Ebb and Flow


Story Summary:
When Althea Morrigan attended Hogwarts, classmates considered Muggle Studies a joke. Unfortunately, as Muggle Studies professor, not much has changed. Why would anyone take the job? Sham marriages, staff room brawls, Centaurs, murder, and Puffskeins abound.

Chapter 39 - The Cottage, Late June 1980

Chapter Summary:
Sirius, what do you do for the Order, she thought, as she continued to look at a grimacing and screaming Sirius. If only she had a second Healer, but calling on one would be too dangerous. Running her hands through her hair, she thought quickly at what would stop the spread of the potion, or at least, stop the suffering of death.
Author's Note:
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this story! Please check out the

Althea's Cottage, Late June 1980


"Do you have any questions?" Althea asked, pulling Lily's shirt down over her pregnant stomach.

Lily grunted as she attempted to sit up. "Is there any way of speeding this pregnancy thing up?" she asked, adjusting her shirt.

Althea laughed as she sat next to her friend. "Unfortunately, no," she replied, smiling. "You wouldn't want to have the baby now."

Lily sighed, resting her hands behind her. "This boy is so active," she said, looking down at her stomach.

"Well, he is a Potter."

Lily frowned. "I know, as soon as he comes out of the womb he'll be put on a broom," she replied, rubbing her hand over her stomach. "He wants a Quidditch team."

"With who?" Althea laughed--her eyes widening.

"Exactly," she murmured and winced. "I swear, he kicks me on purpose."
Althea rested her hand on Lily's stomach. "At least when you sneeze, you don't explode any cauldrons," she remarked and felt a strong kick by the baby. "Bloody hell, he's not going to be a Chaser, he's going to be a Beater."

"His godfather will be very pleased," she replied and rolled her eyes. "Honestly, if he buys our baby another toy, we'll have no more room for us."

"I did my best last Saturday--"

"Last Saturday?" Lily interrupted eagerly--raising her eyebrows.

Althea sighed as she placed her hands in her lap. "We met for lunch," she replied, narrowing her eyes. "That's all."

An eager smile enveloped Lily's face. "It went well, then?"

"Yes, of course," she answered and laughed nervously. "We're not getting back together. We're friends," she explained, awkwardly stroking the blanket. "Anyway, he has Astrid now."

Lily laughed loudly, causing Althea to frown slightly.

"I wouldn't laugh, she could be your baby's godmother."

"Ugh," Lily replied, covering her face with her hands.

"She could be your new best friend," Althea teased in a singsong voice.

Lily peeked through her fingers. "And you could be her Midwife," she teased, lowering her hands and smiling mischievously.

Althea was about to reply when she heard a loud crash in her drawing room. "Stay here," she whispered, quickly taking her wand from her robe pocket.

Suddenly James burst into the guest bedroom--his face and hands bruised and bloodied. "Althea, we--we need you," he said out of breath, leaning against the doorway.

"Oh my God!" Lily gasped, attempting to stand.

"No, Lily, stay here," she demanded, resting a firm hand on Lily's shoulder. "It'll be all right."

Althea quickly walked over to James, who was slowly sliding down the doorway--his robes splattered with blood, leaving blood smears along the door. Lifting him up, she walked him into the drawing room. Immediately, as she entered the drawing room, Althea gasped--Sirius, his robes soaked in blood, lay on the sofa with a bruised Peter behind him.

"What--what happened?"

"Just help him," James said, slumping into a chair.

Althea walked to Sirius' side. He lay before her groaning and writhing in pain. She recognized the acrid smell and realized they had very little time before the potion worked throughout his body. The potion had eaten its way through his clothes and now ate away at the flesh over his hip. There's no way I can help him, she thought as she eyed him on the sofa. Babies and broom injuries I can handle, but this? He needs a specialist Healer in burns and potions, not me.

"Peter, take Lily home," she said, not taking her eyes off Sirius.

Peter nodded and walked into the guest room.

"James, what happened?" she asked as Peter ushered Lily out of the cottage.

"We were ambushed. He pushed me out of the way as a Death Eater threw the potion," James explained, attempting to stand. "Althea, you need to help him."

Althea shook her head. "James, he needs to go to St. Mungo's."

"No! I...can't!" Sirius shouted, grimacing from the pain.

"He's right. St. Mungo's will suspect. You have to treat him here," James pleaded, grabbing her arm. "You said yourself that there are Death Eaters as Healers.... We can only trust you."

"Then we'll take him to Muggle hospital, then--"

"No!" James shouted, shaking her arm. "Muggle hospital won't know what to do! Please, Althea, you have to help him," he pleaded desperately.

Sirius, what do you do for the Order, she thought, as she continued to look at a grimacing and screaming Sirius. If only she had a second Healer, but calling on one would be too dangerous. Running her hands through her hair, she thought quickly at what would stop the spread of the potion, or at least, stop the suffering of death.

"Fine, but you must help," she demanded and James nodded. "Go into the cellar, bring me poppy juice, and every jar on the top shelf marked for burns," she demanded, looking into his eyes. "If anything is marked 'dittany' bring it!"

James nodded and hastily ran to her kitchen. Taking out her wand, she placed the tip of her wand against his robes and started to remove Sirius's robes--careful not to spread the potion.

"Al--Althea...wha--what are...you doing?" he asked through gritted teeth, and screamed, arching his back.

"Please, don't move," she replied, holding his shoulders down. "The potion is on your robes and I don't want it to spread," she said, looking into his eyes. "I have to remove your robes."

Sirius grabbed her arm. "It's bad, isn't it?" he asked, his hair dripping with blood and sweat.

Althea refused to answer, removed her arm from his hand, and continued to cut away his clothes. Sirius grabbed her arm again.

"I'm dying, then?" he asked, grimacing--his grip tightening around her arm, hurting her.

Althea pried his hand from her arm. "Sirius, James will be here shortly so I can give you something for pain," she said, removing his clothes and avoiding his question.

"Is this necessary?" James asked as he returned, carrying a large basket full of jars.

"Yes," she replied as she slowly removed the pieces of his robes with her wand. "We have to rinse the potion off him before it spreads. Now, put those things in the spare bedroom while I take him to the bath."

James nodded, and with her wand, Althea guided Sirius as he floated into the bathroom. Carefully, she floated Sirius down into the bathtub, and turned on the cool water. Sirius yelled and convulsed as the cool water hit his wound.

"Sirius, please I know it hurts, but don't move," she pleaded, holding his legs.

He continued to struggle as James entered the bathroom.

"James, hold his legs," she said as she crawled to the other end of the tub.

"Please...Althea...please," Sirius muttered, struggling against James.

Althea pressed her hands against Sirius's chest to keep him from convulsing. "You have to keep still," she said determined, staring into his eyes. "You want to live, right?" she asked and he nodded. "Then, keep still," she said calmly.

Sirius continued to stare into her eyes, and she recognized something she had never seen before--fear. Althea's stomach constricted as she realized he was scared that he would die.

"Sirius, you'll be okay," she said softly, stroking his hair. "You're being very brave," she added and kissed his forehead.

"James, mate...you can let go...of my legs," he said, breathing heavily. "Althea--"

"You don't have to talk," she interrupted, washing the blood off his face with a washcloth. "James and I are here to entertain you. James," she said, turning toward James, who nervously sat watching Sirius, "put something relaxing on the phonograph, please."

James slowly stood, still watching Sirius, and exited the room. She heard James turn on the phonograph and soon the music of Led Zeppelin filled her cottage. Althea laughed quietly as she heard James mutter an expletive and quickly turn off the phonograph. Sirius smiled as well, but soon grimaced again.

"Sorry," he muttered, entering the bathroom. "Muggle music."

"Right," she replied, placing the washcloth over the side of the tub. "Would you like out of this tub?" she asked and Sirius nodded. "James, would you help me transport Sirius to the spare room?"

James helped Althea guide Sirius into the spare bedroom. Slowly, they lowered him onto the bed, and now she could fully examine Sirius' state. Her stomach lurched forward as she looked at the wound--red, gaping, and deep. Althea opened the poppy juice bottle and poured a few drops into his mouth. Sirius swallowed the droplets and his body began to relax.

"Humoris," she murmured slowly, tracing the outline of the large vein upon Sirius's forearm.

Althea looked at the basket full of jars and frowned--only one jar--filled with a sliver salve--would be strong enough; the others, filled with orange, yellow, and purple salves would be used to supplement to regenerate tissue. If this bloody works, she thought, placing the jars on the nightstand in the order she would use them.

Althea opened the jar. "Sirius, this will hurt," she said quietly, stroking his wet hair away from his face.

Sirius nodded fretfully.

Althea generously poured the salve onto his wound. Sirius screamed and shuddered, and she nodded for James to hold him down. She waited for the bubbling and the hissing to cease before she poured more of the salve onto his wound. Sirius, I'm so sorry, she thought as he squirmed in pain as the salve seeped into his wound. Althea tended to the wounds on his hands and head, as she waited for the salve to take its full effect. What effect it would have, she did not know. She hoped that it would save him, but no one had ever survived that potion. In slow succession, she poured the yellow salve--which reacted with the silver salve, producing a noxious smoke that quickly dissipated when Althea used her wand to suction.

"What are you trying to do?" James asked, coughing and waving his hands before his face.

"Hold my wand here," she demanded, taking James's hand and placing it on her wand. "Don't move your hand, no matter what happens."

"No matter what happens?" Sirius shrieked, attempting to sit up and yelped in agony.

"Like that, James," she replied, opening the jar of orange salve. "That was a good example."

James nodded and unwaveringly held the tip of her wand at the edge of the wound. Althea poured the orange salve onto the wound--it seeping into the wound, the salve changing to blue.

"Is that supposed to happen?" James asked, looking fretfully at the wound.

"Of course," she lied, opening the final jar. "Don't move, Sirius, please," she implored, pouring the purple salve onto his wound. "Good," she whispered, taking her wand from James's hand. "Thank you."

Althea began to murmur a succession of Regenerative Charms at his wound. After the last spell, she gently placed gauze soaked in dittany over the wound and secured it to his skin.

James rested his hand on Sirius' shoulder. "Mate, why'd you..." he began to ask, but shook his head, roughly wiping his eyes underneath his glasses.

Sirius forced a smile. "Duty as a godfather," he replied and winced.

"Enough," Althea said quietly, resting her hand on James's upper arm. "I'll meet you in the drawing room.... I believe Sirius needs his rest."

Althea covered Sirius with the softest linen sheet, fed him a few more drops of poppy juice, and left the room. Muttering a Cleaning Charm, she cleaned the sofa and sat down--running her hands through her own wet hair. This damn waiting, she thought, pulling her hair at its roots. This won't work--Sirius will die, she thought, throwing her head back onto the sofa. How will I tell James he must bury his best friend?

"He's dying, isn't he?" James said quietly, as he sat next to Althea.

"I don't know," she murmured, looking at the ceiling. "No one's survived this," she added, turning her head toward him.

James frowned. "He could," he replied solemnly.

Althea sat up and began to mend James's wounds. "I suppose he could," she said, mending a particularly ghastly wound on his forehead. "James, you should go home to Lily--she's probably very worried," she added as she mended the last of his wounds.

James shook his head. "I can't leave. I need to be here."

"There's nothing else we can do," she replied, patting his hand. "Now we wait."

James frowned. "Wait for what? Wait for him to die?" he said, the frustration apparent in his voice. James stood and paced in front of her.

Althea watched him as he paced back and forth--a frown formed on his face as he messed his hair.

"Althea, you don't understand. He's my best friend," he said, kneeling in front of her. "I know you don't particularly like him, but if there is anything you can do..." he added softly, his voice trailing off as he rested his forehead against her knees.

Althea stroked his messy black hair. "Contrary to what you may believe, I don't want Sirius to die, James," she said, lifting his head from her knees. "If there were anything else I could do, I would do it. I wouldn't let him die, he's very important in both our lives," she said, looking into his eyes.

James smiled. "I knew it," he said proudly. "You can't resist his charms, can you," he said triumphantly, poking her kneecap with his finger. "Neither can--"

"He's a friend," she interrupted, frowning. "He also saved my life, and I am in his debt."

James stood and messed his hair. "That's right, he did--didn't he?" he murmured, sitting next to her. "The Prefect Bathroom and the staircase."

"And the Whomping Willow," she sighed, looking at the fireplace across from her. "When I discovered my father had died, I attempted to fly my broom into the Whomping Willow," she explained slowly, noticing the fireplace needed cleaning. "I never asked him how he kept me from hitting it."

James rested his hand on her shoulder. "If it weren't for him, I don't know where I'd be," he said thoughtfully.

"He is a good man, but--"

"No," James interrupted. "He's a good man, Althea. I don't know how much more he has to prove to you that he is."

Althea sighed. He still believes Sirius and I have a chance, she thought, looking from the fireplace to her hands.

"He doesn't have to prove it to me. I know he's a good man," she explained, turning her attention toward him. "He has a lot on his mind."

James nodded knowingly at her observation. "He came from a difficult family," he said, taking his hand from her shoulder. "You did bring out the best in him, though."

Althea smirked. "And the worst," she added, folding her arms.

James shook his head. "No, you didn't," he replied, patting her arm.

Althea removed his hand and stood. "I think you best go to Lily," she said, kicking her heel against the pale wood floor. "I'll contact you if anything happens."

James stood and rested his hands on her upper arms. "Promise me you'll do everything you can," he said ardently.

"I promise," she replied. "Lily needs you. Go home."

"Right," he mumbled and with a loud pop left the room.

Althea quietly opened the guestroom door and it felt as if her heart sank into her stomach. She paused at the door, resting her head against the doorframe. What am I to do, she thought sadly, staring at Sirius. From the doorway, she observed him taking long, labored breaths--the sheet soaked with his sweat. Althea carefully removed the soaked sheet, and started for the closet.

"Althea...don't...don't leave me," Sirius murmured, shifting on the bed.

Althea sighed quietly as she turned to face him. "Sirius, I'm not going to leave. I'm getting another sheet--this one is soaked through," she said softly, presenting the soaked sheet.

"Stay," he said, attempting to focus his eyes on her.

"I'll be right back, I promise."

Althea hurriedly grabbed a sheet from the closet and a few clean towels to wipe the sweat off him. She gently covered him with the sheet and wiped the sweat from his forehead as she sat next to him. Sirius opened and closed his mouth, inhaling a deep breath through his nostrils. He arched his back and frantically turned his head from side to side, as he gritted his teeth from the pain. Althea's jaw tightened as she endeavored to maintain her composure as she slowly wiped the sweat from the side of his face. She would have to call James soon. He should be here when Sirius passes, she thought, patting his neck with the towel. James would never forgive me if he wasn't here. As she patted his neck, she noticed a silver chain around his neck. Gingerly, she pulled it forward, but Sirius grabbed her hand and pulled her hand away from it. Clasping her hand in his hands, he continued to focus his eyes on her.

"I'm sorry," he said and labored for a breath.

"Sorry for what?" she asked softly, with her other hand patting his forehead with a towel. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"You don't want me here," he murmured, closing his eyes. "I can tell."

Althea sighed and squeezed his hand. "I'd want you here under different circumstances." She frowned and stroked the wet strands of hair from his face. "I did have a date tonight," she said, attempting to make light conversation. "I don't know how I will be able to explain you, naked in my home."

Sirius smiled weakly. "Tell him that I'm a jealous old boyfriend, who just won't let you go," he replied and arched his back.

She frowned as he growled in pain, squeezing her hand tightly in his hands. "Sirius, you need more poppy juice--"

"No, I don't want anymore," he answered tiredly. "I want to remember you without poppy juice."

"Remember me? You're not going to die," she said awkwardly. "Desino dolor," she said and Sirius relaxed. "Humoris."

He shook his head. "No, I am going to die," he said solemnly.

Suddenly, Sirius began to shift and attempted to sit up. Althea went to stop him, but Sirius pushed her arms away.

"Don't--just--please," he said as Althea propped another pillow behind his head. "Althea, I don't want to die," he began and took a deep breath. "I don't want to die like the others. Please, if it looks like I will end up like--like that," he continued and furrowed his eyebrows. "Kill me," he finished, looking into her eyes.

Althea licked her lips and bit her bottom lip. "Sirius, I--I can't kill you," she said, stroking his cheek.

Sirius brought his hand to her cheek, and her stomach tightened in excitement as he stroked the side of her face. "You have to; I can't ask James to do it."

"I won't do it," she said softly, staring into his eyes. The excitement faded from her stomach as she realized he was sincere in his request. "I couldn't spend the rest of my life knowing that I killed you. I wouldn't be able to live with myself," she added, stroking the side of his face.

"You're not allowed to kill yourself," he said, frowning. "I'm not that bloody important."

"You are important--who will look after me?" she asked, straightening up.

Sirius laughed quietly. "Look after you?" he repeated, smiling faintly. "You don't need me looking after you."

"I don't?" she asked, her lips curving into a smile.

"You don't," he answered, sliding his hand down her neck and onto her shoulder. "Kiss me."

Althea playfully frowned, removing her hand from his face. "The potion is obviously taking effect--you're delirious," she said with mock seriousness. "I'm not Astrid. I'm Althea."

"I know," he replied, roughly massaging her shoulder. "You're my Althea."

"You're serious, then?"

"Very," he murmured and closed his eyes, puckering his lips.

Althea laughed through her nose. "What are you, eleven?" she teased, leaning closer.

He smiled vaguely. "I love you."

"I love you, too," she murmured automatically and kissed his lips. Pulling away, she frowned at Sirius's condition. "You're very warm," she said, resting her hand on his forehead and then his cheek. "You're very tired, aren't you?"

Sirius sighed. "I am tired, very tired," he said quietly.

"You need your rest," she replied, standing.

Quickly, he grabbed her arm. "No, don't leave me."

"I won't leave," she replied, removing his hand. "I'll stay...there," she continued, pointing to a chair. Walking across the room, she removed a chair from the dressing table. Althea placed the chair next to the bedside. "I'll sit here."

"The entire night?"

"It is a comfortable chair," she replied, leaning back.

"No, come up here," he said, motioning to the other side of the bed.

"Come up there?" she replied, leaning on the back two legs of her chair.

Sirius nodded and patted the bed next to him. "Yeah, why not?"

Althea smiled. "Are you seducing me?" she asked, letting the chair legs fall forward.

"Seduce you? I'm in no state to seduce you," he replied, smiling tiredly. "Anyway, I'm the one that's naked," he added and shuddered--his face contorting.

Althea stood and opened the bottle of poppy juice. "Sirius, you need more poppy juice," she said, bringing the bottle to his lips.

Sirius closed his mouth and turned his head away.

"If you don't take a few drops the pain will worsen," she said, still offering him the bottle. "It will help you relax and sleep."

Sirius frowned and let a few drops of poppy juice into his mouth.

"I won't give you anymore for a while," she said, twisting the cap onto the bottle.

Althea placed the bottle on the nightstand and walked around to the other side of the bed. Carefully, she sat on the bed and lay down, resting her head against the soft feather pillow.

"So," Sirius said slowly, turning his head toward her. "Aren't you going to seduce me?" he asked, his speech slurring slightly.

"No, Sirius," she replied, turning onto her side--facing him.

"I thought this was your plan--feed me full of poppy juice so I forget who I was and who you were," he slurred, his eyelids drooping lower. "Then you'd take advantage of a poor, defenseless me."

"I don't want you," she answered, rolling her eyes. "Please, sleep. You need to rest."

"Oh, that hurt--that hurt right here," he slurred, and with an exaggerated movement slapped his chest with his hand. "Denying the wish of a dying man," he said, his hand slamming against the mattress.

"You're not dying if you're well enough to proposition me," she replied, unsuccessfully attempting to hide a smile. "You know, you will regret this tomorrow."

"Althea...Althea...Althea," Sirius murmured dreamily. "I will regret nothing as I will forget."

Althea laughed, causing Sirius's eyes to widen briefly. "I won't forget," she reminded, smiling mischievously.

"Ah, there's the flaw in my plan," he mumbled, his eyes closing.

Soon, Althea heard the slow, labored breaths as Sirius slept. Quietly, she slipped off the bed and stood, careful not to jar the bed. She cringed as she looked at herself in the mirror that rested against the top of the dressing table. I look terrible, she thought, frowning at her reflection--her face covered with dirt and blood, her clothes wet, and her hair slightly bushy and tangled. He wants to remember me like this? I shouldn't think like that--he'll come through, she thought, taking one last look in the mirror.

Althea walked into her bedroom and took out a pen and paper to write her date. She hated to have to cancel their date that way, but it was necessary. She could not risk him seeing Sirius. The Order worked outside the Ministry, and members were targets just like the Death Eaters. The Ministry arrested three members earlier that morning, and the Ministry declared an increase in the number of raids. The Ministry wanted to handle the Voldemort problem with only its most capable Aurors. Little did the Ministry know that some of its most capable Aurors were indeed members of the Order. However, it was only a matter of time before it raided her home--the Ministry raided every home. They were lucky arresting those three this morning, she thought, dipping her quill into the inkbottle, as if raids will lead them to any Death Eaters or Order members. I suppose if they raided every home--they'd find someone someday.

Slightly uneasy with her excuse of a patient in labor, she neatly tied the letter to Gabriel's leg, and watched Gabriel fly into the early evening sky. Sighing, she collected a nightgown and a robe and headed for the bathroom. However, before she entered the bathroom, another owl arrived with a package containing Sirius's clothes. Opening the package, she placed the neatly folded clothes on the dressing table. As she walked toward the door, she took one more look at Sirius--he was in a poppy juice induced sleep.


"Why can't I have one day of normalcy," she sighed, resting her head against the shower wall. "I'm tired--tired of the hiding, of the lying, of the fear," she mumbled, softly hitting her forehead against the ceramic tile wall. "I just want to go away," she finished, reaching over and turning off the water.

She could not go away--not now, not with Lily about to have a baby. Lily needed Althea, and to quit her job as a Midwife and start somewhere else would be cruel. That damn birth announcement, she thought, wrapping the soft, large towel around her body. Before the events of the early evening, Lily had shown Althea a birth announcement sent to her by Petunia--much to the shock of both young women. Overjoyed that Petunia might want to start a relationship, Lily sent her a letter and small Muggle toy by Muggle post. The letter and package were returned to Lily, unopened. No, Althea had to stay.

As she dressed and dried her hair, she wondered if she would have to call James. If Sirius makes it through the night, his chances for survival will improve, she thought, walking into the guestroom. Carefully removing the sheet, she examined his wound, and observed that it had not spread. It was the first positive observation she had made, and a slight upsurge of hope entered her body. He might just make it, she thought, stroking the wet hair from his eyes. Althea pointed her wand at the wound and murmured the sequence of Regeneration Charms. She applied a new gauzed soaked in dittany upon the wound and whispered an Infusion Spell.

"I won't leave you," she whispered, slipping into bed next to him.

She looked to her nightstand--she had all the items she would need to tend to him that night. Exhausted, Sirius's labored breathing and faint snoring wrestled her from her drowsy state. She rested her head against her pillow and watched him as he slept with his mouth slightly parted. For a moment she smiled, and caught herself doing so. She used to enjoy watching him as he slept peacefully beside her.

"Now, I'm watching for your death," she whispered, roughly rubbing her eye.

As she watched him sleep, the part of her mind she kept hidden surfaced, the part insisting that she had made a mistake. I didn't make a mistake, she thought fiercely. We're great as friends--oh, just keep telling yourself that the next time you punch a hole in the ceiling with the fire poker. Poor excuse to have him over, that's what it is--'Oh, Sirius, there's a hole in my ceiling and it's about to rain, could you repair it?' He always comes, though. You stupid girl, he's happy now, with his new girlfriend. The thought of Sirius's new girlfriend caused waves of jealousy to course through her. Astrid was pretty--very pretty--with long, brown hair and dark brown eyes. Althea had met her a few times on chance meetings in Diagon Alley and at Sirius's birthday party, and thought her to be an agreeable, chatty young woman--although not the sort of woman she and Lily thought he should have as a girlfriend.

She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead, in an attempt to remove the feeling of jealousy from her body and mind. I still think it should be me, she thought, sliding closer to him. However, she could never disclose her feelings, for she imagined the different scenarios in which she told him her feelings. In one scenario, Sirius's rage surfaced, humiliating her--their friendship ruined. In another, Sirius condescendingly accepts her feelings, and afterward laughs with his girlfriend.

Gently, Althea stroked the hair away from Sirius's face. "I wish we could go back to the way it was, you know," she whispered as Sirius continued to sleep. "Our fifth-year, before everything started to happen around us. When I hated you, and you--well--didn't really hate me," she continued and smiled. Althea sighed and twirled a piece of his hair with her index finger. "I never told you why I hated you, did I? I hated you because you were so beautiful," she began to explain, letting go of his hair. "I always equated beauty with goodness, and I never understood how someone as physically beautiful as you could be so cruel," she finished, letting her fingers glide down his temple.

Althea closed her eyes as she let her fingertips faintly touch the side of his face. She opened her eyes and saw Sirius's face turning to meet her fingertips, and she smiled.

"Then, I learned how warm, and kind, and loving you could be," she said softly and inhaled a shaky breath. "I was surprised at how innocent you could be," she continued as her throat constricted. "Don't lose your innocence, Sirius. If anyone believes he will live forever, I know it's you.... You and I know who makes this potion, and you cannot let him win," she said--her throat sore from its tightened muscles.

She took Sirius's hand her hers and rested it against her cheek. "I love you, you know," she whispered, closing her eyes. "It's just that we can't be together--you know that. If we were, somehow you would come to resent me, or I, you. I couldn't handle it--I don't ever want to resent you, Sirius," she finished and kissed his parted lips.


"Ministry!" a man's voice shouted from the drawing room.

Panicked, Althea quickly sat up in bed as the late morning sun cascaded through the guestroom windows. She gasped--she had fallen asleep. Oh no, they're going to discover Sirius, she thought, frantically running her fingers through her hair. Althea jumped out of bed as she heard the footsteps move from the drawing room into the kitchen. Running to the nightstand, she hid the poppy juice bottle and a half-empty jar of burn salve underneath Sirius's pillow.

Althea's movement of his pillow woke Sirius. "What's happening?" he asked groggily.

Althea stopped, tears filling her eyes. "Sirius," she choked, feeling herself shake with happiness.

Sirius tiredly smiled, bringing a shaky hand to his face.

"Humoris," she murmured slowly and Sirius perked up.


"A raid--Enforcement Officers," Althea whispered nervously, removing the sheet over his hip. "How are you this morning?" she asked, removing the gauze from his hip.

Althea gasped as the wound was almost healed. How could this have almost healed in one night, she wondered, as she observed only a small circular superficial wound on his hip. She remembered the other times the potion had been used, and noticed a fatal error--this time the potion had not been ingested. The ingestion of the potion must quicken the time it works though the system and heightens its effects, she thought, picking up her wand from the nightstand.

"Pain's gone," he said sleepily, looking down at his hip. "Hey, my hip," he said, smiling tiredly. "I knew you could do it."

"It wasn't me," she replied as she mended the small wound with her wand. "It could be many things--arrival here just after it happened, the washing out of the wound, the combination of salves, the fact it wasn't ingested, or a weak Potions Master," she explained and frowned. "Strange, how the Ministry would raid my home after the fight yesterday," she said knowingly, wary of the footsteps entering her bedroom, as she covered his hip with the sheet.

Sirius nodded in agreement. "I know; they've been monitoring my movements for some time now," he said, sitting up. "They probably became nervous after I didn't return home last night."

Althea frowned as she heard the two Ministry officials rummaging through her things. "I don't like this," she said, rubbing her upper arms. "What will they do when they find us?"

"Take us away and question us," he said, running his hands through his hair. "This isn't good."

"No, it isn't," she replied, biting her lip.

Althea looked at the pile of Sirius's folded clothes on the dressing table. However, it will give us an alibi, she thought, looking back at Sirius. Picking up the pile of clothes, she began to scatter them around the foot of the bed.

"What are you doing?" Sirius asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Just play along, all right," she said, taking off her nightgown. Throwing the nightgown on the floor, she hurriedly jumped into bed. "Right," breathed, looking at a confused Sirius, who had turned onto his side. "No kissing below the face and no hands below the neck."

"Is this the best you can do?" he remarked, his lips curving into a smile.

"At the moment, yes," she replied, herself attempting to hide her laughter. "Now kiss me."

Sirius sighed. "Wouldn't this be a bit more convincing with your knickers off?" he asked, smiling.

"I don't trust you," she replied, and awkwardly pressed her lips to his.

Sirius pulled away and made a face. "What are you, eleven?" he teased and frowned playfully. "You could make this more convincing," he added, rolling her onto her back. Sirius sighed and rested his forehead against hers. "Do you have to be so rigid, too?"

Althea sighed and pinched his waist.

"Ow! Injuring an already injured man and breaking your own rule, too," he added and began tickling her sides.

Althea wiggled and laughed as she tried to stop his tickling. "Sirius--Sirius--stop," she laughed, holding his hands away from her.

Sirius playfully frowned.

"I suppose we should make this as convincing as possible."

Sirius grinned. "That's my girl," he whispered and winked.

"I'm not your girl," she replied awkwardly, "and don't you dare tell James."

"Don't you dare tell Lily," he whispered and slowly let his parted lips intermingle with hers.

No matter how much she wanted to deny it, she enjoyed Sirius's lips against hers and against her skin. She even hoped that the Ministry officials would not enter the spare bedroom, and they would continue uninterrupted; however, Althea heard the footsteps growing louder as they stopped outside the bedroom door.

The door clicked open and the man shouted, "The Ministry!"

Immediately Sirius rolled off Althea, and with perfect execution, the pair looked embarrassed and shocked at the Ministry Officials. Althea modestly covered herself as the male official attempted to retain his composure.

"Very sorry," the man said, staring at the ceiling.

Althea found it difficult not to snicker.

"As you should be," Sirius replied gruffly, folding his arms. "Interrupting a honeymoon couple."

Althea's mood quickly changed. Her eyes narrowed, and Sirius winked. Honeymoon couple? Oh, this will end terribly, she thought, frowning.

"Sorry about that. Congratulations," the man replied, shaking Sirius hand.

"No worries," Sirius replied, smiling. Althea pinched his side, and Sirius grabbed her wrist--holding her hand in his.

"I found them, Astrid!" the man yelled, shifting his gaze to over his shoulder. "Just a honeymoon couple."

"A honeymoon couple--Althea married? Congratulations, Sirius didn't--" said a brown-haired woman, who had appeared in the doorway. Suddenly her face reddened and her eyes filled with anger. "Sirius! How--how could you!" she shouted angrily, her finger pointed at the couple.

Althea's stomach jolted forward as she remembered Sirius's girlfriend--she quickly retracted her hand from Sirius's hand. Of all the people to conduct the raid of my home, it had to be Astrid, she thought, resting her head on her knees. Terrible is a great understatement for this situation. She did not dare lift her head to see Sirius's reaction. She could feel his reaction.

"Bloody hell," she murmured as she slowly lifted her head to face Astrid.

"Bloody hell indeed!" she exclaimed, folding her arms. "I don't believe this! You couldn't have possibly married here--it's the law to publish intent in the Daily Prophet three weeks prior!"

"Muggle elopement," Sirius mumbled, looking to Althea for help.

"How convenient," Astrid replied, her eyes narrowing. "I suppose there is a document of some sort."

"It will arrive by Muggle post," Althea answered, holding the sheet tighter.

"Muggle post," she sneered, eyeing Althea with the utmost disgust. "When were you going to tell me? A week from now, maybe a month from now?"

"I was going to tell you," Sirius pleaded. "You have to understand!"

"Tell me--understand? So this is where you've been?" she asked, thrusting her hand in Althea's direction. "All those times you weren't at your flat, or were otherwise unreachable, you were here?"

Althea prayed she would not reach for her wand.

"Yes," he muttered, lowering his head.

"I should have known," she said gravely, resting her hands on her hips. "You always preferred her company, didn't you? Now you're married to her--I hope you're happy."

"I am."

Althea pulled at the roots of her hair out of frustration and embarrassment.

"You are a swine!" she shouted, picking up a piece of his clothing and throwing it at his head. "And you," she began, walking over to Althea's side of the bed. "You are lucky we didn't find anything, or I'd have no problem carting you off to Azkaban!" she finished and slapped Althea's face. "Let's leave, Stuart," she said, walking over to her partner. "He's no member of the Order--he can't keep his trousers on long enough. Neither is she--she's too busy stealing other women's boyfriends," she remarked angrily, and with a pop both vanished.

Gingerly rubbing her cheek, Althea continued to stare at the spot where Sirius's girlfriend had been. "I'm very sorry," she said quietly, finally turning to face him. "If I would have known--"

"Well, there was no way of knowing."

"I guess not," she murmured and bit her bottom lip. "I feel awful," she said, tightening her grip on her pillow. "Sirius, why in the bloody hell did you say we were a honeymoon couple?" she asked angrily, throwing her pillow at his head.

Sirius caught the pillow and threw it back at her. "To make it more convincing."

Grabbing her nightgown from the side of the bed, she slipped it over her head. "I have to tell her the truth," she said, adjusting her nightgown. "We can't let her think we're married."

Sirius laughed and scratched the back of his head. "Do you think she'll listen to you?"

His amusement caused her to frown.

"You can't tell her why I was here--she'd have no problem putting both of us away."

"I liked Astrid, although she does think great Muggle music are The Carpenters," she explained, bringing her knees to her chest. "It's not fair to her, though."

Sirius's bark-like laugh echoed throughout the room. "Fair? You'll tell her the truth and she'll still cart us away."

Althea frowned. "You seem happy about this," she remarked, resting her chin on her folded arms. "She thinks I'm a slag."

Sirius grunted as he slid underneath the bedclothes, resting his head on his pillow. "I'm not that happy," he replied and sighed. "We lost one of our links with the Ministry."

Althea lifted her head and turned it toward Sirius. "The Ministry? You were dating her for information, weren't you? She wasn't really your girlfriend, was she?"

"Yep," he said, turning his face toward her. "Amazing what she told me, too."

"You are a swine," she sneered.

"I'm out there, risking my life--"

"Yeah, dating is one of life's greatest risks," she interrupted, smirking.

"With her it was," he snorted. "She questioned everything. Including you--she didn't trust you."

"Trust me?" she repeated, lying back onto the bed. "Why wouldn't she trust me?"

"Your father," he replied, resting his arm across her waist. Althea's stomach muscles tightened as he gently stroked her side. "She was actually stupid enough to show me the file on your father."

Althea turned onto her side. "My father had a file?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

Sirius nodded.

"Why would he have a file? He never did anything."

"The Ministry didn't like what he was writing. They were waiting for him to break the International Statute of Secrecy," he explained, resting his hand on her hip. "Carried over to you, too--had a file almost as big."

"Me? I've never done anything in my life," she said emphatically, taking his hand off her hip.

Sirius laughed. "Don't worry. I nicked the files--I'll have to let you read them," he said, grinning. "I found passages where my mother forced inquiries after she discovered I was dating you. She wanted to take your wand away," he added and pinched her nose--Althea frowned. "Of course she'll find out about our marriage and request a full inquest into the matter."

"We're not married," she reminded sternly. "If anything, you made our plan backfire if there is an inquiry."

"Well, I suppose we should marry, then?" he asked, smirking.

"Unfortunately, I suppose we should," she murmured, frowning. "How's your bike?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"My bike is fantastic, why?"

"There are loads of islands in the Caribbean that don't require anything," she replied and furrowed her eyebrows. "We could marry today, change the license, and no one would ever know different," she explained and sat up. "However, if I marry you, we're getting an annulment after a week."

Sirius sat up as well. "Agreed," he said, unhooking the silver chain around his neck.

He caught the silver chain before it could fall and slipped off the amethyst ring he had given her for her sixteenth birthday. Althea giggled.

"Don't laugh, we need to make this official," he explained, taking her left hand in his.

"Official? Sirius, no we don't."

Sirius slipped the amethyst ring onto her finger.

"What do you carry this round for?" she asked teasingly, slipping the ring onto her right ring finger. "For emergency situations?"

"Sort of like that," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Never know when you might have to marry," she remarked and winked.

"Right," he breathed, scratching the back of his head. "I'll tell James--"

"No!" she said firmly, grabbing his forearm. "He can't know, not until after--"

"After what?" James asked and Althea's stomach constricted as she turned her face toward the door. James stood at the door, his arms folded, with a large grin across his face. "All better then, mate?"

"Yeah," Sirius replied, grinning. "Althea's cleverness saved us from Azkaban," he added, nodding toward Althea.

Oh, damn, don't say anything, she thought, fiercely rubbing her forehead.

"You were raided?"

Althea nodded.

"A few of the others were as well. No one taken."

"We lost a link with the Ministry, however," Sirius replied and laughed. "Astrid raided us. Nasty shock to find us in bed."

"It's a nasty shock for me, as well," he remarked, pointing to Sirius and Althea.

Althea pulled the blanket higher toward her chin.

"Glad the Ministry bought it," Sirius replied, scratching the back of his head. "Said we were a honeymoon couple."

James laughed loudly as Althea punched Sirius in the shoulder. "Oh, mate!" he laughed and sighed loudly, grabbing his side. "Althea, you said--" he started to ask, but fell into another fit of laughter.

"It wasn't me," she replied, raising her voice. "It was Sirius."

James sighed loudly again and shook his head as he looked at the couple. "Of all the things you both have done, this--this is...good one, mate," he said and winked. "I can't stay. I have to tell Lily--it'll make her morning."

"Right," Sirius replied and winked.

Althea covered her face with her hands as James Apparated.

"Cheer up," Sirius said, resting his palm against her back, "you're marrying the most eligible bachelor in all of Wizarding Britain."

"I told you not to tell James," she replied, removing her hands from her face.


"This is all a joke to you, isn't it?"

Sirius laughed as he massaged the back of his head.

"Yes, it is," she continued with mild astonishment. "You are a swine."


What am I doing here, she thought, as the justice of the peace spoke to Sirius. I know James and Lily are in England still laughing over this. She couldn't stop laughing when I saw her.... I feel like such an idiot.

She continued hide her growing queasiness behind a fake smile as Sirius replied, "I will."

The words I will caused the bile to surge up her throat. She widened her smile as she swallowed the revolting liquid as the justice of the peace directed his attention toward her. Her mind did not recognize the words the justice of the peace spoke to her. Look at him, his smirking--it's a joke to him. This is a farce. Why am I honestly going through this? I didn't want it to happen this way. This is ridiculous--love, honor, forsaking all others--I can't possibly believe this. I can't possibly believe this when I know it isn't true for the both of us. Oh, but he had to be such an idiot! Opening his bloody mouth and saying 'honeymoon couple.' If he thinks we're going to consummate this bloody thing.... But it has been a while and he almost died.... What am I thinking? No! No! No! I'm going to march him into the spare room and lock the door behind him, but what good will that do? He could Apparate, or worse, I could Apparate--and I know I would, too.... This is wrong, but I have to answer. Please forgive me, she thought as the justice of the peace finished.

"I will," she replied, hoping she did not sound too eager or too reluctant.

The two exchanged rings, and relief overcame her, as she did not throw up as she said husband. The two exchanged their first kiss as a wedded couple, and the justice of the peace wished them luck and happiness as they signed the marriage certificate. Althea forced her hand to sign her newly married name onto the marriage certificate. She was now known, for that one week, as 'Mrs. Black.' I can't believe I have done something so incredibly stupid, she thought as she feigned another smile.

"James and Lily have promised us a party when we return tonight," he said, pulling her close and smiling as the wife of the justice of the peace took their photograph.

"No, I don't want a party," she replied, smiling weakly for another photograph.

"We have a party, I drink too much, and we don't have to consummate this thing," he replied and kissed her cheek as the woman took another photograph.

"We weren't consummating this thing, anyway," she replied through her smiling teeth.

"We really are married, then," he remarked and laughed as the camera bulb flashed. "I'm sending one of these photographs to my mother."

"Damn," she murmured, frowning as the last photograph was taken.


Only one glass of wine, she thought, looking at Sirius as he sat on the edge of her bed. Sirius, you only drank one glass of wine the entire night at the party.

"So," Sirius said slowly, smoothing the hair away from his face.

"So," she replied slowly, leaning against her dressing table. "I hope you know we're not consummating this thing."

"I know."

"It would ruin our chances of an annulment," she explained, kicking the carpet with her heel.

"I know."

"I'll sleep on that side of the bed," she said, pointing to Sirius's right, as she walked toward the bed.

"Right," he muttered, moving backward and slipping underneath the blankets.

Althea folded the blankets over her chest and sighed. "Well, goodnight," she said, turning onto her side away from Sirius.

"Goodnight," he replied and turned off the lamp.

Althea lay awake in her bed, watching the odd shadows cast by her writing desk. She looked to the ring upon her finger, how the ruby richly sparkled in the moonlight. She felt mild pangs of guilt for wearing such a ring for their fabricated marriage. It cost a small fortune, she thought, looking upon the large solitary stone. A fortune he doesn't have.

She wondered if Sirius was asleep, but thought it better not to say his name to make sure. She listened to the ticking clock on her nightstand instead, hoping it would take her mind off Sirius; however, as the minutes passed, she could not take her mind off him. I'm being such an idiot, she thought and pulled the covers tightly around her neck. Just go to sleep...but what is he doing? Maybe he's lying there awake, too...lying there awake, too.... Realizing he might not be asleep, she slowly rolled over onto her back. She gradually turned her head. Sirius, his hands behind his head, stared up at the ceiling--almost looking through it.

"Thank you, Althea."

Althea's lips upturned into a small smile.

"You saved my life."

"I'm a Healer."

"No," he murmured, furrowing his brow. "You're brilliant, and--"

Althea shifted closer to Sirius and rested the side of her face against his warm chest. Her smile broadened as she felt his arms surround her.

"Goodnight, lovely," he whispered and kissed the top of her head.

I love you, too, she thought, closing her eyes.

Author notes: Thank you so much for reading!