General Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/28/2002
Updated: 09/21/2002
Words: 145,543
Chapters: 21
Hits: 22,244

Harry Potter and the Four Guardians


Story Summary:
As Harry enters his fifth year three new exchange students and a new DADA teacher arrive at Hogwarts for no apparent reason. Harry discovers that Voldemort is after something and it isn't him. As he pries more into the situation and discovers more about his new friend, the outspoken American Duo Maxwell, that Voldemort is looking for a person, and not an object. Lord Voldemort is looking for a Scythe Barer who is hiding at Hogwarts with one of his Four Guardians dead and no clue to who or what they may be. Add Quidditch, a confused Malfoy, vampires, anime, and you'll get one hell of a crossover.

Chapter 11

Chapter Summary:
As Harry enters his fifth year three new exchange students and a new DADA teacher arrive at Hogwarts for no apparent reason. Harry discovers that Voldemort is after something and it isn't him. As he pries more into the situation

Harry Potter and the Four Guardians

Chapter Eleven: Secrets Revealed, Sort Of

By: Elf

The vampires were gone for the most part, except Sean. Harry looked closely at the blond woman. She looked slightly familiar. She holstered her revolver and used her leather jacket to hide it. Harry narrowed her eyes as he remembered her.

Ron blushed bright red as he asked, "Have you ever seen the Wizards' Vampire Assassin?" Harry laughed as he shook his head. Ron smirked as he opened up one of his DADA books. Standing in the color photo was a tall, pale, slender, athletic yet gracefully feminine woman dressed head to toe in black. Her hair was down to her waist, an impossible golden blond. She had huge indigo eyes, a sensual mouth, and an Aristocratic nose. She leaned against the wall in the photo and then stood up strait. Every few moments she would move her tailored leather jacket to show off a huge pistol.

Duo whistled, "Man, she's got a .44 Super Mag! Who is that hottie?"

"Her name's Forest and she's part of the Aurors. They pay her money to kill things that can't be killed by magic, like vampires and werewolves. She's also hunted down dementors," Ron answered, still blushing.

Harry asked Dumbledore, "First off, Professor, is she Forest?"

The woman smiled and replied in a naturally husky voice, "Bingo. Nice to meet you, Harry Potter."

"Cool," Duo breathed beside Harry, looking up at Forest.

Forest smirked and said, "And you must be Duo Maxwell."

"Yeah, nice to meet you," Duo replied as they shook hands. Then Duo asked, "Can I see your .44 Super Magnum?"

Forest asked, "You a shooter?"

"Since I was twelve, lady," Duo answered with a smile.

Snape frowned and Forest replied, "How about a couple of days from now, after your detention and everything? It's been a while since I've shot range with anybody."

"Cool," Duo breathed with a grin.

Harry sighed and asked, "Could you please explain what is going on, Professor?"

"Well, first Harry we must get inside. There are forces of Voldemort's that could hear every word we speak," Dumbledore answered, his keen blue eyes looking around.

Vampire Hunter D finally spoke up, saying, "I'll check the grounds, see if there are any left. Then I must leave, Dumbledore. There are others that need my services more than you do."

"Oh, one's that will pay better," Forest snorted.

D whirled on the vampire and pointed his sword at her. He replied, "There's a very high price on your head, Forest."

"For good reason, dhamphile, but I'm not afraid of you, and I'm here to protect the humans. You're only doing this for the money," Forest sneered, her hands going to her hip.

Harry was surprised when another voice came from D, except it wasn't D's voice. It was older, hoarser, coarser, and more acidic. It said, "D, kill the bitch and get it over with."

Dumbledore glared at both of them and Harry recognized when the wizard was very angry. He snapped, "Both of you, stop it. We do not have the time to waste on your petty rivalries. Forest, I must thank you for coming so quickly and from America no less, and D your services were very welcome and your payment has already been transferred in your Gringotts account. Still, I have much to explain before the night is over. Now, I would appreciate it if you two would stop arguing about killing each other. There has already been enough death here." With that, Dumbledore swept away, his blue, celestial robes swishing behind him.

Harry caught up to follow him. Trunks was still flying, not even touching the ground. Harry looked up at the intense, lavender haired warrior and wondered what happened to the blushing, stumbling boy that he had Transfiguration class with earlier that day. He knew that Trunks was planted here for some reason then.

Duo strode beside him, holding his broom, casting glances at Hotaru every few moments. Their eyes would meet, linger, before they looked away. Snape's broom had disappeared, probably back in the broom shed, and he looked worried and a bit angry. Pluto was dressed in Muggle clothing and holding a staff, lingering in the back.

Still, Harry wanted answers and he wanted them quickly.


He had kissed her. Just like that. He had grabbed her and kissed her.

Hotaru could still feel the press of his lips before he handed her his cross. The one last, heroic gesture before being taken to a fate unknown. And Duo seemed like he would go willingly just to save them.

She sighed, her emotions in turmoil as she watched Duo walk. He looked back at her with those huge, brilliant violet eyes. She met his gaze as they looked at each other.

She wanted to get away from here, not caring a wit about what Dumbledore was going to explain to Harry Potter. She already knew the story. She knew it better than Trunks.

She wanted to grab Duo's hand and drag him off to some, dark, secret corner and demand why he kissed her. If it had meant anything to him. And if it did, she wanted him to kiss her again.

Emotions like this were dangerous. They could get her killed. Literally. They could place Duo in Voldemort's hands. Then where would they all be?

Dead, that's where.

Well, she would be at least, a baby again as she caused the world to destroy itself and be reborn. She didn't want it to come down to that. She wasn't ready to face another madman who wanted the world as his own. She didn't want to face someone who was willing to destroy anything in their way just for silence and darkness.

She never told Amara and Michelle about the nightmares she would find herself waking from, drenched in sweat. How she would scream out because she saw Mistress Nine bring about Pharaoh Ninety and bringing the universe into silence. She could see herself killing Serena and Rini under Nine's influence with Nine's long hair.

She could still hear her father's possessed, evil laughter at night sometimes.

She didn't want to go through that hell again.

She looked into Duo's eyes and realized that he would go through Hell and willingly become a God of Death to save others. In fact, some twisted part of him enjoyed it. She figured it was the part that was the Scythe Barer, waiting to come out and be used. Or it could be the same part that made her enjoy becoming Sailor Saturn and fighting.

Still, she realized that caring for Duo Maxwell was going to be dangerous.

Looking into those brilliant eyes of his, part of her didn't care.


He had kissed her. Simple as that. He had grabbed her and kissed her. He had just acted on an impulse that he had ever since he laid eyes on that milky pale skin, that silky raven hair so black that it shimmered with violet highlights, those huge, velvety dark violet eyes and those soft, pink lips.

Duo wanted to do it again and again. He wanted to teach Hotaru every trick he knew and hoped to learn some new ones with her help. He wanted to learn where she liked to be touched, or help her find out what she liked, what she didn't like, and what was going to set her on fire.

He felt connected to her. And that kiss only proved it. Despite the adrenaline that was coursing through his system at the time, still running through his blood stream at the moment, he knew that there was something there and that she knew that too.

He looked back at her and their eyes met and held. He registered the confusion in her gaze right before her eyes turned darker, almost hungry. She had felt it too, he realized as they watched one another.

They were connected somehow. He was feeling things that he never felt before, even with Hilde. This was hot, fire and passion, yet there was something softer there, tender almost. He realized that he didn't want to see her hurt, no matter what the circumstances.

Now, the big problem was what he was going to do about it.


"They're gone!" Ginny shouted, pointing out into the still night. Malfoy was beside her, watching as well. He breathed a sigh of relief as he backed away from the window.

Ginny saw Hermione and the twins run toward the window. Fred asked, "What happened?"

"Are all the vampires gone?" Hermione asked, peering out the window.

George asked, "Did Harry and Duo kick some vampiric arse?"

"Is Harry okay?" Ron asked, trying to push Ginny away.

Ginny glared at her older brother and shoved her elbow in her ribs. She was a tough little thing, having to grow up under the constant rough housing of five older brothers. She know she couldn't get away with that on one of the twins, but Ron was more of her match.

She snapped, "I don't know, Ron. That's what I'm trying to see!"

Malfoy said, "Well, I don't know about you Weasley, but I don't see any vampires out there."

"But I don't see Harry and the others," Hermione gasped, sticking her head fully out the castle window and looking around.

Malfoy sighed and asked, "Do you see any of the other professors in here other than Flitwick?"

Ginny looked around with the others. She'd been too busy sharing the window with Malfoy to notice Flitwick. Hermione said, "Malfoy, I hate to admit this, but you're right."

"Of course I'm right, Granger. They're probably helping that stupid D hunt those vampires down and save Potter and Maxwell's bleeding arses," Malfoy replied haltingly.

Ginny chewed on her lip and wanted to call out that Malfoy had been worried as much as she had, except about Hotaru. Her insides had turned to ice when Malfoy had rushed to the window. They had watched Harry streak by on his broom, his wand outstretched. Malfoy had asked her, "Hotaru, do you see Hotaru?" His normally icy, grey eyes were very bright with worry and his normally calm composure was ruffled as was his pale hair due to the many times he he had run his fingers through it. She felt sorry for Draco Malfoy in that moment, but she wasn't going to admit it to anybody.

Except maybe Harry or Duo. Duo would probably force it out of her with his excessive questioning. Besides, no one could resist Duo's cheerful grin and playful violet eyes when he used them to his best effect. And all Harry had to do was look at her with his brilliant, vibrant green eyes and she knew that she'd be lost.

Her heart started pounded and she hoped that Harry was all right. She clutched her wand fearfully as she continued to peer out of the window. Still, if Ginny had looked over, she would have seen Draco Malfoy doing almost exactly the same thing.


"We've never faced vampires before, Ron," Hermione whispered, "I hope Harry's okay."

Ron looked over at her and grinned, just a bit lopsidedly. He replied, "Hermione, it's Harry. He'll make it through."

Then, just at that moment, Cho Chang walked over to them. Her tiny face peered over Ginny and Malfoy as she turned to face Hermione. Hermione studied Harry's crush as she lifted her tilted, sloe eyes up to them. Cho asked, "Did I hear that Harry's out there too?"

Hermione noticed the scowl Ginny gave the Ravenclaw Seeker before her tiny red head swivelled beside Malfoy's cold, blond one. Hermione nodded and answered, "Yes, he did. Hotaru Tomoe was taken by the vampires and Duo summoned his broom and went after her. Harry, of course, being Harry, went after him."

"Duo, is he the American?" Cho asked, looking at Hermione.

Hermione nodded and answered, "Yes, he is. He's quite foolish, actually."

"No wonder Harry went after him," Cho replied, trying to peer out of the window again. Ginny moved closer to Malfoy, not letting her in. Hermione waited for Malfoy to spit some vicious insult at Ginny, but none came. Instead, he looked as anxious and worried as she did. And maybe a bit guilty.

Ron grinned fondly and snorted, "A bunch of stupid gits, those two are."

At that moment, the door opened and Hagrid towered in followed by McGonagall. Hermione ran over to Hagrid, with Ron and the twins at her side, but some how, Malfoy and Ginny reached him first. Ginny tugged at his moleskin coat like a toddler and Malfoy crossed his arms demandingly.

Malfoy asked, "Hotaru Tomoe, is she all right, Hagrid?"

"Why do 'er care, Malfoy?" Hagrid answered, his beetle black eyes widening in surprise.

Malfoy sneered, "Just tell me, half-breed."

"Five points off Slytherin for disrespect of a professor," McGonagall sneered, glaring down at Malfoy with her arms crossed.

Malfoy growled, "I just want to know. Is Hotaru okay?"

"She's fine Malfoy, even though your concern for a Gryffindor surprises me. She's in Dumbledore's office with Snape, Pluto, Potter, Briefs and Maxwell," McGonagall answered, sweeping away. She turned to look at Hermione, Ron and Ginny. She whispered to Hermione, "Miss Granger, I know you have a thousand questions right now. When you're done interrogating Hagrid, come back to your dorm, understand?"

Hermione smiled thankfully at her stern and favorite professor. She replied, "Thank you professor."

"I see you handled yourself very well, Miss Granger, five points for Gryffindor. I just hope you don't have a repeat of this same situation again," she told Hermione with a slight smile before sweeping away. Hermione heard her call for the other Gryffindors and tell the other houses to go back to their dorms.

Cho asked Hagrid, "Professor Hagrid, is Harry okay?"

"He's fine, Cho, he'd be pleased to know that yer asking about 'im," Hagrid replied with a big grin.

Cho blushed before saying, "Thank you, but I'd better get back with my House." With that, she walked away.

Ginny glared and muttered something under her breath. It sounded like, "Big ho." Ron's eyebrows lifted and as he asked, "Where did you learn that?"

"Duo, I'd presume," Hermione answered, rolling her eyes before turning her attention back to Hagrid. She asked, "What happened?"

Hagrid motioned for them to sit down. So the four of them did with Hagrid in the center. Ginny asked, "Is Duo all right too?"

"Duo's fine, Ginny. He's a tough bugger, that American. I've gotta admit that," Hagrid snorted, "Almost sacrificed 'imself to the vampires so that Harry and Hotaru would be okay. Still, Harry did some great magic, Hermione. He used a Patronus against the vampires, saw it myself."

Hermione had to smile at that. It seemed like something Harry would do at the last moment. Ginny asked, "Then what happened?"

"Well," Hagrid went on, peering closer to his eager listeners, "One of the vampires drew Hotaru off of Duo's broom. Duo dove after her and barely managed to catch her and nearly crashed. They were surrounded by vampires' and Harry was 'bout twenty feet into he air above them. Then Duo drove them back with a cross and prayer until they threatened Harry. That's when we got there. D and Forest managed to kill a couple of vampires while Professor Snape gave one of the vampires a message for Voldemort."

Hermione swallowed. Snape was obviously on their side, but sometimes she wondered about the dark Potions Master. She asked, "What did the message say?"

"That Voldemort will never get his hands on the Scythe Barer . . ." Hagrid covered his mouth and groaned, "I wasn't s'posed to tell you that."

Ginny tugged on his coat and asked, "He wasn't after Harry, was he Hagrid?"

"Umm, I'd better get going. I have a class 'morrow and everything," he stuttered before going away.

Hermione twirled a curl around her fingers thoughtfully. She was going to do a bit of research soon. Ron looked at her and leaned over. He whispered, "What's a Scythe Barer?"


"What's a Scythe Barer?" Harry asked as soon as he sat down in Dumbledore's office. He noticed that Duo tried to stay by the door, but Snape had physically directed him in the chair next to Harry's. Forest the vampire hunting vampire was looking at Fawkes with interest before moving around to look at the other items in Dumbledore's office. Snape was leaning against the door, his arms crossed over his chest while Pluto stood beside Dumbledore. Trunks was hovering in the air lotus style, making Harry feel slightly uncomfortable, and Hotaru was standing fairly close to Pluto, avoiding Duo.

Dumbledore said, "It began around sixteen years ago, before you were even born, Harry. Professor G did quite a bit of research at Hogwarts and even taught a few advanced classes. Severus was one of his students."

Snape nodded and added, "He was a very intelligent man. A little odd though."

Duo snorted at that and crossed his arms.

Harry asked, "So, what happened?"

"Well, G sensed something, someone being born in America, a being only born every hundred or so years. Someone who could wield the Power of Death," Dumbledore answered, taking off his half-moon spectacles and polishing them.

Harry swallowed, he understood why Voldemort having that power would be a bad thing. He asked, "So this person could kill with a touch?"

"Not exactly. In the wizarding world we call such a person a Scythe Barer. Luckily, a Scythe Barer's powers are hardly ever truly revealed. They are connected with Death. Death is a universal force, just like Sleep or Innovation, an Endless if you will.

"If their powers are never awakened, all that every happens is that people around them die. Tragic true, I'll be the first one to admit to you that a Scythe Barer's life is never easy, Harry. Tragedy in the form of death always strikes near them, but never at them. They could walk into a room were ten dark wizards and witches were practicing the Avada Kedavra curse and it wouldn't faze them."

"Or a hopeless battle field where you're in a mobile suit and they cripple your machine only to take you back to their base," Duo murmured aloud, his violet eyes dazed, "Or watching all of your friends die of a plague while you stay well no matter what."

Dumbledore nodded sympathetically and replied, "Exactly, Duo."

Harry asked, "What if a Scythe Barer gains their powers, what happens then?"

"That's when they become dangerous, Harry. They gain, what is essentially, Death's Scythe. They can call upon Death's weapon whenever they need. They are also immortal, almost unkillable. They have to want to or think that they're dying before they can. That's why most unawakened Scythe Barers die of old age.

"They can also adjust Death. They can change the time when a person is set to die to fit their needs," Dumbledore answered as he picked up a lemon drop from the dish on his desk.

Harry asked, "So, if this Scythe Barer wanted they could just have people dropping dead like flies, right?"

"Exactly," Dumbledore replied, his voice slightly distorted by the lemon drop in his mouth. He held out the dish and asked, "Would anyone like one? It's a Muggle candy that I'm very fond of."

Forest smiled and took one, placing it in her mouth before continuing to continue her exploration. Trunks floated over and took a handful, devouring them with a sickening crunch all at once. Snape gave him a distasteful glare as Sestuna smiled. Harry had to agree with Snape on that one.

Harry turned back to Dumbledore and said, "So, this Professor G sensed a Scythe Barer in America. Then what happened?"

"Well, this was when Voldemort was truly coming into power Harry. He found out about the Scythe Barer as well and knew he could use them to his own sick will. With the Imperio curse he could use the power however he wanted to. Or, if he wanted to be more extreme because there are people who can resist it, like you Harry, have a dementor steal the Scythe Barer's soul.

"G came up with a brilliant plan. Part of his research at Hogwarts was that he found out with enough power and skill he could tap into other dimensions. He could transport himself to a world where there was no magic, only super technology, which he had a skill with as well, where Voldemort wouldn't be able to find him.

"Before G left with the baby, he contacted two other dimensions, rather, two higher beings from other dimensions," Dumbledore explained, watching patiently.

Pluto smiled and said, "I am Sailor Pluto, the Guardian of Time. I can shape the time stream continuum if I need to. I also protect it from being changed. I was one of the people that Dumbledore and G contacted."

Dumbledore smiled at her fondly and said, "Yes, G and I decided if the Scythe Barer, or 'the little demon' as G referred to him as, had to come back here for any reason while Voldemort was still alive, that he would have four protectors. Four Guardians if you will. G was one of those four Guardians, as was Pluto."

"And myself," Hotaru stated, smoothing her shirt.

Dumbledore smiled at her and said, "Yes, Harry, I don't know if you know it, but you're standing with two of the most powerful people in any dimension, and I'm not talking about Lady Pluto either."

Hotaru blushed and said, "I'm Sailor Saturn, a Sailor Scout like Sestuna. We're sort of guard our princess, Serenity. Each of us has a special power. I'm the Scout of Destruction and Rebirth."

Harry's eyes widened as he managed, "What can you do?"

"If I need to, I could destroy this planet, therefore wiping out Voldemort and all the other evil that's threatening it now, and recreate it, having it reborn without that evil," Hotaru answered sheepishly.

Harry asked, "Then why don't you do it?"

"Because her power will kill her if she does," Duo answered darkly. Then he looked at Dumbledore and sneered, "So, are my powers awakening yet?"

Hotaru went on, "Well, there is that, but Voldemort can be defeated."

"Yeah, if I had all of my power, I could wipe him clean off the face of the Earth," Trunks said, breaking his silence.

Harry asked, "What is he?"

"Trunks isn't human," Dumbledore began with a slight smile, ignoring Duo's outburst.

Trunks gave an arrogant smirk and answered, "I am the Son of Vegeta, Sayan Prince."

"What's a Sayan?" Harry asked, confused more than ever about Trunks.

Trunks went on, "They were a proud warrior race from the planet Vegeta."

"You're an alien?" Harry asked in disbelief.

Trunks grinned and said, "I'm half. My mother was a human scientist named Bulma Briefs."

"Explains Trunks then," Harry grumbled.

Trunks glared for a moment before he went on, "Most of them were wiped out at the hands of an evil tyrant named Freeza, including my father. A Sayan defeated Freeza, a human raised Sayan named Goku, the most second most powerful man in my dimension. My father was wished back to life with the Dragonballs."

Harry flinched and even though he wasn't that fond of dragons, he wouldn't wish that sort of fate on them. He made a mental note not to tell Hagrid about it. Trunks snickered, "I know, poor dragon. Actually, they're magical balls that summon the dragon Shenlong that can grant two wishes. He's sentient, not a beast like the dragons here."

"Anyway, I actually come from an alternative dimension from my dimension. Where I come from a pair of demonic androids destroyed everything in their path. Goku had died of a virus when I was a baby. My father and all the other warriors on my planet except my sensei, Gohan, Goku's son, fighting the androids.

"Eventually, Gohan was killed too by those that bitch and her bastard brother. My mother created a time machine so that I could warn Goku of the androids and give him the cure to the virus. I went back in time, killed Freeza, who was rebuilt as a cyborg, and gave Goku the antidote. I went back to my time to find it unchanged."

"Because you created an alternate time stream when you did that," Duo reasoned, some of the anger drained out of his eyes as he listened to Trunks' story.

Trunks grinned and nodded. He explained, "Well, in the original time line, where I'm a child right now, they're fighting a magical creature and everyone's needed there. So the Supreme Kai, who was part of all of this, brought me here."

Harry swallowed and asked, "How powerful are you, Trunks?"

"Well when I turn Super Sayan I would have no trouble destroying this solar system, but," Trunks continued bitterly, his blue eyes narrowing and flashing, "The Kai bound my powers. I'm only an eighth of what I can be. Oh, sure I can fly and shoot minor ki blasts . . ."

Harry exclaimed, "Minor, you blew a hole right through McGonagall's class and it kept going and going!"

"Like I said, minor. I can blow up mountains without blinking at full power, but the Kai worked some sort of binding spell and I can't turn into a Super Sayan," Trunks snarled, clinching his fists.

Snape grumbled, "Thank God for small favors."

Harry swallowed and asked, "So, Duo's the Scythe Barer, isn't he?"

"Yes, Harry he is and Voldemort's after him. Professor G is dead and therefore he's lacking one of his guardians," Dumbledore answered.

Duo glared as he growled, "Listen, Professor Dumbledore, I have to thank you for giving me a warm bed and good food to eat, but I can take care of myself. I've waged a war practically by myself. I'm a Gundam pilot. I probably have a higher kill count than Voldy, Professor. And G abandoned me. I owe that bastard nothing."

"True, I disagree with G's methods after he told me about them, but he believed that it would strengthen you. And he's right, but Duo, do not underestimate Voldemort. Besides, don't you want to control the powers you have?" Dumbledore asked rhetorically, "Do you like the warm bed that you sleep in? This life is going to be a lot easier than your last in most respects Duo."

Harry looked over at his new friend, who shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Duo avoided making eye contact with anyone for a few moments. Finally, Snape of all people spoke up, "Duo, if you leave you'll be playing right into Voldemort's hands. Do you want him to control you? Like a puppet?"

Duo shook his head and looked up at Snape. He answered, "Hell no."

"Besides, I gave Voldemort a message on Billy's head," Snape answered with a sly smile.

Harry was curious to how Snape knew the vampire. He asked, "Why did he recognize you?"

"Billy's a Death Eater, Potter, despite the fact that he's a vampire. He was actually a friend for a while. Still, I'm wondering how Voldemort had control over that many vampires at once," Snape answered.

Forest snorted from where she was cooing at Fawkes, "Strange thing about vampires. We'll betray someone quicker than a snow ball melting in Hell, but when someone betrays us we get all offended and can't believe it. Makes me ashamed. That's a pretty bird, isn't it?" Harry was surprised to see that Fawkes let Forest pet his head.

Sean said, "He used magic to control us, mainly the Necromus Potion."

"How did he force that many of you to drink it?" Snape asked, turning his dark gaze over to the vampire.

Sean sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck as he answered, "He had a pretty girl drink it and I in turn drank her blood. The next thing I remember was being in air and seeing Harry Potter. That snapped me out of the daze."

Harry asked, "Why do I have anything to do with it?"

"Part of the reason that Voldemort hates you so is because that you inspire hope. How many times have you escaped Voldemort, Harry?" Sean asked as he looked over at Forest, who had begin to walk around the room, sucking on another lemon drop. Harry hadn't seen her reach over and grab one.

He answered, "Three, four if you include the after image of Tom Riddle."

"Where else everyone else died," Sean pointed out. Harry nodded, getting his point.

Duo spoke up again, "Okay, G hid me, got me somebody guards and I'm back home. Voldemort wants to use me as a living weapon and to do that he may have to suck out my soul. I may or may not be extremely powerful and I was sort of responsible for all the bad shit that's happened to me all of my life. It explains a lot, but the big question is, now what?"

Harry knew the answer to this one. Dumbledore smiled and said, "Live life as normal. I understand that you have a birthday coming up right on our first trip to Hogsmeade. I suggest that you hone your Quidditch skills. You'll be having your first match against Slytherin very soon."

Snape grinned and added, "And there are the O.W.L.S and N.E.W.T.S coming up, I suggest that you study for those."

Duo asked, "Still, I have one more question."

"What's that, Duo?" Dumbledore replied.

Duo asked, "I'm curious. I hold no love for the man, but how did G die?"

"He committed suicide using the Avada Kedavra to keep Voldemort from knowing who you were," Snape answered.

Duo fell quiet. Dumbledore stood up and said, "Still, I suggest that you four should get back to your dorms. Your friends are very worried about you and that you do have classes tomorrow. Besides, I need to talk to Forest in person."

Harry nodded, feeling a bit better that he now knew what everything was. As they headed out of the room, he studied Duo. He wondered how he was going to handle everything. According to Dumbledore, he had been unknowingly responsible for most of the tragic events in his life.

Duo finally snorted, "Man I wish Heero was here. Makes a lot of sense though. Still, I never thought I'd really be the God of Death."

To Be Continued!