General Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/28/2002
Updated: 09/21/2002
Words: 145,543
Chapters: 21
Hits: 22,244

Harry Potter and the Four Guardians


Story Summary:
As Harry enters his fifth year three new exchange students and a new DADA teacher arrive at Hogwarts for no apparent reason. Harry discovers that Voldemort is after something and it isn't him. As he pries more into the situation and discovers more about his new friend, the outspoken American Duo Maxwell, that Voldemort is looking for a person, and not an object. Lord Voldemort is looking for a Scythe Barer who is hiding at Hogwarts with one of his Four Guardians dead and no clue to who or what they may be. Add Quidditch, a confused Malfoy, vampires, anime, and you'll get one hell of a crossover.

Chapter 18

Chapter Summary:
As Harry enters his fifth year three new exchange students and a new DADA teacher arrive at Hogwarts for no apparent reason. Harry discovers that Voldemort is after something and it isn't him. As he pries more into the situation and discovers more about his new friend, the outspoken American Duo> Maxwell, that Voldemort is looking for a person, and not an object. Lord Voldemort is looking for a Scythe Barer who is hiding at Hogwarts with one of his Four Guardians dead and no clue to who or what they may be. Add Quidditch, a confused Malfoy, vampires, anime, and you'll get one hell of a crossover.

Harry Potter and the Four Guardians

Chapter Eighteen: Conspiracies, Promises, Concern and Espionage

By: Elf

"I'm going after Voldemort," Setsuna stated as she looked at her two charges. Hotaru's face was expressionless and maybe a bit knowing. There were times where Hotaru would frighten Setsuna, times where Saturn would peek out and watch the waking world. Now was one of those times because Hotaru was understanding, or rather, Saturn was understanding this course of action.

Trunks' blue eyes widened as he cried, "You can't! It's dangerous. I'll go look for Voldemort, Setsuna." He moved closer to her, his blue eyes wide and earnest as his lavender hair fell into his angular, chiseled features.

She looked into his regal face and found him quite handsome. He lacked the dark beauty that Mamaro had, but had a strength that Mamaro could never think to possess. She remembered his heated confession of what seemed to be a life time ago.

She smiled at him and replied, "That's why I'm going, Trunks. Because it's dangerous." His eyes locked on her, trapping her in their intense blue gaze. I'm leaving because it's hard to be around you, she thought as she watched him.

He was right, of course. There was a pull to him she couldn't deny, something she couldn't resist. It was dangerous she realized as she looked at him. She understood that Duo and Hotaru needed each other that they were part of the same power line, like pieces of a puzzle, but she and Trunks was something wild and chaotic.

Trunks crossed his arms and glared. He asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Find Voldemort and destroy him," she answered as she looked away from his face.

Trunks crossed the distance between them and stated, "It's too dangerous, Setsuna. I won't let you do that."

She snapped, "Of course, be the typical Sayan male, Trunks! I'm going after him and there's not a damned thing you can do to stop me."

The look on his face was telling her that he was going to be damned if he didn't try. He said, "Then who's going to teach DADA?"

She smiled and answered, "Sirius Black."

A muscle in Trunks' jaw twitched as he looked at her. The look in his eyes became jealous and angry. He snapped, "Oh, really, I guess flirting with him sort of helped talk him into that, right?"

Her eyes widened. He thought she was flirting with Sirius Black? She turned around so he wouldn't see the smile blooming across her face. Sirius Black was flirting with her, yes, because she'd been the prettiest woman that he'd seen in twelve years that had talked to him, he had admitted, but she had told him that he wasn't interested. He had grinned and backed off, but still made conversation with her as soon as he found out who she was because he was curious. Not about her, per say, but about what she did. He found Time to be fascinating as to what she did.

Still, the laugh bubbled up as she gasped, "Sirius and I are nothing but friends, Trunks. He just finds what I do fascinating. He's like Duo Maxwell."

Trunks lifted an eyebrow and asked, his voice sounding very uncertain, "So you two aren't dating or anything?"

Hotaru chuckled at this but quickly looked out the classroom window. Trunks glared at her and Hotaru grinned back at him. Setsuna asked, "Hotaru, could you leave us alone, please? I need to talk to Trunks."

Hotaru grinned and walked over to her. She whispered, "Good luck, Auntie Set. Michiru was planning to set up pretty soon."

Setsuna blushed as her "niece" walked out of the room. Trunks asked, "Who's Michiru?"

"Hotaru's 'mother', Sailor Neptune if you want to be precise," Setsuna answered as she sat on her desk. Trunks sat beside her, except he was hovering in mid air. She envied him that power to fly like that.

Trunks asked, "So you don't have a boyfriend then?"

"No. There was someone once, but he loved someone else. Back in the days of the Moon Kingdom really. I knew that he would never love me so I told Queen Serenity that I would guard Time," Setsuna told him with a sigh.

Trunks snapped, "He was an idiot."

Setsuna grinned and said, "Usagi would agree with you there, Trunks-kun."

Trunks blushed as he stammered, "You just called me Trunks-kun."

She chuckled as she stood up and walked over to him. She did something that she had wanted to do for a very long time. She pushed the lavender strands out of his eyes. She felt the silkiness of his hair thoughtfully between her fingers as she studied his handsome face.

"You're a complex person, Trunks. Prince, warrior, survivor, you're strong and brave, you're intelligent and very naive. You're also very stubborn and head strong," she told him as he blushed beneath her fingers.

He whispered, "Let me go find and fight him. I'm use to this, Setsuna. I'm a Sayan. I was born to do this."

"Trunks, you're needed here. Duo needs you. He wouldn't admit it because he's stubborn as you are, but he needs you. Hotaru needs you. She's confused right now about what she feels for Duo and concerned about that Draco Malfoy boy," Setsuna told him as Trunks lowered his feet to the ground.

She noticed that he was just a few inches taller than she was. Then again, she was a very tall woman, almost as tall as Haruka. She was also very aware of the power in his body, the hard lines of muscle that felt like corded steel.

Trunks tentatively reached out and stroked her hair. His eyes widened with realization as he watched her. He leaned closer and said, "Fine. I won't fight it anymore, Setsuna. But you'd better come back to me and come back whole. I don't know how to deal with these feelings but I know that they're true."

She knew that it had cost him a lot to say that. She leaned forward, aware that their lips were almost touching. She replied, "I will come back to you Trunks. I promise." Then she leaned just that decimeter more.

Trunks stiffened nervously before a moment before he responded to her kiss. His hands were in her hair, touching her face, trying to get a better purchase. He was hot, like kissing fire. His power hummed along her skin as his mouth caressed hers.

They stumbled away gasping as she looked up at him. She wondered how his mother had survived. If Trunks was only half Sayan, Setsuna did not want to see the effects of what a full Sayan could do.

She was trembling from head to toe as he was blushing bright red. Then, he reached for her and they were kissing again. She wondered what she had just gotten herself into, but, for that moment, in Trunks' strong arms, she really didn't care.


"You're going to spy on Voldemort. Just like that," Sirius Black stated as he snapped his fingers. Snape ignored him as he gathered some of his things together. Black knew just as well as he did that he had played Double Agent very recently and came back safely.

Black continued his tirade, "I'd bet that Malfoy's asking his son all he can about Duo and he probably mentioned that it's obvious that you care about the boy."

Snape turned to face Black as he said, "Yes, I care for Duo. Happy now, Black? Why don't you gloat about it to Lupin?"

"Moony would only grin and go back to whatever book he was researching," Black replied fondly.

Snape said, "I'm not saying that it will be safe, but I'm agreeing with Lady Pluto. We have to do this."

"Does this have anything to do with that vampire woman?" Black asked as he looked at Snape.

Snape stiffened at that. Forest. Dear, wonderful, amusing, frustrating Forest. Another untouchable woman that had wormed her way into his heart. The ghostly pair of green eyes forever imbedded in his memories were slowly turning indigo and predatory.

He replied, "No, it does not. Her name is Forest and she was more stubborn about me going than you are being. You're both being foolish."

"She gave guns out as Christmas presents, guns and swords," Black went on as he paced around Snape's quarters.

Snape grinned and asked, "Have you seen Duo with a gun?"

"No, but if she's using them around Harry I'll . . ." Black paced faster.

Snape said, "Duo and Forest are both very use to dealing death. They don't play by the same rules as we do. They're not like us. Forest is dead while Duo is Death, even though he hasn't shown us those abilities yet."

"Thank goodness. As soon as he does, Voldemort will be here to get him," Black pointed out as he wagged his finger at Snape.

Snape sighed and continued, "That is why I'm leaving, Black. Also, you should be interested to know that you have received a position I've tried for years to attain."

Black said, "Well, just be careful."

"I'm surprised that you care," Snape snorted as he swept toward the door, secretly touched by his former rival's concern.

Black swallowed and confessed, "You're not a bad wizard, Severus. You're not a bad man either. We were young and misguided and I'm sorry what I did to you back then. I realize that now and I had to say that before you left."

"Because it would plague you till the day that you die," Snape quipped as he rolled his eyes.

Black grinned and answered, "Of course." The smile fell off of his face and said, "They're not playing, Severus."

"I know, just, promise me something," Snape requested, knowing that Black was the one person who could do this task.

Black blinked and asked, "What's that?"

"Keep Trunks Briefs from killing Draco Malfoy for me and keep Forest from doing anything stupid," Snape answered.

Black asked, "What about Duo?"

"Well, your infernal godson has to be good for something," Snape answered as he swept out of the door, not wanting to admit that a teenage boy and a vampire had wormed their way into his heart.


Harry was not looking forward to having Double Potions as his first class on his first day back. He, Hermione, and Ron trudged their way down the stairs. Duo was already at the locked classroom, grinning at them as they approached.

"Man, I don't wanna go," Trunks groaned behind them as he looked up at the ceiling and rubbing the back of his neck.

Duo chirped, "Come on Trunks. Give the class a chance. You'll like it."

"No, I like Transfiguration and Care of Magical Creatures. I hate this class," Trunks grumbled as he leaned his head against the wall.

Harry grinned at the brawny boy and replied, "You're not the only one."

"Maybe Snape will blow up something today," Ron said wishfully with a grin on his face.

Harry chuckled as Hermione scowled at them both. Trunks suggested innocently, "Maybe I could blow up Malfoy's cauldron or something."

Ron laughed at that and said, "Ohh, I got it, Trunks. Like make him bounce up and down like a ball."

"I could do that," Trunks answered impishly.

Hermione rolled her eyes and sighed, "You are both horrible."

"No, I'm Ron and he's Trunks," Ron quipped with a grin.

Harry grinned and added, "I'm Harry and that's Duo."

"Duo's actually being good, for once," Hermione chided as she looked over at Duo.

Duo winced and replied, "Thanks, Hermione."

"Don't mention it. I know it's useless to try to talk some sense into these three," Hermione stated as she glared at Ron and Trunks, who kept coming up with more horrible things to do with Malfoy.

Ron asked, "Come on, 'Ione, don't tell me there isn't anything that you wouldn't enjoy doing to Malfoy?"

"Well, that's beyond the point," Hermione answered as her cheeks turned pink.

"I don't need your help to defend myself, Mudblood. Especially against the likes of these three," Malfoy's voice sneered behind them.

Harry turned around to see the pale boy glowering at all of them. Harry glared at him, so did Ron for that matter. Trunks crossed his arm and smirked darkly at him. Duo whined, "Where are you, Prof?"

"Maybe you finally scared him off, Maxwell," Malfoy sneered as he glided up toward Duo.

Duo blinked and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Come off of it, Maxwell. I knew the very moment I saw you with your very pretty hair. Snape isn't use to students being fond of him," Malfoy answered coldly with an evil grin.

Duo tensed up and Harry looked over at him. Harry snapped, "You come off of it, Malfoy. You're just upset because you're not Snape's favorite anymore."

"You were never his favorite, Potter, so you should just shut up. This doesn't concern you. It's between me and the Yank," Malfoy snapped at him, his grey eyes becoming positively frigid.

Duo sighed, "Go ahead, call me a fag. Go ahead, call me a street rat. Just get it over with. I don't have all day for you to lash out and try to repair your damaged physce."

Malfoy stiffened but he fell silent. Harry looked at Duo who shrugged in a way that said, "I'll explain later." Harry nodded as the door finally opened. Malfoy swept past them as the other students began to file in.

Ron asked, "Why didn't you make Malfoy kiss the floor again?"

"Because, somewhere deep under that asshole exterior, is probably a decent guy," Duo whispered as they sat down.

Harry's eyes widened as he asked, "Malfoy? Decent?"

"Don't bet on it," Trunks snorted as he got out his supplies.

Harry reached over and felt Duo's forehead. He was surprised to find that it wasn't warm. He asked, "Are you feeling all right? About two weeks ago you were cursing his existence."

"Then I realized that he's been through some rough shit, Harry," Duo answered with a shrug as he looked around the class. Harry looked as well. He frowned as he noticed that Snape wasn't there.

Hermione leaned over and whispered, "Where's Snape?"

"Good question," Harry murmured as a silvery-blond head moved to the front of the classroom.

Harry's mouth dropped open at the sight of the tall, lovely girl. Her long, silvery tresses reached past her waist and her cornflower blue eyes sparkled even from there. Ron made incoherent gurgling noises as he pointed at Fleur Delacour.

Hermione hissed, "What in the world is she doing here?"

Fleur smiled and winked at Harry and Ron. Ron turned a bright red and waved back. Harry felt himself blush as she turned her attention away from them. Her eyes lingered over Trunks' well-built form long enough for him to turn beet red. Then, as expected, she looked Duo over. Instead of grinning, waving, or even a flirtatious comment, Duo was scowling. He raised his hand.

Fleur ignored his hand until after she called out roll. Her accent was much improved, Harry noticed. She was much easier to understand. She finally noticed Duo's stiff hand.

She called out, "Zes, Mr. Maxwell?"

"Where's Professor Snape?" Duo asked bluntly. Harry groaned and flinched as he looked down at his suddenly exciting text book.

Ron hissed at Duo, "Are you insane? I'd take her over Snape any day."

Duo ignored Ron as Fleur answered, "Professor Snape is away on personal business for the next couple of weeks. Professor Dumbledore kindly asked me to fill in. Now, let's start our lesson for the day."

Duo's hand shot up again. Harry inwardly groaned as he pushed his glasses closer to his eyes. Fleur asked, "Yes, monsieur Maxwell?"

"Do you know what kind of personal business that Professor Snape went on?" Duo asked.

Harry flinched as Ron groaned. Harry had a good idea that Snape was spying on Voldemort again. Still, he was surprised to see Fleur as substitute teacher here. He made a note to talk to her after class about it. She had mentioned at getting a job near here.

Fleur tossed her lovely hair and glared at Duo. Harry was surprised that Duo wasn't flirting with her like he did any other female, except maybe McGonagall or Trewalney. Duo glared back as Fleur studied him.

Then Fleur smiled sweetly and a feeling of warmth spread over Harry. He realized that she was using her veela powers on Duo and desperately wished that Duo would just stop poking at the Snape issue with a stick. He mentally shook himself and frowned.

Fleur replied, "Duo, I'm sure that Professor Snape can handle himself. Headmaster Dumbledore was confidant that I could take over your lessons until the Professor got back from his trip. I know I'm not as experienced as Snape, but I'm sure I'll do for now."

Almost every boy's head in the class was nodding, except Harry, Malfoy, and Duo. Duo looked over to see Hotaru watching him. Duo's hand shot up again and Harry took the incitive to grab it and slam it down to the table. Duo glared and sneered, "What are you doing, Harry?"

"Snape's fine, Duo. Lay off of it," Harry replied through grit teeth. Even though he didn't believe the words himself.

Duo stated, "I want to know where he's at."

"She doesn't know so come off of it. Ask Dumbledore if you're so eager to know," Harry replied, blinking as he realized that he was starting to sound like Hermione.

Duo frowned and glared during the entire class. Harry sighed and only managed to get him to help with his Summoning Draught. Luckily, because Blaise was ill and there was an odd number of students today, Hotaru had chosen to pair up with them and draw Duo out of his brooding slump.

Well, enough to help them properly brew their Draughts though. Harry had to put out Hotaru's robes because she nearly burned through them as she lit her fires. To make matters worse, it was freezing as usual and Duo wasn't bantering with Ron about the right ingredients or Trunks hadn't blown anything up. The whole class seemed rather muted without Snape today.

Harry sighed as he continued to cut his dove's liver.


"Stop it right now, Duo Maxwell!" Ginny growled at him. Harry watched as Ginny rushed over to Duo and punched him square in the arm. Duo flinched and backed away with a vicious curse. Ginny smiled with satisfaction.

Her brown eyes sparkled as she asked Harry, "Has he been like this all day, Harry?"

Harry found himself a bit disappointed to notice that she wasn't blushing as she talked to him. He hadn't seen that much of her at the holidays, even when he went to visit Forest. Forest casually mentioned that Ginny had just left every time he'd go down for a hand to hand lesson. He wasn't ready for the swords yet, but she had him on a regiment of weight training so that he'd develop a good sword arm. Also she had invented all of these insane balancing exercises for him to try, which was a new word for Hell in his mind.

After he had realized this, he found himself blushing. Duo noticed too and asked, "So, are you going to have a nose bleed anytime soon?"

From across the room Trunks started laughing as he played Exploding Snap with Seamus, Ron, and Dean. Hotaru giggled as Hermione was helping her with her Arithromancy homework. Hermione asked, "What does that mean?"

Duo looked over at Trunks and shouted, "Setsuna and Forest in a hot lesbian tryst!"

Trunks gave a startled cry as his nose started trickling blood. Ron laughed as Dean handed Trunks a Kleenex. Dean and Seamus gave each other puzzled looks and looked back at Trunks. Duo leaned over and whispered to Harry, "Trunks is a little ecchi."

"Ecchi?" Harry asked, realizing that Duo was probably lapsing into Japanese again. Still, he had to smile at him. It was too weird to see Duo brooding and scowling. It wasn't right for some reason Harry realized.

Duo nodded and whispered, "It's a mild form of pervert. Hentai is like full blown, 'I download porn off the Net,' Pervert."

"Like you," Ginny coldly stated with a sly grin.

Duo frowned and snapped, "Evil little redhead, just like your brothers."

From across the room Fred shouted, "How are you, Baldy!"

Duo gave an evil chuckle and whispered, "Oh, I'll get you yet, Fred Weasley, and your twin brother too." He cackled as he rubbed his hands together.

Harry sighed and asked, "Are you still planning revenge?"

"Oh, yes, sweet, lovely revenge," Duo cackled as he continued to rub his hands together.

Ginny pushed Duo and said, "Just don't kill them."

"Oh, death is too good for those who defiled my lovely hair!" Duo crowed as he punched his fist up into the air.

Harry sighed and hoped that Forest would knock some sense into Duo. He said, "Come on, Duo, we'll be late to see Forest. And you know what she's like if we're late."

Duo and Ginny both gave a collective shudder. Harry grinned, knowing that would snap them into action. He froze as he realized that he was sounding like Forest now.

Ginny ran out of the common room shouting, "I don't know about you, but I'm going to find her!" Then shouted to the Fat Lady, "Snowflake!"


"That was a bust," Duo grumbled as they headed back to the Gryffindor common room. They had gone down to their dungeon only to find a short note saying that their lessons were canceled tonight.

Harry ran his fingers through his raven hair and grumbled, "Who does she think she is, a professor?"

Duo smirked at that and answered, "I can see it now: Vampire Defense Awareness and Armory." Then he chuckled at the mental image Ron fumbling with a Super Mag as Forest shouted, "Twenty points from, Gryffindor, Weasley! Drop the fucking gun!" He grinned and shook his head.

He was feeling a bit more aware since he had sent a letter to Snape. Scythe was happy to finally do something other than just sit in the Owlery and hoot at Hedwig. Hedwig was jealous that Scythe actually got to do something and Scythe seemed a bit proud of the fact. He knew that Snape could take care of himself but the part of him that made him save suicidal maniacs like one Heero Yuy kept yelling at him to go rescue Snape. So, the letter had calmed that voice down.

Still, he hadn't eaten dinner that night and was feeling hungry. His stomach growled and he knew it was time to prowl to the kitchen. Ginny had told him exactly where it was at one night when he had asked for future reference.

He waved and said, "I'm going to get something to eat. Catch ya later."

"Duo, don't do anything stupid," Harry warned, his green eyes blazing behind his glasses.

Duo gave him a reassuring smirk as he replied, "Don't worry, Harry. I just want a cookie."

"A cookie?" Harry asked, blinking in confusion.

Ginny rolled her eyes and said, "Fine, just don't do anything stupid and reckless and get yourself caught."

"I live to serve," Duo replied as he gave a tiny bow. He walked away, grinning to himself. He had told the truth about wanting a cookie. He'd been having a craving for a Double Chocolate Chip cookie for about a week now.

He headed toward the fruit painting and tickled the pear. It laughed as the painting swung open. Duo stepped in the large kitchen only to find himself surrounded by hundreds of small creatures with orb like eyes, huge bat ears all dressed in Hogwarts tea towels wrapped around their frail bodies like togas. Their eyes lit up at the sight of Duo as they rushed up to him.

The tiny, high-pitched voices chorused, "Sir, can we get you anything?"

Duo blinked as he realized that he was looking at house elves. He managed, "Eerrr, umm, duham, Where are the cookies?"

The elves scattered around, grabbing plates and filling them with different types of cookies. Duo's eyes widened as they worked furiously, also getting a glass of milk and some pumpkin juice. He waved his hands and shouted, "Please, I can get it for myself, I just wanted to know where they were!"

"Oh, no, sir, we be not letting you do that!" one of the elves chirped, this one actually dressed in clothing, even though Duo was debating that he could call the elf's garb actual clothing. The elf had bright green eyes and was dressed in a pair of infant nylon shorts, neon pink suspenders, a marron sweater that had to be made by Mrs. Weasley, an orange sock and a blue sock, and a bright purple scarf wrapped around his head.

Duo smiled and said, "Really, thanks but I can get it myself."

"Oh no," the elves replied as they handed him plates of cookies and a glass of milk. "We must be helping the boy with the braid!" they chorused as they looked at him.

The elf that was dressed in clothing asked, "You be a friend of Harry Potter's, aren't you?"

Duo sheepishly smiled, not knowing what to do with a thousand little critters talking with bad grammar dressed in towel togas wanting to wait on him. He chuckled, "Yeah, I'm a friend of Harry's."

"Oh, then sit down, friend of Harry Potter. If you be a friend of Harry Potter then truly great you are indeed," the elf chirped happily.

Duo began to lift the plates of cookies that the elves were holding and placing them on the table. He said, "You really don't have to do this for me, really." He frowned as he tried to remember where they had got the cookies and tried to put most of the cookies away.

"Oh, no!" the elves cried as they scuttled around him, nervously asking what they had did wrong.

Duo smiled kindly and knelt down in front of them. They watched him with wide, orb like eyes as he said, "You don't have to serve me."

"Oh, yes we do!" they chorused as if Duo had gone mad. Duo frowned as he remembered severe brainwashing that he had seen in his life. Sometimes people were brainwashed into being slaves and acted just like the elves were, except they didn't use the bad grammar.

They had to revolt. It was the only way that they could get their freedom. Hermione's idea of S.P.E.W was a good one if you were Relena Peacecraft, but Duo Maxwell was Duo Maxwell, self-proclaimed God of Death for the Colonies to reap his home's vengeance.

He stood up on the table and they watched him in fear. Duo shouted, "You can't act like this!" They gasped and Duo took that as a sign to go on, "You aren't meant to be slaves. You have to be free. You don't need to serve people." The elves gasped in fear and tried to get him down from the table.

They managed to bring him back to the ground, but he wasn't a Gundam Pilot for nothing. He rolled out of their tiny hands and shouted, "You must resist! Revolt! Put actions into words and they'll listen to you!"

The elves were angry now. The one with clothing, Harry's friend, stated, "Sir, I agree with you, but they not. They like being slaves." Then the elf tried to hit his head against the wall as he cried, "Bad Dobby!" Duo stopped Dobby from crushing his skull and lifted the tiny elf up.

Duo said, "Dobby, it's good to want to be free. Everything has a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Then the elves pushed him out of the kitchen. Little Dobby hopped out of his arms and rushed back in. Duo frowned as the painting slammed in front of him. He stated, "Well, I guess this is going to take a more direct approach."

He turned away, forming a plan. He thought, Dumbledore's actually a good guy so I don't want to blow up the castle. Besides, blowing up the castle will screw Harry over and Snape wouldn't be able to come back. So, no direct assault. Okay, I'm not democratic so I'm not going to protest gently like Relena or Quatre would. Threatening to kill one of the professors would be very bad indeed, so no Heero Yuy approach. Trowa, well, fuck Trowa, the bastard.

So, that leaves what Wufei would do. Wufei would run into Dumbledore's office and shout, "Injustice!" Then he'd slice Dumbledore's desk in half to make his point and force Dumbledore to listen. Well, good ole Wufei, you gave me an idea.

Duo felt the shadows wrap around him as he walked and within moments he was in front of Dumbledore's office. He shouted, "Let me in, damn it!"

Surprisingly, the door swung open and Duo walked in. Dumbledore looked up at him from some parchment he was reading on his desk. He regarded Duo from under his half-moon glasses and smiled pleasantly. Duo suddenly realized how much Dumbledore reminded him of Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings. Duo thought, Maybe this is a bad idea after all.

Still, Dumbledore did not have that aura of intensity that Gandalf did so he felt a bit more relaxed. Dumbledore smiled and said, "I'm glad that you came to see me, Duo. I was wondering when I would get to talk to you again."

The smile disarmed Duo just a bit. He shook it off and snapped, "What the hell is going on with the slaves in the kitchen?"

Dumbledore's sigh sounded as if he agreed with Duo as he suggested, "Why don't you sit down, Duo?"

Duo crossed his arms and remained standing. Despite popular belief, he could stand in one spot without even shifting his weight for hours at a time. He replied, "I'm comfortable right here."

Dumbledore chuckled as he reached over and unlocked the phoenix's cage. Fawkes flew out and landed calmly on Dumbledore's desk and looked at Duo with jewel bright eyes. Dumbledore said, "I agree with you on the house elves. The inbreeding and constant brainwashing made them like they were, Duo. Another dark part of wizarding past, but Professor Binns wouldn't tell you that. He teaches a very biased form of history."

Duo grinned as he thought of the ghost professor. It took him every ounce of will power not to make the ghost dance in class. He said, "Ghosts don't bother me, Professor."

"I know they don't. Even the Bloody Baron's afraid of the boy with the violet eyes," Dumbledore replied with a kind grin.

Duo shrugged and said, "Must be my winning personalty."

Dumbledore chuckled and replied, "Still, I'm glad that you came to protest about house elvish welfare."

"I tried to make them revolt, but they wouldn't listen," Duo said with another shrug, trying to avoid those keen blue eyes. He could see why Harry was so fond of the old man: he was so damned intense and wise. He could feel the power radiating from the ancient wizard like a living thing, except it was flickering.

Duo blinked and found himself sinking down into one of the comfortable chairs in front of Dumbledore's desk. The blue eyes studied him from beneath the half-moon glasses as Dumbledore asked, "Are you all right, Duo?"

"I just sensed something a little off, that's all," Duo answered as he tried to avoid the ancient wizard's piercing stare.

Dumbledore gave him a kind smile as he explained, "Ah, yes, some of the more interesting powers of being a Scythe Barer."

Duo flinched as he heard those words. Scythe Barer. Two simple words with no more than six letters per word but yet put them together they created the bane of Duo's existence. Duo blurted, "When do I become the Scythe Barer?"

"Why do you want to know that?" Dumbledore asked calmly, studying him.

Duo answered, "So I can run away and keep Ginny, Harry and all the others' safe." For some reason he knew that Hotaru was safe. His powers wouldn't reach her, in fact, they were connected, part of the same puzzle in a greater picture.

Dumbledore smiled and replied, "Yes, the same thing that made you fly out after Hotaru that night when the vampires attacked. You're a better person than you realize, Duo."

"Sure, and that's why I'm the Scythe Barer," Duo snorted sarcastically as he let his bangs cover up his face.

Dumbledore stated, "Being the Scythe Barer isn't a curse, Duo. Most people fear Death, but Death is just a means to an end and a beginning to another adventure."

Duo looked up and snapped, "You can say that. Death is not a happy ending or whatever the hell you just said. Death is harsh and it's painful and it's Hell. It takes things away from you and leaves you alone because it's not your fucking time yet. It causes pain and destruction and it's a necessary evil. Have you ever killed before, Professor? I have and it's not a pretty sight. I've watched the light fade out of too many eyes."

"That's not Death, Duo. Those are the ones responsible for the deaths of others, killers like Voldemort and countless others," Dumbledore calmly argued.

Duo gave a wicked grin as he asked, "Then what is that if not Death?"

"Murder," Dumbledore simply answered as he carefully picked up a quill, "That is murder."

Duo snorted, "I know I'm a murderer."

"No, you are not. You are the living embodiment of Death on this plane of existence, Duo. The reason that it makes you so angry because it twists what you are into something horrid and monstrous when you are not. People twist what you are, Duo. You're not evil," Dumbledore argued passionately as his blue eyes gleamed intensely.

Duo sighed and thought, Maybe I shouldn't have gone to the kitchen if I knew I was going to get into a moral debate. He hadn't thought about the Scythe Barer thing. Hermione was trying to research it like crazy, but he had purposely ignored every bit of information that he had given her by going off to train for Quidditch, learn more hand to hand combat techniques with Forest, or to brood about relationship problems with Ginny.

"Duo, you can't run and hide forever. You may very well surprise yourself," Dumbledore told him with a gleam in his eye.

Duo looked at him and said, "But I'm not the heroic type like Harry is. I can't just stand up and face the dragon head on."

"But you can trick it and wile it to lose, Duo. You are more than what you think," Dumbledore replied kindly.

Duo tilted his head thoughtfully. More than I think, huna? What does that mean? I'm Duo Maxwell, the guy with a duel nature. I know who and what I am.

"Not yet you don't," Dumbledore told him as Duo walked out of the office, lost in his own thoughts.


"You're nutters!" Ron exclaimed to Duo the next morning as he relayed his conversation to Dumbledore to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Duo grinned and replied, "Well, I've always known that I've been a bit off."

Harry said, "Dumbledore has a way of making everything seem right, Duo."

"You should have talked to him sooner," Hermione scolded.

Duo shrugged and Trunks sat down beside him. The food automatically piled in front of him in anticipation. Before Trunks demolished into the food, he looked at Duo and stated, "Nothing's set in stone, Duo. Besides, never fear your powers, it only leads to danger." Then he started shoveling food in his mouth at an alarming rate once again.

Harry grimaced as he asked, "Is it just me or is it disturbing when he talks like that?"

"Yeah, he sounds all intelligent and weird," Ron replied with his mouth full of sausage, "Like he should be grunting like Crabbe and Goyle."

Hermione rolled her eyes and sighed, "You two are impossible. Trunks is very brilliant."

Duo grinned and added, "And he knows his physics."

At that moment, the mail owls poured in. Scythe dropped a rolled up sheet of parchment in front of Duo. He untied the slip of rope holding it together as he stroked the owl's golden feathers. A small green vial rolled out of the empty sheet of parchment.

Duo, puzzled, uncorked the potion and took a sniff of it. He winced at the bitter smell as he didn't recognize the smell. It was a customized potion.

He poured the dark green liquid over the parchment. It smoked and hissed for a moment before dark green writing etched into the paper. Harry and Hermione watched in amazement as a whole letter wrote itself in Snape's angular script within moments.


I can't tell you where I'm at, even though you probably have a good notion for yourself. It's too dangerous to wait and I've decided that someone needs to make a move while we're still able to. I cannot tell you of what I am doing nor whom I am with, but believe me when I tell you it's for your own good that you do not know.

I must ask you for a favor, though. I do not have an owl of my own to send letters to the proper people that I need to send them to. May I borrow Scythe? He's a common enough breed not to cause suspicion among other parties unlike Harry's own owl and he's large enough to carry parcels if I need him too.

Also, Duo, in my desk in a lock that I am most certain you can pick, there will be a small box filled with a potion similar to this. Use it to write your messages out on so they cannot be read.

I have faith in you, boy.

Severus Snape

Potions Master

Duo said, "I need to go to the Potions Room now."

"Fleur is in there," Harry warned, "You're going to need help." He grinned a bit.

Duo smirked as he asked, "You'll help me?"

"I needed to talk to her anyway," Harry answered with a shrug.

Ron choked, "I'll go with you too. It's always good to talk to Fleur."

"If you're going, then I'm going. I'm not fond of her," Hermione replied stiffly.

I wonder why? Duo thought with amusement as he looked at a slightly confused Ron and back at a simmering Hermione.


Harry smiled at Fleur and casually asked, "So, how did you get this position?"

"Luck, 'Arry, I vas very lucky," she answered with a smile and a toss of her silvery hair. Ron swallowed audibly beside him and Hermione quickly punched him in the arm.

Harry replied, "You said you were going to try to get a job near here. So, how do you like it?"

"Tiering. If that Goyle wretch makes one more snide comment of my hind end I'll curse him," she answered with a scowl.

Harry found himself wanting to drag Goyle out of his class and beat him to a bloody pulp. He shook it off and realized that Fleur's powers activated when she was upset as well as when she wanted to turn on the charm. She sighed as she fingered a book. Then she looked up at Harry and smiled.

She said, "But it's good to see you again, Harry and Ron."

Harry felt himself blushing as Ron was turning a particular shade of maroon. Harry took a quick glance over to see Duo kneeling in front of Snape's desk with a look of pure concentration on his face. Harry silently willed him to hurry up.

Harry grinned and replied, "Well, you're better than Snape."

"Better looking too," Ron blurted out, only to be smacked in the back by Hermione who was sending Ron a death glare. Ron cried, "Hey!"

Hermione crossed her arms and replied icily, "You know what that was for."

Fleur asked, "Have you heard from Viktor?"

"He has a new girlfriend," Hermione answered with a small shrug.

Fleur sighed, "I'm sorry to hear that. You two made a fine looking couple."

Hermione blushed as Ron glared himself. Hermione replied, "It just wasn't meant to be."

"I see what you are saying. Men can be pigs, no offence Harry and Ron, especially you two. You are very fine exceptions to that rule," Fleur answered with a scowl marring her perfect face.

Harry gave an uncomfortable chuckle as he asked, "So, how's your sister anyway?"

Fleur grinned happily and Harry felt wonderful. He had made her happy. She answered, "She's very good, Harry. She wants to see you again."

Ron laughed, "Another little sister with a crush on Harry."

Harry glared at Ron. Then he remembered that Forest said that a knowing smirk can be more terrifying than a glare. Harry assumed a dangerous smirk and Ron nervously chuckled.

Fleur asked teasingly, "Does someone have a crush on Harry?"

"Well, he has a girlfriend, Cho Chang," Ron answered with a blush due to the fact that Fleur had brought her attention to him.

A frown crossed Fleur's face as Duo stood up triumphantly holding a small box. He took off running in a blur of black robes and a meter long braid. Harry gave a sigh of relief as he looked up at the clock. He said, "Oh, bloody hell, Fleur, I have to get to Divination, right Ron?"

Ron replied, "Screw the Bug Lady."

Hermione kicked him this time so that Fleur couldn't see him. Hermione grabbed Ron by the arm and gave Fleur an icy smile. She said, "Still, we're glad that you're here but we have to head to class." Then she drug Ron out of the classroom. Harry gave a wave and ran after them.

Hermione glared at Ron and snapped, "What's wrong with you?"

Ron sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and answered, "Sorry, Hermione. She just always does that to me."

"Remember, she's a quarter veela," Harry reminded him as he looked around to see Duo cradling the small chest under his left arm.

Hermione was blushing as she replied, "Still, I don't like her."

Ron hugged her suddenly. Harry blinked as Duo sent Ron the thumbs up. Hermione hugged him back. They stood in that embrace for a moment before Ron said, "I'm sorry, Hermione. I'm such an idiot."

"I know," she replied with a smile as they let each other go. Harry noticed that they were holding hands though.

Duo cleared his throat and said, "As touching as this is, let's get to Bug Lady's before she prophesies our horrible deaths."


Even though Harry knew it would happen, he was still surprised to see Sirius sitting at the head of the classroom, his nose buried into a thick book. He could hear Lavender and Parvati's whispers about the horrid criminal across the room. Seamus leaned over to Dean and groused, "Bugger, that's Sirius Black! The criminal! Brilliant! We're being taught by a man that murdered like nineteen people!"

Harry stiffened and Ron reached over to put a hand on his shoulder. Trunks was trying to calm down a near hysterical Neville and trying to explain that Sirius was one of the "good guys" as Duo fondly put it. Hermione was taking out her books and she cast a few worried looks at Harry.

Duo leaned over and whispered to Harry, "Nineteen people's nothing. I'd bet he'd shit himself when he found out how many people I killed."

Harry only nodded as Parvati and Lavender's whispers became more vicious with each passing moment. "I can't believe that Dumbledore let that in here," Lavender hissed as she pointed at Sirius, who was still reading his book.

"I think the dementors should have had him," Parvati replied passionately with a glare at Sirius.

Harry snapped. He slammed his books on the table and everyone whirled around to look at him. The Boy who Lived was about to have a temper tantrum and he didn't care. In fact, some small part of him was enjoying it.

"I think that the both of you need to stop gossiping and open up your eyes," Harry snapped as a pair of dark eyes and a pair of hazel eyes looked up at him in shock. He continued, "Sirius is innocent. He was framed by Pettigrew. Sirius wouldn't hurt anyone good."

Neville blinked as he looked at Sirius. Dean looked back down at his sketch and continued on it while Seamus' mouth dropped open. Hotaru, surprisingly, stood up as well.

Her dark violet eyes were intense with loathing as she hissed, "If you two would only open up your eyes and find out things for yourself you'd would have known that."

Then she sat back down, looking like an angry angel. Duo glanced over at her and Harry looked back at Sirius, who was all watching them. Harry strode to the front of the class and found himself climbing on the desk.

Part of him felt very foolish about what he was doing while another part was cheering him on. He hiked up his robes and found himself towering over the class. Sirius' dark eyes watched him with a mixture of curiosity and concern. Harry grinned at his godfather and cleared his throat.

"Everyone, Sirius Black is my godfather and I know that he's innocent," Harry proclaimed at the startled gasp of Pavarti and Lavender. Neville looked like he was going to faint, Dean was still working on his sketch, and Seamus was beaming up at him jealously.

Harry then climbed back down and walked to his seat. The quiet was so thick that he could of cut it with a knife. Ron and Hermione were watching him with exspressions of shock tinged with amazement while Trunks smirked and nodded. Duo, ever the tension breaker except his own, stood up and clapped.

Soon Trunks and Ron quickly joined in followed by Hotaru, Hermione, and Dean with Seamus crowing in the back ground. Sirius sent Harry a grateful smile and Harry grinned back. He realized that his heart was racing and he released the tension with a shaky smile.

The class quieted down when Sirius stood in front of the class. He looked remarkably well in new black robes, his curly, dark hair freshly trimmed, and better fed. He gave them a smile and said, "Well, I know that Professor Pluto's been teaching you a more . . . metaphysical approach to defending against the Dark Arts, but let's talk about curses. Anyone want to begin?"

Hands shot up around the room.

Harry sighed in relief as Sirius looked around the room. Sirius caught his eyes and offered him a greatful smile. His godfather mouthed, "Thank you." Harry smiled back and pushed his glasses up on his nose.

Sirius smiled and pointed at Neville. He said, "Neville, let's talk curses."

Harry found himself grinning proudly until lunch.


The whole school was buzzing about the substitute DADA teacher. The Slytherins were practically livid that Sirius Black was teaching, the Hufflepuffs were fearful and each of them were spreading rumors about how Sirius would kill one of them tonight, the Ravenclaws were indifferent for the most part but they wondered why Dumbledore would let him teach here, and the Gryffindors were excited about all the different defense techniques Sirius had taught them. Of course, there were the usual stares as soon as they found out that Sirius Black was Harry's godfather and legal guardian of all things.

Still, Harry felt positively wonderful as he zoomed around on his Firebolt. Trunks flew up beside him and pointed to the stands. Harry blinked when he saw two dark heads watching the field. One of them was Cho and the other, dressed all in black, was Hotaru.

Harry asked, "What are they doing here?"

"Well, I tricked Hotaru into coming because I told her that George would gloat Duo into doing something dangerous," Trunks answered with a wicked smile which turned thoughtful as he looked at Cho, "But I don't know about her."

Duo flew past them as he caught the Quaffle. He shouted, "Hell-o! We're suppose to be practicing here if we wanna beat the Ravenclaws!"

Ginny flew around him and Duo tossed her the Quaffle, which she promptly threw in the unattended goal in a streak of red. Harry watched as she avoided a runaway bludger which Fred promptly sent crashing towards George. Harry replied, "We were."

"Look down there," Trunks said as he pointed to the stands.

Duo cried out and reared back on his broom. Trunks chuckled at him and Harry sent him a bewildered grin, understanding the feeling. Duo snapped, "What the hell is Hotaru doing here?"

"Seeing you don't do anything stupid," Trunks replied wickedly as he flew back to his goal post.

Duo grumbled something about a list and revenge and that Trunks was now on it. Harry asked, "What are you planning?"

"My revenge against Fred and George, which shall commence in T-minus twelve minutes," Duo answered as he checked his watch.

Harry groaned and asked, "What did you do?"

"Nothing too bad," Duo chuckled wickedly as he rubbed his hands together. He cackled as he flew back down to where Ginny and Angelina were floating. Harry watched as Duo said something that made Ginny laugh.

He watched as her flaming red head flew back as she laughed. Her hair was done in a practical braid again, matching Duo's. He watched with an unfamiliar flare of jealousy as Ginny punched Duo in the arm, making him laugh.

He went through the motions of practice, not knowingly glancing back and Cho then at Ginny. He watched how Ginny took every moment and lived in it to the fullest, savoring it. Cho was more reserved than that. Angelina called it off and told everyone to get plenty of rest after a pep talk.

Harry flew down to where Cho was sitting. Hotaru had long sense left, leaving the Ravenclaw Seeker alone. Cho smiled at him as Harry leaned closer on his broom. She admired the Firebolt and said, "So, this is the infamous Firebolt. I've never seen one up close before."

"Well, you should ride it," Harry replied excitedly as she touched the bristles. Then he suddenly got an idea. He held out his hand and said, "Come on, Cho."

Her face lit up as she climbed behind him. Her arms wrapped around his waist as she leaned her chin into his shoulder. Her warm breath tickled his cold ear as she purred, "Show me what this baby can do, Harry."

Harry grinned as he took off. He hovered feet away from the ground only to rocket strait up, showcasing the Firebolt's speed and maneuverability. He heard Cho squeal in delight as she squeezed him. Harry realized that the excitement that he had once felt around her was gone.

Still, he flew until it was growing dark. He flew to the edges of the Forbidden Forest and stopped. Cho laughed as she wrapped her cloak tighter around herself. She said, "That was amazing. I have to talk my parents into getting one of these."

Harry grinned and replied, "It's worth it. I'm glad that Sirius bought this for me."

"Why didn't you tell me that Sirius Black was your godfather, Harry?" Cho asked as she leaned against a tree.

Harry nervously rubbed the back of his neck and answered, "It never came up." I didn't want you to know. It would have endangered Sirius. And you. She wasn't use to being in constant danger like his other friends who tagged along despite his misgivings. He would always have to watch out for her, no matter what. I wouldn't have to do that with Ginny he realized suddenly.

Cho smiled and said, "Well, maybe we should get back to the castle."

Then Harry heard something behind him and slowly turned around with his wand drawn.


Trunks was flying on his own. Quidditch was good fun and all, but it wasn't what he needed to keep his powers in check. He flew around the Forbidden Forest and began his kata. He flared his energy around himself as the training became more aggressive.

In the middle of the kick he felt something very wrong. He paused and opened up his senses to find what he was looking for. He felt something in the Forest, actually, a many different things. One of which had a fairly strong reading.

Frowning, he took off in a bolt of blue energy back to the castle.


Duo watched as Fred and the Hufflepuff Seeker were locked in a passionate embrace. At the other side of the castle George was reciting poetry to Angelina. Duo thought that Fred was having the better end of the deal, and the one who had devised the plot of making him bald while George figured out the formula to do so.

He grinned evilly from his hiding place as Peeves floated nervously beside him. Duo handed Peeves the bottle filled with Shrinking Potion to Peeves. He whispered, "Go pour it on the redhead and only the redhead."

Peeves flew off and shouted, "Seventh years snogging in the hallway!" Then he poured the bright acid green liquid over Fred. Fred shouted as he began to shrink. Greer gave a sharp cry as she jumped back as Fred ended up being only the size of an action figure.

Duo chuckled as he heard Fred curse in a squeaking voice. Peeves went through the walls as Greer picked up Fred and started shouting for help. Peeves appeared beside Duo and handed him the half empty bottle. Duo chuckled wickedly as Peeves few off.

Duo quickly ran to the other end of the school where George and Angelina were reading some sappy love poem together. Duo hid behind a giant urn and held his wand out. Seamus, during the DADA lesson, had enlightened them with a curse that sort of acts like Turret's Syndrome, making the person say whatever their thinking and then unbound profanity. Sirius had explained that the Free Speech Curse had ruined a many of a political career of wizards and muggles both. Duo, of course, had picked it up.

He whispered, "Lagosa."

George was saying, "And by dawn's early light, the sun lights your lovely face . . . Damn, you are one fine bitch!"

Angelina's eyes widened as she gasped, "What?"

"Man, you are one fucking fine bitch! Let's go in the Astronomy Tower and shag, baby! I'm so horny," George gasped as he tried to clamp his mouth.

Angelina cried, "George!" Then she slapped him.

"Mother fucker, cock sucking son of a bitch, that bloody hurt!" George cried as his brown eyes looked bewildered. Angelina screamed at him before she ran off, her hands over her face.

Duo laughed evilly as he headed back to the Gryffindor common room. Seamus asked, "Duo, what did you do?" He looked envious, like he had wanted to be part of the mischief as well.

Duo chuckled, shook his head, and sat beside Ginny who was doing her Potions homework. "You mother fucking, long-haired Nancy Boy!" George's voice bellowed as he ran into the room. Fred followed him, only three feet tall and slowly growing.

George managed, "You fucking did this gay assed thing to me you bloody wanker!"

The twins advanced on them. Duo asked, "Man, George, what's up with the language and, Fred, you're looking a little small, what happened?" Then he grinned wickedly as he sneered, "That's for making me bald!"

The mighty midget Fred growled as he sprang at Duo's ankles. Duo laughed as he grabbed Ginny's wrist and yanked her up. Ginny yelped but quickly ran with Duo, knowing that they were going to be a few minutes early in meeting Forest. Duo shouted, "Mighty Midget Man!"

"Bloody fucking faggot!" George yelled as Katie Bell tried to work the counter curse.

Fred, however, was laughing due to the fact that he was regular size again. Duo and Ginny stopped and took a breath. He had to; he was laughing so hard.

Ginny asked, "What did you do?"

"Got my revenge," Duo chuckled as a fresh wave of laughter bubbled up at the thought of Mighty Midget Fred and Carelessly Cursing George.

Ginny chuckled, "I've never seen George that mad, what did you do to him?"

"A Free Speech Curse. He started telling Angelina that she was a fine bitch and wanted to go shag and all of this stuff," Duo laughed.

Ginny shook her head as they headed down to the dungeons. They had muggle clothing there that was better suited to the foot of snow on the ground and the below freezing weather. Ginny said, "You're awful, you know."

Duo grinned and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. He replied, "Yeah, I am."

"If you had red hair, I'd swear that you were just another brother," Ginny snorted with a grin.


He didn't know that he was watching, but he was. He didn't know where he was at or what he was doing due to the fact he was being controlled like a puppet. It happened at various times. Most of the time he was himself and aware, but there were others when that dark force would take over and control him.

He didn't feel the cool wind biting his face or the snow melting in his hair, wetting it down. He didn't see the blond woman dressed in black shooting makeshift targets. He didn't see the two dark-haired students talking, perhaps ending a relationship. He didn't see the black dog watching the blond woman. He didn't see the redhead girl and the boy with the obscenely long hair laughing together.

But someone else did and decided it was a decent time to act.


Malfoy Manner always seemed cold and lifeless. There was no energy to the place nor was there any personality. It was huge and hulking, obscene in its wealth. It sprawled across the country side lazily and proudly, a symbol of wealth and power.

Snape hated the place more than ever. It brought up bad memories, especially all the dark talismans displayed arrogantly around the place. He wondered how a poor boy like Draco could ever grow up here.

Lucius Malfoy was sitting in front of the huge fire place, sipping on a sifter of brandy. The reddish light cast a hellish glow to the pale man. His grey eyes studied Snape with amusement as Snape let his thoughts wander.

Malfoy stated, "I'm surprised that you'd come back to us, Severus. I was worried that Dumbledore had completely turned you away from us."

"Your worries were falsely justified," Snape replied icily, "I'm tired of all of these games, Lucius."

Malfoy smiled and fondly said, "You always did bore quickly, Severus. You were more of a thinker than the lot of us. That was the only reason that our Dark Lord let you back into our fold."

"I know," Snape replied as he studied the crimson waves in the flames, "And I want to be on the right side when the Scythe Barer is claimed."

Malfoy grinned wickedly as he said, "My son says that he's fond of you, is that true?"

"Duo Maxwell is a very unusual boy, Lucius. Still, he's very intelligent and the best potions student that I've had in years," Snape answered, hastily adding, "Excluding your son of course."

Malfoy sniveled, "Of course. Now, can you tell us anything about the boy?"

"He's resourceful, quick tempered, intelligent, and can already call on some of his powers. He's dangerous and quick to act and very defiant and stubborn," Snape answered.

Malfoy's smile turned into a leer as he said, "That's why I'm glad that you're here. You see, if everything turns out, the Scythe Barer should be sitting in this very room in just a few short hours."

A cold chill wound its way up Snape's spine as he studied the Dark Lord's second in command. He asked, "How do you plan to get the Scythe Barer here?" He thought he did very well to keep any shock or worry out of his tone and laced it with a board curiosity. He also didn't like referring to Duo as the "Scythe Barer", it seemed too impersonal for the boy who called everyone by their first name or, "Prof" if it was a professor he was fond of.

"Well, I have a set of eyes at Hogwarts and some very interesting hired muscle setting in. Not even that blood sucking American bitch will be able to stop it," Malfoy chuckled as he stirred the fire.

Snape's hands dug into the chair. He wanted to get back to Hogwarts and warn Duo and the others. He wanted to tell Potter to look after him and keep him safe. He wanted to keep Forest safe.

Still, as a spy, all he could do was watch and hope that they would act on their own.


I can see why Snape wants me to keep her safe, Snape thought as he studied the tall, lovely blond. She carefully aimed her gun and fired again. The cold wind blew her long, golden hair around her face as she continued her firing practice. Sirius had long since transformed back into human form so the gunshots wouldn't be as damaging to his ears. He was still forced to put a Deafing Charm on himself.

He watched each subtle movement. She was dangerously graceful and lovely. He was drawn despite himself. She lowered her gun and seemed like she was perfectly at peace with herself.

Her face was a study in calmness. Well, right before he started to move toward her. She smirked as she pointed her gun at him. He could feel her dark eyes on him right before another gun shot rang out and snow splattered all around his face.

He cried out as he flung himself to the ground. He shouted, "Are you insane?"

"Well, you were spying on me the whole damned time," she replied as she kept her gun aimed at him, an amused look lurking in her dark eyes. He wanted to see what color they were. He wondered if they were brown or green. He realized that was part of her danger, her seductive lure.

Setsuna was prettier by face and a better figure (more curves and all of that), but Forest had a dangerous charm though. She was tall and slender, built like an athlete or a dancer. And she had the best pair of legs that he'd ever saw on a woman.

Too long in Azkaban. I'm lusting after a vampire. Pull yourself together, Padfoot, Sirius thought to himself with a mental shake. It had been ages since had seen a woman and been close to one. He briefly remembered his last lover, a lovely Irish lass that was a muggle who knew of the wizarding community because her muggle-born wizard brother.

And that had been more than sixteen years ago.

She moved toward him, using that stalking grace. He grinned at her and said, "Hello, ducks."

She cast him an amused look from the tip of his dark head to his boots. He saw that she liked what he saw and found himself sliding into the familiar role of long ago. She replied, "Hello."

"I'm sorry that I startled you like that," he replied as he held his empty hands out for her to see.

She grinned and her eyes sparkled, giving her more of a human appearance. She said, "You should have told me that you were here. I thought that you could have been a dark wizard or something. I'm Forest, by the way."

"I know, the vampire that Dumbledore hired to guard the Scythe Barer," he replied as he took her outstretched hand. Her fingers were long and pale. Her grip was strong and steady. He gently rubbed her wrist with his thumb as he smiled at her, "I'm Sirius Black."

Then, the next thing he knew was that he was flying in the air and landed face first into the cold snow. "Bloody hell!" he cursed as he pulled himself up.

She laughed, "Don't try charming me, Animagus. I've seen your type thousands of times before."

Sirius sat up, a bit angry now. He glared at her laughing dark blue eyes. He took another look at her sharp featured face and realized that her eyes were indigo, like the band of color between the blue and violet of a rainbow. Oh, very interesting, he thought as his gorge rose.

He snapped, "Fine then, if that's how you want to play it. Why the hell did you give Harry a sword for Christmas?"

"Because he wants to learn how to use one," Forest answered plaintively with her arms crossed over her chest.

Sirius sneered, "Why? Harry's a wizard, that's a muggle form of fighting."

"Then why the hell did you tote around on a motorcycle for the longest time?" Forest asked rhetorically with an ironic smile.

Sirius stiffened. Yes, he had a love for muggle technology. Yes, he dearly missed his bike. Still, he didn't want this vampire pointing that out to him.

Forest turned away as she said, "Speaking of which, Mr. Black, Harry, Duo and Ginny are going to meet me in a few moments, so why don't you get back to the castle."

Sirius growled deep in his throat as she walked away. She added, "And next time, just come right out instead of sneaking around as a dog. It's annoying."

Sirius fumed for a moment until he heard something whistle in the air. Forest shouted, "Get down!" She lunged at him, knocking him into the cold snow once more as several arrows embedded themselves into a near by tree, right where they were standing.

Sirius looked over to the Forbidden Forest to see a legion of countless goblins armed with crossbows, axes and swords, their slanting, dark eyes glowing with a dangerous hunger. "Bugger it all to hell," he grumbled as Forest crouched and aimed her gun. She fired off a few rounds before it clicked.

"Awww, fuck," she cursed as a female voice screamed into the night.

Sirius' spine froze when he heard Harry shout, "Leave her alone!"

"Harry," he whispered as he took Forest by the arm and jerked her to her feet. He held out his new wand in front of him and conjured a shield around them. They took off, running to find the boy who he considered his son.


Duo saw the creatures as they swarmed on him. He recognized them as goblins from his history books. He tried going for his wand, but there were too many on him too quick.

Ginny was behind him screaming spells at a rapid rate, managing to zap a few of them off, sending them to the ground twitching. She held out her hand to him and he took it. She pulled her up and the goblins turned back at them again.

Duo pulled out his wand and started rapidly casting Stunning Spells, but there were too many of them. He shouted, "Shit, where did all of these bastards come from?" He was starting to feel weak and he was starting to get out of breath.

Ginny was having trouble breathing as well as she answered, "I don't know."

"Fuck," he swore as he took Ginny's hand and started to run. They were blocking his way to the school, but those Forbidden Woods or whatever the hell they were called would be a good hiding place.

Ginny cried, "We can't go in there!"

"I'd take the woods over those bastards," Duo shouted as the goblins started shooting crossbow bolts at them.

One stuck him in the shoulder. Duo cried out as he fell to the ground. Maxwell, you've been shot before. Get the bloody oversized tooth pick out of your arm and save Ginny, he thought briskly as he grabbed the bolt. He felt hot blood slick on his finger tips as he yanked the bolt out with a howl of pain. His vision blurred for a moment as his shoulder burned in torment.

He dimly heard Ginny cry out his name. He managed to stand up, clamp his bleeding shoulder, and start running again. Ginny asked, "Are you all right?"

"I've been better," he gritted painfully through his teeth before he collapsed into the snow, his vision quickly going black.


Harry automatically stepped in front of Cho and drew his wand as soon as the goblins attacked. They swarmed around him and started attacking her. She cried out and was knocked to the ground. They pinned her slight body to the ground and began to tear off her robes.

Seeing red, Harry pointed his wand and bellowed, "Stupify!" He felt the rush of power spill out of his wand and knocking several of the goblins out. He pulled a trembling Cho to her feet and bellowed, "Leave her alone!"

He kicked another as they started attacking him. Harry shouted, "Run, Cho, run!"

She gave a startled cry and bolted back to the castle. A few of them started to follow. Harry grabbed a stick and banged it against a tree, getting their attention. He shouted, "Hey, why don't you try me on for size, damn it!"

Then he took off running toward the Forbidden Forest. He grabbed the Firebolt and mounted it, speeding off into the tree line, hoping to get some cover. Some of the goblins were armed with crossbows and long bows and started firing at him. Harry cursed as he dodged the bolts.

Out of the corners of his eyes, he saw the goblins swarming around him, blocking his path. He landed and held his broom like a baseball bat in one hand and his wand in the other, ready to strike. Harry growled, "You're not taking me down that easily."

They snickered and started talking in their native language as if they were answering to someone else. Harry realized that their dark, slanted eyes looked glassy, as if they weren't home. Like someone under the Imperious Curse, he thought wildly as one drew his battle axe and charged at Harry.

He managed to side step the creature and trip him with the broom before putting the Jelly Legs on him. He Stunned a few more and casted a few other Jelly Legs as well as the Body Lock curse. He was starting to get tired. The massive magic using was defiantly taking its tole on him.

Next time I see Forest I'm demanding that she teaches me to use a sword, he thought as he bashed one's head with his broom. He flinched as he felt the Firebolt smack into its head and send the creature reeling.

Still, there were too many of them until he heard a familiar voice shout, "Stupify!"

Ginny was running into the woods, her red hair streaming behind her like a banner and she looked absolutely upset. She saw Harry and aimed her wand. She gritted her teeth as she quickly started a ring of fire around him, keeping the goblins back. She stepped through the ring and stood beside him, catching her breath.

Harry asked, "What the bloody hell is going on here?"

"They've taken Duo," she panted as she wiped sweat off of her brow. The flames were beginning to die and the goblins were starting to approach again.

Voldemort . . . He grabbed her shoulders and asked, "Do you know where they're taking him?"

"They ran off into the woods, I followed," Ginny panted as she swayed a bit on her feet. The fires lifted up again with a flick of her wand. She took a breath and added, "I couldn't stop them, Harry! They shot him with a crossbow, he passed out after he yanked the arrow out of his shoulder, and they took him! I tried stopping them, Harry but I couldn't!" Her eyes welled with tears as she screamed, "Stupify!"

The first line of the goblins fell down like stones. Harry grabbed her by the shoulders and looked down into her amber brown eyes. She cried, "I won't be responsible for someone else that I care about getting hurt, I won't!"

"Gin, it's not your fault," Harry told her gently, desperately wanting to comfort her, "We'll get Duo back."

The flames started to die down again and Ginny clutched at his robes for a moment. She blurted out, "Harry, if I don't make it . . ."

"Don't talk like that," he hissed at her. He wanted to know the extent of his feelings for her. He wanted to learn more about her. He wanted to laugh with her like she did with Duo. "We'll get out of this alive."

Her amber eyes peered into his as her strands of her red hair fell into her face. She continued, "Harry, I want you to know that I care about you desperately."

He faltered for a moment as the flames finally died out. The goblins charged and they faced them, their wands ready. He took one last look at her, noting the way her hair fell around her and the way her eyes gleamed. He grit his teeth and cast the Stunning Curse as fast as he could as well as the Body Lock and the Jelly Legs.

He was starting to slow down and it became more of an effort to send curses and hexes out. Ginny was wobbling on her feet. There's too many of them. We can't fight them all alone, Harry thought desperately until he saw a flash of gold and black tear through the goblins with spinning legs and flashing red claws.

Forest stood in front of them, blood coating her face, arms, hands, and chest as she gave them a glance. Her eyes were glowing crimson and her fangs were bared in challenge. She snarled at the goblins and rushed at them again.

Harry looked up to see the large tree trunk hovering in mid air. It fell on top of the goblins, crushing several of them. Sirius emerged, looking wild and angry, like he did when he was dead set at killing Wormtail.

He sneered, "Stay away from my son."

The goblins, sensing a new threat, turned on Sirius and Forest. The ones armed fired at the vampire. Sirius rushed at her, knocking her to the ground. Forest pushed him off and snapped, "I can handle myself, thank you."

"Well, next time I should let you save your own bloody arse!" Sirius growled back as he pointed his wand and set four of the goblins on fire.

Harry watched as Forest grabbed a goblin by the hair and yank. Its head came off in her hands in a rush of blood and gore. Ginny made a gagging sound beside him and he had to shut his eyes and turn away.

"I don't need your help," Forest shouted.

Sirius shouted back, "I'm helping you to save my godson so shut up you vapid bitch!"

"Bitch, well, isn't that your type, Grim?" Forest snapped.

Sirius retorted, "Not in your case, darling."

Harry opened his eyes to see that all the goblins except a fleeing few were dead. Sirius and Forest were glaring at each other and Ginny looked as if she was about to drop. Forest shouted, "Please, if I wanted to meet you then I would have just gone up and said hello and not sent an army of goblins after us!"

"Well, you're so desperate that you'd do something like that," Sirius growled back at her.







"Mother fucker!"

Harry walked over to them and bellowed, "They're after Duo!" The two stopped shouting insults at each other to look at Harry. Harry glared and crossed his arms.

Sirius sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck while Forest asked, "Duo got away, right?"

Ginny glared as if Forest had suddenly gone insane. Harry retorted, "What do you think?"

"Oh, right, this is Adrenaline Rush Boy we're talking about here," Forest grumbled as she took to the air, hovering. Harry watched as she looked around thoughtfully.

Sirius asked, "How can you stand that woman?"

"She's not that bad," Harry answered, wondering why his godfather and his instructor were such a volatile combination.

Forest shouted, "Duo's over there! I can smell his blood!"

"Oh, that's a charming thought! We're talking about saving a boy and you're thinking about food," Sirius snapped at her.

Forest glared and growled, "He's hurt you, idiot! If you transformed you'd smell his blood too."

Harry groaned as he started to run in the direction that Forest was pointing. Sirius, in his other form, beat them there and so did Forest, able to take to the air. Ginny was right behind Harry, hiking up her robes and trying to keep up, almost impossible because Harry was a good head taller than she was and most of that was leg.

He saw the four goblins carrying Duo's slumping form away into the woods. Forest and Sirius charged recklessly, Sirius growling, and Forest snarling, when something big smacked them like flies. Sirius slammed back into a tree and Forest was impaled on a branch.

"Sirius!" Harry screamed as he ran toward him, hoping beyond hope that Sirius was okay. Sirius transformed back into his human form and stood up with a groan. Harry saw another club rush at him and managed to dodge it.

He pointed his wand, planning to use its own club to smash its head in, but noted with fear that it had fallen out of his hand. Sirius started to reach for it as another club smashed into him. Harry looked up to see the two, massive trolls, trying to beat them to death.

Using his Seeker grace, Harry rolled out of the way and onto his feet. Sirius groaned, "Oh, great, they've brought trolls."

Ginny was screaming as she was trying to pull Forest down. The goblins were laughing as the trolls tried to smash both Harry and Sirius' skulls in with the clubs. Sirius dropped his wand and charged at one of the trolls, changing forms as he did.

The Grim jumped up and sank his teeth between one of the troll's legs. The troll screamed shrilly as it smacked Sirius away with his club. Sirius fell to the ground, changing back into his human form as he did. He wasn't moving, but Harry was relieved to see his chest rising and falling.

He ran over to him and said, "Sirius, can you hear me?" Sirius?"

Sirius groaned and fell still. Harry heard Ginny scream, "Harry, behind you!" He looked up just in time to see the club fly toward him. There was no time to dodge, so he held up his hands to ward it off and closed his eyes, waiting for the impact.

It never came.

He opened his eyes to see the club suspended a foot away from his head. The troll's ugly face was contorted in concentration and strain. Harry looked over to see a tall, strong teen with a head of lavender hair.

Trunks easily held the club and the straining troll. He grinned and looked down at Harry. He asked, "Are you okay?"

Harry dully nodded, shocked to see this easy show of strength from the boy. He managed, "Yeah, uh, thanks, Trunks."

Trunks grinned and answered, "No problem. I've been itching for a fight for a while, Harry. Let's see how these things like taking on something closer to their own size."

Then, he was air born with a fierce battle cry.

To Be Continued!

Wheew, man that was a long chapter! I hope it was worth the wait. Still, it's the begining of the end, kiddies!

Anyway, tell me what you thought of it and all of that good stuff. I want to know the nitty, gritty details, your favorite parts, parts that you thought needed help and so on and so forth. It helps me become a better writer.

Oh, I've got fan art! Here's the address: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanart/src.php?sort=dateD&s=&srcht=secan&srch=keily

Keily's a great artiest and has drawn me a very beautiful rendition of Forest in her ball gown, Ginny in her ball robes (her Ginny is absolutely gorgeous, makes you think what Harry's smoking to ignore a girl that beautiful), a hilarious comic starring Forest and Snape, and Duo imaging plotting his revenge against Fred and George for making him bald. Soon she'll have all of the different characters I described during the Yule Ball in their dressy clothing. Including Dragon Hide Pants! Duo.

Also, I'm a very armature artiest myself, but I've got some art up as well:




Still, I know that you're more interested in my writing than my art work, so why don't you go read some of my original fics? "Alex Night: Vampire Hunter Extrodinare" also has Forest in it and "The Angel of Death Chronicles" is a sequel to "Alex Night: Vampire Hunter Extordinare" and features a supporting cast member from AN:VHE. Also, both stories are original and have the same kinetic energy, characterization, humor, action, and angst as this fic does, perhaps even more.

"Alex Night: Vampire Hunter Extrodinare" is housed at: http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_st.php?id=14864

It is also at http://www.fanfiction.net under my pen name: Elf as is "The Angel of Death Chronicles". I highly suggest that you read Alex first then move on to "Angel" and I highly suggest that you read them both. They're a bit darker than this story and they are original, but they're just as good, perhaps better.

Oh, yes, to all you Forest fans "Dead End Walt" is all about her in an old West town during the Gold Rush hunting down a pack of werewolves. This showcases her abilities the best and gives you more of a feel on her character. Plus, she really kicks ass here and gets a time to shine.

Special thanks to Saiyajin no Oujo and Nate Grey. With out you two I'd be lost, or severely frustrated one. Both are very talented writers in their own right and I highly suggest that you read both of their works. Especially if you're a Trunks fan.

I also have some Harry Potter fics out (read, not crossovers, just HP): "Snapped" features a "Dark" Harry hell bent on killing Voldemort, "Drained" features a vengence seeking Sirius going after a vampire who killed a friend, "Green Eyes" features a tortured, angsty, brooding Snape reflecting on why he hates Harry yet why he goes out of his way to protect him.