Ebb and Flow


Story Summary:
When Althea Morrigan attended Hogwarts, classmates considered Muggle Studies a joke. Unfortunately, as Muggle Studies professor, not much has changed. Why would anyone take the job? Sham marriages, staff room brawls, Centaurs, murder, and Puffskeins abound.

Chapter 28 - Hogwarts, February 1977

Chapter Summary:
She rounded the corner, and there upon the ground laid Lily—panting from the last curse.
Author's Note:
Thank you so much for deciding to read this story. Please check out

Hogwarts, February 1977


"Lily?" Sirius said, rubbing Althea's upper arms. "She has to be here."

Althea shook her head. "She's not. I looked. She left to find Jane, and Jane hasn't seen her," she said impatiently, and pulled away from Sirius. "I have to find her!"

Althea quickly turned and started for the door, but Sirius grabbed her arm.

"You're not leaving!"

With great strength, Althea furiously pulled her arm away from Sirius. "I have to find her!" she demanded, stubbornly looking into his eyes.

"You're not leaving!" he replied, looking into her eyes with the same stubbornness. "The four of us will find her while you stay here."

"What if this was Potter?" she asked, rising and falling on the balls of her feet. "She's my best friend.... I'd do anything for her," she continued in earnest and furrowed her eyebrows. "You can't stop me."

Sirius frowned, his grey eyes dimming. "Let's go," he muttered, and pulled a piece of parchment from his pocket. "She's on the third floor," he said and took Althea's hand.

"How do you know?"

Sirius waved his hand, brushing aside her question. He held his wand to the fireplace and tapped it against the mantle. Suddenly, the fire dissipated, revealing a false wall behind the fireplace.

"Come on," he said, pointing to the false wall. "This is the fastest way."

Althea lowered her head and entered the false wall. The soot filled her lungs, causing her to cough. Pulling out her wand to light her way, Althea continued forward down a dark passageway.

"How will this take us to the third floor?" she asked, peering ahead of her.

"This way," he replied and pulled her hand to stop her. Sirius tapped his wand against the wall, and another compartment opened. "It'll take us directly to the third floor," he explained as he entered the compartment.

Althea thrust her wand into the dark empty space. The floor was smooth, dipped sharply, and curved to the right. Althea stuffed her wand in her robe pocket, and slid down the cool slide. Darkness was all she could see as she slid faster down the slide. After what seemed about an eternity to an anxious Althea, she landed--disoriented--on the cold stone floor.

"All right?" he asked as helped her to her feet.

Althea nodded.

"She's down the corridor and to the right," he added, frowning. "She's not alone."

Althea's eyes grew wide. "Who's with her?"

Sirius placed his hands on Althea's shoulders. "Promise me," he said softly, stroking the side of her face, "that if anything happens, you'll get out."


"Just promise me," he said, cupping her face with his hands.

"Would you leave me?" she asked, looking steadfastly into his eyes.

Sirius smiled weakly. "No."

"There's my answer, then."

Sirius sighed and rested his forehead against hers. "It's some woman named Desdemona Lewis."

"She's not a student."

The nervousness in her stomach exploded throughout her body. Althea took a ragged breath and clenched her wand in her sweaty hand. God, please let Lily be all right, she thought as Sirius kissed her lips. I can't lose her.

"It's best if we stun her," he replied and Althea nodded in agreement. "It's clear on the other side of the portrait."

Sirius pushed on the back of the portrait, and it swung to the side. Before Althea stepped out of the portrait, Sirius stopped her. She looked over his shoulder and angrily tightened her grip around her wand. Lying in a crumpled heap was a second-year Ravenclaw. She pushed Sirius to the side and ran to the boy's lifeless body. She knelt down beside him, and stared sadly into the boy's open, glassy eyes. Her fingertips touched the side of his neck in search of a pulse--even a faint one.

"Come on," Sirius whispered, placing his hand on her shoulder.

Althea mustered all of her strength to prevent herself from crying. "We have to find Lily," she said solemnly, looking at the boy's tie.

Althea stood and slowly crept along the abandoned corridor. Suddenly, the hallway echoed with the loud, high-pitched cackling of a woman's laughter. Althea and Sirius instantly froze. Lily's screams pierced her ears.

"To hell with surprise!" Althea whispered and darted forward.

"No!" Sirius whispered forcefully and grabbed her arm. "We're almost there!"

Althea struggled against Sirius, furious that he would stop her from reaching Lily. She's killing Lily, she thought, growling and wrenching herself from Sirius.

"There might be more than one," he whispered as she struggled against him.

"She'll be dead!"

Althea broke free from Sirius and ran toward Lily's screams. She rounded the corner, and there upon the ground laid Lily--panting from the last curse. As the black-hooded figure advanced on Lily, enormous rage erupted in Althea's veins. She clenched her wand tighter--her knuckles white. Every ounce of her wanted to blast Desdemona with the Cruciatus Curse. Sirius was quickly by her side with his wand at the ready.

"When I say three, we stun her," Sirius said quietly. "One."

Althea saw Lily's eyes water as Desdemona pointed her wand at Lily.


Althea's upper lip curved into a snarl.

"INFLIGO!" Althea roared, pointing her wand at Desdemona.

Surprised, Desdemona turned and received the blast of blue light directly in the chest. Althea smiled satisfactorily as she watched Desdemona fly into the air and hit the wall behind her--creating a loud, dull thud.

"I said stun her!"

Althea did not listen. She ran to Lily's side and knelt next to her.

"Oh Lily," she said, fighting back tears as she stroked the thick red hair from Lily's face. "Are you all right?"

Lily nodded. "I lost my wand--"

"Here," Sirius said, holding out Lily's wand.

Lily smiled as she looked upon Sirius. "Thank you," she said, taking her wand. "How'd you know I was here?"

"No time," he said and held out his hands for Lily. "We have to get out of here," he added as he helped Lily stand. "There could be more."

Suddenly, a jet of purple light soared past Sirius's head. His eyes widened as the suit of armor exploded.

"Go!" he demanded, pushing Althea away from the advancing Death Eater. Sirius quickly turned and engaged the Death Eater. "Get out of here!"

"It's three against one!" Althea yelled back, running toward Sirius and the Death Eater.

"Not so," another voice said from the shadows.

Althea turned and saw two hooded figures come into view. The one Death Eater pointed his wand at Althea, and she leapt out of the way--narrowly missing a red jet of light. The red jet erupted behind her and burnt a large whole in the tapestry. Lily was engaged in a fierce duel with the other Death Eater. Lily lit the Death Eater's hood on fire. Sirius continued to duel with another Death Eater, and he laughed when the Death Eater could not stop dancing.

"Impedimenta!" Althea yelled, pointing her wand at the advancing Death Eater.

The Death Eater somersaulted in the air, missing the charm.

"Bugger all!" she growled as the Death Eater landed and laughed.

"Crucio!" the Death Eater roared as he pointed his wand at Althea.

Althea quickly rolled away. The curse blasted a hole into the stone floor where Althea had been.

"Protego!" Althea shouted as the Death Eater immediately sent a jet of blue light toward her.

Althea scrambled to her feet only to duck again as a jet of green light narrowly missed her.

"CONFRINGO!" she roared, fiercely thrusting her wand toward the Death Eater. The ball of light erupted around the Death Eater, sending him backwards, somersaulting, through the air.

Althea nodded and rushed forward to help Lily.


It felt as if a sword had pierced Althea's back. She gasped, stopping in midstride, and fell to the ground--writhing and convulsing. Wide-eyed, she groped and pulled at smooth stone floor in a hopeless attempt to combat the intolerable agony. She couldn't scream--it was too painful to scream. A scorching metal blade peeled each layer of muscle away from her bones, and she had to look to remember that her body was intact. Suddenly, the excruciating pain had stopped. Her eyes blurred from tears, she slapped the floor before her in search of her wand.

"Stupid girl," the man laughed, from under his hood, as he advanced on Althea.

Panting, Althea struggled to stand.

"I'll let you get to your feet."

Althea tightened her grip upon her wand. She looked contemptuously at the Death Eater as he raised his wand.

"Did you really think you could defeat a servant of the Dark Lord?"

Suddenly, Althea eyes focused on something behind the Death Eater--a mace--held by one of the suits of armor. Bloody hell, if this works, she thought as she positioned herself to catch the mace.

The Death Eater pointed his wand, and slowly began "Ava--"

"Accio mace!" Althea shouted, pointing her wand over the Death Eater's shoulder.

The mace flew into Althea's hand, and in a swift movement, the mace grisly connected with the Death Eater's head. The awful, low, crunching sound echoed throughout the corridor. The Death Eater--unconscious--fell to his side and Althea let the mace slide from her hand, it clinking and rolling across the floor.

"Yes, yes I did," she sneered and kicked the unconscious Death Eater in his side.

Althea heard Sirius yell as she turned to help Lily, and realized she was high in the air. She was not flying, but she was hurling through the air. Althea attempted to brace herself for her fall as she forcefully landed on a staircase, and rolled and tumbled at least two flights below....


What is that smell, Althea thought as she sniffed the air--it was a pleasant scent and she smiled. Lilacs--why do I smell lilacs? Althea opened her eyes and looked to her left and right. Freshly cut lilacs surrounded her hospital bed. Why am I in the hospital wing, she thought as she attempted to sit up. The pain of a broken left arm reminded Althea why she was in the hospital wing--the duel with the Death Eaters.

"Don't move!" Madam Pomfrey scolded as she walked to the side of Althea's bed.

"What happened? Where is Lily? Where is Sirius?"

"Miss Evans is fine. She left three days ago," Madam Pomfrey replied, fixing Althea's pillow.

"Three days ago! How long have I been here?"

"A week."

"A week! Are you sure?"

"Of course, I am sure," answered Madam Pomfrey, frowning. "I expect Mr. Black will be here soon--class is over for the day."

Althea sighed happily. "So, Sirius is all right?" she asked and attempted to stretch her legs. Sharp pain surged up her lower left leg, and she realized that it was broken.

"Of course, he is," Madam Pomfrey replied as she made her way around the beds. "I have to kick him out of here when visiting hours are over. I found him after hours the other day--asleep at your bedside."

Althea smiled happily.

"Oh, look who it is," Madam Pomfrey said, motioning at the door.

"You're awake!" Sirius replied happily and quickly walked to Althea's bedside. "How are you feeling?" he asked as he sat at her bedside.

Althea frowned. "I have a broken arm and leg," she said and raised her good hand to her head. "I must have hit my head, too," she added as she felt a bandage around her head.

Sirius lowered his head and folded his hands in his lap. "I'm sorry."

"Why? You didn't do this," she replied as she played with a string from the blanket.

Sirius raised his head and sadly looked into her eyes. He ran his fingers through his hair--revealing a healing gash at his temple. "He was about to kill you. He had half of it out, so I cursed you to get out of the way," he finished and took her good hand in his. "A bit overzealous, I have to admit."

Althea smiled and squeezed his hand. "What is this--the second time you've saved my life?"

Sirius thoughtfully rubbed his chin. "No, I think it's the third time," he said, with a smile.

Althea shook her head. "This is a bit habit forming, isn't it?" she quipped and winked. "What happened anyway?"

Sirius frowned and leaned closer to Althea. "Dumbledore hasn't said much."


"Yeah," he replied, his thumb stroking the back of her hand, "Remus and Peter got him. He arrived with some Aurors a little after you fell down the stairs."

"So, the Death Eaters are captured, then?" she asked, leaning closer to Sirius. "We must be in trouble," she continued sadly. "We should have let the Aurors handle it."

"Never," he replied quickly as he shook his head. "No, Dumbledore gave us House points for it. Twenty-five points for Remus, twenty-five for Peter, fifty for Lily, and fifty for you, fifty for me, and fifty for James."

"James?" she asked, narrowing her eyes. "James wasn't there."

Sirius laughed quietly. "James saved Evans's life."

Althea's eyes and mouth widened--first out of shock and then transforming to humor. "Lily must be beside herself," she murmured, as she placed her good hand on the side of her face. "How did it happen?"

"The Death Eater was in the middle of Avada, James knocked him to the ground, and punched him in the face," Sirius explained, grinning. "Broke the bastard's jaw."

"He must be pleased with himself," she muttered, suppressing a smile.

"No, actually. The two avoid each other at all costs."

Althea giggled quielty.

"It's true--they won't look at each other."

Althea sighed and looked around at her flowers. "Are these all from you?" she asked, taking a bouquet of lilacs from a vase and sniffing them. "They're lovely."

Sirius playfully frowned. "No, I think you have a secret admirer."

"Well," she began and placed the bouquet back in the vase, "I'll have to find out who it is so I can give him a kiss."

Sirius grinned as Althea leaned forward to kiss him.

"Althea, you're awake!"

Althea flushed and awkwardly leaned away from Sirius. "Lily, you're all right," she said awkwardly, but cheerfully.

Lily walked to Althea's bedside and gave her friend a hug. "I wanted to thank you," she said softly, stroking Althea's back. "You risked your life for me."

"Of course, I would," she smiled. "I would do anything for you, you know that."

Lily pulled away from Althea and squeezed Althea's uninjured hand. "Thank you."

Althea nodded.

Lily sat in a chair next to Sirius, and unexpectedly, she began to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" Althea asked, bemused.

"The both of you," she answered, giggling. "You don't have to hide it anymore. I know."

Althea exchanged a guilty glance with Sirius. "I suppose you knew after the incident in the corridor," she replied and bit her bottom lip.

Lily sighed contentedly. "No, at the End of Term Feast I suspected something," she explained and crossed her legs. "It wasn't until I spied Althea charming away love bites in September that I knew for sure."

Althea felt her cheeks flush with color and Lily laughed.

"How could I not know, or anyone else? The way you look at each other--like you two will jump into a broom cupboard at any minute."

Sirius cleared his throat. "Althea is a respectable lady, Evans. No broom cupboard."

Lily winked at Althea. "Indeed."

Althea frowned. "Does Jane know?"

Lily sighed and stroked her hair behind her ear--revealing bruises on her neck and chin. "She knows, but she doesn't care. Too obsessed with Tristan to care," she replied and wrinkled her nose in disgust.

Althea timidly ran her hand along her blanket. "So, you're all right with this, then?" she asked, reluctantly looking into Lily's eyes. "Sirius and me?"

Lily turned toward Sirius. "You risked your life for me," she said, staring into his eyes. "You risked your life for Althea."

"I would--"

"Althea is my best friend. If you hurt her and break her heart...I'll hurt you."

"I would never hurt Althea," he defended, frowning slightly. "I love her."

"Right," Lily sighed, and turned toward Althea. "That's all I wanted to hear."


Although Althea was exceedingly tired, she enjoyed the company of Lily and Sirius. Before dinner, Jane and Althea's Quidditch teammates had visited, and left her with cards and candy. James, Remus, and Peter visited Althea, but at the end of visitation, Madam Pomfrey promptly kicked them out; however, not after eating many of Althea's Chocolate Frogs and other sweets. After dinner, McGonagall and Dumbledore visited with Althea, and Dumbledore informed her that her grandmother would visit her the next day. Dumbledore reassured Althea that her secret was safe from her grandmother.

In the early morning, Althea awoke--the moonlight creating various awkward and sinister shadows in the hospital wing. Sleepily, Althea looked down at her side, and jolted upright--bumping her knee against something that felt like a head.

"Ow!" Sirius grumbled, sitting up and rubbing his forehead as the Invisibility Cloak fell behind him onto the chair.

"I'm sorry," Althea said, touching and examining his forehead. "Your hand was out of the Invisibility Cloak, " she replied, narrowing her eyes and pointing to the cloak behind him. "Where did you get that?"

"It's James's cloak. I'm borrowing it," he answered and yawned. "Had to after Madam Pomfrey found me here after hours."

"You've been here every night?"

Sirius nodded sleepily.

"You haven't had a good sleep in a week. Please, go to your bed and sleep. I'll be all right," she said, resting her hand on top of his.

Sirius shook his head. "I don't mind," he replied, smiling.

"But my Gran will be here later. She won't like that you're at my bedside."

"Let her," he snorted and scratched the back of his head. "She'll find out about us eventually," he added, leaning back in his chair and mischievous grin playing across his lips. "I think I'll tell her this morning. If you move over, and I climb up there--she'll be real surprised," he finished, grinning.

Althea frowned--purposefully ignoring Sirius' teasing. "If you're not leaving, I have a question. How did you know where Lily was?" she asked, smoothing out her blanket.

Sirius ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. "It's a map--shows where everyone is," he answered and rested his feet atop the end of her bed.

"So, this map, it shows everything?"

Sirius nodded.

"An Invisibility Cloak and a map...I'm never taking another bath again!"

Sirius laughed sheepishly--she could see his face pink in the moonlight.

"This isn't funny," she murmured, shaking her head, "spying on girls in the bath--"

Sirius sat up and pointed his finger at her. "Now, don't jump to conclusions. The map isn't used for that sort of thing," he explained defensively, his lips fighting a smile.

"Then what is it used for?" she asked, suppressing a small smile.

"To keep us out of trouble," he whispered. "We use it for purposes of pure mischief."

"I should have known--your detentions this year have been cut by a third."

"Come on, let's get some sleep," he replied, removing his feet from her bed.

Sirius sniffed as he shifted, attempting a comfortable position in a very uncomfortable-looking chair. Althea felt very guilty as she lay in her very comfortable bed.

"Would you like to come up here?" she asked, and felt her face and neck start to warm.

Sirius looked slightly stunned. "With you?"

Althea nodded shyly. "There's plenty of room for the both of us to sleep here," she explained, her fingers tracing circles against the side of the mattress. "You look so uncomfortable.... Please, I'd feel awful if you weren't rested."

Sirius frowned and seemed to be debating the offer. "I'd really feel awful if I injured your leg anymore...seeing as it's my fault you're injured."

"You wouldn't," she replied and grimaced as she slid her leg away from him. "There, even more room now."

Sirius shook his head. "You're arm," he said, pointing to her wrapped arm, "I could crush it."


He looked at her thoughtfully and smiled tenderly. "Thank you, though," he said and patted the chair. "I'm comfortable...really."

"Sirius, please."

"Goodnight, Althea," he said, resting his head against the Invisibility Cloak. "Sleep well."

"You too," she sighed and closed her eyes.

Although she was tired, Althea could not sleep. She opened her weary eyes, allowing them to readjust to the darkness of the room, and leisurely let them fall on Sirius as he slept--his lips were slightly parted, and ever so often, his mouth and nose would twitch. I would be very uncomfortable, she thought, frowning as his nose twitched. I really don't understand why he wouldn't. Althea turned her head to look at the strange, long shadows cast across the high ceiling. I really don't understand him at all. It was simpler when she hated him. The nature of his character came so easily to her--arrogant, reckless, and often cruel. Now, it was not so easy, and she wondered if anyone--even his friends--truly knew Sirius. Althea shook her head--James was the only person that knew Sirius. He calmed him, kept him happy, and steered him from potentially explosive situations--and even then, James struggled.

Sirius only lets me see little pieces, she thought and sighed deeply. What doesn't he want me to see? It unnerved Althea to realize that there was more to Sirius than previously thought, and that he did not allow her to know those things so central to him. What she did know, however, was very important: never mention his family, never utter a bad word about James, and always be his Althea. It was very simple not to mention his family and not to utter a bad word about James, but the last--to be his Althea--was very difficult. She was unsure of what it meant.

Author notes: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!