General Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/28/2002
Updated: 09/21/2002
Words: 145,543
Chapters: 21
Hits: 22,244

Harry Potter and the Four Guardians


Story Summary:
As Harry enters his fifth year three new exchange students and a new DADA teacher arrive at Hogwarts for no apparent reason. Harry discovers that Voldemort is after something and it isn't him. As he pries more into the situation and discovers more about his new friend, the outspoken American Duo Maxwell, that Voldemort is looking for a person, and not an object. Lord Voldemort is looking for a Scythe Barer who is hiding at Hogwarts with one of his Four Guardians dead and no clue to who or what they may be. Add Quidditch, a confused Malfoy, vampires, anime, and you'll get one hell of a crossover.

Chapter 16

Chapter Summary:
As Harry Potter enters his fifth year at Hogwarts he is joined by three "transfer" students and a new Defence Against the Dark

Harry Potter and the Four Guardians

Chapter Sixteen: Hair Loss and Sorting Through Feelings

By: Elf

"I don't think he's even human. I mean, look at the way he eats. He eats more than Hagrid, for goodness sake," Draco was telling Crabbe and Goyle. Hotaru watched from her hiding place in the curtains as Draco glared at Trunks, who was shoveling his face.

Draco went on, "And then he's friends with Maxwell, the American. There's another one I'm wondering about. Probably a Mudblood like Granger, and to think that Professor Snape actually favors him. I'm his bloody favorite, damn it, not some American Mudblood."

Hotaru flinched. Trunks was right, damn him. She looked over at the Gryffindor table where Harry Potter was sitting and noted that Duo wasn't there. She figured that he was still at the infirmary dealing with the dementor from last night. The dementor that Draco was partially responsible for.

She straitened out her robes and made her way to the Slytherin table. Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini glared at her as she placed her hand on Draco's shoulder. He smiled up at her, his grey eyes gleaming like molten silver. She noticed that the cocky expression from his face was gone, but instead he looked almost fearful and hopeful.

He said, "Good morning, darling."

"Draco, can we take a walk, I need to talk to you," Hotaru told him with a sad smile.

He looked puzzled, but he got up and followed her anyway. As they walked down the halls, Draco asked, "Hotaru, what is it?"

She sighed, wondering how she should deal with this. You're not exactly the best person. You're cruel and perhaps a pawn in a much larger, more evil game, and I want it over. She frowned because she knew she couldn't say that to him. She had never broken up with a boy before. It was a strange experience.

She answered, "Draco . . . I don't think this is going to work."

"Hotaru, why not? Please," he pleaded, looking at her with silver eyes.

She sighed and answered, "We're not meant to be, Draco. I'm sorry. I don't feel this is working out."

He reached out and gently grabbed her wrist. He said, "Hotaru, I'd do anything for you. Anything. Just ask it. You want jewels, just give me the word and I'll have you a necklace made with amethysts that match your eyes. You want protection, well, at my request Crabbe and Goyle would die for you. Just tell me what you want Hotaru."

She couldn't help but think that Duo would have told her that he'd change for her, ask her what he was doing wrong. Just the fact that Draco was offering material possessions should have been enough. She looked at his coldly handsome face and replied, "I don't want that Draco. And if you couldn't see that, then it has to be over."

He dropped her wrist, a hurt look crossing over his face as he watched her. He asked, "It's Maxwell, isn't it?"

"No," she whispered, shaking her head.

Draco tensed up and sneered, "Don't tell me that it's Potter that's making you think this way. Potter is a spoiled little git that everyone thinks is so great when he's not."

"It's not Harry. It's how you're speaking now, Draco. I won't be with someone who belittles someone just because they're different or that they're an orphan or Muggle born. Did you ever ask me my heritage?" she retorted, glaring at him, her anger giving her words.

Draco stiffened and answered, "It wasn't important, Hotaru."

"No, because you couldn't deal with the fact that I could be a Mudblood. Well, I am one. My father's just a lowly scientist, Draco Malfoy. I don't know what I was looking for when I came here, and for a while I thought it was you. You flattered me, made me feel special and not some freak, but I am a freak, Draco," she replied, tilting her head up and glaring at him.

Draco protested, "That doesn't matter to me about you."

"About me, but it matters that everyone else is like that, isn't that right, Draco?" she asked him.

He actually had the decency to look ashamed. His grey eyes darkened in sorrow as he looked up at her. He declared, "Hotaru, I'm sorry. I was raised that way. I don't know anything else."

"Well, maybe you should defy your teachings, Draco. I'm sorry that this couldn't work out," Hotaru sighed, turning from him.

She noticed that he didn't call out to her, asking if they could still be friends. Perhaps he knew that they could never be friends, with the path he was taking that is. Maybe there was something to redeem or maybe she was being too hopeful.

Still, as she walked down the hall, she felt strangely good.



Harry looked up to see Duo looking very much like what he associated with the other boy: cheerful, bright eyed and mischievous. Duo sat down and grabbed himself a plate and started piling bacon on it while saying, "Ah, fried pig flesh."

Harry said, "I take it that you're feeling better, then."

"Much, sleep, no nightmares and crispy pig flesh," Duo answered with his mouth full of bacon.

Hermione asked, "Did you have any nightmares last night after running off?"

"Nope, bacon, eating," Duo answered as he chowed down on the bacon, almost matching Trunks' ferocity while eating.

Ron snorted, "You'd think he's Trunks, wouldn't you."

Duo retorted, "Naw, I'm much prettier than he is."

Harry was glad that Duo had said that after he had swallowed his pumpkin juice. He chuckled, glad that he wasn't spewing the dark orange juice out of his nose or anything like that. It was good to have Duo back being Duo again. It made him feel like there was someone out there like him, made him feel that he wasn't alone in the world.

Brilliant green eyes met violet as the two shared a smile of understanding.

Harry asked, "So, what happened?"

"I woke up with my uniform, clothing, and shoes at the foot of my bed this morning. I got dressed and came down to see you guys," Duo answered as he reached for a goblet full of pumpkin juice.

Ron asked, "Yeah, Harry, what happened last night?"

"We know why Duo's having nightmares," Harry answered, "Malfoy planted something on the Quidditch field and there was a dementor holding a device that Snape says that Malfoy's dad made. He's getting help to see what it is."

Hermione looked at Duo and asked, "A dementor?"

"Trunks tried to blast it like the boggart. It just ate his energy and kept coming. Then Trunks tried to kill Malfoy," Harry answered as he sipped his juice.

Ron swore, "Damn it, and who stopped him?"

"Professor Pluto and Snape," Harry sighed, "Yeah, I would have liked to see Trunks make Malfoy a smoldering pile of ash too."

Hermione asked, "Did you see Hotaru leave with Malfoy this morning and Malfoy came back?"

Harry looked over at the Slytherin table to see Malfoy looking mopey and brooding. He said, "He doesn't look to happy. Maybe she got smart and broke it off with him."

He looked over at Duo who perked up at this. Duo grinned and said, "We can only hope."

"You idiots, she's one of Duo's Guardians. She can't go around snogging with Duo," Hermione sighed as she rolled her eyes.

Ron asked, "Why not? Better her than Ginny."

"I'm not snogging your sister," Duo protested as he rolled his eyes.

"No, you just had her in the way of a dementor," Fred cheerfully chirped behind Duo. George was standing beside his brother, a cheerful smile on his face. Duo suddenly looked very afraid and Harry couldn't blame him.

Harry said, "Duo, I'd start running now."

George clasped Duo's shoulder and said, "We're not mad at him, Harry. It wasn't his fault. Ginny just wanted to help him and you know Ginny."

Harry looked over at Duo who still looked as if he was about to run away.

Fred pulled out Duo's black cap and said, "And, as a gesture of our good faith, we brought your hat down for you." He placed the baseball cap on Duo's head and patted it fondly.

George added, "Next time Duo, if you're going to involve our sister in mortal danger tell us."

"Yeah, so we can join in on the fun," Fred stated with a wink.

Duo grinned and patted his cap. He said, "Thanks guys."

Fred looked at Harry and asked, "Did Trunks really try to kill Malfoy?"

"Yeah, Snape stopped him though," Harry answered, wishing he could have been there to see what Trunks had done to Malfoy.

George groused, "Stupid git."

Duo scratched his head as he ate. Fred said, "Then what happened?"

"Trunks was really going to kill him, but Setsuna and Snape stopped him," Harry answered, nodding. Duo scratched his head again.

Ron asked, "Forget to wash your hair?"

"No, I took a shower this morning," Duo answered as he scratched his head under the cap. Suddenly, his eyes widened in horror as he stood up. He clutched his cap to his head and ran off.

Harry looked down at Duo's seat to see several long strands of Duo's chestnut brown hair lying on the chair. He picked up a stray lock and looked at Fred and George. They grinned evilly and Hermione asked, "What did you do?"

"We always thought that Duo's hair was far too long," Fred answered in an amused voice as he chewed on an apple.

George added, "So, we just helped him out a little."

Harry asked, "He's bald, isn't he?"

"Will be in about five minutes," Fred answered as he looked at his watch.


"Himmm," Dumbledore murmured thoughtfully as he looked at the round, golden device. He held it to the light, letting it dangle and spin from its chain. He mused, "Most interesting. Sirius, what do you think?"

Sirius took the object and studied it. Snape glared at his former rival and asked, "Can you figure it out?"

"Crikey, Severus, you'd have to bring me something like this to figure out," Sirius whistled as he looked at it.

Snape pushed his hair out of his face. Dumbledore was looking at them both with amusement. Sirius had been the first one to forgive because he had found out that it was more fun to provoke Snape into annoyance than glare and sneer at him. Which was very trying.

Dumbledore told Sirius, "I'm glad that you're here, Sirius. This seems to be something around your alley."

"It may take a while, Headmaster, but with the right tools I should figure it out," Sirius answered as he studied it thoughtfully. He mused, "This workmanship is exquisite. I'll give Lucius Malfoy this: he can surely create a nice thought device."

Snape glared and asked, "What do you think it was made for?"

"Well, with Duo's nightmares and the dementor, it played on Duo's fears and created dreams based on his reality. It's a bit of divination, thought manipulation, and creating an image that would terrify Duo based on his own personal fears, which the dementor projected to him while he slept," Sirius answered thoughtfully as he scratched his chin.

Snape stood up and began to pace the room. He would personally curse Lucius Malfoy the next time he saw him. Then he would torture him slowly for hurting Duo like that.

Dumbledore smiled at him and said, "This is a bit different for you, isn't it Severus?"

"What do you mean, Headmaster?" Snape asked, turning to face the ancient wizard.

Dumbledore chuckled and answered, "Caring for a student like this."

"Duo's been through Hell and back Headmaster. Besides, he understands potions. He enjoys them. He actually looks forward to my classes and is eager to learn. And he doesn't talk about me behind my back like the other students," Snape replied as he sat back down at his desk where Sirius was still inspecting the object. He knew that Potter, Weasley, and Malfoy would be surprised that he knew almost everything that they said about him. Especially Malfoy.

Dumbledore smiled pleasantly and asked, "Feels good, doesn't it?"

Snape found himself smiling despite himself. Then, as if he knew that they were talking about him, Duo stormed into the room, holding a black cap tightly on his head. He was seething with anger.

Sirius asked, "What is it? Harry?"

Duo shook his head and Dumbledore said, "We are trying to figure out the source of your nightmares, Duo. Are you interested in helping us or do you have a class next?"

"I don't care about that," Duo answered dismissively, "But I'm going to kill Fred and George, that's for damned sure."

Then he yanked off the cap.

Sirius started laughing out right. He tried to stop, then he would look at Duo and start to laugh once again. Dumbledore looked down and tried to hide the look of merriment on his face. Snape clinched his fist and looked down at the table to keep from laughing.

For Duo Maxwell, with his meter long braid, was as bald as an egg.

His cap had his hair still stuffed into it, as if it was some horrible parody of a scalping. Duo pointed to his shining head and screamed, "THEY MADE ME FUCKING BALD!"

Sirius lost it and was bent over he was laughing so hard. Dumbledore was chuckling. Snape glared at them both and stood up. He walked over to where Duo was practically breathing fire and touched the smooth, shining scalp. Then he picked up the cap and sniffed it.

He grimaced and said, "They poured a Defolicing Potion all in your cap, Duo. It made all of your hair fall out." Snape made a mental note to make the Weasley twins lives Hell in potions for the next few months. And figure out someway to give them detention and take points away from Gryffindor. Duo had earned quite a few of them in his class, even though McGonagall had suggested that he had lost most of those points in her class.

Duo touched his bald head and then looked mournfully at the braid lying on the table. He reached out and petted it with reverence. He had looked better last night, Snape had reasoned, not so mournful.

Dumbledore suggested, "Severus, isn't there a potion that Duo could brew to grow his hair back?"

Sirius was still chuckling, wiping tears from his eyes. Snape and Duo glared at him. Duo growled, "Laugh it up, Dog Boy." Sirius broke out laughing again, holding his stomach as he howled with glee.

Snape rolled his eyes and stated, "At least someone thinks this is amusing. Yes, there's a potion that you can drink that will make your hair grow back."

"What book is it in?" Duo asked with determination, "And how long is it going to take to make?"

Snape answered, "Well, actually, it's a fairly simple potion that doesn't take that long. You should have your hair back by first period."

"But Duo, the baldness really does something for you," Sirius teased as he had subdued his laughter to a few stray giggles. Dumbledore was grinning, his blue eyes shining behind his glasses.

Duo glared at him and pulled out a caldron. He said, "I'm going to get started."


"I broke up with Draco," Hotaru stated at the hunched over lavender head. Trunks turned around to face her, his blue eyes wide with surprise.

Then, he grinned and replied, "Good."

"Is that all you have to say, 'good'?" she snapped, glaring at him.

Trunks stood up from the table and guided her to the hallway. They started to walk together as he answered, "Well, I could say finally and he was a stuck up potentially evil bastard that put Duo in danger and it's good that you finally saw that."

Hotaru looked at him and replied, "No 'I told you sos' then?"

"Well, and I told you so," Trunks answered with a slight grin.

Hotaru sighed and confessed, "It was fairly easy to do, but I think he's hurt."

"I did toss him around last night. I didn't punch him or anything," Trunks replied as they rounded a corridor. Hotaru noticed they were walking back to the Great Hall.

Hotaru pushed her hair from her face and asked, "Still, what should I do now Trunks? Any helpful Sayan advice that you could give me?"

"Violence generally solves most problems, death before dishonor, ummm, use your anger as a weapon when needed and never forget to eat breakfast," Trunks answered thoughtfully with a teasing grin on his chiseled features.

Hotaru grinned, rolled her eyes, and nudged him. She poked his steel hard bicep and asked, "Really, Trunks, what should I do?"

"Well, what do you want to do?" Trunks replied thoughtfully, his blue eyes peering down at her.

Hotaru shrugged and answered, "Maybe go find Duo. Talk to him."

"Get to know him. Find out whom you're sent here to protect. He's a nice guy Hotaru," Trunks replied as they headed back into the Great Hall.

Hotaru nodded thoughtfully. She knew that. She also felt strangely connected to him and that was why he kissed her that night that seemed so long ago. The memory of his kiss still burned in her mind. She hadn't told Draco about it; the arrogant boy would have been devastated, but it still lingered in her mind almost every waking moment.

She looked over at Harry Potter and Hermione. Hermione waved to her and she waved back. She grinned. She liked Hermione. She really didn't understand Arithmancy (damn Setsuna for suggesting that she'd take that class) and Hermione was a life savior with her help and advice.

She walked over to them and Hermione pulled out a chair for her. Harry glared at her with his brilliant green eyes as he sipped on his juice. Ron smiled and said, "Hi Hotaru."

Hotaru smiled back at Ron as she leaned against the chair, not quite taking a seat. Harry asked, "So, how's Malfoy this morning?" His voice was dripping anger and sarcasm.

Hotaru grinned back at him and answered, "Pretty upset actually. I broke it off with him."

Hermione patted her back and smiled, her brown eyes sparkling. She replied, "Good for you, Hotaru."

"You could do better than that stupid prat anyway," Ron agreed with a mouth full of toast.

Harry's eyes widened as he blinked up at her. He asked, "Really?"

She nodded and answered, "Immmhumm. So, do you know where Duo's at?"

"He ran off, Fred and George pulled a prank on him," Ron answered cheerfully.

Hotaru gasped. She wondered if Duo was okay. Those twins were a living nightmare. They were destructive, playful, and much too intelligent for their own good. She asked, "Is Duo okay?"

Harry nodded and answered, "He probably ran off to Snape's class."

"Thank you," Hotaru said with a tiny bow as she ran off.


Ron asked, "What's up with her?"

Harry was wondering the same thing as Hermione answered, "She probably discovered Malfoy for what he really is."

Or she finally opened her eyes and saw who Duo was.

Harry grinned and shrugged, "Who knows, but maybe she'd be a good influence on him."

"Well, better her than Ginny," Ron snorted protectively as he looked across the table where Neville was showing Ginny his latest Herbology project.


"Duo, I don't think you'd want to drink that much," Snape advised as Duo carefully measured the bubbling orange potion into a glass vial.

Sirius nodded from where he was tinkering with the device. He added, "You'd have hair down to your knees."

Duo glared up at them. They couldn't understand the attachment he had with his hair. All the memories he had intertwined with it. It had been with him everywhere and been the one constant in his life. He was also quite proud of his hair. He took excellent care of it so that it wouldn't get split ends and thought that his rich chestnut brown mane was stunning.

He drank the potion down. He winced at the taste of something very akin to burned chicken. He made a face as he put the vial down. Snape asked, "Are you sure you want hair that long, Duo?"

His scalp began to tingle, almost burn. Duo felt his hair pushing out, growing, making his head heavy and warming it in the cold dungeon. Within moments, he had his hair back down to his knees.

He pointed his wand at the vial and transformed it into a brush. He grinned and thought, Thanks Hermione. He sat down and separated his hair and began to brush it.

He said, "My hair's special to me. It's been the one constant in my life. People die, people go away, but my hair's always there. I know that sounds really weird, but it's a memorial. Like some solders have a tattoo, well, I have my hair."

"Why do you only wear it in a braid?" Sirius asked curiously as he looked up from the device again.

Duo smiled sadly and answered, "When I was a young kid in the colonies I sort of wandered around and stole stuff. I ran across another gang of kids and joined up with them. Then, one day, during an attack, we were all captured and taken to a Catholic Church."

Duo could see Father Maxwell and the Maxwell Church very clearly in his mind, as if it were yesterday. He continued, "Well, they clothed us and one of the nuns, Sister Helen, wanted to cut my hair. She said it was unsanitary. We didn't have much water on that colony to bathe or wash clothing with. I told her to go to Hell, kicked her in the shins, and tried to run away. The priest, Father Maxwell, asked if she could do something else with my hair. She braided it. Well, I found that it was easier to move around with the braid."

Sirius quietly asked, "What happened to Father Maxwell?" It was almost as if he knew something tragic was going to happen, as if he already knew the end of his sordid tale.

Duo sighed and continued, trying to keep his voice from wavering, "They were attacked by the rebels. They wanted a mobile suit. Being the gutsy kid that I was and wanting to help my family, I stole them a suit. By the time I got back the church was gone. Sister Helen and Father Maxwell were dead."

Snape, who had already heard all of his history once, except the part about why his hair was so important to him, studied him thoughtfully. Sirius' dark eyes were full of pity as he said, "I'm sorry."

Duo shrugged as he ran the brush through his hair. He answered, "That was another life time ago, Sirius. And another world." He deftly started to braid his knee length hair. He noticed how silky it felt in his hands, and how healthy it felt. He almost considered thanking Fred and George for making him bald. After he got his revenge of course.

Snape said, "You better get to your seat. Class is going to start soon."

Duo blinked. He had almost forgotten that he had Potions first period today. He was glad that he brought his bags with him. He quickly cleaned up his mess and sat down. Sirius said, "I'm going off to go look at this. I don't think the kids are going to be ready for a convicted murder to be in their class."

"Come on, you can tell us all the horror stories of being in prison," Duo playfully replied as he dug out his textbook and set up his caldron.

Sirius gave him a dark, brooding, dead look. It was almost as if all the life in his eyes had drained away leaving away an empty shell. He replied, "Don't joke about Azkaban, Duo. Never joke about Azkaban." With that, he swept away.

Duo shifted uncomfortably in his chair and grumbled, "Sorry."

Snape explained, "Azkaban is a horrid place, Duo. Do not joke about it, especially around Black."

Duo replied, "Sorry, Prof, but joking's how I deal with things that don't involve violence."

What he said had the desired effect. Snape grinned slightly before grunting and turning back to his own desk. Within moments, Hotaru walked into the class, sans Malfoy strangely enough, and took the closest table near him, but left the seat beside him open for Harry probably.

She looked at him with her huge, shadowy violet eyes and blushed before offering him a shy smile. Duo grinned back, feeling his own cheeks warm in response, as he took out his quill. He thought, Did she break up with Malfoy?


Hotaru watched hidden from the doorway as Duo stood there. Rich chestnut brown hair spilled around him in a silken waterfall to his knees. It had shimmers of gold and copper through the rich brown as Duo moved in the light as he brushed it.

Then he had told the story of his braid and Hotaru thought she wanted to cry. It was just so tragic yet made sense if you were Duo that is.

Still, she couldn't help to think how beautiful he was with his hair down. Like some Fey prince consorting with the mortals. She watched how his violet eyes misted as he told his story, as if he was seeing it again, far away.

She hadn't been able to completely ignore Duo while she was with Draco. He'd laugh and he'd just light up. He could smile and it either was devilishly charming or made you want to smile with him. He just affected people in different ways. He had made the cold Snape care for a student in a fatherly way. A Gryffindor no less.

She walked into the class, disappointed that Duo had braided his long hair once again. She wanted to touch it, run her fingers through it to see if it was as silky as it seemed. She sat in the desk beside Duo's, not too close and not wanting to take Harry's seat for Duo and Harry often worked as partners while Ron and Hermione worked together, but wanting to stay close to Duo.

She blushed as she looked at him again and gave him a shy smile. Duo grinned happily back at her. She was surprised to note that he was blushing too.


Harry noted that Duo was practically glowing. He was almost insanely happy as he sat down beside the braided boy. He said, "You have your hair back."

"Hotaru grinned at me," Duo gushed with a big, dopey smile.

Harry smiled and said, "She broke up with Malfoy."

Duo punched the air and hissed, "YES!"

Ron and Hermione sat down and Ron gave him the thumbs up. Hermione asked, "What are you going to do?"

Duo froze and answered, "I'm not sure."

"You not sure? You practically have all the girls throwing their knickers at you and you're not sure," Ron snorted, shaking his head. Harry chuckled at that.

Duo rubbed the back of his neck and Harry suggested, "Why don't you try to get to know her?"

"That's a good idea," Duo chirped with that same idiotically happy smile on his face.

Ron offered, "Besides, anyone would be better than that git."

As on cue, Malfoy swept into the room with Crabbe and Goyle teetering behind him. Malfoy had his head up high and had a look of supreme distaste on his features. Harry had to notice the sad, mournful glance he gave at Hotaru though. Still, it was Malfoy. He deserved this.

He walked over to Duo and sneered, "I see that your hair grew back. Pity. At least you looked masculine then."

"I hear you lost your girlfriend," Ron chirped, "Sorry about that Malfoy. Did she really see how much of a git you where?"

Malfoy glared at Ron and sneered, "At least girls pay attention to me."

Hermione glared and gently gripped Ron's wrist as Ron turned bright crimson, clashing with his hair. Hermione sighed, "Why don't you go sit down, Malfoy?"

"Even the Mudblood has someone, Weasley," Malfoy chuckled.

Harry glared and stated, "I see you're not behaving for anyone again. Do you have to have someone on your arm to make yourself look good or are you just that shallow?"

Malfoy grinned as he answered, "You think you're really great, eh, Potter? Snogging with Cho Chang almost every night?"

Harry felt his face flush as he glared at Malfoy. The Slytherin continued, "Did you ever think that you were a replacement for Diggory? That would be the only reason a girl would even think about kissing you."

Harry grit his teeth. He had never thought about that. He had thought that Cho liked him for him, not because he was famous or because he was the Gryffindor Seeker or because he survived Voldemort. He thought that she had liked him and not some illusion of heroism.

Duo waved and called out, "Hi Trunks!"

Malfoy stiffened as Trunks towered over him, looking even more imposing and powerful than normal. His brilliant blue eyes gleamed as he gave Malfoy an arrogant smirk. He said, "Hello, Malfoy."

"Briefs," Malfoy hissed, "You do not know what you're dealing with."

Trunks chuckled, "Well, 'chicken' is coming to mind because you're shaking. Scared?"

Ron leaned over and said, "I heard that Trunks threw you around last night."

Malfoy snorted, "What, this brute who doesn't know proper table manors? I doubt that he's even human."

"I am very much so," Trunks drawled, "On my mother's side."[1]

Malfoy glared and asked, "What about your father's then?"

Before Trunks could answer, Snape swept over, glaring at all of them. Duo said, "I didn't do it."

Harry looked over at him and asked, "What?"

"I didn't do it. Don't yell at me," Duo said, holding his hands up in surrender as Snape glared viciously at all of them, even Malfoy. Harry noticed that he was looking at Ron and Malfoy the most with his intense stare.

Snape grinned and said, "Since you two are getting along so well today, Weasley and Briefs, why don't you sit together. Now."

"Bloody hell," Ron grumbled between his teeth as he gathered up his stuff and moved beside Neville to the table that Trunks was sitting at.

Malfoy grinned as he mouthed, "No Mudblood helping you today, Weasley."

Snape turned to sneer at Malfoy, "And you, why don't you sit with Maxwell and Potter today?"

Harry glared at Snape as Malfoy grumbled as he grabbed his bag and sat it beside Duo's. Duo glared at him and flipped Malfoy the bird while Snape was looking at Hotaru. Pansy was glaring at Hotaru in fury as was Blaise Zabini from where they sat together.

Snape said, "And Miss Tomoe, why don't you take a seat by Miss Granger. I will not have gossiping and threats in my classroom students. Twenty points off of Gryffindor and Twenty points off of Slytherin."

"Professor! You can't be serious!" Malfoy screeched, his grey eyes almost bulging from his face.

Harry fought down the laughter that was bubbling up to the surface. Duo looked simply impassive as he twirled his quill in his fingers. Snape growled, "Mr. Malfoy, this is my class and I will run it as I see fit. You are also in my house and I expect you to act better than this. I do not know what is up with you, but if you do not improve Mr. Malfoy, I'll see that I'll make you improve, do you understand?"

Malfoy nodded and grumbled, "I understand."

"Very well, now, let us open our text books to page 666 and we will discuss the Necromus Potion today," Snape stated as he swept to the front of his class.

Harry actually knew about this potion. He had asked Sean about it. It was used to create zombies and control the undead and vampires. It was almost considered the Dark Arts.

Snape asked, "Could someone tell me what the Necromus Potion does?"

Harry raised his hand, pleased that he would be able to answer one of Snape's questions for once. Duo and Hermione's hands, of course, shot up, both of them waving excitedly for Snape's attention. Malfoy raised his hand calmly.

Snape grinned at Potter and asked, "So, you actually know this potion, Potter? Enlighten us."

Harry pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and answered, "It's used to create zombies and control the undead. It can even place a vampire under one's control if you trick them to drinking it."

Snape looked at him and grudgingly replied, "Very good, Mr. Potter. A point for Gryffindor."

Ron's mouth dropped open from across the room. Harry knew what he was feeling. He was almost numb with shock. Duo whispered, "Good to know two vamps, isn't it?"

Hermione smiled proudly at him and Harry beamed. He had gotten a point from Snape. Surely, the world must be ending.


"What do you do with these meetings with Forest?" Hotaru asked as Harry was trying to choose between his cloak, which would slow him down in hand to hand combat, or his windbreaker, which wasn't as warm as his cloak but he could move easier in it. Duo had already slipped into his black leather Bomber jacket with ease. He was waiting for Harry by the door.

Hotaru and Hermione were sitting together, finishing up their Arithmancy homework together. Ron answered, "She had them use Muggle weapons that make a lot of nose and knock you flat on your arse, that's what."

"They're called guns, Ron," Duo snorted, rolling his eyes at the redhead, "And you should have gave yourself the Deafening Charm like Harry and I did."

Hermione's eyes widened as she asked, "She's letting you use guns?"

Harry ran his fingers through his hair as he looked out the window at the snowy grounds. December had hit with it's first full snow and the grounds were covered. Sirius lived on the grounds, still trying to discover what the device's true nature was. He had several theories which he had shared with Hermione and Harry, but other than that, nothing. Unless he had a dementor to work with, but Sirius had said he would rather go to Hell than use a dementor.

Hotaru and Trunks were almost part of their "group" while Ginny and Duo went off together to practice Quidditch or when the Trio went off by themselves as well as Hotaru and Trunks doing whatever they did to help insure Duo's safety. Harry was starting to find himself strangely jealous of Duo and Ginny's relationship. They both protested that they were both friends (Duo had said, "Dude, she's like a sister." Ginny had laughed, "He's like another brother, just give him red hair.") to Fred and George. And Duo was still trying to find a way to exact his revenge for them making him bald. Still, in the past two weeks the twins had detention with Snape three times and Harry suspected that them making Duo bald had something to do with all of that. And he was still seeing Cho whenever he could.

Duo rolled his eyes and thrust a thick nylon jacket in Harry's arms. From the fact that it was black and had a white collar, it had to be Duo's. Duo snorted, "We're going to be late, Harry."

Forest had wanted them outside tonight. Harry was excited to find out what she was going to teach them tonight. He was starting to love Forest's "lessons" and was looking forward to learning how to use a sword. He was finding that the movements of the martial arts that she was teaching him were coming almost automatically now, much to Ron's dismay when he tried to duel Harry with Fred and George's trick wands.

Harry zipped the jacket up and looked at Hermione, Ron, and Hotaru. He suggested, "Why don't you come out with us?"

Hotaru took one look outside and shivered, "Oh, no. Setsuna would kill me if she found out I went out in that. I'd get sick."

Ron leaned over and whispered, "I thought you were all powerful."

"Not when I'm just Hotaru Tomoe. I'm very fragile, Ron. I use to be plagued with illnesses when I was a child and I'm slightly anemic," Hotaru answered sadly, sighing as she looked out into the snow.

Harry noticed the pitying yet protective look that Duo gave the pale girl. Hermione stood up and pulled on her heavy coat. She wrapped her scarf around her bushy hair and stated, "Well, I'm most curious to see what Forest is teaching you."

Ron jumped over to get his cloak and scarf. He was haphazardly ready within seconds. Duo teased, "You just want an excuse to see Forest again." Ron's ears turned bright red as it spread across his face.

Ron stammered, "No, I want to learn how to dismember someone with my bare hands too."

Harry chuckled as they headed out together. As they walked, Ron asked, "So, are you going to ask Hotaru to the Yule Ball?" McGonagall had made the announcement that they were having the Yule Ball again this year. Harry was actually looking forward to it. He could actually go with Cho this time.

Duo rubbed the back of his neck and answered, "I'm going to try." He was blushing.

Harry joked, "You know, maybe Trunks would ask her first."

Duo glared and asked, "Why the hell do you think that?"

"Well, she's the only girl other than Ginny and myself that Trunks can actually have a conversation with without blushing and stammering like an idiot," Hermione answered practically.

Duo said, "Well, Trunks can ask you then."

"He will not. Super powered alien half breed or not," Ron shouted as he turned to Hermione. He said, "Go to the ball with me, Hermione?"

Hermione rolled her eyes and answered, "Since you asked in such a charming way I have to say yes."

Ron grinned happily as they walked. Harry quipped, "It's better than Neville asking you." Still, he was happy for the two of them. It was obvious that they liked each other with the way that they argued all the time.

Duo said, "And you're asking Cho, right Harry?"

"Of course," Harry answered with a grin. He was planning to ask her tomorrow when they went on their walk. Except this time he wouldn't be so nervous about it. And with the way that they kissed . . . Harry was quite sure that she would agree to go with him.

They were out to the makeshift firing range in moments and Harry's jaw dropped. Duo swore, "What the bloody hell?"

Forest and Ginny were doing an impressive set of kata together. Ginny was mirroring Forest's every move and Forest was giving her important tips on how she should bend her legs or move her arms. Hermione asked, "Isn't that Ginny?"

Ron nodded and asked, "What the bloody hell is she doing out here?"

Sean appeared from nowhere, dressed in what Harry considered his typical uniform: a black turtle neck and black jeans. Forest was dressed in even less, a black tank top and black nylon pants. Harry knew that the cold didn't bother the vampires, but it seemed very strange to see someone wearing a tank top when it was snowing.

Harry smiled up at Sean. He didn't see much of him for some reason. Forest explained that he went out looking for information or what not. Harry knew that he probably hunted too, but he didn't want to think of a nice guy like Sean eating people.

Harry said, "Thanks for telling me about the Necromus Potion."

"Oh, you're welcome, Harry," Sean said with one of his distance smiles. He looked back over at Ginny and Forest and asked, "Who's the pretty redhead?"

"That's my sister," Ron growled protectively, moving closer to the vampire.

Duo answered, "Ginny. What is she doing out here with Forest?"

Sean shrugged and answered, "She's been coming out with Forest for the last week or so before she starts her lessons with you two. I've just wondered who she was. She's cute." He actually winked at Harry.

Harry found himself blushing as he said, "She's Duo's friend."

Sean nodded and looked at Hermione and Ron. He smiled as he held out his hand. Hermione shook it, wide eyed as she looked up at the tall, blond vampire with the strange blue-green eyes. He said, "I'm Sean and you are?"

"Hermione Granger," Hermione managed, turning bright pink.

Sean smiled charmingly and replied, "Charmed."

He held out his hand to Ron, who scowled back. Sean studied him before chuckling, "She's too young for me, don't worry." Harry snickered as Ron looked up at the vampire, thunderstruck.

Ron shook his hand and his eyes widened. He said, "Blimey, you're cold!"

Sean laughed and replied, "It's part of being undead. It's too hard to keep a body temperature up when its cold like this."

Ron gasped, "Oh, sorry about that. I'm Ron Weasley, Ginny's brother. You better not look at her either."

Harry looked over. Duo had been watching for a while. He could see why.

Ginny's fiery red hair was a fine complement to Forest's blond. They moved gracefully together, like dancers. Harry noted how lithe Ginny's tiny, curvy body was. He hadn't really noticed that she was that beautiful with the moon gleaming down at them.

Forest stopped moving and Ginny did as soon as she finished her turn. They both waved and Duo waved happily back. Harry gave a wave as well as the two females laughed then walked over, one of Forest's arms draped affectionately around Ginny's shoulder.

Forest said, "Hey, kiddo."

Duo whistled, "Damn, Red, when did you start?"

"After the dementor, actually. Forest and I talked a little. I was tired of everyone having to save me and I wanted to prove to my brothers that I could handle myself," Ginny answered with a smile. She was flushed but yet she was smiling and her eyes were bright.

Forest affectionately tousled Ginny's hair and said, "She's a quick learner. Besides, I think it's good for a girl to want to defend herself." The two shared a quick grin as Forest let go of Ginny.

Harry watched, dumbfounded, as Ginny said, "Well, be sure to make Duo kiss the snow a couple of times tonight for me, okay."

"Hey, I live for moments like that," Forest replied with a wave as Ginny ran off.

Ron asked, "Shouldn't you go with her?"

"Forest can watch her run all the way back to the castle and if something did attack the lovely redhead, she could fly to her within moments," Sean explained.

Ron gasped, "Wicked."

Hermione asked, "So, all the legends are true about a vampire's physical abilities then?"

Forest grinned as she reached down for some snow. She quickly made a snowball and explained, "Well, I try to improve my physical prowess every night, as well as my mental prowess. But, I could take this snowball and hit the Astronomy Tower window from here."

Ron excitedly asked, "Can you hit the Slytherin commons?"

"Ron, they're underground," Hermione corrected rolling her eyes.

Ron whirled at her and snapped, "I know that."

Hermione replied, "Then why did you think she could hit them?"

"Because she could!" Ron protested.

Hermione sighed, "Impossible, Ron."

Forest leaned over to Harry and said, "Cute couple."

Harry rolled his eyes and replied, "You're telling me."

Duo said, "It's against the Laws of Physics. She can't throw a snowball through the ground, pal."

"Well, if you're going to put it that way," Ron huffed with a frown.

Forest asked Harry, "Why did you bring your friends? Not that I mind."

"They were curious about what you were showing us, that's all," Harry answered with a shrug.

Forest smiled and answered, "Well, we're going to practice dodging tonight."

"What?" Duo asked, rolling his eyes.

Forest threw the snowball at Duo. He blinked as he looked at her and the snow rolled down his face. Sean made a similar snowball and threw it at Harry. Harry moved to the side, the snowball narrowly missing his ear. She answered, "Dodging. The name of the game is not to get hit with the snowballs."

Hermione raised an eyebrow. Forest suggested, "You can play too."

"Really?" Ron asked as he got ready to move.

Sean made another snowball and grinned at Forest. She said, "Yeah, it gives you a better chance to dodge and watch out for each other."

Sean said, "Go!" Then he tossed the snowball at Ron's face.

To Be Continued!

[1] Diamondgirl knows this one. As to your note the last time, yes, he was going to say that. Thank you for the idea. I had almost forgoten about that. Ah, good ole season one Angel where he still brooded about Buffy . . .

Man, you all really don't like Malfoy, or you just like Malfoy evil . . . Still, I know what I'm going to do with him now. I hope that it makes you all happy. There's just so many rabid Malfoy fangirls that would skin me if I did something "bad" to him.

As for Harry defeating Voldemort . . . I don't want to give away the end of this story, but I agree with you. I'm seeing Duo as a pawn in a much larger game, a prize to be had by both sides. Besides, as Duo says himself, he's not a hero, he's the God of Death, Harry's a hero. It's sort of like the Heero/Duo friendship. Heero will always save the day and Duo would be there making the path easier and being a positive influence to Heero. Besides, at the end, Duo always gets involved with something in the background that helps the hero win, like him finding the mad scientists and taking them to Peacemillion or getting "captured" so Heero could escape in Endless Waltz.

Besides, Duo has no personal vendetta against Voldemort. He'd kill him for necessity, but not for all the reasons Harry has. This is Harry's Quest, Duo's just along for the ride and observing things while he's on a journey of his own.

I hope this makes sense to you and helps you understand the story better.