General Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/28/2002
Updated: 09/21/2002
Words: 145,543
Chapters: 21
Hits: 22,244

Harry Potter and the Four Guardians


Story Summary:
As Harry enters his fifth year three new exchange students and a new DADA teacher arrive at Hogwarts for no apparent reason. Harry discovers that Voldemort is after something and it isn't him. As he pries more into the situation and discovers more about his new friend, the outspoken American Duo Maxwell, that Voldemort is looking for a person, and not an object. Lord Voldemort is looking for a Scythe Barer who is hiding at Hogwarts with one of his Four Guardians dead and no clue to who or what they may be. Add Quidditch, a confused Malfoy, vampires, anime, and you'll get one hell of a crossover.

Chapter 02

Author's Note:
The tone of this story could switch dramatically from moment to moment. This is my first Harry Potter fanfiction and I decided that since crossovers are my best subject and that I have to beat all the other horrid crossovers out there.

Harry Potter and the Four Guardians

Part Two: The Boy with Violet Eyes

By: Elf

One night you've had your "sympathy fuck" from your ex- girlfriend because she's off to go with someone else and sleeping alone in your king-sized bed in a world filled with technology then you wake up the next morning in an alley filled with things that would have seemed at home in a cheep horror novel. The best part is that every fucking thing that you knew was a lie. Oh and this world is lacking of almost all of the technology that you knew AND it's filled with magic. AND you know all about the magic because someone you knew and trusted secretly placed information and memories in your brain to be reawakened the moment you set foot on the world that you truly belong in and you're trying to combine magic with logical sense and science and street survival techniques.

Yeah, great, Duo Maxwell thought angrily as the Great Horned Owl perched right in front of him, a parchment rolled up and tied with a black velvet ribbon tied to his talon. Duo unwrapped the ribbon and took the parchment. The owl looked at him expectantly with jewel bright eyes and some part of Duo's mind told him that he was waiting for a reward.

Damn you G, Duo thought as he dug around in his empty pockets. He was hiding in Knockturn Alley beside a huge, discarded black lead cauldron. He didn't have anything of any value except the cross he was wearing and the things he had stolen from the store last night. He reached out absently and gently scratched behind the tufts of feathers on the owl's head.

The owl hooted contentedly and nibbled gently on Duo's finger before flying off. Duo had to smile as he watched the beautiful raptor fly away. He always had a thing for owls. After all, they were messengers of death, them and crows. Well, the crow myth was that the crow took the souls of the dead to their final resting place.

He sighed as he unrolled the parchment. He recognized Prof. G's tiny script anywhere. It was as if the man tried to write as small as possible just to annoy people. Unfortunately, Duo had picked up the same habit, but it was useful on blue prints. Yet another skill that is going to be useless here, he thought darkly as he started to read.

My Little Demon,

If you're receiving this then that means that I am dead and can no longer protect you as I did for fifteen years. I know what you're probably going to think, that if I protected you then why did you suffer so much? Well, Duo, I cannot truly explain that to you now except for you needed that experience. It helped carve you to whom you are today and also made you question some things.

I know you've never thought of yourself as exactly normal. You've wondered why you've always been the soul survivor while everyone else died and why you could hide and sneak up on people so easily. It's because you're not normal, not even for a wizard.

Yes, you read that right. I did write "wizard." You are a wizard, as I was (if this letter is in your hands) and you have certain responsibilities that you must uphold. I cannot tell you these responsibilities yet, but I can promise that you will learn them in due time.

That brings me to the next point in this letter. As you're probably remembering things that you thought were just dreams brought about from reading too many fantasy books are true. Every bit of magic that you possess and are remembering are things that I taught you and put a Memory Block Charm until the time was right.

And, Duo, that time is right now.

You'll be getting another owl soon with a proposition that you will not turn down. I know you too well, my God of Death. You'll find this too interesting to pass up.

My final word is that you go ask a respectable looking wizard or witch about Gringotts. Then you need to go there and tell them that you're Duo Maxwell. They'll figure it out then and you'll never have to pick anyone's pocket again.

I wish you luck on this, my little demon, and I truly regret that I cannot witness what you are about to become. I do know this though, you'll turn the wizarding world on its head though. And that would have been something that I would have loved to see.

And I offer you a final warning; beware Lord Voldemort. Do not let yourself slip into his grasp, no matter what the cost. He'll use you to better his own means and in ways that would have made you kill him without even blinking if you'd been back "home". He's dangerous and powerful Duo, and I'm not talking about power in the way that Treize was powerful. I'm talking about Power in its truest and darkest form.

Yours In Death,

Professor G

Duo chuckled as he crumpled the parchment in his hands. So, the old bastard's dead. Funny, I thought I would always kill Pestilence myself. He shoved it into his cargo's pockets and ran his fingers through his now greasy bangs. He walked out of the alley filled with dark shops into the bright, bustling world of Diagon Alley.

Various witches and wizards bustled past him while owls hooted contentedly as they flew around. Duo's eyes widened as he remembered more things. Diagon Alley was the capital of wizard shopping in Great Britain. Great Britain. Great, I'm not even in America.

He sighed as he appeared to be a lost teenager. A giant of a man bumped into him. He was huge, at least eight feet tall and Duo's mouth went dry as he looked up at him from the top of his wild, black hair, bearded face, his long moleskin coat, to his size 99 boots. "Uh, damn you're big," was the first thing that popped out of Duo's mouth.

A pair of black eyes twinkled merrily in his face as he looked down at Duo. "Yer accents' not a Brit's. Yer gotta be the American then."

"Eerrrr, yeah," Duo managed, craning his neck up to look at him.

The giant laughed again, a huge, giant belly laugh that made Duo smile as well. "So, yer going to Hogwarts?" the giant asked as he looked Duo over.

Duo scratched his itching head, willing to commit mass murder for a bath. He replied, "Actually, right now I'm going to Gringotts and I don't have a damn clue how to get there."

The giant's smile broadened as he offered, "Going 'ere 'self. I'll show you the way, lad."

"Thanks," Duo replied, smiling the first real smile in days since he had woken up face down in a giant cauldron.

The giant held out his massive hand and said, "I'm Rubeus Hagrid, Keeper of the Keys and Groundskeeper as well as instructor of Care of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts, but you'd 've learned that soon enough. Call me Hagrid 'ough, everyone else does."

Hogwarts: Wizarding School, top in the world, Duo remembered in a voice that sound shockingly like Prof. G's. Then he almost laughed. G was right. He would jump at a chance to go to a wizarding school just to have a warm bed and food regularly. He thought he had given up the street rat's life a long time ago.

Duo took Hagrid's huge hand and replied, "I'm Duo Maxwell."

"Well, Duo, let's go to Gringotts," Hagrid said enthusiastically as he pumped Duo's hand up and down, almost bringing Duo along for the ride. Duo grinned painfully, rubbing his hand as soon as Hagrid had his back turned. This should be interesting, he thought as he followed the giant.


"Kick ass!" Duo crowed as the cart thundered down the long, winding tracks like a roller coaster. The long fingered, small, long-eared goblin watched him as if he had sprouted horns. Duo smirked and shouted, "Whooo buddy! This rocks!"

The cart suddenly stopped, the motion so sudden that Duo almost flipped out of the cart. The goblin, who's name was Salogel (1), easily hopped off the cart onto a platform. In the distance, Duo saw a flash of fire from one of Gringott's dragons. Salgoel placed the shining golden key in the small keyhole. Duo stepped up on the platform, shaking his hair from his face so he could get a better view.

The huge door lurched open and the semi-darkness was flooded with golden light. Duo walked into the high ceiling room. His mouth dropped open at the sight of all the gold and silver piled there, as well as a pile of gems that shone like a captive rainbow. He moved slowly, sure that even Quatre didn't even have this wealth.

He froze as he remembered his fellow pilot. Wufei. Trowa. Quatre . . . Heero. I'm never going to see them again. I'm never going to see Hilde again. I'm never going to see Relena again. I'm never going to find out if Hilde ditches that punk and comes back to me.

I'm never going to challenge Wufei to a game of chess again. I'm never going to hear Trowa telling me that I should think before I act. I'll never be able to get Quatre blushing and laughing at the same time due to a dirty joke ever again. I'll never get to see Heero again.

I'm not going to see my best friend ever again. No more keeping tabs on who rescued the other, trying to even the score. No competing on who's the better pilot. No more lessons in Japanese. No more getting Heero Yuy to open up and talk to me again. No more night long conversations, even though they were mainly one ended, about life. I'll not get to see when Heero finally breaks down and confesses to Relena that he loves her.

I won't be there to tease Heero when he needs advice. I won't be there to give Heero advice. No more perfect partnerships.

I'm losing a family again.

Salgoel asked, "Are you ill, Mr. Maxwell?"

Duo looked around at the shining riches around him. He would have traded it all to be able to go back home. He couldn't go back. There was no turning back.

He took a deep breath. He set himself with resolve and knew that he was going to make the best of this situation. He had money. He was going to have a place to live. He was getting a fresh new start with a myriad of magical powers behind him.

Duo flashed the goblin a grin and answered, "I'm five by five. Thanks, Salgoel." He started to look around the room. He realized that he had nothing to put his money in. He chuckled nervously and said, "Um, I don't have anything to put this in. Damn, I'm such a baka at times."

Salgoel handed him a good sized black leather bag. Duo inspected the leather closely and noticed that it was scales, like a lizard's but thicker. Then he realized that he was holding a dragon skin bag.

He smiled and started filling the bag with Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts. He was going to make the best of his situation. He stuffed a violet blue gem into the bag before he closed it. If he needed more, he could always come back. He turned to the goblin and smiled. "Thanks, man," he told him before he flipped a Galleon to the goblin.

Now, he had a bunch of money . . .


Duo flopped himself down on the large, soft bed and chuckled as he did again, causing himself to bounce up and down. He laughed as he pushed his now clean hair away from his face, wiping off water droplets as he did. He laughed again, kicking his bare legs up and down, careful not to lose the towel wrapped deftly around his waist.

"That's some hair you have there, dear," a light, feminine voice said behind him.

Duo automatically reached under the mattress for the pistol (a .44 Super Magnum) he kept there. Frowning when his fingers didn't wrap around the familiar black lacquered handle, he jumped off of the bed, his knee length hair swirling around him and took a stance. He sneered, "Okay, who the hell said that?"

"Dearie, you've never heard a talking mirror before?" the voice said, coming indeed from the mirror.

Duo's eyes widened as he peered at it and took a few steps closer. He asked, "You talk?"

"Of course, dear," the mirror replied happily.

Duo stood up to his full height and shook his wet hair from his eyes. He chuckled, "Cool."

"And it's been a while since I've had someone as pretty as you to look at," the mirror giggled in its feminine voice, "Bet you're going to be really popular with the ladies at Hogwarts, so pretty and well endowed."

Duo's eyes widened as he looked down. Indeed, the towel had slipped from his waist. He cried out and moved massive handfuls of his hair to cover himself as the mirror continued to laugh at him. "Don't . . . Look . . . At . . . That . . ." he grunted as he picked up a pair of brand-new black sweats that he had gotten from an excursion from Muggle London earlier that day after he found out that he could transfer wizard money into pounds. He hobbled into the pants, careful not to hit anything vital, and stood up.

The mirror was still chuckling flirtatiously. So, Duo had to grin and ask, "Liked what you saw?"

He didn't give it a chance to answer as he gathered up his insanely long hair and began to brush it. He inhaled the scent of different spices and sandalwood from the shampoo and conditioner he had used as he ran the brush through the strands. He sighed to himself as he looked around his room.

Last night he had been sleeping in a discarded iron cauldron and had been filthy as well as broke, tonight he was sleeping in one of the best rooms in the Leaky Cauldron, clean (he washed his hair four times just to make sure), wealthy, and had all sorts of neat 21st century objects in his room. Like the CD player that was playing the ambient rock of Tool and the case of different rock and alternative CDs that he had bought in London as well as all the different clothing. He smiled to himself and thought, Not a bad change of events, is it, Maxwell? He chuckled as he started to braid his hair.


The next morning when Duo woke up another owl, this one a small Rufus Screech Owl, was nuzzling his neck and hooting softly. His eyes slowly opened and he smiled, reaching out to pet the owl's coppery feathers. "Hi there, got another letter for me?" he asked as he yawned. The little owl dropped a smooth parchment envelope sealed with red wax. Duo sat up and gently tore the envelope open.

A folded piece of parchment, higher quality than what G used, fell onto his pillow. Duo unfolded it and read:


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc,. Chief Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Maxwell,

We are perfectly aware of your special circumstances and are happy to accept you to Hogwarts' fifth year. Professor G was highly admired by many and we are proud to be accepting his ward. We know that this is all new and different to you, but we will do our best to help you through.

Enclosed in this letter is a list of what you need for the classes you have been signed up for. Please send Owl ASAP to let us know that you have received this letter.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

PS: If any one of the other students ask you, you are a transfer student from America.

Duo looked at the letter and the other piece of parchment paper he had missed. He saw on his night stand a bottle of dark blue ink, a quill, and sheets of parchment tied together with a black ribbon. He untied the ribbon, grabbed a sheet of paper, and thanked whatever deity was listening that Quatre had taught him calligraphy. He wrote a short note thanking her and that he was looking forward to attending.

He gave the owl six Knuts and the letter. It hooted happily before it flew off, leaving Duo alone with the list. It was like a typical school list, but with magic items and the like. He grinned to himself. Now he had a reason to shop Diagon Alley.


"I'm a perfect. I can't believe I'm a perfect," Hermione giggled joyously as she, Harry, and the Weasley clan walked Diagon Alley. Harry looked over at his brilliant friend who was clutching her prefect's badge happily, her brown eyes alight. Ron was staring at her as if he hadn't seen her before.

Still, he grumbled, "Like it's surprising or anything. We knew that you'd get perfect, Hermione."

Fred and George nudged each other then walked to Ron, one twin on each of the taller redhead's side. Harry didn't know to either laugh or groan. Mrs. Weasley chided, "Boys, leave your younger brother alone."

Fred looked at Ron and retorted, "But, Mum, we can't help it that lil Ronnikins has his first crush."

Ron's ears turned bright crimson. Luckily, Hermione was chatting away to Bill, asking questions while the eldest Weasley brother looked a bit flustered at her rapid fire inquisition. Harry looked down and chuckled. Then he looked over to see Ginny looking at him with her wide brown eyes.

She looked angry and crossed her arms. She walked over to Ron and managed to push Fred and George out of the way. George managed, "Ginny, what . . ."

"Leave Ron alone. You two can be such gits sometimes," Ginny replied defensively as she wrapped her arms around Ron's.

"Ginny!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed in surprise.

Ginny shrugged and replied, "Well, they can be!"

Ron's face started to match his ears. Harry looked over to see Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor and Florean himself outside of it, waving at Harry. Harry blurted out, "How about you guys go ahead, I wanna say hallo to Florean."

Ron looked over at Harry, bright crimson under his freckles. "And can Ron come with me?" Harry added, looking at his best friend.

Mrs. Weasley was about to protest while Bill (Mr. Weasley had to work today) spoke up, "Mum, they're old enough to go out by themselves. It's not like You-Know-Who is going to attack here."

Mrs. Weasley tucked strands of her bright hair behind her ears and weakly protested, "But, they're so young . . ."

"Mr. Fortescue helped me a lot in my third year, Mrs. Weasley, please," Harry pleaded, fixing his bright green eyes at her.

Mrs. Weasley smiled and said, "All right dears, but be careful! Meet you at Gringotts."

"Thanks, Mum!"

"Thanks, Mrs. Weasley!" Harry called out as the two of them ran into the ice cream parlor. Florean had gone behind the counter and smiled when the two teenagers walked in.

"How are you doin' 'arry?" Florean asked as he magically conjured two fudge and caramel covered sundaes onto the counter. Ron's eyes widened as he exclaimed, "Thanks!" Then preceded to devour the ice cream.

Harry perched himself on the stool and answered, "Fine, and you?"

"Oh, good, good, but are you sure 'arry? I mean, with the Dark Lord running around and everything?" the kindly wizard asked, pushing up the sleeves of his white robes.

Harry shrugged and answered, "I'm not waiting for Voldemort to attack me. I'm just going to live my life as normal. I think that would bother him more than anything."

"This is really good," Ron proclaimed with a mouthful of caramel, ice cream, and nuts.

Florean laughed and replied, "Help yourself, kiddo. It's on the house."

"Really? Thanks!" Ron exclaimed as he continued to eat.

Harry started to eat his ice cream as well, pausing long enough to say, "Thank you, Florean."

"Any time, 'arry, any time," he replied as he started to clean his bar.

As they were eating, a familiar voice sneered, "Isn't that a pretty girl, Crabbe, Goyle?"

Harry stiffened, thinking for a moment that they were talking about him. He pulled out his wand and spun around, ready to hex Draco Malfoy. Ron did the same and they looked to the entrance.

Standing there in his jet black robes with his pale hair slicked back from his pointed features was Malfoy. Lumbering beside him gorilla like where his two cronies, Crabbe and Goyle. They were talking to a boy their age.

Harry never seen the boy before, if he had, he would have remembered the long chestnut braid that the boy supported. The thick rope of hair trailed past his waist and ended below his rump, about mid-thigh. He was tall with broad shoulders and muscular. He was dressed all in black as well, but in the form of combat boots, jeans, and a T-shirt. Harry couldn't see his face because he had his back turned.

"Sorry, but you're not my type," the boy drawled in a defiantly American accent.

Ron and Harry turned toward each other, probably thinking the same thing. It's the American student. Oh, I hope Malfoy doesn't hurt him, Harry thought as he stood up. Ron mirrored his motions as they walked over to the Slytherins.

"Well, since we let Mudbloods in our school, I doubt that Dumbledore cares that a bloody American dirties Hogwarts even more," Malfoy taunted.

The boy replied in a cheerful voice, "Man, were you born that way?"

"What way?" Malfoy sneered.

The boy chirped, "An asshole? Or was it just years of practice?"

"Why, you bloody American wanker . . ." Malfoy stuttered.

The American turned around, his braid spinning around him as if it had a life of his own. He vollied, "Sticks and stones, fucker."

Harry could now see his face. Actually, the only part of the American that was feminine was the hair. His face was gamin and impish, but his eyes caused Harry to pause. They were bright violet, but it wasn't just the color, it was the expression, there was sort of a mischievous humor to them, as well as keen intelligence, but there was also a dark, haunted expression. It was as if he had Fred, George, Hermione, and Sirius' personalities within him, despite the manic grin.

Then, Malfoy drew his wand. Harry shouted, "Watch out!" He wasn't in eye contact to hex or curse Malfoy. He moved to do so, but the American spun around and saw Malfoy pointing his wand at him.

Before Malfoy could even mutter the curse, the American grabbed his wrist and slapped the wand out of his hand. It went skidding across the white tile. Florean came up, with his wand ready. Ron shouted, "They were going to attack the American!"

Crabbe and Goyle drew their wands as well, but the American was faster. He threw Malfoy to Crabbe as he threw a spin kick into Crabbe's face. He looked down at the three Slytherins and chided, "And you're about to attack someone who's unarmed. And behind his back no less. Where I come from we say that's not fair. Then we say, fuck you."

Ron's mouth dropped open at the American's open use of profanity while Harry had to grin. Malfoy and his goons had been taken out and no magic had been used. It was . . . great.

The American smiled and walked over to them. He held his hand out to Harry and said, "Thanks for the warning."

Harry shook his hand and grinned back, "You're welcome. Thanks for thrashing Malfoy."

"You know this fucker?" he snorted as Malfoy managed to stand, glaring at both of them.

Malfoy sneered, "Potter, I knew you'd associate with the likes of this . . . scum."

The American grinned and waved at Malfoy. He cheered, "Like to do that again?" Malfoy glared as he gathered his wand. He growled at Crabbe and Goyle and swept out.

Ron smiled and claimed, "That was brilliant!"

"Sorry, brilliant's kind of like 'cool' right?" the American asked sheepishly.

Harry laughed and said, "I'm Harry and this is Ron."

"'Llo," Ron greeted as they shook hands.

The American's violet eyes twinkled with good humor, any dark expression leaving, as he replied, "Hi, I'm Duo, Duo Maxwell."

Ron clasped him on the shoulder and said, "Well, Duo, welcome to Diagon Alley."