looked ahead as she heard Sirius kneel behind her. She felt a rush of excitement as he swept the hair from the side of her face, exposing her cheek. Breathing deeply, she could smell the wind, his soap, and motor oil as he leaned exceptionally close.

"Look at you," he whispered, his moist breath warming her ear--Althea closed her eyes and smiled, "trying so hard to look holy."

Opening her eyes, she looked to Gran, who had turned to look at Sirius. Not taking his eyes off Gran, Sirius--with a smirk--made the sign of the cross and sat in his seat.

"Happy Christmas," he said, nodding to Gran and folding his arms.

Gran, silent, looked to Althea...as did Lady Applewood. Althea smiled sheepishly and shrugged her shoulders. Oh, Sirius, you're truly brilliant, she thought as she stood for the opening hymn. Soon, Sirius's voice--clear, pleasant, and overpowering all others--filled her ears. Gran--who normally took great pride in her singing voice--refused to sing. As the song entered the third verse, Althea carefully turned to look at Sirius, who looked up from his songbook and winked. Unable to disguise a smile, she turned to face the altar, but before she did, her eyes met Gran. Gran's eyes exhibited a look of disappointment and betrayal. Althea's smile faded.

However, Gran's disapproval could not dampen Althea's spirits for long. At every opportunity, Sirius made his presence known. She could feel him watching her as Father Morris read the Gospel, and during the homily, she could not concentrate for she could only think about the few hours before James and Lily's Christmas lunch and the possibilities the hours held. At the sign of peace, Althea held her breath as Sirius offered his hand to Gran...and Gran reluctantly took it.

For once, I enjoyed Mass, she thought as she exited through the large, carved oak doors.

"Do not make a fool of yourself, Althea Rosemary," Gran warned.

Althea blinked rapidly as her eyes adjusted to the sunlight. At the bottom of the steps and at the start of the gravel road was Sirius, leaning against his gleaming motorbike; his arms folded, his demeanor was casual and he eyed everyone who passed with a distinct air of boredom. Althea's eyes met his at the first step, and they continued to share their gaze as Althea descended the stone steps--Sirius's smile slowly developing with each step taken.

"Good morning, Mr. Black," Althea said pleasantly, eyeing Sirius as she passed. "Happy Christmas."

"Good morning..." Sirius smirked as he thought how he should address her, "Althea. Happy Christmas."

Althea continued to smirk as she entered the car. Gran remained unnaturally silent and Althea took the opportunity to observe the countryside out her window. The world looked so different from a car window. It was a more intimate form of travel than Apparition, a broom, or a Portkey.

"You still speak with that boy?"

Althea sighed as Gran broke her scenic reverie. "He is the best friend of Lily's husband and godson to their child," she explained, pressing her index finger against the window. "We have to interact...whether I like it or not."

"You seemed to like it very much."

Althea's index finger traced imaginary shapes against the glass. "I'd rather be pleasant than hexed," she replied and secretly smiled. "He is, after all, from that family."

"At least you didn't make an absolute fool of yourself and embarrass us all by hopping on the back of that awful motorbike," Gran replied. "As he seemed keen for you to do so."

"I wish I had," Althea muttered, allowing her hand to drop to her side.


Althea turned her face toward Gran, and smiling, said, "Happy Christmas, Gran."

Gran smiled as well. "Happy Christmas."

Author notes: Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!