General Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/28/2002
Updated: 09/21/2002
Words: 145,543
Chapters: 21
Hits: 22,244

Harry Potter and the Four Guardians


Story Summary:
As Harry enters his fifth year three new exchange students and a new DADA teacher arrive at Hogwarts for no apparent reason. Harry discovers that Voldemort is after something and it isn't him. As he pries more into the situation and discovers more about his new friend, the outspoken American Duo Maxwell, that Voldemort is looking for a person, and not an object. Lord Voldemort is looking for a Scythe Barer who is hiding at Hogwarts with one of his Four Guardians dead and no clue to who or what they may be. Add Quidditch, a confused Malfoy, vampires, anime, and you'll get one hell of a crossover.

Chapter 13

Chapter Summary:
As Harry is entering his fifth year three "exchange" students are sent to Hogwarts as

Harry Potter and the Four Guardians

Chapter Thirteen: Black On Black

By: Elf

Duo flinched as the Quaffel barreled its way toward Trunks' nose. Luckily, Trunks was who he was and he managed to dodge out of its way. Ginny dove her broom down to catch it and toss it at Trunks again. Trunks caught it this time and threw it back.

Duo was about to shout and curse at him because Ginny couldn't catch that . . . Ginny caught it with a steely glare and flew around Trunks in a circle, slamming the red ball at him again. Trunks caught it and was about to throw it again. Duo steered his Nimbus 2002 and placed it between Ginny and Trunks.

Trunks lightly tossed the Quaffel and Duo caught it. Duo rested it on his broom. Ginny looked away, but he saw the spark of anger in those brown eyes. Angelia shouted, "Ginny, what's wrong with you?"

Fred and George, who had been hitting the Bludger repeatedly, stopped what they were doing to turn and face their sister. Harry hadn't heard the call and was practicing catching the Snitch, letting it go, giving it a head start, and catching it again. Duo envied his skill on a broomstick.

Duo glared up at Angelia and Trunks whispered something to her. Ginny bristled and Duo reached out to touch her. Ginny jerked away and dove her broom to the ground. Duo sighed and followed her.

Fred and George flanked him. Fred threatened, "If you hurt our sister in anyway Duo . . ."

"Dude, she's not my girlfriend. She's just my friend," Duo protested, shaking his head.

George suggested, "Then maybe we should talk to her then."

"No. She does not need her over bearing brothers asking what's wrong with her. Just leave it to me," Duo replied as he landed beside Ginny. She had been acting like this for the last week, getting worse as the days progressed. Duo had a feeling it had something to do with all the time Harry spent with Cho now.

Ginny walked some distance and Duo followed her. For the past week she hadn't said much to anyone and he had been worried, well, between the times where he wasn't practicing Quidditch or learning Transfiguration from Hermione. He was getting fairly good at it. He was better than Neville, which was something. Still, he had been looking forward to laughing in between turning beatles into buttons with Ginny. Hermione was a real bitch when it came to tutoring. ("Duo, I know you have a fine mind. You're doing better than me in Potions. I won't let you give up, now turn that box into a mouse!")

Duo shouted, "What's crawled up your ass?"

She snapped, "Go back."

"Umm, no," Duo replied, crossing his arms and waiting.

Ginny stopped and Duo caught up with her. She avoided looking at him, but he saw the sadness in her eyes. He had been the cause of a many broken hearts and knew the signs, but not the level of angst that Ginny was feeling. He reached out and stroked her long, wind tossed hair.

He asked, "Hey, what is it?"

"Why do you care?" Ginny replied stiffly, breaking away from his touch.

Duo sighed and answered, "Because you're my friend, that's why, and from where I come from, a good friend is hard to find."

Ginny turned to face him and he continued, "So, Red, what is it?"

"I saw Harry kissing Cho," she answered in almost a whisper. He watched her brown eyes waver, the tears threatening to spill as she said her confession.

The worse part was that Duo doubted Harry knew Ginny's true feelings for him.

He murmured, "Oh, Gin, I'm sorry."

The tears broke loose, trailing down her freckled face. Duo reached out for her and she flew to his arms, sobbing. He stroked her hair and let her cry, rocking gently. "I'm just some stupid little girl with a crush, that's all. Why would someone like Harry even look at me? I'm just his best friend's sister, that's all," Ginny wept.

Duo stroked her long, fiery hair before holding her at arms length so she could look at him. He reached out and stroked the tears off of her face with a lopsided grin. He knew what she was feeling. He knew exactly what she was feeling.

He told her, "Harry should look at you."

She gave a bitter laugh and snorted, "Don't be stupid, Duo."

"I would," Duo confessed, "I'd be a fool if I didn't."

She blinked and asked, "Really?"

"Yeah, if . . ." he paused and sighed, looking down at his boots in frustration.

Ginny pushed his bangs out of his face and replied, "If Hotaru wasn't in the picture you mean."

"Yeah," Duo said with a wan smile.

She smiled fondly and gripped his hand tightly. She said, "I'd know what you mean, Duo. If Harry wasn't Harry, I'd feel the same way."

"What a pair we make," Duo snorted, gathering his broom. Ginny did the same. She squeezed his shoulder with a lopsided grin of her own.

She said, "Well, our first trip to Hogsmeade is tomorrow, Duo, and it's Halloween."

"Today's my birthday. I almost forgot," Duo chuckled, shaking his head in dismay.

They started flying back to the field on their brooms. She said, "Happy birthday Duo."

"Thanks, Red," Duo replied with a smile.


Sixteen years old. Duo didn't think he'd live this long, but apparently he would. He could live forever if he wanted, he realized.

He thought of the others, of Heero with his monotone and twisted sense of humor, of sweet Quatre with his dreams of peace, of silent Trowa, the poor bastard, and Wufei with all of his speeches about how women were weak and injustice. He even thought of Relena and wondered if Heero had finally gotten that stick out of his ass to confess his feelings for her. He even thought of Hilde and wondered how things were going on with her new boyfriend.

Duo sighed, watching his breath cloud in the night air. He was watching the moon thoughtfully as he always did. He liked looking at the moon on Earth. It was a wonder to behold and didn't look like a hellish graveyard like it did from the Colonies.

His thoughts drifted back to Heero and again he wondered if Heero ever took the time to look up at the sky with retrospective. He wondered what was happening between the Colonies and Earth, and if the Colonies were being treated fairly. His thoughts drifted back to each of the pilots again.

"I know it may sound corny, but all you can do now is trust me," he told the mysterious boy as he helped him up. There was a response in those dark blue eyes as he looked up at Duo. Duo looked back before helping the other pilot.

He missed them, especially Heero. Heero, his constant competition. He knew that he could beat Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei in mobile suit combat, but he never tested himself with Heero and always wanted to. He sensed that Heero wanted to do the same, starting a new competition between them instead of saving the other's life at every turn.

"Happy birthday, Duo!" Fred and George crowed as sparks flashed around Duo in an array of colors. Duo screamed and jumped, his hand automatically going to his wand and bringing it out.

Fred laughed, "Man, you should see your face!"

"You jumped so high!" George crowed, slapping his leg as the sparks died down.

Duo crossed his arms and glared. He retorted, "Haha, very funny guys."

Ginny giggled as she joined them, blowing on a noisemaker that spurted a blast of silver glitter. She chuckled, "I'm sorry Duo. I should have warned you."

"Come on, we have a present for you," Fred said as he pulled Duo to his feet off of his post on the windowsill.

Duo quirked an eyebrow and mused, "Why am I suddenly afraid?"

"Good self-preservation instinct," Hermione answered as she joined the Weasleys, "Happy Birthday, Duo."

Ron poked him in the arm and quipped, "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I forgot, I guess," Duo answered with a shrug. He looked around and didn't see Harry. Then he suddenly knew where he was, so Duo reached out for Ginny.

Ginny hugged him and gave him a sisterly kiss on the cheek, "Still, happy birthday, Duo."

Trunks joined them, holding a cake in his hands. Duo asked, "You didn't make that did you?"

"No, I just said it was your birthday and next thing I knew the cake was there," Trunks answered with a shrug and one of his infamous smiles.

Hermione said, "Well, it needs candles." She waved her wand and sixteen, burning violet candles appeared on the cake. Duo laughed as he was pushed to one of the chairs by the fire.

George pushed the cake in front of his face and said, "The house elves wouldn't want us to let this go to waist."

"What's a house elf?" Duo asked, expecting some Tolken-esque thing of beauty.

Hermione scowled and protested, "They're slaves, Duo. Now, I'm working on this plan to free them, let them get wages and the like."

"Slaves?" Duo asked, peering at the brainy beauty. Hermione nodded, causing her bushy head to sway to and fro.

Ron snorted, "Oh, no, here we go with S.P.E.W. again."

"I'm trying to liberate the house elves. I have a club for it if you wish to join for the fee of seven sickles to pay for the S.P.E.W. button," Hermione explained.

Duo asked, "Slaves?"

George snorted, "They're magical creatures, Duo. They'd be very upset if you freed them."

"Dobby isn't upset!" Hermione scolded.

Ron whispered, "Yet every other house elf she's asked ran in fear at the thought of being freed."

Hermione growled, "Just because they don't know any better, Ron. I'm going to help them if I can."

Duo nodded in agreement and asked, "So, seven sickles you said?"

"Since it's your birthday, I'll let you in for free," Hermione replied handing him a badge that had S.P.E.W. printed on it in bright green letters that flashed.

Duo held the pen and Fred suggested, "Why don't you put it on Duo?"

"Won't match my outfit," Duo replied, looking down at his all black attire. He wondered if he could sew a priest collar into the Hogwarts robes. Besides, neon green? Green was cool for beam scythes and weapons, but not for wearing. The only person he knew that could get away with wearing green was one Heero Yuy. Not even Trowa with his dark green eyes could wear green. And all Duo wore was black, red, grey, white, and the occasional pair of blue jeans.

George chuckled and asked, "So, Trunks what do you think of it?"

Duo looked over at Ginny and Ginny shrugged. Duo had told Ginny everything because they were friends like that, because he trusted her. He had told Harry because Harry had a right to know. Then Harry had told Hermione and Ron because they wouldn't leave him alone. No one else had asked.

Trunks glared for a moment and shrugged. "It's bad, but I've seen worse," was all Trunks said.

Ron snorted, "Duo, blow your bloody candles and make a wish."

"Oh, sorry I'm late," Harry shouted as he ran into the commons. His normally pale skin was flushed and Duo swore he saw a tiny hickey on his neck. He skidded to a stop.

Fred nudged him in the ribs and teased, "Been consorting with the enemy again, I see."

Harry shook his head joyfully and cheered, "Sirius has been claimed innocent!"

Duo's mouth dropped open as Hermione hugged Harry. Ron shook his hand and the Twins slapped him on the back, congratulating him. Hermione exclaimed, "But that's great, Harry."

"I was in Dumbledore's office talking to him. He'll be at Hogsmeade tomorrow," Harry explained happily, a wide smile on his face.

Trunks asked, "Who's Sirius?"

"Apparently, from what I've gathered, one cool SOB," Duo drawled as he stood up. He stood there, slightly unsure of what to do. If it would had been Heero there, he would have hugged him just to get a rise out of Heero. It would have been Wufei, he would have slapped him on the back the same way the Twins did. Well, Trowa didn't count, but it would have been Quatre he would have hugged him too.

Harry was deserving of a hug. He reached out and hugged him. It apparently caught Harry off guard who laughed as he hugged him back. Duo replied, "Wait ago, Harry. I'm glad."

"Well, yes, and Dumbledore's getting arrangements for him to have a home," Harry went on, grinning after they separated.

George cleared his throat and said, "Well, Harry, I know this is good and all, but Duo's got a cake that some house elves slaved over that's going to have wax dripping all over it before he blows out the candles."

"Oh, yes, well, I'm sorry I don't have a present, but we'll be in Hogsmeade tomorrow," Harry explained hastily.

Duo shook his head and threatened, "Buy me a present and I'll have you kiss the floor."

"Duo, sit down," Ginny instructed as she pushed him into the chair. She cleared her throat and began "Happy Birthday". To Duo's great amusement, Trunks couldn't keep tune, Fred and George sang like a couple of death metal band members, and Ron's voice squeaked at every other word. Only Hermione, Harry, and Ginny could sing right.

Harry said, "Well, make a wish."

Duo eyed the candles and closed his eyes. He thought for a moment. He thought about Heero, Hilde, Hotaru, and Harry. There was a certain amount of amusement with names and the letter H.

I wish that all of us will make it through everything okay, he thought with sudden insight as he tried to blow out the candles.

The flames still flickered mockingly at him. He took another breath and blew on them but nothing happened. He did that until his face was turning bright red and his lungs were starting to hurt. He looked up to see Fred and George laughing at him.

"Oh, funny, tricked out the candles, eh," Duo retorted, lifting up his wand and flicking them off.

George replied, "Trick magical candles, a Kuntz per candle."

"Okay then, a fist full of cake," Duo replied grabbing a bunch of icing in his hand and tossing it. The blue icing melted all over George's freckled face as Duo added, "Priceless."

Fred laughed and George pelted his twin in the face with some more cake. Trunks cried, "Hey, you're wasting cake!"

Harry was the one who pelted Trunks in the face. Duo laughed as Ron got a giggling Hermione and Harry dodged a blast of cake from Hermione. Well, until he got the cake in the face.

Duo cursed as he picked icing out his bangs. He licked his lips and grinned. It tasted heavenly. He wiped cake out of his eyes and licked it off of his fingers. Trunks chided, "Hey, we're wasting food here!"

"Yeah, the garbage disposal that you are," Duo replied as he rolled his eyes.

Trunks salvaged some of the cake and ate it. He chewed as he said, "Hey, I can't help it that I have a higher metabolism than you all."

"Excuse us for being mere humans," Duo groaned, wiping cake off of his face.

Hermione said, "Speaking of which, I've done some research on Scythe Barers."

Harry made motions to quiet her, but Fred and George shrugged. George wiped cake off of his face as he stated, "We already knew, mate. We eavesdrop on a lot of things."

"Doesn't anyone not know?" Harry asked, cleaning his glasses off with a flick of his wrist.

Duo frowned. Yeah, the Scythe Barer. He had tried to not think about it, about really being the God of Death for real. That he was predetermined to bring death to all of those close to him like Solo, Father Maxwell, and Sister Helen.

Maybe he could get a grasp on these powers and keep people from dying. People like Harry and Heero. And he could shift the order of things to quickly kill evils like Voldemort. He could save the world he realized at the cost of his humanity.

"Duo, you okay?" Harry asked, peering at him.

Duo shook himself out of his brooding and plastered his cheerful smile on his face. He replied, "Yeah, great, why wouldn't I be?"

Harry nodded and Ginny peered at him worriedly. Fred shouted, "Oh, wait, we have a present for you Duo!"

"Again with the feeling of dread that's crawling up my spine," Duo grumbled as the Twins ran off to get whatever horror they were planning.

Trunks asked, "Why are you scared? Fred and George are good guys."

"Trunks, you're pretty dense or either very naive," Duo retorted.

Harry chuckled and asked, "Do you want me to distract them while you run?"

"Naw, I'm going to face my fears like a man," Duo drawled, squaring his shoulders.

Ginny advised, "Fred's got a glass jaw."

Ron gasped, "Ginny!"

"He does," Ginny replied with a shrug.

Hermione said, "She must get it from your mother then."

"I'm the one who gets picked on and my baby sister pops Fred in the jaw," Ron replied in amazement.

Ginny shrugged and lifted a handful of cake. She teased, "Want some more?"


That night, while the others were sleeping, Scythe flew into the boy's dorm. The barn owl perched himself on Duo's pillow and gently nibbled his ear. Harry watched this, still not sleepy yet and keyed up because of the fact that Siruis' name was clear and that he was going to see him tomorrow in public.

Duo woke up, running a sleepy hand through his tousled bangs. He yawned gently as the owl cocked his golden head and looked at Duo with his liquid dark eyes. Harry noticed the note that the owl was holding.

Harry said, "Duo, he's got a message for you."

Duo yawned and opened the message. He petted his owl as he read and Scythe gently snuggled up against him. Harry asked, "What does it say?"

"It's from Forest," Duo said with a grin, his eyes becoming more alert with each passing moment.

Harry asked, "What does she want?"

"I think she wants to give me a birthday present," Duo answered with a grin, "Actually, she wants to see us both."

Harry smirked and retorted, "I thought you didn't want a birthday present."

"Well, I'm hoping because it's from Forest that birthday present translates as Lap Dance," Duo replied wickedly as he drew himself from his bed. Harry followed him, reaching for his robe and putting it on. He grabbed his Invisibility Cloak out from under the bed and slipped it on.

Duo lifted an eyebrow as he headed toward the door. Harry asked, "You want to join me?"

"I don't need the cape," Duo retorted as he melted into the shadows. Harry blinked and peered for the braided boy and didn't see him. His head poked out of the darkness and Duo said, "Hey, Harry."

Harry gasped and almost tripped over his cloak. Harry swore, "Bloody hell, Duo, I almost forgot that you could do that." Probably a power of the Scythe Barer, Harry thought as Duo grinned.

Duo said, "Well, wanna head to the dungeons?"

Harry slid the hood over his head and lead the way out of the dorms. Mrs. Norris was prowling the hallway, her crimson eyes glowing. Harry thought briefly of kicking her, but as always, the urge was quickly quelled.

Then, Peeves appeared, holding a strangling roll of toilet paper. Mrs. Norris gave out a shrill cry and a heart beat later Filch came running. Peeves waved the toilet paper and cheered, "Wound round and round, Funky Filch!"

Harry froze and pressed himself against the wall. Duo's head appeared beside Harry's materializing from the shadows again. Duo whistled quietly, "Oh, this looks good. You want me to get rid of Filch?"

Harry snorted, "Duo, you can do a lot of things, but I don't think you can . . ."

Duo chuckled disappeared again. Peeves looked afraid for a moment before looking thoughtful. He grinned and threw the roll of paper at Filch's face. He shouted, "Wipe yer arse!" Then he flew off, laughing up roarously.

Filch shouted, "Damn you, Peeves!" The caretaker ran off, cursing loudly. Mrs. Norris gave a loud cry and followed him.

Duo chuckled as he appeared from the darkness again. Harry asked, "How did you get Peeves to do that?"

Duo shrugged and answered, "I don't know. Maybe because he's dead or something. The Bloody Baron's even scared of me."

Harry nodded, putting the information for later use and to give to Hermione. As they continued to walk, Harry unseen by the Cloak and Duo covered in shadows, Duo said, "Is Hermione researching the Scythe Barer thing?"

"Yes, when she's not studying or helping you in Transfiguration," Harry answered, looking over at the darkness that, when Harry looked at it closely, had Duo's shape and a braid that swayed.

They quickly reached the dungeons and Forest was standing there against the wall and waiting. Duo reappeared and Harry then took off his cloak. Duo waved and Forest smiled.

She said, "Happy birthday, Duo."

"You gonna give me a present?" Duo asked with a grin.

Forest smirked and asked, "What do you have in mind?"

"A lap dance would be good, or a strip tease would do," Duo answered with a roguish smile.

Forest chuckled, "And I wonder if Hotaru Tomoe would like to hear you say that."

"Hotaru doesn't care that I exist, only that Voldemort doesn't get his hands on me," Duo answered dejectively.

Harry asked, "Why did you ask us here?"

"Figured that you would like have your first lesson in hand to hand combat," Forest answered with a grin.


The next morning Harry was woken by Ron shaking him and saying, "Harry, have you lost your marbles, wake up!"

Harry opened his eyes and reached for his glasses. He slipped them on and looked at the familiar red hair and freckles. At Duo's bed Trunks leaned over and whispered, "Wake up, Duo."

Duo grumbled, "Oh, lower baby, that feels good."

Harry's eyes widened and Ron asked, "Where did that come from?"

Harry swallowed and answered, "I don't want to know what he's dreaming."

Trunks poked Duo and Duo grumbled, "Not so rough, babe."

Trunks looked up at them with his wide, blue eyes and asked, "Any ideas?"

Harry stood up out of his bed and grabbed his wand. He walked over to his sleeping friend. He winched at the sore muscles from last night's lessons. His arm was still sore from when Forest had taught him the difference between a reverse arm lock and an arm lock.

The twins scrambled over and looked at Duo, who was still asleep and dreaming his naughty dream. Fred chuckled, "Harry, watch this."

He touched Duo's hair and Duo gasped, "Oh, wow!"

Harry chuckled, "Four to one he's dreaming about Hotaru."

"If he's dreaming about Ginny, he's dead," George said as he cracked his knuckles.

Fred touched his wand to his throat. He leaned over and his voice was loud and booming, "Duo Maxwell, this is your wake up call!"

Duo jerked awake and his hands reached under his pillow. He grabbed his wand and held it like a gun. He growled, "Don't even try it . . ." His eyes widened as he realized he was holding a wand and Fred was watching him with wide eyes.

Duo lowered the wand and said, "Guys, don't wake me up like that."

Fred burst out laughing, "A little paranoid, aren't we, Duo?"

"Shut up, Freckles," Duo growled as he tossed his pillow at Fred's laughing face.

Trunks threw Duo his clothing and said, "Get ready, today we're going to Hogsmeade."

Duo just sat there and said, "Okay, some privacy."

"You tried to talk Forest into giving you a lap dance last night," Harry reminded Duo, who blushed at that. Duo had gone on and on about the lap dance until Forest pushed him into a chair. Harry actually thought she was going to give him one, but instead Forest took the chair and spun it around rapidly, until the pupils of Duo's eyes were moving uncontrollably.

She had then said, "You couldn't handle it, Duo."

Ron's eyes widened as he asked, "Did she? Did she give you one?"

Harry laughed at that and grabbed his friend's shoulder. He said, "Ron, she's a vampire." Harry liked Forest, but he didn't want to see her nude or anything like that. She was too dangerous and besides, he feared his safety enough not to ask her.

George grabbed Ron in a head lock and started rubbing his knuckles against the younger boy's scalp. He taunted, "Ronniekins has a yen for a vampire, how sweet!"

Ron grumbled, "Get off." He pushed George away, much to the amusement of Fred.

Trunks sighed and rolled his eyes. He said, "Come on, I'm starving and Duo's pretty quick at getting dressed."

As they walked out of the dorm, Duo called out, "But, Trunks you're always hungry!"


Hogsmeade looked like something out of a dream. A dream that was of family, home, living in a quaint small town, of a normal life. There were quaint, adorable little cottages made out of stone, as if they should belong in a fairy tale.

Duo looked around, wondering where he should go first. He heard Malfoy's voice say, "You must see the Shrieking Shack, Hotaru. It's one of the most haunted places in all of Britain."

He looked over to see Hotaru and Malfoy walking together, her dark head contrasting greatly with his pale one. He realized that they did make a handsome couple as they walked hand and hand. He sighed and shuffled away.

"You know, if you keep moping like this you'll ruin your reputation," Snape's voice said behind him.

Duo spun around with a slight grin on his face. Snape looked around and asked, "Where are the others?"

"Ginny was drug off by Fred and George, Trunks wandered to the candy store almost automatically, and I decided to wander around by myself," Duo answered as he looked up at the teacher.

Snape gave a slight smile and pushed his greasy bangs from his face. Duo wondered if he just had very oily hair or just used too much gel on it because Snape didn't smell bad. Snape said, "Well, I'm going to meet someone that would want to meet you. Care to join me for a drink?"

"If it's over forty proof, then I'm all there," Duo replied with a wiry grin as he joined the professor.

They walked into the local bar and inn, the Three Broomsticks. Already sitting at a table was Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Harry looked nervous and excited, like a kid on Christmas morning, Duo realized. Ron waved at Duo then scowled when he noticed Snape.

Duo lifted an eyebrow and said, "I don't think Ron's fond of you, Prof."

"Well, I wouldn't expect Weasley to be. Besides, I don't teach for popularity, Duo, I teach to teach. To teach keen minds like yourself or Miss Granger, as I am loathe to admit," Snape replied with a wintery smile.


Snape didn't have to look over to see the amused grin on Duo's face as they joined Potter and his group. Snape was reminded of James Potter and the Marauders when he was at school. He briefly wondered if Granger was taking Lupin's place in the group or was she Lily?

He pushed thoughts of Lily away in the depths of his mind, not to be revealed to any of them.

Especially not the boy who had his mother's eyes.

Or Sirius Black.


Sirius felt rather good. He had slept in a warm bed. Then he had a hot bath this morning and he was wearing clean robes.

Then there was the fact that he was meeting his godson in public as a freeman instead of in secret as a fugitive.

He walked down the inn's staircase and smiled at the assembled group of Harry, Hermione, and Ron. The smile froze on his face however when he saw the two companions joining Harry. One of them was the boy with the braid that had to be the Scythe Barer and the other was Severus Snape.

It had been queer in the last few months working with his former foe, but in someways he had enjoyed it. He would consider Snape as a friend. Snape could be trusted. He had his heart in the right place for the most part, but there was something else there. Something hidden in the other man's eyes, something that made Sirius feel sorry for the Potions Master.

"Black," Snape said with a curt nod.

Sirius smiled as he sat in the empty seat beside Harry, which put him next to the Potions Master. He replied, "Hello Severus." He turned and smiled fondly at Harry. He said, "Hello, Harry."

Harry said nothing, just reached over and hugged him. The gesture was unexpected and welcomed. It felt right to hold the boy who he felt was his own son in his arms. He had promised himself a long time ago that he would keep James' son safe because James was, for all intents and purposes, his brother, if not by blood but by bonding.

Sirius chuckled as Harry pulled away. Harry's green eyes sparkled as he said, "This is great. Isn't this great, guys?"

Ron nodded and said, "It's brilliant, Harry. Good to see you free, mate."

"Good to see you too, Ron," Sirius replied with a grin.

Hermione's face squinched up as she asked, "How did you manage your freedom?"

"With the right lawyer probably," the Scythe Barer retorted with a wiry chuckle, that caused Snape to smirk briefly in amusement.

Sirius lifted an eyebrow to the violet-eyed boy. He held out his hand and said, "Hello, I don't think we've the pleasure of meeting before."

"I'm Duo Maxwell," the boy replied with a broad grin.

They shook as Sirius said, "I'm Sirius Black."

"Yeah, the guy who was framed for murder by one of his closest friends and has been on the run while protecting Harry. Cool," Duo said in awe.

Sirius retorted, "And you're the Scythe Barer."

"As I've been told," Duo Maxwell replied as he flipped his braid over his shoulder with a nonchalant air. Sirius saw the darkness looking in his eyes. The same darkness that Harry's eyes held sometimes he noticed. The same darkness peering back at him in the mirror every morning. The look of someone who had lost a love one, except darker.

As if he had too much blood spilled on his hands.

Sirius tried to brush off the sudden feeling of foreboding, but he couldn't. It had felt like someone had walked across his grave. He pulled himself together and faced Hermione.

He answered, "An interesting story, that."

"Yes, we found proof of Pettigrew's existence and Dumbledore managed to convince Fudge that we needed Black's help," Snape answered, breaking his silence.

Ron looked as if he was about to say something when Hermione pinched his hand.

Sirius grinned as Ron swirled to the girl and shouted, "What the bloody hell was that for?"

"To keep you from saying something that would get us into trouble, that's what," Hermione answered primly, holding her head high.

Sirius looked down, not wanting Ron to see the knowing grin that was forming. It was so bloody obvious, the way those two fought all the time. Harry sighed and strummed his fingers on the table absently as the argument became more heated.

"How do you know that I was going to do something?" Ron retorted.

Hermione sighed, "Because you had that look on your face. The one that you get before you insult someone or get really angry."

Snape was glaring at Ron and Duo took out his wand and began to spin it around on the table.

Ron replied, "Well, maybe you were wrong, Hermione. It has happened before."

"Very rarely," Hermione retorted with an icy glare.

Harry asked, "So, Sirius, have you found anything out about Voldemort?"

"You probably know more than I do, Harry," Sirius sighed, wishing he knew more, "I've been all over London, checking my connections, I even tracked a couple of lost dementors, but nothing. Except at the Thames."

Duo caught his wand with amazing reflexes. He said, "Professor G, right?"

Sirius nodded and looked at the boy's guarded expression. He answered, "I'm sorry, lad."

"Well, may he rest in Hell," Duo replied wirily.

Snape looked over at Sirius and explained, "Duo only recently found out that he was a wizard. He found out that he was the Scythe Barer about a week ago. G kept him in the dark."

Sirius frowned and crossed his arms. Harry said, "We've been trying to find out all we can, though."

"Yeah, well, you know," Duo snorted, looking down at the table.

Sirius knew bitterness when he saw it. He also knew darkness when he saw it as well. Duo may not be evil, but he was dark. He would kill if he needed to and not feel any remorse about it.

Sirius stood up and suggested, "Harry, why don't we take a walk?"

Harry stood up as well, with a nod and a grin. Sirius looked at Hermione and Ron, who were still arguing about something totally unrelated to Ron's temper, and added, "Alone."

"Sure," Harry agreed as he drew back on his cloak.

Within moments the two of them were outside.


Duo listened half-heartedly to Ron and Hermione's argument as Sirius Black left with Harry. Sirius seemed like a cool guy. Duo prided himself on being an excellent judge of character. It was just that Sirius had seen things that others shouldn't be seen, been through things that no one should have been through. Things that would make a normal man's sanity run away screaming.

Snape was still scowling as the two left the tavern. Snape stood up and said, "Duo, walk with me, I need to speak to you."

Duo grabbed his leather jacket. He still preferred his Muggle clothing over the wizard's robes. He snuggled into the jacket and dug his battered cap from his pocket. He dawned it and pulled it tightly around his ears as they walked out of the inn together.

Snape asked, "What have you found out about your abilities?"

"Not much. I've been too busy practicing Transfiguration with Hermione and Ginny and then Angelia's become a dictator with our Quidditch practice. Not that I mind, keeps me from thinking," Duo answered thoughtfully, his eyes following the other students.

Snape asked, "Thinking about what?"

Duo sighed and answered, "That I shouldn't be here. That my friends could need me back home."

Snape nodded and asked, "Anything else you want to tell me?"

Duo grinned as he answered, "Well, I tried to get Forest to do a lap dance for my birthday. She wasn't too happy about that idea."

Snape said, "Well, Forest wanted me to pick up something for her from Honeydukes. I despise the place and hate going in there alone."

"I'll go with you," Duo snorted, rolling his eyes.

Snape actually smiled. For a brief moment he was handsome. Duo wondered if Forest wanted a guy. They'd be very perfect for each other. Snape all dark and brooding while Forest was lively and biting, literally and figuratively.

Snape replied, "Thank you. I rarely go on these trips. I mainly went to see Black."

Duo asked, "Why don't you like Sirius?" He winched at the innocence of the question. He cursed, "Damn, I didn't mean it to sound like that."

Snape smiled bitterly and answered, "Sirius Black tried to kill me once."

"Okay, now that's a story I have to hear," Duo pleaded with a grin.

Snape stated, "It all began with a werewolf . . ."


Trunks was tailing Malfoy. He had asked Hotaru to meet him at the Three Broomsticks in an hour. So, Trunks watched as Hotaru ran off to go find Hermione, the one student that she was actually comfortable with other than himself, and Malfoy to the Owl Post Office. So, Trunks followed, lowering his ki and making his movements soundless, just as Gohan and Vegeta had taught him.

Malfoy approached the postal worker, a pretty teenage girl just a few years older than Trunks (who in all reality was older than all the fifth years but aged slowly due to his Sayan heritage), and the girl flirted with the handsome heir. Malfoy only half heartedly replied to her advances and eventually confessed that he had a wonderful girlfriend. Trunks figured that, despite all of his shortcomings, Malfoy truly did care for Hotaru.

The girl sighed and said, "Well, Draco, I have the package your father sent." She handed Malfoy a small, round parcel wrapped in plain brown paper.

Malfoy took it and handed the girl several silver coins. She smiled, blushed, thanked him, and handed him a quill and parchment. He wrote something down on it thoughtfully and handed it back to the girl.

He said, "I need this sent to my father as soon as possible, Haley."

"Of course, Draco. Meteor is our fastest bird, even though he's our most expansive," Haley replied, gesturing to a small, sleek falcon, one of three birds that were not owls.

Trunks peered over the ear tufts of a Great Horned Owl and watched as Malfoy brought out a couple of gold coins. He asked, "Would this cover it?"

"Yes, it would. It should reach him by tonight," Haley replied with a smile as she wrote him a receipt.

Then she walked over to the small falcon and attached the note to his leg. She gently gathered the bird onto her leather bound glove. The two of them walked up to the window and Trunks hovered silently behind them, making sure that he used the owls as a shield of sorts.

As Haley released the owl, she asked, "Draco, what's so important?"

"I'm not sure, but my father would skin me if I didn't reply to this," Malfoy answered with a gallic shrug.

Yeah, and I'm going to find out, Trunks thought with a Vegeta-esque scowl.


"Brought you these," Duo chirped as he threw Forest a bag from Honeydukes. The blond vampire caught it, her indigo eyes flashing. Duo gave her his best smile and rocked back and forth on his heels.

Forest looked to where Harry and Snape were standing behind the grinning boy. She lifted an eyebrow and asked, "Why am I afraid to see what's in here?"

Duo chuckled and Snape was grinning. He had found the perfect "gift" for her at Honeydukes. Still, incase she was very pissed off about it. They had a back up gift.

Harry shrugged and answered, "I don't know."

"Maybe you're just cautious by nature," Snape replied with a grin.

Forest said, "Severus, jokes are not your nature. They're below your intelligence."

Snape shook his head and replied, "Still, remember, I had nothing to do with this."

Harry said, "I don't know what Duo bought, but he's had this evil grin on his face all day."

"It was not evil. I'm not evil. Just wicked and naughty," Duo retorted with a devilish grin.

Forest asked, "Where's Sirius Black anyway? I was sort of hoping to meet him."

"He still has a few things to sort out with Fudge and the Ministry," Harry answered, "But he'll be at our first match in a few days."

Forest snorted sarcastically, "Yeah, in the day."

"Oh," Harry replied sheepishly, "I forgot."

Forest smiled at him and replied, "Thank you. Anyway, what's in the bag?"

Duo was grinning evilly when she pulled out the crimson lolly pop. She gave him an amused, yet angry, smirk. She snorted, "Real cute, Maxwell."

"I know I am," Duo retorted with a grin.

Forest shrugged as she started sucking on the blood flavored lolly pop. Harry asked, "Why did you thank me when I forgot that you were a vampire?"

"Most people scream and go, 'oh, vampire!' when they see me," Forest answered as she took the sucker from her mouth, "I was human, once upon a time," she added sadly, looking away, "Still, thank you for seeing me as a person and not a monster."

Harry grinned broadly and said, "You're helping me. Besides, one of my father's closest friends is a werewolf and look at Duo."

Duo glared and protested, "Hey!"

Snape only grunted and looked away. He said, "If you have no more need for me, I'll be in my office."

Duo asked, "Forest is going to teach Harry how to snap bones, sure you don't want to stay?"

"Positive," Snape retorted, ice dripping from that one word. With that, he swept away. His robes billowing behind him. He stopped for a moment and retorted, "And don't forget that the Halloween feast is in about half an hour. You best make your 'lesson' quick, Forest." With that, he left.

Harry shuddered and stated, "I don't like him."

"You don't understand him," Duo replied cheerfully, "He's actually pretty cool when you get to know him."

Forest looked thoughtful and shrugged. Duo would have gave anything to know what was on the vampire's mind that moment. She turned back to them with a playful grin. She said, "Harry, take the stance that I taught you . . ."


"I don't trust Malfoy," Trunks stated with a scowl on his face.

Hotaru didn't even turn around to look at him. She had heard enough of the distrust of Draco from Trunks to last her five lifetimes. She simply ran her brush through her hair until it shined and slid her earings into her ears. She added some red gloss to her lips and checked out her outfit.

She was wearing a sleek, clinging, burgundy velvet dress that laced up in the front in an X pattern. The sleeves ended at gothic points on her wrists and the skirt reached her knees and swished quite prettily. She tightened the strap on her matching suede heels and studied her reflection.

Trunks cursed, "Damn it, Hotaru, you're even dressing up for the bastard."

She froze and turned around to face the arrogant halfling. She pointed her finger at him and hissed, "He has done nothing to prove that he's the bastard that you say he is, Trunks."

Trunks sarcastically replied, "Mysterious meetings with his father at midnight, freaky packages, leaving you alone as he did business with his dad. Sure, if that's not suspicious then my father isn't the Prince of All Sayans."

Hotaru closed her eyes and counted to ten. She had an urge to turn into Saturn and beat the living snot out of Trunks just to shut him up. She gripped the vanity and said, "Trunks, thank you for your concern, but I like Draco. He's nice to me and pays attention to me."

"Duo would die for you," Trunks said painfully.

Hotaru froze and the brush clattered to the vanity. She turned around to face Trunks and look into his intense blue eyes. He was pleading with her, trying to make her understand.

She whispered, "And that's the problem."

"Would Malfoy die for you, Hotaru?" Trunks asked, his fists clinching at his side.

Hotaru swept away from him, muttering, "I'm not going to stand here and listen to this, Trunks. I'm going to be late."

"Of course, you don't want to keep Draco waiting," Trunks spat bitterly, crossing his arms.

Hotaru ignored him and walked out of the dorm.

Draco was safe, or at least that's what she told herself.


Trunks growled as he flew back to his dorm in a blast of blue ki energy. He landed on his bed, where Ron and the Twins looked up at him wide-eyed. Ginyu hopped beside him, croaking questionably.

George asked, "What's gotten your knickers in a twist?"

Fred teasingly asked, "Does Professor Pluto have a boyfriend?" He walked over and nudged Trunks' arm. Trunks looked up at him with a "How dare you touch me" Glare, patented after Vegeta's of the same name. Fred shrank back and apologized, "Sorry, lad, I was just teasing."

Trunks picked up Ginyu in his hands. He gently stroked the alien frog's antenna. Ron looked up and asked, "Is it Voldemort?"

Trunks looked up at the redheads. He could ask Ginny to watch over Duo. Despite Hotaru's misgivings, the two were only very close friends, but Trunks suspected that they would go through hell for each other.

Trunks grinned and replied, "Not Voldemort, but I'm going to go digging."

"For what?" Ron asked, moving closer.

Fred asked, "Can we help?"

"Do you need us to blow up anything?" George asked with a grin.

Trunks grinned dangerously. It was the same grin that he gave to Freeza before cutting him into ribbons. It was the same grin that Vegeta gave before he butchered Android 19. It was the same grin that Gohan gave minutes before he had died. It was a Sayan thing, a thing about pride and honor and the sheer exhilaration of accepting a challenge.

Draco Malfoy wasn't going to know what hit him.

To Be Continued!

Since the Omakes were so popular the last time, here's another set for your amusement and enjoyment!

The Lap Dance

For Duo

(Duo and Harry are walking down the corridor while Filch is arm wrestling Peeves while Peeves is throwing toilet paper at Filch's face.)

Peeves: Wipe your arse!

Duo: I wonder if Filch is getting the double meaning to the insult.

Harry: I'm not sure.

(Peeves presses Filch's arm down and Filch screams in frustration.)

Filch: Bloody hell!

Peeves: I am the strongest! Wipe your arse!

(Peeves flies off as Filch breaks down and starts sobbing.)

Filch: (sobbing) But I LOVE you, my darling!

Harry: He just didn't . . .

Duo: You know what, I'm just going to let that slide and get Forest to give me my birthday lap dance.

Harry: Good idea, except the lap dance part.

Duo: Come on, don't you want a pretty girl dancing naked on your lap?

Harry: (grinning) Just not Forest. I prefer Asians or redheads . . .

Duo: And she's a vampire. Man, think of all the sexual techniques she's picked up over the years! Man! (Throws up his fist) YES!

Harry: Just don't let Hotaru hear you.

Duo: Aww, Hotaru wouldn't hurt me. Besides, what she doesn't know doesn't hurt me.

Harry: What happened to, 'I might run and hide, but I never tell a lie'?

Duo: Got blown in the wind for this Omake, Harry. And sex. Yep, the sex.

Harry: She might not be able to, because she's a vampire and all.

Duo: Sure she can. Don't you read Laurell K. Hamilton or watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel? Vampires have great sex lives and better ones than humans do. Better orgasms too.

Harry: (cringing) I didn't need to know that Duo, but thank you anyway.

(They enter Forest's dungeon. The tall, leggy vampire is wearing a sleek, black silk slip dress that is barely hanging on to her body. She is also wearing three inch heels that make her legs seem endless. She licks her red lips and smiles.)

Forest: (seductively) Happy Birthday Duo. What do you want for your birthday, gorgeous?

Duo: (Eyes widening as the mouth drops open) LAP DANCE!

Forest: (Chuckles) Why don't you take a seat on the big cushy chair, Duo.

(Harry's eyes widen as Duo practically jumps into the said big cushy chair. Forest gives Duo a wicked smile that makes him grin in anticipation. She turns to Harry and gives him a knowing wink. Harry's eyes almost budge out of his face as Forest slinks to her CD player. She picks up a couple of CDS, smiles at Duo, and puts one in the CD player.)

Duo: Oh, man, oh man ohmanohmanohman.

(Forest sways seductively and Duo keeps his chant up. Then, Forest turns the CD player on.)

CD: Change my picture, SMACK MY BITCH UP!

(Duo's eyes widen as Forest does a back flip over to his chair. The song keeps going on as Forest easily lifts Duo from the chair.)

Duo: (sounding very uneasy) Forest, this isn't what I had in mind . . .

(Harry looks away as Forest throws Duo back in the chair. Harry closes his eyes as Forest in turn beats, throws, kicks, and punches Duo into the tune of the song.)

Forest: Who's the bitch?

Duo: No, Forest!

(Forest slams him onto the floor as the song ends. She's grinning down at him as Duo's looking up at her. He smirks as he's able to look under her dress. Forest glares and places her foot on his chest. Harry finally gathers the courage to look over at the two. Forest knees down in front of Duo, digging the heal into his chest.)

Forest: Again.

Duo: I'm your bitch!

Forest: (grins evilly) Good boy.

The Pimp Daddy!

(Duo's seen strutting down Hogwarts. The girls are grabbing for him, fainting as they touch his robe or hair. Duo's got a huge grin on his face as he's whistling a cheerful tune.)

Ginny: (whispering to Hotaru) He's so sexy!

Hotaru: I know!

Forest: Look at those tight buns!

Hermione: And that hair!

Pansy: Those eyes!

Cho: That smile!

(The women rush at Duo. Duo holds Hotaru in one hand and Ginny in the other as the others cling all over him. He smiles and it dazzles.)

Duo: Oh, yeah, I'm soooo sexy. (He starts walking again, all of the other women except Forest, Hotaru and Ginny leave, looking rejected.) The Pimp Daddy's here!

(Then, here comes Sirius Black. He storms in front of Duo, his dark eyes blazing as his raven hair falls around his face.)

Sirius: I'm sorry lad, but you've been mistaken.

Forest:(Pointing at Sirius) Ohhhh, who is he?

Duo: Nobody.

(Harry and Malfoy walk in from separate directions. Ginny squeals and runs strait to Harry, pushing Cho down as she does. Malfoy calmly walks up and takes Hotaru by the arm. Duo's eyes widen as he looks pleadingly at Forest.)

Sirius: I am the Pimp Daddy at Hogwarts, and I'm not letting some upstart take that title away from me. My dear? (He holds his hand out to Forest. Forest grins and takes it.)

Duo: The hell?

(Sirius and Forest walk off. Snape steps in front of them. He glares at Forest and she jumps at him, leaving Sirius alone. All the couples walk off, leaving Duo and Sirius alone.)

Duo: That wasn't suppose to happen.

Sirius: The logics of it disturb me.

(Trunks and Setsuna are walking together in a thoughtful conversation. Setsuna smiles and holds out her hand to Trunks as they walk past.)

Duo: No fair, even Trunks can get some ass!

(Pansy's catcalling at Duo, who flinches.)

Sirius: Should we go?

Duo: Yeah, and reclaim our titles some place else.

Sirius: I thought you were the God of Death anyway?

Duo: I'm a great and many things.

Author's Notes: Thanks to all reviewing and enjoying this story. To those at Mediaminer.org who, as one person put it, "thanks for all the bishies running around", are enjoying the sex appeal of the characters. Yes, Duo's sexy in his dark, dangerous way as is Sirius, with some brooding added in. Trunks is sexy because he's so clueless but yet so intense and powerful. Malfoy brings in the Bad Boy element. Snape is attractive because of his intelligence. Even Harry has an element of sexuality swirling around him that he's not even aware of due to the fact that he is the hero of the tale. He's also very attractive do to his raven hair and bright green eyes. He also has a flair of innocence and danger to him as well due to his connection with Voldemort.

Fanfiction.net is down of now and hopefully it will be up soon. I thank Dark Elf, Saiyajin no Oujo, and the rest for constantly reviewing and giving me support. To Saiyajin, where's the rest of the Angel and Trunks crossover that you're working on?

Special thanks goes to Dai who's absent of now, but has been my beta on a few chapters. You can obviously see where she has helped me. Hopefully, she'll be back from her vacation soon.

To those few, dedicated readers on Schnoogle, don't worry. Hotaru will get her chance to shine. As will Setsuna. As for Duo, you'd be good to start worrying about him.

Finally, to Nate Grey. Muse, writer, and friend. Hey, Naters, have Yugi give you a kick in the butt to start working on your own Harry Potter stories again. And thanks for the help. I have the problem figured out, don't worry, and it combines your idea with the one I originally had. Vegeta gives it a snort and a nod, and you know that's high praise for him. Just wait and see.